Owned by a Little Dick

By David Gaingridge

Published on Feb 11, 2014


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction. It contains sexual acts between males. There are scenes of humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations.

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Let me just preface this by saying that I have a small dick. Well maybe not terribly small, but around four inches hard. I'm definitely a grower which kinda sucks because when I'm soft you can barely see it. I mean I have to sit down to piss because it's so small (otherwise I just dribble down my leg!). I've been with a few other white guys and they're all bigger than me – I don't know what happened!

I was always teased in the locker room in high school about my dick. And not just because I had a small dick but also because I was one of the gangliest kids in school. I was 6'2 with barely any fat (or muscle for that matter). And, so, because my name is Richard Harwood my nickname became Dick Softwood for the entirety of high school.

But by the end of high school I had had enough of the teasing. And so I did something about it. I started working out a lot. I did everything to build muscle. I started talking self-defence courses and even karate to protect myself – I was never going to be vulnerable again.

And now ten years after high school I weigh 235lb of solid muscle. I used to be a huge bottom because I thought I was too small to top. But now I realize that I get off on fucking guys who have dicks bigger than mine. I like making them get off on having a tiny dick pummel them until they cum. And those guys I fuck? They're always rock hard the entire time! The biggest one was 12 inches and with the amount of pre-cum coating his abs it looked like he pissed himself.

But anyway after high school I went off to college for engineering. After that I designed a new patent which skyrocketed overnight and now I'm living in the lap of luxury. I haven't worked since last summer and let's just say if I pull an Elizabeth Taylor and get divorced a bunch of times I'll still have many millions left. And my family won't talk to me after I came out so I have everything I want and don't have to worry about people stealing it.

Anyway a few months ago one of my best friends from high school invited me to her baby shower. After she graduated from college she went back home so, unfortunately, I was in hellville for the next few days. I flew to the nearest city which was about an hour outside of my hometown and rented a car for the rest of the way (top of the line naturally!).

So as I'm driving to meet Jess I swerved to avoid hitting a raccoon and gave the car two flat tires in return. I guess good deeds really do go unnoticed. I check the glove box and find a list of emergency towing numbers and punch the first one into my phone.

A while later a tow truck comes up the road. I get out but left my sunglasses on since it's so fucking bright. God I missed the city smog covering up most of this.

Even from where I'm standing I know who the drive of the tow truck is - Jake Wilson (one of my former bullies from high school). Even though it's been ten years he looks pretty much the same. He's 6'2 as well, 200lbs (maybe a few more of those are from his jelly doughnuts, but still in really good shape), tanned skin, and dark hair. He was on the football team in high school and if memory serves correctly he slept with most of the cheerleading squad. He also had a nice dick from what I remember of the showers – cut, about 6" soft, and according to most of the cheerleading squad he knew how to use it.

"Hey, what seems to be the problem?" Jake greeted me.

"Swerved and got two flat tires. Think I can get a lift?"

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes to load it on." He said.

After a few minutes the rental car was successfully loaded on and Jake and I were on our way. We sat there for a few minutes in silence then Jake reached out his hand and said his name was Jake.

I took it and said, "I'm..." I paused for a second. Did I really want him to know who I was? I just wanted to get out of hellsville and I didn't need to remember the "good ol' days" by my worst enemy. "I'm Mark," I said.

We chitchatted for a little bit. I told him I was visiting family here and he told me all about his life here. I pretty much tuned him out since I had no desire to learn anything about him.

We finally pulled into his shop. The two storey building looked pretty run down from the looks of it. I figured that his shop was in the first floor and his bachelor apartment was on the second.

Jake unloaded my car as I watched. I checked my phone – it was only noon and it didn't start until two, but I still wanted to get there early since I hadn't seen Jess in a year.

"I'll be a few minutes out here changing the tires. I'll have to get you a loaner for the time being. Go in and keep yourself cool."

I told him alright and waited inside. Unfortunately, the inside mimicked the outside in every way. It was a tiny office with a few seats and a desk in the main area. There was a wall with a door separating what I assumed to be the garage and the front office. And then towards the back of the office were the stairs leading upstairs. Overall It was very rundown with papers and tools scattered everywhere. I quickly glanced at the papers strewn about and noticed that a few of them had `final notice' written on them. Just by looking at the numbers on the papers I could deduce that Jake was seriously headed for bankruptcy very soon.

Maybe I could turn this around...for a small `fee' of course.

Jake finished up and came inside. He told me it was all set to go. I thanked him and pulled out my wallet. At that moment his phone rang and he answered it. From what I could deduce it was either the bank and they were very hot under their collar.

"Ok I know!" Jake said as he slammed down the receiver.

And then my plan started to formulate. "You ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah, just the bank's getting a little upset with a few late payments."

"Oh man. Anything I can do?" I said wondering if he would take the bait.

"You got eighty-grand?" He asked. I just gave him a small smile in return. "Anyways that'll be $259.87 with the towing fee and everything."

"Cheque ok?" He nodded his head. I wrote him the amount and handed it to him.

He took the cheque and his eyes widened as he looked up at me. I had written the amount on the cheque for $80,259.87. "Um I was kiddin' about the eighty-grand," he said.

"I can tear it up if you want."

"I just don't wanna rip ya' off. I can't repay you right now."

"We can work something out." Jake looked at me confused. I took a deep breath and said "take a look at the name on the cheque." As he did I lowered my sunglasses.

"Richard Harwo...Dicky?...No way! I heard you're a millionaire now!" He looked me over three times. His eyes suddenly got even wider as he remembered that we hadn't been on the best of terms (he was one of the ones that outed me). "What uh...kinda deal were ya' thinking?"

I started walking over to the window and said, "I prefer Richard now. I heard that you ended up with Marcy Williams. That right?" I glanced over at him and raised my eyebrow. He nodded his head. "The footballer gets the cheerleader. How'd that work out?" I said taking my finger and dusting the blinds.

"She...uh...it didn't work out. She's got the kid and I don't have money for support."

"Well we all saw that coming. You were always bumming off others for your beer." I folded my arms across my chest and said, "how'd you like to earn an extra ten grand on top of the eighty grand?"

Jake looked at me and said, "what would I have to do?"

"You're mine for an hour and after that you get $90,000 plus the repair fee or I pay you the $259.87 now and we forget about this. But judging from the bills on your desk and your child support it looks like you don't really have an option. I'm giving you ten seconds."


I was looking at Jake and from his facial expression I could see that he was seriously considering both sides.


Jake looked down at the cheque. I could tell that $90,000 would be exactly the solution to his problems.





Jake let out a deep breath.



I raised my eyebrow at him.




It had now been eleven seconds and I walked over to Jake. I snatched the cheque out of his hands and tore it in two.

"I'll do it," he whispered.

"What?" I looked at him.

Jake let out another deep breath and said, "you can own me for an hour. Just as long as I still get that ninety-grand."

"Sorry Jakey," I said mimicking what he called me in high school. "That deal was only good for those ten seconds. You missed it."

I wrote him a new cheque for the $257.87 and handed it to him. "No wait please. I need this. I'm just scared of what you'll do."

"The big footballer afraid of the nerd?" I teased him. "Sorry Jakey you missed out. Hopefully you can still keep your dignity once you're bankrupt," I said putting my sunglasses back on.

And then I knew I had him. I went to push open the door when Jake said something he had never said: "I'm sorry." I turned to look at my former classmate.

"Do you actually mean it or do you just want my money?"

Jake stammered a little and I said "that's what I thought. Bye Jakey."

"No wait please I need this. I don't know what else to do."

I turned to him one last time and I took off my sunglasses. Here was the former football star practically begging me to help him...oh I do love when men beg!

"Beg," I flatly said.


"Beg me to help you."

"Please Richard help me out."

I walked over to him and slapped him. He was so stunned by this he didn't know what to do. I told him to really beg me.

"Please Richard. Please. You gotta me. I don't know what to do. You're the only one who can help me. I'm yours for an hour. Use me. Please!"

"That's a good little bitch," I said as I caressed his cheek. "Now strip."

"What?" Jake looked at me his eyes wide.

This earned him another slap across the face. "Strip, boy. And don't make me tell you again."

Jake slowly removed his tight fitting shirt that clung to his chest and biceps. He had a slightly furry chest and two amazing pecs! Any guy would be lucky to titty-fuck him. He then kicked off his shoes and lowered his pants. His muscular legs had a light dusting of hair on them. Overall he just looked like an older, hairier version of himself.

"That means the boxers too, dumbass."

Jake slowly lowered his boxers revealing the same cock I had seen many years prior. He stepped out of his boxers and tossed them aside. He quickly put his hands in front of his crotch.

"Look," Jake said. "I really need this money, but please don't make this public. I don't want people to know about this."

I looked at him and gave a sly grin. He gulped in return.

"Hands away from the crotch," I ordered. He jumped a little and reluctantly put his hands at his sides.

I reached out and began playing with his nips. He tried to suppress a groan, but eventually it escaped him.

"Yeah you like that don't you?" He nodded in response. "Yeah you're just like a little whore. You need a man to play with your titties, don't you?" He groaned in response. I slapped his cock. "I said answer me boy!"

"Ugh yes! I love it when you play with my..." he paused fighting the words until he finally said, "my titties."

"Yeah good boy. You need this. You need to be owned by a man." I reached down and started playing with his balls. I rolled the sac around in my hand. "I've got you by the balls," I breathed into his ear. And with that I tugged them down. He winced and coughed and then I slapped his ass telling him to control himself.

"Yeah you think you're so manly because you have these big bull balls, don't ya?"

"Yes sir," he moaned.

I slipped off my tie and started wrapping it around his balls.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure you won't cum. We've still got 55 minutes left."

He groaned as I pulled his balls down even further and wrapped the tie tightly enough around that his balls would never pull up. What delicious torture.

"Oh god," Jakey groaned as I finished.

"Looks like little Jakey likes this," I teased.

Jakey looked down and was surprised to see that he had a throbbing hard-on. He went to hide it, but I told him to leave his hands where they were. As he moved his dick swayed and the droplet of precum that was at his slit moved down his cock.

"Well, well, well. Seems that I wasn't the only one in our class that was gay," I said as I slowly stroked his meaty cock. The head of his dick grew even redder and was begging for release. More and more precum began to leak down his shaft so I scooped it up.

"Open wide, Jakey-boy," I said bringing my fingers to his lips. He shook his head in response. "Come on Jakey, look at this hot man seed. It looks so tasety." I said swiping a little across his lips. His body shuddered when I did that and his cock leaked more. "You might say no, but your body says yes. Now open wide open and leak your cum off my fingers or this deal is off."

And with that he slowly opened his mouth and licked his hot mancum off my fingers. He sucked them until all the cum was gone.

"You want some more?"

Jakey began to shake his head no and then realized there was only one correct answer. "Yes sir," he looked down in shame.

"Now Jakey there's nothing to be ashamed of. Since you've already had your own, why don't you sample mine? You can do a taste-test and compare. Now get down on your knees, bitch."

Jakey slowly lowered himself onto his knees. He looked up at me as I looked down at him and smirked. There's something so hot about having this control - of seeing your hot high school nemesis waiting to suck your cock. Then seeing his own cock painfully erect.

"Well take my cock out, dumbass." I commanded him.

My cock was throbbing as well. As Jakey unzipped my pants and pulled them down my cock bulged against the fabric of my underwear. He lowered those as well and my cock jumped out at him. He just sat there mesmerized by it.

"Suck it."

Jakey sat there dumbfounded and then remembered that I had him by the balls. He reluctantly moved his head toward my throbbing cock and took it into his mouth which made me moan. He started a slow bob up and down the length. Since my dick's only 4 inches it's pretty easy for any guy (even an amateur) to swallow me whole.

As he was bobbing up and down he scraped my dick across his teeth.

"Watch the teeth or you'll be eating your balls for breakfast." Jakey adjusted his mouth and continued bobbing up and down. "Play with my balls, Jakey." Jakey moved his hands from his sides up to my small orbs just ready to leak my manjuice. "Yeah that's it. God you're such a fucking natural. Sure you haven't done this before, slut?"

I looked down and noticed that Jakey's dick bobbed at my last comment. Jakey loves this I thought to myself. He loves being controlled. He loves being a little submissive bitch.

I took my right foot and moved it towards Jakey's big bull balls. I started pressing on them with a little force which made Jakey groan sending a wave of pleasure through my body. I applied more pressure this time which not only made Jakey groan, but also made his cock leak more precum.

"Yeah you like that don't you? Yeah you're such a big muscle boy aren't you? Getting off on this, huh? You're such a little submissive bottom," I moaned. All throughout my comments his dick just throbbed more and leaked more precum.

He was definitely ready for what was next...

"Come on, Jakey, we're going upstairs," I commanded.

End of part 1. Stay tuned for part 2. Comments are always welcome: davidgaingridge@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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