Pams Training

By pam parker

Published on Jul 13, 2004


Pam is a fictitious person so this is the story of her fictitious life.

My body was beginning to blossom. I was getting hair in my arm pits and legs and in other private places. My boobs were beginning to develop and at times I had some really strange feelings. My nipples itched as did my pussy. Mom in one of her few sober moments had sort of told me about my body so I knew my period would be starting soon.

And oh yes, my mother. My poor mother. I am the product of a one night stand when my mom was 17. The sperm donor refuses to have anything to do with us and I don't even know who he is. When Mom is gone I have searched thru everything I can find to find out but to no avail. Mom is a sad case of someone who needs help, and a lot of it. She is a kind loving person but has no training except in how to please a man. She is only 30 but looks older because of her hard life and all her drinking. To my knowledge she doesn't do drugs. Usually she goes out at night and doesn't come home until early morning. Once in a while she would bring a guy home with her and he would spend the night. It was one of those nights that I was introduced to real sex.

I had just gotten home from spending some time with one of my girl friends. It was about 11 when I heard the front door open and lots of laughing and carrying on as Mom and a guy entered the house. It was evident from the conversation and how her words were slurred that she was very drunk. I was in the living room watching TV and got up to see what was going on just as they entered and he dumped her on the sofa. Guess she had one too many he said. I looked at him but didn't think what he said was at all funny. Mom was passed out completely. His attempt at humor changed to a mild case of anger. Fuck he muttered, I spend all this money on her and now she is to drunk to deliver. Then he looked at me. I had changed into my nighty and should have run to my room when I heard them come in but now I was caught. The problem with being in a nighty was that it was short and the bottom was a thong.

Mom's boy friend looked me over up and down and started to smile. I think you would make a fine substitute for your Mom, he said as he approached me. I didn't know what to do but knew I was in trouble. I bet you'd love to spend some time with a guy if you are anything like your Mom. I started to move around him but he grabbed my arm. Oh no little lady he said. He pulled me to him and pushed his lips down on mine. He smelled terrible, whisky and such and tasted even worse as he forced his tongue into my mouth. I wanted to throw up but didn't have the chance as he moved very swiftly to accomplish his goal. He let go of my arm just long enough to grab my nighty and lift it over my head. My aren't those cute little titties, he observed. I bet the boys just love to play with them. He put one arm around me and lifted me up towards him and began kissing and biting my nipples. They were always sore anyway and that sure didn't help. Then with his other hand he pushed my thong down and started playing with my pussy. I begged him to stop but he just laughed and said look little lady this is how it is. I spent a bundle on dinner and drinks for your Mom, even gave her a hundred bucks. She's to drunk to fuck so you get to earn that money for her.

He was so strong that this little 85 pound girl couldn't do anything. He continued to kiss and suck my tits and finger my hole. It hurt cause he was so rough but I decided I didn't have any choice so might as well get it over with. I put a hand behind his head which surprised him and he said that a girl, just relax and enjoy. Marv with fuck you like a real woman. I became ashamed of myself because the feelings of fear and discomfort were changing to some feelings that I had never slow on my tits and his finger in my pussy was causing really strange sensations.

He picked me up and carried me into Mom's bedroom and thru me down on the bed. Very quickly I was looking at the first nude man I had ever seen and the first hard cock. It was about 6 inches long and fairly slim but I didn't think there was anyway it was going in to my little pussy hole. Marv surprised me because instead of climbing on he pressed his lips to my cunny and began using his tongue. When he touched my clit I thought I was going to explode. I couldn't help myself but put my hands on his head and pushed my pussy harder against his face. He had his hands under my butt and was working very hard licking and sucking. Then he moved up and lay beside me and asked if I had ever played with a cock before. I replied no and he said well I'll tell you what to do. He told me to take it in my hand and gently rub it up and down. Take my other hand and play with his balls very gently because they were very sensitive. I thought why should I be gentle when he certainly wasn't to start with. But I did what he told me and was surprised and maybe upset at how marvelous his cock felt in my hand. I got very interested in my work, playing and rubbing. Then he told me to run my tongue around the head and take it in my mouth. In nothing flat I was giving my first blow job. Watch the teeth he kept saying. Oh yessss now you've got it. Keep it up, keep it up. Then he pushed me back on my back and got on top of me. I begged him to put on a condom cause I didn't want to get preg my first time. He said he didn't have any so I told him I knew where Mom kept some. He let me up and I got in her dresser and got one.

Do you know how to put one on he asked. Heavens no I said, ive never even seen one. He explained how and after some fumbling around I got it on. Marv pulled me down on the bed with him and got on top again. This time he pulled my legs up by his shoulders, put his hand on his cock and aimed it at my cunny. I was very wet from his attention and the head of his cock entered quite easily. He took his time and I adjusted quite rapidly so there wasn't too much pain. Then his cock was pushing against my maidenhead and it hurt when he pushed thru. He apologized but kept going and the pain went away. He started out slowly running his hard on in and out of my pussy. I had to admit that I was beginning to enjoy the feeling. Then his speed picked up and just as I felt a new emotion engulf me he said Oh yessss I'm cumming. About three more thrusts and he laid down on me, his cock buried in my cunt.

Marv laid there for a few minutes and then started to get off. He put his fingers down on his cock to make sure the condom came out with it. I looked and there was a big collection of cum in the end of it. Marv just laid out beside me with the condom on his stomach. Ever taste a guy's cum he asked. I said no and kind of laughed. You know you are the first guy I've done anything with. He took the condom between his fingers and rolled over to me. Open up he said. I didn't know if I wanted to open my mouth or not but finally did. Marv held the rubber so the contents ran out and into my mouth. At first I just about gagged, but the kind of ran it around in my mouth and decided it wasn't all that bad. Marv said it was much better when sucked directly from the source.

Please send me any suggestions or comments you have and be on the look out for Chapter II.

Next: Chapter 2

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