Panty Lovers

By Em Parks

Published on May 30, 2000


This is another story of Michael, my boyfriend, and I. We are both 18 and have been lovers for about two months. We love to dress up in women' s underwear when we make love. The story of how we met and the first time we made love was posted entitled "Panty Lovers" (gay, college, 3rd May). Please email us and tell us what you think about our stories, especially if you have experiences or fantasies of guys dressing up in women's underwear. I'll answer every email personally. If you like our stories, I will write more about our experiences together. Hugs, Em xxx

  • White cotton panties -

Michael had been away for two weeks on holiday with his parents. Two weeks without delicious sex with my gorgeous boyfriend was driving me crazy. I was missing the light touch of his fingers on my hard cock, the warmth of his mouth against mine and his tongue and lips arousing my nipples. Most of all I was missing the feel of his gorgeous cock, outlined under the material of a pair of tight, skimpy ladies panties, in my hands, my mouth, my ass, and the feeling of his come filling me up as he moaned my name. After two weeks of this torture I was desperate for him. Neither of us had masturbated while he was away so I knew our first fuck after his return was going to be a horny affair.

A couple of days after his return, his parents were away for the night so we had our chance. I went round to his house as soon as they had gone, not wanting to miss a second alone with my lover.

When I got round Michael was in his bed room. He was naked except for a pair of lovely tight, white cotton panties. The sight of Michael's lovely lean and well muscled body and the white of the panties against his sun tanned skin brought it all back to me and showed me what I had been missing. My eyes fell on the bulge growing in the front of his knicks as his cock got harder and harder. I could see each of his balls outlined under the skimpy fabric of the high cut panties and his cock, eight inches, rock hard and twitching with desire. My eyes moved upwards to the elastic trim of his knicks pressing gently against his skin and up over his lean chest to his face. I closed my eyes and remembered our times together and thought about the wonderful release from my torment only seconds away.

He smiled at me and walked towards me. Without a word we kissed, hungrily and passionately, remembering each other. His hands moved inside my teeshirt and pulled it up as he squeezed my chest. My hands ran over the smooth cotton covering his perfect bum and I gently squeezed the base of his buns and pulled him against me. My cock was pushing against the tight fabric of my lycra shorts as touching my lover after what seemed like such a long time aroused my desire. The sheer lycra covering my cock slid against the smooth cotton covering Michael's hardness. Our tongues sought each other out as we made up for lost time.

"Oh god I love you so much baby" he said. "I haven't stopped thinking about you for the last two weeks".

"I want you so much" I replied as we snatched kisses between words.

After about five minutes of this Michael broke off. "I've got a present for you baby" he said, handing me a plastic bag.

Inside was a white, sheer leotard like body top, with thin shoulder straps and a snap crotch.

"Put it on darling" he said.

I pulled off my tee shirt and shorts and stood naked holding the body top.

My cock was hard, erect and already aching for the delicate touch of the soft fabric. I stepped into the body top, carefully placing each leg through the appropriate hole and pulled it up. It slid up my thighs and hugged itself around my tight ass. I pulled it up at the front and felt the sheer fabric running over the hairs on my chest and surrounding my aching cock. I hooked each arm through the straps and pulled then over my shoulders, straightening them out as I did.

It felt wonderful, I loved the gentle pressure of the straps over my shoulders and around the edge of my chest and under my arms. The delicate feeling of restraint around my crotch aroused me even more. I looked down and saw my nipples erect and pushing against the fabric and lower down my cock, outlined perfectly, jutting out.

"You look lovely baby" said Michael walking towards me. "I'm going to drive you crazy tonight".

Michael led me to the bed and I walked behind him starring at his beautiful, cute bum under his panties. I loved the movement of his buns under the tight fabric.

I put my fingers out and lightly ran them over the material, feeling his soft flesh moving underneath. When we reached the bed I lay down, stretching out and feeling the extra pressure of the fabric and straps of my body top against my skin. Michael sat on the bed and straddled my crotch. I felt his weight pressing down on my cock and the heat of his body. He leant over me and kissed me again and I relished the warm, wetness of his tongue against my mouth. We kissed slowly and sensuously, our hands lightly brushing our bodies, feeling fabric and skin as we continued to kiss. I massaged Michael's perfect bum through the material of his knickers, hooking my fingers occasionally under the trim and stroking his skin. I applied gentle pressure to his bum so his cock continued to rub against mine, relishing the feeling of two hard, horny cocks in contact. Michael would break off for a few seconds, leaving me gasping and reaching up, searching for the soft warmth of his mouth again. The air was charged with sexual desire as our mouths touched and bodies moved together.

"Close your eyes darling" Michael whispered. "I want to play with you".

I writhed against the bed and against Michael's body, aroused at the thought of being dominated by him.

I closed my eyes and heard him pull something out from under the pillow. He put it against my eyes and I could feel cold silky nylon against my skin. He tied it round my head like a blindfold so that I couldn't see. I heard him get something else out as he took my hands and moved them above my head, resting them against the bar running across the back of the bed. He began to tie my hands with what felt like a pair of tights or stockings. I got more and more horny at the thought of the exquisite torture to come at the hands of my panty-clad lover. I lay on the bed, blind-fold and tied, begging in my head for Michael to play with me, to do with me what he wanted and felt the agony of wanting to come so much. The tension had built up and was unbearable. I wanted it to go on forever, all I could think about was Michael, his cock, his fingers, and his mouth. I wanted to come so badly. I just moaned his name and begged him to play with me.

Michael began by lightly kissing me, his tongue brushing against my lips. I tried to buck my head up to meet him, but he kept pulling away, leaving me frustrated and horny. I felt his hands gently rubbing my sides, smoothing down the fabric of my body top. He slowly ran his fingers around the trim at the top and under the straps. He moved his hands down my taut stomach again and began to play with the material trim around my legs, running his fingers underneath, and edging closer to my waiting cock.

I squirmed, imagining the light touch of his fingers, playing with my cock and arousing me. He kissed me again broke off and I heard him leave the room.

A couple of minutes later he came back and knelled down on the bed next to me. I felt something smooth and cold against my lips. He had fetched an ice cube from the fridge. I tried to buck up again and suck the ice cube in his fingers, but he just kept pulling it away, letting the drops fall on my hungry mouth. Next he began to trace the lines of the straps of my body top over my shoulders. The feeling of the ice against my skin made me shudder with desire. Michael put the ice cube in his mouth and sucked.

He bent over me and kissed me passionately, forcing his ice-cold tongue into my mouth.

My head was spinning, the feeling of the ice against my skin and in my mouth was wonderful, I was hot with lust and chilled by the ice as Michael continued to play with me. After a few more minutes of tormenting me like this, Michael put the now almost melted ice cube on my lips. I hungrily opened my mouth, running the ice cube around until it melted.

Michael was now straddling me again, pressing down on my cock and balls, which were now aching, I had been hard for so long. Michael gently moved his bum back and forth over my cock as he straddled me. I thought this was going to make me come. I was desperately trying to hold off, trying to make this delicious torment last but it was agony. Just as I thought I was going to explode, Michael stopped.

He bent over me and ran his hands over my chest, rubbing my aroused nipples.

He then brought his mouth down and started to run his lips over my hard nipples and taut stomach, touching me through the fabric of the body top. He moved down to my cock and began to run his lips over me, tracing the outline of my hard cock through the fabric. He moved down further to my balls and took each one into his mouth, gently squeezing through the material of my body top. He smelled and tasted me, the delicious combination of my hot, aroused sex and the fresh, clean fabric.

He broke off and moved up to my chest again, working on my nipples.

As he was doing this Michael's cock brushed against mine and I felt how horny he was.

His cock was rock hard, I felt it twitch as he touched me. I imagined it in my mouth and begged Michael to let me suck him for the first time tonight.

Michael stopped arousing my nipples and I felt him turn round so his cock was over my mouth. I could feel his heat and desire inches above me as I heard him slip his cock from the side of his panties. He moved his cock to my mouth where I readily opened up as he slid his eight inches slowly into my hot, waiting mouth. I ran my tongue over the head of his gorgeous cock, remembering him, tasting the excitement coming off his hot, charged, cock. He moved in and out of me as I willingly sucked him and licked his shaft and head. I felt him tense as he got nearer to orgasm.

Then just as I was waiting to be flooded by his come he stopped and pulled out. He moved down the bed, knelling between my legs. I felt him open the snap crotch of my body top and the tense material, released, slid up over my cock and my ass, exposing me to Michael.

Michael grabbed my bum with both hands and slid me up his thighs until my bum was over his cock. I arched my back, both with desire and to be ready for him.

I could feel my cock rocking, erect above me. Michael moved his wet cock to my ass and slowly started to enter me. I gasped as he started to fill me up.

Michael put his hands round my cock and started to massage my hardness. The feeling of Michael in my ass and his fingers playing with my cock was too much.

Almost instantly I bucked as my body shook with a thundering orgasm. Two weeks worth of hot come gushed out of my cock and flew upwards. Michael angled my cock so my come splattered up his chest and over his face. As I came the muscles in my ass gripped Michael's cock harder. I cried and moaned in agony as Michael pumped his cock faster, harder, stronger into my welcoming ass.

Soon Michael's breathing became harder and harder and his body tensed, trying to hold off the moment for as long as possible. He couldn't hold out and he screamed as he shot his hot, thick come into my ass. I felt him fill me up as he came and came, gasping, moaning and thrusting into me.

"Oh yes baby, fuck me baby, fuck me" I cried in ecstasy as the last waves of my orgasm left me.

Michael pulled out of me, still semi hard and untied me. We lay down together. I lent across him and licked my come of his chest and nipples where I had splattered him.

We kissed deeply, the taste of my come passing between us and my hands stroking his cock and his bum through the material of his skimpy, tight, white cotton panties.

I lost count of the number of times we made love that night.

Hope you like the continuing experiences of Em and Michael.

Love and kisses, Em.

Next: Chapter 3

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