Pams Training

By pam parker

Published on Aug 10, 2004


On my way home it suddenly hit me that I was going to have a hell of a time explaining to Mom how I ended up in Anna's bed. I thought of what to say and how to say it and what to say leading up to what I was going to say and then thought What the Hell, I've never lied to Mom and I've told her some stuff that really disappointed her so why should I start trying to bull shit her now. I was just going to walk in, start playing with her and then ask her how Anna tasted.

As I walked into the kitchen Mom looked at me and smiled a big smile like she was about to bust and then looked at me again and asked What the hell you got that getup on for?

I said "you first, you look like you just swallowed a pussy cat."

She looked at me with that big smile again and said, "Well dear, get ready to move. I talked to Mr. King Davis about me and we settled on a little more then I told you per 10 minute film. We also discussed how many over what time period I would have to make and how many over what time period I could make. We talked about what I would do and what I wouldn't do. Of course there was nothing in the latter category. He poured me another glass of champagne and started playing around so I asked him, just for discussion sake suppose you had a woman who was going to work for you and everything was settled and she brought up that she had a partner. Would that fuck things up?"

"Well what does this partner look like?" he asked.

"To begin with, she is younger then me. Actually quite a bit younger. She is a tiny petite blond that loves to fuck and loves to play with other women." I replied.

"Who is this partner?"

"She is my daughter," I blurted out.

"Your daughter?" "Did I hear right?" "Your daughter?"

"Yes my daughter," I replied. "She and I have been having sex ever since her father died in that logging accident about 5 years ago. We have been each other's support group and somehow that support just turned to sex."

"When can I meet this child," he asked.

"When ever you want. She has already told me she wants to work with me so I know she will be willing."

"I'll have a car pick you and your daughter up about seven and the four of us will have dinner at our house."

I told him OK and came home, Mom told me and then she said now we've got to get ready. And what's your big news?

I was stunned by what mom and just told me. I didn't know how she was going to take it but I just blurted it out.

"While you were gone I got really horney. I was looking in your room for a pair of your panties or some thing to relieve my tension when I ran across Mr. Davis' business card. An idea hit me that I should go up to his house and met him and his wife. So I put on this outfit and knocked on their door and said I was doing a fund raiser. Mrs. Davis, or Anna took me into her study to write me a check and one thing led to another and we ended up having the most wonderful hour and a half of sex. I didn't meet him but I sure met Anna.

Now Mom was the one that was stunned. She just stood there and looked at me as if she didn't believe me. Finally she just shook her head and said, "I absolutely can't believe you."

I picked up her clock and set it for 6:30 and pulled out the alarm. Then I sat down by Mom, put her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers. Our tongues met and did their dance as I gently tweaked her nipples. Then I broke our kiss and Mom asked me,

"What's this all about?"

"I just want you to be sure that there is only one love in my heart no matter whose bed we might be in. You are my Mother, my Lover and the most important person in my life."

Mom pinched my nipple a little hard just as the alarm went off.

"Is Anna really good?" She asked.

"Not as good as you," I answered. "We better get ready if our ride is going to be here at 7."

We were picked up by a really good looking black guy driving a really great looking Rolls Limo. I nudged Mom with my elbow and whispered "I wonder what the rules are about fraternizing with the help." She kind of giggled.

We necked a little during the short ride to Mr. Davis's house. As Parker, our driver's name, held the door for me I kind of rubbed his crotch with my arm as I got out. He smiled and said hang on a minute. He reached in the car and wrote something and handed me a piece of paper. "Just punch those numbers into the phone."

Just as Mom was reaching for the buzzer the door opened and there was Anna. I about wet my pants because she was knock down beautiful. Her dress was so tight and cut so low in front that about 2/3's of her tits were showing. And the slight on the side was cut clear up to her waist. I felt completely under dressed.

"Come in ladies," she said. "So nice to see you again Pam, I know this relationship is going to be both fun and profitable."

Mr. Davis was fixing drinks as we entered the great room. And I mean great room. It must have been 50 by 50, rich thick carpet, two or three sofas, a hot tub and all kinds of lights on the walls. I thought this must be the stage where all the movies are shot.

"What would you like to drink ladies?" he asked.

"Just soda water for me," I said. Mom asked for a glass of champagne.

"So this is the young lady you spent the afternoon with," Mr. Davis said to Anna.

Anna got a big smile on her face and said yessssss.

"Well ladies we don't eat dinner around here until about 9 if that's not too late for you," he told us. "In the mean time why don't we get acquainted?"

Anna walked over to where Mom was setting and Mr. Davis patted his lap while smiling at me. I went over to him and straddled his lap like a lap dance. He put his hands beside my face and pulled me down to him and kissed me. He tasted a little like pussy and I wondered if it was Anna or some other lady he just got thru devouring. He was a very sensual kisser and my pussy started to itch and get wet. I could feel a bulge growing in his trousers so slide down between his legs and started rubbing it. He lifted his hips so I could pull his pants down and man what a cock was there.

"Why don't you get rid of these cloths?" I asked. "They'll just get in the way later."

"Why don't you do the same?" he replied.

I stood up and did sort of a strip tease dance for him as I undressed. As I was doing so I glanced over at Mom and Anna and saw that they were way ahead of us. Both of them were completely nude, Mom was lying on Anna and they were kissing and rubbing there pussies together. Mom was very good at that.

"You are a beautiful young woman," he said as he looked over my nude body standing before him. "You and your Mom are going to make a lot of money over the next months. You are going to get very rich."

I thought he was very sincere so as I kneeled between his legs I decided he was about to get the best hour of sex he had ever had. I started with a tour of his cock and balls, kissed and licked up and down his body and then mounted him for a slow, extended lap dance. We were both about to cum when a bell rang. Don't stop he said, that's just the warning that its 15 minutes till dinner. I kept humping him until I wet all over him. As he was about to shoot his load I slipped down and took it in my mouth. There was a lot of moaning coming from the sofa Mom and Anna were on and when I looked I could see why. Mom was between Anna's legs giving her pussy the treatment that only Mom can give. Anna was shooting juice so hard it was splashing all over her face. Then things were quiet for a few minutes until Mom with her great sense of humor said, "Do we dress for dinner?"

Next: Chapter 7

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