Ownership Taken


Published on Sep 14, 2019


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i am now owned by Master Tom. Master Tom has taken control over my life and has given me both the direction and discipline i need.

Thanks for all the feedback I have gotten, keep it coming. The response has been great.

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The following is the story of how i came to be owned by Master Tom

Key People in the Story

Master Tom: 31 years old 6'2" 220 lbs of PUR MUSCLE. In the Army and very Dominant Alpha male.

Master Brad: A Dominant Alpha male who owns several slaves. Master Brad has given me advise and direction

Greg: my 30 year old son-in-law, He and Master Tom are cousins

He then instructed me to give him my phone and to unlock it, which i did. He then changed the password to my email account, giving him control over who I talked to. Then he added a location app so he would always know where i was. i was then dismissed and told i was on call 24/7

i was told to dress in the garage, and was STUNNED when i discovered the garage door was open. i quickly dressed and left. Knowing my life had forever changed. Comments welcome. jake

Ownership Taken Part 2 Stunned from the events of the morning, i went home and quickly showered, as i did i fingered my battered hole, then sucking Master Tom's cum from my fingers. My boy cock was ROCK HARD, yet I was so TOTALLY AFRAID of where things had progressed to. i knew i had no choice other than to obey his every order, yet strangely i WANTED to . i jacked my rock hard cock which EXPLODED after only a few strokes. Had I found what i had needed all my life? i exited the shower and tried to log onto my private email account. For some reason i was not taken to my email right away, that seemed strange, and as i tried to figure out what had gone wrong, i got a text from Master Tom, "you need to ask permission to access your email going forward, i have set it up that i need to click ok for you to gain access. You need to then let Me read what every you have written and I will decide if it should be sent. i will preview all emails you get and decide which you have my permission to read. You may continue to contact Master Brad and his boys. Email Master Brad and ask Him if He is interested in chatting with your new owner"

i immediately replied "Yes Sir" i was stunned at the level of control my new Master was taking, yet i felt surprisingly good about it. I then proceeded to write Master Brad and give him the good news of my New Master. In the email i told Master Brad the good news that i was now owned and that my Master was interested in chatting with him. Master Tom was fascinated by Master Brad owning his own father as well as another father and son. From that day forward i was only allowed to view the emails that Master Tom thought i needed to see, he places the emails i may read in a folder marked boy, This is how it should be i thought..

My training began two days later. i got a text from Master Ton and he instructed me to meet him at a specific spot on a very rural road. He then instructed me I was to be NAKED. NAKED i thought, what if someone sees me!!!! i was literally shaking as I read the text, thinking that there is NO WAY i can do that, but the next morning, i found myself in my car NAKED driving to the place we were supposed to meet. i was being careful to obey EVERY traffic law as not to be pulled over for any reason. i felt everyone could see my NAKED inside the car, but realistically no one in a car could see. i now understand this was a necessary step to prove my obedience to my Master. i arrived early to the spot Master Tom directed me to be. i sat patiently waiting, NAKED, AFRAID, and EXCITED all at the same time. My boy cock was ROCK HARD and leaking. i saw lights coming down the road, i prayed it was Master Tom, it was. He pulled up next to me in his truck, rolled his window down and said "Get in boy" i had not thought what would happen when he got there, but here i was NAKED getting out of my car on a PUBLIC road and getting into his truck with NO CLOTHES. Once in his truck my head was quickly pulled to his HUGE cock which was sticking out of his pants. Master Tom literally raped my throat, taking what was his in a way NO ONE had before. Master was TRULY an Aggressive Alpha Male who demanded total submission and service. i was surprised by how aggressive Master could be as he drove. The truck came to a stop not long after he had dumped his load in my throat. i was somewhat disappointed that i did not get the taste his precious seed, but i know that it is never about me, it is ALL about my Master.

We were on some type of road like path leading down the side of a corn field. "Get Out" was his next command. Here i was NAKED, no clothes with me, cum in my throat, getting out of His truck, as i did, so did Master. He met me at the back of his truck, where he let the tailgate of his truck down and began pulling his belt off, i was then instructed to bend over the tailgate, i was in for a whipping, and yet my boy cock was hard. i thought "what the fuck is wrong with me" Master did not wait long to lite my ass UP!! The sound of the belt hitting my naked ass sounded like a gun shot going off. Over and over it burned into my poor exposed ass cheeks, yet my cock remained HARD. After a serious whipping, like my dad gave me growing up, Master laid his belt across the back of my neck as i lay bent over his tailgate crying and begging, pleading, promising to be good. It was then i felt his HUGE cock head plunge into my poor boy hole. Master rode my like no one had ever fucked me before. It was then i came to understand that i was there for Master's pleasure. No mater what. After Master Tom dumped his load deep in my hole, breeding me, he pulled out and pulled the belt from the back of my neck, then placing it around my neck. He then pulled me from the bed of his truck and I immediately sunk to my knees, knowing my place and duty, i took his spent cock in my mouth and cleaned his magnificent cock. Master was naked from the waist down.

Master then instructed me that this would be part of my daily training, as he pulled his pants back on. Master then told me that i would not be allowed to wear underwear any more, but i could wear them in my house, but needed to take them off in my garage before i left to go anywhere. i had never been big on going commando, some how feeling naked under my pants. Knowing it was not for me to decide i knew i would follow instructions. i was then told to get in the bed of the truck, NAKED as Master drove me back to my car. i was so AFRAID i would be see, even though it was still dark out, the sunrise was beginning to happen. Once we arrived at my car, i was instructed to get out, there i stood at the foot of his truck as he produced a chastity device. i nearly lost it....how would i ever explain this? My boy cock was ROCK hard so Master instructed me to jack off...ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD..NAKED. Between the fear, excitement and my need to please my Master i shot my load quickly. My boy cock quickly deflated, and then Master placed the device on my cock, locking it up. i nearly lost it, thinking of how long i would have to wear this. Master then spoke "you will remain locked until tomorrow morning. Please Master i begged, how will i hide this from my wife?? "That is up to you boy, it is what i WANT and that is all that should matter to you" Master was right, it is what was important to me. i was then dismissed and sent to work.

All day at work i was SO self-conscious of the device, i felt everyone could see it, and hear the lock clicking the device as i walked. i had never been cut off from my cock before, the feeling was one of being controlled. i quickly found that pissing was difficult, sitting down to pee was the easiest way. Master text me multiple times though out the day, requiring specific pictures each time. One He required me to go into a cubical and strip NAKED, take a picture and text it to him. i felt SO EXPOSED when i did it, but my boy cock was straining the cage, trying painfully to get hard. Finally it was time to go home, i was terrified of being exposed. i waited till my wife was watching her favorite TV show then i quickly showered. i then told her i was not feeling well so i slept in the recliner. The night was restless and the morning was painful as morning wood was IMPOSSIBLE. As i was getting dressed Master text me to meet him at the usual spot. At the spot, i waited NAKED and caged for Master to arrive. i could not wait to get the cage off. Master pulled up and i again got in his truck and sucked his huge cock as he drove. Master then again fucked me hard bent over his tailgate, and once again i was on my knees cleaning his cock. This time he held my head with an IRON grip as he let his piss flow into my mouth unexpectedly. Knowing i had no choice i quickly began to swallow. Master was not holding back, and i was unable to keep up with the flow as it spilled from my mouth. i began to cry, knowing i had disappointed my Master. Master told me that is the rate of flow i need to handle and to find a way to practice, because my next failure would result in a HARSH punishment. i was again placed in the back of his truck for the ride back to my car. Once arriving i fully expected Master to remove the device, but to my shock he did not. i was instructed to meet him at the same place after work and then he would decide if he would take it off.

Again another difficult day at work, being caged. Master continued to request pictures. Then the request for a picture of me pissing at a urinal shocked me. Not wanting to be exposed at work i left the building and went to a local fast food place, went into the bathroom and began to piss, took the picture. As i was finishing up a construction worker came in and took the urinal next to me. He glanced over and saw the device to my horror. "You someone's bitch boy?" he asked with a smirk on his face. i turned a million shades of RED unable to reply as i shoved my caged cock back into my pants. He was well hung from what i could see, and he was beginning to get hard at the site of my cock locked in the chastity device.

While i was eating he stopped by and gave me his number, saying anytime i wanted to service a REAL man to give him a call. Again i turned RED hoping no one heard what he had said. i sent the picture to Master and told him of the comments the man had made, i was instructed to sent his information to my Master. Master then gave me a time to meet him after work.

i arrived early to the meeting site. i stripped NAKED, much more frightening in the daylight. Master kept me waiting longer today, since it was daylight it felt 10 times longer than it actually was. Master arrived and i was instructed to get into his truck. Master then began to drive, again Master's cock was in my boy mouth sucking Him in the way that He deserved to be serviced. The truck came to a stop, i expected to be on the path in the corn field, instead we were at an isolated barn. Master told me to get out and we walked into the barn. To my HORROR there was another man in the barn!! Master greeted the man by calling him Jim. Jim owned the property the barn sat on. i was unaware of how Master Tom knew Jim, but as it turns out they met on a hook up site. i was bent over a saw horse in the barn and tied down. Then Master Brad took his belt to my naked ass, bringing me to tears, when the belt finally quit, i thought it was over, but i was wrong, then Jim had produced a razor strap and gave me about 25 PAINFUL licks with the strap on top of the belting that Master had given me. Both Master and Jim were rock hard. Master mounted my ass as Jim presented his cock for me to suck. Here i was taking a cock in each hole, when a week earlier i was just a straight married father, Jim did not last long dumping his load in my mouth. Master pounded me HARD and long before breeding me. After a brief break, Master offered my ass to Jim, but he was told he had to wear a condom. Again i was split roasted by two hung Alpha men. It took much longer for them to cum the second time, after which they left me tied over the saw horse, NAKED and Master's cum running down my legs. Master had arranged to use the barn whenever he wanted. Jim complimented Master on how obedient his slave was and we left, this time i was in the cab of the truck as Master needed to piss. i took his MAGNIFICIENT cock in my mouth and drank from his tap as he drove, my poor butt was throbbing and swollen from the beating i had taken. Yet deep down i was happy, satisfied, i finally felt like i belonged.

Master later told me that He and Master Brad had become friends and that they were chatting on a regular basis, but what they chatted about was of no concern to me. i was happy that they were friends since i had great respect for Master Brad and hoped to meet Him in person some day. The daily routine continued for more than a week. It was a Tuesday when i got a text around 10am from Master, he told me to meet him at the spot at 11:00 am. i made an excuse about not feeling well and met Master at the usual spot, naked. Master had instructed me to put the chastity device on. Master pulled up, i got in his truck an he drove off. We ended up at the old barn, he took me inside. There was a large plywood box standing next to the saw horse, it has large hole on one side and a small hole on the other. There was a set of doors on the side with the large hole, i was instructed to bend over the saw horse, and then the doors to the box closed around my waste, leaving very little room to move, then I could see the hole was a GLORY HOLE. Unsure what was happening, but knowing better than to question Master i laid there bent over and naked in silence. Master said he would be back shortly and left. i was FREAKED OUT at being naked and restrained alone in the barn. My boy cock was STRAINING against the chastity device. About 20 minutes later i heard Master's truck pull up, then i heard TWO truck doors shut! Master was not alone, then as they entered the barn i heard the other man speak "HOLY FUCK you weren't kidding when you said you had a fag tied up in a barn" The voice immediately registered to me FUCK!!!! It was my son-in law Greg!! Tears began to flow as they circled the box, Greg grabbed my ass then hit it hard with his large hand. Master told him they could do what ever they wanted as long as it left no permanent marks. It was then i heard the unmistakable sound of Master's belt coming off, he planned to WHIP me while Greg watched. Then He did, he gave me a HARD ass whipping with his belt, i did my best to remain silent as He assaulted my naked ass. Then he invited Greg to give it a try, as it seems Greg was MORE THAN HAPPY to. He wielded his belt like a pro!! My mind was going a MILLION miles an hour...what would Greg think if he knew who he was beating, did he know? Had Master told him? What was going to happen next???

i did not have to wait long, when the whipping stopped, master mounted my red, welted exposed ass and began POUNDING me HARD has my son-in-law watched, Master then invited him to use my mouth through he glory hole, after a little coaxing Greg shoved his impressive hard cock in the hole for me to suck. WTF i thought as i took his hard cock in my mouth....how did i get here?? Greg was extremely excited and came quickly giving me a HUGE load to swallow, as Master bred my ass. It sounded like they had a beer as they talked about using my holes, then Master offered my ass to Greg, he said he didn't have a condom with him, Master told him my ass was guaranteed safe, to bareback and breed me. He then mounted me, i could feel his pants hitting my legs as he fucked me up the ass, then Master took his place at the glory hole and fed me his cock. They both lasted longer, eventually cumming. Once they had shot there loads they drank another beer, as if i was not even there. Then Master's cock appeared through the hole again, semi hard. i knew what was coming, Master was going to have me drink from the tap while Greg watched!!! The piss began to flow, and to make sure my son-in --law knew what was happening, he pulled from my mouth and exited the hole to show Greg he was pissing in my mouth and now on my face. Words can not describe how I felt as my son-in-law witnessed this act, and the fact that he had used not only my mouth but had bred my ass!!! i would never be able to look him in the eye again, knowing this.

Master then produced a plug and shoved it up my ass to retain both His and Greg's cum, then i heard them talking as they left, Master told Greg "Happy Fathers Day early". It all made sense now, why the box and the glory hole, it was to protect my identity so Master could share his boy with Greg. i felt confident that Master would always look out for me, that He always knew what was best. About 20 minutes later he arrived back at the barn to release me. Father's day was on Sunday and he told me to make sure him and his family got an invitation. He then told me to get in the back of the truck and drove me back to my car, i climbed out of the bed of the truck, thanked Master for letting me serve his needs then climbed into my car, naked and smelling of piss...i dressed and wondered how i would get in the house and to the shower without my wife knowing...

Next: Chapter 3

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