Ownership Taken


Published on Oct 13, 2019


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I am now owned by Master Tom. Master Tom has taken control over my life and has given me both the direction and discipline i need.

Thanks for all the feedback I have gotten, keep it coming. The response has been great.

Comments, Questions, pictures for trade, all are welcome. Email me at beltbb@yahoo.com

The following is the story of how i came to be owned by Master Tom

Key People in the Story

Master Tom: 31 years old 6'2" 220 lbs of PUR MUSCLE. In the Army and very Dominant Alpha male.

Master Brad: A Dominant Alpha male who owns several slaves. Master Brad has given me advise and direction

Greg: my 30 year old son-in-law, He and Master Tom are cousins

Master came out to the truck dressed, and began to drive. Master did not take me back to the spot where my car was, instead he took me to a wooded area, he instructed me to get out of the truck and he took me for a walk in the woods. On some level I felt at home, my being naked and Master being dressed. We came to a secluded lake and Master began to strip. We then went skinny dipping. It was nice to spend quality time with my master, then i was instructed to get on my hands and knees s Master walked off, returning with a small switch. then on my hands and knees Master knelt behind me and took the switch and began to lightly switch my balls. the pain grew more and more intense ,as the licks kept coming, i began to cry, then sob from the pain, yet my cock absolutely straining the chastity device trying to get hard. Even in pain, i felt a sense of PRIDE giving my Master pleasure from my pain. Master was definitely enjoying him self as i was soon rewarded with him shoving his VERY HARD HUGE cock up my ass outside, where anyone could walk up. The reality of serving my Master outdoors, naked excited me on every level.

Master then dressed and we walked back to his truck, as we came up on the truck, me still naked as the day i was born, my ass still VERY red from the caning, there was another truck parked nearby with a man getting out of it. i was terrified of being exposed, but Master did not seem concerned. Master said hello to the other man who intern replied, then commenting on his NAKED companion. i was frozen with FEAR, unable to move momentarily. Master replied that i was his slave, and he had taken me for a walk in the woods. The guy was Master's age, much younger than me and seemed interested in Master's ownership of me. i stood there, Naked, caged and plugged...on display for this man i had never seen before. After a short chat, which the other guy was clearly enjoying, judging from the bulge in his shorts, Master said his good byes and instructed me to get in the truck. We then drove off, as we did my face was shoved down onto Master's now exposed cock, he clearly got off on exposing his NAKED slave to a stranger. After rewarding me with his load, Master told me that there would be other times when i would be exposed naked to other men. My heart began to race at the FEAR of being exposed and the EXCITEMENT of pleasing my Master. i would not know who or when.....

Ownership Taken Part 4

Master kept up his daily routine of using my holes every morning, then having me drink from the tap before i left for the day. Then today i got a text from Master just before lunch "take the rest of the day off, meet me at the spot" the spot was a place we met daily on a very rural road, i was surprised but instantly excited to see Master twice in one day. i told my boss i wasn't feeling well and left for the daily meeting spot on the country road. i pulled up and began to strip naked, i felt MUCH MORE exposed in the daylight, as opposed to early morning. There were several cars that drove by as i waited for Master to arrive. Then i saw Master's truck coming, my boy cock trying to get hard in the cage, but as he pulled up i could see he was not alone. FEAR overcame me quickly as i began to physically shake. The truck stopped in back of my car, i knew what was expected of me, so summoning all of my will power i exited my car and began to walk toward Master's truck, NAKED, CAGED and my face red with embarrassment. Once i arrived at the front of the truck Master motioned for me to go to the passenger side, which i did. The stranger exited the truck, he was about 6' 200 lbs dark hair and muscular, i later found out he was a construction worker. i was then instructed to climb in the truck and was made to sit on the console of the tuck between my Master and the other dominant man who i did not know. He told Master he was impressed with the way i had been trained and could not wait to see what else i had learned as Master put his truck in drive and drove off. Words cannot describe how EXPOSED i felt being naked up on that console for any one passing by to see. i prayed we would not pass any one, but that was not to be. We passed three other vehicles, one car with a middle aged guy who did not notice, one farmer in his late 50's who did, honking his horn and giving Master the thumbs up sign, and another older truck with two young guys in their teens, who DEFINATLY saw me. They were making cat calls and other remarks, which only added to my embarrassment causing my face and entire body to turn a thousand shades of RED. The stranger in the truck pulled me up, exposing my shaved ass to the teens as we passed, much to their amusement.

Finally Master pulled off the road onto a dirt road which led to an old wooden barn. The truck came to a stop in front of it, and both Master and the Stranger exited the truck, and i was told to exit as well. Here i was naked, in chastity, outside with not only Master but some complete stranger as well. My mind was racing, i had no idea what was going to happen or where it would happen. Still feeling so EXPOSED i stood at attention, waiting for my next orders. Master spoke to the other man, calling him Dave telling him to open the barn up, that we would start in there, which the guy did as we watched. Master then grabbed me by the back of the neck and led me into the barn. Once inside Master produced a dog collar with the word SLAVE on it, He proceeded to place the collar around my neck. The sensation of having the collar tight around my neck brought a new sense of FEAR over me, i am not sure why, maybe because Master had done it for the first time in front of this stranger. Yet my boy cock strained painfully against the cage trying to get hard at all costs. It had been 3 weeks since i had last cum, not even being allowed to have sex with my wife. i had a severe case of blue balls, yet it seemed unimportant to me, since my purpose in life is to server Master.

Master then instructed me to stand at attention, which i did. They both circled me, poking and prodding as if they were considering purchasing me to be their slave. Master then shoved me to my knees as he offered my mouth to the stranger, who was more than eager to accept. He reached for his very wide thick belt and unbuckled it, then he unbuttoned his pants, before pulling down his zipper freeing a very large thick cock. He was commando, which i have always found to be hot in a REAL man. Knowing my place i took his thick cock into my mouth, he was already hard from being part of humiliating me on the ride. As i sucked his large hard throbbing cock, i felt my Master's touch. Master then grabbed my right nipple, painfully pinching it. I winced at the pain, but continued my duty of servicing Master's guest. Then without warning Master placed a clamp on my very sensitive right nipple. The pain was INTENSE and i moaned from the pain and embarrassment of having the clamp was placed on my nipple. i struggled not to bite down on the stranger's cock as the pain grew more intense. Then Master grabbed my left nipple, pinching it. Then the inevitable, Master placed a clamp on my other nipple as tears began to stream down my face. Pushing past my pain, i continue to suck the construction worker before me. Dave became very excited at Master inflicting the pain, then it happened, he flooded my mouth with his huge thick load.

It was then time to service Master, which i did, the pain growing ever more intense from the nipple clamps, as Master began to brutally fuck my face, then without warning he pulled the clamps off, to my SHOCK the pain got more intense as i screamed onto Master's cock, it seemed to put him over the edge as he dumped his load in my mouth. It always gives me a sense of pride when i give pleasure to my Master. Master took a minute or so to come down from his sexual high. Then instructing me to stand, he then proceeded to remove my chastity device, telling me that i was allowed to cum, BUT i could not touch my boy cock with my hands in any way. i was then led to the bench like object and tied down over it, then Master and his friend began to use both my holes. The power at which Master was taking my ass surprised me, but the force he used also excited me. After dumping a second load in me they both took a break, both naked. The other man was very hairy with dark brown hair.

After a short break Dave asked Master if he could use a riding crop on me, Master told him yes. i had never had a riding crop used on me, but i expected it would be very painful. The crop was long and black, and had a inch and half with leather patch at the end of it. He walked up behind and gave me several HARD licks with it!! The pain was different from the belt, in the pain was in a much more restricted area. Dave clearly had done this before, and was enjoying it. He then retrieved his thick wide belt from his pants and proceeded to whip my ass hard. Even though i was in intense pain, my boy cock remained ROCK HARD. This did not go unnoticed, and when Master questioned me about it, i was forced to explain how my dad, from the time i turned 10 made me strip naked for get his belt, and it did not matter who was there or where we were. It was EXTREEMLY EMBARASSING since i got hard at the site of the belt coming off...and still do. i often got it in front of others, including my friends. This revelation seemed to TURN them both on, as the proceeded to use my holes again. As Master's huge dick entered my tight throat, my boy cock erupted like never before. As i came, both my throat and ass spasemed causing them to cum as well. Master seemed to like the thought that i came from being used by him, but the day was not over yet.

Master after a brief rest retrieved the riding crop and walked behind me. i fully expected to feel the riding crop on my ass again, bug to my SHOCK the crop stuck my exposed low hanging balls!! i screamed in PAIN! There are no words to describe how it felt when the riding crop made contact with my balls! The pain was so diffident from an ass whipping, so much more concentrated and intense. It seemed to please Master that i reacted so verbally to the crop being used on my balls, Master then used it on my still hard cock, PAINFULLY striking the head of my cock, causing me to loose my erection. Dave commented that he had never considered using there in the past, but would use it on boys balls going forward. So i thought Dave has used boys before, i wondered how Master knew him, but that was none of my business.

Dave seemed to have a VERY dark side to him, i truly feared what he might do, based on some of the questions he asked Master about how he had used me. At one point asking if he had ever left a dog fuck me. Dave went on to describe how he has left his great dane fuck a few boys in the past. How they begged and cried to get free from the horny dog, and how much cum the dog would shoot. He went on to explain that it was not the size of the dog's dick, although it was big, it was when the dog Knotted in the boys ss that was truly the most painful and how then dog stayed knotted until he was done. i felt a CHILL run down my spine as i listened, fearing what might happen if we were to meet up with him again. My mind was racing a mile a minute...would Master consider something like this?? Yet being used by these two truly DOMINANT ALPHA men was somehow where i belonged.

Then the two of them walked up to my face and began pissing on it. The HOT urine splashing on my face, running down my body. my mouth opened as if on auto pilot to take in some of the golden nectar.

It was then time to go, Master put a leash on my collar and led me outside, He then tied the leash to a pole near the hose and used the hose to wash my body off with COLD water. Then my chastity device was placed back on and i was led to the truck, this time instructed to get into the bed and lie down, which i did. It was a rough ride back to my car, constantly fearful of who might see me, a NAKED slave in back of a pick up truck. It is as if Master knows exactly what to do to keep me on edge, as if He can see deep into my soul...i am amazed by every time i serve him. The truck stops near my car, i am instructed to get out, and walk to my car, as i walk past the truck i can see both Master and Dave have their phones out, taking pictures of a naked slave with a VERY red ass walking toward my car....

Comments welcome...jake

Next: Chapter 5

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