
By Randy Wade

Published on Aug 25, 2019


The writer retains all rights to this story. Copying parts of this story is a violation of those rights


Between Two Worlds


"This semester we have discussed the origins of myths. Where did they come from? Who started them and why? Why some seem to be not a myth but considered a religion? Some of you will be taking on more advanced studies. It may be one of the archologies or more into mythology. While others took this course for an easy credit. I am sure you found it this was not an easy credit course." The professor said as he leaned against the podium.

It was hard to tell if he just leaning against it or if it was holding up. At age 78 he looked frail and a bit eccentric with eyeglasses sitting near the tip of his nose. He was thin with silvery hair, slightly longer than you might expect from someone his age. To add to the effect, he had a Vandyke goatee that matched his hair.

His eyes though told the truth, he was very much aware, they sparkled as they scanned the students sitting in the lecture hall. waited for a moment before effect before he began again.

"I devoted the better part of 60 years of my life to what is mythology and what is religion. Where the myth may have started and what it is based on Is it based on factual events or were they the fantasy of Humanities in ability to explain what they did not understand. I will tell you, I am still looking and researching. Do I have the answers to it all? That answer is, no." He adjusted his glasses on the lower part of his nose.

"We have talked about the whether or not vampires, werewolves and witches have ever or do exist. We talked about the Gods of Olympus and Rome. We have discussed at length about Christian, Jewish and Islamic faiths." He looked out over the students. His eyes fell upon one lone figure in the back row almost in complete shadow. His eyes twinkled a bit more and with a slight curve of a smile, he gave a slight nod. The nod wasn't noticeable to anyone but that lone figure. He straightened himself up and stepped around the podium.

"We had some spirited discussions and some wonderful presentations and debates about our own beliefs. Now I want to know what you thought about this course and what you think you have learned."

He saw one hand go up. "Professor, I found the course interesting but, yet we came to no conclusions about what is myth and what is religion."

"That is the most interesting thing about mythology and religion. It's not always based upon just facts but, more so about how we interpret the facts we have. How we see the results of those few facts we have available. Simply put, it's mostly faith in what we see, hear and learn to come to our conclusions. However, I will not be returning next fall. I am retiring from teaching. With that said. Class is dismissed."


Between two worlds

Chapter 1

After the last student left the lecture hall the lone shadowed figure rose and stepped out into the light. He looked down at the old professor and smiled. He could still see the 16-year boy in him. He smiled as he watched him bounce from one foot to the other.

"Aaron, I'm glad to see you doing well. A professor of mythology too, though I am not surprised." He said as he walked down the lecture hall stairs.

Professor Aaron Braun smiled broadly as the tall handsome, still young-looking man walked down towards his lecture floor. "Oak, I can't believe my eyes. It's been over 60 years."

As the younger man reached the older man, he pulled him into a hug. For professor Aaron Braun it was as if he was 16 again. He felt as if the all the aches and pain of his 78 years was gone. The heart aches over lost loves and the horror of the wars fought were gone. He was a child again in his heart.

When they broke the embrace, they both had some tears in their eyes. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," Gasped Aaron.

"I promised we'd see each other again, Aaron. I keep my promises." Oak replied.

"I just thought it would have been sooner. Like 40 years ago at least."

"Yes, I know but I am here now." He said as he leaned back against the lectern.

"How long is your visit my old friend?" Aaron Braun smiled at his own comment. This man looked no older than he did when he last saw him. He had stopped aging at 21.

"Depends on how long it takes me to get some answers and take care of some nasty business."

"Oh my. Is there anything I may help you with?"

"I hope so."

"Give me few minutes to gather up the rest of my notes from my office and we can go to my place. Well I guess technically it's your home."

Oak followed his friend to his office and sat while the old man gathered the few belongings left in the office. He couldn't help but admire all this man has accomplished in his lifetime. He may not have been present, but he had gotten reports from people he had put in place to watch over him.

As the old professor put the last things in the packing box Oak stood up and grabbed the box before the old man could lift it. "After you, Aaron," he said, nodding towards the door.

As professor Aaron Braun, now retired, passed through the door for the last time he glanced back. For 40 years he has been in this office. The paint was dingy: the single window was cracked and had been so for almost 10 years. The old worn desk had seen better days, as had the old cracked leather chair behind it. He thought about taking that chair but decided to leave it behind. He was sure who ever took the office, it would be discarded.

Oak smiled as he watched the old man say goodbye to his life as a professor. He knew though that the old man was about to embark on a whole new life. He just didn't know it yet. He wasn't one hundred percent sure he would take him up on his offer, but he would be surprised if he didn't.

As they walked down the hall past students, heads turned to look at the two men walking past them. Actually, just at the tall man walking with the professor. Both women and men turned to gawk at him. He was all at least 6 feet 2 inches. Blonde hair. Thick arms and chest made to look bigger by the tapering to his thin waist. Add to the perfect body a face that goes beyond the word handsome, and bright blue eyes that seem to see all. The best feature is that he walks with confidence, not arrogance. Oak and the professor smiled as they passed a group of ladies and heard one say. "He is like a Greek god." Little did she know she wasn't too far from the mark on the comment.

As they left the building, they made their way toward the big old house on the corner of Locust and 42nd streets. About 25 minutes later they were climbing the steps to the large porch that wrapped around the front and the north side. The old man unlocked the door and they stepped inside. The walls looked like they did when he purchased the house some 70 years ago. Same furniture too. Oak knew he had a recreation room built in the basement, along with new furniture.

Oak watched as Aaron picked up the mail from the floor in front of the door. Oaked stepped all the way into the parlor and was hit with a smell. He frowned.

"Aaron, where is... he paused a moment and sniffed again. "Where is he?" he wasn't happy with the fact he had one of them here. From the scent he was young too.

"He is in the basement. I am sure he is asleep right now. He is really a good boy." Aaron said sheepishly.

This may put a kink in his plans or make it all blow up in his face. Oak wasn't happy. Wasn't happy at all. Though over many lifetimes he had learned to hide his emotions. The term was "He had an excellent poker face". He glanced at the clock. I am sure he will be up in a few hours he thought to himself.

They visited and talked for a while, and then Aaron baked a large sea bass and made a salad. Something simple for them to eat. Neither one mentioned the sleeping guest in the basement. Though he was on both their minds, for different reasons.

Several hours later Aaron and Oak were sitting in the study. Aaron was jotting in his notebook and while glancing at several other notebooks, then jotting something down. Oak was reading a newspaper to try and find out what has been happening in the world since he has been gone. They heard someone coming up the stairs, even though they were on the opposite end of the house. He could tell by the hesitant steps the man knew he was there, or at least someone other than Aaron was there.

Oak folded the newspaper and set it down. The closing of an apparently ill hung door got Aarons attention and he glanced at the old clock on the mantel, 8:45. "He's up late. He must have been tired." He said to Oak, smiling or at least trying to smile. His worry for his guest's safety was written all over his face, and the smile just made it seem more worrisome.

Oak sighed. "He has been awake for a while. I could hear him pacing for the past twenty minutes. He knows someone is here besides you, and he knowns I am different. He is standing outside the study doors right now." Oak heard a sigh from the other side of the door just before it was opened. Oak was facing away from the door, so he couldn't see the man as he stepped into the room and stood still.

Aaron stood up "Come in my boy and meet a very old friend of mine."

Oak stood and turned to face the timid young man as came into the room just out of arms reach of Oak. "Nicky, this is Oak. He is a very good friend of mine. Come say hello, don't be afraid. He doesn't bite."

"No, I don't bite, and you better not try to either," said Oak as he stepped forward and held out his hand.

Nicky seemed to assess the large man. He could smell him. He wasn't like him but, yet he was like Aaron. He had a vision of the ocean. He held out his hand and they shook. "Pleased to meet you sir," he said with a shy smile.

"How old are you?" Oak asked him. He held up a hand to stop Aaron from answering.

"I'm 18, Sir."

"Plus?" oak said raising an eyebrow to tell him wanted to know exactly how old he was. He could tell by smell he wasn't settled but that didn't answer why he was here.

"I am not a year yet." He said looking directly into Oaks eyes. He wasn't challenging Oak, but he wasn't backing down either. He may be young, but he wasn't scared to fight if he had to. Something told Nick he would be on the losing end.

"Where is your sire?"

"He is gone." The boy said. Oak no longer considered him a man, a man was an adult. This boy was a baby in a new life.

"Gone? He turned you and left you?" Oak couldn't help the bit of anger about the situation that crept into his voice. This boy isn't weened.

"No, he didn't leave me. They killed him." Nicky's voice went up an octave.

"Who killed him? Hunters?" Oak said softening his voice. He could see the tears in the boy's eyes. The bonds between a sire and a newborn are strong, until he is weened after one or two years. The loss of a sire is painful. He feeds from the sire until his body has fully changed. To do it alone is painful.

"Not hunters. They were like us. Vampires." The boy said and started to sob.

Aaron quickly was beside him holding him as the boy sobbed on to his shoulder. Oak stepped out of the room and made his way to the parlor. He sent a mental message to Aaron. 'Bring him here to me when he pulls himself together.' He purposely didn't allow any malice to come through the mental message.

Oak felt great compassion for the newborn. He knew vampires are not inherently evil. It all depends on their human life. If they are cruel as a human, they are cruel as a vampire. Oak didn't attempt to read the newborns thoughts. Vampires are very sensitive about that. Though very few can actually read the minds of other vampires, to them it's like rape.

Ten minutes later Aaron guided an embarrassed Nicky into the parlor. "Aaron, why don't you turn in while we have a little talk?" Oak basically told him to leave them alone but didn't want Aaron to feel slighted. He still saw Aaron as a little boy. In years he wasn't even a blink of an eye to Oaks age.

"That sounds like a good idea. I am feeling a bit tuckered out. Long day and all." Aaron smiled and made his way out to the hall and up the long staircase.

"Have a seat Nick or do you prefer Nicky?" Oak motioned to the sofa across from his chair.

"Nicky or Nick doesn't matter, Sir." He said as took a seat across from Oak.

"Sir do you mind if I ask you something?" he asked.

"You can ask but doesn't mean I will answer." Oak said with a smile. He already knew what the question was.

"If I am out of line I am sorry but... I... well I know you're not like me. You're not like Pops, I mean Professor Braun."

Oak laughed. "You want to know what I am? I am not sure if you're ready for the answer. However, I will answer one thing if you answer something for me."

"If I can".

"What were you doing before you were turned?"

"I was a marine Sir."

"Do I have to worry about military police coming for you?"

"Oh no Sir, they think I am dead."

Oak nodded "Good. Now, to answer your question, my full name Okeanos. In newer languages it's Oceanus. I am last of my kind alive, that I know of."

"You mean like a Greek God, like Zeus, but the god of the oceans. That explains why I smell the beach."

"No. I am older than he. I am a Titan. I am the creator of the oceans."

"Wait. God and Jesus are fakes?"

"Not at all. They are just as real as me in existence, but I am of the flesh."

"The beach smell is gone." Nicky said frowning."

"I can control scent."

Oak and Nicky kept talking throughout the night. Oak noticed every detail about Nicky. Oak wasn't gay or straight. After living an eternity, you learn the sex of a person doesn't mean anything. The attraction is all that matters.

Nicky stood about six feet tall, was built very well, thick arms and chest and small waist, light brown hair, green eyes and a pair of lips Oak knew would be soft to kiss.

They had talked all night long and Oak noticed Nicky was getting fidgety. He wondered if it was because he wasn't weened completely or was, he just hungry? He was going to ask him, but it wasn't the time. It was almost sun rise.

He watched as Nicky yawned. "Excuse me."

"No worries Nicky. It's almost sunrise."

"You must be getting sleepy too. We have been talking all night."

"Nope. I only need to sleep once a week. I can go longer but it's not really wise to."

It was then that Oak realized Nicky had gone into his deep sleep. He went over and picked Nicky up with ease. Although they were not too much different in size, Okeanos was a titan and his strength equal to 20 men and probably about 10 vampires.

He carried him down to the basement. He looked around the remodeled basement recreation room. He saw a door ajar and walked to it carrying the sleeping vampire like a baby. He pushed the door open with his foot and saw a nice bedroom with a large bed. He laid Nicky onto the bed and started to undress him down to his tighty whities.

Okeanos took a seat in the corner. The one thing he learned about newborns is they can sleepwalk if hungry, if not fed properly from their sire. He didn't want the newborn vampire to sleepwalk and attack Aaron. He'd hate to have to destroy the boy if that happened. He had become somewhat fond of him over their conversation.

He couldn't help admiring the beauty of the boy though. Vampires always had a healthy look about them. This boy had a natural beauty about him. Handsome just didn't fit. It's been a long time since he allowed himself any intimate thoughts. He didn't want to think about the last time he was intimate with another person. He wondered what it was about Nicky that made him even think about intimacy of any kind. Though he had to admit he did feel an attraction of some kind. More likely it was just a concern for him.

He heard movement upstairs. He could smell coffee brewing. He had to smile because he knew the coffee was for him. Aaron drank tea. He also knew it wasn't Aaron. With a smile he got up and made his way up to the door that led to the kitchen.

"Good morning my lord." He heard the familiar voice and accent, as he stood in the doorway.

"Rolf. How are you?" Oak said as hugged the middle-aged man briefly. To hold it any longer would be an insult. More of a perceived insult to himself by Rolf, rather than insulting Rolf.

"Drakenlager is not the same without you. Hell, Pangea is not the same." Oak smiled as took the offered cup of coffee.

"I miss the castle and Pangea too, your highness." said Rolf, looking slightly not into the eyes. Rolf was not exactly a servant. He was a Lycan. "In Pangea, they didn't hunt all vampires, just the rogue ones. Here they hunt all vampires that they see fit to kill. Life is so much different here. Wars to end all wars only to have more wars."

"So how do you like this side?" Oak said, sitting at the kitchen table. He motioned the Lycan to get himself a cup of coffee and to sit.

"It is different, My Lord. Though it is interesting I must say it much more violent. I have to say I was always skeptical of my grandfather's stories of his life here. I now know he was understating it. Though beautiful in many ways and great wonders in this city alone. There is much more violence among the civilized earth than there is in our Pangea. I miss home sire." He said with a sigh.

"We all will be going home soon Rolf. I just need to take care of some business here."

"The deaths." Rolf stated.


"Must be serious if you were sent, if you don't mind me saying?"

"That's what I am here to find out. How much does Aaron know?"

"I am not sure your highness, but he knows a lot more than most of these humans." Rolf answered as he looked towards the open basement door.

"Speaking of that, how does the newborn feed?"

"Professor Braun gives him blood from the bags I get for him."

"That's not healthy. He hasn't been weened yet."

"The professor wanted to find a vampire to ween him, but I explained it wouldn't work, that it has to his sire. I am afraid the newborn is in for a long painful transition, if he survives. Sadly most don't."

"Yes, I know his chances are slim and needs his sire, or someone of his sire's past lines." Oak mused.

"My lord you can't." Rolf said picking up on oak's train of thought.

"Why can't I? it won't hurt him at all, and I am in his sire's line. I am in every vampire's sire line am I not?"

"Yes, my prince but it would be..." his voice tapered off, not finishing the sentence.

"Demeaning? No Rolf, to save a life is not demeaning. That boy down there may be a vampire and by this world's standard the living dead. We know different. Am I not correct Rolf?" Oak said with the authority of his station.

"Yes, my lord. I was wrong to question you. I am willing to take whatever punishment you see fit."

"Rolf, relax. I was there the day you were born. I helped raised you. I think this world has affected your heart with its cruelty and violence."

"I believe you are right, my lord."

"That's another thing. While we are here in this place," Oak waved around him. "We use names. No more my lords and such."

Rolf nodded as Aaron could be heard coming down the stairs. Rolf got up and poured him his tea and handed it to him as the older man sat at the table. Over the next hour Oak explained what he planned to do.

"If you do as you are suggesting sir, you will be vulnerable, said Rolf, going back to the previous topic.

"Rolf, I am well aware of all the issues concerning it. I have been around longer than written time."

"If I am not mistaken, you being here is for a reason sir. You can't be weakened in any way to accomplish whatever the task is."

"Hopefully, that won't be an issue. You have to remember, unless they have an Olympian, it takes me to will my death, not them. The worse they can do is what they did to my brothers. That will not happen."

"Yes sir."


Next: Chapter 2

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