Pains of Forgetfulness

By Mikey Boy

Published on Sep 5, 2002


Pains of Forgetfulness

Welcome to the tenth installment of POF. I hope you like this story because I've had a blast writing it. You know the rules. If you're not supposed to read this, then don't. It's that simple. This story is about the pains of forgetting your true love.

I have no idea whether any members of *NSYNC are gay, straight, or bisexual. Any similarities are purely coincidental. I don't know if any of them are gay, but I hope so. We can wish, can't we?

Comments are welcome at: I would love it if you dropped me a line. Ok, now to the story.

Chapter 10: Reconciliation and Destruction

They had arrived at the Mall, the site of Bryan's grief for so long.

Michael grabbed Bryan's shoulders and then moved up and took the blindfold off. He looked and then he suddenly froze.

"No!" he yelled. "Why?" he turned away from Michael and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Bryan. You have to look, and let it out. It's been such an area of grief. You need to let it out. . ."

"No, I can't . . ." he shrank down to the ground and tightened himself into a ball as he sobbed. Michael reached down around him to comfort him, but Bryan shied away from his touch.

Tears were falling down both their eyes as the release was being made by Bryan. He looked up through tear-stained eyes and looked at his surroundings.

"I love you, Josh. . . I still do . . . but now's the time to move on. . . You'll always be a part of my soul, and I'll never forget you."

Lance watched this exchange happen from the distance. Mike was an awesome friend to Bryan. . .

The next day. . .

Lance and Mike had gotten a room late the night before. Bryan went home on the late train last night, and be left a changed person.

Mike stirred in his bed and looked over at Lance. He wasn't in the bed. Where could he be? Mike wondered.

Then he heard a sound. A whimpering that almost made it sound like someone was crying. Then, he realized where the sound was coming from. He looked out onto the balcony and there Lance was, scruffy and tired looking. Michael crawled out of the bed, and went out to the balcony where Lance was bawling. Tears were streaming down his eyes as if a rain cloud had formed behind his eyelids. Michael came up behind Lance and wrapped his arms around him, but as he did, he felt Lance tense up.

"What's wrong, baby?" Michael asked.

Lance didn't respond, just sniffled and moved out of Mike's grasp to the other end of the balcony. Lance had his eyes cast down toward the ground, and Michael could tell something was really wrong.

"Baby..." Michael started.

Lance faced toward Michael with clenched teeth. "Get out!"

"But, Lance..." Michael said.

"Get out... I do not want to see you again. Stay away from me."

Michael moved closer to Lance. "Get out!!!" he yelled. He pulled his arm back and took a swing at Michael. It hit him in the center of his face. Michael was down on the cement floor of the balcony and laid there. He could not move because the pain hurt so badly.

"Stupid faggot..." Lance stalked off the balcony and ran out the hotel door. Michael's nose started gushing blood from where Lance had punched him. He felt light headed and then, he felt nothing...

Two days later...

"Hello, Justin." Michael said on his cell phone. "What's going on?"

"Don't talk to me, you faggot. I always knew you were no good for Lance, and now it's totally obvious. You were here just to ruin us. How could you do this, Mike?"

"I...I...dunno what to say. I just know it's not true. I really love Lance. I don't understand what happened. My memory is a little cloudy over the past few days. I heard the housekeeper found me on the balcony and called "911"... it's a good thing she found me. I might have lost a lot of blood and close to dead."

"Mike... just back off... you have caused too much problems in this group... you bring your problems on yourself, dude. I'm sorry to say that, but you lose."

"Wait... just tell me why Lance did this to me. That's the only thing I want to know."

"To be honest, I don't know. But I do know one thing... next time you try to pick up someone, make sure they aren't straight first."


"Why'd you try to pick up Lance? You knew he was straight. That's wrong, Mike. I am ashamed of you. I thought gay men had more morals than that."


"Just forget it. Go find a gay man you can love on. I'm sure there are plenty that want you."

"What? That's ridiculous! I've never heard such craziness in all my life. You know full well Lance is as gay as I am. Who told you he was "straight"?"

"Mike... he did..."


"Hey, please don't call me anymore. It looks bad to the public. Got to run. Later, dude."

The phone was disconnected. Silence was on the other end. Michael's jaw dropped open. He still felt a lot of pain from his broken nose. The doctors set it the day the housekeeper found him, but it still had a lot of healing to be done.

"I don't believe this. It's not possible. My boyfriend... is gone. No, it can't be possible. I will not give up on him that easily. I can't. He was the only man I have ever loved. I can't give up on what we had together. I just can't do it." Michael sighed.

To Be Continued. . .

Well, what did you think? Was it garbage and not worth the time of day to read it? Or was it so engrossing you couldn't stop reading it until the deadly words, To Be Continued. . . were placed at the end? Email me or IM me at HPUGuy1029 on AOL Instant Messenger, and tell me what you thought. My address is: The next chapter will be up soon, so hold your horses! Well, I've pretty much planned out the whole story very vaguely (although the story has changed significantly since I started it), so if you want to tell me how you think the story should go, then drop me a note. I love email! Until next time, Michael. :)

Next: Chapter 11

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