
By mike collins

Published on Oct 28, 2010


It all began in London.All those years ago. I was 22,living in a bedsit by myself. Happy enough , but without many friends. On Friday nights , after work, the local pub, The Duke of Devonshire was my refuge from loneliness and I would have a few beers and read the local rag.It attracted a lot of arty types and the regulars were friendly and nodded or waved to me when I came in.Then one night a man of about forty whom I had never seen before entered the crowded and noisy saloon bar where I was sitting and asked if it was ok to use the vacant seat beside me. I nodded and continued to read my paper He was tallish, slim and dressed in expensive designer label clothes.He crossed to the bar and returned with TWO drinks and said " I noticed that your beer was almost empty..........do you mind ?"

"No..not at all" I replied, "thanks"... I stopped reading and we began to talk. "I'm Karl" and he extended his hand....."

"I'm Mike" , I replied... shaking his hand ,surprised at the strength of his grip and unable to pull away until he loosened his hold. We exchanged pleasantries and after a while he asked me if I was hungry. "I'm starving" was my reply. "Then let me buy you a meal..........do you like Indian food?"

"Yes....I love it". "I know a really good Indian restaurant not far from here......shall we go ?". I nodded and waving goodbye to the regulars , we left the Duke . We walked a few blocks and soon we were outside the restaurant he had told me about. "Let me order takeaway and we can eat it at my place.ok ?"

"If you like", I replied........"Then leave the ordering to me". We waited in the side room and had another complimentary drink and when the waitress came back with a pile of containers which smelled really delicious he paid her and said "Lets go". "By the way , my car is just around the corner.......we have a bit of a drive so put the food in the boot.I have a warmer in there". When we reached his car , a long black Mercedes ,he opened the boot and I placed the takeaway inside. Then he unlocked the doors and I climbed into the passenger seat. By now it was cold and I shivered as I slid into the leather seat. But soon I was warm........the heater on full blast." Smoke ", he asked ?........"No, I don't smoke, I replied"

"this stuff I mean"

"Try it.........it is the best hash that money can buy"

"Go on ! .it won't hurt you ".......... I took a deep drag and immediately felt relaxed....euphoria. Karl turned up the stereo . Cool ,sexy, music. "It wont be long now , Mike , you'll see".........Soon afterwards I heard the crunch of the tyres on a gravelled driveway and the car came to a stop. Karl opened the door and helped me out of his car. " Feeling a bit stoned, Mike?, laughing as he said it.......".let's eat some food.,shall we? Once inside his large detached bungalow I sat at a long oak table." I'll be back in a sec ,Mike" Karl came back with the Indian food and we ate. It was delicious, Lamb Madras , parathas, onion bhajis, Naan, steamed rice , raita. He poured me a long glass of chilled chardonnay.and another ........and another. Then gave me some more hashish.By now I was REALLY relaxed and warm and feeling very pleasant. It turned out that Karl was a freelance TV producer who had recently had come into a large inheritage and no longer needed to work. "And what do you do Mike ?"

"I'm an art student"

"Really?" That's interesting" And we talked about art and photography and literature for a while and then he said.."come let me show you this..............my favourite room" I followed him down the hallway and soon I was standing in a large room which had a huge inbuilt tiled spa and a pool with crystal clear water. Expensive prints hung on the walls and there was a 80" high definition tv which had a Bang and Olufson surround sound unit linked to it. A bar containing every conceivable spirit stood in the corner of the room. Soft music was playing with unbelievable clarity from tiny little Bose speakers dotted around the walls. " Like it ,Mike ?"

" Wow ! ...it terrific""Let's sit at the bar and have another drink while that spa reaches the right temperature"

" Scotch?"

"Thanks"...Karl poured a generous measure of Laphroaig for me and one for himself." So !.where's your girlfriend ,Mike ?"

" I don't have one"

"Why not?...you're a reasonably good looking young man"

"I don't have much success with women, Karl"

"Never mind, neither do I but let's talk about that later... shall we get in the spa?.....it should be warm enough by now. " But I don't have any bathing things, Karl' " Why do you need them.......are you shy? ...look...... strip off and get in the spa. I won't look and I'll join you in a minute or so" I was very relaxed after all the drinks and hash and I was'nt at all nervous as I shed my clothes and stepped into the warm waters of the spa. It was a delicious feeling with the jets sending streams of water across my naked body.Soon after , Karl came and came next to me on the tiled steps , our bodies almost totally immersed in the water." Enjoying this , Mike?"

"Oh yes," I replied, sipping on my scotch."

"Then you could be part of"

"What do you mean?"

" Well it's like this. I'm looking for someone who will clean and cook for me , do the washing and ironing and this person can live here rent free.And I think you could be that person.Let's face it, that dingy bedsit you live in is no place for someone like you.But there is a catch. If you have'nt already guessed , I'm gay. And I think you may be too". My penis became erect as he rested his hand on my thigh. " See ? you did'nt pull away. You like it don't you ?" The hashish and the alcohol had made me lose any inhibitions I had and I nodded." I thought so" Karl said and his fingers curled around my throbbing cock. "One thing . I am a Dominant male and I need a submissive young man to submit to me totally. Do you think you can do that?"

" I don't know Karl" "Then let's find out" He reached behind him and handed me a wide studded leather collar. "Put it on" He squeezed my cock as I ran the strap through the buckle and made the collar a tight but comfortable fit. " Good Boy. Now , don't speak unless I tell you to............and from now on , address me as Master. Do you understand?" I nodded and Karl sat on the edge of the spa with his legs dangling in the water. His penis was long and thick and as I stared at it he attached a leash to my collar and pulled me towards him.Placing his hands behind my head he guided my mouth to his cock which looked about 8" long." Suck it , boy" I opened my mouth and took the purple head between my lips sucking and kissing and loving the smell and taste of him I managed to take about 3" of his cock in my mouth and Karl Said "Look up at me while you suck , boy" I looked up and Karl was smiling "In the car I said to you that it would'nt be long. Remember? .....well I was right" With his cock in my mouth he began to masturbate " Now take my seed boy"And almost immediately a stream of his warm salty semen flooded my mouth. "Swallow it all boy and lick my cock clean".Karl had tightened my leash and watched me as I licked the cum from his cock until it was clean ,then licked what was on my face and swallowed it." Not bad for a novice. "But I will determine when YOU come! Now , get out of the spa" I climbed out and stood there dripping on the tiled floor....... Karl pulled my arms behind me and I heard the cold ,metallic click of handcuffs on my wrists. And then he led me into a a room with a porcelain bath , a toilet and a shower. "Get into the bath , I'm going to make you clean for me.. ever had an enema?'I shook my head and he said " well , you are going to get one now". I climbed into the bath and Karl inserted the rubber tube into my anus and began to pump. The warm. soapy liquid soon filled my belly and Karl removed the tube and told me to sit on the toilet. "Hold that in for a few minutes.....then evacuate." I had a bad cramp then a big bowel movement. " Now, back in the bath.........I want you COMPLETELY clean for me" Again, I climbed into the bath and Karl gave me a second enema and again , had uncomfortable cramps before I evacuated."

"In the shower now, Mike" as he removed my collar and cuffs.He came into the shower with me and began to shave the little body hair that I had, shaved my balls and cock then,taking my hand , led me from the shower and once again, collared me and cuffed my wrists behind my back. I was really stoned and ready for anything ,giggling as I walked tethered , behind him .As Karl opened the door of yet another room he said, " This is my playroom , you will be spending a lot of your time in here after you have finished your daily duties" The room was lit only by candles and the sweet ,cloying smell of incense permeated the air. I looked around and saw metal hoops and chains hanging from the ceiling , whips and floggers and canes , gym equipment, ropes and pulleys , a table full of bottles ,leather hoods and gags of all shapes and sizes.Karl unleashed me and unlocked the handcuffs. He forced me face down on to a rubber mat and pulled my arms behind my back then he straddled me and began to hogtie me.Leather cuffs were placed on my wrists and ankles and chains ran from the D rings on my wrist cuffs to the D rings on my ankle cuffs , then tightened.Karl went over to one of the tables in the room and came back with a leather hood and a ball gag. The hood went over my head and he zipped it up at the back. It covered my face , and only my eyes ,nostrils and mouth were left exposed. He gagged me tightly then ran a length of chain from the eyelet at the top of the hood the D rings on my ankle cuffs. Another long length of chain was linked to the chains which ran from my wrists and ankles then and Karl secured it to the hook fixed to a block and tackle mounted on a beam then began to raise me off the mat. When I was about three feet off the ground he locked the raising chain to a metal ring on the concrete floor. " Time to give you a bit of pain ,boy , not too much to start with, though " He attached a nipple clamp on each nipple a round lead weight to each of the chains on the clamps. I moaned under my gag as Karl put metal cock and ball rings on me and stroked my erect penis. I watched as he selected a soft leather flogger and stood in front of me. " Welcome to the world of BDSM , Mike , from now on it will be a big part of your life" Then he started. Several strokes acroos my back , then more across my bound arms and legs , then my buttocks. 10, 20, 30....I lost count as I hung suspended .the weights causing the nipple clamps to dig into me as I writhed in pain, but it was a pleasant sort of pain. Eventually, Karl stopped and came behind me. His finger entered my virgin hole and I felt the cool lube as he prepared me.He withdrew his finger and stood in front of me,smearing the lube on his huge erection until the head and shaft glistened in the candlelight. "Is this what you want, Mike?........is this what you need?" I nodded." I want to hear you beg for it, Mike" And Karl removed my gag. "Please fuck me Master"

"Beg, boy"

" Please put your lovely penis in my hole ,Master I'm begging you." And plant my seed in you, Mike?"

" Yes please ,Master" Karl took a little bottle from the table blocked one of my nostrils "Sniff deeply. Mike"

"Now the other one....the amyl will make it easier for you to take my cock" He came behind me and his hands rested on my burning buttocks he prised me open with his thumbs and slowly eased his big penis into my tight passage . I was floating , high on the amyl and moaned with pleasure as Karl's cock penetrated me............inch by inch until all of his thick, long shaft was inside me and his heavy balls rested against my soft bum cheeks.Then his fingers curled around my erect penis as he began to fuck me..........long ,slow strokes, holding the chains and pulling me into him. I lost all sense of time , I was engulfed in world of sexual pleasure. For years I had fantasised about things like this and now it was a reality, bound, suspended,being fucked by my Master. After what seemed like hours I heard Karl's voice " A virgin no longer , Mike.............now I'm going to plant my seed deep into your belly..... he grunted and I moaned in ecstasy as his semen spurted into me . Karl massaged my throbbing cock and in seconds I had an unbelievable orgasm. Again, I heard his voice from behind." Now ,you are really mine, Mike,you are my property..I own you body and soul."

"Yes , Master" I cried out " I belong to you.. I am your slave"

...to be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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