
By Randy Wade

Published on Mar 31, 2020


Please do not copy any part of this story without the explicit permission from the writer (me). This story is protected by Copy write laws under the site.

I apologize for being so long i9n adding a new chapter. I will try and be better at it.

I am assuming that you know what you will be reading and know whether it is legal for you to read.


Between Two Worlds

Chapter 4

"Nicky this will be different from weening from your previous sire. You will sleep for a good day or so the first time. After, your sleep pattern will be shorter. You may wake up before dusk."

"Okay but what about?" he said nodding to the windows.

"No worries. Sun rays won't get through the glass."

Nicky and I laid down on the bed in nothing but some boxer briefs. I pulled his head to my chest. He timidly opened his mouth and his fangs were already out. He looked at me. I couldn't help but smile before I nodded. He sunk his teeth into my chest.

The pain of his fangs piercing my chest was harsh at first. Then he started to drink greedily. I had to use some skill in soothing his mind before he calmed down and drank more calmly from my body. I could hear a slight moan coming from him. I could feel his body react as he hardened against my leg. It was a normal bodily reaction. Drinking from a sire is almost as sexual as the actual sex act itself.

He was in a trance as he fed slowly from me. After 10 minutes I heard him give a little groan, then a grunt as he pressed his groin against my thigh. I felt the dampness on my leg and could smell his secretions.

He was now sucking less like a vampire and more like a babe on his momma's tit. I smiled and stroked his cheek and his light brown hair. Eventually he was lying there almost asleep. He would suck every once in a while, as if it was a pacifier. Eventually he was asleep.

I felt his teeth retract and the puncture wounds in my chest healed automatically. He cuddled up against me and went into a deeper sleep. I had seen how most vampires sire their children and normally the younglings would be hyped and ready to take on the night. With me it was never that way, from Ambrogio to the present. With me they slept. Their bodies took the nourishment and healed.

I extracted myself. I was tired myself, but I had to shower off Nicky's semen and then see about cleaning him up and changing his underwear. There was no need for him to know what happened. It was normal when I sired. It was very rare I sired someone, the last time being 30 years ago in Pangea, but that's another story for another time.

After showering I put on a light silken robe. It was nice but it wasn't me, but Rolf insisted I dress my station. In Pangea it was that of Grand Prince to some. Others termed me as the Creator. To the humans or hunters, I was the Prince of Pangea. To the non-humanoid beings, I was Drake. To those I held close I was just Oak. I preferred Oak over all the titles.

I made my way down to the basement and went through Nicky's chest of drawers looking for clean underwear. I came upon a notebook and opened it. I immediately realized it was a journal or diary. Not wanting to invade his privacy I closed it and placed it back in the same spot. When I found his underwear drawer, I grabbed a clean pair and headed back upstairs.

I paused at the study doors and saw Aaron still in the same chair asleep. I sighed and went over and picked him up and carried him like a child to his bedroom. I didn't bother undressing him other than taking off the old house shoes he wore. I tucked him in and heard a soft sigh come from him.

I couldn't help smiling. I thought back to the young boy I had so many times done the same thing back in Austria. He was a boy at the time, tough but under all that I could feel his fear. Many nights he would sit up and fall asleep in a chair. I would end up taking him to bed, stripping him down to undergarments and tucking him in, and just like tonight he would let out a contented sigh.

I kissed his forehead as I did back then, and a small smile appeared. I made way back to the master bedroom and grabbed the washcloth from the bathroom. I rolled the boy onto his back and pulled his soiled underwear off. I washed him off. Once he was cleaned off I pulled the underwear back on him. The one thing I always liked about vampires is they slept like the dead.

I slipped on a clean pair of underwear and slipped back in bed. Automatically Nicky rolled over and snuggle against me. I signed and rested my arm across him. I had to admit he was impressive, around average from what I felt while he fed. He was a beauty though.

When you've lived as long as I have men and women can both be works of art. You don't look at them as men or women but as beings capable of love. You learn to love a person doesn't matter if they are male or female. Expressing that love physically and sexually was part of it. So, over an infinite life, I don't care about the sex of a lover I care about the passion of it.

I fell asleep listening to the soft breathing of the body next to me. The rise and fall of his chest was like a tonic for sleep. I fell asleep knowing this will be a deep sleep for me, an early one too. In the deep back of my subconscious mind, it was a dream, but it was real to the part that remained just below the surface.

It was November 4th, 1576, at 6 pm the Spanish had attacked the beautiful city of Antwerp. The city was on fire and dead bodies were lying in the streets like garbage. The Spanish Walloon soldiers where stabbing every single body they came across. I saw a young girl crying and holding on to the dead body of what could only be her father. She looked about 10 years old.

I watched as a soldier spotted her. He smiled in what could only be described as sinister. He walked slowly towards her, grinning more and more. I watched as he grabbed and massaged his crotch, grinned, and grabbed her. I didn't remember moving, but I found myself holding the Walloon off the ground by his neck.

I tossed him into the fire in a building. I could hear his screeching as the flames took him. I saw a fiery form running out of the building toward us. Before I could react, he grabbed the child and they both were engulfed in flames.

I sat up quickly and looked around the room. The young vampire next to me was slowly coming out of sleep. I slipped out of bed. I was tired and felt weaker than normal. As Rolf had stated, siring a vampire did weaken me. I was still stronger than any vampire, though my endurance will suffer. I won't be able to sustain anything for any length of time.

I walked to the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and then pulled a tee-shirt from the dresser along with socks. I was pulling on my pants when I heard Nicky yawning. I smiled a watched him stretch. His color was normal, and his face seemed full as did the rest of him.

"Good morning," I said as I buttoned up my jeans.

"Good morning." He smiled.

I sat in the chair putting on some boots while I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He moved to the mirrored doors of the closet and looked at himself. It was not the kind of looking that someone vane would do, but as someone who just got over a long illness would do. It was then he noticed the different color underwear.

He looked at me and my eyes fell on the stained underwear on the floor. He followed and went and picked them up. He realized what soiled them and I saw his face go beat red. He looked at me, his eyes getting glassy, and soon a single tear came down his cheek. I saw his mouth moving but no sound could be heard.

I got up and went and pulled him against me, quicker than I thought I did. I heard him gasp in shock at the sudden pulling him against me. The thing is it surprised me. "It's ok Nicky. I should have warned you it might happen."

When it didn't seem to calm him down, I stepped back and made him look me in the eyes. "I am a Titan. I created the seas and all living things in the seas. That means you too in away. I am all things, and when I give my life's essence to another it can be overwhelming to them physically. Most of the time their body reacts in the only way it can, sexually."

He half smiled, not completely convinced. "Will it happen again?"

"I can't say, Nicky. It depends on the vampire child."

I watched as he gathered himself together and walked out of the room and made his way down to his basement room.

I was in the subbasement. Not surprising to me in the least, he found me. I knew he had no idea the area existed, but his sire bond was strong.

He could find me anywhere in the world. That, of course, caused a problem. When I returned to Pangea if he was able to get to me it would be mentally painful. I had to think about this. There were laws about taking supernatural beings into Pangea. I made those laws, however, so could I break them.

We listened to the communications on all the vampire channels. We didn't hear anything concerning the taking of the Philadelphia Deity. I wasn't all that surprised by it. The so-called elders would want to keep it quiet. To allow vampires free will was a challenge to their hold on power. The thing is, their power was not real. The power they had comes from me, at my discretion. Well that is over.

"Do you have the list of heirs in the royal houses yet?" I called to the commanding officer of the hunters. I learned his name was Kardin. He was a big man, over 6 ft tall. Well built, he had a serious and sometimes a violent look but always acted in a calm manner.

"We have some of your Highness, but we are still compiling the lessor houses."

"What is the problem?"

"They are all scattered, your Grace. I have no idea where to look at this point." He said apologetically.

"What are the names of the houses?"

He gave me a list and I looked over the names. Some I knew were no longer in existence. The last of them died out in World War 2. The one name that popped out was Rossi. It was a lessor name in the houses as a whole, but it is the main name in the Italian houses. The reason there was no trace of them was because they had moved to Pangea.

I went to a desk and pulled out some paper. I wrote a message quickly. I folded it, grabbed and heated some gold wax and poured it over the folded edge. I then pressed my signet ring into the wax. I picked it up and waved it to dry the wax.

"Commander, We need the youngest man you can find to travel to Pangea to deliver the message."

A minute later a young hunter came into the office. He couldn't have been more than sixteen. Oak smiled at the handsome young man. He sealed the message and gave it to him. He told him to deliver it to the following People. Dutchess of Asgard Lady Signe, The Knights of Tintagel, The House Rossi, Atlantis, Pangea. He handed the envelopes to The young man.

"I haven't been there since I was six Sire. I don't know if I can find my way."

"Can you ride a horse?"

"Yes, Your Highness but shouldn't you have someone older? I am only sixteen."

"Galen I will make sure you have a map and I'll take you to a gateway for the southwestern gate to Pangea," I said calming the young man. I gave him a note to deliver to the bank to cover his costs.


"Commander I will be back before dawn," I yelled as I walked up to the study with Galen in tow. We gathered up the gear and change of clothes he would need and put them in a backpack on the way. Within 30 minutes we were driving on route 76 west in my restored 57 corvette. I couldn't help smiling as Galen seemed to be in heaven. He was grinning ear to ear.

"Galen be sure to buy a good horse, blankets, plenty of foodstuffs and anything else you may need," I told him.

Within an hour after we started and a few highways switching which for me was way too confusing we drove up North gulf road in Valley Forge. I stopped in front of the Washington Memorial Chapel. With him in tow, we went into the portico and strode down the center of the long walkway where medallions were spaced a few yards apart from one end to the other.

I took Galen up to the first one on the right end of the walk. I mumbled a few words. They began to glow. I motioned for Galen to walk down and across each medallion. As he passed over each, it would stop glowing. While I kept murmuring the incantation Galen kept walking until he came to the last one. He turned and waved, I nodded, and he stepped across the medallion and disappeared into Pangea.

I walked back to my car; a bit concerned because he hasn't been to Pangea. Sure, he was Pangean born but that only made him physically stronger than humans here. He was still ignorant of that world. We had some modern things but no cars or paved roads and the like.

I made it home a half-hour before dawn. I stopped in the kitchen where Rolf was just starting his day. I gave him some instructions for tomorrow and grabbed Nicky. We went up to my suite.

Oak started stripping as he made my way to the bathroom shower. He got the water to the right temperature and stood under it, letting it soothe the tense muscles.

"Excuse me your Highness I am going to go downstairs to take my shower."

"There are multi showerheads and more than enough room in here. Get in."

I watched as he stripped. He was blushing from head to toe. I couldn't help but smile a little at his embarrassment. He has nothing to be embarrassed about though. He was very muscular, and the marine insignia tattoo on his right bicep and a band which connected to it emphasized that. He is a very attractive young man.

After we finished our showers, I pulled on some boxer briefs and threw a pair to Nicky. "Tomorrow night I want you to move your stuff up here. Rolf will make room for you. Then come find me."

"Yes, Your Highness." He replied. He was schooled by Rolf on how to talk to Oak.

"Nick, when it's just you and me, Oak will do." He nodded and gave a slight smile.

"Good because I hate all that crap, but I understand why Rolf insists on it in public," I said lying down on my right side.

Nicky climbed into bed, not as sheepish as he was earlier. He looked at me with the question. I nodded, and he put his mouth to my chest and sunk his teeth in. I felt the slight puncture and then the soft sucking. It took a little over 30 minutes and an orgasm from Nicky before he was asleep. I soon followed suit.

I woke up half an hour before dusk. When I opened my eyes, I saw Nicky staring back at me. He gave a slight smile. "Good morning your, I mean Oak."

"I smiled back rolled on to my back and stretched. And yawned as I said, "Good morning." It was 20 minutes before dusk. "Shower."

I made my way to the shower. Got the water the right temperature pulled off my underwear as Nicky did the same. "Feeling a little better about yourself today Nicky?'

He nodded then smiled and said; "Is it alright if I am just called Nick? Nicky kind of sounds like a kid's name."

"Sure, Nick it is, and I agree."

After we dressed or rather I did, Nick just borrowed my robe and went to the basement, to do as he was told. I went and got some coffee, then down to what has been termed as the ready room. There had been some radio talk about a meeting of the elders in some hidden place. Sadly, we had no idea where it was. The one thing we did have though was the fact they had to use my money to get to it. I already had the banks looking into all accounts and we could monitor them from our system as well. We just had to watch the airline tickets as well as a few other modes of transportation. We even checked for private flights through various aviation systems.

I read over a few documents the Commander had given me. Mostly authoring more Pangean Hunter troops and of course more weapons. I could feel Nick's presence before he was even halfway down the stairs. I smiled at him as he stepped into the room. He almost ran to my side. The bond he felt for me as his sire was strong, much stronger than it should be after only two feedings. I quickly signed the documents.

"Is that all for now Commander?"

"Just this your Highness." He said handing me a cell phone. I gave a slight frown. I liked things simple and gadget-free, but I saw the reasoning. I shoved the phone in my back pocket, but Nick reached in and pulled it out and pushed it my front pocket. I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't want to sit on it you might break it." He said grinning.

"Right, good idea. Come on, Nick. We are going out."

His face went from surprise to sheer joy, as we made our way up to the study. We saw Aaron sitting at the desk. "We're heading out for a while," I said.

I saw Nick frown as he looked at Aaron. I knew why, Aaron didn't want him to go. I didn't have to read his mind to see that.

"No, it is too dangerous, and he is not ready," Aaron stated as if his word was the last.

"Aaron he is more than ready. He has been cooped up in here for I don't know how long. He needs to get out."

"I said no." Aaron bellowed. I raised my eyebrow and then squinted.

"Who do you think you are?" You think you have a say. He started to speak but I cut him off be he could say a word. "You forget you do not have any say in the matter after I became Nick's sire."

"I didn't ask you to sire him. I wish you hadn't." Aaron whined.

"Then he would be dead right now," I said. Aaron looked up at me. "Believe me Aaron. Nick is ready for the night. He needs to learn how to use and trust his new stronger senses now. He can't do that here with the same sounds smells and sights."

Aaron nodded. "You listen, do exactly what Oak may tell you to do. Understand Nicky?" Aaron lectured.

It was all we could do not laugh at that moment. Nick nodded, and we hurried through the house and went out the kitchen door. Nicky started giggling by the time we made it to the kitchen. It was a bit infectious, so I started chuckling with him.

Nick started to walk towards the garage. "Where are you going Nick?"

"To the car?"

"Nope, we are using foot power tonight."

"Okay so we are going local?"

"Local to us, yes. We are going to stretch those legs and work those muscles. Run around the house as fast as you can."

I watched as Nick took off. He was faster than any human could ever be and was quickly out of sight. I could hear a few bangs and grunts, a few ouches and oh fucks as he banged into things. One I was pretty sure was a tree, and another the wall. Still though, he was around the house faster than any human could master.

"Not bad Nick. You'll get the hang of it. Trust your senses more and you won't bang into walls and trees." I laughed when he blushed. I put my arm on his shoulder.

"Now, I want you to memorize my scent completely." He sniffed.

"Nick put your nose to me and smell me." He put his nose to my neck and took a big whiff. He stood up and tried to nonchalantly adjust himself. I chuckled, and he blushed. "Nick, that is normal. If you didn't get an erection, it would mean we would have to wait."


"Because it would mean your bond isn't strong enough yet. Which it shouldn't be, but it is."

"I didn't get wood with Mateo."

"Mateo was a vampire. I am what people called a God. A bond with me is stronger, more personal, and intimate."

"Is that why I feel I need to be near you all the time?"

"While you are weening, yes. After you have been weened that bond will loosen but it will be there."


"Enough questions for now let's go have some fun. Keep up with me." I said.

"Wait one more question please. Why did they kill Mateo."

"Nick there are three kinds of Vampires, Ambrogian, Old world Vampires, and new world vampires. Mateo did something these self-styled elders had forbidden. He made you in the old-world style. The only thing that kept you safe was being in the house which was marked as a sanctuary and safe zone. To raid that house would mean death." He nodded his understanding.

Are you ready now? I took off at a speed slightly faster than I figure Nick could do. I ran down Pine Street two blocks and stopped at 44th Street. I saw Nick and the ran north on 44th to Walnut Street and stopped, scaring some college kids. I saw Nick approaching so I walked slowly until I could run again at full speed.

I ran down to 40th Street, cut across Hamilton Village and College, sat down on a bench by St Mary's and waited. I wasn't surprised to see that Nick found me about a minute later. "Okay Nick sit here for five minutes so I can get a head start. Follow my scent."

He nodded, and I took off again. I ran back down Walnut Street. I made sure to brush my hand on different things as I went. After I crossed the bridge I turned right and went down the steps. I made sure I left my scent on the railing. I zigzagged down the streets slowly, making my way to South Street and doubling back north again, only to head back down until I reached 3rd and South Streets. I sat down on the porch of a bar & restaurant, ordered two lagers and waited.

I could feel Nick getting panicky and sense he was getting close to tears. I could also sense where he was, but he was beginning to lose focus. `Nick you're okay, focus. I am not far. You're on the right track.'

Three minutes later Nick was there staring up at me on the porch. He jumped up over the rail which was a good five-foot jump. He buried his head against my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I could hear him crying softly. I held him until he was able to calm himself. I could have done it for him, but he needed to learn to do it on his own. "I am sorry Oak. I didn't mean to ball like that. I just felt weird."

"Well that's the bond. When you started to panic and worry you got scared. Almost like a toddler when they've lost their parent in a crowd. When you found me, the reaction was the same as it would be for the lost toddler."

"Yeah, but what will people think?" he said looking around to see who was watching.

"Who cares what anyone thinks, I don't."

"They may think we're like, something."

"Let them think what they want. Physically they are your inferior. They are mortal, weak and small-minded."

Nick thought about it and started laughing. I shoved a beer over to him. We watched the people on South Street as we sipped our lagers.

When we finished them, I said; "Come on let's go. This is too tame. I haven't been out like this in a little while."

"How long is a little while?" He asked as we headed up the street.

"40 years," I answered.

"Whoa that's not a little while, that's a lifetime!" gasped Nick.

"Who's lifetime?" I said as we turned down an alley.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot."

I Laughed. "You're ready to run to the next place?"

"No please don't make me find you."

"Nick we are going together. I'll go slow for you." I said patting him on the head.

"Thanks." He said with a smirk.

We took off. I followed my ears to find some club music. We came upon a bar on 13th street at Walnut Street. "Here we go this looks like a lively club. Nice music to dance to."

"I think this is a gay bar," Nick whispered.

"Okay, so let's go in," I said and went in through the door. The bouncer looked me over and asked for ID. I showed him my driver's license which stated my physical age of 25 not my actual age. Nick, who I knew would follow me, showed his without being asked.

As we walked into the bar, I could smell quite a few vampires. Mostly younger ones but there were a few very old ones. One especially caught my attention. I passed the thought to Nick to use formal address. They knew I was there and knew who I was, but they were in public, so it wasn't a concern.

"Smell anything Nick?" I watched as he sniffed. His eyes started to widen. I could see his body tense. "Relax Nick. They won't do anything in public. They really won't do anything to me at all."

"The ones that killed Mateo are here." He said looking around the bar. I heard a low growl come from him. I put my arm around his waist. To onlookers it was endearing, but the fact was I was also able to think to him, trying to keep him from doing something stupid.

He relaxed slightly, looked at me and nodded. We had a lot of attention focused on us. A few lessor Vampires who didn't understand my scent but knew I was human and of course there was Nick. His scent was mingled with mine.

"Shall we go upstairs, Nick?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah stud lets go." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

I almost laughed when a foolish human grabbed my butt. Nick was quick. He grabbed the man's wrist and growled low. "You may look but the next time you touch this hand is mine."

I think the funniest part was Nick was sincere in that statement. Nick was getting very needy and protective. He looked at me for approval. To keep in the spirit of our act I leaned forward and gave him a more than friendly kiss. I pulled away and winked and he smiled.

We made our way upstairs and paid the cover charge. As we made our way to the dance floor area Nick was getting tenser. His eyes were raking over the area. I pulled him back against me, his back to my chest and whispered.

"Let's get a drink."

We made it to the bar, and we ordered. I saw Nick spin on his feet. I turned and saw three older but new world Vampires. I stepped forward and one put his hand on my chest. "You have no idea who you are touching," I said softly as I grabbed his hand buy the thumb and broke it.

"We do but we have our orders to destroy this blasphemy." He snarled.

"Well your orders are changed. Take a message back to whoever gave that order, they are on my list."

"No." he said

"Well follow us and your death will be our message. Let's go Nick."

I sent a mental message to a select vampire, an old-world vampire, as Nick and I downed our drinks and then made our way out of the club. I stopped right before we left the club and leaned over to one of the followers and whispered.

"None of you will see dawn's sleep, let alone another dusk."

Nick and I took off down an alley and stopped. The three followers stopped a few yards away. The guy was smirking. "You know you're about to commit treason."

"No, we will get a reward for killing you, Okeanos."

"Aw how cute. You think you can kill me."

"Maybe not, Pangea scum, but that will die." He nodded towards Nick.

"Not going to happen, little vampire mutants are not an issue. Which ones do you want your Highness?" said a voice from behind them.

As soon as they turned their heads slightly, I pounced. I snapped the neck of the one to the left of the speaker, while holding the speaker off the ground by his neck. I then separated his head. I turned and smiled as the old-world vampire stood and watched. he had already taken care of the third one.

"What do you think Akio. Should let this thing live?" I smiled.

"Well, he was very disrespectful, your Royal Highness. To show disrespect to the Immortal one, it is just, well, it is blasphemous." He smirked.

"True." I looked into his mind as to who was his sire but found nothing. Then I dug further to who gave him the orders. He tried to resist but I smiled and got my answer.

"You tell Kasper he is next." I punched into his chest and grabbed his heart. I squeezed it like a sponge. I would take a few weeks to heal if he lived that long.

"I hope you fed recently." I smiled as I pulled out my hand.

"Go," I said and turned to Nick. There was a look of terror on his face as he stared at the bodies.

"Nick. Look at me." Slowly he looked towards me. I kept eye contact with him. I felt Aiko start wiping the blood off my hand as I watched Nick calm down. Once he was calm enough to function, I turned to Aiko.

"I guess, Aiko, you're going to have to come with me. Do you have anyone you need to bring with you?"

"No, I haven't sired anyone since they forbid the sire feed. I didn't want those mutants to be of my line."

I nodded. "Nick, you ready?"

"Yes Sire." He said in a tired voice.

"I'll call for a ride." I pulled Nick close. The stress of the little fight overwhelmed and exhausted him. I pulled out the cell phone and order a car. We walked a block to meet our ride. With five-minutes 3 black Jeep Cherokees pulled up. The Royal Guard as the commander called them, stepped out and tried to help a now barely standing Nick to the car, but he resisted their attempts and held on to me.

With 10 minutes Nick was in bed resting. Dawn was still two hours away. Aaron was storming about the house yelling at anyone near. When I came down, he started in on me. I just stood there and waited for him to run out of steam, but after 5 minutes I got tired of waiting.

"Aaron shut the fuck up! Think about this. If they didn't care who I was, do you think they wouldn't have come in here and killed him when they found out where he was?" When Aaron didn't say a word, I went on.

" I wasn't planning on doing this right now, but you leave me no choice. Aaron you're a danger to the boy. I can't allow you to be a danger to him and in the whole scheme of things, everything I have come here to accomplish."

I called for Commander Kardin. When he arrived, I asked him,

"Commander when is the next movement to come from Pangea?"

"Tomorrow morning Sire."

"Have them take Aaron and put him through the portal with two Incoming. They can come back in a future movement."

"Yes, Sire, but you realize the law states no mortal born here may enter Pangea."

"He was born in Pangea; his parents came here when was but a 3-month-old."

I looked at Aaron "Pack whatever belongings you want to keep. You won't be returning. Keep it to a minimum."

"Wait one minute! I have some say in this." Aaron said hotly.

"No, you don't." To the commander I said. "Keep him under watch until he passes through the portal."

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Next: Chapter 5

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