Pains of Forgetfulness

By Mikey Boy

Published on Jul 24, 2002


Welcome to the next installment of POF. I hope you like this story because I've had a blast writing it. You know the rules. If you're not supposed to read this, then don't. It's that simple. This story is about the pains of forgetting your true love.

I have no idea whether any members of *NSYNC are gay, but hey, I can dream. :) Any similarities to real people in this story are purely coincidental. Well, enough warnings, I hope you truly enjoy this story.

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I would love it if you dropped me a line. Ok, now to the story.

Chapter 8: New Beginnings

"Thank you so much, Lance, for bringing me to Cape Hatteras lighthouse. I love the beach. I can't believe you remembered."

"The Bass family has a good memory." Lance smiled. Oh the green-eyed blonde of my dreams. I am so lucky, Michael thought.

"This is one hundred times better than I could have ever imagined. I never thought we'd end up here! You surprise me sometimes, my love. Sometimes, but not always." Another smile from my baby, Michael thought.

"Let's take a stroll along the beach, baby, arm in arm. Hey, there could be a song there somewhere."

They locked arms after shucking their shoes and hiding them in the nearest sand dune. They rolled their pants legs up, too.

They started their walk down the beach with the surf lapping at their heels. The sound of the ocean was so comforting, and they lost themselves in the sound of the ocean waves crashing on one another.

"Wow, nothing could be better than this. I've always wanted to be able to walk along the beach with my sweetheart. You know, Lance, I have never felt so close to someone in all my life. You are the most awesome person I have ever met. I love you, James. I can honestly say that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. My memory has come back tremendously, and I can say I've never been happier since you came in my life."

They were both looking eye to eye and they were close together. Lance leaned in, wrapped his arms around Michael and firmly kissed his lips.

No one was on the beach. It was a fairly secluded beach, and the sun was beginning to set.

Michael wrapped his arms around his sexy guy, and pushed back with equal force. He used his tongue to open Lance's lips, and he probed his tongue in his lover's mouth.

"Mmmmmmmm." Lance moaned with his eyes closed.

I guess he agrees with me, Michael thought.

Michael broke the kiss, and sat down on the sand close to the ocean's edge.

He motioned for Lance to come sit beside him. Lance came and sat down.

Michael reached out and grabbed Lance's hand.

"Michael, you mean so much to me. I've never met anyone quite like you. You can make me laugh, make me cry, make me think. Every time I went to bed at night after I met you that first time, I prayed to God that I'd meet someone just like you. Who knew, it'd be you?"

"Come here, baby. I just sat down because you were making me weak-kneed."

They locked lips again, and Michael wrapped his hands around the back of Lance's head.

Time seemed to stop for the two teenagers, as lovesick in their passions as ever. They were in love, and nothing could separate them from each other's side.

"The sun is about to set. See, it's down near the edge of the water."

"It's beautiful, but it's even more special now that you're here. I can't believe we found each other. It's like a dream come true, a dream that I don't want to wake up from."

They sat there in the sand, their arms wrapped around each other in a loving embrace. They both were sitting there with great big smiles on their faces. They were so giddy with happiness.

Lance pulled himself to his feet, and reached out his hand to Mike to pull him up.

"Come on, I have us a reservation."

"Where at?"

"Oh, it's a nice seafood restaurant that I thought you might enjoy."

"Oh yeah that sounds cool. Let's go babe." Michael said as he winked at his guy.

"You think this day is special, you haven't seen anything yet." Lance said.

"It can't get any better, baby. What are you talking about?"

"I can't tell you that. It's a surprise, you know, and I can't give away surprises."

"Oh ok." Michael sighed. He hated being left in the dark. It just wasn't fair.

"Come on, we're going to be late. The sun is setting, and I had the reservations made for 8:30."

They continued walking along the beach until they came to the restaurant, a nice place that overlooked the ocean.

They walked into the restaurant and were seated in a room all enclosed in glass. They had a beautiful view out over the ocean.

"You know, it just blows my mind when I think about the gamble that I made when I told you about myself. How could I know how you'd react when I told you I was gay? You might have decided to not have anything to do with a gay person."

"You did make a gamble, but I'm so glad you did." Lance said.

They had an excellent meal, and they had a great time just being with each other. Then the conversation changed course to a more serious topic.

"Michael, I want to talk to you about something. What we're about to talk about is life-changing, but I've been thinking hard about it and all its consequences."

"Well, what is it?"

"This is hard to say, but I've decided that I want to be with you and I've decided to quit being in N*SYNC. I can't have it all."

"Lance, I don't mind you traveling. I took that as a given when I decided to be your boyfriend, and I have no problem with it. . ."

"But, I do have a problem with it. It's such a strain on relationships to be so far apart."

"I know it's hard, but we can deal. You love performing, and I can't expect you to give it up."

"Who said I was giving up performing?"

"You said you were quitting N*SYNC."

"I am, but that doesn't mean I have to stop performing altogether. I can survive after N*SYNC. I might even go solo. Who knows?"

"Oh, I see. You sure you aren't just being rash?"

"Of course not. I've given this much thought, and I want to prove that I love you."

"You don't have to prove your love to me, but whatever you want to do, I can't stop you. I love you, James, and nothing in this world can change that."

"Well, I haven't signed any papers yet, but I'm sure it'll be a struggle to get out of N*SYNC. Well, I'm finished eating, you ready to go to our next stop?"

"Our next stop? Lead on, Mr. Tour Guide."

They walked out of the restaurant after paying, and walked back down the beach. The sky was bright as the full moon and the stars shone down on the water.

Lance walked with Michael to a pier that was built out over the water. It was vacant, and they walked out to the end and looked out at the ocean under the shine of the beautiful moon.

Michael was in a strange, slightly odd mood, and he started out singing a song straight from his heart.

I used to live out here My Life and limb together I used to hang my head And dream to make it better If you could understand what's happening to me Then I wouldn't need myself Tell me it's not the same.

I don't want to lose, no baby, I don't want to find myself all by myself again, I don't want to lose your love, no, I don't want to find out that there's nothing left to win

Sometimes I feel like nothing's sinking in, I look around and have to ask you where I've been Sometimes I think maybe it's time to take a chance But I know you and I Can reach the other side

I don't want to lose, no baby, I don't want to find myself all by myself again, I don't want to lose your love, no, I don't want to find out that there's nothing left to win

I don't want to lose, no baby, I don't want to find myself all by myself again, I don't want to lose your love, no, I don't want to find out that there's nothing left to win

If you see me on my own again sometime now, baby Don't pass me by.

I don't want to lose, no baby, I don't want to find myself all by myself again, I don't want to lose your love, no, I don't want to find out that there's nothing left to win

I don't want to lose, no baby, I don't want to find myself all by myself again, I don't want to lose your love, no, I don't want to find out that there's nothing left to win

"Oh, wow. I didn't know you could sing. You really can sing! And that song, Wow! All I can say is wow."

"I didn't know I could do that either. I don't think I could do that before my accident, but I don't know. It's strange."

"You know, I'm gonna have to think about a plan I have. It could work, but. . ."

"But what?"

"Oh, nothing. I need to think about this plan a little more."

"Ok, you're right. You need to think things through. Like with this whole N*SYNC idea, you sure you want to do this? Think carefully. It's a big decision."

"Oh, I have and I still say. . . I'm going to sign the papers to leave the group. I'm moving on."

"To what?"

"You'll see, and I think you'll like it."

"Oh, no. Another scheme. . ."

To Be Continued. . .

Well, what did you think? Was it garbage and not worth the time of day to read it? Or was it so engrossing you couldn't stop reading it until the deadly words, To Be Continued. . . were placed at the end? Email me or IM me at HPUGuy1029 on AOL Instant Messenger, and tell me what you thought. My address is: . The next chapter will be up soon, so hold your horses! Well, I've pretty much planned out the whole story very vaguely (although the story has changed significantly since I started it), so if you want to tell me how you think the story should go, then drop me a note. I love email! Until next time, Michael. :)

Next: Chapter 9

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