Pa Back in Uniform

By Salmacis

Published on Jun 25, 2008


It was quite late when we finally got up so I got to the shower first still wearing my stockings and anyway I figured they could do with a wash so I kept them on and jumped in the shower. I soaped myself up and rinsed off under the warm water and the sensation of the running water over my stockings was almost too much as my cock decided to take advantage of this new feeling and hardened itself for some expected relief but this time I just gave it a few tempting wanks and told myself it will have to wait for later. I was feeling horny but figured feeling like this around some new friends of Ruth's later would make things more interesting.

I removed my soaking stockings and gently squeezed them and left the shower to hang them up. I dried myself and pampered myself with a little powder and decided to put something on. I went into Ruth's special closet and decided on a 6 strap suspender belt in black followed by some gorgeous barely black stockings. I wanted to impress Ruth's guests so I was glad the lingerie she had was quite simply some of the best I have ever seen. For the moment at least I put on some black frilly knickers which I hoped would help hold my hard cock in place and as unusual as these frilly knickers felt compared to my normal lace thong I was feeling very sexy. I slipped on a black silk blouse instead of a white one and some black shoes with 3" heels. I would put my skirt and jacket on later but to be honest I would have preferred to stay just as I was all day dressed in all this luxury black lingerie.

Ruth came in and stopped dead in her tracks.

"Wow. Don't we look sexy this morning. You are definitely going to get well and truly fucked today looking like that. I'll just have to keep my hands to myself won't I"

"Oh I'm sure there will be plenty to go around for later Ruth. I'm rather excited to be meeting these friends of yours later but exactly how much do they know about me?"

"Well Jack knows hardly nothing except that you are a PA but slightly different than what one might expect. All the girls know everything about you and are very excited about meeting you especially when I told them how you prefer to dress in sexy lingerie"

"I hope they don't think of me as some perverted guy getting his kicks off in woman's lingerie" "Oh no. not at all I've told them everything and I just know that like me the idea of a man choosing to dress slightly different in some beautiful underwear is not perverted. Its just a expression of choice and besides its not women's underwear. It's yours and you truly look really nice like that. I should warn you though that when we girls get together just about anything can happen! And with you here and Jack coming as well I think there may well be some even more exciting fun than usual"

Ruth went off to shower leaving me to some interesting thoughts of my own. I left my skirt and jacket to put on just before they all arrived which would be in about 3 hours time. I chilled some bottles of wine and a couple of beers just in case and I took the time to prepare some light snacks to nibble with the wine.

Those few hours passed quickly and Ruth cheekily suggested that I stay as I was in just my lingerie, heels and blouse to liven up the party. I was still very tempted but until I met these friends I thought it best to put my skirt on with my jacket. I now looked like a very smart personal assistant but I took it a little further with just a very little make up to help soften my face and a few squirts of Ruth's best perfume.

Shortly after there was a knock at the apartment door and I took to my temporary position to answer it as Ruth's PA. I opened the door to five stunning women who ranged between their late twenties to about fifty but all were dressed in very smart skirts and tops with high heels and I'm sure they all had stockings on. I didn't think these women were likely to be wearing tights. And of course there was Jack. Late thirties maybe but very well groomed and handsome and dressed simply in a white shirt with black trousers.

"Wow what a surprise to have the door opened by such a sexy PA. I so glad to meet you James and you look fabulous in your outfit. Oh sorry perhaps I should say uniform? Anyway I'm Sandra, and this is Claire, Toni, Alexandra and Suzanne. And I'm sure you have guessed that this is Jack"

We all greeted each other with hellos and kisses to the cheek and I turned to Jack who looked pleasantly dumfounded by the look on his face but his eyes were still all over me checking me out.

"Double wow from me too. I knew Ruth had a new PA but this is so amazing but I heard Sandra call you James didn't I? That means you are ermm are er Oh I'm sorry" I took this opportunity to cut Jack short.

"That's OK Jack I'm sure you will work it out quite quickly but I believe the girls kept you in the dark about me didn't they?"

Before Jack could answer Ruth broke in to speak.

"Hi girls, now you have all met my special PA lets all come into the lounge and relax and if you all behave James has offered to get you all some wine"

I could tell Claire was the cheeky one here as soon as she spoke: "Since when has any of us behaved ourselves when we get together!"

All the others laughed and agreed including Jack who still was watching my every move especially at my stocking covered legs. I went to get the wine and Jack offered to help and I thought I would play him along a little. In the kitchen we could hear the conversation between the girls and it was all about me and the way I dress but I loved it! I tried to reach up for some glasses but my jacket was restricting me so I unbuttoned it and went to remove it when Jack helped me from behind and took it from my arms and hung it on the chair. I touched his arm thanking him and I made a comment on the quality of his shirt. His response was to touch me on the arm also and for a moment he was transfixed whilst making the most of the contact with the silky feel of my blouse.

"I see you like my silk blouse Jack. I do like the feel of certain fabrics as you probably can tell"

"Its amazing, everything you have on has me wanting to touch!"

"Well while we are alone go ahead. Why don't you stand behind me and let your hands wander while I get the glasses down"

He stood behind me as I reached up for the glasses both his hands rested on my hips almost as if to steady me. As I reached up he was moving them slowly around to the front and down my hips to my thighs. I felt him stop when he found the suspender belt straps and clips. Something was stirring behind me as he was now pressing tight against me and within seconds he had his hard cock pressed into my skirt and his breathing was getting a little heavy against my neck.

I reached around and took a firm hold of his cock through his trousers and squeezed it and made a few wanking movements much to his delight. My skirt somehow now was up around my waist and I was exposing my frilly knickers, suspenders and stockings. As Jack's hands stroked my stocking tops and played with my straps I became as hard as a rock too. I instinctively turned and dropped down to my knees in one swift move and I had jack's cock out in a flash which wasn't difficult as he wasn't wearing anything underneath his trousers. In the blink of an eye my mouth was bobbing up and down on his hard hot cock and it was so very big and juicy. He must have been leaking from the moment he came in to the flat. What a sight that would have looked like, me on my knees with my skirt up around my waist exposing my knickers and stockings sucking on a huge delicious cock on a man that I had only just met a few minutes ago.

Then I heard a voice, it was Ruth's as she walked into the kitchen

"Hey you two, what's happened to our wine!!" Oh I can see something has come up!

I looked up with Jack's hard cock in my mouth and saw Ruth had come a little closer as we made immediate eye contact. Jack was gently holding the back of my head and was slowly thrusting in and out of my hot mouth totally oblivious to Ruth being there. Ruth smiled and went back into the lounge and I heard her say.

"Its OK girls it's just coming"

I could imagine the smirk on her face as she said it but she was right. Jack was face fucking me and he had only one thing on his mind. He was going to cum plenty and pretty damm soon. Knowing we weren't probably going to be interrupted I applied some extra pressure with my tongue to the underside of his beautiful cock shafting my mouth and it certainly paid off. First there was a slight slow down from Jack and then it came. Spurt after spurt shooting off in my mouth, all I could do was swallow over and over but yet still he came. Pretty soon it was dribbling down my chin from the corners of my mouth and I quickly tried to re-establish my seal around this big excited cock but in doing so I wasn't quick enough as another spurt came just as I tried and a torrent of hot cum left my mouth and fell down onto my silk blouse. Finally Jack slowed up and stopped with just an occasional spurt but without the force or amount of before. He opened his eyes looking down at me.

"Oh my god James, that was fucking awesome. Oh my god I must have unloaded a gallon or so. I'm sorry, I have absolutely covered you in my cum!"

"Jack, your cock is bloody amazing and you sure have unloaded some juice into me. That was a real treat to get my mouth around it but it has left bit of a mess on my blouse so I had better go and quickly change into something. In fact I have just the thing in mind"

I told Jack to go and let the girls know I had to go and change after spilling some wine on my blouse but would be right back in something very appropriate to serve them their wine.

I dashed from the kitchen to Ruth's bedroom and removed my blouse on-route along with my skirt. I quickly freshened up in the on-suite and made my way to Ruth's special wardrobe. That was exactly what I was hoping to find. A French maids uniform! I had everything else on I needed so I quickly got the dress on. No cheap tacky stuff here, it was top quality and I felt wonderful wearing it. I had forgotten just how short these maids uniforms were but a quick check in the mirror and I have to say it looked perfect for the job in hand and now I was ready to please and tease everyone! Still in a uniform only not a PA for a little while.

Back in the kitchen I was on my own as Jack had stayed in the lounge with the girls. I had a glass for everyone on a small silver tray and I made my way into the lounge.

My entrance stopped the conversation dead but I spoke first.

"Sorry for the delay but as you can see I had to change after spilling some wine down my blouse. So careless of me"

All the girls were giggling but were coming out with lots of pleasing comments of my new state of attire. Jacks eyes were again glued to my very exposed legs and stockings clearly showing everything I had on offer in such a tiny dress.

Ruth had that smirk on her face when she spoke:

"Oh James that is so appropriately sexy for serving wine to us but did you spill much in the kitchen, after all we wouldn't want to waste it now would we and I guess it must have happened just after I came back in here"

"Yes that's right Ruth, just after you left I managed to make such a mess of my silk blouse but fortunately it was only about a mouthful or so but all is well now I've changed and cleaned up"

"We are all rather glad you had to change aren't we girls as you look so tantalising like that and it means we get to have some saucy fun with you. Its good to know you can think on your knees James. Oh sorry I meant to say feet. Just what a good PA should be able to do"

The hidden language going back and forth between Ruth and I was getting a bit near the knuckle as I didn't want the girls here to guess I had just sucked Jacks cock and balls dry of all his cum. I served all the girls a glass of wine and more than one took the opportunity to check out my outfit along with their hand stroking my stockings and thigh. Claire who sat alongside Jack made more interesting comments as I handed her wine.

"Ooh Jack just look at this sexy French maid we have here. Don't you just want to reach out and touch her stockings I know I do. I just love someone who wears sexy stockings"

Claire certainly loved to stroke my stockings and anything else within reach. She made no secret of rubbing her hand over my stocking tops but she also took things up a little higher and was now rubbing my cock through my frilly knickers. Everyone else in the room was watching Claire's simple but effective technique of getting me very aroused which was pretty easy after having just had a hard on just a few minutes earlier in the kitchen and still very eager to cum.

"I just love sexy and horny maids James, I think you should sit down here next to me after all that running around you've been doing. I can see you love showing your stockings off in that little maids outfit you have on. It doesn't hide much does it but that's what I like and it also feels as though you have a big clitoris hiding under you frilly knickers. We all want to see it don't we girls. Let me tease your frill knickers down a little so we can just see how big it is. Oh my god you little tease. Look at the size of it girls! I've never seen one so big! Jack lean over here and have a closer look, have you seen anything so beautiful. Oh Jack come and hold it and see how hard it is?"

Jack leant over and had a real good look all right but not only was his hand now gripping my solid cock but Claire had now begun to gently pushed his head further down into my lap. Suddenly Claire pushed a little more and Jacks mouth opened up as I slid inside his hot willing mouth.

"Oh that's so beautiful Jack, just keep on sucking that lovely clitoris for me. I'm sure it tastes delicious in fact I think I'll have to have a taste just for myself. Mmmmn let me get at it Jack"

Jack seemed reluctant to come off my cock for Claire and so was I but a mouth hot and willing is not to be discouraged. Claire went down on me with a mission in mind. That was to get me even more worked up than I was already. Claire surfaced from my cock after some minutes of tender sucking and suggested it would be a good idea if I got on the coffee table between all of the girls and Jack.. I never hesitated. I willingly got up and moved towards the coffee table but as I did I felt my knickers being pulled down so I stepped out of them leaving them behind me on the floor. I laid back on the coffee table and all the chairs were all pulled closer to the table so everyone could see the action about to unfold. Claire appeared over me with her skirt and knickers missing and she straddled the table and lowered her pussy down onto my mouth.I could feel her stocking tops against my face and cheeks as she began to ride my tongue and face

"You have got me so wet down here I need a little relief from your tongue so get busy you sexy little tease. Oh yes that's perfect James. Just keep doing that"

I felt someone between my legs caressing my stockings so I was in heaven but then a mouth engulfed my cock in time with Claire grinding her pussy against my mouth. Double heaven now as I felt hands all over my body. On my legs and thighs. Someone had managed to tweak my nipples which sent ripples of pleasure right through me. I couldn't see much of what was going on but hell who cares when you get this special kind of treatment. I could now hear lots lot moaning and squishing sounds of fingers and tongues going in and out of juicy pussies which drove me on further to ecstasy.

Claire shuddered with pleasure form the magic of my tongue and she became much more juicy which pleased me to know I had brought her off so soon. She then rose up leaving a trail of saliva and juice drooling from her excited pussy and she slumped back into her chair. I took this chance to see exactly what was going on around me.

Sandra and Toni were almost naked except for their stockings which still had me giving them a lingering look of approval. They were in a loving embrace but with several fingers up inside of each others pussies trying to satisfy their basic desires. Alex and Suzanne were in a 69 position on the sofa and clearly enjoying each others fingers and tongues inside each other while Ruth was walking about with a strap on 6" dildo eagerly wanting something to shag and this turned out to be Claire now that she had come off of my tongue and because as I watched Ruth go over to her Claire she smiled and turned around sticking her bottom out to take Ruth's massive dildo. This was no ordinary didlo strap on as I could clearly see, there was a obvious second part off the dildo that was embedded up inside Ruth's cunt and as she walked it was automatically fucking her so I could only imagine the pleasure she was going to get when she fucked Claire. Ruth positioned herself behind Claire and inserted the cock head at the exposed anus and pushed firmly. I assumed fucking Claire's arse would allow more grip on the false cock for Ruth to get off as well. Not only was she going to fuck her arse but Ruth also inserted two fingers up Claire's cunt and began to frig her off without mercy in time with the dildo sliding in and out. Claire started to scream with being pleasured in both holes at once and was begging Ruth to fuck her faster which she was only too eager to do as she was getting some feedback from the part embedded in her own pussy.

I looked over at Jack who was enjoying like me the view all around as the girls sucked and wanked each other gently apart from Ruth who was fucking Claire like no tomorrow and clearly on her own impending orgasm.

"Jack. Come with me I have something for you in the bedroom" We entered the bedroom and I removed my French maids dress but kept my lovely stockings and heels on and then I proceeded to offer Jack some stockings of his own after I found some XL black seamed stockings and a 6 strap suspender belt. Jack had them on within seconds and I managed to find some high heels much like mine that fitted as well. We now looked almost identical as we went back to the lounge and took our place on a thick shag pile rug. A very appropriate setting for what was to come I might add and hopefully that was going to be me. We got into a 69 position and devoured each others cock sucking and licking and making so much noise I'm surprised the neighbours didn't complain. We sucked and licked what seemed like ages and we were both very hard and eager to please each others bodies and minds. Totally oblivious to what was going on around us I moved up into a kneeling position and Jack rose up behind me. He wasted no time getting his cock at my back door and eagerly pushed whilst holding my hips for support. But no matter how he tried his cock was not going to go in. I looked up and all the girls were now seated around us watching intently at our intended performance.

"Wait a minute guys I know what you need"

Sandra got up flashing her massive tits at me and went to the kitchen and within a few moments was back. She came over and trickled something down my crack and on to Jacks massive cock and just to make sure she massaged whatever it was in and around my hole and on and around Jacks cock before sitting back down where Alex was sitting and they all waited for the presumed show to begin. I pushed back and was suddenly filled by Jacks hard throbbing cock. God it is so big and I needed to get my breath back before continuing despite my enthusiasm.

I looked over at the girls with Jack's huge cock balls deep inside me as they all said they wanted to tell us what they wanted us stocking lovers to do for them.

"OK girls, this might be fun. What do you say Jack., Fuck me once for no but plenty of times for yes if you agree"

I got my answer very quickly as Jack repeatedly slid his massive cock in and out of my willing arse much to the approval and glee of the girls watching and I was very pleased if only for his show of agreement!

"I think its safe to assume that was most definitely a yes from Jack behind me"

Sandra: "James I want you to fuck yourself on Jack's cock by pushing back like you did just now. Jack you are not to move. James I want to see you enjoy his cock so much by taking it in by yourself"

Toni: "Jack, I want you to stroke James's body all over, his stockings and suspenders. I want to see you pinch his nipples at times when you feel its best".

Claire:" This is for both of you. I'm hoping James that you will be leaking pre-cum from your cock throughout assuming Jack's cock pleases you that is. I want you to wipe your pre-cum with your finger tip and then bring it to your mouth and suck it off and so we can see you do it. I guarantee you will enjoy it as much as we will. And Jack every so often I want to see you do the same by pulling your cock out from James's man pussy, it will be hard, fucking hard but do it for me and wipe any pre-cum from your own cock like I've told James to do. I want to see it OK"

Alex:" As James is backing up onto your cock Jack I want to see you bend down from time to time kissing his back and nibbling him as well. Remember this is your lover so lets see some affection and if you can reach his neck nibble and suck around there sticking your tongue in if you can and whisper sweet nothings to your lover"

Suzanne:" I love all what the girls have suggested or should I say insisted. Oh god this is so exciting but please don't get distracted by us when you start. I want to come in close and watch the action. I promise I won't touch or interrupt you and James when you go for your pre- cum I want you to wank yourself once understand just the once before you suck your finger. That's what I want fellas. Have fun"

Ruth:" My oh my you do have a lot to do. Just so you know I'm going to capture this all on video so we all can enjoy it later this evening and guys say anything you feel like throughout I'll have sound on as well. You must do all what the girls have requested or prepare to be suitably punished. Now I want you both to listen carefully. I want you at some point to change places and repeat what the other has been asked to do by the girls here. I don't want you two to rush at all but when the time comes to shoot your hot cum hopefully together I want whoever is on the bottom to turn over onto his back and take the other missionary style. Lets see some tasty sex but lets see some serious loving as well. Go for it"

All throughout their saucy requests I could feel Jack's cock becoming more adapted to it's temporary home and now it felt it belonged there. Jack moved slightly as they talked and I did as well as by flexing my anal muscle to gauge his cocks girth and size.

I started to move back on Jacks cock taking it as deep as felt comfortable for me and then forward again hoping that it wouldn't slip out. I actually wanted it in there for as long as possible. God it felt good sliding back along his thick shaft. I was coming a real cock lover so it may as be with a fucking big one such as Jacks. I looked down and saw a drip forming so I reached down with my finger and thumb wanked my self just the once and finger wiped my pre-cum from my cock before licking it off with my tongue. I made a point of looking Claire in the eye as I did this.

"Claire, Jack's cock is so wonderfully satisfying I've needed to savour my cum already just as you said I would"

I kept sliding back and forward over his hard cock in a slow steady rhythm not rushing it as I may have done but just enjoying it for the sheer pleasure alone. I felt Jack lean over my back licking me gently up to my neck where he proceeded to nibble me then onto my ear where he spoke telling me he loved my tight pussy around his cock. He moved back after kissing my ear but then his hands came around my chest not to stroke but to play with my nipples and then by gently squeezing them.

"Oh fuck that's good. I love you when you do that Jack, please do it again. Oh, look Claire. I have more pre-cum oozing from my cock. Watch me take it with my finger like I know I must just for you but it's just so tasty I just have to. One slow wank before I taste it. Mmmmn"

I felt Jack pull out as instructed and I felt such a loss of togetherness from his hard cock inside me which he quickly and thankfully inserted back where it belonged as I proceeded to slowly fuck myself on it again. I could feel his hands all over my stocking tops and suspender belt. I think Jack will appreciate sexy lingerie so much more now as I feel his stocking thighs rub against mine as I push fully back to him.

"Oh fuck James, the feel of our stockings as they rub together is almost too much to bear and if I hadn't cum earlier in your hot mouth with you on your knees in the kitchen I would have shot off long before now"

"I'm glad you love our stockings rubbing against each other Jack and we can enjoy it many more times to come. Speaking of which what will the girls think now of me on my knees in the kitchen sucking your cock empty of your delicious hot cum. Not to mention pretending to spill wine on my blouse when in fact it was your cum overflowing from my mouth"

"Oh, don't worry about that James. We already knew you gobbled Jack off in the kitchen. In fact we have it on film for later viewing if you want to relive it with us"

I heard the girls giggle and mutter between themselves after Claire had finished speaking. Fuck me Jacks cock was beginning to have a wonderful effect on my senses. My cock was rigid and leaking again, my nipples were like bullets eager to be touched and it was proving to be difficult not to speed up on his cock fucking my hot pussy from behind.

Jack came down onto my back again kissing my neck and ear which was becoming such bliss and then he whispered quietly. James lets change positions while we still can. I want to feel your cock in me now please. I agreed and pulled forward at his request and turned to face him. We began to kiss each other tenderly and used our tongues to lick each other. I managed to lick and nibble his nipples just before he went to the doggy position. I watched the girls with their mouths open and began to realize they had probably never seen two guys fucking each other before which explains their requests of what they wanted to see from us. I placed my cock at Jacks Bottom and probed for his pussy when Sandra came over to administer her lubrication technique on us.

"Here you are James, it will make things move much more easily. This is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Two guys in sexy stockings and high heels fucking each other right in front of me/us"

I noticed it was olive oil she had rubbed on us and as she did it again I wanted to suck her breasts and nipples but as Jack slid back on my cock the idea faded away and I began to stroke his stockings and then stroked his back leaning down to kiss his neck and nibble his ear. I hadn't come all day and I knew as Jack moved back along my length that I was trying hard not to lose it just yet. Jack began to speed up on my cock. Oh no I can't stand it I had to pull out. Jack turned round saying he was sorry but he that he just needed to. He just couldn't control himself. I wondered what the suitable punishment might be for that but I'm sure Ruth will have a good idea what to do. Actually I was teasing myself with possible scenarios.

"That's ok Jack as I laid on my back with my legs wide open pulling Jack down on top of me in the process. I felt the cock I so desperately wanted probing for its home. I lifted my legs high and wide and Jack slipped in much to my delight as I held his lower back with one hand and caressed his neck with the other. He bent down to my nipples and sucked them with a passion. I tried to wrap my legs around him but decided to grab his bottom and pull him tight into me as he thrusted faster and faster into my tight man pussy. The passion was rising fast now and we French kissed over and over rubbing each other wherever we could. I could hear the girls squishing sound again so they were happy but not as much as me. I was getting well and truly fucked by my stud in stockings and I just had to shout about it.

"Fuck me Jack. I want your cock, all of it in me fucking me to orgasm. Make me cum. I'm your bitch in lace stockings for your fucking pleasure. Give me your cock hard and fast and squirt yourself in my hot tight pussy you know I want it. I sucked you off earlier now breed me like you want it. I want your cum deep in me. In my mouth. In my arse and pussy. All over me. Fuck I'm coming Jack. Make me cum now, now Oh I love you fucking me!!"

I managed to French kiss jack again and I was going frantic with pleasure begging him to fuck me over and over.

"I'm fucking cumming. Oh fuck, take my cock you stocking slut. You cock whore , You cum loving bitch. Take all my fucking cock and cum inside your pussy bitch Ahhh Ahhhh fuck yes!"

I could feel this monster cock throbbing inside me filling me with cock juice, cum and spunk.

"Oh yes Jack. Fucking hell that's good. Oh fuck your little stocking bitch and slut. Fill me up with cum again. Oh Jack yes just there. I'm cumming now. Oh shit you have me cumming hard and fast now Jack, your cock has satisfied me and I'm cummmmmmmming.

As I shouted that out my cock twitched and erupted between us. Jack hit the spot down there and it sent me flying. Shot after shot of cum leapt from my aching cock. The first hit my face and dribbled down my neck. Shot after shot landed on my chest and stomach and still it came. Jack's cock was still jerking off inside me as he then bent down and licked my cum from my chest and delighted me with a kiss as lovers do.

I had cum like never before and my cock had hardly been touched. As we calmed down Jack was almost dozing on my chest and I could feel cum seeping from my man pussy. I wrapped my stocking clad legs around Jack to hold him close but as I did I felt his cock slip out followed by god knows how much cum. We didn't move for what seemed like hours but probably it was only minutes. I turned my head to the girls and saw they were still transfixed by the whole thing.

I had consumed loads of Jack's cock juice and cum twice now and I felt like a true stocking slut but I was happy and well and truly fucked.

Ruth spoke.: "Now that's what I call male bonding James. Fucking lovely!

Part 3: Ruth's punishment.

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