Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on Mar 20, 2021


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

"Good faggot. Now kneel and drink," Chris orders.

"Yes Master," I respond. I swallow another bladder full of piss and then Chris leaves. I close the door and immediately fall asleep dreaming of all that happened today and how my life will be forever changed.

End of chapter five....

Chapter 6

My alarm goes off at 5 a.m. and freaks me out. It is going to be a rough transition getting up this early. I get on my email quickly and send Chirs and Nick options for email and Twitter. I give them five options that I know are available. They are lockedsub02, cagedsub02, cagedurinal, ownedurinalsub, and cagedurinalsub. I let them know that I did research and Twitter is more open, but Google won't allow the word `slave' in an email account. I hit send then do some stretches in my room and head out.

Today I am supposed to run/walk for 60 minutes. I start out with a walk and take a quick video to share with Chris and Nick. Eventually I start to jog slowly. This is my first time working out in basically forever so I'm trying to take it slow. I also have to adjust to doing all of this locked and plugged since that's required at all times. I switch back and forth from jogging and walking and eventually decide to use the track around the football stadium. I'm surprised to see a couple other people using the track and the field for various things. I get so lost in my head thinking about my punishment and tasks for the day that I go well over 60 minutes of cardio. I also don't see or feel the guy running really close to me.

"Hey," he says, startling the hell out of me and causing me to trip.

"Oh hey. Sorry I zoned out," I say.

"No worries. Didn't mean to scare you. I've never seen you here before," he says.

I stop jogging and take a look at him. He's a really slim built, light-skinned Black guy around 5'9'' or so. Truthfully my type if I was looking to date someone. "Yea just doing my required morning workout. It's day one, so," I say without thinking how `required' will sound.

"Oh cool. I'm here running on mornings I don't lift. Got so used to training from track in high school I can't seem to break the routine even though I'm not on the team here," he says.

"Can't say I was ever an athlete or worked out much, but I am really trying to get in shape. I have a long way to go," I say.

"Well you have to start with day one! And I wouldn't give yourself a hard time. You look great as you are," he says.

Did this guy just hit on me? I've never had this experience before. I've never really had a boyfriend. Most of my relationships were short lived and mainly sex-only.

"That's really nice of you to say. I'm Paul," I say.

"Nice to meet you Paul. I'm Xavier. What year are you and major?" he asks.

"Sophomore and Psychology. I'm also an RA in Ferris Hall," I share.

"Oh nice. I'm a first-year Bio major. I live in Smith, so we're neighbors," he laughs. We've been walking and talking this whole time when suddenly he stops.

"I've never been this forward, but I wasn't kidding before, I think you're really cute. Don't get me wrong I support you wanting to get fitÉ.uhhhhh would you like to grab breakfast?" he asks in a nervous stream of consciousness.

"Are you asking me on a dining hall date Xavier?"

"Well fuck now it sounds even more lame," he responds.

"Hell no. Who has money to go out off campus? I'd love to have breakfast with you, but maybe I should shower first," I say.

"Who gives a shit? Literally no one is there this early and those that are either half asleep, still in pajamas, or both," he jokes.

"Well then let's go," I say.

As we walk back towards the dorms and dining hall we get to know each other. He's from an area about an hour from me, has a brother a year older than him that also goes to our school, and his parents are both in the medical field. They're hoping he'll follow along, but he's not sure. I talk about myself, a first-generation student, parents in different fields, one younger brother. He was the athlete in high school and I was the choir/theatre nerd.

We make it to the dining hall, grab food, and sit down together. It's the most easy-going, honest, and fun conversation I've had with another guy ever, I tell Xavier that, and he agrees. At this point I notice that my phone screen has lit up with a text notification. I open my phone and see that the message is just from my mom. After I reply I see that I have a Grindr notification so I open it.

"Hey faggot, you must be in or around the dining hall. Get to the men's bathroom now."

Holy shit it's the verbal, white guy I sucked yesterday. I don't have my hood with me and I don't know what I'm going to say to Xavier. Before I come up with something another message comes through. This time it's a picture. I look closely and it's me running out of the bathroom yesterday, naked.

"I've seen your face and will post this pic everywhere if you don't get here in the next 60 seconds faggot," he writes. "And if you give me that pussy then you can upload the vidoe wherever the fuck you want."

"Hey I've gotta run to the bathroom. Don't feel like you need to wait for me. You probably have class and I've got your number and will definitely be texting you," I say to Xavier as I start to get up.

"No worries I can wait for a few minutes," he says as I'm walking away.

I make it to the bathroom and see the unnamed white guy standing in one of the stalls without his hard dick in his hand. I hand him my phone out, take off all my clothes, and get on my knees. He doesn't even bother closing the stall door as he shoves his hard cock in my mouth.

"Fuck yea faggot. I've been thinking about this mouth since yesterday. I thought your profile was just a joke and would be deleted, but when I watch the parade of guys into that bathroom and then saw you run out naked I knew you really were a faggot," he says.

"Yes Sir," I say with his dick in my mouth.

"That's `Yes Sir Austin,' faggot."

"Yes Sir Austin," I respond.

"Put your number in my phone faggot. I don't want to have to rely on Grindr when I want to use you," Sir Austin says.

"Now give me your phone and get on your knees," Sir Austin orders. I open my mouth and he shoves his hard cock in. "You should feel lucky this morning faggot. Not only are you getting my morning wood, but uhhhhhh," he groans. "You're getting my morning piss too, urinal."

I'm honestly impressed Sir Austin can piss given how hard he is. Although I'm caught off guard I don't spill a drop.

"Now that my bladder is empty and my dick is lubed let's breed that pussy," Sir Austin says. "Stand up and bend the fuck over, faggot."

I stand and bend over, completely forgetting about the plug.

"Hell yea! I see your Owners are stretching you out," Sir Austin says. In what feels like a split second he removes the plug, shoves in balls deep, and covers my mouth to muffle my moan/cry. "Be quiet faggot. I don't want to get caught."

"Sorry Sir Austin," I manage to say between thrusts.

"Your pussy is so tight, faggot. Definitely won't stay like this for long so I'm going to enjoy it while I can. Now be quiet while I pound you quick. I've gotta get to lab," Sir Austin says.

Somehow Sir Austin hits another gear and goes wild on my hole. Within 60 seconds I can tell he's going to breed me.

"You ready for your first load of the day, faggot," Sir Austin asks.

"Yes Sir Austin. Please give me your Alpha cum," I respond.

"I'm gonna knock you up deep faggot. Uh! Uh! Uh!" yells Sir Austin as he pumps deep inside my ass. "What do you say, faggot?"

"Thank you for breeding my pussy, Sir Austin," I respond almost instinctively.

"That's right. Now let's plug you back up for the next Alpha," Sir Austin says.

Sir Austin hands me back my phone and says, "That was fucking awesome faggot. You're going to be popular on campus and online."

"Yes Sir Austin. Thank you Sir Austin," I say.

Sir Austin pulls up his pants and walks out of the stall. I start to gather my clothes.

"Don't get dressed faggot. Looks like you've got another customer," Sir Austin says.

I walk out with my clothes in hand to see Xavier standing there stroking his thin 11" cock.

"Oh fuck Xavier. Please let me explain," I say. "I'm so sorry."

"That's Sir Xavier, faggot," he says with a devlish grin pushing me back into the stall. "And we can talk later. Right now I want your phone and I want you on your knees with your mouth on my Black snake."

"Yes...Sir Xavier," I stammer. I hand him my phone and get back on my knees, working as much of his huge dick into my mouth as I can.

"Fuck yea, faggot. You're so hot and talking to you got me so horny. I thought it was too soon to ask you to hook up so I was just going to jerk in the shower, but this is way better," Sir Xavier says.

"Thank you Sir Xavier," I say though you can't really tell given how much of his cock is in my mouth.

"We're going to need to work on opening that throat, faggot. You've barely got half of me in your mouth and that's not going to work for me, so open the fuck up," Sir Xavier says while shoving his dick down my throat. I start to gag, but he just keeps pushing until I feel his balls on my chin.

"There you go faggot," he says while looking down at me struggling. "What, can't breathe? You'll get used to that," he says pulling out of my throat.

I cough a lot, but somehow manage to keep the vomit down.

"Good job, faggot. Let's keep working at it," Sir Xavier says.

We spend the next 15 minutes with Sir Xavier in and out of my throat increasing the amount of time and intensity. Eventually he pulls out and his Black snake is coated in slime from my throat.

"You had a Black snake in that pussy before, faggot?" Sir Xavier asks.

"No Sir Xavier," I respond.

"Seems like a good time to start then faggot. Good thing you already have lube in there and coated my dick because we aren't stopping until my balls are slapping your ass."

"Thank you Sir Xavier," I say.

Sir Xavier reaches into his bag and pulls out some poppers. I've used them before but it's been awhile.

"You might not want to hit these here, but I don't care. I love gooning out a bottom before I take his pussy. I know you just got fucked, but that white boy was small. I'm going to goon you out and turn you out, faggot," Sir Xavier says. "Now bend over and hold in that load that's in your pussy while I take out the plug."

"Yes Sir Xavier," I say as I bend over and clench.

He removes the plug and hands me the poppers. He tells me to hit five times on each side.

"Now hold that bottle and hit anytime I tell you," Sir Xavier says.

"Yes Sir," I say and then proceed to hit the poppers five times in each nostril.

Sir Xavier then pushes into my cum-filled pussy. The poppers help but it feels like he's going to rip me in half.

"FUUUUUUCCCCKKKK you are tight faggot. Don't worry you're going to have plenty of practice with this Black snake. Now hit two more times on each side," Sir Xavier orders.

I hit and Sir Xavier pushes even deeper. He pulls out and slams in as far as he just was.

"Almost there, faggot," Sir Xavier exclaims. "Two more hits on each side should do it."

I've never hit poppers this much and I don't know if I can take more hits, but I manage to do it. At that point Sir Xavier bottoms out in my pussy.

"There you go faggot. You've got 11" of Black snake in your pussy and there's no going back. Now try to keep it down while I mess up your insides and hit when I tell you."

"Yes Sir Xavier," I respond.

I have no idea how long Sir Xavier fucks me but it feels like forever. At some point I realize that I am getting fucked when I should be in class and realize I'll be punished, but couldn't care less. Sir Xavier continues to order me to hit the poppers at times that keeps me perfectly gooned out without being too much.

"I think it's time for me to seed this pussy and to make that caged clit leak, don't you faggot?" Sir Xavier asks rhetorically.

Having only achieved my first anal orgasm the night before I don't understand his confidence in making it happen again. All of the sudden Sir Xavier changes angles and speeds up. He's pounding my prostate while balls deep in me. I am doing my best to muffle my moans of pleasure.

"You're welcome faggot. Now hit one more time on each side and you have my permission to leak from your locked clit," Sir Xavier says.

How does he know I need permission to discharge? Who cares! The feeling in my pussy is amazing, so I hit once more on each side and as I finish I feel the discharge coming.

"Oh fuck," I say as quietly as I can. "I'm leaking Sir Xavier. Thank you so much Sir Xavier." At that point my body goes full spasm as I discharge from my locked nub. My pussy contracts around Sir Xaviers cock and then I feel him start to pulse inside me.

"OH YEA!! You feel that faggot? This pussy is mine now," Sir Xaiver says.

I feel his cock pulse at least a dozen times truly flooding my pussy. There's so much cum that it leaks back out around his cock and falls to the floor. Sir Xavier comes down from his orgasm. Meanwhile I'm still gooning from the poppers.

"Get your mouth on my snake and clean it, faggot," orders Sir Xavier. Once I'm done he says, "Now lick my Alpha cum off the floor faggot. And while you're at it, clean up that mess your little clit made too. No one wants to see faggot leftovers on the ground," Sir Xavier orders.

I immediately lick up Sir Xavier's cum and my discharge from the floor. I crawl over and clean the mixed cum off of Sir Xavier's cock. Sir Xavier hands me the plug and my phone.

"Put this back in your pussy while I piss, faggot."

"Sorry Sir Xavier, but could I have the privilege to swallow your Alpha piss?" I beg.

"Seriously? Damn I've never done this before, but why not faggot. Give me your phone back!" he responds.

Sir Xavier turns and let's his cock hang. I take his head in my mouth and wait. He continues to record and seems to be having performance anxiety. At that moment someone comes into the bathroom and goes up to a urinal. We both stay still. The guy pisses and flushes. The flow of water opens Sir Xavier's flood gates and my mouth is suddenly filled with a geyser of piss.

"Uhhhh," Sir Xavier moans, emptying his bladder into my eager mouth. I quickly swallow.

Startled by the sound of what he thought was an empty bathroom, we hear, "Dude you alright in there?" That is followed immediately with him opening the stall door since it still wasn't closed all the way.

"Hell yea dude I'm all good," Sir Xavier responds. "Too bad you used the urinal there because this one is way better."

"Holy shit!!! Paul?!?!" the guy says.

I look up and see Seth, an RA on my staff. I lower my head in shame.

"Damn I knew you were gay dude, but this is something else. You done with him man?" Seth asks Sir Xavier.

"Yep he's all yours," Sir Xavier says. "Two loads in his pussy already. Loves to be filmed. Doesn't seem to have a lot of limits as you can tell."

"Get dressed Paul...I mean faggot. Let's go back to my room," Seth says.

I look at my phone and realize that it's 9 a.m. and two thirds of one punishment is already done. I put on my shirt, jock, and shorts. As I am about to put on my shoes I realize that these two Alphas already know me and I'm already significantly humiliated so I ask, "Sirs do you mind if I do something before I leave the bathroom?"

They both turn and Sir Xavier says, "Go for it faggot."

I hand Sir Xavier my phone and as soon as I know he's filming I let loose the piss in my bladder.

"Holy fucking shit," Seth says. "What a pathetic faggot."

"Hell yea faggot! Piss yourself like a true fag urinal," Sir Xavier encourages.

I soak the front of my shorts and both socks before redirecting the stream onto my shirt. After I finish pissing Sir Xavier says, "A urinal doesn't waste piss faggot. So whatever you can't soak up you better lick up."

At this point I roll in the piss to soak up as much as I can in my shorts and shirt. I then lick up the remainder.

"Great job faggot," both Alphas say.

Sir Xavier hands me my phone and says, "Plan to meet me for dinner. We have a LOT more to talk about faggot."

"Yes Sir Xavier," I respond. Sir Xavier leaves.

"Sir, huh?" says Seth. "Put your shoes on faggot. I obviously don't want to be seen with a urinal fag so wait for 30 seconds after I leave and then meet me in my room."

"Okay," I respond.

"Okay what faggot?" asks Seth leadingly.

"Okay Sir Seth," I respond.

"That's right faggot."

Sir Seth walks out. While I wait for him to get distance from the bathroom I upload the three videos to Google Drive. I realize I really hadn't thought through getting from this bathroom back to my building while soaked in piss. The shortest way is through the tunnels connecting the dining hall to my dorm, but I decide to take the long way outside so that hopefully I don't see as many people.

I exit the bathroom and walk briskly to the exit only garnering a few stares and comments. I make it outside and get a message from Sir Nick.

"In case it was doubting, it is clearly a faggot since it has taken two loads and pissed itself all before 9 a.m. Great job fag!"

Master Chris adds, "Don't forget that third load faggot. And message me right after you've got it because I'm going to add to your pussy."

I respond to the group message, "Yes Master. Your faggot is headed to load three now."

"Great job faggot! You'll be getting loads and punishments when you meet me. One discharge without permission last night and a missed class. You need to work on your time management faggot. But I think the punishments will help with that. After you get bred, change your clothes, but don't shower and head to the Science Building," Master Chris orders.

"Yes Master," I respond.

I manage to get to Sir Seth's room without being seen by anyone. I knock on the door and he opens it. I'm shocked to see that he's naked except for a harness and a pair of rubber shorts with a zipper that goes from front to back.

"We're going to have some fun, faggot," Sir Seth says closing the door behind me.

End of chapter six...

Next: Chapter 8

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