
By Samboi

Published on Feb 6, 2013


This story is a work of fiction which contains male on male sexual acts. If you are under the 18 (or the legal age in your area to read this) or this kind of material offends you, please do not continue. All characters are fictional and any relation to any person is completely coincidental. This story is my own work and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Everyone was standing around talking to one another and having a good time. I was still in shock, thinking about everything that was going on. Chris had been the one who ratted Nick out and put Jake into hospital. What else had he done to the pack? What was he planning on doing next? How was I going to solve this problem? At least I was one step ahead by knowing that he was doing this. I looked around the room and noticed that he had left already. It was something I would have to deal with later. If I move too fast with this, he might catch on and who knows what he would do. John was still here. I don't know if he was in on all this but I do know that he would tell Chris whatever he could to stay on his good side. He was like a god damn security camera. I walked over to Steve and pulled him aside.

"Steve, I need your help. I need you to go check in on Jake and take John with you. I just need him gone for a few hours until we can sort a few things out."

"What's going on Adam?"

"I can't explain at the moment."

"Keeping me in the dark is not a very good idea. I need to know if something is going to happen here."

"I know. And you will. I trust you but I really need you to do this."

"Ok I'll handle this but you owe me big time for this."

"Anything you want, consider it done."

Steve left with John and I spoke to Reece privately.

"I need to discuss something with you. You're my right hand man so I trust you completely but I can't have anything getting around yet so it has to stay between you and me."

"Yeah man. What's going on?"

"Chris is the one that has been causing all this trouble. He got Nick put away and he put Jake in hospital. He also sold the ecstasy that was stolen from me to my boss at work."

"Woah. Shit this is full on."

"I know. We have to handle this. We need to find out what is going on and deal with it soon before anyone else gets hurt. I have to meet with Troy tonight. I really need to sort things out with him."

"You like him, don't you"

"I do. I just don't know how things will work out between us."

I had Reece try and follow Chris as best as he could. Just keeping tabs on him for now. This was to stay between him and me for now until we were sure no one else was involved. I had to sort things out with Troy tonight so I was going to his place. I decided that I had to tell him the truth about everything. This was not going to be easy but it needed to be done.

I wore a nice button up shirt with jeans and did my hair nicely. I wanted to look good. Maybe if I looked cute, Troy might go easy on me for avoiding him these past few days. I looked in the mirror, took a deep breath and drove to his house. When I knocked on the door, my heart was racing. Not only because I was about to tell a cop that I was a criminal, but also because I hadn't seen him in a few days and he was one of the cutest guys I've ever met. Every time I saw him, my heart always raced in excitement.

When he answered the door, even though he had a `we need to talk' look on his face, I could still see a twinkle of happiness in his eye when he saw me. We didn't say much. He just told me to come in and take a seat. He handed me a drink and sat down next to me. He was looking at me with a very serious look on his face and said only one word.


I thought I would be able to just spill everything out but looking at him like this, I couldn't say anything. I tried but nothing came out.

"Adam, you haven't spoken to me in days. I thought we had something but you just left the next morning. I just want to know why."

"Troy. I need to explain everything to you. It's not going to be easy but I want you to know everything. I know you're a cop Troy."

"I'm not a full cop. I'm still in training."

"You're still a man of the law and I... I'm a criminal."

I saw a smirk on his face.

"Adam... I know."

"What do you mean you know?"

"I'm training to be a cop. It's all in the detail. I figured that something like this had been what freaked you out. I accidentally left my uniform out and thought it might have been the reason you ran off. The day I met you, you saved me. I had just started being a cop and decided to confront a couple of vandals. I thought it would be a good idea if I handled them myself but I was wrong. You saved me from them in a way that no ordinary person would. I knew that there was more to you. I've seen the people that you hang around with. You're group help us with the crime around here so we hold back on dealing with your group unless it's deemed necessary. That's why Nick was put away."

"I can't believe that you knew all this."

"I'm working my way up to hopefully become a detective."

"Troy, I hope you can forgive me for all this mess."

"Of course I do. You're one amazing guy and I'm lucky to have you in my life."

He leaned in and kissed me. I pulled him close and he moved so he was on top of me. I pulled away from the kiss and looked into his eyes.

"I really am sorry for anything. Is there any way I can make it up to you."

Even though it sounded like a cheesy porno, I knew what he wanted so I played on that. I couldn't help but smile as soon as I said that.

"Oh, I think there's something."

He sat up until his crotch was in line with my face. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, showing me his sexy body. I ran my hands down it and started rubbing his cock through his pants. I undid the button and slowly pulled the zipper down.

"No underwear?"

"I was hoping something like this would happen."

I kissed his abs while pulling his cock out of his pants. I was stroking it slowly as I kissed my way down. I surrounded his hard dick with my mouth and he released a small gasp. As I started sucking, I felt his hand on the back of my head.

"Damn I have missed this. Your mouth is incredible."

I slowly moved further forward until his dick was down my throat. I released a deep moan which sent him wild.


He held me down on his cock, wanting me to take it all. When I got back to the tip, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I took his dick out of my mouth and fished out my phone.

"I'm sorry Troy. I have to check this."

I checked my phone and saw a message from Steve.

"I have to go Troy. This is important."

He had a look of anger and frustration. He was about to climb off me but I stopped him.

"You didn't think I would leave you like this, did you? I don't care how important it is, never leave a bro hanging."

He laughed at this and I grabbed his cock. I sucked on the tip and he moaned.

"We just have to be quick."

"Shut up and suck it."

He smirked at me. I engulfed his cock in one quick movement. He grabbed my head and held it in place before thrusting into my mouth. I'm glad I was taught to take cock or I would be choking a lot right now. He was thrusting hard into my mouth and I was taking breaths between thrusts. I pulled at his pants until they were around his legs and felt his toned ass. It felt amazing. I placed my finger at his hole and started pushing in. he was moaning really loudly and thrusting harder. I felt his prostate and started massaging it. His moans turned into yells of ecstasy.


He held my head down and shot his load into my throat. It was a huge load. I was looking into his eyes as I swallowed. He was grunting with each shot of cum. After I sucked his cock clean, he sat next to me. I placed my hand on his chest and circled his nipple with my finger.

"I really have to go but I don't want to."

"Don't worry Adam, we'll finish this another time. Get going. I'll see you later."

I arrived back at the house and Steve was waiting for me there.

"What happened?"

"We made sure Jake was alright and then got something to eat. He's gone home now."

"I thought something serious had happened."

"Yeah. He told me something he probably shouldn't have. You're going to owe me big-time for this."

"What is it?"

"Well I know about Chris. John told me about that. But there's more than Chris just trying to sabotage the pack. He's part of another gang."

"What? How did you find all this out?"

"Well you're not the only one with a taste for cock around here. I know what goes on. John wanted a little bit of action as well. He told me about Chris so I let him blow me. It was a win win for me. That's all that I know so far."

"Shit. This is full on. Thanks for finding out about all that. So how was John?"

"He did well. I think it was his first attempt. I do love getting blown though."

"Don't we all." I laughed. "I think I'm gonna go for a shower. I'll be back in a minute."

I went to the bathroom and started running the water. As I got in, I couldn't help thinking about the events of today. At least things were mended between Troy and I. The whole situation with Chris was a mess though. I was excited to get back to Troy and have some more fun. My dick was hard at the thought of him. I turned around, placed one hand against the wall and started stroking my cock with the other as the water ran over my body. Damn this felt good. I was really getting into it until I felt a hand on either side of my hips and something sliding between the cheeks of my ass. I felt the hands move up the side of my body and wrap around my torso. I could feel a toned body against my back, holding me.

"I helped you out, now it's time to pay up Adam."

He let go and I tuned around. Steve was drenched in water and his cock was rock hard. I couldn't help but admire his body. His cock would have to be a good 8 inches but it was thick. A little thicker than Reece's. I reached for it and he pushed my hand away.

"Not yet. Finish up in here then come to the room."

He left the shower and I hurried to clean up. I walked out with a towel around my waist and walked into the room to see Steve laying on the bed, fully naked and holding his cock. I walked over, dropped the towel and climbed on the bed between his legs. I grabbed his cock which felt even thicker than it looked and bent down. I licked the precum off the tip and started sucking the head.

"Get it nice and wet Adam. It's going in your ass soon."

I sucked it as best as I could, getting it wet. It was covered in my saliva which dripped down his cock. He was just laying back with his hands behind his head while I sucked him. I took my mouth off his dick and looked up at him.

"Take it for a ride."

Without thinking, I moved up and positioned myself above his dick. I could feel it stretching me as I started to ride it. I was used to getting fucked by now but this was the thickest I've had in me. I placed my hands on his chest to hold me up as I continued to ride more. Once I had it all inside me, Steve leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me. He held me while he thrusted in and out of my ass. I was moaning but he kept quiet.

"This ass is great man."

He continued fucking me like this for a while. He laid me onto my back and was inches from my face. He leaned forward and started kissing me while he fucked me harder. Our tongues explored each other's mouths. He continued fucking me until I could feel his cock getting harder.

"I've been waiting for your ass for so long. Not long now until I blow."

He thrusted a few more times and took his cock out of me. He stood up and stood directly over me.

"Don't move."

He was stroking his cock fast. He was looking down at me and I was admiring his sexy body. He was panting hard before his pants turned to moans. He tilted his head back and cum started shooting from his cock. He covered me in his load. A few shots hit my face and the rest dripped onto my body. He continued to stroke the remaining drops from his cock while looking down at my cum drenched body. He kneeled down and placed the head of his cock at my mouth. I allowed him to slide it in and I sucked his cock clean.

"Good job Adam. Go clean up. We have work to do."

I went for another shower, washing my body and I finally got to finish myself off. Within minutes, I had a huge load covering the shower wall. As I got out, my phone started ringing.

"What's happening Reece?"

"Adam. I'm in some deep shit at the moment. I followed Chris. He's working for some guy named Marco. Apparently from some gang."

"Steve told me that He was in some other gang. John knows about this."

"That little shit. I don't have much time. They found me and now I'm on the run. I've seen Marco before. He's not a good guy. We can't come up against him Adam. We have to give up with the pack."

"Like fuck I will. This means that Chris knows that we know about him. We're going to take this bastard down."

"Adam. Listen. We can not go up against him. He will kill us all."

"You leave this up to me."

"I've been followed. If you have a plan, you better do something about it fast. I'll try my best to get out of here and I suggest that you do the same."

"Reece, get out while you can. You've been spotted so it's not a good idea to stay around here... Reece?"

The phone had cut out. This was bad. I ran out to Steve and explained what had happened. I told him to get out while he can and that I was going after Reece to get him back."

"Fuck man. You can't go alone."

"It will be easier with just me. Just get out of here and warn the others."

We left the house and I took everything that was needed. We went our separate ways. I wasn't sure if that was the last time I would see Steve but I had to let the pack go. This could potentially be the end.

Another chapter down. The next chapter may be the final for the story. I've been planning this for a while now. I really like writing this story and have been considering a second season for it.

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