Ownership Taken


Published on Sep 28, 2019


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i am now owned by Master Tom. Master Tom has taken control over my life and has given me both the direction and discipline i need.

Thanks for all the feedback I have gotten, keep it coming. The response has been great.

Comments, Questions, pictures for trade, all are welcome. Email me at beltbb@yahoo.com

The following is the story of how i came to be owned by Master Tom

Key People in the Story

Master Tom: 31 years old 6'2" 220 lbs of PUR MUSCLE. In the Army and very Dominant Alpha male.

Master Brad: A Dominant Alpha male who owns several slaves. Master Brad has given me advise and direction

Greg: my 30 year old son-in-law, He and Master Tom are cousins

Master then produced a plug and shoved it up my ass to retain both His and Greg's cum, then i heard them talking as they left, Master told Greg "Happy Fathers Day early". It all made sense now, why the box and the glory hole, it was to protect my identity so Master could share his boy with Greg. i felt confident that Master would always look out for me, that He always knew what was best. About 20 minutes later he arrived back at the barn to release me. Father's day was on Sunday and he told me to make sure him and his family got an invitation. He then told me to get in the back of the truck and drove me back to my car, i climbed out of the bed of the truck, thanked Master for letting me serve his needs then climbed into my car, naked and smelling of piss...i dressed and wondered how i would get in the house and to the shower without my wife knowing...

Ownership Taken Part 3 i made it home and got in the shower before my wife got home, she must have went shopping. i could smell Master's scent as i climbed into the shower, truly not wanting to wash it off...but knowing i had little choice. My poor boy butt would be sore for days i thought. Then i received a text from Master, it was a picture of Greg belting my naked ass, my boy cock went ROCK hard, then it was a picture of me sucking Greg. i quickly stroked my cock until it shot it's load. Then i quickly deleted the pictures. While i had time i emailed Master Brad to tell him about how things were going with my training. Master Brad is a trusted confidante.

Master Brad is a person i hold GREAT respect for. He shared with me how he took ownership and control of his father when he was 17 and in high school. The actions that took place to make that happen TRULY amazed me. To be so DOMINANT at a young age, with the ability to take ownership of his father is an amazing feat. Master Brad has a NAKED home, and his slave (his father) is required to be naked at all times in the home. The slave is also required to be shaved smooth from the neck down, at times wears a chastity device, butt plug, or whatever else Master Brad desires. The slave is a full time total service slave who is required to meet all of Master Brad's needs, including sexually. The dynamic of this relationship is AMAZING. A couple of years later Master Brad got new neighbors, a father and son. They became close friends and Master Brad eventually took ownership of both the father and the son, who is in college. They are one big happy family.

Master Brad is a very well built Dominant Alpha Male who is well hung and is always a leader in what he does. He has a unique way of controlling his slaves, and they crave any attention He gives them. All three attend to all of the chores around the house as well as Master Brads needs.

The rest of my week was much of the same, meeting Master Tom every morning, and sometimes at lunch for me to keep Him happy and satisfied. Master Tom used me particularly hard that weekend, especially the morning of Fathers Day. He had instructed me to invite him and his Family over for Fathers Day, which i did, with great concern that something would happen to expose me.

The afternoon of Father's Day my two daughters and their husbands, and children arrived. We were going to grill out in the back yard. A short while later Master Tom and his family arrived. i was on edge, it felt like everyone there could tell that He was my Master and that i had taken his HUGE dick in both my holes on a daily basis, and that i took great pride in serving Master Tom even drinking his piss. Master Tom was the last one to enter the house as i let him and his family in. As he entered the house he grabbed my ass through my shorts, while no one was looking, i was TERRIFIED someone saw him, yet my boy cock began to harden in my pants, just from the mere touch of my Master. i was on edge the entire day, Master Tom and Greg joked and talked, i felt like Greg knew it was me he had whipped and used in the barn, i was terrified of being exposed, and yet totally hard at being in their presence again with my family present. The thought that Greg had whipped my naked ass, as well as having his huge cock inside both my holes weighs on my mind. The ironic part is that Greg set my life of servitude in motion without even knowing it.

i grilled the food and just before dinner Master Tom handed me an open beer bottle, and told everyone to get a drink. i was puzzled why my beer was warm, but i knew better than to question Master. Master began to speak, toasting me on this Father's Day along with the other father's there, then he said drink up. i raised the beer bottle to my mouth and took a drink...i was in TOTAL SHOCK, Master had pissed in the beer bottle at some point, the bottle was full. i felt like EVERYONE knew i was drinking Master's piss as they all watched, i could feel my face turn a million shades of RED, as Master whispered in my ear to make sure i drank EVERY DROP. My mind raced and marveled at this magnificent Dom who was able to use me so PUBLICALLY yet only He and i knew. i literally trembled in fear and admiration for my Master, as he always amazed me with the things he would do. My mind began to wonder, not how i got here from a straight married man, but how i had lived so long without serving my Master. my life was now complete i thought. i would look at Greg and see the thick wide belt he was wearing, knowing it had kissed my ass, and that i had taken his load in my boy mouth and he had bred me. The others must have thought i was getting drunk due to the red color in my face, if they only knew. The rest of the day went well, Master got me two more "beers" of which i dutifully drank every drop. Then everyone went home.

My meets with Master were beginning to become routine, it no longer freaked me out to climb into his truck naked, it now seemed normal. The following Saturday morning Master took me to his place, as his family was out of town. He pulled into the garage, but did not shut the door, i was instructed to get out and go to the basement, which i did. Master came down a short time later with a bag of items. He instructed me to go the bathroom, He followed with the bag. Once there he produced some clippers, turned them on and to my HORROR began shaving my pubes!! How will i explain this to my wife i thought as the clippers removed my bush, my last remnants of my man hood. Then he produced shaving cream and a razor, he shaved my now hard cock, balls, all of my pubes, then made me bend over and spread my ass cheeks so Master could remover what little hair i had on my ass. Then i was instructed to stand, i looked like a little boy, completely smooth. Master ran his hand over my freshly shaved skin, it was like a BOLT of lightning hit my body. Master then told me i was to maintain my smooth status, as he liked his slaves smooth. i asked Master how i would explain this to my wife, his reply was tell her it serves two purposes, one there is no hair to get in her mouth when she goes down on you and two it makes you so MUCH more sensitive. The later was definitely true. Then Master produced the chastity device, but my boy cock was hard, no way it was going in there i thought, but Master had other plans, he went to the freezer and got a bowl of ice and submerged my hard boy cock into the ice, and i instantly lost my erection. He then placed the chastity device on my small cock, then Master had me put on a specially made shirt that only covered my upper arms and the top of my chest, covering my tattoos. Then Master placed a hood on my head which left my eyes, nose and mouth uncovered, yet concealed my identity.

I was then placed on my knees and Master fed his huge cock though the hole in the mask as if to test it. It was then that there was a knock on the door, Master told me to stand in the corner and went upstairs. I could hear him answer the door, and let someone in. i was VERY nervous being naked, shaved and in a corner as to who might be there, then HORROR struck as i heard TWO SETS OF FOOTSTEPS coming down the basement. Then to add to my HORROR i realized that the second person was my son-in-law Greg!! HOLY SHIT Greg said as he saw me in the corner, then Master instructed me to turn around. Greg could now see my shame, i was shaved bald, i looked like a little boy. He wasted no time pointing it out, even running his hand over the area where my pubes once were. My boy cock tried desperately to get hard, but the device prevented that.

Greg quickly pushed me to my knees as he pulled his hard cock from his pants, then he shoved his cock in my mouth and began to fuck my face, not stopping till I was choking on his load. Then Master had returned to the room, complimenting Greg on the job he had done face fucking me. He then instructed me to bend over the back of the couch. As i was getting into place i noticed that Master had a cane and a ball gag in his hand. i had never felt the cane before, and at this time did not truly fear the pain it would cause. Then after i was in place Master approached from the rear leaned over my back and began placing the ball gag in my mouth, as he did i could feel his HUGE cock was hard. Then he tapped my naked ass several times with the cane. Master then spoke to Greg "I have done some research on line and they say the cane is a VERY effective tool in getting a slave's attention. We are about to find out, while I love using my belt, this will change things up a bit." It was then i heard the cane swish through the air several times, as i lay bent over the back of the couch, wondering how it would feel. i did not have to way long as i heard another swish, then CRACK as the lick landed across my naked ass, then the SEARING PAIN like a thousand bees has just stung my ass, as i screamed into the ball gag. Now i knew why i had been gagged, as Master was protecting my identity. He knew i would surely scream and beg from the pain, and he was right. Master gave me 12 of his best, then allowed Greg to give me an additional 6. It felt like the skin had been removed from my poor naked ass.

It was then Master instructed me to get on the floor on my hands and knees, which i did, once there Master mounted his slaves ass as Greg again took my mouth. Both ALPHA's rock hard and ready to breed me. The session was long and HARD as i got used multiple times, before Greg had to leave Master placed a butt plug up my ass to keep their seed in my used ass. i was left standing naked in the corner, my striped ass on display for anyone to see if they came down stairs. i could hear them talking as they went upstairs, Greg commenting on how much he enjoyed fucking my naked ass and using mouth. It was then i wondered if Greg would discover my secret some day. Master returned downstairs, and instructed me to take my place at his feet. As i worship Master's feet he stroked my hair telling me what a good job I had done today. After a half an hour of me worshiping my Master's feet i was instructed to go get in his truck and wait for him. i entered the garage naked, the door open, and climbed into the truck and waited for Master to drive me back.

Master came out to the truck dressed, and began to drive. Master did not take me back to the spot where my car was, instead he took me to a wooded area, he instructed me to get out of the truck and he took me for a walk in the woods. On some level I felt at home, my being naked and Master being dressed. We came to a secluded lake and Master began to strip. We then went skinny dipping. It was nice to spend quality time with my master, then i was instructed to get on my hands and knees s Master walked off, returning with a small switch. then on my hands and knees Master knelt behind me and took the switch and began to lightly switch my balls. the pain grew more and more intense ,as the licks kept coming, i began to cry, then sob from the pain, yet my cock absolutely straining the chastity device trying to get hard. Even in pain, i felt a sense of PRIDE giving my Master pleasure from my pain. Master was definitely enjoying him self as i was soon rewarded with him shoving his VERY HARD HUGE cock up my ass outside, where anyone could walk up. The reality of serving my Master outdoors, naked excited me on every level.

Master then dressed and we walked back to his truck, as we came up on the truck, me still naked as the day i was born, my ass still VERY red from the caning, there was another truck parked nearby with a man getting out of it. i was terrified of being exposed, but Master did not seem concerned. Master said hello to the other man who intern replied, then commenting on his NAKED companion. i was frozen with FEAR, unable to move momentarily. Master replied that i was his slave, and he had taken me for a walk in the woods. The guy was Master's age, much younger than me and seemed interested in Master's ownership of me. i stood there, Naked, caged and plugged...on display for this man i had never seen before. After a short chat, which the other guy was clearly enjoying, judging from the bulge in his shorts, Master said his good byes and instructed me to get in the truck. We then drove off, as we did my face was shoved down onto Master's now exposed cock, he clearly got off on exposing his NAKED slave to a stranger. After rewarding me with his load, Master told me that there would be other times when i would be exposed naked to other men. My heart began to race at the FEAR of being exposed and the EXCITEMENT of pleasing my Master. i would not know who or when.....

Comments welcome...jake

Next: Chapter 4

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