Ownership Taken


Published on Jul 28, 2019


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I am now owned by Master Tom. Master Tom has taken control over my life and has given me both the direction and discipline i need.

Thanks for all the feedback I have gotten, keep it coming. The response has been great.

Comments, Questions, pictures for trade, all are welcome. Email me at beltbb@yahoo.com

The following is the story of how i came to be owned by Master Tom

Key People in the Story

Master Tom: 31 years old 6'2" 220 lbs of PUR MUSCLE. In the Army and very Dominant Alpha male.

Master Brad: A Dominant Alpha male who owns several slaves. Master Brad has given me advise and direction

Greg: my 30 year old son-in-law, He and Master Tom are cousins

Ownership Taken.

My name is Jake, I am a straight married 54 year old white man with two married daughters, who has a good life, I have on occasion submitted sexually to dominate males. I was whipped with a belt OFTEN growing up, and seem to need the discipline now. I had joined a spanking hookup site and over the years have taken a lot of whippings from dominant men. I have submitted to some for years at a time. Something still seemed to be missing in my life. I have a thing it seems for CMNM (clothed man naked man) and when I am home alone I like to get naked. I have written several stories on Nifty and that is how I came to meet Master Brad. He is a very dominant young man who though our conversations i learned that he has taken ownership of his father. My boy cock was HARD the instant he told me!! I found the dynamic in His house to be one I both craved and needed, but would likely never experience. Master Brad would give me advise on my choices and my search for a Master. One day my life took a turn I never expected.

My desire to be naked at all times was strong and any time I can be naked, both inside and outdoors I do it. It feels like the way I was meant to live my life. One day I was home alone and unexpectedly my son-in-law Greg stopped by. I was buck naked and doing some chores around the house and did not hear him come in.

Greg is a very Dominant person who gives orders and expects them to be followed. He has a young son who he openly spanks bare bottom in front of others. I have always felt submissive to him on some level. On this particular day he walked in and said "WHAT THE FUCK" I turned in shock, not hearing him come in. Unfortunately he stood between me and my clothes. I mumbled some excuse and tried to get my clothes, but he stood in my way saying "No need to get dressed for me, you obviously like to be naked" as he pointed to my now hard cock. I turned a million shades of RED in shame. Not knowing what to do, and on some level knowing I had to obey him I remained naked. He seemed to enjoy my situation. I could see a tent was forming in his jeans, this seemed to make me EVEN HARDER and more embarrassed! My boy cock was now leaking pre-cum..

He then took a seat in my favorite recliner and ordered me to get him a beer, which I did. I returned with two beers and he said "Did I say to get you one?" Stunned and unsure what to do I answered "no Sir" I thought immediately WTF, where did that come from?? I went to sit down and he instructed me to stand with my hands behind my head. I complied begging him not to tell anyone. He then pulled his phone from his pocket and took a PICTURE of me BUCK NAKED and HARD!! I was mortified!! I BEGGED him to delete the picture. He said he would but wanted to keep it for a bit. I was literally trembling in fear of exposure. He made me stand there in that position while he drank both beers. It was one of the MOST embarrassing times of my life. He then stood up after finishing the beer and told me to turn around as he looked over my naked body, he then gave me a HARD slap on my naked ass as he headed for the door. He said I will see you soon as he walked out laughing.

I was in shock, but at the same time SUPER turned on. I immediately jacked off. Then got dressed. The next night we had a family grill out and Greg was there, I could not help but be embarrassed around him. I felt my cock getting hard and I was glad I was wearing tight white briefs. He made a couple of comments meant to put me on edge, which they did. I prayed he would not expose me to the family and hoped he had deleted that picture. He then mentioned that his cousin Tom wanted his basement finished and since I do that type of work on the side he arranged for us to meet. I had known Tom for years as he had come to our home many times and we had attended his wedding as well. He has 3 young children and he is in the Army. The rest of the dinner went off without a hitch and I was relieved when Greg left. We had arranged to meet at Tom's house that Saturday morning.

Unknown to me Greg and Tom were drinking one night that week and Greg told Tom how he had walked in and found me naked and how I followed his instructions and got him a beer while naked and HARD. Tom told him he was full of shit, and Greg said he could prove it. He pulled out his phone and showed Tom the picture. The both laughed and joked about the picture, making comments about Jake's sexuality and such. Tom immediately recognized the signs of a submissive slave. Greg laid his phone on the counter and they continued to drink. Greg then went to the bathroom and Tom took Greg's phone and texted the picture to himself and then deleted the text. Once Greg returned he convinced Greg to delete the picture, since if it were discovered it would cause him a great deal of grief. He agreed and deleted the picture. Tom had plans for the picture. He had owned a couple of boys in the past and missed the service of a good fag. He saw this as his chance to own one close by.

Tom later called Greg and told him there was no need for him to come Saturday morning since he knew his father-in --law. Greg said that worked out, since he now had to work anyway. Saturday morning came quickly and Jake arrived at Tom's house. Totally unaware of how his life would change in the next hour. Jake was surprised that Greg was not there, but he approached the door and knocked. Tom met him at the door wearing a tight T-shirt and a pair of shorts. Tom let him in and led him to the basement, offered him a drink and made some small talk. Then seemingly out of no where Tom said "Strip naked" Jake was shocked by the comment and said "Excuse me" Tom then said "you heard me Fag, STRIP" with a VERY direct and DOMINANT tone. I could feel my face turn RED with embarrassment as my mind raced, could Greg have told him about finding me I thought, then I decided to play dumb. "I'm not sure what you are thinking, but I'm not stripping, and have no idea why you would ask" Tom simply pulled out his phone and produced the picture of me NAKED and HARD handing Greg a beer. "If you do not want me to send this picture to your wife and daughter I suggest you STRIP NAKED NOW!" he said with such authority and domination I felt like I had no choice but to comply.

His eyes seemed to pierce my soul as he watched me strip naked, red from humiliation, yet ROCK HARD. He wasted no time commenting on my hard cock. "I see you get off being NAKED in front of a REAL man, that's good because you will be NAKED in my presence any time we are alone boy." I thought how did I get here??? How was I going to make this go away and what did he intend to do. I did not have to wait long . He said "On your knees boy" as he approached me unbuckling his belt and pulling down his zipper. "PLEASE Don't do this" I begged. He ignored my pleas as he presented a VERY thick 8" cock to be sucked. As he stood in front of me with his VERY HARD cock in my face, he slapped my face a few times with his big cock, then gave the order I was afraid of "open your mouth bitch" Fearing I had no choice I opened my mouth and his magnificent cock entered my mouth. The sheer size and thickness made it difficult to handle and at the time I thought there was NO WAY I could take it all. But I would later discover that Master Tom would use my holes COMPLETELY.

As I began to suck his cock Tom began to lay out my life of service to him. How I was now his owned slave and would do what ever he told me to. Master Tom then proceeded to tell me that he had no intention of exposing me to my family as long as I followed every order without question. I felt I had no choice, but on a deeper level I knew it was where I belonged. I continued to do my best to service his HUGE cock, but it was to much for me. I repeatedly gagged. Master seemed to take pleasure in that, as he became even more aggressive using my mouth. Just before he came in my mouth, my boy dick spewed its load onto the concrete floor. He then dumped what seemed like an ENDLESS load of seed into my mouth. I did my best to swallow every drop.

Master Tom liked the idea that I got off servicing him, but he made me bend down and lick my load from the floor. It was a NEW LOW for me, never having been instructed to do anything like this before. When I finished I some how hoped it was over, but I was wrong. Master Tom still dressed with his HUGE cock hanging out of his shorts proceeded to tell me how I would serve him, when ever and where ever he wanted. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. And that if he texted me I should stop what ever I as doing and report to him. My mind was REALING from the sudden changes in my life, I was freaked out and afraid that my secret would be revealed, and yet on some level excited to be owned and wanted by such a Dominant Alpha. He then told me to stand, which I did and he then walked around me slowly, inspecting his new property. He then told me to bend over and spread my legs, which I did. I was HUMILIATING since I knew my boy hole and balls were completely exposed. He then ran his fingers down the crack of my ass. I was SO TURNED on by his touch my boy cock was once again hard. Master then told me to stand and grabbed me by the back of the neck and led me to the old couch that was in the basement. He then pushed me over the back of the couch, a position I have been in many times before. I sensed I was in for a hard ass whipping. I then heard the unmistakable sound of a belt being pulled from his pants. I did not have to wait long as he said "When I take a boy's ass for the first time, I like it to be CHERRY RED, and yours will be soon." As the first lick of his belt kissed my naked ass. He was not playing around, the licks were VERY hard from the start. He whipped my ass VERY HARD and I was sobbing and in tears when he laid the belt across the back of my neck. I then felt his VERY HARD cock at my hole. I asked him "are you going to wear a condom Sir? I don't bareback" His response was quick an non negotiable "I OWN YOUR ASS and I will ALWAYS breed your ass" as he shoved the head of his huge cock into my TIGHT hole.

As I lay over the back of the couch still crying from the whipping, and in pain from the penetration of his THICK cock head I begged him to take it out. "BOY my dick aint coming out of your ass till I have both buried all 8 thick inches and dumped my load" as he began to plow my ass with a force I was unfamiliar with. He pounded my red welted ass for over 40 minutes (since he had cum once he had amazing staying power) before my boy ass was bred for the first time. I simply cried as I felt his seed pump into my tight hole. After shooting his load up my ass, he lay on my back as he came down from his sexual high. Then he pulled his cock from my battered hole and instructed me to get on my knees. As I did he placed his belt around my neck and proceeded to pull my face to his spent cock. "Clean my cock fag" I know there was a HUGE look of disbelief on my face as he pulled it to his slimy cock. Having no choice I opened my mouth and cleaned his cock. During the session he had removed his pants and he was now naked from the waist down. He had gone commando.

After I had sufficiently cleaned his HUGE cock he pulled his shorts back on and put his belt back though the loops of his pants. He then proceeded to walk me around the basement telling me the work he wanted done, while I as still BUCK NAKED!!! Before leaving he again put me on my knees and placed the head of his cock in my mouth, he instructed me to close my lips around it but not to suck. I was confused until the stream of his piss began to flow. I knew what was expected and began to swallow. Feeling I had hit a new low. The taste was not nearly as bad as I expected and Master Tom told me I would drink from his tap often.

He then instructed me to give him my phone and to unlock it, which I did. He then changed the password to my email account, giving him control over who I talked to. Then he added a location app so he would always know where I was. I was then dismissed and told I was on call 24/7

I was told to dress in the garage, and was STUNNED when I discovered the garage door was open. I quickly dressed and left. Knowing my life had forever changed.

Comments welcome. jake

Next: Chapter 2

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