Pa with Uniform

By Salmacis

Published on Nov 10, 2007


Any similarities to any persons in this story living or dead are purely accidental and also if you are not old enough or allowed to read such stories of a sexual nature in your place of residence/country and then please leave this site now.

You are about to read a story which does depict sexual activities between male / female and male/male persons but no one was hurt or suffered throughout the making of this saucy story and in fact everyone enjoyed it because they told me so for the 4th time

From part 3

"Well James, I am surprised to see you out of your uniform! But as I've stood here for some considerable time watching you all I not surprised why, in fact I wished I was here earlier to have had the opportunity to join in with you but there is always tomorrow. What do you think Alex?"

"I'm fucking counting on it Stella"

The smile on her face said it all and tomorrow would cum very soon!

PA with Uniform Part 4

I managed to get upstairs and make my way to my bedroom where I needed to have a shower and clean myself up. I was so covered in cum and so sticky all over but I had enjoyed it so it was well worth it. I was just about naked when Alex came in with a smile on her face as usual. She had a small package, which she placed on the bedside cabinet and then sat down on the bed crossing her legs revealing her stocking tops. "James, I will sleep here with you tonight if that's OK"

and before I could say anything she had taken her jacket off and was unbuttoning her blouse. "Alex, I would love it if you would stay here with me but what is the package on the cabinet?"

"Ah, you will find out later if you are a good boy James, are you a good boy? What I saw downstairs earlier leads me to believe you are very much a naughty boy who likes to, What shall we say; A naughty boy who likes to CUM out to play. Would I be right?"

By now Alex had her bra off and her skirt had fallen to the floor leaving her standing there in her stockings and tiny lace knickers, which were being stretched by her constantly growing cock! I could see she wanted to get some satisfaction and she was not going to wait until morning!!

"James, go and get a quick shower and get back here pronto I need to get laid very quickly and this will not wait"

She was referring to her cock which now was at full mast and she was slowly stroking it with her slender fingers back and forth. I had to admit Alex was so absolutely stunning. Standing there, tall, slender, short blonde hair, gorgeous breasts and dressed in just a pair of stockings and heels and her lace knickers around her ankles wanking her obviously very hard cock in front of me as she looked me straight in the eye.

I don't remember getting into the shower but here I was nearly finished and just rinsing myself off when something Alex had said made me think "I need to get laid very quickly and this will not wait" Being in a rush is normal for Alex but saying she wanted to get laid? I was dry enough now and then I heard Alex speak from the bedroom.

"James, come on I need it now and be quick or I'll end up wanking myself silly waiting for you!"

I went into the bedroom and she was on the large double bed with a wicked look in her eyes as I approached the bed.

"Ah, so you have cum out to play after all. Climb on the bed James and sit as I am with your legs out in front of you but spread them wide facing me and let your legs cross over mine so we can get closer"

I noticed the package was open and knew Alex had something planned. I got on the bed and positioned myself as Alex had asked. NO, let me correct that, as Alex had told me. Hell, I'm happy to do what she asks or tells what me to do.

"James, I have here a double ended dildo and we are going to fuck each other with it at the same time so I'm just going to lube you up a little"

Alex had the lube at the ready of course and proceeded to smear plenty around my rear opening and then promptly inserted the huge imitation cock up inside me with still plenty left for her to insert up into her lubed pussy hole. Imagine the scene for a moment; both of us sitting in a semi reclined position facing one another with our legs spread wide crossing over each other and connected with a long cock shaped dildo up each others pussy holes. I reckoned we had at least 6 or 7 inches up ourselves and a further 8 inches or so making the bit between us not to mention we now both had a huge erection standing proud as we looked at each other.

"Alex, can I just make a observation here, we are both leaning back propped up on our elbows with this slippery dildo up each other. How on earth are we going to move it back and forth, its too wet and slippery to grip with our anal muscles!"

I heard the door close behind me

"James, that's why we are here silly"

I glanced around to see Stella and Alison walking towards the bed dressed in some very nice lingerie which made my cock jerk a little. Both were dressed in stockings and a lift up bra fully exposing the breasts and nipples. Neither was wearing knickers at all. The brazen little hussies.

As they reached the bed Stella climbed over my legs with her back to me and positioned her wet pussy over my hard cock and lowered herself fully down moaning as she went until resting balls deep on my thighs. Alison had done the same on Alex and now Stella and Alison were holding each other with their arms wrapped around arms but then they started to pull themselves even closer together and as they did they also pulled me and Alex closer due to the fact both our hard cocks were firmly embedded in their hot pussies and the result was that the slippery dildo went sliding up and down back and forth in both mine and Alex's pussies.

"You see James, a team effort can work wonders is'nt that right Alison?"

"Oh fuck yes Stella, Christ Alex your cock is so fucking big inside me it's like I'm impaled on a fucking telegraph pole!! OOOOOHHHH,fuck yes, yes. Yeeesssss Oh my god that was so good! first one to me Stella"

Alison had the quickest orgasm I had ever known in my life and she was looking for more of the same and that's just as well as Alex's cock won't rest until she is satisfied nor will she disappoint.

We all started to move in unison with everyone getting screwed and fucked at the same time and I noticed Stella and Alison were enjoying each others company to the full. Not only had they pulled themselves close together but they both took turns to lower their heads to suck on the others nipples which excited me to say the least. Stella reached down and firmly grabbed my balls and fondled them as they came into contact with Alex's.

"How do you like getting fucked and having your balls kissing each others then boys? Come on Alison lets find a new position to enjoy all of this"

With that Stella and Alison climbed off Alex and I and stood back they watched the action of Alex and me eagerly sliding back and forth trying to get the most of the dildo in our bottoms and now I too could see our balls coming together when we pushed ourselves forward. It looked very erotic being joined to Alex like this and despite having a very erect cock I still saw Alex as a very sexy woman who was looking somewhat frustrated now the girls had dismounted us.

"James, I think the girls are waiting for us to finish fucking ourselves but I need to get my cock into something nice and tight how about you?"

"Oh, what's the matter boys can't you two get to grips with your cocks without us girls here, we are feeling OK aren't we Alison"

Stella was teasing us and both her and Alison were smirking but it was clear they were "Feeling OK" in fact both of them had fingers up each others hot pussies and were frigging each other off to orgasms.

"Stella, you little tease. Here we are getting all hot and sticky fingered with each other and the poor boys cocks are just waggling around in the air with no hot mouth or willing hand to make them cum. I think its time we finished ourselves off and let the cocks over there drool over us getting off together"

Alison then suggested to Stella that they lay down to continue their onslaught on each others pussies. So both of them got down and held each other as they lay on their sides one arm holding the other while the other hand continued the fingering on their very wet cunts. Both had their eyes closed and kissed each other so tenderly I probably could have come there and then it was so erotic.

Alex was up and pulling the lubricated dildo from my anus now and was beckoning me to keep quiet as we got off the bed, she approached me with the lube and began smearing it up and down my cock as she did the same to her own. Then in sign language she directed me to lie behind Stella while she got behind Alison and at the same time we were to guide our throbbing cocks up in between the girls smooth bottoms and find a tight place to cum. In unison Alex and I pushed at the same time making the girls eyes pop open as we found our tight targets, being well lubed by Alex our cocks slid in with just a little pressure and soon we were embedded fully in our temporary hot homes.

Stella spoke " Ah that feels better does it not boys? I think we have inspired the boys to join us Alison and I hope Alex is taking it easy back there with you?"

"OOOhhhhhh I just cant get enough of this fucking huge cock Stella. Wank me harder Stella get as many fingers as you can in me I am so gonna cum AAAHhhhhh"

I gather Stella did just that from the sound of Alison's voice. I picked myself up slightly to look over at Alison with Stellas fingers going back and forth and Alex gripping her hip as she fucked her tight little behind. Meanwhile my cock was being teased by Stella tightening her anal muscle and pulling on my cock as though to tease the cum out of me.

I heard Alison have another orgasm just as she was pulled away from Stella by Alex who flipped her over onto her back and straddled her hips so Alex could wank herself off all over her Alison's breasts. I could see Alisons eyes wide open as she looked up at Alex wanking herself to a frenzy over her and then it happened.

"Here it comes my little one and you are going to get a load all over you, so you thought it clever did you teasing James and me with Stella and your little fingers doing their magic in each others cunts"

As Alex spoke this she reached round and inserted her fingers in to Alisons very wet pussy and was frigging her off further as she wanked herself over Alison, She was wriggling in orgasmic bliss underneath from Alex's attentions.

"Don't struggle so much my little one I just need to keep you hot a little longer so I can cummmmmmmm Oh fuck yes that's it fuck fuck take it all you tease"

Alex was shooting spunk all over Alison, the first shot went clear past Alisons head, the second hit her face and mouth, then her neck, breasts and stomach and then Alex withrew her fingers from Alison's hot hole and forced her to suck her own juice from her fingers which she greedily did whereupon Alex then scooped her cum up and got Alison to clean up the rest of her cum as she was now being finger fed by Alex. Finally Alex slid up Alison and slipped her cock into her mouth and watched Alison suck the cock like a woman possessed.

Stella turned to me and said;

"Do me the same way James right now!"

I flipped Stella onto her back and sat astride her as Alex had done with Alison and reached back to push my fingers into a very hot and wet opening. Stella looked up at me smiling and said wank all your cock and cum over me James and I have a dry mouth too don't forget. As I pulled my cock back and forth this was not going to last long, already I could feel it building inside me.

"Here it comes Stella, where do you want the first load"

As she went to speak I shot it into her open mouth, as I pumped and wanked my cock Stella raised herself up onto her elbows and opened her mouth wider!

"MMMMmmmmmm, more please James, Oh yes that tastes good give me more!!"

And I did shot after shot, even I was surprised at the amount I was shooting over Stella. She reached up and pulled me down to her cum covered face and we kissed and it was a very nice messy kiss covered in my cum. When Stella fell back to rest I continued to lick my cum off her ample breasts and I loved it, finally returning a cum kiss back to stella.

I fell asleep exhausted after all the recent sexual activities and although I was amazed at my stamina I was feeling quite weak even the next day and I was going to take a break to recuperate before any other encounters.

I saw little of anyone the next day until around 3pm and up until then I kept busy suitably dressed in my PA's navy skirt, stockings and of course my white fitted blouse feeling every bit the PA that I'm employed as. I made sure all the office was up to date and the post was sorted and the emails checked. I had seen Ben around just for a few minutes passing each other in the kitchen, as he walk back upstairs he said,

"James, I'm going to have to speak to you later with some interesting news about our new venture, I'm speaking to a few more buyers and the management at our favourite Italian fashion venue and I'll get back to you later on. Oh by the way, Stella and Alex had to go to the city for most of the day early this morning"

I managed to occupy my time around the house and even took time out to walk around outside for some fresh air, I really love the feel of fresh air blowing up my skirt to the tops of my stockings and thighs and I was beginning to feel quite refreshed especially having had no sex all day, A major achievement here but I'm sure I'll be up for more before too long!

I was in the lounge when Ben came in and sat opposite me and I could see he had something to say.

"James, I've been in touch most of the day with all my main buyers and some special private ones and in 3 weeks we are having a private fashion show to launch the new range of stockings for men. Everything is up and rolling as we speak to get this ready in time and I just need to check you are OK with all of this and to ask you to be the number one model with 15 others that will parade the catwalk with you. Before you say anything just let me say this is probably the first type of fashion show of its kind aimed at men with a difference".

"Ben, this is all moving very fast so can I just go over a couple of things to be sure what I'm getting myself into. You and I are having a fashion show aimed at men who want to see the range of stockings we can provide them with and I with 15 others will grace the catwalk showing the range available. Does this sound about right"

"On the nose James"

"OK, I assume the models are all men? And will we be modelling just stockings or will there be any other lingerie for us to show? "

"I'll run through it for you James. There will be 14 men and 2 women showing the complete range of hold ups or thigh highs as some call them as well as traditional stockings and suspender belts all aimed at men, now the 2 women models are there to allow the more extra feminine men out there to feel relaxed and feel they are getting their Fem side catered for. All the stockings are the same as Stella sells worldwide but we have made some slight additions to the range as well. Don't worry you won't be naked apart from the stockings that you'll be modelling as there will be a range of appropriate knickers and panties to compliment the stockings. I'll tell you what James, stand up and take off just your skirt please and walk to the other side of the room and back again"

I did as Ben suggested and could see what he was getting to and as I walked back again towards him minus my skirt he asked me to stop and turn around which I did.

"There you go James, Not so hard was it? That will give you some idea of what you will be doing on the catwalk and how you will be dressed. We will have to make sure that any shirts or blouses we use should not be too long as to cover the models suspenders or knickers but we need a balance and can't have you otherwise naked without them. We will use heeled shoes but I'm thinking men's Latin dance shoes rather than women's high heels. Something with a 2 inch heel should be just right"

"Ben, I'm with you all the way here but there is a small matter of my employment here with Stella to consider and just jetting off to Italy might upset things with her?"

"No problem there James, Stella knows this venture of ours will improve sales with her companies but Stella will tell you all about the arrangements that she has come up with. She mentioned them to me this morning before she left but I'll let her tell you later"

"Ben, I have a favour to ask. I would like Alex to be one of the women models in the show"

"If she is happy to do it James then that's fine with me, I hadn't given it a thought but I can see that would be perfect all things considered and the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous just makes it more exciting. I will leave you to ask her in your own good time"

"Great. Then it's full steam ahead Ben. I assume we will have a dummy run just to make sure it all goes smoothly before the main event"

"Yes James. I was coming to that, 3 days before the show we will have a trial run and make sure all is ready. If there is anything that you feel we can add to this special event then let me know as soon as possible so we can arrange it in good time"

"Actually I do have an idea for a finale but I need to run it by Stella first and how far can we push the limits in this show Ben."

"Well, as far as we like James. Apart from full on stage sex almost anything will be OK. Some of the underwear will reveal almost all you boys will have anyway"

"That's great. I'll get back to you on my idea for a finale by tomorrow"

Just then the sound of a car stopping outside revealed the arrival of Stella and Alex back from London. As they came in to the lounge Stella spoke first.

"Oh my, Ben and James together and someone's not wearing their skirt Alex"

I had forgot to put it back on after my display walk so I quickly put it on and smoothed it down just as Alex smirked and answered Stella. "Just like James, he just can't seem to keep his clothes on but you just try and get him out of his stockings and then you will have a job on your hands"

"I just need to have a chat with Ben, James. Would you be so kind and make some tea for us all. I'm sure Alex will lend a hand"

Both I and Alex headed to the kitchen and I took the opportunity to ask her if she would like to model in Italy in the new show. She stopped dead and looked straight at me, lost for words I would say. Eventually with some degree of misting in her eyes she spoke.

"Oh James, do you really mean it. You want me to model with you in Italy. I would just love to. I thought I would be left behind in all of this. I'm so happy now how can I possibly thank you. I'm so excited!!"

My mouth was open to speak but before a word came out Alex had rushed back into the lounge at high speed to tell Stella. She came back at much the same speed almost crashing to the floor when she tried to stop on the tiled floor in her heels.

"Ooooohhhh, James. Tell me again what you want me to do in Italy. Tell me it all!!"

I told Alex as much as I knew myself and she was glued to my every word and at that point Stella called out from the lounge

"James, make it hot tea please"

Ooops. I had forgot the tea. We made it quickly and took it in to Ben and Stella. We all sat and talked about the up coming show and spoke about everything we needed to sort out as Ben and his staff were going off to Italy in the morning. Ben shortly decided to have an early night due to the flight in the morning and left us three to talk further.

"Well James, I assume you are really excited about all of this now. I have arranged with Ben that all of us will be going to Italy in 2 weeks time to meet up with him to check on how things are progressing and then to get ready for a trial run of the show"

"Stella, I am so happy to be going to Italy and parade around in my underwear with Alex here and in the process boost sales of these lovely stockings of yours and give men everywhere the chance to enjoy them as I do."

"Thank you James. I appreciate that. In the short time you have been here we have enjoyed each others company to the fullest in every possible way imaginable and now we are going even further with this unique fashion show and if it all goes well as I'm sure it will I will see to it that all of us here will benefit from it. Tomorrow James I want to hear all about this finale Ben mentioned you had in mind but now I would really like the both of you upstairs and in bed. My Bed that is!!!"

Both Alex and I smiled at Stella and we both took her hands and pulled her up and headed for the stairs for our sleepless night ahead.

When we got to Stella's room we closed the door behind us as this was just going to be a threesome tonight. Stella, Alex and I began to remove each others clothes seductively sliding skirts down while on our knees in front of each other and then removing shoes. I got to caress both and Stella's and Alex's breast's through their blouses before I removed them and then I took my time to unfasten the bras so I could suck this impending line up of breasts I know so well. Before too long we were all standing in just stockings and thongs and I decided I was going to remove both of their thongs and Alex was going to take mine off.

I knelt in front of Stella and gently hooked my fingers into her black lace thong and so slowly eased them down her legs until she stepped out of them at which point I parted her stocking clad legs and licked her naked thighs just above the lace tops and drifted my tongue to her hot and moist opening. I pushed as far in as I could go and then slowly but gently removed it until I could flick it over her clit repeatedly until her legs shook in my hands eager for more. I pulled away but slid my hand up her stocking leg until I could gently slide two fingers inside her very wet pussy. My other hand found Alex and I held her stocking leg and pulled her closer to Stella and I positioned them both closer and facing each other with me on my knees between them. I rose up enough to take Alex's tip of her cock into my mouth and I just swirled my tongue around the head lapping up her pre cum before I sank further down her hard rod and then pulling back. I sank back down as far as I could bobbing up and down before pulling off completely with my tongue last to leave the tender tip and the juice behind.

As I did this my other hand was busy with two fingers sliding back and forth into Stella's extremely wet pussy. She was hot in every sense as I could feel her juice running down the back of my hand.

I backed off and still on my knees I pulled the two together, releasing my hand from Alex's thigh I wrapped it around her erect cock and gave it a few slow movements and then I positioned it towards Stella's opened thighs. I rubbed the head of Alex's cock against Stella's clit several times which increased both the girl's laboured breathing.

"Jesus, that feels good James". Alex murmured. Stella was still gently moaning

I pushed my head in between the two of them and took turns to tilt my head to my left flicking Stella's clit and then back to the right and licking this engorged cock of Alex's. By now I had a raging erection and it was still encased in my small thong!

I stood up and removed my tented thong.

"Ok girls I have a very hard cock here and it needs some serious attention"

Stella moved to the bed and pulled back the duvet almost completely off the bed. Alex laid down with her cock proudly sticking up looking for a home at which point Stella grabbed some lube off her bedside cabinet and coated all of Alex's cock whereupon she turned her back to Alex and positioned it at her back door and slid fully down in one swift movement on Alex's cock forcing a "fuck me" from Alex's lips.

"Come on James, let me give you some serious attention to your throbbing member. There's plenty of room up at the front!"

I looked at the two in front of me. Alex on her back with her cock rammed tight up inside Stella's arse with Stella leaning back with her legs apart willing me forward to fill her up. I leant down and positioned my cock at her wet entrance and forced all my cock in at once til my balls hit home. As I moved in and out I could feel Alex's cock thrusting in and out of its tight domain just below me. Alex was taking all the weight and even now she had her hands massaging Stella's huge breasts from behind, I tried to keep most of my weight off Stella by keeping my arms outstretched either side of her as I pounded her heavenly pussy.

Stella was groaning from this double fucking she was getting and when Alex wasn't groping her breasts I watched them bouncing and jiggling just below me from the constant fucking Alex and I were giving her.

"Alex, do you love giving your mistress pleasure with your throbbing cock up her bottom, do you love fucking her tight arse with your rampant cock. Thrusting it in and out eager to spill your cum deep inside her!!"

"Yessssss James, I love to fuck her as I always have and always will, I love to fuck and pleasure my first love, my Stella"

Her words slowly dropped down to a gentle lovers whisper and I could see Alex did in fact love Stella more than even I realised. I withdrew from Stella and pulled Stella up off of Alex's cock. I turned Stella around to look down on Alex with her still hard cock and whispered to them both.

"Alex, before you stands Stella, make love to her now as she deserves"

"Stella come down here please" Alex said.

With that Stella and Alex lay together on the bed entwined in each others arms as Alex once again slowly penetrated Stella's soft bottom but this time not with haste but with slow sensual movements caressing each others bodies with love and affection. Alex moved slowly in and out of Stella slowly building her orgasm and both were stroking each others face with their hands as the orgasm began to take hold of them.

"Alex, why did you not tell me this before. I knew you to be fast and furious in your love of sex with me. But I never knew you loved me. Its so different to feel you like this. Slow and gentle and loving"

"Stella I have always loved you but I just couldn't tell you. Each time we had sex and I never told you I got more frustrated, but not with you Stella, with myself"

"Alex, now let yourself go and pleasure us both now I know the truth, come on fuck me like a true lover"

And Alex did, not with power or speed but with a slow build to their orgasms as they kissed and caressed each other. Alex fucked Stella's bottom like slow and deep like never before and Stella rose up sitting astride Alex's pumping organ inside her as she reached out and took Alex's hand and guided it to her cunt pleading her to finger fuck her at the same time. In fact Stella held Alex's hand and guided both hers and Alex's fingers in and out of her wet pussy together.

"Alex, bring me closer to release and make me cum with you"

"Stella, its now! I need to cum inside you I need it now Oohhh now its now Stella. Oh Oh yes yesssssss! Stella at this point shuddered as her orgasm overtook her and she slumped forward onto her new lover.

I was left standing with my erect cock eagerly waiting to erupt after what I had just seen and both Alex and Stella were aware of this as they slowly recovered. Both beckoned me to join them in bed with them, my place was of course, in the middle.

"Don't worry James, we love you too and you do need some attention don't you"

As I laid back with these two soft warm bodies next to me their hands began to wander over my stocking tops with light caresses reaching my hard cock with each taking turns to stroke me. It was bliss having two lovers stroking me, kissing, nibbling licking and sucking. I watched them both run their tongues up my cock until they kissed my swollen tip together and with joined hands they wanked me off until I exploded my cum on their smiling faces.

We drifted off to sleep contented.

Part five: Italy fashion Show. --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

Thanks for all the kind e-mails and comments Love Salmacis

Next: Chapter 5

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