Ouu Honey

By Fred Frackett

Published on Aug 13, 2010


Hi All.. this is Jan. I just wanted to add a disclaimer for all of my stories. These are all 100% fictional. No one, living or dead, resembles or is related to my characters. All characters are of legal adult age or older. No character is forced to do anything he or she does not cravenly want to do. These are intended solely for adults for adult pleasures. The stories are not necessarily cohesive, the intent is not serious fiction, it's erotic stimulation resulting in gushing orgasms, hopefully! Let me know if I accomplished that goal! I welcum all correspondences and further discussions, suggestions and complaints that will bring both of us off! You can contact me either at: janslutt@yahoo.com or frackett@hotmail.com or IM me at either too! please visit my other series at: /nifty/transgender/tv/memories/ /nifty/transgender/tv/panty/ Thank you! Jan Slutt

Part 4... mmmmmmmm! Ouuu Honey Imaginations!

I sat there in the doctor's office, looking around, my imagination going crazy as usual. To my left was a kid probably 21 or 22, college kid, thumbing thru a mag. He wore cutoffs and sneaks and a tank top. I could see a nipple poking out as he raised his hand to turn the page thru the armhole. It was nice a puffy, like a girl's... I could see him with a camisole top on, his nipples rouged and excited, applying lipstick to his pouty lips, the camisole draped over a pair of gauzy peach panties, the outline of his thick cock in them throbbing, dancing, twitching in those hot panties, the head leaking precum, his legs crossing and stretching his garters from his black garterbelt, pulling on his black two-tone seamed stockings, his legs smooth and tan, freshly shaven, his toes pointing in the reinforced stocking toe and indicating that he was impatiently awaiting someone.. someone male, older... 50's maybe, a gay blade bottom that loved hosting young, hot men into his boudoir of lustfullness pleasures! Grey hair, thinning, you can see his bald spot as he softly takes the young man's thick, hard cock between his slut red lipstick'd lips, slowly drawing on it, sucking on it lovingly, knowing he'll be rewarded with a hot mouthful of thick, creamy cum....

Next to him was an older man, kind of pudgy, golf shirt and trousers on, black dress shoes. He, I imagined, was here to see the doctor for his annual prostate examination, shivering at the thought of bending over and feeling the doctor's finger invade his wanton asshole, wishing it was his cock or tongue!

"Sigh.." I said softly, switching to another man in the office, filling out all the forms. He's in his 40's, nondescript business suit on, hunched over the clipboard scribbling away. I start thinking.. what you can't see is under his suit.. he carefully chose his outfit today; black lace panties, black garterbelt and pink stockings, black and pink gauzy panties, a thin black camisole also! When he sees the doctor he opens his pants to the surprise of the doctor, who then checks his pulse by mouthing his cock in his panties, exposing his own panties and stiff cock so they can 69 on the examination table...

"Sigh.." I groaned, now hard in my own panties.

"Mr Jacobs!.." Nurse Cratchett hollers. She's in her 30's, tall, with pendulous tits that sway under her uniform as she shuffles papers... I bet she's got on a flimsy see-through bra with huge turgid nipples and areolas and a pair of crotchless panties so the good doctor can just bend her over and fuck her silly between patients quite easily!

I stand up and immediately her gaze goes to my crotch; she smiles! So does Mr. 40's suit too! She weighs me and leads me into the examination room. I sit up on the table while she takes my info and chooses to bend over her laptop, showing off her cleavage; it's not lost on me at all! She eyes my crotch again and I sit up, showing off my bulge, she damn well knows its exciting me!

"Let me take your blood pressure.." she grins, and does so. "Mmmm, a little high today?" she comments, bending forward while releasing the cuff, her arms pulling her loose top open even more, tits bulging everywhere!

"Yes, I must be excited..." and reach down into my crotch and give my cock a quick swipe with my finger, her eyes following...

She looked at me and extended her hand, her fingers reaching, then there was a knock on the door! She abruptly pulled back, flashed me a grin just as the doctor entered.

"Thank you, nurse, may need you in a few minutes.." he smiled warmly as she wriggled out. "How are you today?" he said, sitting down.

"Good... I'm back for my prostate examination you wanted to do on me..." I replied, grinning.

"Oh yes... I have time... the full exam?" he smiled.

"Ohhhh yessss please.. like last time.." I groaned. We'd done this before...

"Okay... " and the doctor stood up, removed his coat, and unbuckled his pants as I turned around and had my ass face him. He slid his hands down my torso, pausing at my bra under my shirt to slip his fingers up under my shirt and into my bra, tweaking my nipples, then deftly slid my pants down to expose my panties, stockings and garterbelt. He fondled my cock in my panties as I reached back and fondled his, drawing it out, and he slid down my panties and I spread my ass and guided his cock to my hole. He loaded me up with lube jel several years ago and already know I had lubed up in preparation!

"Ouuuu Honey.. your hole is waiting for meee.. my fucking cock is hard in my panties, baby... do you want me to fuck you, honey?" he moaned in my ear, rubbing his cockhead on my entrance, picking up a little lube on it.

"Yes sweetie.. fuck me honey like a real slut.. fuck my hole, honey.." I groaned back just as Nurse Cratchett reentered the room. As soon as she closed the door she ripped open her nurse's uniform.. it was already rigged with pull-apart snaps, and her 12" dildo strapped on her sprung out and she got behind the good doctor, pressing against his hole with it!

"Ouuu yeah Sara.. fuck me baby.. is your cock inside the dildo?"

"Yes... she growled in her real male voice.. she was a he-she! "I'm gonna turn it on as soon as I'm all the way up your ass, doc..." she growled. "Then Roger will cum in.."

"VRRNMMMMM..." All of a sudden she turned on the massive vibrating cock shoved deep up the doc's asshole, the vibration coursing through his ass and into his cock, vibrating my ass! OMG it felt so fucking wonderful! Just then Roger.. Mr. 40's suit guy.. slipped in the room with a gown on. He yanked off the gown and sure enough, a babydoll set along with stockings and garters underneath! He immediately dropped to his knees, his mouth open and sucked my vibrating cock in his mouth! He was a waiting receptacle for my hot cum which was ready to shoot out any second as my ass got vibrated!

"Oh fuck I'm cumming in the fucking dildo!" Nurse Cratchett moaned, ramming it in and out of the doc's ass.

"Oh fuck you're making me fucking cum!" Doc moaned, shoving his cock deep in my ass, increasing the vibrations!

"Oh fuck I'm cumming too!" I groaned, my ass and prostate consumed with lust and pleasure as the doc's cock filled me up and vibrated the cum from my balls!

"I"m eating your cummmm.... mmmm.. it's making me cum in my panties!" Roger the dodger moaned, sucking my cock fiercely!

"Put them over my head and let me lick out your cum!" Nurse Cratchett groaned.

"Let me eat your cum from the vibrator!" Doc with cock groaned, slipping out of my ass and getting on his knees, pulling the dildo from Nurse's cock and drinking from it, then sucking her cock!

"Ouhhhh fuckkk...." I groaned, ready to pass out! What a visit this turned out to be!

I got dressed and left, noticing in the waiting room two other guys who were twins.... hmmmm.. I'd like to be a little fly on the wall for their visit with the doctor!

I got in my car and drove to the mall, a few hours to kill. I liked just taking up space on a bench, watching all the people go by, fantasizing what their perversities might be!

First off as I entered the mall I noticed a woman approaching me, her tits swaying, her belly jiggling, too-tight top and shorts on. Next to her was a guy old enough to be her father, his arm around her, fingers grazing her boob and his shorts bulging! I wanted to stop them and find out... <fantasizing..>..

"Say, can I ask you two a question?" "Sure.." "I notice your hand grazing her tits, are you trying to cop a feel?" I smile.

"Uh yeah... she likes me to.." he sez.

"Is that what's giving you the erection in your pants?" I drool.

"Uh, no.. I wuz looking at your pants and thought I could see panty lines and a garterbelt and it wuz gettin' me har.." he grinned back at me. I reached out and fondled his lump and he gasped, "Ouuu fuck guy.. ouu yesss honey!" he moaned as I stroked his cock for him. He pulled her top off, showing off her tits. "she's my daughter, do you like?" he grinned, cupping her big tits. I cupped one while he reached down into my panties and felt my hardon, his fingers finding it wet with precum oozing out of it!

"Ouuu... see honey, mine isn't the only one that leaks.. you wanna...?" he grinned as she slid to her knees...

"I taught her how to suck cock when she was just a guy... she's had a boob job but never got 'the fix' so she's hard as a fucking rock right now, I'd guarantee it! OUuu fuck baby.. suck it nice.. ohhhh damn that feels so fucking wonderful! Go ahead, honey, show our friend what a hot cocksucker you are... ouuu yesss.. lemme watch you suck his cock, baby!"

I just about passed out feeling his.. er, her.. lips on my cock, slowly sucking it tenderly while her tits rubbed my legs. She slid a well-manicured fingernail up my thigh and scraped at my balls, tantalizing them! Then, she pushed back and dug her finger into my asshole! Oh fuck she's fingerfucking me! Damn that feels so fucking good! But.. I needed to perform too...

"C'mere daddy.. lemme suck your cock while heshe sucks mine.. ouuu please.. yesss.. fuck my mouth!" I groaned as we daisy chained!...

"Ughnhh.." I groaned, my cock hard and leaking while I sat there imagining all that going on! I looked down.. yup .. did it again, a big wetspot! I'll have to buy a newspaper... I spotted a news stand and quickly walked over to it.. I knew damn well the guy behind the counter could see my wetspot!

"The Daily.." I asked. He stared at my crotch.. I started imagining right there...

"Uh yeah guy.. I see you're fucking excited.. c'mere.. in back.." and he pulled aside the drape leading to where his stock was while hanging an 'Out To Lunch' sign and dropping the gate. I squeezed thru the narrow door to find him sitting on a stool, his pants down, a huge long cock inside a pair of frilly pink panties, pink garterbelt and stockings on too! "Take it out and make it hard, suck it, then sit on it baby!" he moaned, jutting his hips out at me!

"What do you think I am, a little fucking slut whore or something?" I grinned, slithering up to him, my fingers softly caressing his hard fucking shaft inside his panties!

"Yes.. you're a hot fucking slut.. I bet you're wearing stockings too.. lemme find out!" and reached for my pants button, quickly undoing it and letting my pants fall, showing off my lingerie! "See, I knew it.. I knew it!" he exclaimed, excitingly! He touched the top of my head.. that's all the encouragement I needed, I slid to my knees and pulled out that big, long fucker from his panties and started sucking it like crazy! When he was throbbingly hard, I held his cock straight up as I climbed up on it, straddling him, lowering my ass onto his fucking dick and driving it home! I hugged him and kissed him as I rode his big cock, our lips making love to each other's mouths while my ass picked up tempo, jerking off his cock inside me! "Ohhh fuck baby you're gonna make me cum!" he moaned, my ass rotating faster and humping on his cock.

"Cum for me honey.. fill my fucking ass with your hot fucking cum, baby!" I groaned in his ear just as, finally, I heard him groan in abandon and felt his cock pumping hot loads of cum up my ass! His cock slipped out and he pushed me onto all fours as he lapped at my ass and licked out his cum, then flipped me over and hard-jacked my cock until I exploded, him holding my cock like his own personal fountain, lapping up my shooting cum as it splattered all over his face! Ouuu Honey....

"Hey.. you.. ya want yer change or dontcha?" Mr. Vendor Man with the big cock and pink panties hollered at me.. my mind drifted off fantasizing!

"Uhh.. yeah.. sorry.. thinking about something.." I muttered, holding my hand out as he handed me the paper and the change.

"Yeah, I can see..." he leered at my crotch! "Looks like you were hard in thought..!" and grinned. He leaned forward and said softly, "I get that way sometimes too.. wanna meet for a drink and discuss how we could help each other, maybe? I close down in an hour.. there's Reddy's just down there, nice cozy bar.. meet me there, ok?" and smiled again. How could I resist that?

"Sure..!" I grin, walking away with the paper.. wonder if he does have on pink garterbelt and stockings like I imagined? My cock throbbed and leaked more just thinking about it!

I had an hour to kill. Hmmm.. let's park our ass over on that bench by the restrooms. Should be fun to watch..

You always know when someone is covertly doing something because you do the same exact shit yourself, y'know? Coming out of the john is a guy and he looks around.. 'is anyone looking at me?' he's thinking, then reaches down and adjusts himself, moving his cock and balls into a more comfortable place plus checking to make sure his zipper is zipped. Suddenly he glances at me. I catch his eye, look disapprovingly and nod.. 'the signal' from one man to another.. something's a miss! He looks at me, peeks down, looks at me again with question on his face, I nod again twice. He's quizzical, doesn't know what I'm referring to.. exactly what I want him to think! I nod for him to come over to me and sit next to me. He does! He leans over and whispers,

"Hey buddy, whazzamatter? I shoin' or sometin'?"

I look at him and grin and whisper back, "No, that's the problem.. I wanna suck that fucking cock inside your pants and need you to take it out so I can suck on it.. wanna go back into the bathroom and get in a stall so I can suck your cock?"

His face lights up! "Uh, I just peed.." he said questioningly.

"Oh fuck I know, I wanna drink it too, lick what I can off your cock for you.. c'mon!" I grinned, getting up, striding towards the john. "You cummin'?" I grin.

"Um, not yet.." he groans.

"You will.. believe me!" and we find a stall. He slides his pants down to reveal lavendar silk panties underneath, a big pee wet stain on the front. I lick it, savoring it's pungent flavor, then tongue up and down his now hard cock. He groaned, I pull down his panties with my teeth, capture his cock between my lips and give him a full on cocksucking. My fingers knead his balls and play with his ass, then tickle his rosebud. He sighs and cums down my throat in a gusher; me swallowing every drop! He farts, relaxes, then goes limp in my mouth but I keep mouthing his cock, looking up at him and plead he pisses in my mouth! I touch his asshole, he clenches, then groans and releases, piss flowing hotly in my mouth and down my throat! He groans "Ahhhhh....." and finishes, slowly pulling his cock from my lips, satiated, smiling down at me as I lick his pubes! He leaves, I look at my watch... still 35 minutes to wait..

As he opens the stall door another guy passing looks in and sees me sitting there, my cock out and my mouth covered in cum. He quickly steps into the booth and asks, "May I fuck your mouth, honey?" and takes his cock out and literally jerks off in my mouth! Now I just kinda enjoyed that! I swallowed and off he went!

I got up and re-dressed myself, walked out and went down to Reddy's. The vendor man had closed up so I wondered.. sure enough, there he was in a back booth waiting for me! I slid into the booth across from him, but he motioned for me to sit next to him.. mmmmm cozy!

The waitress came and got my order, looking a little quizzically at us, but I just hugged him and said, "Old friends!" and she trotted off. He hugged me back and slid his hand over my groin and squeezed; I shuddered and said, "Oh my.. my cock is leaking in my panties when you do that.."

He responded, "... ouu baby.. so is mine.. it might drip on my stockings.. lets get out of here, there's a janitor's room we can go to.. just down the hall.." and led me there. He opened the locked door, locking it behind him, then smiled, "I cum here to cum every chance I get.. I don't get many visitors.. I wanna take advantage of this situation!" and slid out of his pants and shirt, revealing stockings, garterbelt, panties and bra!

"Ouu baby... love your outfit!" I grinned! I slid out of my clothes showing off my finery too, we slid into each other's arms, kissing. He broke apart abruptly, turning and grabbing a tube of slut red lipstick off the shelf behind him, painting his lips! He held it out to me, I painted mine too and we slowly, seductively kissed, out tongues flailing on each other, our hands massaging each other's backs and asses as our groins ground together in a heated well-practiced hip grinding, extracting the most luscious and delicious slut wantoness we ever felt! I could feel my panties dripping wet from my own precum and also mixing with his, our cocks throbbing as we seduced each other in our own lezzie-slut ways!

"Oh darling, you feel so soft and sexy in your lingerie.. let me lick your armpits.." he moaned, as I lifted my arms for him to make love to my pits with his tongue, extracting waves of horny joy from me! I returned the favor, then just before kissing him again so we could both enjoy each other's hot sexy armpit smells, I asked him, "What's your name, lover? Real and assumed?"

"Oliver.. but I like Olivia.." he smiled, then returned the question. I just moaned, "Sean.. and Shiela.."

"Ouuu Shiela.. you hot horny bitch! I wanna suck your nipples puffy..." he groaned, clamping his lips over one as he slid up my brassiere. I moaned, writhing as he did so, sliding my hand in his panties to tickle his hard fucking cock. I could hear him groan as he flogged my tit, then switched to the other one, equally hurting that one too!

"Ouuu baby.. ouu honey.. suck my nipples you hot horny Olivia sweetie!" I groaned, rubbing his head as he did so. He responded to my touch, slowly working his lips lower, tonguing my belly button, then licking my panties, joined by his fingers caressing my cock and balls in them!

"Ouuu fuck, Ouuu Honey... Ohhh yeah!" I groaned, writhing to his ministrations. He bent my legs up over my head and tongued my asshole, pulling the panties aside, flogging my balls with his tongue also, then alternating tonguing my thighs above my stockingtops, then back to my asshole, tonguefucking it thoroughly!

"Ouuu gawd... oh fuck... Ohhh Honey... it's so fucking good!" I groaned, wishing it would never stop! He pulled the remaining panty from my cock and slurped it in his mouth, I thought I'd faint! "No.. not yet... don't wanna cum.." I moaned, so he released my cock and looked at me quizzically.

"Don't want to give me my just rewards?" he said disappointedly.

"Oh yes, but not too soon, honey.. let's drag it out so it's really really hot when we do cum!" I smiled. "Kiss me, lover.." It was a hot, horny, passionate kiss! "Got any music?" and he flipped on a radio... "C'mere, dance with me..!" and I jumped up coquettishly, holding out my arms, "Let's dance like two hot, horny lesbian lovers.." and he melted into my arms!

"Ouuu Olivia.. how well you can dance!" I smiled, feeling him whisking me around the room, our groins passionately grinding together at every chance! He ran his hand down my back, pausing at my bra snap to tug it lightly, then at my panty waistband to slip his fingers inside and play with my asscheeks, then passionately kissing.. he was getting the idea! Tease and tantalize, just don't go for the cock and cum right off!

"Mmmmm Shiela.. you're so fucking hot, honey!" he whispered in my ear and I ground against him more passionately to let him know how much his words turned me on!

"Thank you, darling!" I groaned and slipped my fingers between us and gave his cock a squeeze, then rubbed my cock in my soaked panties on his, the two of us passionately exciting each other. I spun around and continued dancing, him mooned against me from behind, our bodies swaying to the music, his cock humping my ass as he once again slid his fingers up my chest and under my bra to fondle my titties! I sighed, "Don't you wish we both had full sets of tits, 38D's or DD's?" and giggled at the thought.. big, jiggling tits to show off, tease and tantalize with! I could easily imagine what tempting outfits I would wear showing off that much cleavage! Ouuu, and areolas.. huge, hot pink areolas too would be a must! My cock started leaking even more at the thought, especially as Olivia's hand cupped my goodies while we danced spoon-style!

"Ouu sweetheart, you're precumming some more! Let me suck my fingers off.." he moaned, bringing them to his lips. "Ohhh baby, you're delicious!" and giggled like crazy! "But, I've got a more pressing problem in my panties right now.. can we glide into the bathroom? I need to piss..." he groaned.

"Um.. why not right here.. I see a floor drain.." and slithered to the floor, holding my arms out. "C'mere, you hot bitch.. annoint me ..." I grinned, holding my fingers out wriggling them at him! "Lemme take it out.. wanna aim it while you shoot.." and he stepped up to me, his cock half hard in his panties, pulling them down so it plopped out, fondling it, then holding it tenderly as I rubbed his belly.. "c'mon.. ouuu baby.. slut me up with your hot piss... piss on me honey.. ouuu... honey... now...!" and felt him clench, then suddenly hot golden piss started flowing from his cock as he exhaled, moaning "...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I aimed his cock like a firehose, soaking my face, in my mouth, down my front and on my own hard cock! The piss splashed everywhere, harmlessly on the cement floor, and I rolled in it, soaking my underthings with it, then took his cock in my mouth and finished drinking his piss and started sucking his cock for him. He groaned and held my head and guided it up and down his cock, moaning and thrusting..

"Oh fuck honey I gotta cum after that hot piss.. suck my fucking cock you hot fucking bitch.. be a hot bitch and eat my fucking cum, baby.. you slut.. eat it slut!" he moaned, holding my face with both hands as he skullfucked me, pumping my cocksucking mouth with a fury until he gripped my head and thrust his big fucking cock to the back of my throat and unleashed torrent after torrent of hot, creamy, steamy, foamy cum down my throat! It was so well worth waiting for! "Ohh fuck.. oh fuck.. that was so fucking wonderful!" He slithered to the floor, kissing me, tasting his cum and piss as I laid back in the damp pool, shivering as he felt and fondled my panties and stockings! "Gonna suck you off.. lemme get your cock out of your panties.. gonna rip the fuckers off you baby... gonna fucking rip them!" and did, the mere action exciting me! He took my cock in his hand and stroked it, then lowered his lipstick'd lips to it, taking me in his mouth, slowly sucking it with great deliberation, knowing full well that it would drive me insane! "Do you like it?" he grinned wickedly at me, then resumed his ministrations! I felt his hand spreading my legs apart, which I did willingly as he guided a finger to my asshole, then two, then three, fingerfucking me too!

"Ouuu Honey.. you're gonna make me fucking cum, baby!" and I grabbed his cocksucking head, shoving it up and down my cock, my fingers gripping his skull as I exploded in his mouth, wave after wave of pleasure enveloping me as he drained my cum from my balls! "Ouuuu Honey.." I sighed, filling his mouth full of my hot cum! I stopped pumping and he held his mouth still, but still on my deflating cock, rubbing my belly.. I knew what he wanted and was ready to oblige.. I groaned and pissed down his throat, amazed at how much I pissed, flooding his mouth which readily accepted it! When I finally stopped, he drew his mouth off me, grinning ear-to-ear..

"Was that good, honey?" he smiled.

"Kiss me baby.." I groaned and held my arms out, the two of us melting together as we passionately tonguefucked each others' mouths!

"Now... you'll have to cum back next Tuesday.. me and my brother will be playing and I want you to join us!" he sighed and I just nodded, knowing full well by then my balls will be aching ready to cum!

I left the mall and finally got home, my tail dragging. I went out back, took off everything and laid down on the chaise, quickly falling asleep. No more than drifting off when I felt a cock rubbing on my face! I opened my eyes and squinted, but was staring straight into the sun, blinded. I reached out and felt a growing hardon and a pair of soft buns, then hefted some cumfilled balls... damn it felt familiar!

"Hey bro, stopped by and you were asleep.. thought I'd wake you up like I used to when we were kids.." Jim grinned down at me, rubbing his leaking cockhead round and round on my face! He had on rose colored panties and had them pulled to the side!

"Ouuu honey... I love it!" I grinned up at him, remembering all the fun we had as kids! "Want me to suck your hard fucking cock, baby?" I groaned, ovalling my mouth.

"Ohh yeah.. oh fuck yeah!" he moaned. I pulled his cock into my warm lips, slowly taking it down my throat, enjoying every inch! "Ohh fuck... mmmmmmmm.. just like we were young.. you were the best cocksucker then!" he groaned.

"MMMmmmmmm!" I moaned, nodding in agreement as he started fucking my mouth. I was well known for my cocksucking abilities when I was young, sucking off many classmates, kids in gym class in the showers, even one of the assistant coaches! Gawd, I hadn't thought about Evan in years, my cock getting hard remembering how he was such an avid participant...

Coach Bill was off for two weeks because of an operation so assistant coach Evan took over. About my 2nd class with him he calls me into the coaching office; I sit down, sweating from our exercizes, wanting to take a shower so I could play with some hard cocks!

"Hey, I've been watching you and I notice you're always looking at the other guys' crotches, am I not right?" he half-accuses, half-laughs. I look down, secretly smiling, but nod a little nod, then a quick peek up at him. He cums right up to my chair, his groin jutting out right at my eye level..

"Well, I just wondered if maybe my crotch interested you.. " he said softly, a growing lump in his pants! "I also understand you've been known to wear ladies underwear too.. so do I.. why don't you check it out?" he said, expecting me to make a move on him!

"I'd be more than glad to see..." I moaned, my fingers starting a trail up his thigh. You could hear his breath suck in as my fingers covered his hardon, I stared into his eyes that by then were little slits as I slowly pulled down his zipper. I took a short gasp myself as bright pink appeared.. he had on some sexy, pink thong! My fingers slipped over the front of it already soaked in precum!

"Did you wear this special just for me, coachy baby?" I moaned, tracing his throbbing cock inside it.

"Yes I did honey.. sweetie.. I want to feel your lips sucking it.. suck my fucking cock sweetheart!" he moaned, shivering as I slid my fingers inside the little pouch and tugged his fucking hard cock out, staring into his eyes as I opened my mouth and drew his cock inside! He groaned and shuddered as I closed my lips around his turgid cock, his ass flexing as he started fucking my mouth, my other hand guiding his ass in and out! I unbuttoned his pants and let them drop, seeing his black lacy garterbelt and black seamed hose too... mmmmmmmmmmm... I loved a man in stockings! I caressed his thigh as well as his balls as I sucked his now throbbingly hard cock, my mouth becoming a human vaccuum cleaner, hoovering his cock like no tomorrow!

"Awwww... ouuuuu... honey.. you're so fucking good!" he groaned, thrusting in and out of my cocksucking mouth! I nodded vigorously, then felt him slipping down. I followed with my mouth, never letting go of his hard cock, as he sank to the floor and me with him, feeling his strong, powerful hands and arms guiding me into a 69 with him, his fingers clawing at my shorts, ripping them off to expose my dripping cock in my panties! He mouthed it, licked it, pulled it out and devoured it, sucking me like crazy!

"Love sucking cock, baby... gonna make me fucking cum... cum in my mouth so I can cum in your's!" he groaned. As soon as my sperm hit the back of his throat he began to shoot, filling my mouth with his hot, steamy cum! We laid there for a full minute, luxuriating in each others' cumbaths, slowly letting go of each other's cocks, kissing and licking them passionately, showing mutual appreciation for each other's cocks! I slid off him, rolled over on my belly as he directed, then sighed as he started to finger my asshole, spreading my legs.

"Oouuu Evan... whatchadoin'?" I groaned, feeling his finger start to ream me.

"Wanna fuck you... gonna eat you first to get me hard.. wanna fuck you honey!" he groaned!

"Mmmm yesss.. go right ahead.. please do!" I sighed, feeling two fingers enter me now, fucking me slowly. Then three fingers, stretching me! My ass raised up off the floor, my cock responding, his other hand under me playing with it! I reached back and found his.. sure enough, he was hard and ready!

"Oouu coach, that was quick! Fuck me honey!" I moaned, pulling his cock to the entrance of my ass, slowly feeling it go in me! "Fuck meee baby!" ....

"Fuck meee baby!" I groaned as my brother shoved his cock inside me! Snapping back into the present I groaned as he started pounding my ass!

"Oh yeah brother, fuck me honey.. then eat me out!" I moaned, meeting his thrusts like a whore in heat! I reached back and raked his balls slapping on my ass!

"Gonna cum.. gonna cum in your hot fucking ass!" he moaned, tensing, then I felt my ass flooded with his hot fucking cum! "Ohhh yeah... oh fuck... ouuuu..." he moaned, slowly slipping out of me. He kissed down my back, then yanked my asscheeks apart, and licked and lapped at my hole, my gut tightening to push out as much cum as I could into his waiting lips!

"Uhghhh... ouuuu.. oh fuck... does your cum taste good cumming out my hot ass?" I moaned, giggling.

'Yes honey.. just like years ago.. oouuu... you're fucking awesome!" he moaned, standing up, presenting me with his limp, dirty cock.. "clean me.." he sighed and I did, sucking everything off his cock for him! Then he kissed down my torso and softly took my cock in his mouth and made love to it, making me cum in return!

"Later, honey.. gotta run.. good to see you! I'll let myself out!" he grinned, grabbing his clothes, climbing into them... geez, we ought to wear overalls.. they'd be so much handier, y'know? Wonder if we could get overalls with lace on them, lol!

I strolled into the house just in time to hear some yelling out front. I peeked out my window to see my neighbors fighting.. again..! Darrell was fending off Sharon's blows, her screaming and yelling at him, shoving him out the door.. she followed him out onto the porch.. damn.. she had on just a real loose low-cut top, her pendulous tits swaying and jiggling as she slugged him! Her nipples were rock hard and it was giving me a woody just watching! Suddenly she dives back in the house, comes back out with a handful of bowls and starts chucking them at him! Darrell bolted for my front porch, one if the bowls smashing on my front door! I quickly yanked the door open, letting him in, forgetting completely that I was stark naked and turned on by watching her tits jiggle like crazy, my cock now hard as a rock!

"Hey Darrell... c'mon in.. you're safe here!" I groaned, yanking him inside. He took one look at me and his face changed. It went from shock to delight!

"Wow neighbor, what a way to greet me... mmmmmmmm.. that looks wonderful!" he grinned.

"Oh .. uh.. sorry, watching your wife's tits jiggling all loose and free got me hard.. and now your hardon is getting me harder!" I groaned, stroking my cock, staring at the big lump that formed in the front of his pants!

"This is what got me in trouble.. I tried to feel her tits and got hard doing it and she accused me of molesting her.. she--it.. she loves to be molested and I told her that too! Uh... these pants are a little tight.. I may need to change.. but I've got stuff on.. she didn't like what I had on.. it's her outfit.." he said, sheepishly..

"Oh yeah? C'mere big boy, lesse.." I moaned, feeling the front of his pants. "Ouuu baby you're hard as a fucking rock, honey!" and undid his pants, letting them drop. He had on a black garterbelt, black stockings, black lacy panties and a huge grin! "She didn't want to play while you were dressed? Doesn't she know how much it turns you on?" I asked, slowly masturbating his thick cock.

"Oh honey.. don't fucking stop doing that! Oh shit yeah.. wow.. no, all she cares about is getting Angela her girlfriend to lick her fucking cunt and to hell with me.. she was pissed off because she was going to wear this outfit when she met up with her later and found out I had it on.. she's a fucking bi... oh fuck, honey.. suck my fucking cock!" Darrell moaned, sitting down on the couch as I got on my knees and started seriously sucking his big fucking cock! "She's a bitch and you're a wonderful fucking cocksucker! I'm not bad myself.. " he groaned, his legs tensing. "You're gonna make me cum, honey.. oh fuck you're gonna.. uhghh.. oh fuck.. oh fuck yeah.. I'm gonna.. fucking.. oh fuck I'm gonna cum!" he groaned and shot his load straight down my throat! I swallowed it all, slowly releasing his cock, kissing and licking it.

"Mmmmm baby that was fucking wonderful, I never knew you were such an accomodating neighbor!" he laughed, stretching. "But, I'm just as acommodating as well! Let's play!" he moaned, slowly raising his stocking'd leg between mine, rubbing and tantalizing my balls and cock!

"Lemme get on some panties.." I groaned, dashing into the bedroom. He followed, lounging in the doorway as I donned a pair, then got on his hands and knees and crawled to me.

"I'm going to worship your fucking cock, baby! I'm a total fucking slut, I need to!" and perched on his knees as his fingers slowly traced my cock through my panties, then bent forward and licked it! "Oouuu.." I moaned! I wasn't used to someone else being my little slut, I was used to being someone else's! He rubbed his face all over my panties, then kept whispering, "Lemme suck it while you piss.." and rubbed my belly in slow, circular movements, stimulating my pissing urges! He slowly pulled down my panties, exposing my cock, then started snapping his finger on it to make it go down! What was he doing?

"Go soft, baby.. lemme taste your nectar!" he groaned, then wrapped his lips around my cock! Before I could get hard again he pressed on my belly and I had to pee.. gawd I had to pee! He waved like 'go ahead!' so I relaxed, then felt my piss flowing out my cock.. it felt so good and he suckled on it, drinking every bit of it! Ouuu Honey... he got more agressive with his lips as my pissing waned, I could feel him stimulating me.. I was getting hard again.. ohhh fuck yesss...

"Shit man!" I moaned, then started fucking his cocksucking hole, holding his head stiff as my stiff cock plowed his mouth! "I'm gonna fuck your face, baby... ouu yes honey.. wanna cum in your piss drinking mouth.. I"m gonna cum.. ouuu honey... drink it baby!" I moaned, then felt my cock erupt, wave after wave of pure pleasure coursing through me, the most wonderful mouth milking my nectar out of me!

I collapsed back on the bed as he let my cock slip from his mouth, the felt his strong hands lifting my legs up in the air, spreading my asshole. "Gonna eat that, honey!" he groaned, then I felt his tongue going to town on my ass, licking, jabbing and probing! He fingered me, then I felt the tip of his cock entering me!

"You gonna fuck me, baby? C'mon then, shove that big fucker into me! Fuck me silly honey!" I groaned, ready for anything by then! He did just that, mounting me, fucking me like a slut in heat! He kissed me as he pumped my ass with his cock, then flipped me over to fuck me doggy style, his huge cock ramming me over and over, finally tensing and shooting his sperm deep in my bowels. Immediately he was at my asshole, his tongue probing, capturing any cum he could. I pressed and his cum flowed out my ass into his mouth, then he kissed me again, sharing it, finally the two of us collapsing on the bed.

"Hey neighbor, any time you and your wife fight, cum over, ok?" I gasped, drained.

"Wonderful, neighbor, that will be about every day.. be my lover, ok?" he smiled weakly, knowing he was as fucked out as I was!

"My pleasure.." I groaned, feeling his stocking'd foot start massaging my cock again... "OUuuu Honey...!" I moaned...

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 4! Please write with any comments or criticisms to janslutt@yahoo.com or frackett@msn.com and feel free to IM me at either, too, always glad to chat! Just let me know you're a 'janslutt' reader! 'Til next time.. bi bi.. XOXO

Next: Chapter 5

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