Ouu Honey

By Fred Frackett

Published on May 16, 2010


Hi All.. this is Jan. I just wanted to add a disclaimer for all of my stories. These are all 100% fictional. No one, living or dead, resembles or is related to my characters. All characters are of legal adult age or older. No character is forced to do anything he or she does not cravenly want to do. These are intended solely for adults for adult pleasures. You can contact me either at: janslutt@yahoo.com or frackett@hotmail.com please visit my other series at: /nifty/transgender/tv/memories/ /nifty/transgender/tv/panty/ Thank you! Jan Slutt

"Ouuu Honey II"

"Yeah fuckhead, I'm gonna fuck your lilly white ass.. you be my bitch now, heah?" Reginald bellowed, his cock out of his pants, the white boy bent over, vulnerable, about to get raped...

Well, not so fast. Now you'd think this was the biggest fear in prison, big black bubba about ready to defile the puny skrawny little paleface dude. But, this wasn't prison. It was in the back room of a shoe store!

"Oh fuck, you gonna fuck me? With that big fucking cock? You're gonna rip my panty ass apart!" Danny moaned, slowly sliding down his pants to show off his bright pink lace panties! "Oouu honey.. you little fucking slutboy! Drop your pants.. I wanna see.. oh fuck yes.. you got on stockings and garterbelt too.. you're a whore cunt!" Reginald moaned, stroking his big, thick cock... "Show me your's sweetie honey..." Danny groaned, wriggling and wagging his ass back and forth invitingly to his employee. This was the first time they'd done this dressed! He hired Reginald a month ago and immediately they started flirting with each other, discussing makeup and lingerie in connection with what to wear with what shoes, but immediately noticing each others' raging hardons. Reginald made it obvious he wanted to go further, brushing past Danny and grinding his cock on his boss's ass; Danny responding by turning and facing his cock, mouthing it thru his pants, then unzipping him and taking his throbbing cock in his mouth and sucking him off and swallowing his whole load; then Reginald returning the favor! But, they both agreed that next time they wanted to do it dressed! Reginald slid his pants down to expose his pink stockings and red garterbelt, his cock protruding from black bikini's. He thought he'd be embarrassed showing what he liked to anyone else, but Danny's soothing words were like gentle music to his ears! "Ouu Honey... you look so hot and sexy, baby.. you must feel the same tingling I'm feeling, don'tcha.. your cock is dripping fucking hard, your balls are tighter than screwed down nuts... oh honey.. oh fuck honey.. ouuuu honey!" Danny moaned as Reginald came up behind him, lifting him up to a standing positions, hugging and feeling him, sliding his fingers under his bra, twisting on his nipples, grinding his leaking cock into his ass, his belly rubbing wantonly on the small of his back, kissing the nape of his neck, his ears, sliding his hand down from his nipples to his cock, caressing it, slowly masturbating it, pushing him over now, bending him over, Danny's legs spreading, his ass opening up invitingly... "Fuck me honey.. fuck me baby.. oh gawd fuck meeee!" Danny moaned, feeling Reginald rubbing the head of his cock on Danny's gaping asshole. It was slick with precum but Danny spit on his hand and rubbed it up and down Reginald's shaft to make sure he was well lubed, then tugged his cock into him. "Now baby.. please.. fuck me now!" he groaned, feeding the head of his cock into him. He relaxed and suddenly Reginald was a charging bull, aggressively thrusting his cock and hips into Danny's ass! "NNNNnnngghhhhh...!" Danny groaned. It felt good to get a cock in his ass again! And Reginald's 8" was fucking him like crazy! Danny drifted into a memory of he and his brother, Tom.. ouuu yesss.. so long ago...

Danny stood in the mirror admiring his lingerie.. he'd snuck into his mom's bedroom looking for something sexy to jerk off to and discovered a small drawer with garterbelts, stockings and bikini panties in it, and his flaming hardon drove him to try on the stuff.. his cock was leaking and dripping like crazy it turned him on so much! "Oouuu Honey.." he moaned as he slowly stroked his cock in the mirror, closing his eyes, imagining it was someone else's hand... a guy's hand... stroking his cock for him... ouuuu... "OHH SHIT!" Danny screamed when he felt the fingers wrap around his hand and his cock, eyes suddenly snapping open, bug-eyed as he witnessed his older brother, Tom, wrapping his hand around his own hand and help him whack off! "Ouuu honey, you've got a real nice cock!" Tom moaned lustfully, his own sticking out his pants! Along with a trace of black lace! "Oh fucking damn, you scared the shit out of me, brother!" Danny groaned, his brother's hand frozen, not knowing if Danny wanted him to continue. "But.. don't fucking stop!" Danny groaned, pulling his hand back to his cock as he slowly and tantalizingly reached out and wrapped his fingers around his brother's hard cock! "Ouuu yessss....!" Danny moaned, his hips starting to move. "You like this?" Tom groaned and undid his belt, letting his pants drop. He had on black lace panties, garterbelt and stockings under his jeans! "Um, can ya tell I do!" he giggled, suddenly getting up close to Danny, wrapping his arm around him, pulling him close. "Kiss me, honey!" he groaned, their faces an inch apart and closing. They passionately kissed, their cocks rubbing together, hands all over each other in a frenzied embrace as Tom kicked off his jeans, the two wrapping their stocking'd legs around each other! Tom looked into Danny's eyes as he slid down him, kissing his nipples, sucking on them, his fingers tracing down his body until he again encountered his cock sticking out of his panties, then ovalled his lips and sucked his cock deep into his mouth! "Oouuuu fuck!" Danny groaned, his legs shaking! "You're sucking my fucking hard cock.. ohhhh damn... oh fuck... ouuuu baby!" Danny groaned as he felt Tom's fingers push on his ass in his panties, rubbing his hole. "Mmmmmmmmmmmm! Tom, I wanna cum... but... in your mouth?" Danny groaned. "Yes.." Tom nodded, sucking him harder, pushing a finger in his asshole. He wanted to make his brother cum real bad! Danny felt his brother's finger go up his ass.. he'd fucked his ass many times with whatever he could find, but nothing compared to feeling a real live finger wriggling and poking his asshole! He couldn't help it.. as soon as his finger touched his prostate gland he spewed load after load of cum down his brother's throat! And Tommy ate it all right up! "Oh fuck I'm cumming.. oh fuck.. oh yesss!" Danny groaned, his sensitive cock slipping from between his cocksucking brother's lips! "I can not fucking believe you just did this! How long have you wanted to? All this time.." Danny moaned, helping his brother up. "I've had practice.. a friend.. we blow each other.." Tom groaned as Danny fondled his aching cock. "Want me to blow you, brother?" Danny grinned. Wild horses wouldn't stop him! He'd never done it before but he knew it couldn't be bad if his brother would do it to him! As he said the words he fondled his brother's hardon, stroking him, then slid down to his knees and faced his brother's cock right at eye level with his flaring piss hole! His brother reached down and slowly guided his head forward, Danny instinctively opening his lips wide, ready to recieve his brother's hard cock! "MMmmmmmmm!" he groaned as he felt the soft, spongy head glide on his tongue. Next, he was assaulted with the pungent, musky aroma of his balls. Oh fucking Wow! It gave him the stirring of an erection, even so close after cumming! "Ooouuu fuck yes, brother! Ouuu suck my fucking cock, baby!" Tom moaned, pushing and pulling in and out of his cocksucking mouth! Instinctively, Danny tightened his grip on his brother's cock and pulled his ass tight into him, he wanted to taste every fucking inch of his brother's thick, long cock! Tom let go of his head and pulled his cock from his brother's slutty loving mouth. "Suck my balls, baby! Lick 'em good!" he moaned. So Danny complied like he was told, slobbering and tonguing them as best he could! "Now, my asshole.. lick my fucking asshole!" his brother groaned. Danny wwas fueled by a raging lust he'd never felt before and eagerly tongued his hot, brown hole, spreading his brother's ass wide so he could get to it, burying his face deep in his brother's asscheeks! The sensuality of it was amazing! He felt his brother's sphincster tighten and loosen while he tonguefucked his ass. Suddenly Tommy flipped around and plowed his aching cock in his brother's mouth, driving it right down his throat as he unleashed the boiling cum from his bloated balls, facefucking his brother's mouth and completely filling it with his hot, turgid sperm! Danny did all he could to swallow it down, gulping and gasping, he couldn't believe how much it was! Some drizzled from his lips down his chin as he slid his brother's spent cock from his mouth, kissing it and licking it clean for him! He looked up and smiled, "Did I do good for my first time, brother?" he asked, shaking from desire. "Oh fuck yes! Kiss me you hot little slut!" Tom moaned, holding out his arms as his brother stood up, the two embracing in a crushing hug, kissing passionately, Tom licking his cum from his brother Danny's chin and lips...

"Unghhhh... oh fuck Reg cum in me.. cum in your boss's asshole, baby!" Danny groaned, Reginald fucking him like a big black locomotive! He gripped Danny's ass and plowed him rapidly, then buried into his asshole and showering his innards with his hot, thick cum! He drew out and immediately dropped to his knees to lick it out of his aching, dripping asshole! "Ouuu you hot tonguefucker!" Danny moaned, enjoying every moment of the tonguefucking. "Now it's my turn, honey baby!" and Danny dropped to his knees and slathered his employee's long, thick dangling cock with his mouth, licking it clean, sucking it then holding it steady as he rubbed his belly, motioning Reginald to piss in his mouth! Reginald groaned and let the stream release! His boss was drinking his piss! Reginald shuddered, the thought of it turning him on, and moaned, "Share with me, boss!" Danny finished and stood up, embracing Reg and kissing him deep, the piss pooled in his mouth and slowly fed it to him, both savoring the eroticism of the moment! They hugged, and Danny slithered his hand down and tugged on Reg's penis. "Wanna try it again?" he grinned. "I can put on fresh makeup, baby..!" "Oh wow, I'd love to but Carol will kill me for being late.. maybe next time, wanna work late next Tuesday? She's at her girlfriend's on Tuesday.." Reginald sighed, slipping his stockings off and undoing his garterbelt, his panties on the floor. He slipped his bra off and picked up everything, putting it in his little clutch bag he kept hidden in his trunk and slid into his work clothes, but not before Danny stopped him.. "Oh no, you're not running off quite yet.. I know that pissdrinking turned you on, baby... I fucking know it did.." and slid to his knees as he pushed Reginald back into the boss's expensive luxury executive chair, raising his knees up on the armrests and pushing a dildo in his ass as he engulfed his throbbing cock in his mouth! Reginald leaned back, resigned to his boss's wishes and let his boss have his way with him, exploding deep in his throat, Danny draining every last vestige of cum from his balls! He finally let go of him, Reginald smiling weakly... "You won't be fucking her tonight, stud!" Danny grinned triumphantly. "No, I'll probably have the neighbors over so they will..!" Reg grinned, waving as he walked down the sidewalk to his car. Danny donned his overalls, covering up his sluttiness and locked up, satiated! On his way home, he remembered the first time he got fucked in the ass.. it wasn't from a guy, either! His sister Amy did him with her strapon while Tommy sucked his cock; she'd caught the two of them in her lingerie and wanted to join in...

"OUuuu Tommy.. you hot little slut, honey! Kiss me baby!" Danny moaned, the two embracing, their cocks in their panties throbbing and aching, leaking precum profusely. Their bras rubbed together as their stocking'd legs entwined, snapping each others' garters while trying hard to stay balanced on high heels! They had hard rock music throbbingly loud, driving their passions as they necked! Suddenly, silence. They froze. Did the stereo stop working? They both looked. OH SHIT! Their sister Amy stood there, her long, slut-red nail polished fingers still lingering on the volume knob! Danny reacted first, hugging Tommy to him so they both could hide their hardons. "Uhhh.. Amy... oh shit... you caught us..!" he stammered, his lipstick a mess from making out with his brother!

"My things look.. um... good on you two!" she grinned. "I never knew it turned you both on so much! How long has this been going on?" she inquired, one hand on her hip, Her other hand glided up her front to touch her nipples! They were hard as rocks and pointing out at them, something not lost on Danny! He wondered if it turned her on? She certainly wasn't screaming and yelling at them, that was for sure!

"Ohhh for some time, we try to be careful in your things.. guess you want us to take it off, huh?" Danny groaned, wishing he didn't have to.

"Um, no... I like the way you two look, actually. I can help straighten out your makeup... and lemme see your hardons, huh?" she groaned.

"Uhhhh.. ok with you, Tommy?" Danny asked. Tommy just nodded, a small grin on his face as they separated.

"Yeah.. I want sis to see my cock... it's getting hard again just thinking about it, actually!" Tommy groaned, reaching down and fondling his cock plus Danny's too!

"Ouuu yeah play with each others' cocks.. this is sooo turning me on... you two are fucking hot!" Amy moaned, her hand slipping up under her skirt to feel her wet panties. "I don't need this now, do I? Or my blouse either?" and slid her skirt off and tossed off her blouse, standing there in basically the same dress they had on.. bras, panties, stockings, garterbelts and high heels! "Do you wish you had real tits to fill those bras? Want to see mine? Ouuuu baby, I always wanted to show you my tits.. and to play with your cocks... two nice hard cocks all under the same roof, why shouldn't I get to play with them?" she giggled, slowly lifting her tits out of her bra cups. Damn they were fucking big!

"Here, you can play with mine!" Tommy groaned, stepping in front of her, his cock in his panties, throbbing hard and dripping precum, his panties soaked in it! Amy smiled and reached out with her fingers and long nails and scraped up and down his fucking hardon, then slid her fingers into his panties and felt it. He melted!

"Ouuu honey your cock is so fucking hard, baby! Feel my tits!" she moaned, drawing his hand to her aching breast. "Here Danny, you play with the other one.." she motioned. He pulled his cock right out of his panties, sticking out lewdly, and stepped up to her, giggling, and cupped her other tit. She groaned and stroked both their cocks at the same time!

Mmmmmmm fuck yes, boys.. you two are rock fucking hard.. do you like me swearing like that? Huh? This is fucking down and dirty! Kiss meeeee!" she moaned, turning to one, then the other, capturing hot, sexy kisses that no normal sister would give her brothers! Danny and Tommy slid their fingers to her dripping cunt...

"Sis, you're fucking wetter than a drowned duck!" Tommy moaned, fingerfucking her furiously, her hips gyrating as she sucked on their tongues. Suddenly he felt hot wet... she was pissing in his hand!

"Uh.. sis.. you pissing?" Tommy groaned.

"Yessssssssssss... " she moaned. Immediately Tommy dropped to his knees and buring his face in her cunt, lapping and drinking her piss!

Meanwhile, Danny was having a ball playing with her other tit, then got to play with both of them as Tommy dropped to his stocking'd knees Tommy slid a hand up his thigh and gripped his hardon, leaving Amy's pussy and taking it in his mouth. She looked down and watched him suck his brother and squealed,

"Oh fucking yesss.. suck that cock, brother.. suck your fucking brother's cock you incest queer!" she laughed, meaning it with pleasure! They all dropped to the floor and Amy captured Tommy's cock in her mouth while Tommy sucked Danny and Danny licked her dripping wet pussy, the three of them daisy chaining!

Danny came up for air and asked, "Where did you learn how to suck cock, Amy?" fingerfucking her passionately.

Suddenly there was another voice in the room...

"From me..."

Tommy and Danny turned and looked, stopping their cocksucking quickly, their mouths open as they saw their dad standing in the doorway, his cock sticking out from a pair of crotchless panties framed by black garters from his garterbelt, attached to black seamed stockings, going to slingback high heels. He had on a black demi bra and his ample chest pushed together to form beautiful titties!

Amy lifted herself up to her knees and crawled to him, reaching out for his hard, throbbing cock, as if mesmerized by the phallic symbolism of it and engulfed his cock in her mouth, earnestly sucking him!

"From daddy... we've been having fun since I can remember.. daddy would cum in my room at night and finger me while letting me lick his wonderful cock, then taught me how to suck it and get fucked by it.. I taught him about dressing up so we could truly enjoy hot fucking horny sex together.. then to catch you two dragging it up, it's like father like sons!" she giggled, then sucked his cock deep down her throat, then held it out to her brothers. "Here, try daddy's cock, I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do!" she offered. "Ouu you two little slut boys!" Daddy moaned, holding his breath while he watched Danny grin at him, get on his stocking'd knees and slowly, sensuously engulf his thick cock with his slut red lipstick'd lips! Then he felt Tommy get under him and suck on one, then the other of his balls, licking and slurping on them madly! Ouuuuu honey! "Oh fuck, sons.. I never imagined you'd find out our dirty little secret, To say nothing.. ahhhh..ouuuu.. oh fuck! of joining us! Oh you hot fucking little slutcunts.. I'm gonna cum, I gotta fucking shoot... Amy, stick your finger up my ass.. you know how much I lie.. ohh fucking yeah! ..like that! Fuck me you bitch! Ohh fuckkkkkya......." and he shot a huge load of cum all over Danny and Tommy's faces who immediately started licking it up!

Ronald shuddered, cum dripping off his cock, laying there satiated from both his daughter and now both his sons ministrations to get him to cum! The least he could do was to return the favors!

"C'mere boys.. and you too Amy... I wanna suck you both.." Ronald moaned, pulling their panties down enough to expose their still-stiff cocks. "Ouuuu yes darlings!" their father moaned, taking one, then the other's cocks between his lips, after first painting them with slut red lipstick. "Amy, get me hard so I can fuck you, honey.." he moaned, her working his cock with her mouth fervently! She bent over and felt him enter her ass as she watched Tommy suck on Danny's cock... she quickly separated herself from her dad's cock, saying she'd be right back and scampered off to her room, returning only to be toting a cock of her own... a strapon she'd gotten from her female math teacher, Mrs. Avery, who regularly got Amy to fuck her silly with it while sucking on her bouncing titties! "Daddy, go ahead and start fucking my asshole, I wanna fuck one of the boys!" she giggled, pulling Danny's ass to her. "Ever been fucked, brother?" she sighed, rubbing the fake cockhead on his puckered hole.

"N..no.. me and Tommy had been talking about trying it..but sucking each other all the time felt so good.. ouuu Amy.. that's feeling wei..oh fuck!" he groaned as Amy pushed the well-lubed fake cock into his ass an inch! Then another and another until he was impaled! She rested and allowed him to get used to it, then rythmically started fucking his ass in cadence to her dad fucking her own. Tommy, meanwhile, didn't want to get left out; he released Danny's cock from his lips, quickly spun around and guided Danny's cock to his own ass! They were going to try this today anyways...ouuuu yes baby.. he groaned as he felt Danny enter him! It was so thick and invading, but there was pleasure.. ouu honey.. lots of pleasure..

"OH SHIT!" Danny exclaimed, jerking the car back into his own lane; he was almost home and his daydreaming of him and his brother and sister and dad almost got him in an accident! The truck coming at him swerved too; he pulled over, so Danny pulled over too and got out, walking back to the trucker. "Hey man, sorry, I was daydreaming I guess.." Danny grinned, as the truckdriver stepped towards him. "No problem, damn near hit you, wanted to make sure you're all right... from what I can see it looks like it was a good daydream!" he smiled, grinning broadly as he eyed the big lump and huge wetspot on the front of Danny's pants. "Oh.. uh... yeah..!" Danny grinned sheepishly.. "...just reminiscing on some things us kids did together growing up... got me growing.." "Looks like it.. must have been fucking fun... lemme clean that up for you.. come into my sleeper... I"ll get the stain out.." he said, reaching a finger out and toying with the front of his pants. "My pleasure.. I'm Danny..." he sighed, flushed with excitement. "I'm Teddy.. glad to meet ya!" he said, shaking Danny's penis instead of his hand as he helped Danny climb into the cab. He unzipped Danny's pants and gasped as he discovered his hot pink panties, soaked in precum as Danny slammed the door shut. "Ouuu baby.. a panty boi, huh? So am I, honey... ouuu honey! You're so fucking hard in your panties!" Teddy groaned, unbuttoning his shirt enough to show off his black bra straps! "Let me clean this thing off with my hot cocksucking mouth... better yet, once I get my slut pink lipstick on, ok sweetheart?" he moaned, lustily painting his lips and undoing Danny's pants, gasping as he saw his garterbelt and stockings! "Ouuu my favorite.. legs in stockings!" he giggled, bending and opening his mouth and sucking Danny's cock between his hot pink lips! He slowly sucked Danny's cock for him, also shucking down his jeans to expose his own stockings, garters and sexy thong! "Tell me what you were daydreaming about.. I love incest.." and went back to dutifully sucking his cock. "My brother and I were in lingerie and kissing when our sister walked in on us, watched us sucking each other's cocks when dad came in with stockings and panties on, she sucked his cock, said she'd been sucking and fucking him since she was a kid! We sucked Dad's cock then he fucked her in the ass while she fucked me with her strapon dildo, the first time someone was ever in my ass. But not the last..." Danny moaned, tugging on Teddy's stiff cock in his panties. "Got room in this sleeper cab for me to get on all fours so you could fuck me silly?" Danny groaned, "Oh yeah baby.. ouuu sweetheart.. get me nice and hard.." Teddie moaned, thrusting out his pelvis. Danny toyed with his cock in his panties, touching and tickling it, making Teddy groan in pleasure as he sucked Danny's cock. Danny scooched down and got into a 69 position with Teddy, sucking each others' cocks while their fingers played with their big, cumfilled balls and slowly parted each others' asscheeks to tickle their holes! Danny knew Teddy was ready to fuck him when Teddy thrust two fingers in his ass! "Ouuuu Honey... fuck me baby.. fuck me good... I wanna feel your big fucking panty cock splitting my asshole cunt apart!" Danny groaned and got into position. Teddy took no time getting right behind him, holding his thick cock and rubbing it on his hole, his profusely leaking precum lubricating him, and slowly started shoving his cock in Danny's waiting and willing asshole! "Unghhh.. ouuu honey... ohhh fuck.. fuck me baby!" Danny groaned, feeling his big new panty stud friend plowing his ass! "KNOCK KNOCK!" came a rap on the sleeper door, then the handle yanked and the door flew open! State Trooper Barry stood there, eyeing the situation, climbed quickly into Teddy's sleeper and slamming the door before they could separate! "I was going to tell you, Teddy, that I would help you out for a blowjob.. but looks like you got some nice ass.. maybe he could suck my cock.. I'm wearing panties too!" the officer bragged, swinging around to Danny's face. Danny grinned and pulled down his uniform zipper, fishing out the trooper-cock and immediately took him in his mouth, his cock framed by the crotchless lacy bright red panties sticking out of his zipper as Danny gobbled on his big fucking cock that was facefucking him, Teddy plowing his asshole, snapping Danny's garters on his ass and slipping his painted fingers under Danny's bra to tweak his turgid nipples! Just as Teddy flooded Danny's ass with his cum, the Trooper shot load after load down his cocksucking mouth! Danny ate it all up and the trooper bent down and cleaned off Teddy's cock, then immediately went for Danny's asshole, licking every vestige of cum out of his ass! They all collapsed, satiated! The trooper heard a call on his radio and scampered out as Danny and Teddy made out, saying goodbye, the trucker promising to swing by Danny's store for some new boots and a blowjob. Danny got himself together and climbed out of the sleeper just as he witnessed Mr. BigCock Trooper writing him a ticket! "Hey, hold on.. I just sucked your cock and ate your cum, don't you think you could give me a break?" Danny pleaded; he knew it would raise his insurance sky high! "Heh heh heh...!" the trooper chuckled. "I'm not giving you a ticket, I'm writing down your license so I can have my buddies stop you and suck and fuck you silly!" he giggled. "We've got a whole passle of us pantycops, y'know? Some strange ass is always welcum!" and snapped his book shut. "Don't worry, no one's going to be giving you a ticket as long as you keep giving fucking blowjobs like the one you gave me!" he smiled, rubbing his crotch, secretly blowing him a kiss, too! Danny got in his car and carefully drove away, his mind still reeling... he remembered after their foursome, Amy coming into his room, sitting on the edge of his bed, slowly, daintily, masturbating him while telling him how she and daddy first started....

"Do you like my fingers playing with your cock, baby?" Amy groaned, knowing she was turning him on. "Ohh fuck yes, honey.. thank you for the panties, too!" Danny groaned.. she'd walked in with a pair of skimpy panties dangling from her fingers, wanting him to 'model' them.. "Tell me how you and daddy started.." he groaned. "And, why not ever doing anything with your younger brothers? We always were spying on you, trying to see your titties or bush..." he moaned as she slid off her top to show her big tits bulging from her black, lacy bra, then slide down her shorts so he could see her black, lacy crotchless panties! "Well, I never even knew you were interested, never thought about you two even having hardons! But now I sure see you do!" she grinned, gripping his cock thru his panties. "Anyways, me and daddy... it was a couple years ago.. I was between semesters and was home and Daddy had that internet enterprise job at home? You and your brother were always gone and so was mom. I was so fucking horny, and of course all the boys I knew before were away. Well, one day Daddy must have thought I was still sleeping and I got up and went by their bedroom.. he had the radio playing and was dancing.. in mom's bra and panties! His cock was thick and hard and leaking in them! Then he laid down on the bed, slipped his panties down, grabbed one of her vibrators and moved it up and down his cock and all over his balls and very quietly let loose a muffled "whoosh!" and cum spurted all over his belly! I was standing in the hallway watching fingerfucking myself and it made me cum watching big gobs of his cum shoot from the end of his prick! Then he took two fingers, scooped up some and sexily licked it and sucked his fingers like it was someone else's! I knew he liked lingerie so..." Amy smiled, stopping for a minute because she knew she could make her brother cum and she wanted to drag it out for him! "...so once he got dressed I came into the living room just in my bra and panties, the sexiest ones I could find other than the crotchless ones, and was 'surprised' to find him home, my tits ready to spill out of my bra, my panties skimpy and tight, you could see my bush and pussylips through them!" she said excitedly, remembering the moment. "Uhhhghhh.. then what happened?" Danny groaned, his cock aching like mad, wanting to cum sooo bad! "I sat down next to him on the couch and gave him a big hug and he hugged me back, then asked what I was doing. I told him I was just changing and got so horny I was going to watch a porno, would he like to watch one with me? I had one I'd gotten from a friend, went to my purse and took it out, telling him how much I'd love to have him watch it with me... he said ok and I put it in the machine, sat down next to him and let it rev up. On the screen were two couples, an older and a younger, the dialog indicating it was mom, dad, son and daughter. I spread my legs and opened my pussy wide for him and took his hand and had him tease me through my panties, watching the women dress up the men in lingerie, putting makeup on them, etc. Daddy's fingers were trembling while he played with my pussy! He started moaning "Ohhh fuck... Ohhhh shit... Ohhh damn!" as he watched them on the screen. I slid my hand up his thigh and gripped his hardon thru his pants and played with it whie he pushed my panties aside and slid a finger right into my cunt. When he did that I looked up at him with longing and opened up his pants, to find his cock inside a pair of hot panties, framed with his garterbelt! I slid my hand up and down his cock and he gasped (as Amy slid her hand up and down Danny's cock) then I bent over him and took his cock in my mouth, like this... (she took Danny's cock in her mouth!)... Danny groaned and pumped his cock in her face, ready to cum. She stopped teasing him and was ready for his load, and as he shot she lapped up every drop! "Mmmmmmm... that's the same thing Daddy did in my mouth.. I love being a cum dump slut!" she grinned, licking the cum off her lips! "Now, we kept watching the movie and I played with him until he got hard again; he was shocked when I sat on his hard fucking cock that I wasn't a virgin... I laughed and told him I'd lost that a long time ago...! Now, it took a while for Daddy to respond, but you're younger and you're getting hard again already!" she moaned, tickling his balls and writhing all over him, then spread her legs and climbed onto his lap and drove his hard fucking cock deep up her pussy! "Ohhh fuck, sis... I'm fucking my sister.. oh fuck!" Danny moaned, hanging on for dear life as she gyrated and bounced on his pecker! Her big tits were right in his face and he nuzzled them... she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him to them and told him to bite her nipples... she really got off on that! Then she pulled away, turned over and got on all fours and begged him to pull out of her pussy and fuck her asshole! He of course complied, doggy-style, just as Tommy walked into the room! "WTF?" he groaned, his cock springing up in his gauzy panties! "Tommy.. c'mere honey.. fuck my ass while I fuck Amy's ass!" Danny groaned, wriggling his sexy ass at him as he fucked their sister! "MMmmmmmm... my pleasure, bro!" Tommy groaned, getting down on his stocking'd knees, sliding his throbbing cock up his brother's tight ass! "Mmmmm you're hot, bro!" Tommy groaned, getting into his and his sister's rhythm. "Gee.. thanks for inviting me!" Ronald laughed, pulling off his pants and shirt. "Oh daddy, you know you can always join in! What would you like to do?" Amy groaned, her ass getting hard-fucked by Danny. "C'mere and I'll suck it for you.." she offered. He strode over to her, his cock waving in her face.. she opened her lips as he slid it inside her hot cocksucking mouth.... "Oh you hot little girl.. my hot little cocksucking daughter!" he sighed, standing still, letting the fucking she was getting making her bob on his cock. "Daddy, before you cum... c'mere and fuck my ass.. I wanna feel your cock up my ass.. please?" Tommy groaned, ramming his brother's ass harder and faster! "Would you mind, Amy?" Ronald asked. "Nnn Nnn.." she tried to speak with her mouth full of his hard cock. She finally released it and said, "Oh no not at all, daddy...when you get done cum back and I'll clean it off for you.. ok?" she grinned up at him. "Damn.. I almost came just thinking about that!" he groaned, then got behind Tommy and pushed his fat cock in his ass. Tommy shuddered, his asscheeks quivering as he felt his father's cock enter him! "Ohhhh fuck..." Ronald moaned! His son's ass was so nice and tight, unlike his boss's ass at work.. he had to stay after work once a week for the last 12 years fucking his boss's ass and mouth because his boss was a closet queez.. they got drunk one night at a convention, went back to the room and his boss took his pants off and showed Ronald his garters and stockings... Ron showed his boss his own and they slutted it up together every night after the speeches for a whole week, making each other cum and cum and cum! It still turned him on, but too familiar.. this was new, it was hot, and it was his own kids! He groaned and shot load after load of cum deep into Tommy's ass, his limp cock slipping out as he felt Tommy orgasming, clenching his ass as he came in Danny, and Danny hanging onto his sister, cumming deep inside her ass too! Ronald staggered in front of her, his cock dripping and swollen... "You still wanna?" he moaned... "Oh fuck yeah.. I wanna.. I wanna clean off all your fucking cocks.. MMmmmmmmm... " she sighed as she mouth her father's cock, then Danny's, then Tommy's! She loved being a little slut! She no more than got done and Ronald returned the favor, spreading her ass and tonguing her, as he watched Danny and Tommy clean out each other's!

"Home! Finally!" Danny groaned, climbing out of his car. He unlocked the front door and strode in, announcing... "I'm home! Long day at the shoe store!" and tossed his keys in the bowl on the end stand where he always put them. His wife Mary came out of the kitchen, asking why he was late.. he told her about having to stay with Reginald and do an inventory count, then getting stopped on the way home... he was bushed, what was for dinner? Where were the kids? Mary grinned and said the kids were gone, and dinner was steaks, and she had a surprise... leading him into the bedroom.... "Meet my brother Phil, Danny.. he just got off the plane.. and he wants to play!" she giggled. Phil lounged on the bed in Mary's sexy bra, panties, stockings and garterbelt, his thick cock sticking up in her panties wantonly, silently begging both of them to be drawn to it! "Why, Mary, you never told me about your brother..." Danny groaned, reaching out and stroking his cock, saying hello... "Reginald called me.. told me about you two staying late.. he's been fucking me silly for months...so I knew you'd like this, baby..." she gurgled, slipping her panties down and climbing on Phil's thick cock.. "Ohh fuck just like when we were kids, Phil.. fuck me, Philly baby honey!" she moaned, bouncing up and down! Phil groaned, "Danny.. c'mere.. my cocksucking mouth is open.. fuck my mouth, honey!" and Danny slid his cock between his lips... ahhhhh.. it's so good to be home... ouuuuu honey...!

Hoped you liked part II.. please send me comments and suggestions! janslutt@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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