Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on Sep 30, 2021


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. This chapter is a bit long so sorry about that. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

"I need to hook up with two guys in public because I questioned having to workout tomorrow. Have anywhere fun we can go?" I asked.

"I have an idea if you don't mind another guy seeing you in the diaper," he responded.

"Why the fuck not," I responded.

"Okay. Keep all your gear on, bring your hood, and meet me in front of your building in five minutes," Xavier ordered.

"Yes Sir," I responded.

I tossed on some clothes and a hat and then put my hood and the second diaper in my backpack before I headed outside to meet Xavier. Who knows what he has plannedÉ

End of chapter tenÉ

Chapter 11

As I got outside I saw Xavier and I assumed we were going to start walking together.

"Hold on fag. Get down on your knees right now," Sir Xavier ordered.

"Yes Sir," I responded even though I was worried someone would see us.

Sir Xavier reached into his bag and pulled out something that I didn't recognize as well as a gag and blindfold.

"You're lucky I am letting you walk with me faggot, but that doesn't mean we're equals. You don't walk with an Alpha like me. You get walked BY an Alpha like me," Sir Xavier said as he attached a leash to my collar.

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir," I responded.

"I also want this to be a surprise and I don't want to hear you other than the squishing of that diaper, so open your mouth," Sir Xavier said.

I opened my mouth and Sir Xavier gagged me and then blindfolded me.

"Stand up faggot and let's walk," Sir Xavier said.

I had no idea where we were going or if anyone could see us. Sir Xavier would tell me later that we did pass people, but no one he recognized and since it was dark he wasn't sure they could even tell that something was happening.

"Hold on a second faggot," Sir Xavier said suddenly. "I wanted to hold it, but my bladder is going to burst, so time to add to that diaper."

Sir Xavier moved behind me and I feel him adding his piss to my already wet diaper. I thought he was done, but really he just moved to the front of me before adding more.

"Okay let's go, we are almost there," Sir Xavier said.

We walked another few minutes before stopping.

"Hello Sir," I heard someone say.

"Hello boy it's good to see you again," Sir Xavier responded.

"Thank you for messaging me tonight. I am honored to serve you again," the unknown boy responded. "Hopefully your performance will be better than last time. You know what will happen if it isn't right boy?" Sir Xavier asked.

"Yes Sir. I really appreciate you giving me another chance Sir," the boy responded.

"Well I still have some punishments to carry out don't I?"

"Yes Sir Xavier," the boy answered.

"Okay boy. Open the door and let's go inside. You are to walk in front of me and the fag that I brought along. You do not look back at us until I allow it. Understand?"

"Yes Sir Xavier," the boy responded.

At that point I heard a door open and we walked inside of somewhere. After less than a minute I heard another door open and then close. Sir Xavier removed the leash and told me to take off all my clothes and then kneel. At that point he took off the blindfold and removed the gag.

"Thank you Sir," I said.

"Okay boy remove all your clothes and then turn around," Sir Xavier ordered.

While this was happening I looked around and was shocked to see that we were inside the football team's locker room. A million questions ran through my mind and I had a million more when the naked boy in front of me turned around.

"Holy fuck you're that faggot from the other day," the boy said.

"Holy shit you're Skylar the starting quarterback," I responded.

Xavier laughed loudly. "That's right boy and fag! Both of you have somewhat secret and similar lives. Fag you already know Skylar by name, so it seems fair for him to know you. Boy this is Paul, who I know that you used yesterday with one of your teammates. Isn't that right?"

Skylar looks super panicked when Sir Xavier says that.

"Yes Sir that is true. I met Justin in the library bathroom and used the fags mouth," Skylar said.

"And did you cum?" Sir Xavier asked.

"Yes Sir I did. I also made the fag drink my piss," Skylar said.

"And when we met last and I punished you, were those behaviors allowed?"

"No Sir. But, but I got so horny and Justin sent me a video. I didn't know what to say that could have gotten me out of it. He knew I didn't have class," Skylar pleaded.

"Shut the fuck up boy! You're already going to be punished and I'm just going to add more if you keep talking," Sir Xavier said.

"Yes Sir," Skylar replied.

"So fag you thought you were meeting another Alpha, but Skylar here is just another bitch like you. He knows it inside, but hasn't totally embraced it yet. We are working on that. He's served me a few times after I caught him staring at my snake in a bathroom on campus. Now he can't get enough. Isn't that right, boy?" Sir Xavier asked.

"Yes Sir," Skylar responded.

"What do you like most, boy?"

"I love your snake in my tight hole Sir," Skylar responded.

"Well since the fag here is in a diaper you're definitely going to get filled up tonight," Sir Xavier said.

"Thank you Sir!" Skylar said enthusiastically.

"Speaking ofÉboy anytime you need to piss while we are here you will ask for permission and then you will either piss in the fag's mouth or diaper."

"Yes Sir," Skylar responded. "Actually Sir I need to piss right now. I was drinking with friends before you messaged me." "Well that's convenient. Both of you put your hoods on then fag crawl over here and drink from Skylar's tap. I know you've already had practice," ordered Sir Xavier.

"Yes Sir," we both responded in unison.

After I put on my hood I crawl over to Skylar and take his cock in my mouth.

"Save some for his fag diaper, boy," Sir Xavier orders.

"Yes Sir," Skylar replies.

Skylar starts pissing a flood into my mouth and I swallow as quickly as I can so that I don't spill any.

"Stop pissing boy," Sir Xavier orders. "Stand up fag and turn around. Now piss in his fag diaper, boy."

"Uhhhhh," I moan as Skylar adds to my already sagging diaper.

"What's that faggot? Do you like that diaper?"

I feel my face turn red under the hood and I hesitate in responding.

Sir Xavier walks over to me and slaps me across the face. "I asked you a fucking question faggot!! Are you a diaper fag who craves humiliation in a diaper? Is your tiny locked clit straining in that wet diaper???"

"Yes Sir," I mumble quietly.


"So that the camera can hear you faggot," Sir Xavier says.

"YES SIR," I yell as Sir Xavier twists my right nipple hard.

"That's what I thought faggot. We will be sure to work on that."

"Boy, are you done filling the faggots diaper for now?"

"Yes Sir," Skylar says.

"Good. Get on your knees with your ass up. Lube up my snake because it's going in that pussy soon. And faggot, rim boys ass to prep it."

"Yes Sir," we both responded.

I waddle and then crawl behind Skylar and start rimming him. Meanwhile he's sucking and being faced fucked by Sir Xavier. We continue in this set up for a few minutes.

"Okay boy it's time for you to take this snake again. We've got to work to open that pussy."

"Yes Sir," Skylar replied.

"Sir?" I say. "I need to piss."

"You're in a fucking diaper faggot. You shouldn't be holding it. You better piss right now and figure out a way not to overflow the diaper," Sir Xavier says.

I try to slowly release my bladder so that I don't overflow the diaper. Somehow I manage to do this even though my bladder feels incredibly full.

"Good job faggot. Now lay down on the floor with your face underneath boy's clit," Sir Xavier orders.

As I do that Sir Xavier says, "Okay faggot when I tell you to do so you will take boy's clit in your mouth. You will not suck. You will just leave his clit in your mouth. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," I respond.

"Boy, I am going to fuck your tight faggot pussy so hard. If I cum and you don't then I reduce your punishment from two to one, but if you cum then I'm adding a punishment. Got it?"

"I understand Sir," Skylar responds.

I put my mouth around Skylar's clit at the same moment that Sir Xavier buries his snake balls deep into Skylar.

"OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!" Skylar screams.

"That's right boy. You shouldn't have used the faggot with Justin or this wouldn't have to be so bad," Sir Xavier says.

Given how big Sir Xavier is and how hard he was fucking I wasn't surprised to taste Skylar's piss in my mouth off and on throughout the very rough fuck. I was easily able to swallow Skylar's piss and otherwise I just laid there.

"Boy, pull up the faggots diaper and stick your nose inside. I want you smelling that stale piss while I breed you deep."

"Yes Sir," Skylar responds.

At that point Sir Xavier slows down his rhythm and force. I'm not sure how long he's been going but it's the first time I hear Skylar moan. I also feel his clit get hard in my mouth.

"That's right boy! I know how to make your pussy feel good. You thought I was going to make it easy for you to keep from cumming?? Good luck!"

Sir Xavier continues to slow fuck Skylar causing him to moan louder and louder plus leak pre-cum in my mouth.

"Sir please don't. Please don't make me cum Sir. I'll do anything," begs Skylar.

"Only you can decide that boy. I'm close so you just have to hold on a little longer," Sir Xavier replies.

Skylar's fucking continues and his pre-cum increases. Laying on the floor I know he won't make it too much longer.

"Oh fuck. Oh no. FuuuuucccckkkkkÉ.I'm cumming Sir," Skylar yells as I feel his clit pulse in my mouth and taste his cum.

"That's a good boy," says Sir Xavier. "Exactly what I was waiting for."

Sir Xavier had clearly been edging himself to make Skylar cum because as soon as Skylar finishes Sir Xavier moans and breeds Skylar deep.

"Faggot get over here and clean off my snake," orders Sir Xavier.

"Yes Sir," I reply.

When I'm finished Sir Xavier grabs a butt plug from his bag and puts it in Skylar's ass. "Boy that stays in you until I tell you to take it out tomorrow. Understand?

"Yes Sir," Skylar replies.

"That's one punishment. You either have one or two more. Faggot, did boy piss in your mouth while I fucked him?"

"Yes Sir he did," I respond.

"Good boy! So just one more punishment then...maybe," Sir Xavier says.

Sir Xavier goes into his bag and grabs rope. He ties Skylar's hands behind his back and then ties him to a locker. He then gags Skylar with his own underwear.

"Let's make this more fun. Faggot come over here," Sir Xavier orders. "Boy, in this bag are three numbers. Zero, one, and two. Faggot is going to pull a number and that's your number of punishments. So you could be done or have more. Pick a number, faggot."

I reach my hand in the bag and pull out a number.

"What number did you pull?" Sir Xavier asks.

"Two Sir. I am very sorry Skylar," I say.

"It's not your fault faggot. Boy knows that he earned these punishments. Okay now I have many different punishments listed on paper in this bag. Faggot is going to pull out two and then we will both carry them out. Pull again faggot, but don't read them," Sir Xavier orders.

I reach in the bag. Pull out to two slips. Open them, read them, and then show them to Sir.

"Fuck yes! These are two that I was really hoping for. Good job faggot! After your diaper punishment is over I will figure out a reward for you."

"Thank you so much Sir," I respond.

Sir Xavier goes into his bag and pulls out a trimmer and razor.

"So boy punishment one is losing some body hair. Faggot do we take the chest, pubes, and pits or leave some?"

"Let's leave the armpit hair, Sir," I respond.

"You're too kind faggot, but okay," Sir Xavier responds.

Skylar starts to strain and yell through his gag.

"Boy if I were you I would stay VERY still during this. You don't want to be hairless and dickless do you?"

"No Sir," Skylar responds through his gag.

We proceed to trim back Skylar's chest hair and pubes. Then use shaving cream and the razor to make him smooth.

"Assuming you behave I will let you grow it all back boy, but if you continue to fuck up then you will remain smooth AND I will take more. Got it?"

"Yes Sir," Skylar mumbles.

After we finish grooming Skylar, Sir Xavier takes a few photos and goes back into his bag. He pulls out a Holy Trainer chastity cage and once again Skylar starts straining at the rope and yelling behind the gag.

"Boy, I told you that this would likely be a punishment. Truthfully, most of the slips of paper in the bag said `chastity' so that was pretty much a given. Considering you made it less than a day after my warning, it is clear that you can't be trusted with your cock unlocked. Let's have faggot sort of decide on your lock up," Sir Xavier says.

"Faggot, first you will roll one of these dice. We will use that as the multiple. Then you will roll both dice. We will then multiply the two together and that will be the length of boys lock up. Don't worry boy you will have supervised unlock periods for cleaning and there is a possibility of earning a reduction of your sentence. You can also have time added, so if you want control of your clit and you want body hair back I suggest you get your shit together."

"Yes Sir," Skylar mumbles.

"Okay roll, faggot," Sir Xavier orders.

I take one die, roll it in my hand, and toss. It lands on six.

"Well this could be quite the lock up, boy," says Sir Xavier.

I then pick up the second die and roll both in my hand before tossing them. One comes up with three and the other five.

"Nice! 48 days boy. That will be a new record for you!"

Sir Xavier gets some lube and puts Skylar's clit in the chastity cage. He takes one key and puts it into a small lock box and then puts the other on his key chain. After he removes the gag and unties Skylar Sir Xavier says,

"You know how this goes boy. If you have a true emergency you contact me and I will release your emergency key, but remember if it really isn't an emergency then I will restart your count. Plus, you should feel lucky that I didn't put you in the heavier metal cage."

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir. Sir I have to piss again," Skylar says.

"Excellent. Piss the full bladder into faggots diaper," Sir Xavier orders. "And faggot I bet you have to go to so you best release that bladder."

I begin pissing and Skylar starts pissing from behind me. At this point I am incredibly worried that the diaper won't hold. Sir Xavier films this whole scene and somehow the diaper doesn't leak.

Sir Xavier cleans up his gear and says, "Faggot, get dressed. Boy I trust you will clean up everything in here."

"Yes Sir," Skylar responds.

As we walk out Sir Xavier and I upload all of the videos to my Only Fans which has grown in popularity. It's only been a few days and I have been able to pay off three quarters of the gear that Master and Sir required me to buy.

"Give me Master and Sir's phone numbers faggot," Sir Xavier orders.

I share those with Sir Xavier and I can tell that he's texting both of them. He starts laughing and shows me his phone. I read a text from Master Chris.

"Thanks for using our faggot so well, bro. I think you're right that he's earned a reward tomorrow and Chris and I are both fine with you giving him that reward. The faggot should keep on the diaper he's wearing and can remove it tomorrow morning when he wakes up for his workout. He must remove the diaper and change into the new one in the middle of the bathroom on our floor. He can throw the used one out but it has to be in the garbage can in the bathroom. He then has until 7 p.m. to fill the second one and show proof of that. Then he can once again remove it in the middle of a public restroom and toss it in the garbage can."

"Sir, can you tell them that I said `Yes Master and Sir'?"

"Sure can," Sir Xavier responds.

As we get back near my building, Xavier grabs my arm and pulls me behind some bushes. We start making out hard and my nub strains in the cage. "That was so hot tonight and I can't wait to give you a reward," Sir Xavier says.

"I agree, Sir. Thanks for using me and bringing me with you," I respond.

"One more thing before you head inside, fag. Kneel," Sir Xavier orders.

I kneel and open my mouth, knowing what's coming. Sir Xavier begins to piss in my mouth and I quickly swallow it.

"Nice job faggot," Sir Xavier says. "I'll see you in the morning for our workout and breakfast."

"Yes Sir," I reply.

I walk, but more so waddle, back into my building and room. Master Chris and Sir Nick are still out so I crawl into bed and pass out. I guess I didn't realize how tired I was because I never woke up during the night having to piss. My alarm shocks me awake and I'm quickly reminded of my very full diaper and very full bladder.

Since I was told I could change out of the diaper I sneak into the bathroom hoping no one is there. Through sheer luck I am able to record myself changing in the middle of the bathroom without anyone seeing. I empty my very full bladder into the new diaper and head off to meet Xavier to workout. Surprisingly the workout and breakfast are totally normal. We talk about life and school and it feels like the relationship side of our dynamic. As we walk out to go our separate ways Xavier says,

"So I want you to finish off the diaper like your Master and Sir expect. Once you remove it I want you to shower, put on something cute, but not kinky, and meet me in front of your building at 7:30 p.m."

"Sounds good to me Sir," I respond.

The day is completely uneventful. I drink enough liquid to fill the diaper and actually end up overfilling it, soaking my shorts. I take some videos of that and when I remove it and put it in the trash. I thank Master and Sir for the punishment and then ready myself based on Xavier's orders. When I head outside Xavier is already. He gives me a hug and then pulls flowers seemingly out of nowhere. Before I can say anything or even thank him he walks me over to the fancy Uber Black that he's requested.

The car takes us to a nice restaurant off campus and as we get Xavier says,

"We've experienced a lot together in a short time, but we haven't really had a proper first date."

"I love this! Thank you so much!" I respond.

We have an outstanding dinner with tons of great conversation. I try to split the check, but Xavier won't even let me see it.

"This date is on me," he says as the server grabs the check from him.

"Was this a special occasion?" the server asks.

"Just our first real date as boyfriends," Xavier says.

The server walks away and I say, "Boyfriends?"

"Hope you're okay with that Paul."

"I am more than okay with that Xavier!!" Although not much for PDA, I lean over the table and make out with Xavier. The server returns to have Xavier sign the credit card receipt, stammers, and tries to hide the obvious bulge in his pants.

Xavier and I exchange smiling glaces. Xavier signs the receipt, looks at the server, and says, "Any chance you've got time for a break?"

"Meet me out back in five," the server replied.

End of chapter 11...

Next: Chapter 13

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