
By Randy Wade

Published on Sep 13, 2019


The writer retains all rights to this story. Copying all or parts of this story is a violation of those rights, Violators of those rights will be prosecuted.

Pangea Between Two Worlds Chapter 3

When they arrived home an hour later, Oak didn't bother to wait for Rolf to open the door of the limo. He jumped out and stormed into the house. Needless to say, it was automatically decided that the hunters would stay on duty and would be augmented by more. Oak went into the study where Aaron was sitting in a chair reading.

Aaron noticed the mood Oak was in and was thoughtful enough to keep his peace. The mood of the angry titan was almost visible. If the tension wasn't enough, the heavy footsteps would be a tell all.

Oak went to a bookshelf near the corner and pulled. It opened like a door. He went through and was followed by the hunters. Two remained in the main part of the house. Aaron stared, amazed. He had lived here for almost 60 years and never knew that the bookcase door existed.

Oak went down a long flight of steps into what was essentially a subbasement. He wasn't surprised to see the updated equipment or the fact it was spotless. He stood in the middle of what was a lounging area. Scattered around the area he picked out a few antiques though the rest was new comfortable furniture, along with a huge television and stereo system.

To the left of the stairs was a kitchen and large dining area. From there was a hallway. Which lead to sleeping areas and a large training area complete with weight machines if he knew Rolf's attention to detail was consistent.

"How many can be comfortable here Rolf?"

"Comfortably, about 18 your Highness. Uncomfortably double that or more if needed."

"The "if needed" amount may be the case."

"Yes, your Highness." Rolf bowed slightly, knowing damn well why his lord was in a foul mood. Oak hated the idea he sent those men and women to their death. He also knew Oak secretly enjoyed snapping Gregory's neck. Those two had some bad history.

They were eventually augmented by 30 more hunters. They set up the command post With all the monitors for the security cameras both inside and outside the house, They were manned by no less than two hunters at all times. Oak chose four women to monitor them, not because of their sex but because their minds were the most alert. By the time they were done it was close to dusk. Oak signaled his team. It was time to head out for the next meeting, welcome or not. It was going to happen. That much Okeanos would make sure of.


We drove around Rittenhouse Square. I was always amused it was not a park for the wealthy. I remember when it housed pigs that were to be readied for slaughter. The smell was most disgusting.

We turned south onto 19th Street, and then south on Pine Street. We traveled east until we got to the middle of the block between 8th and 7th Streets and stopped in front of one of the old red brick mansions. The three SUVs parked in front and behind us. Before I could get out Rolf was at the door as the SUVs emptied out. As we stepped towards the entry I was surrounded. Before we even reached the door, it opened by a big dumb looking vampire goon. "What do want?"

I stepped forward "Move out of the way. I am here to talk to Deity Hampton."

"Not without an appointment you don't little human." He snarled showing his fangs.

Without blinking I grabbed him and pushed him into the house. He snarled and struggled as few more vampire goons came into the foyer. I smiled and snapped the vampire's neck. "Alright who wants to be next?"

When no one answered I said; "Now why don't you tell Hampton that Okeanos is here. If he doesn't present himself right away, I will have him removed."

"I will tell his lordship that a human requested his presence though I doubt he will respond well," Replied a younger Vampire.

"Request?" I hated doing this, but I felt it was needed to be shown with whom they are dealing. I quickly ran into the group of them and started pounding, breaking arms, legs and a few necks. When I stopped, I looked at the young female and smiled.

"I am not human or sub species like a lowly vampire. I am a creator, I am Okeanos. You will tell that pompous jerk to get his ass here in 3 minutes or I start killing these goons instead of maiming them." I smiled as gently as could as I broke another neck. I smiled to myself, I didn't mind hurting vampires they healed after a few days.

I stepped into the parlor and sat down. My hunters looked at me with a look of awe. I raised my eyebrow as if to say what? A few looked down at their feet and some nodded their approval. I smiled and checked my watch. Just as it was about to reach the 3-minute mark I heard someone running down the steps.

I had to smile when I saw Hampton. He was about 16 in physical years but several hundred years old. He was the break in the laws about making Vampires so young. "Your highness, I was not informed of your arrival. I was dealing with some nasty business with an unauthorized break-in at the firm."

"Yes, I know, I was there requesting to see the records, but I was refused access."

"Oh, your Grace if I had been informed ahead of time, I would have gladly permitted you to see the records you wished to examine.

"Stop the bullshit Dilbert. Since when do you permit me to see anything? You, like your superiors are in your positions at my will."

"I didn't mean that the way it sounded your Grace."

"Either way it was said. This house is in my name, the firm is in my name. You are nothing more than an employee. I want to see the records now."

"I would like nothing more than to give them to you your Highness, but they were destroyed in that nasty fire." Dilbert Hampton would be sweating, if vampires could sweat.

"Do you really take me for a fool? I am older than anything living in all worlds. I know bullshit when I hear it. You would not have destroyed records if you didn't have backup files."

He looked down at the floor. Trying to hide his embarrassment, or perhaps to try and think another up another lie. I probed his mind. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes. This is basically rape to a vampire, but I don't care.

I smiled to myself. He is trying to buy himself some time. "Basement and block the back entrance. Allow no one to leave." I ordered the hunters. They passed on the information and within a few seconds a swarm of hunters were in the house.

"Secure him." I said to Commander Kardin as he followed the hunters into the room. "If anyone resists, kill them." I yelled to the hunters.

I smiled when I saw three dead Vampires. The rest were standing with there with hands up. Not one was far past weening. They all had that fresh, wide-eyed look about them, the look that a soldier gets during his first battle.

We searched the basement. I could smell rotting flesh strongly from behind a door. I opened the door and saw rotting human corpses. Among them were living humans. The most I could get from their minds were insane thoughts. They were not much more than animals now. I shook my head and waved the hunters with me to deal with it.

"Make sure this is cleaned out." I said as I turned away in disgust. I remembered why I protect humanity.

After a little over an hour the house was sealed. All the vampire goons were corralled into the ballroom. I walked into the room and looked at the assortment of three dozen or so men and woman in there. I didn't recognize one face with exception of Hampton. The next oldest was about 20 years into the darkness. I could smell the offspring of every vampire. And they all reeked of one main sire. Hampton.

"Dilbert come here." I growled. I was having a hard time not to laugh at him trying to act dignified. I felt an attempt to probe my mind. I sent out a backfire probe and watched a vampire fall to her knees. I put pressure on her until I saw blood coming from her nose. I looked at two hunters near me. They quickly pulled her to stand in front of me.

"You're either very stupid or ignorant of who I am." I said very calmly to her. She just smirked.

I looked her up and down. She had black hair with purple tips. Black lipstick and overdone eye make-up. She was dressed in black tights and a tartan skirt, black tee shirt and a leather jacket. She looked like some version of a vampire monster movie gone bad.

"I take it you're just a fool who doesn't know who or what she is dealing with."

"I know who you are. A creepy hunter that thinks he will live to see the end of the week." She smirked.

"Lock her up somewhere until I am in a better mood. If I deal with her now, her head will be in the grinder and her body in the sun." I said to the hunters' holding her.

"She tries to escape cut off her head." I added smiling down at her.

I searched the room and smiled. "This house is closed, which means you are evicted as of now."

"Wait one minute you can't throw us out. I don't care who you say you are. I am not leaving. You are nothing!" yelled out the older vampire.

"Bring me his heart." I said not blinking an eye. Four hunters moved quickly. The vampire put up a good fight but wasn't any match for Pangian Hunters. Within two minutes they were presenting his heart to me.

I looked at Hampton for the first time since this little demonstration of defiance began. "Give it to Dilbert. I believe he belonged to him."

I walked over to the vampire who's heart I had removed. "You have a choice. Agree fidelity to me."

"And if I don't." he gasped through the pain.

"Then you have two choices. You either die from starvation or you see the dawn."

"If I take fidelity to you, what happens to my children?"

"Do you have their fidelity?"


"They will be spared."

"Give me his heart."

The hunters retrieved his heart and brought it to me. I took a knife from one of them and sliced my hand. The hand healed instantly, but not before a drop of blood appeared. I wiped the drop on the heart. "Place it back in his chest." They complied and the heart almost instantly reconnected. The outter wound would take a few days to heal. He would live.

"What is your name?" "David, Sire." He looked at me a bit surprised.

"Order your children to obey my orders."

He turned and looked around at the faces. "You will obey his Highness's orders as if they are mine."

"I wish to choose fidelity." Said another vampire. I looked at him he was young about three years into the darkness. I could smell who were his children. Too many for someone so young to control. I looked at Hampton and made sure to have my look saying I meant business. "You take your herd and go to New York and deliver a message for me."

"Y-y-yes, Sire." He stuttered.

I stepped forward and grabbed his arm and pulled it until it was in my hand. "This is the message." I said handing him his arm.

"They will submit, and the so-called elders will no longer hold any authority. I will decide who does, and how they will rule. What will be the Vampire laws, and how the violations will be dealt with."

"Your Highness they will kill me if I deliver such a message."

"That will be their mistake. I have allowed this to go on for too long. It was an error in judgement disbanding the royal houses. It is time to go back to the old ways."

"What if they don't listen?"

"If they don't do it willingly, Pangian armies will make sure they do." "You will call for another great war my lord?"

"No, they will call for it if they disobey. Now go, all of you! I don't want to see any of you in this deity by two day's dawn. If I do, I will put you to the sun."

I watched as they quickly scrambled out of the house and into the night. I put the images of them burning in the sunlight into all their minds.

Looking at my watch the time was just short of midnight. "David, secure this house. Let no one except Pangian hunters in this house."

"Yes, Sire." He bowed without hesitation. The fidelity of my blood has taken full effect.

An hour later we were back at my home or rather Aaron's. it was now just after 1 am and I found a confused and scared Nicky all but hiding in the basement recreation room. "Come with me Nicky." I said.

I tried to smile, but I am sure it looked more sinister than friendly. If I had the choice I would wait until this mess was over with. Unfortunately, I don't think Nicky had much time. He was looking thinner and ever paler than last night. He was wasting away, and his body was beginning to feed on itself. This meant I had better start the siring now. I made my way up the flight of stairs from the basement, knowing Nicky was behind me a few steps.

Once we emerged from the basement stairwell I stopped and waited for the vampire child. "Do you know which room mine is?' I asked. He nodded yes. He was apparently too scared to speak. The hunters in the house were intimating to vampires, but more so to a child vampire.

"Good, go up there and wait for me." He nodded, gave a timid smile, and left to make his way towards the servant stairs and disappeared from sight, but not sound.

I went to the study and found Aaron sleeping in the same chair he was sitting in earlier. I smiled briefly before I went through the bookcase door to the subbasement. I looked around at the dozen plus hunters. I listened to the reports and gave them orders to watch for any stragglers from the other house.

I pulled Commander Kardin aside to talk in private. Once we were in a private windowless office, I motioned to him sit down. I sat across from him and smiled. It had been a while since I had seen this old hunter. He looked to be about 50 years of age, his onetime dark hair was now greyer,

"How have you been my friend?" I asked.

"Enjoying getting to play diplomat." He said sarcastically.

"Well that has ended. Diplomacy is not going to work with the Elders."

"Yes Sire. We both knew this would come when he left me here."

"That's a fair assessment."

After a moment of silence. I knew I had to ask what I really wanted to know. "How is he?"

"Galen is growing strong." Kardin replied.

With a sigh, Kardin went on with the details he knew Okeanos wanted. "Galen is smart, quick to learn, excels in most things, and seems to have an excellent intuition about people and other beings. He also seems to have a bit of a temper. In short Sire, he is his father's son."

I nodded my thanks and we left the office. I checked with the intel's and read what more information they came up with from the records. I paid little attention as I watched the young man who was sitting at the computer with earphones on. He had grown from the last time I had seen him, but then he was an infant. He turned slightly, and I smiled. He had his mothers' eyes, but everything else was his fathers.

I made my way up to my master bedroom in the rear of the house and found a timid and scared Nicky standing in the middle of the room. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at the sight. Here was a well-trained big marine. A regular killing machine under normal circumstances. To humans he could be dangerous. Now he was nothing but a child or born-again child.

"Nicky are you scared of me?" He looked down at his feet and nodded.

"Why Nicky? Have I done something to make you think I will hurt you?"

"I heard what you did to the vampire and how you just popped his head off."

"Oh, I see, well that was totally different circumstances. I didn't bring you up here to hurt you. Just the opposite."

He looked up for the first time and looked into my eyes. I could see his face relax and his body release its tension. He gave a slight smile "How?'

"By siring you." I said as I started to undress.

"You can do that?" he asked, and I nodded my affirmation. His smile was wide. I couldn't help but give him a genuine smile.


Next: Chapter 4

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