Pa with Uniform

By Salmacis

Published on Oct 8, 2007


Any similarities to any persons in this story living or dead are purely accidental and also if you are not old enough or allowed to read such stories of a sexual nature in your place of residence/country and then please leave this site now. You are about to read a story which does depict sexual activities between male / female and male/male persons but no one was hurt or suffered throughout the making of this story and in fact they all enjoyed it because they told me so for the second time.

This story is fictional and has never happened although who knows, maybe one day I'll get lucky

PA with Uniform part 2

I slept like a log and woke about 7am with my eyes still partially closed I turned over and felt a smooth hot body next to me, Alex was sound asleep which was no surprise considering how she had fucked me so hard the night before and then sucked me into sleep just as I climaxed into her soft hot willing mouth. As I drifted off to sleep the last thing I remembered was Alex smiling at me with a trickle of cum on her bottom lip. I simply was well fucked, shattered and worn out. Everything had moved so fast in such a small amount of time, One minute I'm a secret cross dresser in search of a new job and the next I'm employed in the best way possible and just left wondering how today could possibly get any better. I left Alex asleep and showered, shaved and prepared myself for the first working day with Stella. I kept thinking I have to make a good impression on my first day so Stella won't have any second thoughts about my suitability. I realized I was not wearing any of my "normal clothes" today but then I began to question what was normal anymore; as much as I loved to cross dress I soon noticed my new Uniform for the day. Without hesitation I decided to wear the black uniform and match it accordingly. First was my passion for a rather expensive looking black lace thong which cupped my cock and balls perfectly then I thought why not go the whole way and wear a suspender belt instead of hold ups. I chose a matching belt to the thong and clasped it around me followed by some beautiful nearly black lace topped stockings, which I carefully pulled up my legs and attached them to my belt straps. I have to admit pulling the stockings up my legs and attaching the suspender clips to the fine laced tops was exhilarating to say the least!! I am going to start wearing a belt more often!!. I checked myself in the mirror and felt so good, inside and out to a point where my cock decided to stir looking for someone to play with. I was so tempted then and there just to wank myself while I looked in the mirror but quickly moved away to continue dressing. I felt sure my cock was going to get me back for ignoring it at that moment. I tried on the white silk blouse and buttoned it up and it just felt so light and cool and I did wonder if I would be warm enough as my nipples seemed to be so erect and continually stroking the fabric as I moved to put on the skirt. I was getting so turned on dressing and I've not even made it to the door yet but I stopped myself and put my feet into the black 4" court shoes which were stacked neatly in a row beneath all the suits hanging up. I had worn shoes like this before but I still felt a little unsteady so I took my time to walk slowly to the bedroom door grabbing my fitted black jacket as I left the room, I peered back at Alex still asleep before I closed the door behind me when she spoke with one eye open" James, I just loved watching you getting dressed just now and I know you enjoyed the experience of dressing in your new clothes didn't you? " I closed the door after a quick smile back at Alex. As I walked to the stairs my bottom decided to remind me just how much pounding it took from Alex's big cock last night, it wasn't sore, it was a just a little tender but I still had the smile on my face when I reached the kitchen and Stella was already there when she looked at me and said "well you look happy this morning and I know why that is, it's being well fucked by Alex last night and the clothes you are now wearing. Come and grab a coffee and give me a twirl, I want to see my new PA with his uniform on" Stella came up close to me after looking me up and down and said "I am very pleased with you James, you look just perfect to work along side me through the day and very smart indeed and I love your choice of black today especially with the new stockings I got just for you, how do they feel with the lace suspender belt?" I have to admit Stella I only ever wore hold ups but I just love the feel of the straps on my thighs when I walk, the slight tension gives me a buzz.

"Good, then its settled from now on it's stockings and belt everyday and hold ups on occasions. I notice you also have tried my new perfume this morning" as she got even closer to me to inhale it. "I left it in your bedroom hoping you would try it" as she spoke her eyes seem to glaze over and for a moment she looked in a trance. She then quickly stepped back and almost shook herself and said "Right then James, let's run over a few things before Alex comes down. Some house rules to remember. First Rule, we have a understanding here at night that if you leave your bedroom door open anyone may enter at will and enjoy themselves with you. Closed, and no one may enter unless you invite them in. This is very important so don't forget it and it applies to all of us including me" "Second, at times I have to entertain business clients and company directors who are unable to complete deals with me through one of my offices for some reason or another and there may be a need for them to stay over until they finish and fly out again. During this time I would need your help in entertaining them in case of questions of my contracts etc etc and of course the uniform must be worn at all times, unless." I jumped in with some concern at this point" Stella, how are they going to react when they seem me dressed in my skirt with stockings and heels, not to mention my lace thong underneath" "Don't worry James, all my clients know of my strict dress code here and they know it applies to my male assistants and most have seen it all before. They won't even take much notice of you" I swallowed hard at the prospect of this happening. Third, and most importantly. When clients are here among us in this house it is not unusual for the evenings to get very sexual and highly charged and if anything you see bothers you I do not expect you join in or partake in anything you don't freely want to do, you are under no pressure to do so whatsoever, it is your own free choice. Do you understand?" I answered yes. "good as I don't want my new PA feeling put upon" "Final rule, I want you to always speak your mind openly and regardless, don't hesitate or think it just say it" "James I would like you to get started in my office and set it up how you feel it should be, I have a new Fax machine, copier, and the latest computer that all needs setting up, do you think you could manage all that for me and get me on broadband ASAP by the end of the day, I know you men love the techno stuff so I left it until I had my new PA to sort out" "I have some important things to sort out before this evening so its all down to you James" I will get on it straightaway Stella and I spun round on my heels and went off to the office to get started, within 5 hours I was pleased to say it all was set and running perfectly. God it was 2pm and I was starving and I hadn't seen Stella or Alex in all that time. I made my way to the kitchen again but it was empty however the adjoining door to the annexe was ajar so I went to shut it when I heard some moans coming from somewhere through the maze of corridors and rooms. I finally made it to a large room with little or no furniture in it but nicely decorated all the same when just beneath the bay window I found the reason for the lingering moans. Alex was virtually naked on all fours and being fucked rigorously by a large Alsatian dog with another one attempting to slide his huge cock into her mouth without much success I might add. I was stunned, shocked and excited all at the same time and the room was filled with the smell of sex, sweat and moans. Alex was pleading with the dog behind her "fuck me hard boy, give me your cock as fast as you can, you know I can take it, fuck me, yesssss that's it" Alex was now aware of me being there and called me over

"James I can explain but can you help me out first, I need you to lead Erik outside and close the door, he is getting too excited and trying to mount me and fuck my mouth but he is too big for me, take him outside please James". I managed to get Erik outside despite his best efforts not to go and went back in to Alex, as I did the dog behind had managed to finish pumping Alex full of his cum and was happy to disengage from Alex at which point she slumped to the ground breathless, and well fucked I would say. "James help me up would you" I helped lift Alex up to her feet, she looked me in the eyes and said "OH my, that was so fucking good. You really must try that sometime James. Oh dear just look at me, what must you think?" I glanced at her up and down and noticed a gallon of cum seeping from her bottom down her thighs to her ankles and onto the floor and when she moved all I could hear was this squelching. Alex had me set her down on a chair that was covered with a towel, she had come prepared obviously!. She spoke more easily now "James these are my boys Erik and Hans, they have been with me for 5 years and we look after each other, I give them what they need and they protect me, they double as guard dogs for Stella here at the house but I'm not supposed to be here and pleasure them until later in the evening but you were busy and Stella is upstairs having her afternoon nap and I so needed a good fuck James, you do understand don't you? But we'll talk again later now you go and get something to eat and I'll get cleaned up before Stella wakes up" Alex leaned forward to me and kissed me before I left. I walked away with a rigid cock under my skirt, which was straining to escape the confines of the lace thong holding it prisoner, if I had my way it would have got parole then and there. Now I felt so horny and every movement made me more excited. I walked to the kitchen aware of my luxurious stockings with the lace tops rubbing together. I had no option but to get upstairs and go to my bedroom and wank myself off before I exploded. I reached the hall between the bedrooms and was just about to pass Stella's room when I noticed the door was open. First rule! I stopped and entered the room and walked to the bed which had Stella lying face down still asleep. She was only wearing her stockings and thong much the same as mine in fact, her legs were slightly apart and I was ready to get some relief damm quick but I felt this is not the way so I stopped myself and began to turn when Stella spoke, "James it's OK come back here. You found my door open and came inside, I have been laying here in case you needed me but I fell asleep, I'm sorry. Climb on the bed and pull my thong down and slide yourself between my cheeks and fuck my arse how you wish. I do love being fucked by a hard cock and I have noticed a few times you seem to like looking at my bottom, now fuck it with all your might and enjoy. Later on tonight you can have my other side to explore"

I stood in her bedroom and removed my silk blouse, I unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the ground and stepped out of it, I then slowly pulled my lace thong down with my thumbs and let that fall to the ground. Now I was just standing there in my suspender belt stockings and shoes with my hard cock proudly sticking out forward, at this point Stella rose up slowly on one arm and said with a sleepy smile "Stop there, don't remove anything else, walk slowly toward me but as you do I want you to also slowly wank yourself, that's it take a gentle hold of that hard cock and slowly move your hand up and down, show me how you can gently tease and pleasure yourself slowly fucking your own hand. Slowly now! There's no rush, up and down, feel the heat of your cock and how good it feels in your hand. Keep your eyes on my bottom as you approach me know that is where your hard cock is going to end up.I'm watching you in just your black stockings, suspender belt and shoes slowly wanking yourself to my voice, listen to my voice James and how slowly I'm speaking as this is the pace that you must fuck your hand to, pull your cock back and forth, back and forth, that's it feel how hard it is and how you love to wank it for me, you do love wanking your hard cock for me James don't you? Say you do, please for me, tell me you love to fuck your hand when you look at my bottom" "Yes Stella, I do so love fucking my own hand with my hard cock, slowly wanking it to the sound of your voice and walking toward you in just my sexy stockings and shoes. " Nearly there now James, just a few more tender strokes on your lovely hard cock for me, look at my bottom James it's ready for you, I inserted my fingers there with some cool lube just for your hot cock to explore, I know you've wanted to fuck me there since you first met me haven't you James? That's it climb onto the bed, my legs are wider now for your pleasure and comfort, listen to my voice a little longer now and soon you will take over, take your position behind me but first just run your fingers over your cock tip for me and bring them to my mouth so I can taste that pre cum that's oozing out, I just want to taste it before it goes up inside me. MMMnnn that tastes good. I'll be looking forward to more of that cum later on. Hold my cheeks slightly apart and touch my hole with your cock, yes, that's it, it's so hot and wet, push it in now James, yes, push it harder. OH my god that's it, push it further now all the way in. now pull it back out a little and fuck me the way you like best" My cock was now embedded in her lovely ample bottom but I could not keep it still I just had to fuck like a madman, I gripped her smooth hips and pushed deep into her hole fucking her senseless riding her arse. As I was fucking her brains out I felt our stocking clad legs rubbing together, I looked down and saw this Woman's stockings and mine caressing each other while I fucked her naked bottom still gripping her hips for support, I felt the cum deep down inside of me rising fast eager to shoot out and up inside Stella, Quickly my pace increased and I lowered myself to Stella's back and released my grip on her hips so I could reach up and around to grab her large breasts. She had risen up slightly so her breasts were swaying in time with each of my powerful thrusts, Fuck Fuck I'm cummmmming!!!! I just managed to pinch her nipples as my cum shot from my cock and coated Stella's insides, I slowly stopped moving but Stella kept rocking back and forth to ensure she had every drop of my cum up her, she was milking my cock and her hole still had a grip on my cock, I had to ask her to stop but still she wanted more. As my cock had softened each time she pushed back cum would squelch out and run down inside her lace thong but still she rocked back and now it was shooting back along my cock and running down to my balls. Stella slowed up now but slid her hand back and felt my cum covered cock and took the cum to her lips and sucked her fingers. I slid out completely now and Stella pulled her thong back up so she could turn over underneath me, she quickly slid down beneath. me and took my cock in her mouth to finish the cum off she so desperately wanted. After a few minutes she came up for air and I fell to her side, she had a big smile on her face and spoke " I hope my bottom did not disappoint you James?"

"Not at all Stella I just wished I could have lasted longer" "Well that will be later tonight then James, you still have this side of me to fuck yet. You have a quick rest while I go and contact some important clients about their contracts" She rose up and walked away to the ensuite and all I could do was look at the lovely bottom I had just fucked and I watched it move from side to side as she walked. Why was I so enamoured by her bottom? I feel as though it has cast a spell on me but I'm not one to complain. I fell back and slept.

I had dozed for about 2 hours so I quickly got up, dressed and went downstairs in search of someone. Both Alex and Stella were chatting in the lounge when I entered and I sat opposite them on the sofa, adjusting my skirt when I sat down. I crossed my legs and I'm sure that Alex was staring at me when I realised she was looking at my stocking tops against my thighs which were on clear view for both of them to see. I smiled to myself thinking how much I was enjoying this and the fact I was now becoming such a tease! Stella rose and said " James, Alex and I were talking and as much as you are very presentable in your appearance there are a few areas that need a woman's touch to make it perfect Therefore we are all going into town to my beauty parlour to have some treatments done, pedicure, wax, massage and facials. In fact the works, I've called ahead and made appointments for all of us so we will go in about 15 minutes". Stella, wait a minute. How can I possibly go into town wearing my uniform! I think I will attract plenty of attention from everyone when I get out of the car in my skirt and probably flashing my stocking tops in the process! Then the girls in the salon will certainly have a lot to look at when I'm in there. Surely a pair of trousers would be much better on me to go to town in? "James please don't concern yourself so much, I have spoken to the girls there and explained you are coming in just as you are and they are so excited and actually looking forward to not only meeting you but also giving you some special treatments" Alex at his point had a big grin on her face that she must have just stolen from a Cheshire cat somewhere! Stella continued; "The salon is very big and has its own private car park at the rear so no one is going to see you in the town. But there may be a few times where some matching trousers might come in useful so I'll pop into my favourite boutique in town and pick you some up after my treatments, you probably will take a little longer with the girls anyway. Right, that's all settled then.Lets go"

We headed off to town a few minutes later at considerable speed with Alex handling the big BMW with ease taking some sharp corners at speeds even I would not have attempted, she even found the time to stroke my thigh a couple of times during the ride revealing my lace tops to which she smiled at, she liked to leave me exposed with my skirt up. I have to admit I felt slightly uneasy but equally excited at going out dressed in my skirt and stockings but I would never had gone into a town to experience it. I would have found a secluded spot somewhere to exercise my cross dressing passion but we arrived at the salon car park and got out of the car. I naturally went around to open the rear door for Stella much to Alex's disapproval but I managed to calm her down by squeezing her bottom when I walked past her toward the salon rear entrance. I smiled at this, I was going to enter another rear entrance for the second time today. Maybe I'll get to enter a front entrance very soon! Well at least according to what Stella had said earlier. It was about 20feet to the door but it began to feel like a mile and I was sure the overlooking buildings had everyone looking at me through the windows. Now I was paranoid but the early evening breeze blowing up my skirt and caressing my naked thighs as it passed over my lace stocking tops had me on the edge of an erection, Wow what a feeling, now I wanted to walk that mile!!

We all entered and Stella met with the owner Gina and spoke " Hi Gina, I'm so glad you could fit us in at the last minute but we do need some special treatment that only you can provide and it is very important" She turned to me " this is James, he is my new personal assistant and as you can see he is extremely well dressed in my uniform but he does need some finishing touches and I know you can sort this out for us" "Stella, that will be my pleasure, I personally will give James just the treatment he needs to be more comfortable"

"James, would you follow me please and we can get started right away" As we walked to the room Gina turned and spoke. "Stella, Alison will be with you in just a moment and Susan will attend to Alex as normal, relax and enjoy"

We reached the room where I was going to have god knows what done to me. I think Gina sensed this and spoke to me as she closed the door. "James just relax and don't worry, I'm not going to turn you into a woman unless you want me to" she giggled at this and I smiled back. I'm tempted but I'll stay as I am for the moment. She looked me up and down and said "Well you seem to be somewhere between the two at the moment but I love it, the suit, heels and stockings just look fantastic on you! I've always had a fantasy to have a man dressed much like you are now and to see you here now like this has my mind racing, I assume you have something special tucked away under that lovely skirt but I'm about to find out anyway as I need you to undress so I can start on you. Oooh I am going to love this!" "Gina what exactly am I having done here" as I began to undress. "Well, it's everything I think will improve you for the better, we will start with a complete program of body hair removal but don't worry I will leave a nice shaped bit above your; may I say, Cock. By the time you leave here you will be super smooth and sleek, all your nails manicured, eyebrows shaped and plucked and you will look good enough to eat" "Wow, James can you stop just there for a moment, I want to take you all in just wearing your underwear. Those stockings are fabulous with that suspender belt and I love the fact you chose to wear a thong and a nice lace one at that. I wish my man would wear that for me sometimes, it is so sexy!"

"Thank you Gina, it's so nice to be appreciated wearing my favourite underwear" "Right James, I now want you naked from tip to toe and lying on that couch" After some considerable time I left the room fully dressed and feeling extremely horny I might add since Gina had started on me, I left her clearing up and very happy by all accounts, she said she had never handled a man as much without having sex with him afterwards, she had also handed me her private mobile number in case I needed anything extra special at "anytime night or day" she said.

I thought I was smooth before but my attempts to keep clean and shaved did not compare to how I felt now after Gina's magic. I felt the centre of attraction when I sat near to the receptionist desk with all the girls and customers checking me over, I overheard one girl mention. "Look at his legs, I wish I could get away with wearing stockings like that but not with my legs" The door opened and Stella and Alex walked in carrying some shopping bags, their treatment had finished much sooner than mine and they made up the time getting some things.

"James, all done I see. Let's have a look at you. Ah I see you looking much better now with the manicure and the eyebrows looking trimmed and I'm sure there are lots of other places looking and feeling better too!"

Alex piped in

"I'm sure we could check James out when we get back and we can show him his new gift we got him as well" Stella now spoke and said "Come on you two, lets get back home"

We got back almost as quick as we arrived grinding to a halt on the driveway and once inside Stella and Alex were excited to show me the new things they had brought for me. My gift now was out of the bag, it was two pairs of trousers, one navy and one black to match my suit jackets so I could choose between a skirt or trousers depending if we went out. I was eager to try them on, as I was wearing the black today I thought lets match the trousers. Both Alex and Stella watched me slip my skirt to the floor and step into the fine trousers. As I pulled them up over my stockings and suspender belt I realized they were the sort women wear with heels, they barely reached my ankles and when I stepped into the black 4 " heels they seemed to look even shorter. I had to admit they felt fantastic over my stockings and as I walked around to much applause from Stella and Alex it was clear these were the fashion trousers that stopped short on the leg to show off plenty of ankle especially when you wanted to show the stockings underneath. Stella smiling said "I'm glad you like them James, these are just for you to wear if you need to pop into town as you requested earlier and they show off your ankles wonderfully letting everyone know you love stockings with your heels and of course as they are so light and thin like your jacket your suspender straps are very obvious underneath as you move and walk so everyone will know your preference of sexy underwear"

With that she came over to me and stroked my thigh with one hand and then snapping the suspender strap through the trousers with her fingers while the other hand was groping my bottom.. "James, I seem to remember you need to pleasure my front side, I do hope you are up for it later?"

After we ate Stella asked me to check if any important mail had arrived in her email inbox. I went up to the office to check and found she had a load of emails from all over the world asking for this and that from her company, dates for contracts to be faxed and signed and several requests for more information on her new range of perfume. I went back downstairs and informed Stella she had a ton of mail that needed sorting but I was happy to do it for her unless there was anything private mixed in it. "Thanks James, I'll go and check it and then leave you to sort it all out tomorrow regarding the contracts etc. Once I've done that I'll take a bath and have a soak for an hour or so if you need me" Alex spoke first " We have an hour on our own James, can you come over here and sort something out for me please" I walked over to where she was sitting and stood right in front of her. She held both hands up to me and I took hold of them. The minute I had she held them tight and pulled me quickly down onto my knees, during that moment she had parted her legs and wrapped them behind me letting go of my hands and pulling me forward sliding herself forward down into the seat. She pulled her short skirt up revealing her stocking tops and suspender belt and the biggest erection I had ever seen!! Alex, where are your knickers? "Oh I took them off in the salon before we left and the thrill of the wind in the car park nearly gave me away when my little cockette here began to get erect" Alex, take it from me your "little cockette" as you call it is by far little from where I am right now, in fact it's bloody huge!! "Now James I don't want any excuses about the size of my little cockette here" She was rubbing it around my face and lips as she spoke and I could feel how wet it was, trouble was I have never done what she was now expecting of me! "Come on James you know you want it. Open your mouth and take the tip in and pleasure me please. I'll guide you if this is your first time. That's it open wide" As she spoke my mouth opened and she did in fact guide it in just as she wanted to do. I'm glad she realized it was my first time at sucking cock or in her case cockette otherwise she may well had it down my throat by now pumping it for all she was worth! I imagined what we must have looked like as we engaged in some serious pleasure sex. Me on my knees sucking as best I could on this huge cock being thrust up from the groin of this tall and very attractive woman who happened to have her stocking clad legs wrapped around me. And I am more than happy to call her a woman as she could and would turn any mans head if she walked past. However my head could not be turned at this moment in time due to this pulsing cock being pumped in and out of my mouth, I began to tease the tip with my tongue when she withdrew and held my lips tight when she pushed forward. To an outsider I clearly was getting my mouth fucked by Alex's cock rather than me just bobbing up and down. Alex held me still and slid her erect cock in and out at any speed she wished and at times it was becoming quite fast but I have to say I fucking loved it, Alex was gorgeous, dressed to any mans ultimate fantasy in stockings and getting ready to fill my mouth with her come. "James, keep sucking me, fuck, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm going to cummmmmmm." She came so hard I nearly choked not only on the cock being thrust down my throat but the amount of cum escaping her tip as it slid across my tongue. I managed to back away a bit and as Alex began to relax backwards it slid completely from my mouth but still she shot forward with several more loads covering my face, neck and hair with her hot sticky cum. I gave up trying to catch it as it just went everywhere and I was smothered in it. Alex opened her eyes finally, looked at me covered in her cum and spoke. "James, I love you for that, it was wonderful having you swallow as much as you could and then letting me shoot all over you. I love you! But now I will help you clean up" She leant forward and proceeded to kiss, lick and suck all the cum off my face and neck and then kissed me full on the lips with a mouth full of warm sperm passing it into my mouth with her tongue. I lapped it all up and swallowed. We were both very happy. My cock however was not! If I dare to stand I'm sure it would snap, break or shatter or something. It was so hard I swear it was ready to burst out of my trousers. I wished I still had my skirt on, there is so much more room to expand rather than being confined inside close fitting trousers.

Alex insisted we go up to bed to sleep and as we climbed the stairs my erection began to wilt. Alex went into her bedroom kissed me goodnight and closed the door. I was gutted to say the least but as a man after all she probably just wanted to sleep after she had just come so much, that's what I would have wanted too. I didn't blame her I guess, I understood. I walked to my bedroom opened the door when "James, I'm waiting for you, come here please" Stella had heard me walk along the hallway to my door and now I perked up in every sense of the word, I was now finally going to fuck some serious hot pussy. I immediately carried onto her open bedroom door and stepped inside closing the door behind me! I stopped dead in my tracks and I blurted out; FUCK ME Stella!!

She was standing at the foot of her bed and she was

To be continued:-

Part 3 "When guests arrive"

Next: Chapter 3

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