Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on Feb 23, 2021


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. This chapter is more about set up with a lot more to come. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

I decide it's time to learn my fate and open the email from Chris. The subject line says "fag contract" and the body of the email states:

"Dear fag, we have a normal contract we like to have fags sign so that they understand their expectations while serving us, but given your video performance we've added a couple appendices just for you. The contract allows you to input some information in certain sections. The main contract is non-negotiable, but each appendix is optional, so you can agree to it or not. We expect to see the contract completed before the 9 p.m. start time. We're both looking forward to breaking in our new fag tonight."

I click on the link underneath and the contract opens.

End of chapter 4É

Faggot Contract

Contract parties: Owners Master Chris and Sir Nick (hereafter: Owners) and slave fag paul (hereafter: slave/fag/faggot).

Contact duration: The contract shall last until both Owners have graduated and/or when the faggot graduates, whichever is earlier. The Owners reserve the right to terminate the contract early and/or extend it should they desire. The Owners reserve the right to transfer ownership to another Alpha at the conclusion of the contract. The faggot has no right to terminate the contract early or to object to any transfer of the contract.

Contract rules:

  1. Respect/Authority Ð the faggot will use respectful language when speaking to Master and Sir including yes Master/Sir, no Master/Sir, please Master/Sir, and thank you Master/Sir.

  2. Communication Ð when asked a question by Master and Sir, the faggot will respond as soon as possible, but definitely within 2 hours, unless sleeping. All communications will be forthcoming and honest. All communication will occur in the iMessage unless otherwise directed by Master and Sir.

a. The faggot will immediately communicate any violations of this contract.

  1. Self-Identifying Language Ð the faggot is only allowed to refer to itself as "it", "fag", "slave," or other such demeaning terms. The faggot will only refer to its penis as "nub." The faggot will refer to orgasms as "discharge.".

  2. Required Pictures Ð any sex-related pictures or videos will be sent to both Master and Sir in iMessage and/or uploaded to Google Drive unless otherwise directed.

  3. Collar - Master and Sir will provide the faggot with a chain collar and padlock. This will be worn at all times unless removed by Master and/or Sir.

  4. Chastity Ð the faggot will be locked at all times. The following conditions are in place.

a. The faggot will be permitted to unlock once per week to clean and shave. Arrangements will be made to unlock for airport security and/or medical appointments procedures. The faggot should not assume these requests will be granted.

b. The faggot will be permitted to ask to try different cages should the Cobra cause skin irritation and/or should it want to try a different cage.

c. The faggot is not permitted to stroke its nub.

d. The faggot will be regularly ordered to edge in its cage for the pleasure of Master and Sir. The faggot is only permitted to edge when ordered.

e. The faggot is only permitted to discharge (via vibrator) when Master and Sir allow, which will be no more than once per month (unless rewards are earned). The faggot will consume all discharge.

i. Once anal discharge is achieved the faggot will only be permitted to discharge in this method. When being used by Master, Sir, and/or an Alpha, the faggot can anally discharge as often as it is able so long as it asks permission prior to discharge. Failure to gain permission prior to discharge will result in punishment.

  1. Body Hair Ð remain clean-shaven on its face, armpits, chest, groin, balls, and anal areas. Master and Sir can mandate further hair removal at any time.

  2. Bathroom

a. The faggot is not allowed to piss while unlocked including during weekly cleaning.

b. The faggot is not allowed to piss standing up including while showering.

c. The faggot must drink its piss at least once daily. The faggot should record this and send it to Master and Sir. The faggot should make every attempt to drink its piss early in the day when it is strongest. The faggot MUST drink this piss in a public location.

  1. Hygiene - the faggot should ensure that its pussy is clean at all times and make all necessary adjustments to ensure this.

  2. Anal Training - the faggot will be plugged at all times unless its pussy is being used. Master and Sir will dictate the size of the plug weekly with size increasing over time.

  3. Room behavior - the faggot shall be naked in the suite at all times, but must wear a collar, harness, wrist cuffs, and ankle cuffs. The faggot is allowed to have a tank top and pair of tight shorts and/or tight sweatpants available to put on should a student come to the room for assistance. The faggot may quickly remove the collar and all cuffs when a student comes to the room for assistance. The faggot is permitted to stand in its room and the common room, but will kneel and crawl in Master and Sir's room unless otherwise instructed.

  4. Service - the faggot will be expected to serve Master and Sir in various ways every day.

a. The faggot will provide Master and Sir with full access to its online calendar so that they know its class and work schedules

b. The faggot will share its location with Master and Sir so that they may locate it at any time.

c. The faggot will be on-call to service Master, Sir, and/or other Alphas at all times when it is not in class or required work shifts.

d. The faggot should expect to be used orally and analy at least once daily and to regularly serve as a urinal.

  1. Tasks/Challenges/Punishments - the faggot will be given planned and/or spontaneous tasks and challenges. Tasks are required to be completed. Challenges are optional, but will earn the faggot rewards up to, and including, extra discharges. Punishments will be issued for infractions of this contract and/or when Master and Sir desire. Punishments are a part of its training.

  2. Clothing Ð the faggot must wear only jockstraps or thongs unless directed otherwise. Master and Sir reserve the right to choose any/all additional clothes (or lack of) at anytime

  3. Toys and Gear - the faggot will be loaned a variety of toys and gear. Over time the faggot may purchase these items from Master and Sir and/or the faggot will be expected to purchase toys/gear of its own. Below is a list of some items the faggot will purchase:

a. Chain collar with padlock

b. Leather collar

c. Wrist/ankle cuffs

d. Harness

e. Hood with mouth opening

f. Various sized dildos

g. Various sized butt plugs

h. Vibrator

i. Ball stretchers and ball weights

j. Regular gag

k. Urinal gag

l. Nipple suckers

m. Nipple clamps

n. Blindfold

o. Lovesense buttplug

p. Other items can be added in the future

  1. Pornography - the faggot is permitted, and encouraged, to watch pornography and/or read erotic fiction as much as it desires

  2. Sex - the faggot is permitted to serve any/all Alphas and betas.

a. All sexual service must be recorded and the faggot must obey all rules in this contract

  1. Exercise and Fitness Ð the faggot will be placed on a structured workout plan to mold it into the most fit it can be for its body type. This will likely be a thicker, muscular himbo faggot.

a. The exercise plan will include workouts at least five (5) times per week at 5:30 a.m.

b. The faggot will send daily confirmation of workouts.

c. Unless injured, the faggot will never take the elevator. This will promote increased fitness.

d. The exercise plan includes a nutrition plan outlined below.

  1. Nutrition Ð the faggot will schedule an appointment with the nutritionist in the Health Center, provide that plan to Master and Sir, and strictly follow it.

a. The faggot will ask the nutritionist to help it establish a goal weight and a reasonable timeline for hitting that weigh.

b. Master and Sir will establish intermediate target weights leading to the faggot's goal weight. The faggot will be punished if it does not hit those intermediate goal weights.

c. The faggot will be allowed a maximum of one cheat day per month which must be pre-approved by Master and Sir. In requesting the cheat day, the faggot will describe to Master and/or Sir how it plans to cheat, and Master/Sir will approve or deny.

  1. Bedtime Ð other than when it is performing job responsibilities, or when pre-approved by Master and Sir, the faggot will go to bed by 10 p.m. daily. This will allow the faggot optimal ability to serve and to perform well with its exercise, nutrition, and academics.

  2. Medicine/Health Ð the faggot will take its medication every day as prescribed.

a. The faggot will acquire a presecription for PReP if it does not already have one.

b. The faggot will be tested at least every three (3) months for all STIs and provide those results to Master and Sir.

  1. Work and School - the faggot will maintain good standing in work and school

a. The faggot will NEVER skip class unless ordered by Master and Sir. No other Alpha is permitted to order it to skip class.

i. The faggot will report any class tardiness of more than five (5) minutes. The faggot will be punished for tardiness of more than five (5) minutes even if that tardiness is caused by Master, Sir, or another Alpha.

b. The faggot will maintain a 3.5 semester and increase its cumulative GPA each semester until its cumulative GPA is above 3.5.

i. The faggot will be punished for every semester below 3.5

c. The faggot will remain in good standing with its RA position.

i. Discipline from the RA position will result in punishment.

ii. Attempting to resign from the RA position to avoid this contract will result in all photos and videos being released on social media and to all phone contacts.

  1. Limits - Master and Sir have developed a set of standard limits below. The faggot is permitted to propose additional limits for Master and Sir to review.

a. Blood

b. Scat

c. Breath play

d. Permanent marks

e. Endangerment of health

f. Endangerment of school

g. Endangerment of employment

h. Women

i. Kids

j. Animals

k. Significant interruption to sleep schedule

l. _____________________________

m. _____________________________

n. _____________________________

  1. Alteration - Master and Sir can alter and/or amend this contract at any time

Signed: Master Chris Date: 9/20/20

Signed: Sir Nick Date: 9/20/20

Signed (faggot): ______________________ Date: ________________

Appendix A - faggot exposure

Based on the number and type of videos the faggot has already provided, Master Chris and Sir Nick propose that the faggot create:

  1. Kink-based Twitter account - the faggot will be expected to post photos and/or video clips five (5) times per week as well as tweeting or retweeting an additional three (3) times per week

a. Master and Sir will approve the faggot's username

b. Master and Sir will be provided the login in information so that they can post or live stream the faggot serving - these will NOT count toward the faggot's required posting

  1. Erotic story/journal - the faggot will document its servitude and transformation into a faggot slave by journaling and submitting to Nifty to be posted.

a. The faggot will journal weekly and submit to Master and Sir for approval.

b. The faggot will use all approved language covered in numbers one and three in the base contract.

c. The faggot will create a kink-based email account (account name approved by Master and Sir), also used for its Twitter account, and use this account to submit all journals.

d. The faggot will provide Master and Sir with access to this account so that they can monitor it, but the faggot will be responsible for regularly checking the account and replying to all emails in a timely and appropriate manner.

Signed: Master Chris Date: 9/20/20

Signed: Sir Nick Date: 9/20/20

Signed (faggot): ______________________ Date: ________________

Appendix B - faggot profit

Based on the number and type of videos the faggot has already provided, Master Chris and Sir Nick propose that the faggot create an OnlyFans account:

  1. The faggot will use the kink email and same password, described in Appendix A, to create both accounts.

  2. The faggot will be allowed to have its face covered during all videos.

  3. If Master and Sir are in videos they will also have their faces covered.

  4. When serving other Alphas the faggot will ask the Alpha's in advance if they are comfortable having the videos uploaded on these platforms. If they are comfortable with that, the faggot will provide them with a hood to cover their face (if desired) and compensation per number five.

  5. The faggot will link both accounts to its bank account and will be expected to do the following:

a. Provide Master and Sir with:

i. 70% of the monthly subscription profits

b. Use the remaining:

i. 30% monthly to save for, and then purchase (from Master/Sir or an approved retailer), all required toys and gear listed in the base contract.

  1. Once the faggot has purchase all required toys and gear the faggot will create a savings account for earnings. The faggot will be allowed to spend these earnings whenever it likes as long as the purchases are approved by Master and Sir.

a. At the end of this contract:

i. The faggot collects 100% of all earnings for previously posted as well as new videos.

ii. All savings belong to the faggot

  1. Should the faggot elect to reveal its identity on these platforms then the faggot is entitled to:

a. 50% of monthly subscription profits

  1. Should the faggot elect to reveal its identity on Twitter then the faggot is entitled to:

a. 60% of all videos involving Master and Sir

  1. Pending the success of these two accounts Master and Sir reserved the right to require the faggot to create and upload pay per download videos on PornHub and Xtube and to create an additional Appendix defining the rate structure for those sites.

Signed: Master Chris Date: 9/20/20

Signed: Sir Nick Date: 9/20/20

Signed (faggot): ______________________ Date: ________________

Next: Chapter 6

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