Panties In The Park

By Annah Phallactik

Published on Oct 17, 2018



This is my first story, appreciate any feedback.

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I am Ray, a 31 year old single bi crossdressing male. I am not passable, I just love dressing up in cute girly clothes. I live in a small coastal community, about 5 miles inland from the beaches. Between my house and the beaches is a large wooded park area that is almost all a series of small trails through the woods. Now that the weather had warmed up I decided to go explore as I had not ever spent any time there since I moved into this area.

While on an early evening walk one day, I noticed quite a few young couples (mostly high-schoolers) hanging out and making out in various spots and it hit me that this was a good quiet out of the way place for them to get away and and be alone, make out, screw, whatever! I made a few more late afternoon and early evening walks through the trails, kept seeing the same things, but I wasn't daring enough yet for a late night walk to see if I could catch any of these young cuties in various stages of undress and whatever fun activities they were engaged in.

I was up early on a beautiful Saturday morning and decided on an early morning walk. The whole park was completely empty everywhere as I expected it to be. I walked through a small maze of trails and picked a small offshoot with a bench and small grassy area to refill my coffee from my thermos. I was enjoying the trees and birds, still not a soul anywhere but myself, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something white by the clearing. It looked like clothes of some sort, I got up to check it out. Sure enough, clothes, even better panties! White, bikini style with pink trim and pink hearts, and small. I could only imagine the little cutie that had these on last night. I also couldn't wait to get home and slip them on. I picked them up and slipped them in my pocket. After nosing around a few more trails and clearings, I could tell this place was full of activity. After making a small journey around a few out of the way places that these kids might duck into for a quickie I noticed a few condom wrappers, empty beer bottles and a few other bits of discarded clothes, even a nice bra. I knew I would be making this place an early morning habit.

I headed home and immediately stripped when I walked into the house. I slowly pulled the panties on, they were a little snug, but felt great. I slipped the bra on next, just a simple little sports bra, but still very cute. It took me all of about 2 minutes to bring myself to orgasm. I kept the panties pulled over my cock so I could fill them with cum.

I decided that Saturday and Sunday mornings were the best times to take my early morning walks, as the kids would be there on Friday and Saturday nights. Over the next few weekends I found 4 more pairs of panties and 3 beautiful bras. I also found a cotton training bra, which was too small for me to wear, the others fit great.

I went up early one Saturday morning, about 6:30, it was almost time for summer break, so I knew the evenings would be a lot busier. I went straight to the first clearing area, which is way off the trail. Apparently it was a good night there, I found 2 cute little pairs of panties, a nice mint green Victoria's Secret t-shirt bra, and a light blue cami top. I could hardly contain myself, almost a whole outfit, probably from 3 or 4 different girls, as they were scattered around the small grassy areas. I walked back out to the trail, and wandered around some, making sure the area was still free of people. I took the main trail down towards the end, there was another little out of the way place back there. I walked to the small grassy clearing, very small, about an 8 foot by 8 foot area nestled in the woods away from everything. I started my search along the edges and found a cute little black thong and a pair of powder blue boy shorts. This place must have sounded like an orgy last night. I sprawled out on the edge of the grass by the woods and poured a little coffee from my thermos and pulled my earlier finds from my knapsack. I was hard as a rock going over my treasures and decided I was so horny I wasn't going to make it home. I looked around, all quiet and just after 7 in the morning and immediately started taking my clothes off. I started with the bra, sliding my arms through and reaching back to clasp it. Next came the cami top, I pulled that over and adjusted everything to fit, lining up the spaghetti straps with the bra straps. The molded cups in the t-shirt bra under the cami top made it look like I had small breasts, which made me even hornier. Last came the panties. I picked a pair of green silky bikini panties and slowly pulled them on. They fit perfectly, even over my raging hard on. I looked around again, still all quiet. I laid back and slowly started rubbing myself through the silky panties, imagining the cute little thing that was in them last night. I started running my fingers up and down the crotch of the panties, teasing my ass a little, using my other hand to stroke my cock. I was laid back like this for about 5 minutes in pure bliss when I thought I heard a little noise. I looked around and off in the opposite corner of the clearing was a guy standing there. I started to scramble when I realized I was busted. Then i noticed his cock was sticking out of the top of his jogging pants and he was stroking himself too. I laid back again, rubbing my cock through the panties and watching him stroke his cock, hoping he would come join me. He was real nice looking, about 30, longer sandy blonde hair, and real slim. He was in a blue jogging outfit, and it looked like he had about 7 inches with a real big mushroom head. As I was rubbing and watching him I thought I saw a flash of pink where his cock was sticking out, I was really curious now. He kinda nodded towards me like he wanted to come over and I of course nodded yes. He came over and got down on his knees in front of me and continued to stroke his cock. I kept seeing little flashes of pink and I think yellow. I stopped rubbing the crotch of my panties and reached my left hand up and started stroking his cock. It felt amazing, long, wide with huge mushroom head on the end. Just thinking about that monster in me had me on the brink. I noticed that flash of pink again where his sweatshirt had rode up. I reached out and pulled his sweatpants down a little. Through the gap I saw pink and yellow lycra pulled to to the side, I pushed his shirt up some to reveal the pink and yellow vertical stripes went all the way up, he had on a cute 1 piece swimsuit! He stopped playing for a second and pulled his shirt over his head. Oh my, how sexy it looked. The swimsuit had wide pink and yellow vertical stripes, nice formed padded cups to give the illusion of small breasts, a halter top clasp and as his pants had shimmied down some, I reached around and felt an open back and a high cut full bottom. He scooted the rest of his pants all the way off and kinda posed a little.

"I was hoping to find someone else down here that liked this" he told me. "I have been coming down here since last summer, since I discovered all of the hidden treasures this place has".

"I have been coming here for a few weeks, but I've never seen you here".

"I am usually over by the creek, the kids all swim and skinny dipping over there, the girls must leave half their clothes around there. I have seen you here".

"Creek? Didn't know there was a place to swim around here?"

He said " yeah, go towards the left when you come in, all the way in back. That's where I got this", rubbing his hands up and down on his swimsuit.

"How did you know I was scouting the area for panties too?" I asked.

"Well, remember the pink bra and panties you found last week? I left them there"

I must have blushed a little, because he was smiling at me now.

"The important thing is we both found each other here like this".

I was just smiling in amazement and slowly stroking myself. He leaned over and slowly took me in his mouth. His mouth bobbed down all the way and back up, and just kept going that way, driving me crazy. Then I felt his hand pick up where I left off, rubbing the crotch of my panties. This was bliss, his warm soft mouth slowly engulfing my cock, his fingertips lightly stroking my panty covered crotch, his fingertips just brushing my eager hole. He slid his mouth off my cock and was back on his knees in between my legs. Both of us were back at rubbings our dicks. I had slid my panties over my cock and was teasing it through the soft material when he slipped his dick inside his snug swimsuit. He looked so hot with the tight pink and yellow one piece swimsuit, tightly clinging to his body, his cock now encased inside, flat against his belly. He leaned over me, nestled between my open legs and lowered his cock onto mine. I felt his hips move, rubbing our cocks together through the slick material, then he reached his hand around and grabbed my ass, humped in harder and planted a huge open mouth kiss on me. I responded by wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his body, drawing him closer to me and kissing back even harder. What a sight we would have been had someone walked up on us. I was so hot and on the edge, we were both humping each other furiously, tongues dancing in each other's mouths. I felt his breathing get harder, he reached his other hand around and had grabbed my other ass cheek, buried his face in my neck, I could tell he was close. With on strong grind, he grabbed my ass tight and started grunting into the crook of my neck, he was coming hard, spilling his load in his swimsuit. That's all it took for me, and I was filling my panties with hot cum as we kept grinding our cocks together through our girly clothes. When we both stopped spewing our cum, he sat back up on his knees so we could see each other. The way my panties were pulled tight on my cock, the cum just squirted right through the material and gobbed up on the front. Where his one piece bathing suit had pulled his cock flat on his belly there was an enormous wet spot at the tip. I just had to have some of that, so I got up and sucked on the wet spot and the end of his cock. I knew there was more cum in there, I pulled the swimsuit aside and licked the cum off of his belly and cock. There was a lot there and it was delicious! When I was done cleaning off his cock, we both sat there on our knees lightly rubbing each other and admiring the messes we had made.

"That was some of the hottest sex I had ever had" I told him. he agreed with me.

"My name is Scott" he said, " but think of as Savannah like this"

"I'm Ray, but consider me Ramona for now". There was a handshake followed up with another very hot deep kiss.

He said "I have to run, besides it's getting late in the morning, we don't need anyone finding us like this"

"That's how we found each other" I laughed.

"Well, we may not get so lucky next time. I have noticed another guy lurking around a couple times, probably late teens, pretty good looking guy, so maybe there is another one like us".

As Savannah/Scott was standing up to get dressed, he said " there's a dance tonight at both middle and high schools, this place will probably be wall to wall horny teenagers tonight, you may want to make a trip back in the morning". He gave a quick wink to let me know he would be here too.

I said " you bet, I'll be here!"

He was dressed in his boy clothes, thanked me for the fun time this morning and took off. Time for me to get dressed and go too. I was already hard and horny again and couldn't wait to get home and masturbate, so much to think about!

I was still a horny mess when I got home, I changed into a cute 1 piece swimsuit I had, a black halter style that was French cut. I crawled on the bed, grabbed a pillow with a satin pillowcase on it, slid it between my legs and tried to duplicate this mornings amazing hot sex. I balled up the pillow and lowered myself on it and began to slowly hump the pillow, The feeling was incredible, likely what he felt as he was humping away on me earlier. I was already on the verge, I balled up the pillow some more and started furiously humping down hard. The feeling of the silky bathing suit and the slick pillow case was too much. In one hard lunge I pushed in as hard as I could, and grunted, releasing another huge load of cum today. I could feel the whole front of my swimsuit instantly become saturated with cum. I laid forward, curled up in a ball on my pillow, twitching and quietly whimpering to myself as the last few drops of cum oozed out of me.

I must have dozed off, I woke up a couple hours later, in the same position. As I uncurled and sat up I looked down at the moist spot still on the pillowcase and the damp spot on my swimsuit, clinging to my stomach, I instantly got hard again. I was ready for another furious pillow humping session, but stopped. I wanted to save some energy, and cum, in case Savannah showed up at the park the next morning. One thing I knew, I was famished. I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, I really needed to pee. I started to push aside my swimsuit and pull my cock out to pee, and thought to myself, dressed like a girl, pee like a girl. I sat down, pulled my cock out the side, and peed. I was ready to go make some lunch now. The tight swimsuit was starting to rub where the damp spot was, and I decided I needed to change and be comfortable. I picked out a cut pair of yellow cotton boy short panties, my light gray Victoria secret lounge pants, loose fitting, but snug up top so my ass is cupped nicely and my panty lines show through. Next I slipped on a yellow sports bra with shaped cups, and I dropped in my silicone falsies which gave my a nice B to C cup, and topped it off with a snug pink tank top. Now I felt complete. I don't always dress up in girly clothes just hanging out at the house, usually just to masturbate, but I felt like being girly all day today. I made up some lunch, and ate quietly, enjoying the peace of living away from the hustle and bustle. The rest of my day I relaxed mostly, as I was getting ready for an early bedtime I hopped in the shower and decided to shave some body hair. I knew if my new friend showed up in the morning I wanted to look as sexy as possible. Now I am not passable, nor do I try to be, just really love my girly clothes, especially these cute little high school girls clothes. This time I wanted to look as cute as possible. I was shaved up as much as possible, put on a little pastel purple babydoll set I had (a pilfer from a laundry mat), and in bed early. I had to exercise great restraint to not masturbate that night, I wanted to be hot and ready, and have a nice load ready, for what I was hoping for a sex filled early morning.

I woke up early Sunday morning, I hopped in the shower for a quick rinse off, and put on my regular guy clothes. I did grab my white and pink panties I found a few weeks ago, and a cute little pink bra I had and my silicone inserts this time, and stuck them in my little knapsack with my coffee thermos. I wanted to make I sure I had something cute to wear in case I bombed out in finding anything that morning. When I got to the park area, it was barely breaking sunlight, no cars anywhere, not a soul around. I wanted to head to the water side of the park, but I knew that was my new friends wandering area. It would be nice to find a sexy swimsuit like he found, but I'll get a chance someday. I headed towards the trails farthest back, looking for grassy areas off the pathways. Those seemed to be the best spots. The first little area I found off the main path was a small beautiful little grassy spot. I immediately looked around the sides and found a cute pair of dark purple boy short panties. A little more looking around got me a small pink and white tank top. I wouldn't need the stash of clothes I brought with me after all! The tank top looked pretty small, so my silicon boobies should stay snug in place, and probably look pretty hot too. As I approached a trail that almost seemed hidden I saw a patch of grass off the end of the trail. As I approached the spot, one I hadn't seen before, I could see a few beer cans along the trail so I knew there was some activity there. When I got to the clearing I scanned the edges of the grass and found a few more beer cans, some discarded condom wrappers and bingo, hanging on the edge of a small bush was a white lace bra. I picked it up, it had thin cotton cups adorned with lace, a stretch lace band with spaghetti straps, a perfect match for my newly aquired tank top. I stuffed the bra in my bag, and looked around some more. I wasn't seeing anything so I circled around towards the trail out, as I neared the end of the grassy area, something pink caught my eye, I reached down to find a pink floral cotton thong. It was simple, cotton, and looked brand new, probably purchased for a hot date last night. This was also stuffed in my bag. I decided I better find the clearing with the bench that my new friend found me at the day before, thinking if we meet up again, that would be the place. Every step and every thought of my new treasures made my dick harder and harder. Since it was still very early and quiet in the park I decided I would immediately change when I got there, hoping for another visit. I meandered my way to the clearing, took a seat on the bench, got my thermos out of the bag, and my new found sexy stuffs. I poured my coffee, laid out the bra, the thong and the tank top. As I sipped my coffee, I dug my silicone boobies out and kicked my shoes off. I stopped and sipped my coffee for a minute, listening to the peace and quiet, making sure the park area still sounded empty. After my coffee was gone, I got undressed, and slowly put the bra on, I had to adjust the shoulder straps, but after that it fit perfectly. Next came the little pink thong. I pulled into place, and adjusted my now very hard cock, it fit in there nicely. I took my silicone breasts, and fitted them in the bra. Then came the pink and white striped tank top, it was a simple cotton tank, with a lace border at the neckline and bottom hem. I pulled it on and looked down to admire myself. Damn, I looked hot. It was still very quiet, time to find a comfy spot and take care of the massive hard on I had growing in the front of my panties. I laid my clothes down on the grass, making a mental note to bring a blanket next time. I looked around making sure everything was still clear, hoping to see my new friend somewhere, and laid down on my clothes pile. I started rubbing my cock through the panties, and rubbing and squeezing my boobs, getting very worked up. A little noise by the path caught my attention, and there was Scott. He came in slowly, making sure all was clear. He had on a faded blue sweat shirt and sweat pants set. He had a smile on his face, and a growing bulge.

"I was hoping to find you like this", he said.

"I was sure hoping you would make it this morning" I replied, " I couldn't help but start without you"

As he started walking towards me, he was unzipping his sweatshirt. As he peeled it off I could see he had on a simple baby blue Aeropostale cap sleeve top and what looked like a well padded T-shirt bra underneath. He was so slender the top looked perfect on him, and with the bra it was a perfect match. From the neck to waist it looked like a cute girl walking towards me. By now he was standing right by me. He squatted down and started squeezing my silicone boobs, rubbing them, and admiring them.

"I like these".. he said.

His hand slowly worked it's way down to my cock, cupping it through the panties. He gave a few nice strokes that way, just enough to get a small spot of precum to show up. He stood back up and started to remove his sweatpants. As they slid down his legs I saw he had on some simple cute white cotton bikini panties. They were very snug on him, in fact the head of his very hard cock was poking out the the top. When he slipped his pants off, he got down on his knees and started rubbing my inner thighs, working down to my panty covered cock. He knelt down and lowered his mouth down to my cock. I felt his hot breath through the material as he lowered his mouth over my cock head, his tongue swirling around the growing spot of precum. His tongue worked it's way to the side of my panties pushing them over until my exposed cock was all in his mouth. He was slowly working it, massaging the underside with his tongue, driving me crazy. His amazing blowjob skills and all the excitement leading up to this was about to put me over the edge, and sadly I had to push is head back from my cock. I wanted to feel him on me, so I pulled him up to me, wrapping my legs around his waist, and started kissing him. He returned my kisses with amazing passion, opening his mouth and intertwining his tongue with mine. I could feel his hips start to move, grinding his panty covered cock into mine. I wanted to see and feel more of him, I brought my hands up from his ass cheeks and pulled on his shirt until he leaned up enough for me to pull it off. He was now above me in nothing but a white bra and white panties, he looked so delicious. I pulled him down and resumed the furious kissing and grinding. While we were humping away on each other I managed to pull my legs back even more, now wrapped around his back and his cock was nestled in the channel between my ass cheeks. I was definitely ready for him to be inside me. I was lifting my hips up and now pushing back on his cock. He got the hint I guess and started kissing his way down my body. When he reached my panties he slid his tongue down the side of my thong, licking the side of my shaft and then my balls. His tongue snaked down

lower, circling my waiting rosebud. I thought I was going to shoot my cum the second his tongue slid inside me. His face was buried, his tongue deep inside, lubing me, getting me ready, I was going out of my mind with his expert licking.after about 2 minutes he lifted his head and was up on his knees over me. With 1 swift motion he had slid his pretty white panties over to the side letting his full seven inches free. Judging by the amount of precum leaking from his cock he was just as excited as I was. I still had my legs pulled all the way back and he leaned down on me, initiating another passionate wet kiss. I could feel his cock sliding in my crack. He paused just as the head nestled in the pocket leading to me eager ass, slowly he rocked his hips forward, sliding in me easily. I felt his arms wrap up under and around my shoulders, while mine were gripping his ass, pulling each other tight together. Our kisses became more frantic, his thrusts into me slow and hard, his cock buried deep. This torrid session of panty boy sex went on for about 15 minutes when he broke the kiss and buried his his face in my neck. His thrusts became harder and deeper and I could hear the groaning deep in his throat and I knew he was close. My legs pulled back more, trying to pull in as much of him as I could, he moaned into my neck "oh yeah, oh yeah" and his grip on my shoulders tightened and in one hard thrust he was balls deep in me. I could feel his whole cock grow as jet after jet of his hot seed filled me up, his moaning and and his orgasm was all I needed to erupt my own hot seed between us. I was now panting and moaning, humping myself against him, trying to get all of my cum out while my ass squeezed his cock, trying to milk every drop out of him. We laid like that for a couple minutes while his body had multiple small spasms as the last few drops of his cum we're deposited in my ass.

When he finally recovered and leaned up I noticed that I must have shot a quart of cum, completely painting the bottom of both of our bras. He looked down and smiled, there was cum everywhere. His body made one last spasm as his softening cock let out the last drop and slid out of me.

"Wow" was all he could say.

"I agree, that was amazing"

He leaned in for one more hot kiss, and started to get up.

"I hate to do this, but I have to be somewhere this morning". I was watching him tuck his softening cock back in his cute little white panties, and sadly pulling on the rest of his clothes. "Here" as he fished a paper out of his pocket, "call me, we can do this somewhere more comfortable, and have more time"

I had hopped up to get dressed as well, he leaned in for another kiss, and kissed down my chest, all over my bra, licking a little of our cum off the bra.

Scott reached out, squeezing both breast inserts, "damn, I like these, I want some too!"

"Next time we get together I'll show you the website I got these from"

He smiled, slipped his shoes on, gave another quick kiss, "call me", and he took off, leaving me standing in the woods, looking like a well fucked little crossdressing slut. I can't wait for the next adventure.

I hope you enjoyed this story. Any comments to . I may not respond to everything, but will read everything.

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