Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on Feb 24, 2021


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. This chapter is more about set up with a lot more to come. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

Chapter 5

I reach the end and I'm lost in a daze. I don't know what I expected when Chris and Nick said "contract," but it definitely wasn't this. I read the document countless times unsure of how I am going to manage everything in the base contract. I can't even begin to wrap my brain around the appendices. I know that I have to sign the contract by 9 p.m., but I look at the clock and see that it's only 6 p.m. so I decide to go for a walk.

I love walking to the edge of campus where the campus blends into a park and garden. During my first year I spent a lot of time exploring this area and I've found a number of spots where I know I will be alone. I sit down near my favorite spot and start to reflect on the contract. I'm honestly scared by the number of rules, but also turned on by them too. So much of the contract is stuff that I've fantasized about and jerked off thinking about or reading about...when I could jerk off. I know that I am going to sign the contract, but what about the appendices?

I do have a blank Twitter profile already that I use to look at kink accounts on Twitter and since I found Nifty a few years ago I've wanted to write and submit stories there. I guess I've decided to sign Appendix A. That leaves Appendix BÉ

Truthfully, I've always been really judgmental of guys who create Only Fans. I've never looked at the accounts, but it always felt sleazy to me. But why? What's different about that and the porn that I watch where actors are getting paid. How is it different than Uber or Lyft drivers? I guess you're using your body how you want just like using your car to shuttle people around. I don't know though. Do I want to create a porn account "staring" myself? I'm far from fit and far from the stereotypical porn or model body type? Who the hell would watch anyway??

As I'm thinking all of this, I hear a branch snap behind me, but I can't see anything. I hear a couple more branches snap and then a moan. What the fuck? I move quietly and finally see this short, scrawny guy leaning against a tree jerking off. He's tiny everywhere except what's in his pants, which is at least 8" long. He's wearing a senior class t-shirt of a local high school. He's clearly in his own world because he doesn't hear me approach.

"You want some help with that?" I ask.

"Holy shit dude. Fuck!" He says shoving his cock back in his shorts. "I was uhhhhh just running and got uhhhh horny."

"It's cool dude. I asked if you wanted help, so I wasn't judging. This wasn't your first time using this spot was it?"

"Uhhhh yea it was." He pauses. "Okay no. I can't get any privacy in my house. Share a room with my younger brother and a bathroom with other siblings. Plus, I'm not sure how my family, team, and school will react to my beingÉ." He pauses again.

"Gay?" I ask.

"Yea...So when I go for a jog, I often take some time alone with my hand and my fantasies," he says.

"Well, the offer to help stands," I say. "But under one condition."

"What's that?" he asks.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I say, "You record it."

He smiles, takes off his shirt, and drops his shorts. "Give me the phone and get on your knees. Might as well take off your clothes. Let's make this good."

I hand him my phone and drop my pants, figuring that I should get the embarrassment over with. Then take off my shirt.

"Awww hell yea I've always wanted to get sucked by someone while they're in a chastity cage!" he says.

"Well, here you go," I say as I take his cock in my mouth.

I spend about 20 minutes sucking his cock and licking his sweaty balls. He calls me some names and fucks my face repeatedly before dumping what seems like an endless load into my mouth. He asks me if he can store my number for the next time he decides to go for a run and I immediately text him. He puts on his shirt and, before putting on his shorts, turns around.

"Better piss before I run home," he says as I pick up my shirt.

"I swallow more than cum," I say, shocked that those words came out of my mouth.

"You're a faggot, aren't you?" he asks.

"Yes Sir," I respond without thinking.

"I've seen faggots on Twitter and read plenty of stories, but I never thought I'd find one so easily. Well get back on your knees, faggot. And call me Sir Ben."

"Yes, Sir Ben"

I start to take his cock back in my mouth and he stops me while immediately releasing a fire hose of piss. He soaks my hair and body while getting some in my mouth. Suddenly, and before I can say anything, he turns and soaks my clothes that are lying on the ground. He brings his stream back to my face and I close my mouth around his cock swallowing the rest of his piss.

"That's a good faggot. Next time we'll film that too. And I better be in your phone as Sir Ben as well."

He pulls up his shorts and jogs off leaving me there dripping with his piss. At this point I realize I've made my decision on Appendix B. I open the contract, add "fisting" to the limitations section, sign all three lines, and send it to Master and Sir. I then upload my video with Sir Ben to Google Drive.

Only then do I look at the time. Holy shit it's 8:30!! I'm barely going to have time to make it back to the room by the 9 p.m. deadline. I throw on my piss-soaked clothes and break into a run back to my dorm. Guess I'm starting the exercise plan early. Panting, I make it back to our room at 8:55 without seeing anyone. I quickly hang my piss-soaked clothes and put on some deodorant, hoping it covers the smell of dried piss. I kneel in front of Chris and Nick's door and wait...and wait...and wait. It doesn't take me long to realize that they aren't even in their room, but, seeing as I don't know when they'll be back, I don't dare to move. Ninety minutes later, Chris and Nick burst through the door.

"Fuck yea there's our new faggot!!" yells Chris.

"We didn't know that we were hitting the jackpot with you, faggot," adds Nick. "We're going to have so much fun using you and molding you, faggot."

"Based on your videos today you have the most potential of any faggot we've ever owned. You sucked extra cocks, got used by Alphas plus a beta, and found a bonus HS Alpha in the woods. You could have stopped at three cocks and really had no reason to suck that kid in the woods, but you knelt and took your rightful place, didn't you faggot?" asks Chris.

"Yes Master," I answer.

"That's right faggot. Now let's check you over. In a second, I'm going to say `present', which, when it is kneeling, means it kneels with its chest up and its hands behind its head. When it is standing it does the same thing with its hands behind its head, but instead it should put its feet shoulder distance apart. Understand?" asks Nick.

"Yes Sir"

"Present," says Nick.

I follow Nick's directions while kneeling.

"Oh shit, faggot," says Chris. "Less than two hours under contract and you're already in violation. I have to say I'm happy because it means punishment right away!"

I clearly look confused and panicked. I know I am supposed to be naked and wearing gear, but Chris and Nick haven't provided that yet. I kept the plug in, so what did I forget?

"Obviously you don't have the gear to wear and you were smart not to enter our room, but you were instructed to shave your armpits, chest, crotch, balls, and ass and you will have hair in all those areas. As a faggot, you aren't a real man like me and Nick, so you don't get hair there," says Chris.

Nick chimes in, "And as punishment I don't think you're going to have hair anywhere."

"Please Master and Sir. I'm sorry for forgetting that part of the contract. It won't happen again," I say.

"See it should really just keep its mouth shut because it earned another punishment. As a faggot you don't get to use `I' remember?" asks Nick.

"Yes Sir," I respond.

"Hey Chris, should we deal with its punishment first so that we can get our new fag in its gear?"

"Makes sense to me Nick," answers Chris.

They open the door and walk inside. I crawl in behind them. They pull out a blindfold and put it on me. I hear them moving around and pulling things out but have no idea what's about to happen.

"Stand up faggot and present," orders Chris.

I stand and get in the proper position. That's when I hear simultaneous buzzing and realize what is about to happen. Over the next several minutes Chris and Nick remove the hair from my arms, chest, armpits, legs, ass, crotch and balls. When I think that's done, they rub something on me and leave me to stand there for several minutes. Eventually it starts to burn, and I realize it's hair removal cream. They wipe the cream off of me then add my new gear: chain collar, leather collar, wrist cuffs, and ankle cuffs. They also remove the butt plug and replace it with a larger one.

"Present faggot," orders Nick. "The plug in its pussy is the new base plug."

At this point I hear the click of a phone camera.

"Have to get some pics ready for your new Twitter account, faggot," says Chris.

After the pictures I am ordered to kneel. Nick says, "Okay fag as strict as we will be with training it, we also understand that this is all new and that mistakes will be made. It will be punished, but we will be easier on it for the first few weeks. It is not done serving for the night, but we are going to give it some choice in its punishment for using `I' earlier."

"Here we have a pair of dice. Each number has an assigned punishment. It will roll the dice two times and we will tell it the two punishments that it rolled. It will then choose between the two and complete the punishment tomorrow. We will not always be this generous. Most of the time we will assign a punishment or make it roll once and it will have to do what comes up," Chris says.

"Yes Master. Thank you so much Master and Sir."

"It is welcome!" says Nick. "It is learning very quickly, which is great! Now roll."

I take the dice and roll seven and then five. Nick looks at his phone and then says,

"So, seven is getting bred by three guys in public (not in a bathroom), while being recorded, and then plugging after each to keep their loads in its pussy. And five is pissing your pants in a public bathroom, recording it, and then having to walk back to the room."

"30 seconds to choose faggot," says Chris.

FUCK! Both of those sound terrible. I don't have much experience with anal, so I worry about the fucking I am going to get tonight from Chris and Nick. What happens if the three guys I find are big like the cocks I sucked today? But then how am I going to piss my pants and make it back without seeing someone I know?

"Times up faggot. Choose or we will choose, and it definitely won't like that option," says Chris.

"Your faggot chooses the piss one Master and Sir," I say.

"Great!!" says Nick. "You will complete that as punishment AND you will complete the other one as a task for tomorrow!"

I hang my head in shame as Chris and Nick both burst out laughing.

"Thank you Master and Sir," I respond.

"Okay faggot a couple other things before you serve us," says Chris. "We've already emailed it the workout schedule. That starts tomorrow morning no matter what time we are done with it tonight. It will send us proof of it working out. Tomorrow we also expect to see options for Twitter handles and a kink email account. Once those are created it will create the Only Fans and begin uploading and promoting. We also want proof tomorrow that it scheduled a nutrition appointment for some time in the next week. Got it?"

"Yes Master."

"And as long as it doesn't fuck up again it can allow the arm, leg, and ass hair to grow back. But its chest, pits, crotch, balls, and pussy better be hairless, faggot. It should plan to shave its balls during its weekly unlocking for cleaning because that will be the easiest time," adds Nick.

"Yes Sir."

"Now I think it's time we really get some training in!" Chris says excitedly. "Lay down on your stomach faggot."

Out of nowhere Nick produces rope and I am tied to bed posts via the wrist and ankle cuffs. They put the blindfold back on and add headphones. The headphones are clearly quality noise cancelling because I can't hear a thing and of course I can't see a thing. Something is then shoved in my mouth and I realize it is a gag. Then all of the sudden I start to hear something; it gets louder and louder. I realize it's a hypnosis reprogramming track. It keeps repeating, "It is a good faggot. It wants to obey its Owners. Its nub should be locked at all times. Its purpose is to serve real men." Over and over this repeats itself and I easily fall into some sort of trace. That trace is violently broken when I begin to be repeatedly paddled. I have no idea how long this goes on for, but there are periods of trace and periods where I am paddled harder and harder.

Eventually the headphones are removed, and my arms and legs are released. The blind and gag are also removed.

"What is it?" asks Chris?

"It is a good faggot," I respond. "And what is its purpose?" asks Nick.

"To serve real men," I respond.

"Very good faggot. You will hear that track regularly as well as others. Eventually we will expect you to listen to it for certain periods of the time separate from when you are serving us. Now get up onto your hands and knees," orders Chris.

Chris moves in front of me and I open my mouth. He places the head of his cock in my mouth and starts to piss. I, of course, swallow it all down and realize it tastes a bit like beer.

"Great job faggot. Already a better urinal! You might have tasted some beer in there. Nick and I were drinking before coming home. Although it wasn't in the contract, we know the nutritionist will tell you to limit your alcohol intake. You should know that the only alcohol you'll be having is what you can taste from our recycled piss. Got it faggot?"

"Yes Master," I respond.

"Good. Now get my cock hard," orders Chris.

I take Chris's cock back into my mouth and work to get him hard. Eventually he begins to fuck my face opening up my throat. I'm completely focused on his cock to the point that I forget that Nick is even in the room. He decides to remind me of his presence by driving his thick cock balls deep in my ass in one push.

"Ahhhhhh fuck," I scream around Chris's cock.

"You're lucky I put lube on my cock this time, faggot. Shit this is the tightest pussy I've ever been inside Chris. Too bad it's not going to last too long," says Nick.

"Yea this faggot is going to be begging for bigger and bigger dicks once we get it gapping," adds Chris. "Just think about all the DP we will be able to do soon enough. Makes me almost nut thinking about it. Don't worry faggot my nut is going in that pussy tonight!"

They spit roast me for quite a while. Breaking me in as their faggot. Chris is getting too close to cumming in my mouth and eventually pulls out and watches Nick.

"Could you fucking seed its faggot pussy so I can open it up more?" yells Chris.

"I shouldn't have let that bitch suck me off at the party. The second load is always harder," says Nick.

Almost on cue Nick yells, "Awww here it comes faggot. Time to mark the last part of it as ours. Uh! Uh! Uh!"

It feels like Nick is flooding my guts with the amount of cum he's shooting. As he pulls out, I feel some cum leak out and honestly feel empty.

"How does it feel?" asks Nick.

"Honestly empty Sir," I respond.

"I can help with that," says Chris. And not to be undone he also shoves as much of his cock in me as he can.

"I know I am longer than baby Nick, so open up that pussy faggotÉ..awww there you go. Feel that faggot? That's 10 inches of Alpha marking your pussy. What do you say?" says Chris.

"Thank you Master."

"Thank you Master for what," asks Chris.

"Thank you for marking its pussy with your 10-inch Alpha cock, Master."

"You're welcome faggot. Now clean off Sir Nick's cock while I breed you." ordered Chris.

Having never done ass to mouth I am grossed out by the idea of cleaning Nick's cock, but I don't want more punishment, so I take Nick into my mouth and clean off his cock. While I'm cleaning him off he starts to piss in my mouth, so I stop cleaning and start swallowing.

"Fuck Chris. I missed having a urinal," says Nick.

"I know right," says Chris. "You ready for the final marking of ownership faggot?"

"Yes Master," I respond with Nick's cock still in my mouth.

"Uh fuck yea I'm CUUUUUMMMMMMING faggot!" Chris exclaims. I feel his orgasm inside me and feel my ass start to quiver. I have no idea what's happening, but it feels amazing, so I moan.

"Shit Chris you just made the faggot discharge!" Nick says pulling his cock from my mouth.

I collapse to the floor with Chris still inside my ass. I have no idea what just happened.

"Faggot have you ever had an anal orgasm before?" asks Chris.

"No Master. It didn't know that was possible," I respond.

"Well, it is possible and now that it's happened you should know two things. First, it is going to be punished for discharging without permission AND second, per the contract it signed, it is now only going to discharge form anal stimulation. We thought we would need to let it use a vibrator for a while, but clearly it's a true faggot pussy bottom so no nub stimulation is needed," says Chris. "Now hold still."

Since Chris came I don't know what's about to happen, but then I feel it. He's emptying his bladder in my ass.

"Now it is fully our faggot. You've been marked in every possible way faggot! Now hold that piss in its pussy," says Chris.

Chris removes his cock and Nick hands him the plug which he puts back inside me.

"You are to keep our cum and piss in you for an hour. This time will increase over time," says Chris.

"We will take care of your punishment for discharging tomorrow night, faggot. Go get ready for bed. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow," says Nick.

"Yes Sir. Thank you Master and Sir for training and using your faggot tonight," I say as I crawl out of the room and back into my room.

When I get to my room I close the door. Since I have to wait an hour, I brainstorm Twitter handles and email addresses, but decide to send them in the morning. I also take the opportunity to email the nutritionist and set up alarms on my phone to wake up early enough to work out. The exercise plan for the first week involves a variety of cardio. I also edit my Grindr and Recon profiles to include that I will be filming for Only Fans...might as well put it all out there since there wasn't much hidden on my profiles anyway. I figure I can add links tomorrow.

After the hour is up I go to the bathroom, let the cum and piss out, and then replace the plug. I brush my teeth and walk back into the suite. I had put a bin near the door so that I can take the gear on and off. As I am putting the required gear back on, Chris appears.

"Hello Master. Sorry if it disturbed you," I say.

"It is fine faggot. I know I am the harsh one, but I wanted to say it did well today and has a lot of potential, but don't slack off."

"Yes Master."

"Good faggot. Now kneel and drink," Chris orders.

"Yes Master," I respond. I swallow another bladder full of piss and then Chris leaves. I close the door and immediately fall asleep, dreaming of all that happened today and how my life will be forever changed.

End of chapter five....

Next: Chapter 7

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