Owned by my stepbrothers feet

By moc.duolci@6381yytrohs

Published on Mar 9, 2019



My mom and step dad have been together for 6years now. For the last 6 years it has just been the 3 of us in our small 2 bedroom house. My mom works long hours and often has to travel outside of town on business, sometimes for weeks at a time. My stepdad however is home every evening around 6 o clock, being a blue collar man working in a big factory.

My story begins when I was 16. My stepdad had a son who lived in Chicago with his mother, about 2 and a half hours north from the town we live in. His mom had run into some issues, and couldn't afford to house her 18 year old son anymore. Of course he was old enough to find his own place, but for some reason my stepbrother was too concerned about writing rhymes than he was with finding himself an actual job. My stepdad bought him a train ticket and brought him to live with us. I had only met him about 2 times, once on Christmas and another when we took a trip up there and visited with him for a couple days.

Everybody called him J, and he was very sexy. Mixed perfectly with black and white, he had a light skin tone but not pale. His hair was black and cut short and clean looking. He was about 5 foot 7 and had size 12 feet.

J and I got along really well, I helped him settle in and was very cool with sharing my room (even though I wasn't happy about it, I didn't want to come across as a dick so I pretended it was all good). I've always been somewhat of a people pleaser, especially when it came to men.

Men. My biggest fear and yet my greatest attraction. How can I come out? Do I even like women just a little bit maybe? So much confusion came to mind when I thought about it, so I tried to not think about it. J made that very hard to do. He's so sexy, and so masculine. I catch myself staring at him often, I hope he doesn't notice.

J got settled in very quick, and made friends even quicker. J was not book smart, he dropped out of school his sophomore year. His report card was a nightmare, and he never gave a shit. J was more occupied with rapping, even though we all knew he would never make it anywhere. He was a total dude too. I've always showered every day, kept my hair real nice and always changed my socks and underwear. J on the other hand hasn't showered yet and he's been here almost 2 weeks now. And his socks almost made me sick when I got home from school yesterday. He was playing my Xbox with his nasty feet propped up on his bed and when I walked in I had no idea it would smell so strong, and was knocked in the face with it. He could tell I was taken by surprise, and he laughed his ass off at me. Between laughs he said "it's pretty strong when your not used to it. My mom used to make me leave my socks outside, we had a fag neighbor who would wash them for me and put them in my mailbox all fresh and nice smelling. I'm not really used to doing laundry, and I only own about 5 pairs of socks." He said, with a sexy smirk at the end of his sentence.

"5 pairs of socks, in 2 weeks? No wonder. Hey, maybe I can help you out....here I'll do your wash for you." I offered, walking over to his hamper and picking it up. He stared at me in awe, with a look on his face like he was star struck. As I started toward the door with his hamper he cleared his throat, and I turned to him. "Take these socks with you too" he said, clicking his feet together like Dorothy from Oz. I felt my dick tingle, as I stared at him, his filthy socks, and his cocky smirk that made me feel a rush of mixed emotions and excitement. I walked up and peeled the socks off, first the right foot then the left.

He wiggles his toes and turned his attention back to his game. As I walked down the hallway I got to thinking about how cocky and demanding he was. And I listened! What the fuck. And now I have a raging boner. I know I like men but this is something much different than just liking the same sex.

The rest of the day continued to go like any other day. When I brought J his hamper back, full of unfolded clean clothes, he paused his game and turned to me "well we can't have them all wrinkled, why don't you fold them up". He wasn't rude, but he wasn't exactly asking either. My ego was stunned, but my body responded by grabbing a shirt and folding it. "Yeah, I can do that for you. I don't mind." He winked at me and responded "I appreciate it bro. Hey, by the way, my feet are starting to make me feel a little queasy. Losing those socks helped, but the skin still stinks. Can you get a wash rag and clean them up for me, after you finish with my laundry?" He seemed amused.

"Sure J, I can do that for you." What the fuck I thought. Who has the confidence to ask somebody to wash their feet for them?? Just then I looked down, and wondered who gets a boner by being asked to wash dirty man feet. Of course, my dick was rock hard.

I folded the clothes, washed his feet which smelled even worse up close. He kept wiggling his toes and for some reason it was making me insanely horny.

That night when we went to bed I caught J jacking off. He looked so hot, beating his meat so fast. I couldn't help but watch, and after a few moments I didn't realize but I was completely spaced out staring at him. I came to when he looked over, made eye contact with me, and flashed his cocky smirk right at me. I was stunned, and very quickly shut my eyes and didn't open them again.

Fuck fuck fuck!! Now J is gonna know! We made eye contact! Quick, make something up. I kept panicking in my head until I eventually passed out.

The next day was Saturday, and J was out with his friends. I spent the morning googling foot fetishes and gay shit like that on my desktop computer. After skimming through countless blogs and short foot domination stories, I learned something about myself. I am a total foot freak when it comes to big manly feet. Then I started to think about everything. J said something about a faggot liking his gross socks back in Chicago, could it be that he knows my secret? Before I even knew it? Wow. Or maybe I'm just reading too far into it. Surely he wouldn't want to do that with his step brother? I decided it was my imagination, and that he just genuinely doesn't know how to work a wash machine.

Another week past, and I was doing J's laundry again. He told me that Saturday's are gonna be my "laundry day" for him. He had been out all day, and I decide I should clean up his side of the room while he was away. I threw his garbage away, got all his clothes gathered up, dusted the tv and Xbox. I even made his bed and sprayed it with fabric refresher spray. I don't know why, but I really wanted him to be pleased with me.

He came home, hopped on his bed with his shoes still on, and switched on his tv. He was watching South Park when I came in to put his clothes up.

"It looks like you cleaned up in here" he said, with that cocky grin.

"Yeah, I got bored and didn't have much else to do. I'm glad you noticed." He just kept watching his show, without a "thank you" or "it looks nice" or anything. As I put the last of his clothes in his dresser, he didn't even turn away from the tv and said "take my shoes off bro" my dick stirred, and I took his athletic shoes off. He flexed his toes and wiggles them, in his dirty white socks.

"My feet are killing me. I mowed the neighbors grass to earn some money today, and I've been all around town with my friends. Rub them for me bro" he said.

I sat down on his bed and started to rub his socked feet.

"Your actually blocking the tv, kneel on the floor and do it" he said nonchalantly. I was hard as a rock, and finally decided to try and defy him.

"I have some homework to get done before Monday J." I said.

"Don't pretend like you don't wanna dive down there and make love to my hot stinky feet, you little faggot" I just about came in my pants hearing him say that. My dick was star struck, my mind was stunned, and my ego just took a big blow. Waves of emotion washed over me, and I felt like I was high as a kite. After about 5 minutes of being stunned and completely blown away, I managed to say "w-wh-wha-a-t?"

I was still sitting on his bed, and he pressed his foot up against my hard dick. "You left your little fag research on the computer. When I got on to game with my friends I saw your foot fetish shit. You Little freak. Lucky for you, I love having a faggot under my feet. But being my foot fag isn't gonna be a walk in the park faggot, you've got a lot of work to do to kee me happy" he said. I was so stunned, just staring at him.

And then, without a seconds warning, I got slapped across the face really hard. If my stepdad and mom were home I'm sure they would have heard it. "Get the fuck off my fucking bed, stupid ass! I said knees on the fucking floor and get to work on my feet, and you better do it. Before I get tired of waiting and fuck you up" he said, looking very serious and scary. I was intimidated more than I have ever been in my life, and I instantly hopped down and got on my knees. The height of his bed had me at face level with his feet, me being on my knees. I rubbed them, they were only 3 inches away from my face. When he wiggles his toes the big toes scraped against my nose, making me want to bust and vomit all at once. This man is turning me on like no other, but he is also making me gag with his nasty socks and funky feet.

Time seemed to stand still, as my thumbs started hurting from massage non stop so long. The sun had went down, and I heard my stepdad come in from work. Fuck it's already 630, I've been down here at least 2 hours now.

Just as I was lost in thought, his sole smacked into my face and he told me to "get the fuck up now, you did a good job. We're gonna work on you gagging tho, it's hot, but I can't have my little foot boy gagging while he's worshipping me. We're gonna have to go through some scent training. Now that your done with you homo-work, get to your homework faggot. Wait a second" he said, reaching down and grabbing his gross socks. "Open" he said as he grabbed my by the chin, holding my face in his hand. He shoved his socks in my mouth and smacked me gently in the face a couple times "now put some tape over that so I know you aren't trying to spit it out. And then get to your homework" he said with a chuckle.

As I say at my desk and started in on my history essay, I couldn't keep my mind off of the taste of his sweat. These socks are gross!! But I wouldn't dare disobey my new master, whatever makes him happy I thought. After a couple of hours of writing I heard my cocky stepbrother say "better than any gum you've ever had, huh foot boy?" I turned around and murmured "mmm-mmm mmmm" nodding my head yes. He smiled and said "I think that my socks need to go through a pre-wash from now on. They get pretty gross, I don't think the washer alone is cleaning them enough for me. So we're gonna start having fag boy wash them in his mouth for a few hours before putting them in the machine, got it boy?" He looked so amused and sexy, he knew he had me wrapped around his toe. I was not excited to hear about this tho, I hated these socks in my mouth. Now I have to chew on EVERY single pair that ever comes off of his foot from now on, omg. My stomach turned as I realized what this meant. My mouth better get used to it, I'm gonna be tasting his socks daily now. I was brought back to reality from my thoughts when he said "got it, bitch?!" In a dangerously impatient tone. I nodded my head yes very quickly, scared he was gonna hurt me.

That night he didn't let me take them out for bed, he said they needed the extra wash and should stay in there longer. How humiliating. My mouth being used as a wash machine for a stinky mans dirty socks.

The next mornin I woke up to my stepbrother smirking at me. He was beating off and staring at me, a very amused look on his face. I knew that face meant one thing: nothing good at all.

"How did you sleep faggot? Get those fucking socks out of your mouth too, you sick fuck" I ripped the tape off and spit them out, and replied to him.

He was smiling so big, and I wished he would just tell me why so I could stop feeling so anxious. "Why don't you beat off with me, foot boy? You can look at these feet" he said, raisin a foot in the air and wiggling his toes. My dick twitched, and something felt different.

Almost like there was something in my underwear with my dick. I reached down and pulled down my underwear, reaching for my dick. It was cold and hard, definitely not my dick. The look of curiosity on my face sent my master into hysterics, a non stop fit of laughter. I pulled the blanket out of my line of sight and looked down, horrified by what I saw. A metal cage, keeping my dick trapper inside, with a padlock keeping it locked in place. I instantly wanted to scream, looking at J with pleading eyes.

After finally settling down with intense laughter, master J gained his composure and let me in on his new surprise for me "one thing about faggots, they don't get to cum. If we let faggots cum, they wouldn't be horned up and ready to serve with eagerness. Not only that, but it makes faggots lazy too. You should spend your time worried about serving me and doing any and everything you can to make my day just a little bit better. You can't do that if you sitting on the computer looking up foot porn, you dirty little faggot. So I had to lock you up. Your a sexual deviant, and men like me have an obligation to make sure you stay in your place. Now lick my fucking clammy ass feet, you sick fuck. While I beat off. Your gonna be watching me bear off a lot more often fag. Get to these feet" he said.

My dick strained against the bars of my cage. It hurt but I was so horned up I just felt good knowing I was following J's order. I hopped up and kneeled on the floor, licking his rank feet. They were dirty, and as if he read my mind J said "yeah I had to meet a friend to get your new outfit, and I didn't feel like putting on shoes and socks. I walked over to Biltmore Avenue, about 5 blocks away, and back with no shoes on. A little treat for my baby brother. Thank me, you fucking sicko" he said, wiggling his black toes. I thanked him and kept licking. "Oh, your new outfit cost you $80 too. I took it out of your sock drawer. And I took the rest for myself, I needed some more bud. Do you have any more money, faggot?"

I had been saving that money for the last 7 months, I had 300$ saved up. Now it was his. I was so horny, and happy to make him happy, but at the same time I was hurt and wanted my money back. What could I do, J has turned me into his foot fag. There's nothing to do but obey and try to keep him happy.

"No sir" I replied, my mouth full of dirty toes. "Well, anytime you get ANY kind of money, it goes directly to me. Got it faggot? If you don't I swear to fuck I will kick your ass." He said, wiggling his toes in my face.

I was so embarrassed. But I loved it. "Um, Sir. May I ask, when will you take this thing off and let me cum, Sir" I asked, nervous at what his answer would be.

"Take it off?" He started laughing hysterically. "I didn't buy the key stupid faggot. I just bought the cage and the lock, the dude I bought it off of said he lost the key a while ago." He laughed and wiggles his toes. I was hit with a rush of horror, and I so desperately hoped and prayed that he was lying or just trying to scare me. I remember how amazing it felt to bust a nut, and now grimly thought about how I'd never feel that release again.

Why would he lock it on if he knew there was no key?? What the fuck dude, how am I going to live the r est of my life in this fucking thing? The more I thought about it, the more I started to get restless and pissed off. Here he is, laughing and teasing me with his sexy ass feet, knowing god damn well he just locked my dick FOREVER! I finally snapped

"WHY THE FCK WOULD YOU DO THAT???? THIS ISNT FUCKIN FUNNY DUDE, THIS IS PERMANENT!! I KNOW ITS ALL A BIG JOKE TO YOU BUT I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THIS!! YOU FUCKINNG PSYCHO, YOUVE GOT TO FIND A WAY TO TAKE IT OFF!!" I snapped, pushing his nasty fuckin feet out of my face. I was so full of anxiety and emotion that I was shaking.

He stared at me for a second as if he was staring at a cheesecake he was about to eat. Then, suddenly he jumped off the bed and was on top of me. He punched me repeatedly, then he grabbed me and put my on my stomach. He started to hog tie me, starting at my ankles. "I'll fucking show you, you disrespectful little fucking faggot. I can't wait bitch, I'm gonna make you scream and beg, just you wait." He was saying, as he was tying me up with shoe strings.

Once he got me tied up, he smacked my bare ass really hard, I jumped. Then he went behind me and kicked me right in my balls. I screamed as loud as I ever have in my life. He took the opportunity to shove a nasty sock in my mouth as I was screaming, and taped it shut. I was completely defeated, bound, gagged, helpless. And he had every reason to want to punish and torture me at this very moment. I was terrified, and of course slightly aroused.

"You need to learn some respect, you fucking pig! And I'm gonna teach you." As he said this, he was licking his fingers and in one quick move shoved all 4 fingers right into my virgin asshole. I've never even touched my asshole, let alone had anything up inside of it. It hurt, and I did not like it. I wiggles and writhed around, but it did no good. He pumped hard and very fast. After a moment it almost felt kinda good, but I did not like it. He just kept going. As he pulled his fingers out after a few minutes, he smacked my balls really hard. It made a loud slap and I felt like I was going to pass out.

I wasn't sure what he was planning on doing next, and was very nervous. He walked in front of me and pulled down his pants, and I really got nervous.

He lifted my head up and laid down on his stomach, then dropped my head. It fell right into his ass crack. I couldn't turn away, and I couldn't move. I heard the Xbox turning on, and had a feelin I was gonna be here in his musky ass for a while.

It fucking stunk. Really bad. This dude rarely showers, and he shits at least once a day. I felt like I was going to die, and not being able to breathe out of my mouth made it so much worse. Every breathe I took was from my nose, and came straight from his bare ass hole. After a while passed, I heard his stomach grumble and got nervous. "Uh-oh faggot, I had one of those burritos this morning that your mom made. Haha, poor little bitch. I bet you'll think twice before back talking me again. Got lucky I didn't break your fucking nose, disrespectful little fuck. I should make you eat my shit! I bet you'd like that, you twisted fuck. If I ever hear you talk to me in that tone again I'll make you eat my shit for a whole fucking month. If you ask me, I'm letting you off very easy with this punishment. Now keep smelling, you fcking faggot."

As I kept breathing in the sickening smell, I couldn't help but think "how can I avoid having to be in the predicament in the future" and thought about how I should have known better than to snap on J. I started to legitimately feel bad, and wanted so bad to apologize to him and grovel, begging him to forgive me. Just as I was lost in thought I got hit with a hot blast of air, shouting straight into my face. It was loud, and made me jump. Master J started cracking up, laughing hysterically. He was laughing so hard that another one slipped out, and I was stuck sucking it up through my nose.

"Eww, that shit stanks faggot. Bet your wishing you never disrespected me, huh faggot?" He laughed. He raised his butt up a little bit, then let out another fart. This one went straight into my nose, as I was breathing in when it came out. I gagged and my master laughed. "I know you love it, sick faggot. Cooking `em up, just for you" He laughed.

He knew I hated every minute of t. But it's a punishment, so of course it's something I don't like.

I can't believe how long I've been stuck down here. It felt like a couple days at this point, I couldn't believe it. I was starting to think he would never untie me. I had a really panic attacks, and he could tell I was panicking. He would just say "aww, poor faggot getting anxious down there? Here" poot "there's a kiss for you. Kisses always make ya feel better" he'd say then laugh. At some point he got up and heated up a few more burritos, it looked like the sun was going down. I remembered this all started around 10 am, and if the sun is going down then it has to be around 6 at least. How long was he gonna keep this up? He returned with a bowl of oatmeal, no flavor or sugar. Just oats and water. He ripped my gag off, and took his funky socks out. He then spoon fed me bite by bite the nasty oatmeal. When I finished, he took the socks he hanged me with, scooped up the leftover oatmeal in the bowl, then shoved it back in my mouth. I was taped shut again and he laid back down, biting into his burrito and watching some tv. My face was in his ass for so long, I thought he would never release me.

After hours and hours, I knew he had to let me out soon. There's no way he could get by with keeping me like this forever. Then, as I was trying to keep my mind distracted with thoughts of school and friends, I heard a sound that made my heart drop. He fucking fell asleep! I'm stuck here, smelling gross ass, and this mother fucker fell asleep. I guess I was gonna be stuck here.

To make thins worse, his burrito was kicking in. PRRRTTTTTT his ass busted out, right in my face. Something about him being asleep and farting in my face sounded hot in fantasy, but there was nothing hot or sexy about bein in this situation. My face was hot, it smelled like the nastiest thing I've ever smelt in my whole fucking life, and this mf just keeps on farting, right in my damn face. I hated myself for getting myself into this situation, and vowed to never again disobey or disrespect my man again.

Although I was in disbelief that J did this to me, I appreciated him for taking time out of his day to teach me a lesson. It's so fucked up, but I learned my lesson. I can't wait to be out of here so I can please him, he deserves a good slave and I was gonna be one.

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