
By Randy Wade

Published on Aug 30, 2019


The writer retains all rights to this story. Copying parts of this story is a violation of those rights

Pangea Between two Worlds Chapter 2 Oak

We sat there talking softly, sipping our coffee. I could hear the movement upstairs in the front bedroom then the flush of a toilet. I could tell the old man was trying to be quiet. Unfortunately for him I had above average hearing. I changed the subject when I heard him walking down the hall to the flight of steps.

"This coffee is a bit weak in flavor." I said sipping the coffee.

"Yes, definitely not the same grade in Pangea we are used to. There is a Turkish blend but it's a bit bitter." Replied Rolf, picking up the change of subject.

"I had a Mexican blend that wasn't bad."

"If you tell me the name of the coffee, I will pick it up." Rolf smiled as Aaron came into the kitchen.

"Alright you two. I know damn well when a subject has been changed. What were you two men plotting?" He said, standing there as Rolf got up to pour his tea.

I should have known the old man would be wise to the subject change. "We are discussing the situation with your guest downstairs."

"I see, well I will not be allowing it to happen. I know Rolf believes it is best to kill him and you already have shown you do not like him being here." Aaron growled, literally puffing out his chest, ready to take us on.

"I will take him to a different place. He is a good boy." He pleaded, as he took in the looks on our faces, deciding to change tactics.

I couldn't help chuckling a bit at the man. "Relax Aaron. I have no desire to put him down, though you are killing him right now."

"I am doing the best I can. I was told there is a chance he can survive."

"A very small chance," Rolf grumbled as he handed the tea to Aaron.

I gave him a look of annoyance and he nodded and sat down at the table. "There is another way to feed him, with no risk to him."

"Just risk to you your Highness," Snapped Rolf. It got Aarons attention.

"What is the risk to you?"

"Nothing bad, other than I will be a bit weakened and tired."

"I see, how can you help him?

"By siring him."

"How can you sire him? You're not a vampire, or are you?"

"No, I am not a Vampire, but I am sire to all vampires."

"I don't understand though. How can you be the sire of all vampires? I thought it was Hades who turned Ambrogio."

"He did, but Ambrogio was not happy being stuck in the dark of night. He could love and have a family but could not support one. I could not take away the blood curse, but I could take away the curse of night walker for him and his heirs."

"It stuck; all his heirs can walk in the light of day. However, if they turn anyone, they are not as fortunate." I finished the story, though there is more to it.

"So, there are two different kinds of vampires?"

"Yes and no. They day walkers call themselves Ambrogian." Oak answered.

"You will be turning him into an Ambrogian?" smiled Aaron

"No. there's a difference between feeding him and changing him, the mechanics are very different. I will start feeding him tonight." I said to a smiling Aaron.

"I do have to warn you he will be like a puppy following you around, my Prince," Mumbled Rolf.

"Yeah that's a downside to it." I said laughing.

"Well gentlemen I have some people to call on. If you'll excuse me, I need to freshen up and get proper dress. Somehow I do not think they will take well to jeans and a tee shirt." I said as pushed myself back from the table.

Walking up the steps I plotted my first `visit'. I was pretty sure no one knew of my arrival. So, it was a question as to who to see first. Do I see the family head in Philadelphia, or do I go directly to New York City and go to the overlord, or to Washington DC and deal with the political part of this?

I thought about the pros and cons of each as I showered. I couldn't help noticing all the impurities in the water not alone the chloride. Human's really messed up this world. It's gotten even worse, with the pollutions of the air, land and water. I decided on the best course of action.

Toweling off and picking out a suit, I had made sure in my messages to Rolf to buy new up dated suits, I decided on a simple cut. I looked at the label, Tom Ford. Never heard of him must be someone new. I am not into labels, but Rolf knows that in my world and this, one must dress to impress and at times intimidate.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen, only to find it empty. I listened closely. Aaron was in the study. Nothing from downstairs. Not even an experienced hunter like Rolf was able to mask himself from me. I went to get another cup of coffee and happened to look out the kitchen window. I saw Rolf polishing a car in the side yard. I knew the car wasn't there last night, nor this morning. At least I hoped that was true, I hate to think I am slipping. I also didn't recognize the hood emblem.

I carried my coffee out the door. Rolf smiled. "Your chariot awaits, your Highness."

"Chariot? I am not some princess, Rolf. Never saw this emblem before."

"Maybach Excelero, Top line of a new car company. It was delivered a few minutes ago."

"Right." Thank you, I wasn't losing my touch.

Rolf handed me the keys. Once in the car I had to admit it was comfortable, but it looked like something from outer space inside. I looked at the speedometer and whistled. I was about to put the keys in the ignition when Rolf opened the door.

"Sorry sir but this is a limousine. You have to ride in the back. However, I did take the liberty of restoring your corvette. It should be done soon."

"Rolf, I don't need a driver. Also, as far as you know my first visit may not be local."

"Either way your Highness, you will need to arrive as fitting your status. If I maybe so bold to say, you may need some back up if things get a little testy. "

"I see your point Rolf but two things. One you're not dressed as driver and second I thought we agreed to dispense with the formalities."

"I agreed to the less formal in private Sire, but I do not think it proper in mixed company. If you give me a few minutes I will change to proper attire." I nodded to both comments. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. Though in reality I am eons older. I my own defense, I have to say I change with the times.

Though I'm not sure about these times. 2008 proved to be a bit of a challenge. The elections seem a bit off to me. You have a man calling for a birth certificate of the obvious choice of the people and being black it's a shocker. I've been away too long. I wonder what George would say about all of this. He'd be probably standing with the birth certificate guy but not for the same reasons, or maybe it is. Who knows the minds of mortal man? Not even man understands himself. It amazes me they survived.

I was deep in thought when Rolf came out the kitchen door. I had to chuckle. He looked so uncomfortable in the black suit, tie and drivers cap. I made sure though not to be chuckling when he got in the front of the car.

"Where to, your Highness?"

"Local deity records."

"Yes, Sire."

I noticed three black SUVs following us. I looked back again and when we turned, they turned. We were being tailed. "Rolf, lose the tails." I said

"Sire, they are with us."

"Rolf, that is not necessary. They wouldn't dare do anything to defy or not show proper respect."

"With all due respect your Highness, things are not as they once were."

I nodded as we rode through the streets of Philadelphia. The city has changed in many ways but most of the buildings that gave this city its distinct personality remained. We pulled up in front a tall building that looked something like a squared off rocket made of glass. Before I could even open the door, Rolf was there opening it, and a dozen men were standing there. They were huge men in black suits and dark sunglasses. The latter made me shake my head. They were impressive and intimidating enough without the sunglasses.

We walked towards the building as a group. I was sounded by the men. We got a few stares and gawkers. I am sure they all thought I was some movie star because I saw a few take pictures. It made felt a bit off but what can I do. Gladly the elevator opened up and we all piled in before anyone else. A few tried to step in but after a look from the hunter bodyguard, they decided to wait.

When we stepped out on the floor, I saw a front desk and an elaborate sign above it is stating; Deity Central Investments. I walked up to the desk and the young woman just smiled a hello "How may I help you sir."

Before I could say anything one of them, I now took as the lead man stepped forward. "This is his Highness Okeanos. You will not speak to him unless he speaks to you."

He waited until an understanding crossed her face. "Of course, sir. I will call someone to assist his Highness." She said with a nervous voice as she picked up the phone. I also noted she had pushed a button, or rather heard it being pressed.

I sent a thought to the lead man. He looked at me and nodded understanding. He was ready if there was a confrontation. When an older man with long hair in a ponytail walked down the hall with his head looking directly at me, I had to smile. As he stepped towards the group surrounding me, they blocked his way.

"At ease men." I said pushing my way through.

"Gregory, it's a surprise to see you again." I said extending my hand. Which he took with both of his and bowed his head.

"As it is to see you, your Highness."

"Gregory I am surprised to see you still here." I said as he led the way for my entourage to his office.

"So am I but that's a story for another time and place." He said as he opened the doors to his office.

We waited as the hunters searched the office. I saw a few looks at a few spots from the head. I read his mind and saw that the office was bugged. I nodded to him and we stepped into the office.

I let Gregory know I was aware the office was bugged, and he nodded his affirmation. "So, your Highness what can I do for you? I am sure this is not just a social call."

"Well partially social but I will make that tonight. I would however like to look at all the records."

"I will put in your request your Highness."

"Request? No, I wish to see them now. As per my station and my authority I do not need permission."

"I am sorry your highness, but I cannot. I am under orders. All requests to see any records must be authorized by his Lordship."

"Are you saying some local Deity lord's orders are above my orders? That his authority surpasses mine, that any living creature or non-living one outranks me?" I said slowly raising my voice until I was yelling.

The look on his face was one of sheer terror. He knew I alone could tear this office apart, but my hunters became aware and that set things in motion. A few more henchmen showed up. They were hunters too, but mine were Pangea trained. There was an advantage to that. They trained against some of the fieriest beings. The biggest was a Vampire.

"Gregory, do I get to see those records now or do I close this corporation down?"

"I cannot. I was told they are sealed even to you."

He nodded to and I was about to leave the office to head to the records room when the fire alarm went off. I looked at Gregory and frowned. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. I knew this was planned. Gregory was always a sleaze ball. I let it slide in the 70's but not this time.

I grabbed him and pulled him, so his back was against my chest. "You have pissed me off again Gregory. You know I can't let that slide again." I whispered into his ear. I heard him start begging but I tuned him out.

"I can't have you warning anyone, now can I?" I snapped his neck.

With that said, the hunters and I escaped through the fire doors. I twisted the door frame making the fire escape door jam. Oak hated the loss of human lives but, yet they knew all too well who they were working for. They were part of the problem. It's just that I didn't know what that problem was, at least not yet.

As we left the building the fire trucks were arriving. We got into the cars and started to leave but were blocked in traffic by gawkers. What the hell is it with humans wanting to see carnage and death? I swear at times they are less than animals. Why the hell am I protecting them?


Next: Chapter 3

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