Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on Feb 4, 2021


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. This chapter is more about set up with a lot more to come. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

To get this out of the way, I'm Paul, a 6'1" sophomore, 250 lbs., and, as will become important later, I have a very small cock around 3-4" depending on how hard I get.

I knew I was gay from a young age and came out fairly early in high school. I spent plenty of time jerking off to gay porn, but spent more time reading gay erotic stories. At some point I ended up reading a story that involved a little bit of kink. The bottom had his hands tied, was spanked, and called names. This led me down a rabbit hole of other stories and videos and made me realize I was incredibly into BDSM as a sub. I found myself drawn to videos and stories with chastity, domination, bondage, and piss play even though I had done none of that. I had mostly used Grindr but did create a Recon profile just to look around. I never met anyone from there, but a couple hook ups in my freshman year involved some spanking, slapping, and name calling, but nothing more. So enough about the past, let's get to the present.

I had never lived on campus, but at the last minute was asked if I would be interested in serving as a resident assistant (RA). I excitedly accepted the position and since I was hired so late, I was placed on a floor with mainly other sophomores. As an RA I had my own bedroom, but shared a living room with one other room, a double with two friends living there. Nick, also a sophomore, was a 5'8' average built, red head. Chris was a freshman, muscular and slim about 5'9". Both were straight. Nick liked to talk a big game, but he was calmer and kinder. Chris was also kind but had a cockier demeanor.

As I met Nick and Chris, I learned that the RA I replaced was actually their friend and he had pulled them into the suite they were supposed to share. He hadn't told them that he had been fired, so they were surprised to see me and meet me. We got off to a great start and generally co-existed, talking in passing, but not necessarily hanging out. Although we didn't talk about it, they knew I was gay. I continued to focus on school and my various jobs/activities with a very occasional hook up breaking up the routine of jerking off to BDSM porn.

I didn't realize it, but one day would change everything. On a Monday, I came back to our suite and smelled marijuana coming from my suitemates room. I had never smoked, but I knew the smell. I was afraid to confront them because I didn't want to make the suite awkward. I also knew that it had to suck sharing a suite with an RA and not the one that is your friend, so I decided to let it go in the moment and talk to them about it later. The next day, when I walked in their door was open, so I decided to talk with them.

"Hey guys, you have a minute?" I asked. "Yes," both responded.

"So, I came back to the suite yesterday in the afternoon and it smelled like weed. I know it's not ideal having an RA as a suitemate so I gave you a break, but you can't keep smoking in the room."

"Have you ever smoked Paul?" asked Chris.

"No, I haven't, and I personally have no issue if you do it as long as it's not in the room," I responded.

"Well, Nick and I do like to smoke to de-stress," said Chris. "And it's too cold to go outside all the time," added Nick.

"So, can we come to the same compromise we had with our friend who was supposed to live here?" asked Chris.

"What compromise was that?" I asked.

"Well, we would make sure that we would only smoke in the room when he wasn't around and as a trade, he could smoke with us for free whenever he wanted," said Nick.

I stood there in disbelief at this point. These guys who I had only known a few weeks were asking me to let them smoke weed in the room and inviting me to smoke with them if I let it slide. Up to this point I had never smoked anything and only drank underage occasionally typically in Canada since I lived close to the border. While I was interested in trying weed, I wasn't sure if I wanted to jeopardize my job for it.

"Bro you're always so uptight and stressed. There are other ways to let off steam other than porn," Nick said.

Now I was worried about their offer AND the fact that they had heard whatever porn I was listening too.

"Fuck man don't worry about the porn. You have to have heard porn from our room and the bed squeaking (I had heard squeaking...A LOT). It seems you're interested in the offer, so try it once and see what happens. We'll make sure you're safe," Chris interjected.

"I have always wanted to try smoking," I said.

Without skipping a beat, "Well then we've got a deal," said Chris.

"Let's smoke together this weekend and in the meantime, we'll go elsewhere if we need to smoke before that," said Nick.

The whole week went by and I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation. On one hand, I regretted my decision even though nothing had happened and one the other hand I was excited to smoke and maybe become closer with my suitemates. They told me to plan on smoking Friday night. When the night arrived, I was so stressed and conflicted. Chris and Nick both said I needed to relax, that they would keep it low key, and that I needed to let go of the worry if I was going to get high.

"Am I going to get the munchies?" I asked innocently.

Both laughed hysterically. "I usually do," exclaimed Nick, "so I've got plenty of snacks don't worry."

"Being high impacts me differently so we'll see what happens to you, Paul," said Chris.

They did what I'd soon learn was "normal" to try and cover the smell. Towels, dryer sheets, air fresheners. Chris hit, passed to Nick, who hit, and passed to me.

"Exhale all your air, then inhale, and hold in the smoke," Chris instructed.

I did as instructed and was quickly coughing causing Nick and Chris to laugh hysterically yet again.

"Happens to every virgin," said Nick.

We kept passing and I seemingly got better at holding it in. I didn't know what being high was supposed to feel like, but I was definitely feeling less stressed and more relaxed. Nick pulled out some snacks and we started to talk about all kinds of stuff. School, life, sports, home, dating, etc.

A few hours later Chris says, "You want to try something else?" At which point he pulled out a bong. "It's the same principle as before but a faster high."

At this point I'd come down a little but felt comfortable, so I quickly said, "Fuck it let's do it."

"Fuck yea!" added Nick. "See Chris, I told you he'd be the cool RA."

A similar pattern happened with them hitting well and me coughing and then getting better. This high felt different. Just as relaxing, but suddenly I felt super horny and was wishing I could figure out a way to leave the room and jerk off.

Suddenly Chris shouted, "Fuck bong hits make me so fucking horny! I've been trying to get some pussy tonight, but all these girls want to talk first. Guess you're going to have to deal with me jerking tonight, Nick."

"Can't you go use the bathroom?? I wish I had a single like you Paul. Jerk off whenever plus no constantly-stroking roommate," said Nick.

"The single has its perks for sure," I added. "To be honest those bong hits made me horny too."

"Awwww yea Paul. You gettin' any ass tonight?" Nick asked.

"Yea Paul we never hear another guy in your room. You need to use that single to your advantage," said Chris.

"I don't want to make it awkward for you guys and bring a guy back here, plus I don't have tons of luck," I shared.

"We don't care that you're gay, Paul so bring back whoever you want!" said Nick. "We bring girls back and you don't care."

"Yea if Nick here can get a girl who wants his tiny dick then you'll have plenty of luck finding guys," said Chris.

"Fuck you Chris! I'm plenty big and you know it. And Paul could be more of a receiver rather than a pitcher," Nick said sarcastically causing me to blush.

"It might be dark in here, but I think you hit that right Nick given that Paul is blushing," Chris mocked.

"Can we change the subject?" I pleaded.

"That's a yes!" they both said in unison while laughing.

"Ok fuck it. Yea I bottom and I enjoy sucking cock. What's the problem?" I asked.

Nick jumps in, "It's not a problem Paul. Chris and I have been talking and we talk to you about girls and fucking and whatever and you never share so it's nice to get you to open up. Only took a bunch of bong hits."

"Speaking ofÉ" Chris takes another bong hit and we pass it back around. "Fuck I don't think jerking off is going to be enough to deal with this," Chris said grabbing his crotch in one hand and opening Tindr with the other.

"Dude just go rub it out in the bathroom. That's what I'm going to do with this," added Nick also grabbing his crotch.

At this point I can't help but stare at both and start to imagine.

"Naw dude my load is going in a mouth tonight no matter how long it takes," Chris said.

"What about Sally or Jade or shit Courtney. Maybe she'd suck us both again!" Nick said excitedly while rubbing his growing bulge.

Chris asked Nick, "What the fuck dude, smoking makes me horny and makes you want to snack. What's the deal tonight? And all those girls are ghosting tonight"

"Fuck, I don't know man, but I'm fucking hard and would love to not have to use my hand on this tonight," Nick exclaimed while simultaneously pulling out his cock.

At this point my eyes are locked on his dick. For a small guy his cock is impressive - incredibly thick, cut, and at least 7 inches already leaking precum.

"Damn it Nick! Fucking put that shit away before I have to remind you what a real cock looks like," yelled Chris. "Plus you're scaring Paul."

I'm sitting there in a daze of weed unable to comprehend what is happening in front of me.

"Paul has seen plenty of cocks, Chris. So, I'm sure he's seen one bigger than yours, but I don't as thick as mine. Right, Paul??" asked Nick.

As I start to mumble out something all the sudden Chris drops his pants producing a thinner, but 10" uncut monster. "Seems I should show him and ask then." Chris said confidently. "So, Paul?"

"UhhhhhÉ" I said unable to form real words.

"Need to see them closer to really know?" asked Chris. Nick stands up from the futon and both walk towards me.

At this point I'm in a trance almost hypnotized by the two beautiful straight cocks in front of me.

"I've only seen one longer or thicker in porn," I said, boosting the egos of both straight boys.

"Go ahead and touch Paul. You said you're horny and we know you want to," Nick encouraged.

Both guys moan as I touch their screaming hard cocks and begin to stroke.

"You heard what I said before Paul, so why don't you just go ahead and put my cock in your mouth," Chris demanded.

Without skipping a beat, I take him as deep in my mouth as I can. "Fuck that's a sweet mouth, Nick," said Chris. "You've gotta get some of that."

Nick grabs my hair pulling me off of Chris's cock and onto his. Letting out a loud moan as my slides on Nick said, "Fuck Paul your mouth is so good. We've wasted so much of the year not taking advantage of our gay RA."

Chris has stripped completely, and I can't help but stare at his amazing body. He said, "Don't think I haven't noticed you staring at me when I'm shirtless, Paul. Or at the bulges in both of our pants."

"Speaking of take off your clothes and then get down on your knees, fag," ordered Nick.

My cock jumps when Nick calls me "fag" and I quickly strip without thinking about it.

"Oh my god Nick, look at the fag's tiny dick!!" Chris mocked.

"No wonder he's a receiver!" added Nick who has also striped completely. "Now get back to working our big cocks fag."

In a daze I go back and forth between their two big cocks, taking as much as I can in my mouth and following the commands, they give in an effort to provide the best blowjob I can. I know both are close and Chris reaches the edge first, pushing my head down as far as he can and letting out a loud moan as he cums.

"Take my fucking load faggot!" he screamed while shooting at least ten ropes of cum down my throat and into my mouth, pulling out at the last second to paint my face with one or two last shots. This pushes Nick over the edge.

"My turn!" Nick yelled again pulling me by the hair and this time slamming in balls deep and dumping his load straight down my throat.

After he finishes, I fall off his cock coughing and gasping for air. "Clean up our cocks, fag," ordered Chris.

While cleaning both their Chris pulls the bong back out. "We're definitely going to need at least another round of that," Nick said.

I lose track of time at this point rotating from dick to dick to bong hit. Chris and Nick enjoy using my mouth while keeping everyone high and horny. At no point during their face fucking do I even consider touching my hard tiny cock.

At some point I must have passed out because the next thing I know I'm waking up in my bed. My headache reminds me of the night before and the memories come flooding back. What did I do? How am I ever going to look at Chris and Nick the same again? At the same time, I remember how hot it was worshiping their straight cocks and that I never jerked off. I reach under the blankets to give myself relief and find something on my cock. I pull back the covers and realize I am wearing a chastity device.

Oh my god! What the fuck happened last night?!? Attached to the cage is a string and a note. "Check your phone, fag." I pick up my phone and see a new iMessage from Chris. When I look, it's a video of Chris with Nick in the background. I hit play and Chris starts talking.

"Good morning RA fag Paul. Let's start with the obvious. First, yes, we planned that whole thing last night. We knew you were drooling for our cocks from the first week of the semester and since we lost out on living with our friend it only seems fair that we get something out of this arrangement. Second, after you passed out last night we took the opportunity to unlock your phone and computer and take a little tour. You really should be more careful with FaceID and TouchID. Don't worry we didn't steal your identity, your money, or anything else and have no intention of doing so. However, your Recon profile was quite enlightening, pissfag02. And your recent messages on Recon and Grindr plus your browser history just further reinforced what we already knew. You're a faggot and after last night you're our new faggot. Based on the cage on your nub you're probably realizing you're not our first, but we can tell you more about that in the future. Lastly, you're probably thinking about all the ways that you can get out of this. Don't! Stop thinking because it's not happening. We have the keys to that cage and if you ever want to see that worthless nub unlocked, you'll do exactly as we say. But you're probably still thinking you can slip out or deal with some momentary embarrassment at a hospital to get it off. (The camera pans to Chris's computer screen with a video playing). We have everything from last night recorded and backed up. Notice our faces aren't visible. So, unless you want all your fellow RAs and bosses to see you getting high for hours while taking our cocks plus that embarrassing thing between your legs then you better be naked and kneeling outside our door tomorrow at 11 a.m. The choice is yours faggot."

At this point I begin to panic. I also look down and realize that my tiny cock is straining in the cage after that video. I hit play and watch it again. After the video finishes a second time, I look at the clock my computer...10:57 a.m. What the fuck am I going to do?

End of chapter one...

Next: Chapter 2

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