Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on Mar 20, 2021


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

"Great job faggot! You'll be getting loads and punishments when you meet me. Two discharges and a missed class. You need to work on your time management faggot. But I think the punishments will help with that. After you get bred change your clothes, but don't shower and head to the Science Building," Master Chris orders.

"Yes Master," I respond.

I manage to get to Sir Seth's room without being seen by anyone. I knock on the door and he opens it. I'm shocked to see that he's naked except for a harness and a pair of rubber shorts with a zipper that goes from front to back.

"Get in here faggot! We're going to have some fun," Sir Seth says closing the door behind me.

End of chapter sixÉ.

Chapter 7

So up until this point I knew very little about Seth. He was the quietest RA on staff and spoke of past girlfriends so I honestly thought he was straight. He's a sophomore like me and also a first-year RA. The only other things I know about him is that he is an Outdoor Recreation major and grew up near campus.

"Take off your piss soaked close faggot and have a seat on the floor. So you're probably a bit shocked and confused, fag," Seth says. "Let me help you understand before I use you for the first time."

"My family has always been sexually open. I'm pretty sure my parents have a trusting, open relationship and I know my siblings do. So my parents have supported safe sex and quality relationships with people of all sexes and genders and in whatever mono- or poly-format we want them. I know I've talked about dating women, in the little I've shared, but I've been with plenty of men. Over the years I've explored more and more kink and found that men tend to be more receptive to kink so when I'm in that mood I gravitate to men. I don't know where I'll end up in the future, but you should know that I have plenty of experience as a sub so that I can understand how to be a good Dom," Sir Seth shares. "Understand so far?"

"Yes Sir," I respond.

Seth keeps going, "I currently own one beta and one omega. They're both locked and collared like you and I have their keys. They are in chastity cages that allow for proper hygiene and grooming without really taking them off and have an emergency key just in case. One of them lives in another state, but the other you actually know. Maybe you'll meet him someday. He's my beta so he would probably enjoy using you. Did you sign a contract with your Owner?" Sir Seth asks.

"Yes Sir. I'm owned by Master Chris and Sir Nick. They're actually my residents and my suitemates," I say.

"Holy shit faggot! A Master and a Sir in the next room! Soon you're going to tell me how that came to pass. HmmmÉ you're a true omega then or even an object. Based on the Grindr profiles near I guess this is you?" he asks, showing me his phone screen and my profile.

"Yes Sir Seth," I answer.

"Excellent!! Then we are going to give your Only Fans quite a show today and in the future faggot. I'll be taking some of the revenue from subscriptions of course. Are you on Recon? What kinks have you experienced?"

"Yes Sir. I'm on Recon as pissfag02 and my profile lists my interests, but I have very little experience. Honestly it's a somewhat long story, but up until two days again I had only fantasized about kink. I had a couple random hook ups where the top spanked me or got into dirty talk. I've done more in the past two days than in the previous 19 years," I respond.

While I am talking Sir Seth is on his phone and is clearly looking at my Recon profile.

"Wow you have a lot of interests fag. I can definitely work with this! Don't worry we will take things slow, but I'm also going to push you so that you're ready to serve Alphas better and better. Later today I want you to send me a copy of your ownership contract and at some point I want to hear about how you came to be owned, but now it's time for some fun. I see your limits on Recon and those are definitely reasonable. You definitely push the boundary on risky public play though. Given that the guy in the bathroom mentioned loading you up I'm guessing you're a cumdump?"

"Yes Sir," I say more enthusiastically than I intended.

"Well with that level of excitement I want you to change that on Recon right now," Sir Seth orders.

I grab my phone and update my profile. Once he approves of my updates he tells me to lay down on his bed. He puts cuffs on my wrists and ankles and then connects my arms and feet to the bedposts using chains that I hadn't even seen hanging. He adds a hood with a mouth opening and starts to gag me, but stops.

"Let's wait on the gag so that I can see what you can take faggot," Sir Seth says.

"Thank you Sir," I respond.

"I didn't expect to start using a new faggot today, so I'm not as prepared as normal and have class soon. This will be just a taste of what's to come," Sir Seth says.

"Thank you Sir," I respond again.

Since I can't see I have no idea what's going to happen. I start to feel something being dragged across me and I realize that I'm being written on again. I can't follow the words, but I'm sure it's not good.

"Don't worry faggot. Just making sure everyone knows what you are. Everything is in a spot that can be covered...with long sleeves and pants," Sir Seth laughs. "Let's see your pain tolerance."

At the time I don't know what they are but when I watch the video later I see that Sir Seth is using tiny clips to pinch my skin. They hurt going as he makes neat rows including across my nipples. Eventually he stops adding and starts flicking and moving various clips, which causes me to moan and cry. "Well that won't do. We can't have anyone knocking on the door now can we, faggot? Or maybe we should! You'd probably like that wouldn't you?" Sir Seth asks rhetorically. "Time for a gag. Let's improvise"

Sir Seth grabs one of his used socks from his laundry basket and shoves it in my mouth.

"Enjoy tasting my sweaty socks, faggot. I haven't done laundry in awhile," Sir Seth says while grabbing my balls.

"Since these are worthless now let's work on them."

He adds several things around my balls. I'll see later that they are rubber ball stretchers. They cause pressure and pain in my balls and pull them down. I'm not ready for what comes next.

"Now you're ready faggot," Sir Seth says right before my balls are hit with a paddle.

"UHHHHH," I scream out through the gag.

"Shut the fuck up faggot," Sir Seth orders. "I was only going to hit you once, but your loudness and your straining clit tell me that you deserve more. I think 10 should do it. Then I'm going to add to the cum collection in your pussy. I want you to count each hit and thank me after each. Mess it up and we start over. Got it, faggot?"

I say some semblance of, "Yes Sir Seth," through the gag.

Sir Seth delivers the next blow.

"Two. Thank you Sir Seth," I respond.

"Wrong already faggot. That first one didn't count and based on your failure neither did that one. Let's try again."

Sir Seth whacks my balls harder this time.

"One. Thank you Sir Seth," I say.

We continue for blows two, three, and four and although it's painful I respond appropriately.

"Get ready fag," Sir Seth says.

As Sir Seth delivers blow five he removes a handful of clips causing intense pain from my balls and chest.

"Fiiiiiiiveeee. ThankÉ.you...Sir...Seth," I manage to get out.

"Good job faggot!" Sir Seth says as he delivers blow six and pulls more clips.

I was more ready that time and successfully get through six, seven, and eight. I know that the remaining clips are across my nipples so my last two hits are going to be trouble.

As Sir Seth delivers the ninth hit he pulls the row of clips off my left nipple and my locked nub spasms.

"Oh shit faggot. Is that nub going to leak? Do it faggot! Let that worthless clit leak!!"

"Nine. Thank you Sir Seth," I respond.

"Fuck let's see," Sir Seth says not listening to my counting. "Get ready faggot."

Almost if trying to hit a baseball for a homerun, Sir Seth slams my balls the tenth time and pulls the clips off my right nipple. Almost like with my first anal discharge I have no idea the feeling that goes through my body, but I feel my balls contract, my locked nub spasm, and shoot all over my chest.

"Fuuuuucckkkk not again," I mumble through the gag followed by, "Ten. Thank you Sir Seth."

"Holy shit! You're a fucking pain pig, faggot. I've used a lot of subs, but never once has a sub cum from pain. This is fucking sweet!" Sir Seth says removing the sock gag from my mouth.

"Thank you for making this faggot discharge again Sir Seth," I say.

"Again faggot? Did one of the cocks in your pussy make that clit leak too?" Sir Seth asks.

"Yes Sir," I answer.

"Well let's see if we can make that happen again," Sir Seth says. Sir Seth unhooks my feet and ankles and removes the wrist and ankle cuffs as well as the blindfold.

"I need to nut quick and public sex helps with that. Plus I didn't get to breed you in that bathroom. Carry your clothes faggot. We're going to the lounge next door. Doubt anyone is there since it's the middle of the day."

I grab my clothes and we walk into the lounge. The lounge is basically one big L-shaped room and since we don't see anyone when we walk in Sir Seth says,

"Bend your ass over that table right there faggot. I gotta nut and go."

I bend over the table and pull the plug out of my pussy. Up until this point I hadn't seen Seth's cock. He unzips the front of his rubber briefs and pulls out his 7" uncut cock. I barely catch a glimpse of it before he shoves it all the way inside me.

"Not as big as that Black cock you took faggot, but I know what I'm doing. Don't worry"

Sir Seth goes immediately into overdrive on my pussy and I do all I can not to moan as his balls slap my ass. I just hope no one hears the pounding I'm getting. But of course I'm not that lucky. All of the sudden there's another pair of legs standing near my head.

"Guess the lounge wasn't empty faggot. Go ahead Ling. This faggot will gladly help you out. Ling is an exchange student from China, faggot. Make sure you welcome him well" Sir Seth orders.

What the fuck I'm now being publically split roasted and this exchange student has seen my face. Ling pulls out his hairy 5" cock and I open my mouth. I don't know why I thought he'd be gentle - he's anything butt. Apparently Ling has decided that it's a competition to see who can fuck me harder. Seth in my pussy or Ling in my mouth.

Both men go at my holes hard and fast.

"You ready to nut Ling?" Sir Seth asks.

"Fuck yea," Ling says with a slight ascent, the first words he's spoken.

"Uhhhhhhhh," both men groan simultaneously as Ling fills my mouth and Seth my pussy.

I just lay there waiting for them to come down for the high of their orgasm. Sir Seth pulls out of my ass and puts the plug back in. Ling pulls out of mouth, tucks his cock back in his shorts and walks into the back corner of the L-shaped lounge.

"Guess you should have checked out the lounge better before showing me your pussy, faggot," Sir Seth taunts.

"Yes Sir Seth," I respond.

"Put those pissed soaked clothes on and get the fuck out of here faggot. Can't wait to use you again. Oh and faggot?"

"Yes Sir Seth."

"I expect you to change as many on-call shifts as possible to work with me."

"Yes Sir Seth," I say as I walk out. I hurry back to my room to get dry clothes and to go meet Chris. I expect to find the suite empty, but I walk in and find Nick and a friend standing there.

"There you are faggot! I was just telling my friend Anish about you. Anish has never used a faggot, but we have to get to class so you will have to give him the full treatment another time. Put your number in his phone," Nick orders.

"Yes Sir Nick," I respond. I take Anish's phone and put in my number. As I type my name Nick stops me.

"That's not your name anymore is it, faggot?" Nick asks leadingly.

"No Sir Nick," I answer. I delete Paul' and type faggot.'

"That's better faggot. Now Anish and I both need to piss so kneel and be a good urinal," Sir Nick orders.

I kneel down and Nick and Anish put out their cocks. Nick signals so I put the head of his cock in my mouth and he instantly pisses incredibly strong piss.

"Oh yea urinal faggot! I have a strong bladder and since you weren't here all morning I've been holding my morning piss for hours," says Nick.

I start to gag because there's so much and it's so strong but I keep it together and power through. As soon as I'm done Anish grabs me by the hair and puts his cock in my mouth. His cock seems like it would be big when it's hard, but I don't get much time to figure it out. As soons as his cock hits my mouth his waterfall of piss starts.

"Ahhhhhh fuck. Nick promised me a urinal fag so I haven't pissed in hours either. Hope you enjoy some Indian piss, fag," Anish says.

When he's done, Anish pulls his cock out of my mouth, shakes the remaining drops on my face, zips up his shorts, and walks out with Nick.

"See you later faggot," Nick says.

Fuck this has been quite a morning. I take a second to text Xavier to make sure he's okay. I'm so worried that whatever the fuck has happened to me has now fucked up my chances with a really great guy. Xavier quickly responds saying that this morning, including my pussy, was amazing. He tells me to meet him at 6 in the dorm food court to get dinner. I say okay and then I quickly grab some dry clothes and start walking to the Science Building to meet Chris.

End of chapter sevenÉ.

Next: Chapter 9

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