Owning a Big Man

By Matt Man

Published on Mar 28, 2003



We met in an online chat room. I had always had a certain curiosity about the experience of being dominated. It's a strange feeling. I have always been big. Wore husky pants as a kid. Played offensive guard as a high schooler. Today, standing 6'3" and weighing in at 235, most would see me as a "bear," although I hate the titles that flourish in the gay community.

In any case, this guy's picture and description indicated that he was 5'7", 155 pounds and ten years younger than me. He was rugged looking and seemed masculine and he really caught my interest. His interest was in dominating bigger men. His particular interest in me is that I had never bottomed for anyone.

After two weeks of meeting online we finally talked on the phone. Frank had no hesitancy about giving me his number. He also had been incredibly patient with my online fantasizing, questions and stupidity about the whole domination experience. I liked Frank's style.

We agreed to meet. I was feeling bold and somewhat confident because of how he had treated me on the phone. I was to come to his house.

Frank lived in a sub-division that seemed like every other sub-division in America. His house was the last one at the end of a dead-end street. It was about 9:30 p.m. when I finally found the place. My instructions were to park in the driveway and it would be clear to me from there what I was to do. That was it.

As I got out of my Jeep, the garage door started to go up. It seemed like a very friendly gesture as it was raining out. I waited, expecting someone to come out and greet me. After a moment it became obvious no one was coming out. I started toward the garage and there was a note on the trunk of a car with a gym bag. "Dave: In a second the garage door will close behind you. When it does, take off all your clothes and put them in the bag."

Ok. This wasn't what I was expecting but there was a certain excitement taking over and I thought, what the hell. The door closed and I paused for a moment, summoning my courage. I took off my jacket, T-shirt, shoes and Levis. As I opened the bag to put them in, there was another note. "Dave: I said, take off everything. When you are naked, put on the blindfold in this bag and make your way into the house." I took off my socks, but figured my boxer briefs weren't coming off until I knew what was going on.

I put the blindfold on but left it loose enough that in a pinch, I'd be able to see out. As I felt my way past Frank's car I reached a door. I opened it and went through. It closed behind me and as I checked the handle it had obviously locked. Suddenly someone was near me and the blindfold was tightened.

A voice asked, "Are you comfortable?" "Are you sure you still want to do this?" I responded, "Well I am having some...." I was immediately interrupted and told to answer simply yes or no.


I was guided through the house and down three steps into a room. All I was aware of was the carpeting and my own breathing.

"Put your hands straight up in the air." I did and was quickly in a set of wrist-restraints. They were fuzzy and comfortable but tight. My arms were secured to something above my head, some sort of pipe.

"Didn't the note say you were to take off everything, including your underwear?"

"Well I am sort of ..."

"I told you to use, 'Yes' or 'No' for your answer."


"Well they are coming off now and we'll do it the hard way since you failed to follow the directions."

I could feel the knife coming up the front of my leg. Suddenly excitement gave way to terror. The knife was obviously very sharp as it went right through my underwear, waistband and all. They fell away and I was naked, except for the blindfold and wrist-restraints. My leg felt like it may have been cut, but I wasn't sure.

After a few moments, I heard a different voice. "I'm Frank. It's nice to have you here. Thanks for getting all ready."

"May I speak?"

"Sure, Dave. I want you to be comfortable."

"Who else is here?"

"I'm here and that's all that matters for now. Are you comfortable? Do your wrists or arms hurt?"

"They're ok for now."

"Good. If anything is happening that you want to stop, you'll say, "That's enough," and everything will come to a halt. The price though will be that you will have to leave immediately and we'll have no further contact. So be sure that if you really want something to stop you understand that everything will stop. Is that clear?"

"Yes. Where are my clothes?"

"Do you want them now?"

"No, just want to make sure that I know where things are and what's going on."

Frank checked the restraints to make sure that they were tight and comfortable and he also adjusted the blindfold. But he didn't answer me about where the clothes were. It was becoming clear that I was definitely not in charge here. What else was clear was that I really liked this feeling since my cock was rock hard from the minute I had picked up the first note in the garage.

Frank moved away without any further word and I could hear some activity somewhere else in the house. For another ten minutes or so, there was no sound near me. The room itself seemed to be absorbing sound and the only thing I could hear was my own breathing.

"Are your arms starting to hurt?"


Someone was unhooking my wrist restraints from where they had been secured and my aching shoulders came down to a resting position. Something was hooked onto the restraints and I was gently being pulled along. I came to the edge of some kind of table and was told by the first voice to bend forward from the waist. As I did, I was stretched across the table or bench and someone helped me maneuver completely onto it. As I did, my hands were again secured above my head, but lying down, it didn't hurt nearly as much. Then my legs were slightly spread and some kind of restraints were placed on my ankles.

"Is your cock comfortable?"


He reached under me as I lifted up and placed my still rock hard cock in a more comfortable position.

Again, quiet.

In a few minutes both the voice and Frank were there. Frank explained that my ass needed cleaned and shaved. "If you lay very still, this won't hurt and may even feel good."

I could feel some lube being placed on my asshole. Then a tube of some sort was going in. Then the water started. It was warm and very gentle. But it kept going in. I could feel my insides expanding. I could feel pressure building. Then the water stopped. It was powerfully uncomfortable. I had never had an enema.

"If you let that out and you make a mess, you will clean it up with your mouth," the voice said.

It was agony. I laid there for what seemed like an hour, but was merely minutes. Finally my hands and ankles were released and I was helped up and taken into a room - I assumed it was the bathroom since there was a toilet. My hands were still linked together and I was seated on a toilet and everything in me came rushing out in a truly great moment of relief. The cramps began to pass and then more water came out. And then more. I finally felt finished.

Someone handed me a role of toilet paper but with my hands still fastened and blindfolded, it was not an easy task to do the "paper work." After much struggling, I was helped up and led back to the table and again strapped across it.

My ass was covered with something I assumed was shaving cream. It was warm, like you get from a barber. It actually felt very good.

The voice said, "If you move while I'm shaving you, you will be cut. So lay very still."

I did and the feeling of having some one shave me brought a whole new series of sensations. The enema had caused some serious wilting for my cock but when he came to shave right around my asshole, I was stimulated all over again. As he finished, he wiped what was left of the shaving cream off and stuck a pretty good size plug in my ass. It hurt in that there was no lube and that's an area that has not be explored much.

And again, it was quiet.

In a few minutes, the voice returned and I thought it was Frank with him. They gently lifted my head and placed a large neck brace on me. It was secured and while it was tight, it was not terribly uncomfortable. Once this was in place, the blindfold was removed and my eyes began to take in where I was. It did not really help much in that I could not turn my head or in any way see what was going on behind me and my face was fairly close to a blank wall. The walls were covered with something that looked like canvas that must have been absorbing the sound.

Now the voice, Frank and it seemed, someone else were behind me. My legs were unhooked and spread down over the sides of the table I was on and again fastened. My ass was feeling really exposed. Someone pulled the plug out in one swift motion. And then the assault began.

My ass, naked, smooth as a baby's, and clean inside and out, was drenched in lubricant of some sort. My cheeks were pulled apart and my asshole smeared with lube. It burned, as there were skin abrasions from being shaved, but not enough to really hurt. More lube was added. I felt slimy. Then they started to probe. First with fingers. Next came toys and some kind of tube. Then I felt someone's cock poking at my ass.

"You ready big guy? You're about to get fucked. And you're never going to forget this." And then someone put a gag on my mouth, making it impossible in my terror to scream out, "That's enough." My brain was making the words but there was no way for my mouth to participate in this.

And then the first cock went right in me. I was perfectly positioned for an effortless fuck and whoever was on my ass was really pounding right from the start. He lasted only minutes and I could feel him spray my back with his cum. No sooner was he done than someone else got in me. My ass was sore as hell and the burning from the lube on the skin abrasions was painful as hell. But it was nothing compared to the burning that came from the huge cock that was now opening my ass in a way that it had never been opened. Again, my brain was screaming, "That's enough," but nothing could come out of my mouth. After about ten minutes of pounding, I could again feel the spay of cum on my back and the accompanying groans. I hoped that was it.

By the time the third cock started up my ass, it wasn't hurting nearly as much from being spread so far and this cock was not as thick as the last two. By now there was a certain pleasure to this. My cock was hard again and feeling somewhat cramped under me with all this hammering on top me. So this is what it feels like to be someone's bottom. I couldn't wait to meet the man who now owned my ass.

By the time the third cock had sprayed a load on my back, I thought I was done. But now it was time to turn me over and work on my cock.

My neck brace was removed and the blindfold put back. My hands and ankles were released and I was helped to my feet. The gag was still in place although at this point I wasn't ready to end this. I couldn't imagine anything more painful than what had already happened. Frank had been very clear that he was not into inflicting pain. His thing was all about owning a big man's body.

I was turned over and was re-attached to the table. My arms were up over my head and my legs spread and clipped down. The blindfold and gag were still firmly in place. Frank was in my ear and asked if I wanted to leave. My only response could be an emphatic shake of the head, "No."

Once I was securely in place with my cock sticking straight up, I was told by the voice that I would have to stay in that position until I had three orgasms, just like the three on my backside. That actually sounded pretty good and I was so horny and stimulated at that point that I could have had the first shot without much effort on anyone's part.

My cock was lubed. And then everyone seemed to disappear. There was no sound and no action. I was just lying there lost between anticipation and worry. Slowly I could hear voices coming back after a few minutes. Someone grabbed my cock and started pumping it. Within a minute I shot a huge load that I could feel splashing all over me. Whoever had done that knew how to make a cock feel good but as soon as he let go, someone else started pumping again. My cock gets unbelievably sensitive after an orgasm and this was almost more than I could take. I never lost my hard on and it wasn't long before the sensitivity had given way to another orgasm. This time the cum just came out without much fanfare and I could feel it mixing with the lube. Another hand was on my cock in a second and continued pumping. The lube was starting to dry and the cum wasn't as effective. My cock was getting sore and I wasn't sure if I would be able to deliver the third load.

But as the pumping continued and more lube was added, I was feeling so stimulated from all that was happening to my body, I felt another orgasm building. In no time, I was shooting cum all over myself with an orgasm that rivaled the first. Finally, my sore, soggy cock was released and all I wanted to do was lay very still.

My hands and feet were unhooked and the gag removed. Frank spoke, "Are you alright Dave?"


"Good. I like to see a big man enjoy himself."

The restraints were removed from my wrists and I was ushered, blindfolded, back up the stairs and out the door to the garage. The garage door was opening. Someone from behind was removing the blindfold and someone else was handing me the gym bag. But before I knew what was happening, both people were gone, the house door closed and I was standing naked and soaked in cum front and back with my clothes in a bag with a very bright light on overhead. I quickly pulled on my Levis and T-shirt and carried my shoes and hopped into my Jeep and pulled out.

I left not knowing who was there or what Frank looked like or when I might see him again. When I got home there was an email message from Frank waiting for me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I'll let you know when I want you again. In the meantime, don't even think of letting anyone else near you. I'll know if you do. Don't even jerk off. I'll know if you do. Actually Dave, I know a lot more about you than you might think. As you move through the next couple of days, keep an eye out. You will see me. You just won't know that you have. But I will see you. And I will picture you laying there, naked, hard, covered in cum and my cock up your ass. We'll play again, if you're good, big guy. You see, I own your ass now."

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