Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on Jul 15, 2021


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college. I am VERY sorry for the delay between the chapters. A lot of things have been happening in life and I hope to reduce the gap in chapters.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. This chapter is a bit long so sorry about that. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

Taking that as a green light, I quickly locked up Nate's clit and put the collar on him. I handed the keys back to Chris and then Nate and I put on our hoods. Chris took the keys and put them into a small lock box.

"Bitch I am texting Derek the combination to this, so it's in your best interest to bring this to him right after we're done tonight because I know I won't remember the code. So any chance you have of getting that off to clean your clit rests in Derek's hands," Chris said.

"Yes Sir," Nate responded.

"Ok bro," Nick said to Anish. "What do you want the first punishment to be?"

End of chapter 9...

Chapter 10

"I can make them do anything I want?" Anish asked Sir Nick.

"Well they do have limits, but if you hit one of them I'll tell you," Sir Nick responded.

"Okay well I heard the faggot say he has to piss so I think the bitch and the faggot should crawl to the bathroom naked. The faggot should piss all over the bitch and then they should both lick the rest off the floor," Anish says.

"You heard Sir Anish, faggot and bitch. We'll film. You crawl," Sir Nick ordered.

Nate and I looked at each other, but realized there's no use in saying anything. We crawled to the door and Sir Nick opened it. I looked out into the hallway and I didn't see anyone. Thankfully the bathroom is right across from our suite so we crawled across quickly. Sir Nick said I could stand just to make pissing on Nate easier. I realized as I am pissing on Nate they're not only filming, but they've kept the bathroom door open so people could see us if they walk by.

My bladder is about to explode so pissing on Nate comes very quickly. Of course my full bladder means tons of piss on the floor. Master Chris let us lick for a couple minutes and then told us to roll around in the rest and crawl back into the suite. As far as I knew, no one else saw us in the bathroom.

"Nice job faggots," Anish said.

Master Chris said, "fag that is not your only punishment for sucking off bitch, so don't get excited."

"Yes Master," I responded.

"Bitch you still have three punishments from us and two when you go to your Master," Sir Nick added.

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir," Nate replied.

"Okay fag and bitch crawl into our room," Master Chris ordered.

We crawled into the room and Master Chris opened several drawers and removed many items.

"Stand up bitch," Master Chris said to Nate.

Nate stood and Master Chris attached his wrists and ankles to straps on his bed. I had a feeling I knew what was coming next.

"Ok bitch you get a choice. We knock out one punishment if Nick, Anish, and I give you ten hits each or we knock out two punishments if we give you twenty hits a piece," Master Chris said.

"Two punishments please Sir," Nate responded.

I knew that was the wrong choice, but I stayed quiet while kneeling.

Nate is suddenly gagged and blindfolded. "You'll likely regret that decision bitch," Master Chris says after the gag is already in. I then watch as Master Chris, Sir Nick, and Sir Anish spend almost a half hour using paddles, floggers, and canes on Nate's ass, back, and legs. Although they never once broke the skin, Nate's body is bright red and he screamed a ton through the gag. After they were done, Sir Nick unhooked Nate and he fell to the floor.

"Fucking get on your knees bitch!" Sir Nate screamed. "You earned these punishments through cumming, which you know you shouldn't have done. Plus that nub leaked the whole time."

"Yes Sir," Nate managed to get out.

"Two more punishments," Master Chris said.

"Dude, I gotta leave soon so can I get some fag pussy quick?" Anish asked Sir Nick.

"Fuck yea dude!! Which pussy do you want," Sir Nick responded.

"I've wanted your fag's pussy since it took my piss this morning," Anish responded.

"That's perfect," Master Chris said. "You breed our fag and we'll finish off the bitch's punishments."

"Turn around fag. I want you to lube up my cock with your throat," Anish ordered.

As I spin around I see Nate being pulled to his feet and his hands being restrained above his head. I finally get a look at Anish's hard cock and it's beautiful. 8" of beautiful Indian cock that's the perfect thickness.

"You want this Indian meat in your throat, faggot?" asked Anish.

"Yes please Sir."

I opened my mouth and Anish shoves in balls deep causing me to gag hard. "That's right faggot!!" Anish yelled.

"Yea bitch that's right," Master Chris said in the background.

I get used to Anish's cock as he fucks my throat. I look over and see that Nate has weights hanging from his nipples and a bigger weight hanging from his balls. He's moaning so loud they can probably hear him from the next building over.

"I think 10 minutes will be enough for one punishment, don't you Nick?" asked Master Chris.

"Yea that sounds good," Sir Nick responded. "And I know what bitch's final punishment should be."

Anish stopped fucking my throat and spun me around. "Get ready for your first Indian cock, faggot," Anish said while shoving his cock into my already lubed pussy.

"Uhhhhhhh," I moaned. "Fuck that feels so good, Sir," I said.

"Of course it does faggot. You should feel lucky to get my Indian cock."

"It would be an honor to get fuck by you at any time, Sir," I said.

"Well that can definitely happen, faggot," Sir Nick chimed in.

"Since the bitch has eight minutes left with the weights, I want some of our faggot's throat," said Sir Nick. "Open up faggot."

Sir Nick shoved his cock in balls deep and stated to fuck my throat in the same rhythm as Anish in my ass. I was in ecstasy and showed that by genuinely moaning louder.

"That's right! You love cock don't you faggot?? You were made to get used," Nick yelled.

"Hell yea, Nick. Our faggot's nub is leaking all over the floor," Master Chris interjected.

"Fuck I'm getting close," Anish said.

"Yea dude flood the faggot's pussy," said Nick.

Anish picked up his pace and I knew that he was getting ready to fill me up even more.

"Oh hell yea!! I'm breeding your pussy faggot!!" yelled Anish.

I feel Anish's cock explode in my hole and once again overflow my pussy causing cum to leak all over the floor.

As Anish came down from his orgasm Nick ordered, "Spin around faggot. I haven't used your pussy all day. And clean of Anish's cock. And when you're done, clean the cum that leaked from your pussy and clit."

Nick pushed the head of his cock in slowly and grabbed my hips. He then forcefully shoved the rest of his cock in with one big push.

"Oh yea that's some well used fag pussy!" Nick exclaimed. "I fucking love sloppy pussy like this. You gotta get some of this Chris."

"I already flooded the faggot this afternoon. I want some bitch pussy when his punishment is done. I'm sending him to his master filled and plugged," Master Chris said.

While Sir Nick worked my whole I cleaned off Anish's cock. He then pulled up his pants and left, giving Master Chris and Sir Nick high fives on the way out. Then I turned my attention to my pre-cum on the floor and the cum from my ass. I have to say that I really enjoyed licking it up off the floor especially with Nick in my ass.

"I came earlier today faggot so this is going to be a nice long fuck," Sir Nick said.

I heard a timer go off and I realized that Nate's punishment is over. Master Chris walks over and takes the weights off of Nate's nipples and balls causing Nate to whimper loud in agony. Master Chris then unhooked Nate's arms.

"Get on the floor on your back bitch. I want your mouth underneath faggot's locked nub," Master Chris ordered.

"Yes Sir," Nate responded.

"You got any cum in that pussy, bitch?" Master Chris asked Nate.

"No Sir," Nate responded.

"Did you lube up before you came?"

"No Sir," Nate responded again.

"Fuck bitch. Are your stupid and out of practice??" Master Chris yells. "Since I don't want to break you before I send you to your Master I will use lube this time. But if you ever show up here again without cum or lube in your pussy you're getting this 10" dry. You understand?!?"

"Yes SIR," Nate yelled clearly terrified.

Master Chris lubed up his cock and handed Nate the lube to put some in his pussy. After Nate was done with the lube Master Chris said,

"Put your bitch mouth on our faggot's lock nub and get ready."

I felt Nate's mouth on my cage and watched as Master Chris drove his thick 10 inches into Nate's pussy in one massive push.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Nate screamed around my cage.

"That's fucking right bitch!! You're fucking lucky I gave you lube!" Master Chris yelled.

Master Chris doesn't hold anything back. He fucked Nate harder than I've ever seen or experienced. Master Chris's pace clearly drove Sir Nick to compete as he picked up the pace on my pussy which caused me to moan louder.

"That's right faggot," Sir Nick said. "Why don't you go ahead and discharge in the bitch's mouth like a good faggot."

"Yes Sir...uh, uh, uh, uh," I screamed as I released another load from my locked nub this time into Nate's mouth.

"Swallow all that faggot nut, bitch," Master Chris said to Nate who moans.

I realized the moaning is Nate cumming in his cage, covering his chest in cum.

"Fuck yea bitch! You've clearly got a pussy since I just made you cum! Now it's time for me to fill you up and then send you off," said Master Chris.

I watched Master Chris's face change and I knew that he was filling Nate up with his seed.

"Damn that's a sweet sub pussy. Derek's fucking lucky," said Master Chris.

"Thank you for the compliment and filling me up, Sir," said Nate.

"Faggot lick up the bitch's discharge and bitch you clean off my cock and Nick's," order Master Chris.

"Yes Master," I responded.

After we're done with our required clean up Sir Nick said, "Okay bitch I have your last punishment."

We both look and Nick is holding several different Sharpies. "Stand up bitch," Sir Nick ordered.

Sir Nick and Master Chris then proceed to write and draw all over Nate's whole body. Given that he was wearing shorts and t-shirt when he came over, some of these words will be visible when he leaves. They both stop writing and turn towards me.

"Faggot this punishment is from you sucking off this bitch so you have a choice here. And before you ask, this doesn't remove you from punishment. That comes after the bitch leaves. Now stand up and look at your bitch friend," Sir Nick said.

"Yes Sir," I responded.

"So either we give you matching writing all over your body just like this or you take this Sharpie and write whatever humiliating things you want right on the bitch's face," Sir Nick said. At this point Nate and I are staring at each other. He did not say anything, but he was clearly panicked. I took a second to look at all of the words and pictures on his body, and imagined what it would be like for them to be on me.

"What will it be faggot?" asked Master Chris.

I delayed again because I did not want the writing on me and I did not want to write on Nate.

"Choose now faggot or we choose for you and you won't like that," said Sir Nick.

"May I have a Sharpie, Sir," I asked.

"Wise choice faggot," Sir Nick said, handing me a Sharpie.

I took the Sharpie and wrote FAG' across Nate's forehead, CUM' on one cheek, and `DUMP' on the other cheek. Then I handed the Sharpie back to Sir Nick.

"Good job faggot!" said Master Chris. "Okay let's send you to your Master."

Master Chris grabbed a butt plug and shoved it in Nate's pussy. He also handed Nate a harness and told him to put it on. Nate went to grab his clothes and Master Chris stopped him

"Hold on bitch. Since you were a part of this it's only fair that you stay," said Master Chirs. "While Anish was fucking you we told bitch here what his last punishment would be and that you would be given an option to punish Nate or yourself. We gave him the same option and he chose the same way that you did. He chose to inflict more on you than himself. Tell our faggot the option you were given, bitch.

Nate spoke for the first time, "Your Master and Sir told me that they have a special punishment when you do something truly egregious. The punishment is having to wear a diaper for a period of time. They said they don't love diaper play, but that it is humiliating and deserved when you do something really bad. They asked me if they should punish you with that or with 20 spanks each like I got earlier. They told me that you would be given a choice for my punishment so I told them that if you gave me the harsher punishment then I wanted them to give you the harsher punishment too."

Nate looked sad when he said this.

"May I speak Master?" I asked.

"Go for it, fag."

"Don't be sad Nate. I understand why you did what you did. I deserve to be punished for what we did," I said.

"I did too so I don't hold the Sharpie against you," Nate responded.

"Okay bitch. Put your clothes on and get the fuck out," Sir Nick orderd.

Nate quickly put on his clothes and ran out.

"Time for specifics fag. Here are two diapers. You will put one on now and you must keep it on until it's full. You will text us to request a change. You must change your diaper in a public restroom and keep the used one. If you serve an Alpha you cannot be fucked but must be totally naked exposing your diaper. Once the second one is full you will request to remove it. We will then tell you what to do with both. Oh and you have until tomorrow at 7 p.m. to fill them so I suggest you drink a lot," Master Chris said.

"We don't like using this punishment, but this will be what happens when you do really bad things. Do you understand faggot?"

"Yes Master and yes Sir," I responded.

"Okay time to put it on," Sir Nick said.

They helped me to learn how to put it on and then took some photos and posted them right to my Twitter.

"Let's get you started before we go smoke and get food. Stand up faggot," Sir Nick said.

Master Chris stood behind me and Sir Nick in front. They both started pissing in the diaper filling me up. The warmth of their piss against my skin made my nub strain, which was really confusing since the idea of wearing a diaper was not something I thought I was into. "That's a good start fag, but these are MegaMax so they hold a lot and you'll have quite the waddle before you're allowed to change," said Master Chris.

"Master and Sir can I take tomorrow off from working out then?" I asked.

"Fuck no faggot. You're going to go about your normal life filling up this diaper. Workout, go to class, go to your nutrition appointment," said Sir Nick.

"And for asking that we expect you to hook up with at least two guys in public places," order Master Chris.

"Ok Master," I responded.

Master Chris and Sir Nick left at that point and I went back to my room. I had a few texts from Nate as he walked to meet Master Derek. He had apologized again about the diapers. I apologized again for the face writing and told him not to even worry about the diapers and that we were cool. I also told him to text me tomorrow if he wanted to help me fill the diapers. I also had a few messages from Xavier.

"Text me when you're done with your Master and Sir," Xavier wrote.

I responded, "Hey Xavier all done and relaxing in my room."

He responded with a pic of his hard snake.

"Think you can help me out with this again?" he asked.

"Uhhhhhh I can't really bottom right now," I answered.

"Shit why not? What did they do to you?" Xavier asked.

I give him the quick rundown of what happened and the punishments.

"Oh fuck! Sir Max put a sub in a diaper once and I was so intrigued by it, but I've never had the opportunity to do that since. Now I definitely want to come over and use your mouth and add to your diaper!" he said. "Well if you're serious then come over," I responded.

"OMW," he responded.

"Wait!" I quickly messaged.

"?" Xavier sends back.

"I need to hook up with two guys in public because I questioned having to workout tomorrow. Have anywhere fun we can go?" I asked.

"I have an idea if you don't mind another guy seeing you in the diaper," he responded.

"Why the fuck not," I responded.

"Okay. Keep all your gear on, bring your hood, and meet me in front of your building in five minutes," Xavier ordered.

"Yes Sir," I responded.

I tossed on some clothes and a hat and then put my hood and the second diaper in my backpack before I headed outside to meet Xavier. Who knows what he has plannedÉ

End of chapter ten...

Next: Chapter 12

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