
By Samboi

Published on Sep 9, 2012


This story is a work of fiction which may contain male on male sexual acts, drug use and violence. If you are under the 18 (or the legal age in your area to read this), please do not continue. All characters are fictional and any relation to any person is completely coincidental.

Everyone says that to be accepted, you have to be yourself. That may apply for a lot of situations in the real world but no matter what, people always have their secrets. In the situation I'm in, being accepted isn't about being yourself; being accepted is about what you bring to the pack. I was part of a gang. We were a rough crowd but we understood boundaries. As long as you follow the chain of command and the rules, you would be safe in the pack. But to move to the top of the chain, that was something you had to work for and, possibly, bend a few rules for. We saw ourselves as a kind of vigilante group. We helped people where needed but usually only if we saw some kind of benefit. We didn't always do things that helped people though. Sometimes, we were just in it to help ourselves. Revenge, drugs, alcohol, sex, this was just what we did. It's not like we ever killed anyone or anything. We were young and just wanted to have fun.

I was on the lowest level of the pack. Only being in the group for a month, I still had a long way to go before I was anywhere near the top. I was only 18 and wasn't exactly the most intimidating looking person. I was always neatly dressed, average height, slim build but getting more definition from working out. The leader always kept us on our feet which, in turn, was keeping us fit. I wasn't the only one on this level. The bottom level contained me, Matt (18), John (18) and Mike (19). They were all similar to me, pretty much the underlings, the people who fly under the radar and do as they're told. The upper level were in charge of us. They had to make sure everything went according to plan. If there were any fuck ups, it's their heads on the chopping block. The upper level contained Josh (18), Steve (20) and Reece (19). The people tho they answer to are the Hands of the Leader. The left hand of the Leader was Chris (20). He was pretty much the communication with the upper level. He was an asshole when he spoke to any of us but when it came to speaking with the leader, he was a complete pussy. The right hand is Jake (19). He always knew how to keep Chris in line. He was always good at dealing with the business side of things. One of the nicest guys I've ever met but if you fucked with him, he wouldn't let you forget it.

At the top of the chain was Nick (21). He was in charge of everything. He worked his way up when the group began, kicking ass and taking numbers. Eventually he ended up becoming the right hand, gaining the trust of the Leader at the time, Razor. Razor was an asshole. He use to do everything for personal gain and took down anyone that stood in his way. It was eventually found that he was dealing ecstasy to minors. When Nick found this out, he initiated a take-over. The police ended up catching up to Razor and he's now got a cell in prison. Serves him right. Nick always ran the pack well. He was kind of a pussy to start with but ended up learning that if you're going to be the head of a gang, you've got to be more of a hard-ass.

A month ago, I had met Nick while I was at the police station. That day, my stepfather had beaten me. He had a few anger issues and decided to take them out on me when he told me to get him a beer and I said no. I wasn't there to do everything he asked so I stood up for myself. He showed me that he wasn't going to accept any of that. The neighbours had heard the arguing and had called the cops in time for them to arrive and see me beaten on the floor with my stepfather standing over me. I was down at the police station waiting to speak with an officer when I saw Nick walk in. He was a stunning guy and he liked to show it. He was wearing a tight singlet which showed off his body. I couldn't help but notice his biceps bulging out of his arms, his round pecs and the slight definition of his abs. There were also tattoo sleaves running down both of his arms. I wasn't gay but that doesn't mean I can't admire the male form. We'll, maybe I was feeling a little something.

I've never been one to consider myself straight or gay. I just did whatever felt natural. I had experimented a few times with guys in highschool. Mutual handjobs, blowjobs and the occasional tight ass that I got to slide my cock into. If there was one thing I loved, it was showing my dominance during sex. I loved to sit back and look down at a guy working my cock with his mouth. I had a pretty decent piece of meat between my legs which stood at 7 and a half inches, full mast. I loved to plunge into a tight hole, hearing the moans of the guy I was fucking hard.

Anyway, back to meeting Nick. He had sat next to me in his singlet, shorts, skater shoes and backwards hat and introduced himself to me with one of the hottest smiles I had ever seen.

"What you here for bro?"

"Ah... just family stuff really."

"Looks like you're having a few family problems. Someone beat you or something?"

"Um... yeah... kind of."

"What do you mean kinda? Either they did or they didn't."

"Yeah... my stepdad did this to me."

"What a cunt. If anyone did that to me, I would have beaten their ass back."

"What are you here for?"

"They just wanted to ask me a few questions about one of my pack members."

"Pack members? Are you in a gang?"

"In a sense. I'll tell you what, if you're stepdad ever gives you shit again, you let me know. Here's my number."

He wrote down his number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. All I could do was smile and thank him. After that encounter with Nick, my stepdad was charged with assault but was allowed to return home. He was alright for a while until he hit me again one day. I didn't bother fighting back, I had kept in touch with Nick through texts. He was mostly busy with pack stuff but always liked the chats we had. After my stepdad his me again, I texted Nick to tell him about what happened. Once he received the message, I got a call from him. He asked if I was alright and told me that he would handle this but I owed him. I wasn't too sure what he was going to do and truthfully, I was a little scared.

The next day, my stepdad arrived home after he had finished work covered in blood and bruises. My mum was freaked out and asked him what happened. All he said was that some hooligans had started on him. I knew that it wasn't just any hooligans. As he looked over at me, I could see pure fear in his eyes. When I got back to my room, I received a message from Nick that said `He won't be bothering you anymore man. I need you to meet me at my place tomorrow though. I need some help with something.' I wasn't too sure if I wanted to go there out of fear but I knew that he had helped me so I have to help him. I was up all night wondering what I had gotten myself into and what was going to happen the next day.

When I arrived at Nick's house, I couldn't help but admire it. It was a nice looking house. It was big but not too big. He was living by himself but I later found out that this was where the pack liked to hang out. Nick was happy to see me when he answered the door. I stood about a foot taller than me and I got to admire him more now that I didn't have worrying about my stepfather on my mind. There was something more attractive about him now. It was as if he beating my stepdad had made me feel safer around him. We sat down in his well-furnished lounge room and he handed me a beer. I sat across from him, noticeably awkward about the whole situation. He sat back in his chair, arms resting across the back of it.

"You look a little nervous there bud. Relax. Nothing bad's gonna happen. I just want to have a chat"

"I'm just a little scared about what you're going to ask me to do to repay you for helping me."

Nick laughed. "Don't worry man. I'm not gonna get you to smuggle cocaine into the country or anything. I was just looking for a little help. I've got your back no matter what happens. There's a guy who has screwed me over. He bought a little pot from me a while back and still hasn't paid me for it."

"Oh no man. I can't help out like that. I can't beat anyone or anything. Oh god... I hope you're not asking me to kill him."

"Whoa dude! Settle down. I'm not asking you to do any of that. I have people that are higher up to deal with payments. We don't kill people either. I don't want to end up in prison for murder. We have connections here. Certain people keep me protected as long as I don't draw too much attention to myself. I can send people a message and get away with it, if you know what I mean. All that mess can be swept under the rug and forgotten. Murder is something completely different. If I was ever to do that, all eyes would instantly be on me and I'd be screwed. What I'm asking for is just a little back-up. You won't even really need to do anything. You'll be going along with Jake who is my right hand man, and Reece who is one of my upper level crew. Jake will deal with the guy, you just need to have his back and make sure nothing happens. This guy's a pussy anyway so you'll be fine."

I have never really been one for violence or drugs but I knew I was going to have to repay him one way or another. I trusted him for helping me out and now I wanted to gain his trust. I couldn't go against him.

"Ok... that sounds alright. I think I can do that."

Nick smiled at me. "I KNOW you can do it buddy. You'll be fine."

I looked over to the doorway and saw some stunning woman standing there. She would have to be the same age as Nick. Skinny, big rack, blonde hair, short skirt, I knew that this chick would have to be his girlfriend.

"Adam, this is Cindy, my girlfriend."

She walked over, smiled at me and introduced herself before sitting on Nick's lap and kissing him on the lips.

"Jake called." She spoke. "He said he's on his way."

"Ok hun. Let him in when he gets here."

Cindy kissed him again, stood up, smiled at me and left the room.

"Fine piece of ass isn't she. Been with her for about 3 years now."

"Lucky man. Good to have someone like that around."

"Fuck yeah it is. Best girlfriend I've ever had. She turns a blind eye to whatever I do."

Jake walked into the room at that point.

"Talking up ya girlfriend again Nicky-boy?"

Nick chuckled. "Jake. Good to see you man. This is Adam. He's going to be coming with you today."

"Ah, fresh meat. A little skinny to be my muscle on a mission like this don't ya think?"

"He'll be fine. You just need him there to have your back but you've got Reece as well."

Jake was as tall as Nick but wasn't as built as him. He was cocky but nice and always got the job done. I could tell he had a pretty good body under the button up shirt and jeans he was wearing which, with the addition of his combed hair, made him look like he should be in the mafia. Reece walked into the room and stood behind Jake as if he was his bodyguard. Reece was a little bit taller than Jake but was built. Muscles bulged out of his wife beater singlet. He had a very cute looking face and smile but didn't really say much. Jake looked over at me.

"You ready for this bud? This guy may be easy to deal with but he can be pretty sneaky sometimes. I just have to trust you to have my back."

I nodded and looked at him as if waiting for directions.

"Good. Follow me and we'll head there now."

We arrived at the beat-up dump that was Atkin's house. He was a weasel of a man, always trying to screw people over to get a hit from the bong. Pot was the only drug the pack dealt in. They didn't really like to deal with anything hardcore as it drew too much attention to them. In this area, cops turned more of a blind eye to pot. The pack smoked it every now and then for a bit of fun but mostly, they used it for profit. The three of us got out of the car and walked to the door. Jake was in front and Reece and I followed behind. The hard banging Jake did on the door almost shook the house down. We waited before we heard the click of the lock on the door and saw it open slightly. The chain was still on the door as Atkin peeked through. I watched as his eye widened in fear. Jake raised his leg and kicked the door. The door flew open; breaking the chain and sending Atkin flying back onto his ass. Jake walked ahead, picked up Atkin by his collar and slammed him against the wall.

"Now Atkin, are you aware of how business works?"

I was scared yet impressed by Jake. Only moments ago, he sounded genuine and happy. Now the tone of his voice and the way he spoke was strictly professional. He was definitely a man you didn't want to mess with.

"Business works like this. We give you a product that you want, no, you need. But we don't give it away for free Atkin, the product costs us money. We spend a low cost because we do the hard work in obtaining and maintaining it. We sell portions of it to people like you for a higher cost so we can make a profit. You, not paying us, means that we make a loss."

He punched Atkin in the stomach as Atkin yelled in pain.


I could see the veins sticking out of his neck as he yelled.

"You're a regular Atkin. We decided that you wouldn't have to pay up front last time as long as you paid us within the month. We were even kind enough as to not add interest onto the payment. Now you're fucking us around and I have to come all the way here to collect."

"Jake... man... I'm sorry... I don't have any money on me man... please."

Jake punched him again in the stomach and let go of him. Atkin dropped to the floor in pain. At this point, a woman ran in towards Jake, wielding a knife. Reece stood to the side as the woman ran past him. She looked like she had been on drugs for weeks. Her teeth were yellow and her eyes were red with bags under them. She was so skinny you could practically see her bones. As she ran towards Jake, something came over me. I stuck my leg out, tripping her. She fell to the floor and let go of the knife. I kicked the knife away from her and put my foot on her back. She struggled to get up but every time she tried, I would apply pressure and she would fall back onto her stomach. Everyone else in the room was looking at me with shock on their faces. Nick gave me a big grin before turning his focus back to Atkin.

"I'll tell you what Atkin. I'm a nice guy. I'll give you another chance but it is going to cost you. You've been with us for a long time now. You owe us $300 from your original payment with a 30 per cent mark-up for all this trouble you've caused. I expect you to pay that $390 to us within the next week or we'll be taking the payment from you another way. If you decide to pull something so stupid as to run or fight, we will find you and take matters further."

Atkin began sobbing on the floor. Jake turned around and began walking out of the house. Reece and I followed close behind. On our way home, Jake and Reece spoke about what had happened before Jake turned his attention to me.

"You did so fucking well Adam. You had my back and I owe you big time for that. It could have been pretty messy but you did what you were there to do. Just wait until Nick hears about this. He's gonna be so fucking proud."

I had the biggest grin on my face. The adrenaline rush I got from taking control of that situation was incredible but I was curious as to why Reece had stood to the side. When we arrived back at Nick's, Jake told me to wait in the lounge room while he spoke to Nick in Nick's bedroom. About half an hour later, Jake and Reece came back out and told me that Nick wanted to talk. They were about to leave to I said good-bye to them and headed for Nick's room.

When I walked in, I saw Nick lying on his bed. The first thing I noticed was that he wasn't wearing a shirt. The tattoo sleaves looked incredibly hot on him and I noticed the word `forever' tattooed across his chest. He was laying back on his bed, propped up against a pillow, wearing just his jeans. When I entered his dimly lit room, he smiled his stunning smile at me.

"Ah, Adam my man. I heard about what a great job you did today. Congratulations. I just wanted to have a chat to you about more of a permanent thing in the pack. Please, sit down next to me."

I sat on the bed next to him.

"Where's Cindy gone? I didn't see her when I walked in."

"Cindy's got her own life to live. Well, everyone here does really. The pack is pretty much only a part time thing. We always keep in contact and have our usual meetings but we still have our own things to do. Today you thought on your feet and took some initiative. That is what I like to see. You can go far in this group. But that is only if you want to be a part of it."

"I have to say, today wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. I loved the adrenaline. I noticed that Reece stood to the side when the woman ran in. Him being the buff guy that he is, I thought he would handle it."

"I told Reece to only interfere when things got bad. He was basically there to observe to see how you handle things. You did really well."

"So what will it entail if I join?"

"Basically, we just need more pack members, people that can think for themselves but do as their told. You'll be working closely with everyone and handling situations like that. We try and help people where needed. Sure we make a profit and give people what they want, but we help people too."

"I liked it today. I'm definitely going to consider it."

"You can be out anytime you like. Don't think where forcing you into anything. But first, you'll need to bulk up a little. You're skinny as. We have some equipment here you can use. I'll help you out when I can. You'll be as fit as me in no time."

He winked at me and I swear I saw him tense his pecs.

"I'll try and bulk up. Soon I'll have guns as big as yours."

Nick laughed and raised his arm. He started flexing his bicep. My eyes widened when I saw the size of them.

"Woah dude. They're huge."

He grabbed my hand and placed it straight onto his muscle. He grinned at me but there was something more behind that grin. I couldn't stop myself from starting to get hard as I felt his bicep. He moved my hand down to his pec.

"These muscles take time to get. Feel how hard my chest is when I tense? That took a lot of work."

He moved my hand further down to his abs.

"Abs aren't the easiest muscles to gain. But you'll get them over time as well."

He continued to move my hand until it was placed on his crotch. I could feel that he was hard.

"As for this muscle, well it hasn't been touched in a while. Maybe you could help me out with it, maybe as a thank you for letting you into the pack."

"What about Cindy?"

"What about her? She doesn't help me out with this that often. That's why she turns a blind eye whenever I have a little fun. She's told me before that it's too big for her and she just kind of likes being my girlfriend without the sex. I don't mind it as long as I get a little action from somewhere."

Thanks for reading this chapter. There will be more to come if you all like what you have read so far. Something different from my Episodes of Jake story. I wanted something with more of a storyline.

Next: Chapter 2

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