Paolo Helen and Mike

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Nov 1, 2020


Paolo, Helen, and Mike


Larry Marian

Part I

Helen lay face down on her bed playing a game on her phone as her thoughts drifted back to the previous night as she and her year younger brother hugged the other's nude body after having sex. She had been with Mike's best friend Paolo and little brother Eric, in a three way but at the end she said, "I love you, Mike" as she always did and Mike responded with "I love you, too, Helen.Always and forever." Her phone beeped. She saw it was Paolo, which seemed a bit odd. "Hey, Paolo.What's happening?"

"Looks like Mike isn't home - Eric either.What are you doing?"

"Not much.Boys are with Mom doing some shopping with them.Then she takes me to volleyball practice.Fuck, I'd like to talk to you, Paolo,You know where my room is - across the hall from Mike. Come up. By the way, I'm dressed real casual. "

Casual she was, in a pair of white panties, worn for practice and games. Her carefully concealed thongs were for wear when they would get removed by Mike or Paolo or herself.Her volleyball practice clothes, shorts, a sports bra, and a sweater lay on her bed.She smiled.Paolo will spring a boner with that much longer and thicker cock than Mike has.They used to be about the same size, but Paolo sure has grown in the last couple of months.

Her door opened, letting Paolo in as Helen turned and sat crosslegged on her bed, her cute breasts very evident, her nipples dark pink on their areola islands. She grinned at him."Fuck you look great like that, Helen." Helen looked at Paolo and smiled at his southern European complexion, his black wavy hair, and his height, being close to six feet already.

"Well, I think I know what you look like these days, Paolo. But fuck, You see my tits.Let me check out your boner again.I think I want to talk to you."

"About what, Helen?"

"Well, I sure can't be seen holding hands in school with Mike.So let me see, Paolo."Helen swung around to sit on the edge of her bed as Paolo moved forward, then began to undo his belt, then his zipper, then his waist belt before droppinghis jeans, then lowering his sexy red bikini briefs, allowing Helen to feast her eyes on his five inch long and four inch round uncut cock, the foreskin pealed back to reveal his red blood engorged cockhead."Fuck that looks good, Paolo.I've got to suck it."

"Go ahead, Helen.Your blow jobs are abut as good as Mike's."Paolo held his cock for her.She leaned forward just a bit to lick the precum off then began to swirl her tongue around Paolo's rock hard, long cock. She moaned her pleasure of having Paolo's cock in her mouth.She began to bob on his flesh rod.His hands went to her boobs, finger playing with her nipples.She sighed."Oh.I'm cumming soon. "

"Cum in my mouth, Paolo.I'll swallow," and returned to bringing him off. With his dick again buried in her eager fourteen year oldmouth, she felt the twitch and then the taste and touch of his thick cum blasting into her waiting mouth . She swallowed twice.When they had finished, Helen said, "Come onto my bed, and let's talk."

"I'd like that.Like the talk about the Fall Dance. Well, Mike sure as fuck can't take you.I could ask Becca , but your parents seem to want you to go. Look, I really like you anyway, Helen.Why not I take you and you talk to him about taking Becca ?I'll bet Beccawould say `YES' in a moment. "

Helen looked at Paolo sadly."I love Mike.I do.But I can't be his girl friend in public.He can't be my boy friend.There's only one other boy who can be."Paolo took her hand.

"If we can work it out with Mike so he doesn't get hurt, I'd like to be your boyfriend, Helen."

"If we can work it out with Mike so he doesn't get hurt, I'd like to be your girlfriend,Paolo."

The two looked at each other, hugged, then kissed.Helen broke it."Fuck.They'll be home soon.Get, Paolo.You're coming back . I'm getting ready for practice. If Mike suggests sex tonight from either of us, we're tired. Set your alarm for 2 AM.We meet at the pool house to talk again.Okay?"With that she pulled on her practice shorts to reach for her sports bra as Paolo pulled on his red bikinis and pants.The two kissed again and parted, Paolo out the back door and Helen the front as she rushed out as her brothers rushed in.

At 1:50 AM in the darkness of late night, early morning Helen arrived at the pool room next to the hot tub.She wore a black thong and over it a pink bathrobe, quite short, breaking about her knees, showing off her muscular legs from three years of volleyball. She sat down on one of the sturdy recliners, the actual one that she andMike had first made love on, some four or five months ago. She untied the robe's belt, letting the robe fall open in anticipation of Paolo's arrival.

Then he walked softly in.She stood up; they kissed. "Mike wanted me to be here tonight with him. I told him no, I was tired from practice.A total lie, Paolo.I'm not sure how many times now we fucked after my volleyball practice, or his swimming."

"Yeah.When we got in bed he wanted to have sex. I told him the same shit.I can't fuck over him, Helen.We've been together since like, forever. "

"I can't either.I love Mike.But.... We need to go to him tomorrow.We need to explain.We need to make him understand.I know Beccareally likes him a lot. Get them together and it's great. "The two hugged, then they looked at each other, her green eyes sparkling with lust towards her new boyfriend, her first public boyfriend.

With that she dropped the pink bathrobe to the deck, showing Paolo everything except her black thong covered pussy. Paolo only had on a pair of Calvin Klein briefs, obviously tented ."I crave sucking you again Paolo.Take off your briefs."

Paolo smiled, then pulled off the tartan patterned briefs to step out of them."Here you go, Helen.Want me to cum in your mouth?Mike does."

"Yes." Helen smiled at him. At once Paolo presented his five inch thick cock to her which she took at once to begin sucking. Helen looked up at Paolo smiling down at her, his cock appearing and vanishing as she worked her new boyfriend over."God, Helen.Don't stop.So fucking good." She could feel him shudder, then his thick sperm shot into her welcoming mouth .

She looked up at him as she swallowed."Your cum tastes so good, Paolo."She pulled her black thong off her hips and down her legs and feet, leaving it on the floor. .She walked over to the recliner."Fuck me, Paolo. Now.And let's see aboutMike tomorrow. " Helen sat on the recliner, then turned to lie on her back, spread her legs and raise her knees.Paolo crawled between them, fiddled for a second as he found her entrance."Yes.All the way in, Paolo."

"Damn you're tight, Helen. "They both moaned as he sank all the way in and then began to fuck her.

"Fuck," she moaned."It's so fucking big.I can't believe how big it's gotten."

"Yeah," Paolo replied in a hushed whisper."And it's all for you."

"Yeah, Paolo," she whined."You're stretching me out so good.And it's so deep.Fuck...go faster."He did, really pounding Helen for several minutes.

"Shit, I'm getting close," Paolo said, going really hard and fast now.

"Fuck," Helen moaned."Cum in me, Paolo." Paolo went faster and faster, both of them grunting and groaning with each insertion.Paolo's body rose with each stroke, then buried itself deep in Helen's cunt.

"Oh, shit, I'm cumming!" he shouted.Paolo grunted and groaned, no doubt in time with each shot of semen that was firing off into Helen's pussy.

"So much," Helen moaned.Finally Paolo rose from Helen, then kissed her."You've got to get back to Mike," she said quietly as the glow faded.

"You're right."He stood up then walked over to the two sets of underwear, her black thong and his plaid briefs, picked both up and walked back to Helen, sitting on the recliner. "Here, " he said as he handed her the thong, then sat down next to her to put on his briefs.Helen put her thong back on, then stood up to don her pink robe.She offered him her hand, so they walked back into the house, turning off the light as they went, quietly up the stairs to the kids' wing to her closed door and Mike's open door.

Paolo dropped her hand to go look in the open door, returning to her at once."He's not in bed," he whispered.

"Shit.Paolo, come in here," she said as she opened her door, then closed and locked it as they entered."Sleep here with me, Paolo.You'll be the first boy I've ever slept with.Set our alarms for 5:45.Dad leaves to do rounds at 5:30.Mom gets up at 6:30 or a bit later.We can sleep 'til then.We have time to fuck again, then you go back to Mike's room. Okay?"

"Yeah.I'm taking off my briefs now."

"My thong is already off. It's wet.Your cum."They got into bed and were asleep almost at once.

Both alarms buzzed at the same time. Helen had her back to Paolo but turned over, her hand reaching out to feel his morning wood.She wrapped her hand around it as she felt his hand on her pussy so she opened her legs. The two kissed hard for a minute or two then Paolo said,"You're already damp."

"I know.That big cock, Paolo. I'm ready."With that he rolled on top of her, sliding between her legs to quickly insert his cock into her waiting pussy."Yessss," she hissed as she took in her breath."So big. So thick.I love the feel of your cock, Paolo. "

"Your pussy feels great too.You fuck great, Helen."For several minutes the two said nothing, but their breathing became heavier and heavier as they moved in rhythm with each other.

"God, I came, Paolo.I came.Go faster."He did.She felt another cum from deep inside her.

"Helen.I'm about to cum."

"Inside me, Paolo.In my pussy."Even as she said that she felt his cock jerk inside her and his cum begin to stream into her cunt.Then they rested a bit."



"The Fall Dance.Why not come with me?Look, you can talk to Beccaand suggest to Mike to take her. By that time he'll know we're a couple.I'll spend the night and Beccawill to.. After your folks go to bed, I'll come to you and Becca 'll come to Mike.After an hour or so, we'll switch back."

"Wonderful idea, Paolo. I like it.Now, get your briefs on and get back to Mike's room.Leave the door unlocked."

"Yeah," Paolo said as he got out of bed, put on his briefs, ad left, closing the door behind him.Helen rolled over and went back to sleep, drowsy from her early morning fuck.

Later that morning she called Beccawith the idea.Beccaloved it."So after the dance Paolo is going to be in your room and me in Mike's?"

"That's it."

"You and Paolo going together now?"

"Yes.And you know what we will do after the dance.And you and Mike can too. It's so nice to have sex as a couple."

"Should be.Yeah.Let's think of similar dresses."

"Great idea, Becca . Love you.Bye.

"Love you, Helen. Bye."

Only minutes after she and Beccastopped talking, her phone buzzed again, which made her smile as it was from Paolo."Helen, can you go out with me tonight?My older brother is taking his girl friend Cheryl to Chuck and

Willie's for diner.It's dress up, but our folks won't be home until after one. He said we could go to our house for like an hour, he and Cheryl in his room and us in mine.How does that sound?"

"Sounds wonderful.I have a new thong you haven't seen and a new dress.It's got a built in bra so I don't have to wear one.I'll ask Mom and call you back. I'm sure she'll say yes. "

"Great.Cal me back if there'sproblem.If not, we'll pick you up at six.Okay?"

"Great.Only problem is we haven't talked to Mike."



A smiling Helen sat in front of her mirror wearing nothing but her new green with a white stripe thong, brushing her light brown hair into a new fixture before putting on some light pink lipstick and eye shadow, then slipping on her new light green dress which broke just below the knee and dropped down to just above her nipples.The dress on, she walked down to her parents' room. "Mom, would you zip me up," she asked.

"Sure, dear."Helen turned around so her mother could do that, which she did.She turned back around.

"How do I look, Mom?

"You look really nice, dear.Be sure you're home by 10:30. "

"I think I'll be home by ten, Mom.Paolo and his brother and his date should be here soon, Mom.I'm going downstairs to the living room."

"Have fun."

She walked to the stairs, down them, then paused as she heard the boys down in the basement playroom. From the voices it had to be Mike, Eric, and Eric's friend Tyler.She walked down the steps, stopped at the foot, and spun around on her volleyball legs."Hey boys, do I look okay?"

"Very nice," eight year old Tyler called.

"You look sexy Big Sister," Eric said as he tried to make a wolf whistle.

Her brother was quiet for a few moments."You look like you're going to the Fall Dance."Helen could tell he was not happy, but he seemed like he'd been avoiding her all day.

"I'm going out for dinner," she said cheerfully."Chuck and Willie's"

She could tell he was getting upset. "Didn't know you were going out.Surely not Mom and Dad dressed like that. " You going out with Beccaand her folks?"

She paused."Paolo."

"He was here this morning."

"I know.He's coming back to pick me up.We're going with his older brother and his date.They'll bring me back home by about ten."

"Cool," Mike said tonelessly.

Shit, she thought.This is worse than I thought." Can I talk to you for a second? You act like something's wrong." She reached out her hand, but he got off the couch and followed her, not next to her but just behind her. She stopped and looked at him.

"Should it be?" he asked in an unpleasant tone.

"Mike, I know you real well. You're acting strange. Please, Mike, is something wrong?" Saying that, she knew something was really wrong.Would this make it worse or better?

"Nothing's wrong.Why the questions? Go eat dinner with my best friend."

"You're acting different.What's up?"

"Nothing, Big Sister.I have a headache."

"Maybe this isn't the best time, but I need to tell you something. Some-thing about Paolo."

"Tell me."Looking at Mike, Helen couldn't tell if he really had a headache or was he mad.

"He asked me to the Fall Dance like your folks seem to want us to go."


"I told him `yes."

"Great.You two go have fun."

"Well, look Mike.Ask Becca . I know she'd go with you.And look, it'll hide our relationship.Please."

"Fine," he said, but he looked like he just wanted to go back to the TV.

"So you'll ask Beccathen?"

"Sure.Why not?"

"Yeah.Whatever," she said in exasperation. "Go get some aspirin for the head, Little Bro.Sometimes you can be a real jerk."With that she dashed up the stairs as the doorbell rang.Opening it up was Paolo, all dressed up. She broke into a smile.

"You look wonderful Paolo. Thanks for asking me. "

"You look sexy as all get out, Helen. Great."He offered her his arm, something she knew he had never done before, and walked to the car, opened the back door for her, to slide in beside her.

Two hours later Paolo and Helen walked down the hall to his room, following his brother and his date Cheryl.His brother turned to look back."Remember, Helen has to be home by about ten. You guys need to be ready before then."

"We know," Paolo said.He dropped his voice."We have protection."Paolo and Helen looked at each other and smiled. "Thanks again for helping us out.Dinner was wonderful." At that Paolo opened the door to a room lite only by candlelight, each in a safety glass container,He ushered Helen in and closed the door.

"Welcome, Helen."

"Paolo, this is wonderful.I'm about to cry!"With that, Paolo put his arms around Helen as they began to kiss, one of his hands going up to her light brown hair.The kiss lasted some minute or so until Helen felt Paolo's hand between her shoulder blades where the low cut dress need."The zipper works, Paolo.All you have to do is pull it down."

"Now, Helen?"

"I'm sopping, Paolo.I want you so fucking much!"The zipper came down, loud as the roll of drums.Paolo lowered the two thin straps which she shrugged off her shoulders, allowing the dress to fall free, revealing her beautiful breasts."Built in bra, Paolo.No hooks for you to fumble."With that she began to undress Paolo, starting with his shirt as he tried to play with her nipples.

It took a few minutesbefore the floor was litteredwith some clothes - undershirt, briefs, thong, shirt, but jacket, dress pants, green dress were laid out on desk, chair, dresser, in some sort of attempt to keep them neat. Then the two were lying on Paolo's bed, hugging, getting ready.Helen rolled on her back."I want to kiss you Paolo while your cock is in my cunt fucking me.I want to see you. "

Paolo smiled and kissed, then rolled between her spread legs. She groaned as he fed his cock into her."So big.So fucking big.So good.So fucking good," Helen moaned as Paolo's four inch thick, five inch long cock began to enter her fourteen year old pussy.As it slid in she gave a giggle. "Does your brother know I got an IUD for my birthday?I'm safe 366 days of the year for five years."

"Good.I wondered.I know Mike worries about that," Paolo said as he drove his cock in and out of Helen's snatch.

"He knows.I told him at my birthday party.Mom and I went to her doctor the next afternoon."She giggled. "Her doctor asked her to leave for a few minutes and then asked if I were already sexually active. I told her I was.She told me I was lucky." They kissed as the two came closer to his cumming."Little cum Paolo."

Paolo grunted, his breathing becoming a bit labored, as was Helen's."Getting close to cumming."

"In my cunt, Paolo.In my cunt.Another cum.Oh, shit.You fuck so good. Mike too, but you're thicker and longer.OH! SHIT!SO FUCKING GOOD! as she felt his thick sperm flood her willing, waiting pussy.

They lay on his bed for several minutes, resting and petting until she saw his dick grow hard again. "I want to suck you, Paolo," she whispered.

"I'd like you to suck me, Helen," Paolo replied.

She did.

Then they made love again, cowgirl style until the alarm went off. They were able to finish and dress and meet Paolo's older brother and his girl friend, both of whom looked wrinkled, even as Helen looked.

Paolo walked Helen to her door.The kiss was short, the passion had been long. Helen closed the front door, locked it, and turned off the front lights.

She walked to the steps going down to the playroom/cellar and up to her room and her thoughts.

Should I go down? she asked herself. Am I hurting Mike, my brother? Or am I hurting me?She heard boys talking. She opened the door to walk down to the basement playground.


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Next: Chapter 2

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