
By Samboi

Published on Dec 29, 2012


This story is a work of fiction which may contain male on male sexual acts, strong drug use and violence. If you are under the 18 (or the legal age in your area to read this), please do not continue. All characters are fictional and any relation to any person is completely coincidental. This story is my own work and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

I sat in front of a glass screen. Looking through, I met the gaze of Nick as he sat down in front of me. His face lit up as his eyes met mine. I smiled back at him.

"Adam... bro. How have you been?"

"I've had better days. I've come here to have a bit of a chat."

"That's cool man. Hope everything's alright."

"Yeah it's all good. Wish you weren't stuck in this hell hole though."

"Prison's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. The thing I miss most from the outside world is that ass of yours."

He winked at me. I slightly blushed but maintained my seriousness.

"Look... Nick... I'm still going to try and get you out of here."

"No adam. I got caught for dealing drugs and this is my punishment. I've only got a few months in here. Just do something for me."

"What's that?"

"Find the fucker that ratted me out and make him pay."

He had a grin of evil on his face.

"That's on my to-do list man. I found out the other day that the guy I've been seeing turned out to be a cop. I'm still unsure what to do about it. I keep thinking that if I date him, what would happen if he finds out about me?"

"Do you like him?"

"Well... yeah..."

"Then there's no problem."

"You sound like Jake."

"Yeah, that's why he's my right hand man."

"He's handling the place pretty well."

I received a text to my phone.

"Speak of the devil."

I read the text that was from Jake.

It's Reece. Get your ass to the hospital. Something happened to Jake. I'll explain when you get there.

"Shit... Nick, I've got to go. Something's happened to Jake."

He stood up quickly out of his chair with a shocked look on his face. I looked down at my phone and saw that Jake wasn't the only one trying to contact me. I had three messages from Troy. I will deal with that later.

"Nick, I will be back. I need to talk about something else. I need to talk to you about my stepfather."

"Did he hurt you again?"

"No... my mother."

I saw Nick's face start to go red. I could tell that he wanted to kill my stepfather.

"I took care of it though. He won't be bothering her again."

He could see the anger in my eyes. For a second, Nick looked a little scared. I turned around and walked out. Everything was falling apart. I felt like I was responsible for putting it all back together. When I arrived at the hospital, Chris, Josh, Steve and Reece were around Jake in his bed. He was unconscious. Everyone stared at me as I entered the room. Steve, Josh and Chris left as I walked in. Reece was looking at me with a worried look.

"Jake's not in a good condition. He collapsed when we were at his place. He had put me down as an emergency contact. I've known him longer than anyone else in the group so he knew that I would respond the fastest. I also spoke to the nurse in private about it. Apparently it was an allergic reaction. He's allergic to rosemary."

I gave him a shocked look.

"There was no rosemary in the house. How would he have digested it?"

"That's the thing. Everyone knows about his allergic reaction and no one in the house really uses rosemary anyway. Someone wanted him gone. It can only be the same person that ratted Nick out... Adam, I think one of the pack is trying to get rid of everyone."

"I thought that might be the case. We need to fix this before it gets worse."

"There's something else Adam. Nick was the leader and now he's out. Since you were the right hand man... you're the leader now."

I was stunned. In only a few months, I had moved up to leader. It was an honour being the so high up the chain but I knew that I had to be careful. Whoever wanted Nick and Jake gone will now be after me. Reece and I went back to Nicks... Jakes... well what use to be Nick and Jakes place but now is up to me to look after. We'll just call it the pack house. We went back to the pack house which was empty. Reece and I entered while he updated me with everything that was going on. He told me that there were a few people we needed to take care of that owed us money. Now that I was the leader, it was up to me to organise who does what. After hours of discussing what needed to be done, Reece and I were exhausted so we hung out on the couch. We had already started having a few drinks to help calm us with everything that was going on so we were pretty buzzed.

"Fuck it's a hot day." Reece spoke after a long silence. "I'm gonna jump in the shower to cool off."

He got up and left the room while removing his shirt. It was a pretty hot day so I removed mine as well. I could hear the shower running as I sat back and started to drift off to sleep.

"Hey... buddy." I heard a voice.

I opened my eyes to see Reece in front of me in a pair of red boxers. I watched as he held his hard manhood through his boxers. I looked up and met his gaze.

"Reece, I thought our little `session' was a once off."

"Well you definitely proved to me that you could suck a dick. I was hoping for round 2."

He unbuttoned the fly and fished out his dick.

"It's rock hard and waiting for your mouth man. Help a friend out."

He put his hand behind my head and moved forward so his cock was in front of my mouth.

"Open your mouth... now."

My mouth fell open and he slid the tip of his cock in. Out of instinct, I closed my mouth around it and started sucking. Reece started moaning.

"That's it boy. Suck a real mans cock."

He started thrusting his cock deeper and deeper. I started gagging but he didn't care. He pushed his cock down my throat until every inch was in it. My eyes were watering as I looked up at him. He was staring down at me, grinning.

"Fuck I love watching you blow me. It's like you're my little bitch."

I ran my hands down his muscled body. He kept thrusting his cock into my mouth. He pulled his cock out of my mouth as saliva dribbled down my chin. I wiped it away and kept looking up at him.

"I want your ass."

"I dunno..."

"Adam... I wasn't asking. I'm horny as fuck and I want to fuck your ass. I'll be gentle."

He pushed me down onto my stomach on the couch. I decided that the best thing to do with someone as strong and horny as him was to just do what he wanted me to. I laid on my stomach and he pulled down my shorts. My smooth ass was presented for him. He gave it a light slap.

"Damn man. That's one hot ass."

He climbed on top of me. Both of his muscled arms were either side of my head. I could feel his cock sliding between my crack. He was breathing heavily. I saw one of his hands move away and turned around to see him licking his fingers. He pulled his cock away and slid his fingers into my ass, stretching me. His cock was pretty thick. I needed to be stretched first. After he finished stretching me, he placed his arm back at my side and pressed his body against my back. His mouth was right next to my ear.

"I'm gonna enjoy fucking your ass. I've been waiting a while to do this."

He pushed his cock against my hole. After a little pressure, the head of his cock popped into my ass. The familiar pain returned from when I got fucked by Nick. Reece held his cock there for a minute before pushing more into my ass. He continued to fill me with his dick until every inch was in me.

"Fuck babe. Your ass feels amazing. I hope you're ready to take my load because my cock's not leaving your ass until it's full."

He started to thrust slowly. He pulled his cock out to the tip and slid the entire thing back in while releasing a long, deep moan. Within minutes, he was picking up the pace. He slid one of his arms around my neck. I felt his huge bicep pressing against me. He continued to fuck me hard. My head was down, trying to maintain myself while my ass was being plowed. All of a sudden, Reece stopped. I looked up in front of me to see Josh standing at the doorway. He looked shocked to see Reece balls deep in me.

"Don't stop on my account. I thought we had a pack meeting."

"Yeah we do. Not until later though. I was hoping to at least unload in Adam's ass before pulling out."

"Don't worry. Keep going. While you're doing that, I'm gonna have our new pack leader here suck my cock."

He walked over and removed his pants. He moved in front of me on the couch with his crotch in my face. I watched as he pulled his underwear over his huge, half hard cock.

"Get to work."

I took it into my mouth. I started sucking and licking his cock, feeling it harden. He was an inch bigger than Nick and thick as well. I just hoped sucking his was all he wanted me to do. Reece continued fucking me. Josh held my head and pushed more of his cock into my mouth. He was fucking my face with half of his cock. Reece continued to pound my ass. He started thrusting short and hard. Without warning, I felt his load shoot inside me.

"Fuck yeah!" Was all he managed to get out.

Josh was still fucking my face while he watched Reece unload inside me. Reece pulled his cock out of my ass and I tried my best to hold his load in me. Josh pulled out of my mouth and looked down at me.

"If Reece gets a piece of your ass, so do I."

He moved around behind me and flipped me onto my back. He pulled my pants all the way off and removed his clothes. Reece stood up and stood next to me. His cock was covered in his own cum and had gone soft. Josh Climbed between my legs and lifted them. Everything was happening so fast, I didn't know what to do. His cock was covered in my saliva and my ass was already lubed up with Reece's cum. Even though Reece had stretched me, I could tell this was still going to hurt. Josh was huge and thicker than Reece. He was just as determined to fuck my ass though. He moved so he was on top of me. One of his hands was next to my body and the other was positioning his cock at my hole. I felt the tip before I felt him push. He entered with more ease than I thought but the pain still came over me when the head popped in. Everything froze for that moment. Everyone was completely still before Josh pushed further.

"Fuck yeah. 10 inches of thick meat sliding into this pack leaders hole. Feels so damn good. Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me."

"Well, you're the boss."

He pushed the remaining inches of his cock into me. I released a loud moan as he did it. He started thrusting hard, slamming his cock into me. I looked over at Reece's half hard cock then looked up to see him looking down at me.

"Clean it."

It was still covered in his cum. He stepped forward and placed his cock at my mouth. I opened and he pushed his cock in. I sucked his hardening cock. I could taste the saltiness of his cum. It tasted amazing. I allowed him to fuck my mouth. He was thrusting every inch into my throat. Josh was still pounding my ass while Reece fucked my throat. It was rough but it was incredible. Reece removed his cock from my mouth and stood next to Josh.

"C'mon Joshy boy. I know you want a taste."

He was waving his cock in front of Josh's face. Josh had slowed his fucking. In one quick move, Josh was down on Reece's dick. Reece grabbed Josh's head and started fucking his face. I watched as Reece thrusted his cock down his throat. Josh kept thrusting into me, hitting my prostate. This was all it took to start a chain reaction. Josh thrusted hard into my ass. My balls tightened and I started shooting a huge load over my stomach. It was the biggest I've ever had and made me moan, practically scream in ecstasy. My ass clenched around Josh's cock. I felt his cock harden and his load started filling me, mixing with Reece's. The moans that Josh was producing, along with his instant reaction of sucking hard when he was cumming, sent Reece over the edge. He tilted his head back, released a moan and started filling Josh's throat with cum. This was the hottest thing I had ever experienced. After we cleaned ourselves off, we were spent.

We sat around on the couch in just out underwear. The fun we just had was good to get my mind off everything. I got ready and left the house. I was going to visit Nick before the meeting tonight. I also had to visit work to pick up a few things to do at home. When I arrived at the prison, Nick was waiting for me to arrive. He didn't look as happy to see me.

"How's Jake?"

"He'll be fine. Apparently it was an allergic reaction."


"Yeah that's the one."

"But how? I made sure there was none in the house. I didn't keep anything that would harm the pack."

"We figured that the same person that ratted you out gave it to Jake."

"You need to find this fucker, Adam. Take them down."

"I'm on it. It's a little hard to do. We don't have too much to go on but I'll find them."

"I know you will. I told you about the pack because I knew you would fit in with it. By the way, what happened with your stepfather?"

"I took care of it. It's not a concern anymore."

"Did you..."

"Nick... It's not a concern."

We were silent for a minute.

"And how's your mother?"

"She's fine. I still see her. Not as much now that I'm in your house but I still check up on here. She is a lot happier now. She's already getting back into the dating game and enjoying it."

"Wow, already?"

"Yeah. She doesn't like to dwell."

"How's everyone treating you?"

"Very well. I'm having fun."

"And Troy?"

"I haven't spoken to him yet."

"You have to, Adam. If you like him, go for him. Just be careful what you reveal to him at this point."

"He wants me to come over tonight. I might see him after the meeting. I should probably get back. I just wanted to keep you updated with everything."

"Thanks Adam. Take care and find the bastard that hurt Jake."

"I will."

I left the prison and stopped by work. Everything was still the same. I had cut down my shifts as I was getting enough money from the pack and I didn't have as much time to be here. I walked into Adrian's office and noticed him struggling to hide a bag of pills.

"Oh... Adam... I um... wasn't expecting you to come today."

"I had to stop by to pick up some work. I was just coming in to ask if you needed any..."

I stopped as I noticed the bag he was trying to stuff into his pocket. It was the exact same bag as the one that was stolen from me at the club. We marked all our products that we carry and distribute them in small amounts so we can keep the bags with our mark. I approached the desk.

"That's some top grade ecstasy you have there, Adrian."

"Fuck. Don't tell anyone man."

"Don't worry. No one will find out that you have a stolen bag of E."

He gave me a confused look.

"Listen to me Adrian. I know the people that distribute that. They aren't kind people and they never leave a marked bag around. That was definitely a stolen product. You better watch your ass with the stuff that you hold there."

He stood out of his chair.

"Are you threatening me? And how the fuck would you know all this? Do you work for them? I could fire you... fuck I could have you arrested for this."

I grabbed the stapler off his desk and grabbed his tie. I stapled his tie onto the desk. He tried pulling away.

"I don't work for them, they work for me. You fuck with my shit and I will take you down. You can keep that shit but you better tell me everything you know about who gave it to you."

I could see fear in his eyes. He wasn't sure what to do. He removed his tie and sat in his chair. I watched as he pulled a piece of paper from his desk.

"It was the same guy that gave me the pot. I thought it was a little weird that he gave me a whole bag of E. I've never seen him before but I've spoken to him. I guess he just likes to stay hidden. He only left me this note with the bag when we did the transfer. He told me to keep this stuff to myself."

He handed me the note. I read it and noticed the same handwriting that the note from the club had. I walked for the door. Before I left, I turned around.

"Oh and Adrian... you work for me now."

When I arrived back at the house, the rest of the pack was there. Everyone was already drinking. I walked in and got straight to work.

"Listen up people. Something strange is going on. Apparently we have someone trying to tear the pack apart, person by person. For now, everything will remain under wraps. The less who know about this, the better. Just for now though. We will sort this out and keep everyone up to date as we see fit. Now let's get to it and find out how well this week has been for us."

This part of the meeting was always finding out how everyone did on their collecting for the week. Even though we were pretty much a gang, we still ran it like a business. We still had a profit and a loss for the week. A certain percentage would be set aside for anything that was needed for the next week and remaining funds would be divided between the group. I also had to do some shopping. Even though I was pretty much living here for now, we usually kept the cupboards and fridge stocked for when the pack came over, which was a lot. I looked at the shopping list to see what else we needed. As I stared at it, something became apparent. The handwriting on the list matched the ones from the note. I looked up in shock and met Reece's gaze.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Reece, who wrote this list?"

"It was Chris."

I hope you're enjoying it. The plot thickens. Haha. I have a plan on where the story is going right up until the end so don't think that I'm completely making it all up as I go. I know it's been a while again. I won't make any more promises I can't keep. I've been writing other stories but this one is the one that I want to focus on most. Let me know if you would like to read them.

Next: Chapter 6

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