Owned by a Little Dick

By David Gaingridge

Published on Aug 19, 2015


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction. It contains sexual acts between males. There are scenes of humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations.

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After my little tryst with Mikey I laid down for a quick nap back at the hotel. I awoke shortly after 8pm. I must've been more tired than I thought. Or maybe my "workout" really did me in.

I checked me phone and saw that I got a text message from that hunky bartender that read: "Hey this is Ryan. How was the rest of your night? If you come back I'll buy you a shot...but maybe don't bring your friend haha."

I smiled at his cute text and replied. I guess my assumptions about him were correct.

My growling stomach brought me back to reality. God, I'm starving! Did I really burn those many calories today?!

I ordered room service and as I got it I heard my phone vibrate on the bed. I tore into my food as I checked my phone. I was expecting a reply from Ryan when (low and behold!) it was from Jakey. It read: "This is Jake. Need to talk."

I finished my dinner and checked my other messages -- hey I didn't want to seem too eager to text him. After a while I just texted about: "about?"

He immediately replied: "you free?"

"No." I waited a bit longer and then when I didn't get a reply I texted: "I'm working out tomorrow morning at 8...meet me then."

And then I yawned and I fell asleep almost immediately after that. Some people count sheep to get tired I dreamed of Mikey and Jakey -- maybe I should get those two together!

The next morning I awoke around 7:30. I checked my phone -- just one message from Ryan which I happily replied to. I washed my face after that and grabbed my workout gear. This should be an interesting morning I thought to myself.

There was no sign of Jakey in the lobby so I went down to the change rooms. Mmm, nothing quite like a change room to get you in the spirit! But even there I didn't see Jakey. I texted him asking where he was as I began changing. I hadn't heard from him at all so I just said fuck it and began my workout.

About halfway through my workout I can feel eyes on the back of me. I turn and do a fake cough and see this hot, muscular guy waiting to do his bench presses which I'm currently just about to start. He had the clearest mocha coloured skin I had ever seen! God he looked delicious! I motion for him to come over and as he does I realize that this was my old high school gym teacher. God, what a physique on him! He was 6'4, 190lbs of pure muscle, late 30s, crew cut, and a prominent package (even though he wore a jock it was still noticeable!) I hated this man for not doing anything about Mikey and Jakey and their other band of asshats. He just gave me the usual "boys will be boys" speech and told me that "it gives you a tougher skin and builds character". I want my revenge on him as well so I ask if he'll spot me. He agrees and says he'll do it if I'll spot him.

"Dan," he says holding out his hand. No wedding band on it -- this could be fun.

"Mark," I reply shaking it.

I lay down on the bench and begin. I can't help but be distracted by what's under his shorts. I look up and see a white jockstrap that contrasts so well with his skin and shorts. I breathe in his scent: it's the perfect mixture of pure man and soap. God, I wanna fuck his tight ass right here! I can't get too distracted so I quickly finish up and he lays down.

I stand a little closer and let him look up my shorts if he wants to. I noticed that he actually does look up and then his package jumps a little. He wavered a little bit with the weight so I help him with it allowing me to thrust my package closer to his face.

Just when I was about to move away I heard him breathe in and smell my delicious scent. I looked down and again his package (more prominent now) seemed to jump a little.

Dan finished up and we went our separate ways. I realized we were both at the same point in our workouts so I made it a habit to keep an eye on him so that we could go down to the locker room together.

We finished at the exact same time (imagine that!). I didn't want to make it look like I was stalking him so I grabbed my water bottle and topped it up before following into the locker room.

Thankfully it wasn't too busy right now as everyone was just heading off to work. It was also a nice coincidence that his locker was just a few down from mine.

He was leaning over into his locker getting out his towel as I came into the locker room. I smacked his butt and said hey. He turned and gave me a smile. We just bullshitted for the next few minutes talking about this and that. As we did we were slowly taking off our clothes. It was almost like a strip tease. He'd take off an article of clothing then I would then he would then I would.

Finally we were both down to our jocks. He turned around and slid his off and I did the same (but not before checking out his tight ass!). His glutes were so defined I could bounce quarters off them for days! And run my tongue over them even longer!

He wrapped his towel around his waist while I just slung mine over my shoulder. Hey if you wanna look go right ahead! I'm not ashamed anymore! He turned back around and there was definitely a tent forming from his hardening dick! Oh happy day! He's another Mikey and Jakey! He might just not realize it or accept it yet. But that'll comeÉin time. Just like a few other things will cum in time.

I decided to take this one slow. I could tell he longed for my cock, but I knew I could drag this out for all it was worth. I slowly teased my cock a little bit since we were the only ones in the communal shower and "accidentally" dropped the soap so I slowly bent down and picked it up. I turned my head a little bit and as I did I could tell Dan was trying to keep his growing erection under control. I just smirked a little and finished cleaning up.

I grabbed my towel and left the shower and, coincidentally, Dan left the same time I did! As we were getting dressed I turn to him and told him I was working out tomorrow at the same time if he wanted to work out together. He agreed and then I left.

My plan was set. In 24 hours I would be getting revenge on my hot gym coach from high school.

I checked my phone after leaving the gym and had gotten another text from Jakey.

Jakey: "Can you come over?"

Me: "What is it..?"

Jakey: "Need to talk."

Me: "This better be important. Don't waste my time." I paused and then added "don't wear any underwear."

I didn't get a reply from Jakey so I quickly headed over. If he wanted something he would have to listen to me since I held the power.

When I got to Jake's shop I was the only vehicle in the lot other than Jakey's. I hopped out of the car and went inside to where I assumed Jake was. I opened the door and he was standing behind the table looking at a few papers.

"Oh hi, Rich, I was justÉ" Jakey started to say. I just ignored him and went behind the table and stuck my hand down his pants. Immediately I could feel another fabric other than his grease-stained pants. Jakey jumped when I did that.

"What the hell are these?" I snarled as I pulled the elastic waistband of his boxers away from his body and let it snap back.

"My, uh, boxers. I, uhÉ"

"Did I or did I not tell you not to wear any underwear?" Jake nodded his head clearly taken aback by my level of authority since I didn't have that in high school. "Then why are you wearing these?"

"I, um, I thought you were joking," Jakey stated.

"Does it look like I'm joking? You really haven't gotten any smarter since high school have you?" Jakey just looked down in shame.

I tugged Jakey's pants down a little so I could see his boxers then grabbed a pair of scissors Jakey had laying on the worktable and began cutting the underwear fabric. I pushed Jakey's pants down to the ground. Jakey didn't dare anything since he knew I would probably slap him like I did earlier. When I was done with my handiwork his cock sprung free and was semi-hard.

"Oh, someone's happy to see me," I mocked Jakey. I gave it a little tug and it grew even more.

Jakey still needed to be punished and this was not punishment for him. I let go of Jakey's clit and sat down on the chair that was just by the table. I motioned for him to come over and when he did I told him to lay over my body and that he was going to be punished. His pelvis was resting on my knees and I could feel the boner he had.

"Jakey you need to be punished because you never got back to me twice and you didn't follow orders with your underwear. I don't like people who waste my time. Are you one of those people?"

Jakey just mumble out something so I told him to speak up. "No, sir, sorry."

"Good, boy. I don't want to punish you, but you need this. I gave him three firm smacks on his firm buttocks. With each smack I could feel his hard cock press up against my legs. I gave him one more smack just to let him know that I don't put up with bullshit.

Jakey quickly got up and hung his head in shame. No sooner had he gotten up then I noticed his cock was starting to leak pre-cum. I smirk quickly spread across my face. Someone clearly enjoyed being spanked! I looked down at my leg and, sure enough, there was a little bit of cock slime on my pants.

"Jakey, what the hell is this?" I said pointing at my leg.

Again Jakey mumbled something so I told him to speak up and gave his ass a smack for emphasis.

"It's my pre-cum, sir," Jakey said clearly very embarrassed.

"And why the hell is it on my pants? Do you like getting spanked?"

I could tell Jakey was thinking about the answer. I don't know why some boys have such a hard time admitting they have certain fetishes. I don't really care I just want to know for my own sake so I know what they like.

"I guess I doÉI'm not really sure."

And there it was Jakey finally admitting that he liked being dominated by someone else. There's just something about seeing your old bully with a hardon, leaking precum, with your hand prints on his ass that's just so satisfying.

"Well if you can't control it I'll have to do something about it. In the meantime, I'm not going out with cum on my pants. I'm not some whore you picked up from the cheerleading squad. Go on, lick it up." With much more enthusiasm than yesterday Jakey got down on his knees and began licking up his own precum. "Good boy," I cooed as I ran my fingers through his hair.

After about seven minutes I told him to get up and then asked what he needed to talk to about.

"I got another notice that my child support is due so I was wonderingÉ" Jakey said

"If I could write you another cheque?" I finished his statement for him. Jakey just nodded his head. "How much?" I asked pulling out my cheque book. Jakey rattled off a number which I wrote down then handed him the cheque.

"Thank you," Jakey said with a weak smile. I could tell he was embarrassed asking for money. I guess he was still a bit of a man since he wanted to ask me in person and not over the phone.

"You're not off the hook just yet, Jakey. I've got something planned for youÉ"

However, that plan had to wait. First, I had to get Dan in my debt.

I was deliberately late the next morning since I knew Dan would be waiting like any good dog. Sure enough he was waiting in the change room on his phone when I got to the locker room.

"Hey, I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show up," Dan stated.

"I slept through my alarm," I lied. In fact, I had just sat in my car for the past ten minutes texting Ryan, but he didn't need to know that.

I quickly shed my clothes and changed into my workout gear. The whole time I felt Dan's eyes looking all over my body. God this was gonna be easy.

When we hit the bench press I added more weight than last time. While I was ready for this I could tell Dan was a little apprehensive. He told me that he had never tried to bench this much. I joking told him to `man up' as he told me to so many years ago.

I went first and easily did the exercise then Dan lay down on the bench and started pushing the barbell up. I could tell he was struggling by the way he was groaning and sweating. I moved so that my junk was more visible when he looked up. Sure enough, as soon as I did that his mind only thought of one thing and he dropped the weight against his broad chest paralyzing him in that state. I bent down to help him with the weight and as I did my dick grazed his head.

"Bro, you need some help?" I asked knowing full well he did.

He just groaned with the heavy weight pushing against his chest. He nodded his head and I lifted the weight off of him. He continued laying down on the seat trying to catch his breath.

"C'mon man, let's get out of here. I can give you a massage back at my place to help with that," I said shoving my dick in his face again. He unconsciously licked his lips and agreed. I helped him up, grabbed our stuff from the lockers, and then told him to come to my hotel room.

He was riding my bumper the entire road over in anticipationÉlittle did he know he would not be riding my bumper at allÉ

"Nice place you got here," Dan said as he stepped inside my hotel room.

"So you like cock?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"What? Man, I don'tÉ"

"I saw you staring at my dick. It's cool just tell me."

Dan just stammered a little and said, "yeah I guess. But I'm discreet. Gotta keep this on the down low. I'm a gym teacher and if this ever got outÉ"

"If it got out you wouldn't tell someone to grow a pair or that being outed builds character," I snapped as I finished his thought.

"No man. Besides I'm not gay."

"You just like sucking dick." I said pulling on my own package. I could tell Dan was mesmerised by what was under my shorts. "Then get over here and suck me."

Dan looked like he was in a trance. He slowly came towards me with his hard dick leading the way inside his gym shorts.

"Get on your knees," I ordered him. He did as he was told and then waited for the next set of instructions. "Go on, take my hard dick out. I know you want it." Danny quickly obliged and pulled my shorts allowing my dick to spring free. He licked his lips and dove into my cock as if it were his last meal. I grabbed his head and pulled him off. "Did I fucking tell you to lick it yet, you dirty cocksucker?" He looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes and then looked down in shame. This guy was a born to have a master.

"Ok, go on. Suck it," I punctuated the last two words with the shake of my cock.

With the same enthusiasm he lunged for my cock and lapped at it like a kid with a lollipop. It was obvious that Danny had sucked cock before because he had great technique. He knew exactly when to speed up, when to make the `humming' sound, when to apply more suction, and when to lick my balls.

I looked down and saw that he was jacking his dick off through his shorts.

Ok so he's a little pup that was born to serve a master he just needs some help.

"Get up," I barked. He quickly complied, but I could tell he was disappointed he wasn't sucking my cock. "Get on the bed. Lay on your stomach." The way he practically ran to the bed and jumped on it made me believe that he had been fucked before and was a 100% bottom boy. Ok, so he might not be a virgin but I do appreciate a guy with skills.

I followed him over to the bed and practically tore off his shorts and underwear. He had a perfect bubble butt with just a light dusting of hair between the cheeks. The sweat was clinging to the hair and gave his ass a very manly aroma. Without me even having to tell him he pulled his cheeks apart and winked his tight pussy at me. I ran my hand over the firm muscles of his ass and gave it a couple of smacks. He jumped a little, but the whole time he was pushing his ass back in my face and flexing his hole for me.

I reached into my bag that was beside the bed and pulled out a nice glass dildo. I figured when I was packing to come home I'd probably hook up with some guy and god knows I love fucking a sweet ass with my dick or a dildo. I ran the dildo between his crack which made him moan in reply.

"Yeah, you want this fucking cock? You want it fucking your tight hole?"

"Oh god yeah, fuck meÉ" Danny groaned.

I spit on the dildo and eased it into Danny's all-to-welcoming orifice. I could feel Danny's ass muscles practically sucking it all the way to the end. He finally let out a guttural moan when I pushed the last inch inside his ass.

I stood back and admired my handiwork. There's just something about seeing a hot muscular guy naked on all fours with a hard dick between his legs and a mighty dildo shoved up his shitter. He looked back to see what I was doing and the look in his eyes told me that he was in total ecstasy.

I moved around to the other side of the bed and allowed Danny to continue sucking me off.

"If you want to get off you fuck yourself with the dildo. Don't jack your cock, got it?" I told Danny. He just moaned for an answer and immediately grabbed onto the dildo and began fucking himself on it. I loved seeing a guy getting himself off with a big dildo without even touching his throbbing dick.

I could also tell Danny was a total bottom by the way he was quickly thrusting the dildo in and out of his ass. He never complained about the size of it. He just kept moaning around my throbbing cock that was almost ready to blow. He also backed himself up on the dick to match the thrusts he was giving himself. God, it was so hot to see a bottom bitch in his natural element.

Danny looked up at me and gave me a look with his eyes that asked if he could cum now. I stared deep into them and nodded my head because at that same moment I couldn't hold back my orgasm any longer. I shot my load deep into his mouth and the way that he was erratically breathing I could tell he was having his own mind-blowing orgasm.

I grabbed onto his head and allowed my orgasm to subside and also so I could keep my balance. He was breathing very heavily through his nose since he still had my dick in his mouth. I released my grip on his head and pulled my dick free. I could see that he still had a little bit of cum still left in his mouth which he then swallowed.

There was just a small trace of it still on his cheek so I was just going to lick it off when he pulled away. I guess he thought I was going to kiss him because the next thing he said was "hey man, I'm not into that faggy shit. I don't kiss."

Guys like this have always confused me. I personally don't care what your sexuality is, but because this was my old gym coach I knew I had to get him.

"So, you won't kiss another guy, but you have no problem tormenting a high school kid and outing him to the entire school?"

"WhaÉI neverÉ"

"Danny, let me introduce myself again. My real name is Richard Harwood."

With that Danny's mouth practically fell to the floor. And most of the colour was gone from his face. He looked me over a good ten times before he spoke I think because he couldn't believe the transformation that had taken place in ten years.

"I gotta get goinÉ" he said realizing that he was still naked with a dildo still shoved up his ass.

"Oh no," I smirked. "You're not going anywhere just yet. We've gotta catch up now. So I see nothing's changed with you other than the fact that you like getting fucked by former students. From what I hear, Danny, the school board doesn't look too kindly on things like this. Imagine what would happen to you after this scandal broke." I smirked even more now.

"Bullshit! You don't have any prooÉ"

"Oh no? See that laptop over there facing the bed? I disabled the webcam light so it's been recording this entire thing."

"Oh yeah? Go ahead and take it to the board and the principalÉ" Danny said calling my bluff.

"I was planning on doing just that. See I have no reason to hide this from anyone especially considering the way you treated me in high school. The way you and the other jocks would pick on me because I wasn't like them. But I changed. You didn't. You're still the pathetic excuse of a man you always were." I picked up the laptop and pointed it directly at him. "I hope you enjoy prison. Just remember if a guy picks you to be his wife in there you're gonna have to kiss him on your wedding day."

With that I slammed the laptop screen down and picked up Danny's discarded clothes. He jumped off the bed and realized he still had a massive dildo shoved up his anus and pulled it out. I opened the door to my room and threw Danny's clothes out into the hallway.

"Get out," I barked at him.

Just as he was almost to the door he turned to me and realized I think for the first time just how screwed he was.

"Please don't go to the board. I can't let this get out."

"Why should I care? You didn't care about my safety ten years ago when I got kicked out for being gay."

"I justÉthis would destroy meÉ" he lowered his head. I saw his submissive side coming out again.


"Please just don't tell them. If this ever got outÉI don't know what I'd do."

I had him right where I wanted him.

"So, if I don't tell the board what's in it for me?"

"You can fuck me. Do almost anything. Just don't tell them."

"I can't kiss you though, right?"

"I don't kiss guys." Well, maybe not right now. But give it time and you'll be frenching anybody with a beard.

"Fine. Here's my number. I'll let you know when I need another blowjob or more."

Danny just kinda stood awkwardly waiting for my next move.

"Well, go on. I'm done with you now. Your clothes are out in the hallway." I said opening the door for him and gesturing to get out.

Danny quickly dashed through the door and gathered his belongings, but not before a bellhop walked by and smacked Danny's ass. I tossed the bellhop a fifty-dollar bill for being a good sport.

End of part 4. Stay tuned for part 5. Comments are always welcome: davidgaingridge@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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