Over Night Shift

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Aug 15, 2004


All rights reserved do not sell or repost to another site You must be of legal age to read. I hope you will read my other stories on Nifty.org more then 40 under authors. Enjoy and if my mistakes do bother you then don't read and don't write me please. If you liked it write or give constructive corrections.

This was my best year ever I was starting my freshmen year at the U of Penn Vet school and through some pull from my Mom I got a job on the over night shift at the local animal shelter paying 12.00 an hour and I would work from 10 PM until 6 Am so it was perfect to fit in with school hours.

I had been given two days training on the day shift along with the man I would be working the over night shift with. He was Jason Miller and was also a freshmen at the Vet school like myself. Jason was one of those men at 19 who was just so good looking you wondered whey he was not into acting, Other men would when they had to describe him say things like "That real handsome guy" at 6'2 and 190 solid pounds with jet black hair and a winning smile Jason would just take even men's breath away. As for me I was not hard on the eyes myself 5'10 160 hard pounds a perfect six pact and thick strong arms with my full reddish blonde hair I was popular with the women.

Our job was to be locked up from 10 PM until 6 Am in the shelter. We would have to prepare the animals food and serve each of the animals before 6 Am. the boss told us that if we really worked together we could get all we had to done in 2 hours and goof off the rest of the time so long as we didn't leave the shelter as that would show up on the camera and we would be fired. The Boss showed us the main reception room and explained that the sofa pulled out into a double bed and we could make use of it so long as we had our work done.

Our first shift was to start at 10 PM Sunday and both of us showed up early like 9Pm and the two men we were to replace showed us around and said that they had left the sofa bed open cause they knew we would be going to catch some sleep. Those two left and Jason and I sat talking over coffee in the reception area. He was from the Midwest and was living in the dorm like me. His Dad was a vet back home and both my Mom and dad are Vets so we had a lot in common. While my home was only 20 miles away I was living at the Dorm to get the whole college experience. I had my car here with me and would drive Jason back to the dorm in the morning.

Let me explain here that at this point I did not think of myself as gay, No way sure I had done some messing around growing up and even got into 69ing with a buddy on sleep overs but hell that was normal and most guys did things like that. So here I was as str8 freshmen who just couldn't keep his eyes off his coworker. Jason had on a white pull over shirt and jeans and black biker boots. The shirt and jeans looked like they were painted on him they clang to his body so nice showing off his powerful ABS.

Then it was Jason who bought up the sleeping arrangements. He looked over at the pulled out bed.

"So what do yo think about us two sharing the bed over there?"

I looked too and was nervous as hell for some reason I couldn't put my finger on and my voice came out all way too high as I said "well I guess if the other guys do it we can do it too?"

Jason looked at me strangely what with the voice and all then he smiled and said "Yea I suppose it will work out, The important thing is we'll be all rested up for class in the morning, and hell getting paid for it so it's cool with me."

I had no idea what the hell was going on with me at that moment my palms were all sweaty and I was nervous as hell and feeling like a little boy with Jason and I just blurted out "Yea it's cool with me too I like sleeping with guy's, I mean I've slept with a whole lot of guy's" I put my head in my hands and laughed then looked up at him and said " Jason that came out all wrong buddy I meant to say growing up I had lots of sleep overs with buddies, You know what I mean? Not that I slept with other guy's for you know what"

Jason was just looking at me that handsome face of his and then he broke into a smile and said "Yea I think I know what you mean? You mean you had friends sleep over and it was not a sexual thing right?"

I smiled saying "Yea you got it now buddy"

Jason stood up and showed me to the cabinet next to the sofa bed he was told we would find sheets and pillows and a few blankets there and we did. We made up the bed and then I just stood there not sure what to do next nor wanting to make the first move.

Jason put one hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes a thrill shot through my body as he said "Look Kevin we get off work at 6 in the morning and we have to chow down some food and get to our first class by 8, So I suggest if you agree that we not sleep in the same cloths we'll be wearing to school, What do you think?"

His hand stayed on my shoulder and was ever so gently feeling my shoulder I looked at him and said "Yea would be crazy to go out in the cloths we slept all night in so I guess we can chuck the cloths and just sleep in our underwear?"

Jason winked his eyes and smiled at me his hand still on my shoulder and said "Yea that will work I guess all them guys you slept with, you did it in just underwear or did You guy's just sleep naked?"

I knew he was pulling me leg and pretended to be offended by his remark and pushed his hand away saying " We would have to be real good friends before we sleep naked together Jason"

He put his head back and laughed then starting to kick off his boots he said "well we are going to have to become close friends real quick Kevin cause, see I don't wear underwear so what do you say buddy? Is it OK with you if I get into the bed balls ass naked on our first night?"

He was now taking off his pull over shirt and I was mesmerized my his hard set of ABS. I was pulling off my own shirt and glad I had worked out all those years and was proud of my own set of ABS. Jason said something about my having a nice set of ABS and then said "So Kevin You never said if it was all right for me to sleep naked our first night?

I looked he had his hands paused to open his fly and pull down his jeans so I said "Sure hell long as we keep it between us, I guess its cool?"

Jason smiled at me and was slowly pulling down his fly saying "Thanks man and I won't forget this man I need the sleep and all big day tomorrow, Look buddy just know I would never tell anyone I got you in bed with me naked,"

I laughed now pulling down my own jeans and said "Cool I do have a reputation to keep up"

I was surprised at the way I was shaking inside and trying to hide it but I was going to see what this Adonis had between his legs. I didn't have to wait long and I was impressed he had a fucking horse cock between his legs even soft like it was it was at least 6 inches long and really fat around. He was cut like myself. he had the darkest black bush I've ever seen on a man and his bare legs were so well muscular. He was truly a hunk. Jason just stood there a hand on each of his hips and was looking at me. When my eyes at last did come up from his cock to his face he smiled at me and said "well what do you think?"

I swallowed hard and said again in that high voice "Oh wow that is one big ass cock you have there Jason man real big how big does it get?"

Jason took hold of his soft cock in his one hand and looked down at it saying it gets up to 9.5 Us being bed mates I am sure you'll get to see it a lot at its full glory, You know morning hard ons?"

I looked back down and again made a nervous swallow saying "Yea we all get them and mine is not far behind yours mine gets up to 8.5"

MMMMM Jason let out and smiled, still holding that meat which I swear was growing as we stood there. He went on to say in a real low sexy voice that sent chills down my spine "Lets get in bed and maybe you can let me have a peek at yours bare too, Hell you've seen mine?"

I just couldn't say a word or maybe I was afraid to say a work I just pulled up the blanket and got into the bed against the wall then turned to see Jason getting in his cock even bigger now as it was swing while he got in the bed. He was facing me. I was glad we were under the blanket now cause my own cock was getting hard real hard, This man was turning me on and I had no clue why, sure he was a drop dead good looking guy and had a big ass dick but I was not gay!

Jason was looking at me and again in that low sexy secret kind of whisper voice he said " Well are You"

I looked at him and couldn't think of what the hell he meant so I said dumbly " Are I what"

this made him laugh out loud and show his white teeth and I swear while laughing his cock ever so easy touched up against mine just a quick touch against my white briefs, It was like electric and now my cock responded it was full hard all 8.5 pushing against my briefs.

Jason said in that voice and now touching my bare arm. " are you going to show me yours"

What would he think I thought if he saw that I was hard and in bed with him he would think I was hot for his body? I didn't know what to say

Jason now rubbing my shoulder said. " Come on man I've showed you mine now its your turn, Look Kevin I know your cock is hard, That is no problem with me we are buddies come on let me see it OK?'

I said "how do you know mine is hard?"

He moved closer to me and his hard bare dick was now pressing lightly but pressing against my cock. He said "cause I can feel how hard it is Kevin and fuck you feel how hard mine is too now right so let me see it"

I meant to move away from him but instead I was moving towards him and my cock made even better contact with his then it had and I liked it and so did Jason He pushed against mine even more they were now locked cock to big cock. His powerful arm just went over my shoulder and he was pulling me to him. I couldn't believe it his was now kissing my neck, This Adonis was kissing my neck and hugging me in bed. nervously I put my arm over him and was feeling his back now that powerful back of his so smooth to my touch my cock ragging in my briefs.

He reached down and was doing something with his dick then I knew what it was He was forcing his dick between my legs, I lifted my top leg to let his dick slid between my legs and then closed my leg down on his thick bare ass cock and I loved the feeling. Involuntarily I let out a moan at once I knew he would take this as my being gay I thought and liking what he was doing to me but then I felt his fat cock pumping between my legs and that was all that mattered to me now to hold his strong body and feel his bare cock pumping me.

He kept up his pumping of his cock between my legs and took my face in one hand and looked into my eyes as he pumped me and said "Kevin buddy, There is no turning back now dude we are into it too far now buddy You have to let it happen between us and I promise You will be glad you did"

I pressed my leg down more on his fat cock and knew He was right it had to happen I was shaking and wanting this to go on the feel of him in my arms. I said "I am going to let it happen Jason let you do what ever you want to me Jason and I want it Jason God help me Jason I want it to happen." He pulled apart from me then and said propped up on one arm "take those briefs off now and let me see your manhood dude" I rested on my back kicked the blanket off and pulled my briefs off down my legs and over my feet I threw them on the floor. There was my throbbing hard dick for Jason to see. He leaned to me and took my bare cock into his hand and was jerking it for me feeling it this Adonis this handsome stud was jerking my cock now and feeling my bare balls. I reached down and took his massive hard dick into my hands for the first time and it was so out of this world so thick and so hard in my hand.

Jason was moving around now but kept hold of my dick I then knew he was getting into a 69 position and I said "Are we going to suck each other?" Now he was in the position and I had his cock in my hand again and I was looking at his bush of thick black hair and wanting it. Jason said "Yes we are going to suck each other buddy"

With that he put my big dick into his mouth and his tongue was all over my cock head and up and down my thick shaft it was so hot and seeing his thick black haired head bobbing on my cock like he was his wet mouth on my cock. I moved my mouth to his dick head and it was a real helmet of a cock head I opened and I took my first cock into my mouth I loved it at once and knew I would love a man's cock in my mouth always the smell of him the hard like steel yet soft feel of his cock skin in my mouth. I was now tasting his pre cum not nasty at all I liked it, it came from Jason and from Jason's balls and I wanted everything Jason as I sucked that cock. He had told me to do what he did and we sucked a long wonderful time filled with moans of pleasure as we both fucked our cocks into each others face. Jason was now fucking a finger into my ass and he was good no pain like I would have thought I like the feel and the thought of handsome Jason finger fucking my hole. I was doing like he was and fingering his hole one then two then three. I had the strong urge to fuck my cock into his hole as I fingered him and I was going to tell him that when he really picked up on my cock and I was ready to cum I said for him to stop but he moaned he wanted my cum and then it happened my load was shooting into Jason's mouth and load after wonderful load of my cream was filling Jason's handsome hot mouth. No sooner was my last drop of cum hitting his throat then Jason was shooting his cum into my own mouth I had to swallow fast as it was so much and then he was soon done filling my mouth with his cream but we kept our cocks in each others mouths and his and mine were getting soft in each others mouth and I loved even that so much. I was holding his hairy balls as I licked the last drops of his cum from his spend dick.

Jason pulled off and sat up and said. " Kevin that was so great man so really great I got to tell you I had been hoping you would do that with me all day buddy and now that we have I just hope you are OK with it man and you'll want to do it again?"

I lay there looking at his perfect male this strong vile male and he was wanting to do it again. I looked from his bare masculine feet up his powerful legs and to his bush and his spent but still fat dick in it and then those ABS and then his handsome face and I smiled and said Jason I want to do that again and everything two men can with each other with you.

He took hold of my spent wet cum soaked cock and said " we will buddy we will we have the whole year to learn what we each like to do. Can I ask you a favor buddy?

I sat up cause he asked so seriously and said holding him in my arms "Jason you are my hero now anything you want"

He kissed my neck and pulled me to him and said "Tomorrow after school come to my room I have a single room and let me fuck you and you fuck me?"

I pulled him to me and was kissing his powerful neck tears in my eyes I said "Jason I'll be there at 3 PM sharp.

More to cum if you like? for a picture of the Author write Kevinmjo@aol.com You must state your age for legal reasons or no picture Hope you enjoyed men? Love Kevin Kelly single in NJ/Philly area.

Next: Chapter 2

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