Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on May 18, 2021


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. This chapter is a bit long so sorry about that. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

He released me from the hug and, rather than responding, surprised me again. He leaned in and kissed me. As I started to reciprocate, the kiss turned into a full on make out session. After several minutes of making out, I'm straining in my cage. I started to reach for Xavier's underwear, but he stopped me.

"Hold on, Paul. It's not that I don't want you to that. Trust me, all I've been thinking about is how tight that pussy was and how hot it was gooning you out when I went balls deep. But I think before anything else happens, I need to tell you what led up to me bottoming out in your pussy in a dining hall bathroom. Then we can decide how we move forward. Sound good?" Xavier asked.

"Yea that sounds good to me," I responded.

In hindsight, I wasn't quite prepared for what Xaiver shared.

End of chapter eightÉ

Chapter 9

"My family is very religious," said Xavier. "Growing up my brother and I spent so many hours in church and around church. We regularly read the Bible, did Sunday School, went to summer Bible camp, were altar boys, you get the idea. The community was church. Church was the community. Since it was a small town that also meant that the church family knew everyone's business."

At this point I'm just listening and nodding, so Xavier continued. "If I wasn't at school, practice, or home, I was at church. My school and track friends were also my church friends. Obviously being gay is not something that would be supported in this type of environment, so it was terrifying when, at a young age, I realized I liked boys. It started with realizing how much I liked being around my naked teammates after practice. When I learned what jerking off was I was only thinking about boys I knew. It was never anything more than that. I found porn online, covered my tracks, and didn't say anything to anyone."

At this point I felt like I knew where this story was going (I didn't), so I grabbed Xavier's hand.

"Late in my junior year, I was changing after track practice and I got caught staring at one of my teammates while he was changing. Rather than beat me up or call me a fag, he stared back and gave me a wink. We managed to be the last to leave the locker room. There's no crazy locker room sex or anything, but we did end up making out and touching each other's cocks. After that we started hanging out more and doing more and more together. One Saturday, my parents were supposed to be at church all day, so I invited him over. Of course we ended up messing around. I guess my mom forgot something because suddenly she was screaming while I was bent over the bed getting fucked," Xavier said while starting to cry.

"My teammate ran out barely clothed. My dad came back home, packed a bag, and threw me out. I slept in my car that night, parked in the driveway. I texted in my brother who was already away at college and he told me that it would be fine in the morning, but that wasn't true. In the morning, my mom woke me up by knocking on my car window. She handed me some food and money and told me to go and not to come back. Thinking that she was kidding, I stayed in the driveway for another hour. At that point my dad came out and told me I could leave now or he'd drag me out of the car and have it towed away. So I started to drive."

Xavier was crying now while telling the story.

"I tried texting my friends, but none responded. I'd find out later that my parents had already messaged their parents about what had happened so none of them ever replied back. I knew that I could text my brother, but I just couldn't. Eventually my parents cut off my phone so he didn't even have my number for a while. This is where things get bad. I had great grades and was in my senior year, but I had no way to finish school so I had to drop out. I ended up in the city, sold the car, and ended up bouncing around homeless shelters and living on the street. I'm not proud of it at all, but I turned to sex work. I think that sex work is perfectly respectable, but not in the way I was doing it. I was getting whatever I could via any kind of sex I could. It's actually how I found out about BDSM. I turned 18 while living on the street and, given that I'm hung, ended up being asked to do some porn. Once I realized that the harder and kinkier scenes paid more I started doing those. I know now that I was being taken advantage of, but I also learned that I genuinely liked the BDSM world."

The tears stopped at this point as Xavier continued.

"Via friends in some of the porn videos, I met some actual Doms and subs and asked a ton of questions. I ended up playing with many, especially one Dom, Sir Max. It took almost a year for me to trust him and open up, but eventually he learned my whole story and attempted to help me. I wasn't ready and turned him down. I stopped seeing him and returned to bouncing around shelters and cheap motels. The turning point was when a close friend of mine that I'd met doing porn tested positive for HIV. He and I had done scenes together and even messed around outside of shoots. I had never been tested for any STDs and I freaked out. I called Sir Max in tears and he picked me up off the street. He took me in for a while and helped me to get tested. I feel very fortunate that I tested negative for anything and everything and have remained negative via regular testing. It was Sir Max that convinced me to call my brother. At that point I hadn't talked to him in over two years. He honestly thought that I was dead or my parents had locked me away at some sort of `pray-the-gay-away' camp,"

Xavier's tears returned again.

"I'm sorry this story is so long I'm almost done. Sir Max helped me to be declared independent from my parents and find a stable job. He and my brother also helped me complete my GED and process all that happened via counseling. I still regularly see a counselor and consider Sir Max to be my father more than anyone else. While I got back on my feet my brother and I became incredibly close; closer than we had ever been growing up. He knows all that happened after I got kicked out and even knows that I'm into BDSM. It's Sir Max that really showed what BDSM actually is. In serving as His sub, I learned how to be a good Dom. He allowed me to use some of His subs when he wasn't using me. It was an amazing learning experience, but mostly he helped me get my life together and find a true family. Needless to say, I haven't spoken to my parents since they kicked me out and I've had no contact with anyone from my hometown. Max and my brother are my family now and without the two of them I would have never made it to college."

Xavier paused at this point and looked at me. It felt like he was staring into me.

"So when I said I was in my first-year that was true, but I'm not a traditional first-year by life experience or age. I'm 20 now and will be 21 in the next couple months. I wasn't kidding when I said you were hot and that I was into you. I'm sorry that you learned about my kink interests the way you did, but when I saw you in that bathroom I responded in the way that I was trained to," Xavier said. "But given my feelings and what happened in the bathroom I felt like I had to tell you the truth. You're the first person I've told any of this other than Max and my brother. I understand if it's too much and you need to get your clothes and go."

I sat there looking at Xavier for what felt like forever, but in reality was only a few seconds. Then I did the thing that felt right. I crawled over and gave him a huge hug and he immediately broke down in tears.

"I'm so sorry, Xavier. I don't know if that's even the right thing to say to be honest," I said. I pulled back from the hug and kissed him again.

"So you're not scared? You're not going to leave?" Xavier asked.

"Fuck no," I responded emphatically, which made him smile through the tears.

"Seriously?" he asked again.

"Seriously, Xavier. I'm honored that you trusted me enough to share all of that with me. Plus, I loved our conversation this morning. I've never been able to talk that easily with someone before. I'm not trying to jump ahead since we only met today, but I feel a strong connection towards you. I had no idea how I was going to tell you about being owned and all that if it ever got to that point. So finding me in the bathroom was kind of helpful in the long run. And I loved how you used me in the bathroom," I said.

"Really? I felt that connection too and clearly enjoyed our bathroom time," Xavier said.

"Yes Sir," I responded without thinking about it.

Xavier smirked and I could see his cock start to get hard. "I like hearing you call me Sir," Xavier said.

"I like saying it too," I responded. "And I really want to put my mouth back on your growing cock, but can I ask you something first?"

"Most definitely," Xavier answered. "I'm an open book at this point."

"Okay. This scares me to say this quickly, but I'm into you. I'm not saying we're dating or boyfriends or whatever, but I'd like to be able to see where this goes. At the same time you know what I have going on with being owned plus I clearly submitted to you all while you called me `faggot.' Is it even possible to have all of these things and have it work? Do you get what I mean?" I asked basically rambling at this point.

"I totally get what you mean. When I was serving Max I was one of many subs that he used. At the same time we had a separate, loving, essentially father/son relationship. He'd use me, degrade me, call me faggot during scenes, but outside of that we lived very differently. That wasn't the case with all his subs as some were treated as subs always. So it is possible and down the road, depending on how things go, we might have to talk about the ownership piece. But at this moment I am happy to hear that you're into me because I'm into you as well. I'd love to see where this goes while still being able to use you like in the bathroom. When we're in a `scene' so to speak things will be different than outside of that. They'll be some blending here and there, but you'll be Paul in regular life. If that sounds good to try then I would love to try with you," Xavier said.

"YES SIR that works for me," I responded.

Xavier pulled his boxer briefs down. "Well then faggot I think you have some work to do. And give me your phone."

I crawled back over to Xavier, handed him my phone, and took his 11" Black snake in my mouth. Somehow it seems bigger than this morning in the bathroom. I licked up and down the shaft and stopped at his balls, breathing in the musk from the day.

"You like that, faggot?" Sir Xavier asked. "That's the smell of a real man isn't it?"

"Yes Sir Xavier it is. I love the smell of your balls. May I lick them?"

"Of course you can bitch. Worship my balls. What's inside them will be in that pussy soon."

I took his balls in my mouth. I licked and sucked for a minute and then moved to his taint, tasting even more musk. Sir Xavier lifted his legs a bit and I got the first look at his beautiful hole which made me pause.

"Yes you can, fag," Sir Xavier said.

I enthusiastically start rimming Sir Xavier's beautiful hole causing him to moan out loud. "Fuck yea, fag. No one's done that in awhile. Eat my hole bitch."

That made me go even deeper and faster. Eating Sir Xavier's beautiful hole and tasting his musk. I noticed that he'd started stroking his snake and leaking precum so I stopped for a second and licked that up.

"Good boy. None of my cum should be wasted," Sir Xavier said as I went back to his hole.

"That pussy still plugged and ready, fag?" He asked.

"Yes Sir Xavier. My Master and Sir want me to be ready at all times," I responded.

"That's good to know!" He said.

"Turn around and bring that pussy to me," Sir Xavier ordered.

I turned around and, while backing up, I took Sir Xaviers snake in my mouth. Sir Xavier removed the plug from my pussy and I felt his tongue on my hole for the first time.

"Your pussy tastes so sweet, faggot. I can't wait to open you up more and more. I do think we are going to have to take care of these few hairs back here though. Fags should have a hairless pussy," Sir Xavier said.

"Yes Sir," I responded around his cock.

We stayed like this for a while. I worked to take more and more of his snake in my throat and He alternated between his tongue and his fingers. Eventually he ordered me to stop.

"Let me get up for a second, fag," Sir Xavier ordered. Spin around and face me now. You're going to ride this Black snake as soon as I get you ready."

"Ok Sir," I responded.

"Had you used poppers before this morning, boy," He asked me.

"No Sir Xavier," I responded.

"Well what did you think?"

"At first it was odd and I didn't like it but when I relaxed and let myself go it was amazing. Somehow I felt even more submissive and it definitely opened my pussy more. I'd like to use them again," I responded.

"Well that's good fag! We won't use them all the time but it's a kink I really enjoy. I'm interested to see which types of poppers impact you most. With that we are going to try something new," he said.

He walked back around me holding poppers and a gas mask.

"If the mask is too much too soon that's fine but we will use it eventually. It makes gooning you easier. Especially when you're tied down. And don't worry I don't mess with breath play so you'll be able to breathe normally the whole. Want to try, boy?"

"I'm nervous Sir Xavier, but I trust you. Let's give it a go Sir."

He put the mask over my head and tightened it properly.

"Are you okay, faggot?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Okay since this is new you have my permission to remove it at any point if it's too much. Otherwise it says on until I seed your pussy again. Got it?"

"Yes Sir," I said through the mask.

Sir Xavier sat back down, lubed up his snake, and put some lube on my hole. "Now lower yourself just onto the head, faggot," he ordered.

I lowered myself slowly onto the head of Sir Xavier's snake and felt it open me up again. Seemed my pussy was still tight even after all the use and the plug.

"Hold right there faggot. Now I want you to take big, deep breaths."

"Yes Sir," I responded as I began to inhale. Not surprisingly Sir Xavier put a poppers bottle at the end of the hose of the gas mask. The feeling was different this time, but I felt increasingly horny and sub. I moaned out loud.

"That's right. You're my gooned out faggot aren't you?"

"Yes Sir," I responded.

Sir Xavier slapped my ass hard. "Fucking say it faggot! What are you?"

"It is your gooned out faggot Sir," I responded.

"That's better, fag. And I like that you said `it' that will be a rule from now on."

I had no idea how long the poppers were attached to the tube, but I knew that I was gooned out way more than in the bathroom.

"Now get ready, bitch," Sir Xavier said.

All of the sudden Sir Xavier pulled my legs out and impaled me on the full 11" of his Black snake.

"OH FUCK SIR XAVIER," I screamed.

"That's fucking right faggot. I'm going to make you a slut for Black cock. Eventually you'll want nothing more than my huge snake to fill you up and seed your pussy. Isn't that right?"

"Yes Sir Xavier," I answered as he pounded my pussy.

The poppers definitely helped the shock and pain very quickly shift to incredible pleasure and I was moaning so loud I was worried that his floor would hear.

"Oh my gosh, fuck this faggot, Sir. Make this pussy yours, Sir. It loves your big Black snake, Sir."

"That's right faggot. Inhale!" Sir Xavier said. I started breathing deep again. "And don't worry my floormates are either at class or used to hearing moaning from my room. I've caught all of them staring in shock at my snake when we're in the bathroom."

"They should be honored to see your Black snake, Sir," I said.

"You're lucky it's inside you again aren't you, fag?"

"Yes Sir. It is lucky to be your gooned out faggot, Sir."

"That's right bitch! Say it louder!"


"What else, faggot?!?"


"And what do you want, faggot?"


"And what are you, faggot?"


"Oh fuck yea faggot. I'm going to nut! You ready to get pregnant?"


"UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT FAGGOT!" Sir Xavier screamed, filling my pussy more than any cock I'd had so far.

I was so gooned out and lost in being fucked that I didn't even realize that I had also cum while Sir Xavier was fucking me. Sir Xavier pulled off the gas mask and ordered, "Get off my snake faggot and clean up your worthless discharge. Make sure you hold my valuable seed in your pussy,"

"Yes Sir," I said while bending down to clean off Sir Xavier's chest.

"And while you're down there clean off my snake too," Sir Xavier said.

Since I had been riding Sir Xavier my back was to the door. I was so lost in getting fucked and then cleaning off Sir Xavier that I hadn't even heard the door open, but Sir Xavier had.

"Did you enjoy the show Jack?" Sir Xavier asked.

"I think the whole floor enjoyed this one, X," Jack responded. "So do I get seconds on this fag too?"

"Not always, but definitely now," Sir Xavier said.

I turned around and saw a tall, lean White guy in the doorway. He was stroking his thin 7" cock.

"Fag this is my roommate, Jack," Sir Xavier said. "Jack, I really like this one and more than just as a fag. For right now you can call him fag. We'll do other introductions later."

"Thanks X. Just stay like that faggot. I'm going to add to the loads in that pussy and, after that show, I'm not going to last long," Jack ordered.

I arched my back and Jack slid balls deep in one push.

"Fuck X I forgot how open fag pussy feels after you open them up. Feels so fucking good," Jack said.

"Honestly dude it's the best fag pussy I've ever had. Plus he's cute, smart, and has personality," Sir Xavier said.

"Wow the whole package," Jack said as he fucked me harder.

"Oh fuck fag. I haven't cum in three days so get ready to be flooded again!" Jack yelled.

"Thank you Sir. Please fill my pussy," I responded.

"Oh hell yea! Here it comes! Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" Jack moaned.

I honestly lost count after 10 shots in my pussy, but I felt Jack's cum dripping back out of my hole and onto the floor. Once Jack comes down Sir Xavier said, "We don't waste Alpha cum do we fag? Clean that off the floor and clean off Jack's cock too."

"Yes Sir Xavier," I responded.

"I like this one, X," Jack said.

"Yea me too, Jack," Sir Xavier said.

As I finished cleaning the floor and Jack's cock, Sir Xavier stood and said, "One more thing before we end fag. Open!"

I opened my mouth and I knew what was coming. Xavier's piss stream started out slow and then became a geyser in my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could so that I didn't spill any.

"I've been saving that for hours! I always wanted a urinal fag and was so pleased when you asked to drink from the tap earlier. Jack, I know you gotta piss after cumming," Sir Xavier said.

"Hell yea I do. I was headed right to the bathroom, but when I heard the faggot yelling I got distracted and came to the room instead. You ready for more piss, fag?" Jack asked just as Xavier shook his piss drops on my face.

"Yes Sir. I am always ready to be a urinal fag," I responded.

"Well that's good to know," Jack said as his piss started to fill my mouth.

Sir Xavier's piss has tasted sweet both times, but Jack's is much more bitter. Jack finished up and shook his cock on my face. Xavier grabbed the plug and put it back in my pussy.

"You can stand up now," Sir Xavier said.

"Thank you Sir," I responded

Xavier then leans in and kisses me hard. Then he pulls me into a huge hug.

"Are you okay Paul," he asked.

"Yea that was fucking amazing all around," I responded.

"Jack, this is Paul. We met this morning and it's a funny story of how we ended up at this point, but I'm super into him as a person as well as a sub," Xavier said.

"Nice to meet you, Paul," Jack said, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.

"So a story from another time, but Jack and I know each other from my time with Master Max. He's a traditional first-year student, but we've been friends for a few years now. He knows all the things about me that we talked about. He also knows that as much as I love being a Dom, I was also looking for a real relationship," Xavier said.

"I'm excited to see more of you Paul and get to know you," Jack said.

"Same here, Jack!" I said. "What time is it?"

"About 7:30," Jack said.

"Do you have to leave right away?" Xavier asked.

"Probably just a little after 8:30, why?" I asked.

"I want to cuddle with you! Aftercare is important and you seem like you'd be good at cuddling," Xavier responded.

"I'd love that," I said while crawling into his bed.

"I'm going to give you two some alone time," Jack said. "Paul, it was nice to meet you. X, I'll see you later."

"Nice to meet you too, Jack. And thanks for the load!" I said smiling.

Jack left and Xavier climbed into bed with me. We cuddled and made out for about a half hour while getting to know each other even more. It was hard to leave, but a little after 8 I put on my clothes and headed back to my dorm. While I walked I texted Nate to let him know I am heading back. Nate responded that he was sitting outside of my building and I saw him as I approached the door.

"Hey man," I said to Nate. "Cool that you're here early."

"Yea I've always been an early person, but I learned the hard way with my previous owner that being late is a bad idea. I'd sit around here or in my car or something and mess around on social than risk being late," Nate said.

"Yea that makes a ton of sense. Let's go in. We can be ready early too."

I brought Nate into the building and up to our room. As soon as the suite door closed I removed all of my clothes and put on my required gear. Although Nate doesn't have any gear to put on, he also took his clothes off, folded them, and put them near the door. Master Chris and Sir Nick's door is open, but they aren't home yet.

"Come into my room. We can wait there," I said.

I put my clothes away and Nate and I started talking a bit about random things. He's clearly very comfortable being naked, which is something I am growing more used to as well. As we were chatting Nate started to get hard, which we obviously both noticed.

"Sorry man. This has been happening all day since the lab. I've jerked off three more times since then and my loads have been huge. I'm sure it's because I know I'm getting locked up again," Nate said.

"Yea I totally understand. I would have done the same if I knew that I was getting locked," I replied.

"How did you not know?" Nate asked.

"It's a long story, but the short version is that I passed out and Master Chris and Sir Nick put me in chastity while I was passed out," I answered.

"Holy fuck that's so hot. Now you've got me leaking," Nate responded. "This is probably weird, but do you mind if I rub out one more real fast?" Nate asked. "I can even throw on my clothes and go to the bathroom."

"After what we've already done together you definitely don't need to go to the bathroom. And I have a better idea. How about I suck you off one last time?" I asked.

"Fuck man! Are you serious? I would owe you big time," Nate responded.

"I will take you up on that at some point."

I got off my bed and between Nate's legs. I took his small 4" cock in my mouth and started sucking him hard and fast. He's moaning pretty loud right away.

"Hell yea I'm not going to last long dude! Your mouth is fucking amazing!" Nate yelled.

I kept working on his cock and massaged his balls at the same time.

"Keep doing that dude! Oh yea that feels so good! I'm gonna cum," Nate said.

I didn't slow down and I had no plans to take my mouth off his cock.

"Fuck I'm cumming! Swallow my last unlocked load dude! Uh oh uh!!!"

With that Nate shot quite a load in my mouth given how many times he's already cum today. His cum tasted just as good as it did earlier in the day.

"Dude I gotta piss. You mind?" Nate asked.

I didn't take my mouth off his cock so Nate takes that as a green light. He flooded my mouth with even more piss, which made me realize that I've taken three bladders of piss and not gone myself. After I finished drinking I said, "Nate your piss is the third bladder full that I've taken in the past hour. I've gotta piss too so want to return the favor?"

"Absolutely dude," Nate responded.

As I went to stand I looked up and saw Master Chris, Sir Nick, and Nick's friend Anish in the doorway. Master Chris had been filming the whole thing.

"Well would you look at this. A faggot serving a bitch," Master Chris said .

Nate stood up from the chair in shock.

"Get the fuck on your knees bitch like your faggot friend," Sir Nick ordered.

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir," Nate responded.

"I don't think that Master Derek said that you were allowed to cum anymore let alone get a blowjob did he bitch?" Master Chris asked while still recording.

"No Sir, he did not," Nate responded, hanging his head in shame.

"I think we probably need to call Master Derek right now. Don't you think, Chris?" Sir Nick asked.

"Yea most definitely!" Master Chris responded.

Master Chris stopped recording and we quickly heard the sounds of a FaceTime call.

"Hey Derek, sorry to bug you. Are you alone?" Master Chris asked.

"Yea just in my room studying. What's up bro?" Derek asked.

Chris flipped the camera around. "Well your bitch is here to get gear and my friends and I walked in on my faggot giving your bitch a blow job. We also heard your bitch say that he jerked off and came twice this afternoon. Did you give him permission to do any of that?" Chris asked.

"What the actual fuck bitch!! Hell no I didn't Chris. Bitches and fags don't get to cum from stroking. Hell they shouldn't stroke at all." Derek responded.

"I'm so, so sorry Master Derek. It will never happen again," Nate said.

"Shut the fuck up bitch!!" Master Chris and Derek said in unison.

"When real men are talking you don't speak, bitch," Derek said. "Actually unless I ask you to speak or ask you a question I don't want to hear your bitch voice. Got it?" Derek asked.

"Yes Master," Nate responded.

"So Derek, your bitch came three times, got a blowjob, and just interrupted us. I think punishments are in order, but I wasn't sure if you wanted me to handle that or let you deal with it." Master Chris said.

"Well I'm hoping you're going to punish your faggot for sucking him off?" Derek asked.

"Abso-fucking-lutely," Chris responded sending shivers down my spine.

"Glad to hear it. So my bitch needs five punishments. You give it three and save two for me. Sound good?"

"Sounds great, bro," Chris responded. "I'll make my fag upload it to his Only Fans and give you a free membership so you can see my fag's stuff plus what we do to your bitch tonight."

"That sounds awesome Chris! Can you give my bitch your phone for a second?"

Chris handed Nate his phone and Nate flipped the camera so his face was visible.

"Hey bitch. You know you fucked up bad. I hope you enjoyed those orgams a lot because you're really going to pay for it. I don't know how long Chris and his friends will use you tonight, but I expect you at my place immediately after," Derek said to Nate.

"Yes Master. Your bitch will be there," Nate responded.

Derek hung up and Nate handed the phone back to Master Chris. Master Chris turned to Sir Nick and Anish and said, "Well guys we are going to have some fun tonight!"

Nate and I looked at each other fearfully.

"Both of you crawl into the common room," Master Chris ordered.

"Yes Master," I responded.

Chris went into his room and came back out holding a small, pink chastity cage, a collar, a butt plug, wrist and ankle cuffs, and two hoods.

"Faggot lock your bitch friend's tiny clit in that cage and put the collar on him," Master Chris ordered. "Then both of you put on a hood."

"Wait please Sir!" Nate begged. "In that cage I can't even see my cock."

This time it's Nick who responded, walking over to Nate and kicked him hard in the balls causing Nate to double over in pain.

"I thought this bitch had been owned before, Chris. He has no fucking manners at all. You don't have a cock, bitch. That thing isn't pleasing anyone. You have no reason to see or touch it anymore and you should hope that your Master doesn't decide to just have it removed," said Sir Nick.

"Looks like another punishment tonight," said Anish, the first words he's spoken.

"Now you're getting into it, bro," Nick said. "Let's have the faggot get this bitch properly dressed and then you can decide on the first punishment."

Taking that as a green light, I quickly locked up Nate's clit and put the collar on him. I handed the keys back to Chris and then Nate and I put on our hoods. Chris took the keys and put them into a small lock box.

"Bitch I am texting Derek the combination to this, so it's in your best interest to bring this to him right after we're done tonight because I know I won't remember the code. So any chance you have of getting that off to clean your clit rests in Derek's hands," Chris said.

"Yes Sir," Nate responded.

"Ok bro," Nick said to Anish. "What do you want the first punishment to be?"

End of chapter 9...

Next: Chapter 11

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