Owen Thompson: Enslaved

By slaveboyblue

Published on Jan 13, 2024


Please find below a part 3 of Owen Thompson: Enslaved submission. Themes are focused around slavery in an authoritarian context as before. Recommended categorisation: /nifty/gay/authoritarian Confirmed checklist (including no restricted items / no incest)

Owen lay in his small bed, akin to a dog's bed, in the utility room of the house, staring at the ceiling. He had been at the Moffat house for about 3 weeks now, and he had settled in as well as he could have hoped. He had his list of chores, and he spent a lot of time working in the large plot of land at the back of the house, where they grew their own food. He'd even managed to avoid being beaten, he thought to himself, as he changed into a fresh pair of slave boxers and began to go about his day. Generally his owners ignored him unless they actively wanted something, although initially Mrs Moffat had stood over him as he completed his chores inside the house. In the first few days she had taken to slapping him when she was displeased, but Mr Moffat had put a stop to that, saying that it was unseemly for her to do so. Any happiness at this Owen might have had was quickly dashed, however, as Mr Moffat had subsequently pointed out that for misbehaviour she should send Owen to him and he would spank him.

In effect, Owen was as close to happy as a slave could arguably be, and generally didn't think too much.

Owen had had limited interaction with the Moffat children to date, they often kept out of his way or were away. Later on that day, however, he had been tidying the Moffat's son's room when Mr Moffat and his son, Jake, had come into the room.

'Dad!' Jake had whined, 'He's here!'

'Owen is a slave Jake, it doesn't matter if he is here, you need to get used to him being around', Mr Moffat had said sternly.

Owen then realised what was happening. Mr Moffat had sat on Jake's bed, a paddle beside him. Jake was getting a spanking.

Owen continued with his tidying, albeit with one eye on the situation in front of him - this could be him at some point he thought to himself, he was subject to spankings too.

Mr Moffat stood his son in front of him, pulling down his pants and revealing a tired pair of baby blue y-fronts, with a white Y on the front and white waistband. He asked Jake why he was being spanked, as he hooked his fingers into the sides of Jake's underpants and began to slide them down.

'lying sir' Jake mumbled

Mr Moffat nodded as he guided Jake over his knee, lying was an automatic spanking in his house. He picked up the paddle and brought it down on the small butt presented over his knee.

Jake yelped as the paddle landed. Mr Moffat continued the rhythmic spanks with the paddle, turning Jake's butt red and reducing him to a sobbing little boy again. Jake was a small kid, definitely not one of the 'cool' boys in his year, shy and awkward probably best described him, nothing like Mr Moffat.

Mr Moffat landed the last few swats on Jake's butt, before setting the paddle back on the bed. He gave Jake a minute or two to cry it out over his knee, before sitting him up and engulfing him in a bear hug.

Owen wondered what Jake's friends would have thought, if they had seen the boy sitting on his dad's knee, red butt hanging over the edge and sobbing into his shoulder after a spanking. At the back of his mind, he wondered how different his own spankings would be at the hands of Mr Moffat.

Mr Moffat helped Jake stand up. 'Go take a shower and get cleaned up, you took your spanking well', he said, tussling Jake's hair. 'and wash your butt please' Mr Moffat said, picking up the skid-marked underpants which Jake had been wear, 'or should I have Owen do it for you?'

'N-No i'll do it' Jake spluttered and rushed towards the bathroom.

Owen was still cleaning Jake's room when he returned. 'I-I'm Jake' the boy nervously said, turning away from Owen as he pulled on a clean pair of purple Y-fronts. Owen realised this was the first time Jake had even spoken to him.

Jake made his introductions, before blurting out that he was embarrassed that Owen had witnessed that.

Owen wasn't sure what to make of this. 'i'm a slave' Owen said, 'you shouldn't be embarrassed', feeling it was the right thing to say. 'If i'm bad you dad will spank me too'

'R-really?' Jake said, with Owen nodding in response.

Jake was a sheltered kid, but he endeavoured to find out more, pulling out his laptop and going to the slave department website when Owen had finished in his room.

The next time Owen was in Jake's room, Jake had pulled out his laptop, set it in front of Owen and said 'Is all this true?'

Owen realised that Jake was referring to the same pamphlet he had been given just before his sentencing. 'Yes' Owen said, 'all of it'

'And what did you do to be made a slave?' Jake asked Owen

'I was caught with drugs' Owen said, his head down in shame

'Hmm, but I thought..' Jake said as he scrolled on the page before stopping and pointing at something, 'this happened if you had drugs'

Owen looked up, realising Jake was tapping the screen and pointing to the picture of a noose on the pamphlet. 'That's what would have happened before slavery was introduced, Owen mumbled'

'oh' Jake said, thinking, 'well i'm glad it didn't happen to you'

'Thanks' Owen said, brightening up. 'But someday' Owen found himself gesturing to the section on the rendering plant exception, surprising himself with how casual he was about it.

'I guess that's for the best' Jake said before pausing 'Dad's spankings suck' he continued, 'but he's fair and only spanks when we deserve it'

Owen hoped that would be true for him too.

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