Paolo Helen and Mike

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Apr 23, 2021


Six Sexy Bisexual Teens


Larry Marian

Helen eased the covers off the bed, being careful not to disturb Paola who slept next to her. He slept very deeply, not snoring, but breathing heavily after the two of them had made some passionate love after he left Mike's bedroom to enter Helen's. The moon allowed some light, revealing Paola's flaccid uncut cock resting on one thigh. She pulled on her new green robe, then pulled the covers over his nude body, before quietly crossing the hall to her brother's bedroom, where she found her brother Mike and his boyfriend Bob asleep, the covers partially pulled back, revealing that if they had anything on, it was below the waistline. Helen knew that things were crazy here, after all. For herself, she had her brother Mike who was her year younger lover. Then her girl friend Becca, with whom she'd first exchanged sex for about a year now. Then she had her boy friend Paola, her serious sexual partner, plus a few other boys and fewer girls. She knew that Mike had been Paola's lover for a year, but was now boy friend to Becca and Bob. Bob, beside being Mike's lover, was also boy friend to Abby but had also had sex with both herself and Beca. Now Bob and Abby had had a small quarrel, so he was in bed with Mike while Abby was with Becca. She gently shook Bob awake, who rolled onto his back and looked at her as she put her finger to her lips. "Come with me," she whispered. "We're going to the pool. You didn't get a chance to fuck Abby. Now we can. Get up." "I'm naked." "That's okay. Nobody will see you." She grinned as she shucked her robe. "Now I'm naked, too. Come on." She grabbed his hand to quickly lead I'm down the stairs, through the kitchen, an outside in the warm spring early morning to the pool room where she opened the door, tureens on a floor light to pull him to a sturdy lawn chair, where the two sat down. "Sorry about you and Abby. She'll get over it, I know. But I have a question for you before we get sexy. You know that Paola gets his pubes shaved every week or so by Mike. They've turned it into a ritual. They get naked. Mike sucks Paola, then shaves him. Then Paola fucks Mike. So what if I get Mike or Paola to shave me - maybe leave just a bit on top of my slit. Then we do 69. What do you think?" Bob looked at her for a minute while Helen eased her legs open giving Bob a good look at her darkening pubic hair over her slit as well as the lighter vertical lines of hair along her outer lips. "I like what I see now Makes you look older. Abby has far less, not that she isn't sexy as far as I'm concerned. Of course so is Mike. So who do you really like more?" "Well, Nino for his larger cock and his take charge attitude. He makes me cum faster and harder than Mike. But Mike is gentle and sweet. Paola sort of pushes him around and tries to do it with me. Sometimes he gets away with it. Sometimes not. " Helen took Bob's hand, then put it on his thigh, as she looked at his hard four inch cock. But Mike's now stood at five inches, shooting white cum. Bob was right behind him. "So what did Paola do to push him around?" Helen looked closely at Bob. "Well, okay. Three days after Mike and I gave each other ours virginity, Mom took both boys for a hair cut before school. I was at the pool sunning myself with my top off when Paola showed up. Where's Mike?' he asked. "Haircut,' I replied as I decided to blow his mind and sat up, letting him see my tits. His eyes went wide! Damn, Helen! You're fantastic! Beautiful.' So I decided to really shock him. Tell you what, Paola. Let's go into the pool house and you take off your shirt and shorts. I see your cock and you see me. How about it? "Paola grins and says,'Maybe more.' and I say yeah.' So we go into the pool house, look at each other standing like three feet apart. He takes off his shirt, we both take off our bottoms. Two minutes later we're on the cot and five minutes later we're about to. Once we start, Paola says, Cum in you?' and I say, Yes. But don't tell Mike. Promise.' So he did. And he hasn't told Mike that yet. But we fuck about twice a week, once with Mike there and once without. Each time Mike is there he asks if he can and I say no. Each time he's not, he says I'm gonna cm in your snatch,' and I say Fill my pussy up.' Paola can. Mike can't. How full can you make me?" "I don't know. We've only done it twice. But let's try." Bob watched as Helen lay down on the cot on her back, raised her knees and spread them . "Okay, Bob. I'm already wet and I'm craving your cock. Let's fuck." Bob got on the cot, then slid between her parted legs. Just seconds later Bob's cock vanished into Helen's waiting and welcoming damp pussy. She moaned as she felt Bob's almost five inches now slide into her. The two began to move in the age old motion of sex and maybe love. It wasn't long before Helen moaned, "You're doing great Bob. We're gonna cum soon. I feel it." "Me, too," Bob agreed as he picked up their speed. Soon both were groaning as hips and cock moved together. "Oh, shit. I'm about to cum! " "Do it Cum in me. I feel mine about to." "YES!" Bob cried as his dick began to shoot into Helen, as his cum sent her over. They lay together for several minutes,, gathering their youthful strength. "Bob?" "Yeah?" He said, his hand moving from her dry thigh up towards her pussy, wet from his cum and her juices "You want a blow job or another way to screw?" "How about doggie and then a blow job?" Bob at once got up on his knees. Helen smiled as she looked at his cock beginning to grow again. "Works for me," she said, as she assumed the doggie position in front of Bob, her legs spread, offering him a good target. He took advantage of that at once, sliding in between her firm legs, then guiding his cock through her very wet still growing beaver. "Feels great Bob," she said, as she pushed her pussy back as his cock slid easily into her love tunnel. This time Bob lasted longer so Helen had a min or cm and a really nice one, creating loud moans with groans as the both had a cum almost together. Bog slid down, pulling Helen with him as they cuddled and stroked. Bob's pecker took a bit longer to harden, but when it did, she sat up on the cot, then leaned over the nude thirteen year old . Bob looked at her smiling mouth as she licked her lips. "I'm craving sucking you, Bob." "Ready, Helen," he replied seconds before the older teen latched onto his cock. "Oh, God, Helen." Bob moaned as the talented cock sucking teen began to work her magic on Mike's boy friend's dick. "Everybody says your blow job is the best. Mike, Paola, that Roger guy. I agree. Oh, shit you're good. Cum in your mouth?" "Sure," Helen responded quickly before resuming her pleasurable work. Since this was Bob's cum that Helen knew about she knew he would take some time which it did. She almost felt tired when Bob signaled he neared his cum. His load came out again with force and quantity. When she withdrew her mouth the two kissed. "You know, Bob, girls know if the guy kisses her after she's cum in here mouth, she knows he really likes her. I can tall you like me." "I do. But Mike and I are boy friends. Abby and I are boy friend/girl friend but it's not sort of the same thing." "Bob, you and Abby are the newbies here, really. Becca, me, Mike, and Paola all know how fucked it this could seem to others. It's not just that we are all bi, but that Mike and I Iove each other. We would love to be boy friend/girl friend, but we can't. We just can't. "You know, I'm going to just lie down here for a few minutes before going back to bed with Paola. If he wakes up, he may want to fuck. We will, even if I'm tired. Maybe you should go back to where you and Abby were to sleep together. But I just want to rest for a bit." "Can I do that with you, Helen?" The two looked at each other in the dim light. "Please do," Helen said softly as she held out the blanket. Bob crawled under it, then the blanket lay over the two tired teens.

The Agreement

Helen woke to a gentle shaking of her arm and shoulder. Her green eyes fluttered open to see first the also green eyes of her one year younger brother, Mike. "Fuck,"she said. Glancing around she saw Paola, Becca, and Abby, in addition to Mike, all wearing shorts and a t-shirt, standing in a semi-circle around the cot that they had slept on. "Well, Sis, you're awake. Wake Bob up," he said softly. "We in trouble?" Helen asked. "Just wake Bob up," Paola said. "Paola, he's my boy friend," Abby said with a glower. "Helen's my sister, Bob's my boy friend. I think she should wake Bob up," Mike said. "I agree with Mike. Let Bob do it," Becca said. "After al, Mike is my boy friend. " Mike hook Bob's arm and shoulder. "Bob. Come on boy friend, wake up." "Uh?" With that Bob's eyes fluttered. "What's going on?" Bob sat up, the blanket falling away, his dick in full "morning wood" display. Abby gave a choked laugh when she noticed his red mushroom shaped cock head. "I've never seen Bob's cock like that," Abby said. The others laughed or giggled. It's his morning wood, Abby," Helen explained. "All guys our age get them. I think it reminds us girls they're ready all the time. So why are you all here?" "Big Sis, I woke up about five thirty. You remember we were supposed to be Paola and me in my room, you and Becca in her room, Bob in one guest room and Abby in he other. But we we were going to shift after Mom and Dad went to bed and it would be Becca and me in my room, you and Paola in hers and Bob and Abby in one guest room. "So Bob and Abby had some spat. Becca went to comfort Abby. Paola jumped to get with you. Bob came to me. Well, Bob and I took advantage of the situation and made love before falling asleep. I woke to find Bob gone. I left my room as Paola opened the door to your room. Then Becca and Abby showed up. We all got sort of dressed and went looking. "There we found you two asleep and we figured you'd had sex and fallen asleep." Mike shook his head. "Look, you two get some clothes on. We're going to the playroom and talk about this. We're all friends. We need to stay that way." ` "Yeah, girl friend. Your brother's got it straight. Get dressed and meet us in the playroom quick." "Yeah, girl friend. Quick Your mom and dad will be up soon," Becca aded. "Okay," Helen said. "Bob and I are moving. Shorts and top. No undies. Fine. Let's go Bob and meet them in the playroom." "Yeah. Let's go," Bob agreed as he got up, his cock still very hard. Together Helen and Bob, the unlikely couple led as they first went upstairs to get some clothes on, then down to the spacious basement playroom to face the other four. Helen took center stage with the others on cushions or chairs to watch her. "Okay. Bob and I didn't plan to spend the night together. Yeah. I thought it cool to sort of mess around with Abby. Abby - I fucked up. I'm really sorry. I should have known better. " Mike jumped up. "Big sister. Yeah. This is a lot like you and Paola deciding to become boyfriend/girlfriend behind my back." He shook his head. Becca, who was first an active girl friend of Helen's said, "Look, each of us has a partner who is opposite sex and one who is same sex. With me it's Helen and Mike. We have got to make sure we don't screw the other partner." "I think I goofed with Bob. Bob, I'm really sorry. Okay?" Abby got up, went to Bob, sat down next to him, and hugged. The hug turned into the beginnings of some serious making out until comments from the other four caused Bob and Abby to go to sitting side by side, holding hands. The other four looked around, pushing Mike and Becca to move to sit together, along with Helen and Paola. "Well, we're all bi. So let's plan on how we can be honest with all our partners. In the beginning it was just Mike and myself and Helen and Becca. You want to explain the original group stuff, Helen?" "Yeah. At first Mike and Becca paired off and Paola and me. I wouldn't let Paola cum in me for a month or so." "Yeah. I didn't know until I followed Helen and Paola to the pool house," Mike said with a grin. "So Mike and Becca became boyfriend/girl friend until Bob and Mike became boyfriend/boyfriend. That's when Bob discovered girls at a basement party. So along came Abby. You agree Mike? " "Yes. Here's my suggestion. Since we started off thinking deep down inside we might be gay, it's let the first week be gay - Paola and me, Helen and Becca, and , odd ball, Bob and Abby. Second week will be straight - Paola and Helen, Becca and Bob, Mike and Abby. And we just go like that. We slide around each week so that the six of us will be paired with a partner that we have had before, "I think, one way or the other, that each of us has had sex, in some way with almost everybody else. Abby and I maybe not. I mean I have with Bob, but Abby? How about it, Abby?" "I don't think so - but how about after lunch?" Abby said with a laugh. "Would we be breaking this new rule?" "No. we have to make exceptions because we are six and not eight. Abby and me after lunch, but then me back with Paola and Abby with Bob. But then Abby and Helen or Becca. Okay?" The others gave Mike a thumbs up. "You know, my kid brother sometimes has some great ideas," Helen said before kissing Mike full on the lips. "Like french kissing her brother in front of his closest friends," Paola said as though he wanted to mess with his two best lovers. "Hey. That's Mom calling for breakfast," Mike said. "Let's go. Abby, my room after breakfast." "Got it," Abby said with a laugh.

Abby & Bob

After breakfast the six teens slit up, some to shower at once, others to wait. Mike and Abby, on the other hand went upstairs to the kid's section, closed the door to Mike's room, and looked at each other. "Now what?" Abby asked. "We just going to rip each other's clothes off like civilized people?" "That would be inconceivable," Mike responded. "Yeah, the bed isn't made up and Bob and I had sex last night." "That's okay. Uh, Mike. What about sucking? I really don't like Bob asking for a blow job every time we do something." Her lips turned down as did her very pretty hazel eyes. "Well, Bob and I always give each other a blow job. We like giving it and receiving it. It's just like getting it in the butt. There you have to relax." "I know," Abby said. "Bob and I have done that. It's okay. He uses lots of lube and time. But when he cums it tastes bad." She looked at the older boy with downcast eyes. "Look. Swallow quickly. Don't hold it. Swallow. You know, it's sort of like a raw oyster like dad brings home every winter. Helen and I hated them at first. But now she loves them . She tells me it makes her sex better, both with me and Paola." Mike put his arm around Abby, then pulled her to him. The two kissed, tongues dueling at once. When the kiss broke smiled as he held Abby, then gently steered her to the bed to bring her to sit beside him. "I have an idea Abby." "What's that? " she asked, giving Mike a quick peck. "When Paola and I first started to suck each other we pulled out. But once Paola suggested I think of his cockhead as a strawberry and his cum as warm cream. So I went first, of course and it was okay. He tried and liked it and we took it ever since." The two kissed again, this tine with Mike's hand on a developing breast. Three minutes later the two lay on the unmade bed as the two shed shirt and shorts - the only clothes they had on. Mike rubbed the back of Abby's head as she looked at his erect five inches of boycock. "It's a strawberry, Abby. First it, then some warm cream. You'll love it. Paola gives it to me and I give it to him. Enjoy." "Strawberry," Abby almost moaned as she first kissed his bright red cock head before taking it into her mouth to begin sucking it. As she ministered to his dick, Mike stroked here shoulders and head. "Nice, Abby. Strawberries taste so good. You do great work. Love it. Keep it up. Keep swallowing when I cum. That's soon. Real soon. Here it cums." So it did as Abby took and swallowed his load. She looked up from the softening cock, smiling. "You're right. It does taste like strawberries and cream. I can't wait now to suck Bob." "Yeah. And Bob tastes great. Now what, Abby?" In response, Abby rolled off Mike to lie on her back. Mike laughed and grinned at Abby. "You're like Helen. All you have to do now is say, `Fuck me, Mike. I crave it.'" Abby raised her knees, spread them, then whispered," Fuck me Mike. I crave it." Mike quickly got between her legs. He adjusted his cock to her love tunnel before slow entering her, sliding slowly in. The two started slowly then picked up speed until both pounded the other with grunts and groans. "God, Mike. I'm about to cum. You're making me cum soon." "I am, too." The two began to pump even faster as each approached their respective climax, even though each too a different road. But each came, Mike thirty seconds The two had sex two more times in Mike's bedroom. The first was Abby doing sex cowgirl style, followed by a second blow job. As her head lay on Mike's chest she said, "Thanks. I'm not sure why I've changed my mind so much, but it has. First chance I get wit Bob, I'm going to paths dick in my mouth and suck him off. Anybody there except my folks, well, they can watch. " "I just want to see who watches!" Mike said as the two put their skimpy clothes back on to head for the basement.

Helen and Becca

Helen and Becca, both fourteen, lay on Helen's bed chatting softly after entering the room, closing the door and locking it. Helen lay on her back, her legs spread and her knees raised. "So good," she moaned as her best girl friend and team mate, Rebecca, or Becca for short, lay chest down between those legs, her tongue busy with Helen's girly parts, now awash with girl juices. "Becca, don't stop" "Mmhhm," Becca responded . She went back to kissing, sucking, tonguing, so wildly bringing Helen to a very strong cum. "God that was great," Helen said after her waves of pleasure ebbed. "You know you missed the great show that Abby put on while you and Mike were in his room leaving Paola and me alone with Bob and Abby." "So Bob and Abby screwed," Becca said. "I've seen that and you and Paola of the big cock screw." "Well, we've seen a lot in the last year," Helen said. "I think what I remember most was the Fourth of July party where Mike fucked Paola and Paola liked it. But you know how Abby doesn't like to give blow jobs, right?" "Well, I wouldn't say she doesn't like to do that, but she does," Becca said. "She has no problem with Bob and okay with Mike. She's told me that Paola is just a bit too big." With that she gave a sort of lopsided grin. "But she said sucking a dick is just like having strawberries and warm cream. That's how she feels now - eating the strawberries and swallowing warm cream. " "Sure is a change," Helen said. "Look, I think I heard the basement door close. It's got to be the boys and Abby. Let's just go like this." With that she pointed past her still developing breasts to her twat, moisture visible between her shapely teen legs. Helen laughed at that. "Good idea," Becca said. "Mike and I haven't screwed in three days." With that the two girls got off the bed, put on their sandals to head downstairs to the kitchen and then down the basement. Once there they found Abby and Bob on the couch, lying down, slowly undressing each other. Paola and Mike lay on the futon, kissing, reaching for each other's pants, their shirts already off. Mike raised his head. "Hey! Here come Becca and Helen in their birthday suits." So they did. What struck Mike so much was the difference in the two girls, one his girlfriend, Becca, blond and blue eyed, smaller breasts but quite nice with still blond pubic hair, a horizontal patch across the slit of her pussy, right above her clit shield. The other, Helen, a year older with brown hair and green eyes, nicely developing breasts, and pubic hair now almost fully developed with now brown hair above her incestuous first lover and mistress but no longer boy friend. Mike got up to go to Becca to hug his girl friend; the hug being followed by a deep kiss. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Paola and Helen in a kiss as well, with his hand on her breast while her hand covered his crotch. Their kiss broke. "What first, suck or fuck?" Helen asked the tall, black haired Italian boy. Paola laughed at that. "What do you think, Miss Green-eyes? There's only one other who comes close to your blow job and that's your brother! There's just some magic in the way you use your tongue and mouth that makes me want to cum at once but let it last forever. So blow job first. Then, when we screw I take longer which is good for you, too." All the while, Paola kissed Helen as well as caressing her "intimate" parts. Not wanting to butt in, Mike listened to Paola, his best friend, as he remembered that night last November when both Helen and Paola lied to him to have sex by themselves and become boyfriend/girlfriend despite his not knowing. Well, that was over and done with. He had Bob and Becca while he and Helen crept into the other's bed or went to the pool house at least once a week. They talked to each other about their friendships and sex; Paola with Helen for the most part but Mike with Becca, Bob, and, sometimes, Abby. Obviously, neither Paola nor Mike talked about the now two year sexual relationship of he and Paola. Mike came out of his reverie to find Becca's head lying on his chest. "So, Mike, let's go, okay?" Mike nodded glancing at Paola sitting on the futon, his hard cock deep in Helen's mouth, while Abby and Bob went at it, doggie style. "Yeah, let's. You are one great kid, Becca." "You are too, Mike. Your bed?" "Yes. I messed up once there with you. Never again. Okay?" "Let's go." 
The two got quietly up, leaving the two other couples as they climbed the stairs to the kitchen and then the kids' wing. Once in Mike's room, they closed and locked the door. They lay on Mike's queen bed, slowly undressing each other. Despite the others, both were sure they made love that night. Paola and Helen tried Mike's door, shrugged, to cross the hall to her room. Like, Mike, her door locked behind them and clothes fell on the floor.

Helen and Paola

Paola slowly drew Helen's t-shirt over her head, revealing her firm but small breasts, the nipples hard as he tweaked them. Helen worked with his pants. "You know what I want," he said, with a grin. "Ypu want me to suck your dick again, Paola. You realize that's three blow jobs to one screw. Mike and I have made love more often than we have and we're girlfriend/boyfriend." "I love how you screw and how you suck. They're both great, Helen. It's just that your blow jobs are better than either Becca or Abby. In fact better than my brother's girl friend." Paola stopped there as Helen stared at him. "Bess sucked you?" Helen's hands went to her hips. "Does your brother know?" "Shit no. They'd both kill me. It was just once. It just happened. And it was last year. " Helen shook her head. "Look, I'd taken a shower. I came out of the bathroom just as Bess came out of my brother's room. Bess was going something for him while he finished a project in the garage. The towel slipped so she saw my cock. It went hard at once. She almost pushed me into my room. That was it." "Okay, Paola. Into your room. We are going into your room and you will fuck me silly! Then I'll suck you. Got it?" "Yeah, Helen. Got it. Into my room, lean against the wall and spread those legs. I don't care what hole my cock goes in!" Several minutes later Helen, legs spread and arms leaning against the wall, Paola held her by her hips as he pounded her. "God yes," she moaned. "So good, Paola. So deep, my Italian with the big dick. Fuck me, Paola. Pound me!" "Damn straight. So slick. Yes." The two continued, the two nude bodies going to the wall and away from it as the panted, groaned, cried, and moaned. "All the way! I'm cumming. Cumming in your pussy!" "Yeah. Feel it. Fill me up. So good. Cumming too." Almost as one, the two collapsed on Paola's unmade bed, the two kissing, hugging, groping. They lay on the bed for ten minutes catching their breaths while Paola's six inch plus cock came to full attention again, his mushroom head red but leaking precum. "Doggie,Paola. Act like a Saint Bernard!" With that the fourteen year old veteran go on her hands and knees, Paola quickly getting behind her, between her spread legs. Se felt him search for a second and then his massive cock slid easily into her, dubbed by boy cum and girl juices. Both groaned as once more they began to fuck. "Damn this is good, Helen. You're just made for this! I shouldn't say this, but wouldn't it have been better if in the beginning I found you and Mike found Becca first?" "Mike and I have loved each other before either of us really knew what sex was. I think it was going to happen that way. So, now you have a flavorful cock, how about me giving you that blow job?" "Thought you'd never ask," Paola said. "But i'm going to finish this fuck first." He gave a short laugh. The two moved together, the six inch plus dick sliding back and forth in Helen's pink, juicy cunt, Paola holding the two teens together as their passion became louder. "Yeah. Going to cum soon, Helen. In your pussy. I remember when I couldn't." "That was only when Mike was around. You came in me the first time we had sex. It was the first time you fucked me with Mike there too you said `no.'" "True. But now you can cream in me anytime." "I'm about to, now," Paola breathed, both his breathing and his cocks stroking, attesting to his eagerness. "Yeah. I'm close," Helen breathed. "Damn! You're cuming in me. Yes!" She moaned. Me, too," she called as her fourteen year old orgasm hit her athletic body. They lay in each other's arms as their respective orgasms subsided. "God, that was good, Helen," Paola whispered into her ear. "Yeah. Fuck, yeah. Only one thing I missed." "What's that?" "You in one hole and Mike in another," Helen said as she rubbed Paola's dick. "Yeah. Which ones?" "I don't care. You in my ass, Mike in my mouth. You in my mouth, Mike in my cunt. You in my cunt, Mike in my ass." She laughed. "I'm getting horny." "I'm spending the night with Mike tomorrow. Come to his room after 10:30. We'll do that, the three of us, then I'll go back with you. Okay?" "Sounds good. I'll tell Mike and he and I will be together tonight." Paola looked at Helen. "Good, Helen. Your lover tonight and we three tomorrow." The two kissed.

Just at 10:30 Helen slipped out of her room, crossed over the hall, to stop at her brother's bedroom . She carried a small sack in her hand. In the room were her year younger brother Mike and his best friend, six months older, Paola. Her light brown hair she'd fixed as a pony tail, tied with a green ribbon which matched her shortie nightgown which she wore without the panties. At Mike's door she gave one light rap. "Come in," Mike called quietly. Helen entered to see her two favorite guys wearing nothing but their undershorts, Paola his red European bikinis and Mike his green Calvin Kleins. Helen plainly saw both almost ready. Helen said in her normal voice. "You're sitting on the edge of the bed. Good. " "So what's the plan, Helen?" Paola asked. "I want to get started." "Fine. You two have shorts on and I have a shortie top. Stand up. On the count of three, you two show your hard dicks and I show my wet pussy." "And pretty boobs," Paola added. Helen gave her boyfriend a stare as she counted to three rapidly. All three responded so seconds later two pairs of shorts and a shortie nightgown lay on the floor. Despite the fact that all three had seen each other unclothed earlier today, they each checked the other two out. Paola, going on fourteen had Mike shave his pubes earlier in the day, so he appeared hairless, despite the black hair on his head; Mike, thirteen had a nice patch of dark pubes above his hard dick with his cut cockhead's pointed end going straight out. As usual the two boys glanced at each other's package, Paola' fat uncut shaft with a mushroom head now came in at almost seven inches curving to the left, while Mike's thinner cock neared six. Helen smiled at each. "You know, guys, I don't care which one of you is fucking me, you feel great. You know what, Becca and Abby feel the same way. You're my favorite guys. "Heere's how it's going to work. First of all, no more than three events tonight. In this sack there are three slips of paper. Of course, P is Paola and M is Mike. BJ is blow job, V is vagina, and A is ass. So if a slip reads, P= V and M = BJ, then Paola screws my pussy while I suck Mike. No slip is repeated. Ready?" The two boys nodded in agreement. "Okay, I flip the coin - tails, it's Mike. Mike draw a slip and give it to me. Okay. Paola, you get a BJ and brother dear gets me up my butt. So darling Paola, you lie down on your back, I get between your legs, and Brother dear, you know how to get inside me. I've already lubed myself. Guys ready to start?" Both guys signaled they were ready. "Let's go." With that Paola lay down on this back, holding his cock straight up as Helen lay down across the bed, her hips up ad thighs spread. Mike got between her, spread her cheeks, spat on her rosebud before slowly worming his thinner cock into her ass. "God your sister sucks a mean cock," Paola said as Helen ministered to a monster of a thirteen year old cock. Mike blinked but said, "Helen takes it in the butt real nice," as he slowly began to slide his cock in and out as Helen's butt moved back and forth in rhythm with her brother. Helen's mouth and tongue being busy with Paola's large cock did nothing but raise her hand. thumb up. "About to cum," Paola cried. "Helen always swallows. Like you do." "Didn't at first. Neither did you. That's okay," Mike said. "I'm close, too." Both boys looked towards Helen. "I'm cumming," Mike moaned. "So am I. Mouth and ass. You're great, Girlfriend!" Helen raised her mouth from Paola's shrinking cock. "That was great. You tasted wonderful, Paola. Mike, my butt feels all squisshy. That's one down and two to go for now." Helen grabbed the bag, reached in to take another slip and read it. "Okay, guys - not sure how this will work. I put on my strap on to butt fuck my brother/lover and Paola gets to go down on me. What to do?"
"Simple. Helen fucks Mike doggie style. While she does that I play with her boobs. She cums, takes off the dildo, and I go down on her for another cum. How's that?" Helen pulled her pink strap on dildo from her sack with a smile, then slipped it on and tightened it. She smiled. "Okay, brother Mike. Get in the doggie position while I get some lube on this nice long, thick cock!" "Fuck, that is big," Mike said. "Wait until Helen shoves it up your ass," Paola said. "I've never shoved it up your ass," Helen said as she knelt down behind her younger brother. "I've gently inserted it four times and you've always enjoyed it once you eased it up." "Well, sort of," Paola admitted. "Sometimes you're in a hurry to get that thing all the way in." "And you haven't just jammed that telephone pole into me?" Helen replied with a laugh. "Mike's always easy." "Let's not fight, okay?" Mike asked. "Best friends." With that he dropped down in th doggie position, legs spread to allow Helen access to Mike's rose bud. Paola knelt so he could play with Helen's now B cup boobs, his fingers playing with her hard nipples like he had done for almost a year now. Meanwhile Helen's pink dildo slipped back and forth inside Mike, who moaned with pleasure. "Ah. I almost think I could cum," Mike said. "I know Helen likes a dick." "Yeah. She does." "I do. As long as the guy isn't rough. Fast is fine. We can both cum," she said as her dildo slid back and forth as Paola played with her breasts and nipples. "I'm getting close from Paola and Mike is doing something for me - almost like my dildo is going to cum in Mike's ass. Oh, shit!" Mike raised his head. "What the fuck was that, Helen?" You give me an enema? Mom did once with Dad watching!" Mike turned his head and body as far as he could see as he watched both Paola and Helen grin. "Relax, Mike. You aren't going to get pregnant. This was a present from Roger. My dildo shoots fake cum. You just felt what I feel like every time Paola or you cum in my pussy or ass. What do you think, Mike?" "Not bad," Paola said. He laughed. "But I'm the boy friend. Helen warned me." He patted Mike's naked butt. "You're the lover. You get surprises. In eight years or so, Helen and I will be married. You and Becca will be too. But..." "It's true that Helen and I will never marry each other. But I'll bet you that on your wedding night, Helen and I will have sex." "We probably will. But Paola and I will too," Helen said. "Now, Paola, dear, aren't you supposed to stick your tongue in my crack and suck my clit?" With that she lay downx, spread her legs and pointed to her waiting pussy. Paola dove for it. As he began to lick, Mike and Helen began to kiss. Helen broke the kiss for a moment. "Great to have two tongues at once. Go for it, guys."

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Next: Chapter 15: Two Girls and Four Boys

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