Owned by a Little Dick

By David Gaingridge

Published on Feb 15, 2014


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction. It contains sexual acts between males. There are scenes of humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations.

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Jakey just sat on the floor dumbfounded.

"Let's go, dumbass. The more time you waste the less you'll get paid."

Jakey finally rose after that and slowly followed my lead. I figured that at the rate that he was moving at we'd be going up the stairs all day so I took his swollen nuts in my hand and dragged him up the stairs. I could feel his cum churning around in his bull nuts so I gave them a few extra squeezes to get him really turned on.

By the time that we reached the top of the stairs Jake was panting like a bitch in heat. Just wait Jakey we'll get there I thought to myself.

The upstairs basically consisted of a bachelor pad – a small kitchen, big bed, and a another room which Jakey told me was the bathroom. I told Jakey that we needed to get him cleaned up and lead him into the bathroom.

"Now Jakey since we only have," I looked down at my watch "about forty minutes left we have to make the most of this time as efficient as possible. Where are your enemas?" I asked him flatly.


"Enemas. They're used to clean yourself out down there." I began rooting through Jakey's drawers and cupboards hoping that maybe he and his ex-wife liked anal. If not I'd just have to find something else...

"Look Rick...Richard. You can't fuck me."

I turned to him and crossed my arms. "That wasn't in the original agreement."

"Well...yeah...but you...can't."

"Fine. You just lost sixty grand."

"What? You can't do tha..."

I cut him off and said, "Jakey I can do anything. I have more money than you'll ever see in two lifetimes. By the way, you said as long as I didn't make this public that I owned you for the next hour. And so far I've held up my end of the deal."

"Come on, man..." He began pleading with me.

I slapped him across the face. "We're not buddies, dumbass. I despise your guts," I said standing about an inch away from his face. "You need ninety grand and I have ninety grand. I'm giving it to you because you're providing a service. That's all this is: a business transaction. Got it?"

Jakey lowered his head and said, "yes sir."

"Good." I said as I turned back to hunt for the enemas. I opened the bottom cabinet and there was a new enema still in the box. I pulled it out, turned to Jakey and said, "look what I found, slut. Guess you're a really big gay bottom after all!"

"That's my ex-wife's." Jakey said turning red.

"Well you know how to use them get to work." Jakey reluctantly took the package from me. He looked over at me and gave me a confused expression. "Now Jakey you honestly didn't expect me to leave the room," I said talking to him as if he were five. "You might be a bad boy and not clean yourself out thoroughly." Jake began to protest, but I just reminded him of our deal and he stopped.

Jake turned an even deeper red as he began filling it up and then squirting the solution into his ass. "Hold it in there, Jakey," I said "you can do it." I again treated him like he was five. After all, how many times do you get to torment your nemesis?!

"Good job, Jakey," I said as he evacuated his bowels. "Again!" I said as he did it again.

This continued on until the water was clear. The whole time Jakey was beet red and gave me the dirtiest looks, but his dick remained hard and continued to leak copious amounts of precum.

I grabbed him by the balls again (god they were trying to pull up and release a heavy stream of man cum) and lead him back into the main area. I pushed him back onto the bed and he landed on his back his dick pointing straight up.

"Spread `em," I commanded him. Jakey slowly spread his muscular legs and put them out in a v-shape. His tight little pucker was just winking at something to get in there. God I love a tight man chute! And when the guy has a big dick is even better!

I tore off the rest of my clothes and grabbed the lube and a condom from Jakey's bedside table. I was just about to squeeze some on my fingers when I had an even better idea. I told Jakey that I wanted him to finger-fuck himself and get me ready for him.

By this point Jakey knew there was no hope in protesting so I poured some on his fingers and he slowly began to tease his hole. I watched on the edge of the bed stroking my cock as he did.

He gently inserted one finger and threw his back in pleasure as it filled him to the hilt.

"Yeah, fuck the pussy, boy," I commanded him.

For a brief few seconds as Jakey finger-fucked himself I think he forgot where he was and that I was there. When he heard me he blushed again remembering the compromising position he was in.

He slowly began to go back and forth with the one finger. He moaned on every push in that filled him up.

"Jakey likes this, eh?" I said to him.

He moaned a "yes sir" in response.

"Add another finger."

Jakey slowly added another finger to his hole. He groaned at this new entry into his already tight mancunt. He slowly pushed that in as well stretching out his hole.

"Yeah, you feel how smooth that is?"

"Uhhhh," he groaned out. "Yes sir."

"Yeah, much better than any pussy eh? It's so tight. And smooth. And you don't get pregnant."

"Ohhhh, god yes sir," Jakey groaned as he finger fucked himself with his two fingers.

At this point Jakey's eyes were closed probably reveling in the newfound sensations his own hole could give him. But this wasn't about him. This was about me and my pleasure. And as much as I got off on Jakey degrading himself I needed more. I lubed up one of my fingers and pushed in beside Jakey's own. Jakey's eyes opened and peered down at mine.

"Oh god sir, you're too big. It won't fit!" He exclaimed.

"Shut up, boy" I said slapping his nuts.

He groaned in reply and tried to move apart his legs even wider to allow me more room. Yeah the little slut is finally learning I thought to myself.

Jakey's hole was definitely tight. Probably the tightest little slut bottom's that I'd ever felt. And then he did something that really surprised me: he started flexing his ass-muscles around the three fingers. He's a born submissive with a boy cunt to match I thought to myself.

And then I realigned my finger and thrust it toward his prostate. He let out a guttural moan when I touched it. I continued this a few more times and noticed that his throbbing member was leaking like a faucet. I took my free hand and scooped up some, leaned forward, and fed it to Jakey. His eyes opened at this new contact and he seemed to savour the taste. That is until he realized what it was...

He moved his head away trying to get away from his manjuice. He didn't take the easy way? Fine. Here it comes Jakey...

Now I really pummelled his prostate good with my finger. This, in turn, meant that he was letting out more moans and groans every second. I kept up this rhythm with my finger, scooped up more baby batter with my free hand, and wiped it all over Jakey's face. And when Jakey tried to spit it out I thrust my hand into his mouth and fed him his hot precum.

"Good Jakey," I said as he licked his precum off my fingers. "You like that don't you?"

"Ohhh yesssss sirrrrr," Jakey moaned.

I kept this up for a few more minutes when Jakey finally screamed "I'm cumming!" loud enough for the whole world to hear. I looked down at his throbbing cock and nothing came out. It just convulsed and stood straight up from his body.

"Oh god, I can't cum!" Jakey said.

"You just had a dry orgasm, dumbass. It's because your balls couldn't pump out any of your cum because they're tied up," I said patting his balls.

"Please Richard I gotta cum! Please help me out," Jakey pleaded.

"Beg me," I said.

"Please Richard. Please make me cum. I gotta cum please. I might die if I don't cum. Please sir."

"What's in it for me?" I said.

"You can..." Jakey's voice trailed off and then he said, "you can fuck me."

"Do you want me to fuck you?"

Jakey knew there was only one correct answer then said "yes."

I withdrew my finger from his hole as he did the same with his own, untied his throbbing nuts, threw the condom on, lubed my cock and his hole up more, and then entered him. He threw his head back as he felt the pain coming from his ass. I let him adjust to the new sensation (though a good part of me just wanted to fuck me hard right there for everything he put me through. What can I say? Maybe I wanted the sight of Jakey like this to continue).

I slowly began a back/forth motion with my muscular hips. I peered down at Jakey and noticed that his eyes were still shut and that his face was still clouded over in pain.

I realigned my cock and thrust it towards Jakey's prostate. He moaned in delight and his face changed drastically! He was now in a state of bliss. The kind that only one man can provide another.

He reached down to start jacking his cock. I quickly slapped his hand away.

"No jacking off. I'll get you off but it's on my terms. Understand?"

He nodded his head.

Another idea came over me. "And just to make sure that you're not tempted again," I said taking my discarded tie. "I want your hands above your head." He raised them and I tied them to the headboard. "Now there's no chance you'll ever escape," I said giving him a wicked grin.

He gulped but that immediately turned to a groan as I slammed against his g-spot again. And, whether it was a conscious thought or not, Jakey tightened his ass-muscles around my cock again. I guess Jakey wanted this sensation on his prostate to continue. Don't worry Jakey it will...

I've definitely found that my four inches are definitely the right size to find the prostate. Any bigger and I feel like you're missing it completely and going for the intestines. And I knew that Jakey was definitely feeling it.

I pummelled his ass good until he was clawing at my back moaning like a bitch in heat.

"Oh god, Richard. Don't stop! Don't stop! I'm so fucking close." He groaned.

Well you can imagine what I did: I stopped. And pulled out of his hot mancunt. He looked down at me and asked what I was doing.

"Do you want me to continue fucking your ass?"

"Yes please I'm so close," Jakey pleaded. I looked down and sure enough his balls were pulled as tight to his body as they possibly could be.

"Say it. Say you want me to fuck you."

"Oh god," Jakey knew I had him. I finally had my enemy and begging me to own him. "Please fuck my asshole! Please make me cum! Please I'm gonna die if I don't!"

"Say you want me to fuck your mancunt."

"My wha...?"

"This isn't an asshole. You might look like a jock, but you moan like a little bitch. Therefore, this is your mancunt...your boypussy."

"Oh god, come on..." Jakey trailed off realizing the conversation we had had earlier. "Please Richard fuck my..." Jakey trailed off then whispered "mancunt."

"Your what?"

"Mancunt!" He said louder.

"If you insist." I said as I fed his boypussy my throbbing cock. He moaned as it filled him up. I quickly got back into my rhythm and began pummelling his ass as if there was no tomorrow.

I looked over to Jakey's mirror on the wall and watched the hot sight unfold – two muscular beefcakes having the hottest sex ever. The top thrusting his muscular bubble butt on each thrust in, the bottom leaking more and more precum from each thrust. The bottom's dick looked angry it was so erect! This would make the hottest porno...

I turned my attention back to Jakey and focused on his prostate again. He moaned on every thrust and then I noticed that his balls were tight against his body again.

"You gonna cum?" I asked him.

"Oh god, yes sir!"

"Cum for me, bitch!" I exclaimed as I unloaded into the condom and he unloaded all over his body, the sheets, and the wall behind him!

I watched as spurt after spurt flew from his engorged dick coating everything within a metre radius of his hot manjuice. At the same time his ass-muscles were clenching down on my own cock trying to milk me even more!

After that we both came down after our euphoric high. I was just so relaxed I wanted to cuddle him right there, then I remembered who he is. I pulled my dick out of his ass and took my right hand and began jacking his still half-hard dick. A lazy smile spread across his face. And then I began jacking him even faster which made his smile disappear and a look of anguish take its place.

"Oh god, my dick's so sensitive! Please stop!" He shouted.

"No way, slut. You said you wanted this. You said you wanted to cum."

"No I came! I came!" Jakey cried out trying to move his dick away from his hand.

"We still have about twelve minutes left. And you're gonna cum again for me."

"Oh god anything but this. Please!" Jakey cried out.

I ignored him and continued jacking his half-hard cock. I poured on more lube and really went to town all the while Jakey was crying out left, right, and centre.

After many minutes, Jake's hardness finally returned and he began to leak a little more precum. I looked over at the clock on Jake's bedside table and told him that he had about three minutes left to cum or the deal was off.

I looked over at his face and could tell that he was doing everything in his power to make himself cum again. He began to make low groans as I continued my fast stroking.

"Two minutes," I told him.

He began to buck his hips up and down matching my own rhythm. He even started going a little faster than I was going. I quickly matched him and I knew that he was going to cum around when the hour changed (but would he cum before like a good bottom?...)

"One minute," I said.

Jakey was doing everything in his power now. I looked down at his balls and they were really contracting into his body. His dick started to get a little bigger. Could he do it? I thought to myself.

"Ten seconds," I said. And then I started counting down.


Jakey's face contorted into what I assumed was even more determination, frustration, or bliss.



Jakey's balls had almost disappeared they were so close to the rest of his body.



And with that Jakey let out a loud guttural groan and came again! It wasn't as impressive as the first time, but still noteworthy. The cum flew out of his cock and coated his throat, his titties, and the rest of his chest. There were about four spurts this time which still surprised me!

As Jakey was slowly coming down from his high I untied his hands and let them fall by his sides. He was in such a state of bliss I don't know if he heard me get my stuff together or not. I took out my cheque book, wrote him a cheque for the ninety grand and left it by the night stand. On the back side of a different cheque I wrote `If you need more money you can always rent out your ass' and I left my number below it.

I sprayed myself with cologne and deodorant, put on my clothes, and left Jakey lying there sound asleep.

As I walked out to my car I debated turning Jakey's sign from open' to closed' then I thought if someone really needed him let them find him covered in cum with that note beside him.

End of part 2. Stay tuned for part 3. Comments are always welcome: davidgaingridge@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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