Outrageous Fortune

By moc.gnirpsdnim@idpams

Published on Mar 22, 2008


Outrageous Fortune, Part 2

by stimle (smapdi@mindspring.com)

This is a work of fiction. All rights are protected and the story cannot be reproduced without permission. My stories are archived on my site at http://home.mindspring.com/~smapdi/ as well as at http://www.pridesites.com/omelissokomos/stimle/index.html and www.ASSGM.com.

Outrageous Fortune, Part 2

Ryan wasn't sure how long he'd been sleeping when something hit him in the face. He dragged his eyes open to see it was a pillow from the rec room sofa. Looking up, he saw Matty standing in his bedroom door, wearing only his briefs, tossing another pillow at him.

"Where are my clothes, Sleeping Beauty?" he asked, flinging yet another pillow.

"Uggghhh..." Ryan moaned, shielding his eyes from the morning light streaming in through his window. His head was pounding. "What time is it?" He pulled his blanket up over his head.

"Time for you to get your ass up," Matty replied, grinning as he yanked the blanket down. "You aren't gonna sleep all day, are you? I need my clothes."

Ryan noticed Matty was sporting morning wood and smiled slightly, his mind drifting back to the previous night and the still fresh, smoking hot memory of Matty, stoned and boned, all sprawled out on his bed. The mere thought made him go all tingly and he was hard as a rock instantly. He was thankful his blanket was still covering his lower half.

"How're you feeling today?" he ventured cautiously as he crawled out of bed, keeping his back to Matty as he pulled on his shorts. "You were totally blitzed last night."

Matty ran a hand through his hair, raising his eyebrows and shrugging his shoulders. "You tell me," he replied, his voice all raspy. "I don't remember a fuckin' thing and I feel like shit."

That's good, Ryan thought to himself. Can't have Matty remembering. His dick started to harden again as he remembered how good Matty's body felt. Tight, firm and toned. "Uh, well, let's see," Ryan started, as he made his way down the hall. "You were pretty drunk when you pulled up. You lost your keys so I said you could crash here. And then you drank some more. That's about it. Oh... did I mention you were drunk off your ass?"

"Shit..." Matty shook his head, chuckling. "And my clothes?"

"Oh, yeah," Ryan said. "They're in the dryer. You fell in my mom's flower garden and got them all muddy so I washed them."

They walked up the stairs with Matty in the lead, Ryan biting his lower lip as he followed, staring at the smooth curve of Matty's butt just inches from his face. The white Calvin Klein briefs were stretched taut, highlighting every muscle in his perfect ass. Ryan sighed softly, silently lamenting the missed opportunity last night represented.

"Fortune favors the brave..." he muttered ruefully under his breath.

"What was that?" Matty asked, turning.

"Um... nothing," Ryan stammered. Shit! What the fuck was he doing? He shook his head. "Nothing..."

"No," Matty said, his eyes narrowed. "You said something... fortune favors the brave... "

Ryan gulped, his eyes wide.

"Come on, Ryan," Matty said, looking him square in the eyes. "I'm not stupid."

"I... I... d...didn't mean.." Shit! He was busted! Matty knew what happened last night?! He tensed up and braced for a beating.

"Senior English... Mr. Sommers...?" He stared at Ryan's frozen face. "It's Virgil, right? The Aeneid'?"

Ryan was still silent. Speechless.

Matty shook his head. "I'm more than just a pretty face, you know," he said with mock indignation. "Besides, it was required reading."

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing he'd just dodged a bullet.

"Dude, you're useless after a night of drinking aren't you?" Matty laughed, reaching back to ruffle Ryan's hair.

They reached the top of the stairs and went into the breeze way. Ryan opened the dryer and pulled out Matty's jeans, t-shirt and socks. "Ummm, they're wrinkled. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Matty said, stepping into his jeans. He buttoned the top button and then slipped the t-shirt over his head.

"You want some breakfast?" Ryan asked, trying to flatten his unruly hair into place. "I can make some pancakes or something." He kept stealing looks at Matty.

"Nah, I'll barf if I eat," Matty replied, waving him off. "Thanks, though. I'm just gonna head home and crash for a couple more hours. Probably take a shower first, though. I feel gross."

"Yeah, and you stink," Ryan chuckled, holding his nose. Matty hadn't buttoned the fly of his jeans and Ryan couldn't help but stare at the white of his briefs poking through the faded material. His dick was getting hard again and he turned to close the dryer door.

"Fuck you, asswipe," Matty laughed again. He punched Ryan playfully in the shoulder and grabbed his jacket. "I'll catch you later, okay?"

"Yeah," Ryan nodded. "Later."

Ryan flopped onto the couch and curled up under the afghan Matty had slept under. He could smell Matty on it and pulled it to his nose to inhale deeply. He thought back to last night. As random as it was, his night with Matty Anderer had somehow re-energized his efforts to do something similar to Ben.

Last night - before the whole episode with Matty - Ryan, Kyle and Ben had been playing video games and just hanging out. After one particularly stinging defeat, Ben had flopped onto his back in dejection. His knees were up and the legs of his gray mesh shorts had hiked up a few inches, revealing the bulging pouch of his white briefs. Ryan was pretty sure they were Hanes since he'd seen him in them before.

Ryan and Kyle's plan had been to get Ben drunk and maybe cop a feel or something. The only time Ben had ever come even close to being drunk was at Stacy McNamara's graduation party a few weeks earlier. Stacy had a big family and lot of friends so her parents threw her open house at the local VFW Hall. Some enterprising graduates had spiked one of the bowls of punch and Ben had drank a couple glasses, unaware it was laced with alcohol. A few minutes later his ruddy cheeks were flushed and his movements were more animated and fuller.

He knew right away something wasn't right and immediately sought out Ryan, pleading with him to get him out of there and sober him up before his parents saw him. Ryan had a good chuckle at his friend's expense because the preacher's kid was barely even tipsy. But he humored him and drove him around on some back roads, Ben's head hanging out the window to get air, until he was stone cold sober.

But now as he sat on his bed scheming at how to take advantage of Ben Shiftan, Ryan couldn't get the image of Matty Anderer, passed out and naked, out of his head. As much as he tried to focus on Ben, thoughts of his cock in Matty's mouth wouldn't leave his head, and as he slowly stroked his cock, an idea came to him.

He and Kyle had recently come across a website of erotic gay stories and there were a few authors whose stories they particularly liked. The stories were non-consensual in nature, usually about straight hot jocks who wound up in the wrong place at the wrong time... just like Matty last night.

He grabbed his laptop and went online to Google. A few clicks later and he found what he was looking for. One of the authors used something in his stories called poppers', which were an aroma or incense that, when inhaled, apparently produced a warm sensation all over as well as excitement and increase in lust and lack of inhibition, supposedly causing an enhanced sexual experience.

Ryan continued to work his cock as he thought about poppers and what it would be like to try them. It sure would've been nice to have them last night with Matty and once again he envisioned Matty lying on his bed in just his underwear, drunk off his ass, but this time also high as a kite on poppers. Even though he knew there was practically zero chance of a repeat performance, the thought was too much and before he knew it, his cock was pumping a full load of sticky cum into his boxer briefs.

He cleaned himself back up and placed his online order.

Ryan hadn't talked to Matty much since that night. They had run into each other a few times here and there, but because Ryan was younger, as well as their schedules and the circles they ran in, they hadn't really talked. Not that they ever talked' in that sense of the word; it was more of a friendly banter. Ryan was convinced Matty didn't remember anything about what had happened. After all, if he had, Ryan was pretty sure he'd have had his ass kicked pretty good about now.

But things began to change subtly. About a week ago Matty's comments to Ryan, which had previously always been good-natured in tone, began to take on an almost snarky edge, delivered with a flinty backspin that Ryan wasn't sure how to interpret. Growing up Luke and Matty had always given Ryan and his friends a hard time - the way big brothers often do - but it had always been done in fun. Now, though, words like faggot' and homo' and queerboy' began to creep into the conversation. Never when Luke was around and never in an overtly hostile or malicious way, but still in a way that Ryan couldn't quite read. They were usually made only when Ryan was in earshot, and always uttered just under his breath. Frankly, they were starting to piss Ryan off and spurred thoughts of revenge. But they also made him start to wonder just how much Matty really knew.

It was now mid-July, three weeks since the big night,' and Ryan was at home watching a movie with Kyle when Matty called out of the blue.

"Who was that?" Kyle asked, shoving half a slice of pizza into his mouth.

"Matty," Ryan said, somewhat distracted, hanging up the phone.

Kyle practically choked on his pizza. "Matty Anderer?" Kyle asked, choking on his pizza. He coughed and took a sip of his Coke. "Whoah... he's a total DILF."

"What's a DILF?" Ryan asked, shooting Kyle a funny look.

"A Dude I'd Like to Fuck,'" Kyle explained. "Matty Anderer's hot, man."

Ryan smiled knowingly and nodded toward his room. "I wanna show you something," he said. "Come back here."

Kyle grabbed another slice of pizza and his Coke and followed Ryan to his room. "What's up," he asked, his mouth full.

Ryan flipped open his laptop and pressed the spacebar to wake it from sleep mode. "Okay," he said mysteriously, a coy smile on his face, "What you see here goes no further... got it? No further than this room."

"Yeah, dude, sure... whatever," Kyle said with his mouth still full as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Get a load of this." He ran his index finger along the touchpad and tapped it a few times. A media player opened and Ryan looked up at Kyle, a big grin his face.

On the screen was Matty, obviously drunk or stoned - or both, wearing only white Calvin Klein briefs, sprawled out on Ryan's bed, with Ryan, stripped down to his grey GAP boxer briefs, straddling his chest and running his cock all over Matty's face and in and out of his mouth. The video culminated with Matty receiving a cum facial, the final shot a freeze frame of his face looking like a glazed donut.

"Holy shit! Holy shit!!!" Kyle exclaimed, his hands to his head. "No way... no freaking way, dude! When was this?"

"Three weeks ago," Ryan answered, giving his crotch a quick adjustment.

"Three weeks ago..?" Kyle looked at him incredulously. "And you're just telling me now?"

Ryan had a sheepish look on his face as he stammered his reply. "Well, you guys left for vacation the next day and I just never got a chance..."

"Bullshit!" Kyle retorted, slapping the back of Ryan's head. "I can't believe you kept this from me! Tell me everything. Now."

Kyle listened in rapt silence while Ryan, in great detail, recounted the events of his night with Matty, staring in open-mouthed amazement at the pictures on Ryan's laptop.

"So, um, does Marty wear boxers or briefs or what?" Kyle asked, chewing on his lower lip.

"Tighty whities," Ryan replied matter-of-factly. He opened a picture of Matty spread out in his bulging Calvin Klein briefs.

"Really..." Kyle said softly, his eyes widening as he stared at the picture. "Wow, I woulda figured him for boxers. Or boxer briefs.".

"Nope," Ryan said, shaking his head and clicking to another picture. "And let me tell you, his boys need a house!"

"I'm definitely gonna need copies of these," Kyle said. He leaned in closer. "Is he cut?"

Ryan opened a picture of Matty naked and erect. "You tell me."

"Wow... I still can't believe you didn't say anything sooner," Kyle sniffed, playfully elbowing his best friend.

"You know, I kinda think he was into it," Ryan said, pushing back.

"Really?" Kyle asked excitedly. "You sure?"

Ryan shrugged. "Seemed like it to me."

"How so?"

"Well, I had my dick in his mouth," Ryan recounted, "and I could tell he was really going at it because when I pulled it out it made a loud popping sound... you know how I mean, right? Like sucking a lollipop. Anyway, I was going like whoah, he just sucked my dick' and I hear this noise and there's Matty, his eyes partly open, lifting his head up like he was looking for my cock."

"Shiiiiittt..." Kyle exhaled. "You think maybe he's...?"

"Gay?" Ryan interrupted. "Nah, no way. Matty? Dude's straight as they come. I think he's just horny all the time. I mean, a few weeks ago I heard him and Luke talking about he practically gets a boner whenever the wind blows up his shorts."

Kyle smiled and shook his head as Ryan continued. "He was so fuckin' wrecked that night he probably woulda fucked a snake if it opened its mouth wide enough!"

They both laughed. "And he didn't remember anything?" Kyle asked, suddenly serious.

"Nothing," Ryan said, shaking his head. "Well, maybe nothing."

"Whoah... maybe nothing? What does that mean?" Kyle pressed.

"I'm not sure," Ryan said slowly, thoughtfully. He paused for a moment and then told Kyle about Matty's behavior and comments over the past week.

Kyle listened closely, hands clasped together, thumbs under his chin and his index fingers pressed to his lips. "What do you think it means?"

"Beats me," he said, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "But then tonight he up and calls me..." His voice drifted off.

"And...? What did he want?" Kyle asked, sitting down next to Ryan. "You never said."

Ryan shrugged and threw his hands up. "He asked if I wanted to hang out tonight."

"He wants to hang out," Kyle repeated. "He said that?"

Ryan nodded. "But there's something else, too," he said, turning to Kyle. "I can't put my finger on it for sure, but... oh, shit... I don't know!"

"Hey don't leave me hanging now!" Kyle protested.

"Okay, okay... I'm just thinking out loud here," Ryan insisted, "but get this... The way Matty was talking makes me wonder, seriously, if maybe he knew what was happening that night."

"Shit..." Kyle cursed softly, his mind racing at the obvious implications. "Are you serious? And he just let it happen?"

Ryan nodded his head. "Yes... I mean no... No... Shit, I don't know," he snapped irritably, clearly exasperated as he paced the length of his bedroom. "Maybe he called me cause he just wants to hang out, okay? Or maybe he figured out what happened and called me cause he's horny... figures he can score again? But then... I mean, if he knew what happened... what I did to him... he'd be pissed. Pissed! Believe me, I'd know by now cause he'd have kicked my ass from here to Sunday."

"But you said he didn't remember anything," Kyle reminded.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, too..."

"Unless, like you said, he started to remember and now maybe he wants more?" Kyle ventured.

Ryan was silent for a few moments, sorting out his thoughts and processing information. "You know..." he said, cocking his head to the side and raising his right index finger. He spun around and faced Kyle. "Maybe he does remember... and he wants to use tonight as an excuse for more... you know the whole 'I was so drunk last night I can't remember' thing?" Kyle nodded as Ryan continued. "I mean I don't know for sure, but something tells me that Matty somehow, someways knows the score here... so I say we go hang out with Matty tonight."

"We?" Kyle gulped.

"Yeah, we," Ryan nodded.

"And then what?'" Kyle asked.

Ryan smiled broadly, a Cheshire Cat-like grin. "And then we give Matty Fuckin' Anderer a night he'll never forget... or remember."

Kyle smiled, biting his lower lip. "Yeah..." he said softly, nodding slowly, warming to the idea. He was silent for a few moments and then said: "Hey, Ry... you said Matty's totally straight, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You don't think there's a way to turn someone gay, do you?"

"What do you mean," Ryan asked. "Make somebody turn gay? How?"

Kyle sighed. "I don't know... I was just thinking of that positive reinforcement stuff we learned in biology class sophomore year..."

"Pavlov's dog," Ryan finished, his eyes lighting up. "I remember. You mean like condition him?"

"So... do you think it's possible?" Kyle asked.

"Training somebody to be gay?"

Kyle nodded, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Nah, I doubt it," Ryan said, shaking his head. "You're either gay or you're not. But it would sure be fun to try!"

Kyle smiled. "Yeah... Okay, like you said... we give Matty a night he'll never forget... How?"

"We have Chuck hook us up, that's how," Ryan replied. "We'll get some Sam Adams... Matty loves that."


"And I'm thinking some tequila," Ryan added.


"Yeah, definitely. Matty gets totally plowed when he mixes beer and hard stuff,: Ryan explained. "And I think we should get some pot, too. He was so fuckin' stoned last time it was funny."

"You know, my mom takes Xanax," Kyle offered. "For anxiety. We can slip him a couple and see where it takes him."

"Is it okay to mix it with alcohol," Ryan asked.

"I'm way ahead of you there," Kyle said. "After that night we hung out with Ben... which was coincidentally the night you got into Matty's pants - fucker - I started to think about somehow slipping a couple to Ben. So I did some online research. Of course, they say you're never supposed to mix any medication with alcohol... blah, blah, blah... but I read enough and as long as you're not taking massive amounts you should be okay. I checked my mom's bottle and her prescription is 2 milligrams and I think that'll be okay especially since Matty's in such good shape. Now we just have to figure out a way to give it to him without his knowing."

"We can grind it up and put it in his beer," Ryan suggested.

"I'm not sure if it'll dissolve like that," Kyle replied.

Ryan was pacing the room again. He snapped his fingers. "I know! We tell him it's aspirin. I mean, it probably looks enough like it, right? I can say he should take it so he won't get a hangover like last time... that we ALL should take it. Except ours will really be aspirin."

"That's awesome!" Kyle said.

"Yeah. How long before it hits him?"

"Mmmm I think about 15 or 20 minutes?" Kyle said. "I'm not really sure. Maybe the alcohol will help speed it up."

"Well once he takes it we can get him to do some tequila shots," Ryan suggested. "He'll go for that. Then when he it kicks in we make our move."

"And the next morning he'll just think he passed out?" Kyle asked.

"Exactly," Ryan said, his lip curled in a smile.

Kyle grabbed Ryan's cell phone and tossed it to him. "Call Chuck."

Matty snapped his cell phone shut, grabbed another cold Coors from the cooler and twisted off the top. He leaned against the deck railing and took a swig, looking out over the lake as the sun began to sink lower in the sky. He wasn't sure why he just called Ryan. What possessed him to do that? Ever since that night a few weeks ago he had the feeling something happened, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what. But something felt amiss. Wrong. Out of place. The night was a complete blank, which was the weird part. He'd been drunk lots of times before... shit, more than he could remember... but he'd never lost a whole night! And then, about a week ago or so, he started to have dreams. Really strange funky dreams. Sexual dreams, sorta... Gay dreams. They felt more like flashbacks than dreams and they were always the same thing.... he was on his back stripped down to his briefs with his legs spread... Then he was naked, legs up and cock hard... and there were hands exploring his body... Ryan's hands... and they were everywhere, especially his chest and nipples... oh yeah, he could feel them even now.... mmmmm... Matty shook his head, as if trying to dislodge some misplaced fragment of memory.

The thought that he could actually enjoy being dominated threw him for a loop. Fuck! Every time he'd been with a chick, he'd been the aggressor - not that he ever forced anybody - but he was always the one to take the lead. But in these dreams... well... in these dreams he was on the other end... but different somehow. It was almost like he was a willing participant..? Why did he get the impression he had submitted willingly and hadn't been forced? It didn't make sense, but for some reason a part of him must've liked the idea because just the thought of it was making him hard!

He drained his beer but still had the bottle to his mouth, his lips wrapped around the long neck of the bottle and his tongue unconsciously flicking its way across the rim and into the opening. He suddenly realized what he was doing and jumped. "Shit!" he yelled out loud, hucking the bottle as hard as he could toward the lake. What the fuck was that about? He was so confused. He hadn't sucked dick that night, had he? Ryan's dick? No, no, no, no, no... couldn't be. He wasn't a fag, and neither was Ryan... or was he? Naw... he'd known Ryan almost his whole life. The kid was practically a little brother to him. Ryan was into chicks, not dudes... wasn't he? Yeah... yeah... that's nonsense... bullshit! That cock sucking stuff must've been in the porno they were watching. Yeah, that's it... he remembered now... must've been too many bong hits. The dude in the porno was straddling the chick with the big tits and fucking her face... sliding his big cock in and out of her hot, wet mouth. Mmmm... yeah, bet that felt good... that fat cock... in and out... so long and hard... oh yeah... in and out of my mouth... mmmm.... yeah... What...? Wait... MY mouth!? That was HIS mouth!!? No... in the movie the guy was tied down and the chicks were playing with his body... so how could he have been on top...? What the fuck? Was there another guy in the movie? Was it a gay porno... or had it really happened? No, couldn't be... had he really sucked Ryan's cock? Did Ryan tie him up when he was drunk and get on top of him and stick his cock in his mouth? Was that HIS hot, wet mouth and RYAN'S dick sliding in and out of it? Had he given Ryan Stevens a blow job?

Ugghh... the thought of it made his stomach queasy. It couldn't be. He'd never suck dick. Ever. The rest of it, though... tied up, restrained, fondled... mmmm... for some reason just the thought of his big body being manhandled by another guy gave him a boner that wouldn't quit and he didn't really understand it. He cracked open another Coors and drained half of it as the unsettling thoughts continued to swirl around in his head., darting in and out of the shadows of his memory.

He continued to sip his beer as he pondered the disturbing images bouncing around in his head. He wasn't sure how long he'd been standing there when the sound of a car approaching roused him from his thoughts. He looked at his watch. It was just after 9:00 p.m., and dusk was settling in, the fireflies hovering just off the deck dancing in time to the chirp of the crickets. Matty watched as Ryan got out of his car and wave to him. The passenger side opened, too, momentarily startling Matty. He squinted as he peered into the twilight. It was Kyle Jensen, Ryan's best friend.

"Hey Matty," Ryan called out, a big grin plastered across his face.

"Sup," Matty grunted in reply, distracted. He thought about the two guys... Nahhh... the whole thing that night was just his imagination playing tricks on him, he thought as he walked across the deck, grabbing a fresh beer, and stood at the top of the stairs. No way two of em could've been involved, he reasoned. I'd have remembered that for sure. Just some really fucked up dreams, is all. But for some reason his dick was still hard in his briefs as he twisted the top off the beer, taking a long swig as the two boys walked up the stairs carrying two twelve-packs of Sam Adams.

Ryan eyed the sand-colored Banana Republic cargo shorts and unbuttoned light green camp shirt Matty was wearing. The shorts were loose and were slung low on his hips, exposing two inches or so of his white Calvin Klein briefs. Ryan gently elbowed Kyle and nodded, gesturing towards Matty's waistband with his eyes. "Tighty whities," he mouthed. Kyle raised his eyebrows and grinned back at him, Matty completely unaware of their silent exchange.

As Ryan passed Matty he cast a quick up and down glance and could tell Matty was pushing wood. As if reading Ryan's mind, Matty blushed and pressed down on his full crotch with the heel of his left hand as he took another swig of Coors. He was just tipsy enough to think Ryan maybe hadn't caught it... but he was wrong. Matty Anderer, the All American Boy who didn't believe in conspiracies, was dead wrong. He had no idea Ryan was dialed in on him, nor did he suspect that before the night was over Ryan would have him on his back, humming and squealing, a cock lodged up his ass and another down his throat.

The guys went inside to play pool and Ryan put the Sam Adams into the cooler, pulling it just inside the front door. He then ran down to the car and came back with a backpack.

"What's that?" Matty asked, grabbing a Sam Adams. "You moving in or something?"

"Just a change of clothes and stuff since I figured we'd spend the night," Ryan replied. "Brought my swimsuit, too. Figured we could take a sauna later."

Matty nodded and grunted as he chalked his cue. He scratched his shot and nodded to Kyle. "Your turn, man."

Ryan unzipped the backpack and pulled out a fifth of Jose Cuervo and a bag of limes. He slipped a ziplock bag with the two Xanax into his pocket. He found a knife and cutting board in the kitchen and sliced a lime into wedges. He brought the cutting board, along with the tequila, three shot glasses and a salt shaker, to the pool table and set them on the corner.

"Fellas?" He filled the glasses and handed them out.

Matty licked the back of his hand between the thumb and index finger, shook some salt on the moistened area, took a deep breath, licked the salt of his hand and slammed the tequila shot. "Come on, ladies," he laughed, refilling his glass, "watch the Master and try to keep up."

They did a second shooter and as Matty passed around fresh beers, Ryan pulled out the bong and lit it. He handed it to Matty.

"Nice," he said, taking a rip. He cleared the chamber and handed it to Kyle.

"Nah, I'm cool," Kyle said, waving it off.

Matty shrugged and took another hit. "So, who's your supplier, Ry?"

"You mean Luke never told you?" Ryan asked.

"Nah." He passed the bong to Ryan, shaking his head. "Come to think of it, I don't think I ever asked." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you," Ryan smirked, taking a quick hit. Matty laughed and shook his head.

"It's my cousin, Chuck," Ryan said.

"Wow," Matty said. "Chuck? Really?"

"Yeah, I can't believe Luke never told you."

They continued to play and Matty got knocked out early the next game. He eased himself down onto the sofa, putting a large pillow under his butt.

"What's the pillow for," Ryan asked, handing him the bong. "You got 'roids or something?" He snickered.

"Ha ha, very funny, asshole," Matty replied. "I was riding my Quad this morning and got thrown off on my ass."

"Ouch," Kyle said, flinching. "You okay?"

Matty looked over at him and nodded as he took another bong hit. "Yeah. Doctor said I just bruised my tail bone. It'll be fine in a couple of days."

"Cool," Kyle said, going back to the game.

"You know, I thought you were walking funny," Ryan quipped good-naturedly, elbowing Matty.

Matty threw him a dirty look and then broke into a grin. "Shut up, homo."

"I win," Kyle announced as he sank the eight ball. He handed his cue to Matty and started racking the balls for the next game.

"Hey Matty, you got any aspirin?" Ryan asked, firing up the bong and passing it to Matty.

"I dunno," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. "Why?" He took a hit.

"I don't wanna get a hangover," Ryan explained. "I heard if you take aspirin before you drink you won't get one."

"Check the cabinet above the kitchen sink," Matty said, chalking his cue stick.

Ryan came back to the pool table and handed Kyle two aspirin. "Here dude, just in case," he said, winking.

"Thanks, bro," Kyle said.

"How bout you, Matty?" Ryan asked, holding out his hand.

Matty shrugged, reaching over. "Heck, why the hell not."

"Who knows," Ryan mused, "they might ease that pain in your ass, too."

"Funny, queerboy," Matty said.

"Hey, you don't have any pain pills do ya?" Ryan asked, a hopeful look on his face. "I hear they could make for an interesting buzz."

"Nah... I never take pills or shit when I drink," Matty said as he tossed back the aspirin' and washed them down with a long swig of his Sam Adams. "Pain pills are for pussies." He held up his empty beer and wiggled it. "This is all the pain medication I need."

Ryan just stared at him, eyes wide, trying not to smirk, hardly able to believe Matty had just literally swallowed the bait. But Matty was lining up his next shot and wasn't paying attention to him.

"So, you finally decide on where you're going to school in the Fall?" Matty asked.

"Well, I was thinking UCLA..."


"But it's way expensive," Ryan lamented. "So I'm sticking with State."

"Yeah, me, too," Kyle said.

They played for several more minutes, neither of them able to finish off the other. Finally Ryan sank the last ball, winning. "Okay, losers have to drink," he announced, setting his cue stick on the table. He filled two shot glasses and handed them to Kyle and Matty.

"He ever tell you about the last time we drank?" Matty asked Kyle, knocking back his shot. His words were slightly slurred now and he was talking a little louder than he had just a few minutes earlier.

"No," Kyle replied, playing dumb. He turned toward Ryan, his eyes widening.

"Yeah, well neither do I," Matty laughed, tossing the rack onto the table. "I don't remember a fuckin' thing. All I remember is waking up in nothing but my grippies..." - he looked down at his briefs and snapped the waistband - "...and Ryan says nothing happened."

"Hey," Ryan protested jokingly. "You weren't wearing any clothes because you fell in the mud outside and I washed them for you."

Matty elbowed Kyle and chuckled. "Mmmm... a likely story."

"Whatever," Ryan laughed nervously. "By the way, I was meaning to ask... what's up with them anyway?"

"What's up with what?" Matty asked.

"The tighty whities."

Matty chuckled. "Why you wanna know? Why are you so concerned?"

"I'm not," Ryan said, laughing so hard he snorted. "It's just... well, they're like eighth grade underwear!"

"Fuck you, asshole!" Matty laughed, playfully jabbing at Ryan with his cue stick. He grabbed another beer and flopped down on the couch, winking at Kyle. "I think Ryan just liked seeing me in my tighty whities."

"Yeah, whatever. Just shut up, Count Drunkula," Ryan laughed, rolling his eyes.

Kyle racked the balls again, noticing that Matty hadn't gotten up from the couch. His face looked flush and his cheeks were ruddy. He nodded to Ryan and gestured toward Matty.

"Yeah, he's starting to drift away," he whispered, coming up alongside Kyle. "Hey, Matty, you wanna break?"

Matty seemed to snap out of his zone for a moment. He looked up at the two boys and shook his head. Through bleary eyes he replied, "Nah, you go on ahead." He cracked his beer and took a sip.

Ryan came around the side of the table, a couple of feet from where Matty was slouched on the sofa, and was about to line up his shot when he felt something on his leg. He looked down to see Matty running his pool cue up and down his shin. "You winnin', queerboy?" he giggled, his eyes glazed, obviously stoned.

Ryan smiled back and sank his shot. He stood up straight and grabbed a cube of blue chalk. "You know, Kyle, when you play pool it's more than just angles," he said. He may have been talking to Kyle, but he was staring at Matty. "It's about the stick, and more importantly the tip."

He wrapped his fist around his cue and slowly ran it up to the end of the stick and started chalking it. "You gotta chalk it good... you know... buff it. Almost like you're polishing it. Isn't that right Matty?"

"Wass that?" Matty asked. He couldn't seem to get a bead on his thoughts. It's as if they were right there in front of him but kept floating away every time he tried to concentrate.

"Dude, you're blazed," Ryan chuckled, bending down, his face right next to Matty's. "I said, it's all about your stick. Not necessarily the size or the girth, but the tip. It's all in the way you work the tip, isn't that right?"

Matty giggled at what Ryan said and felt his dick lurch in his briefs. He took another swig of beer and looked up. Ryan seemed to be swaying back and forth... or was it the room? He blinked his eyes and then Ryan got fuzzy. What? Something wasn't right but he couldn't focus his thoughts long enough to figure it out. He giggled again.

"Matty... Matty!" Ryan said sharply, trying to get his attention. "Hey, how many fingers am I holding up?"

"Thursday..." Matty slurred blankly, his eyes vacant.

Ryan sat next to Matty on the couch and put his hand on his shoulder. "Boy, you're fucked up all kindsa ways, aren't ya, bro?" he asked, his voice soft and light. It was obvious the Xanax had kicked in and that Matty was starting to float away. He had him right where he wanted him.

He moved his hand slowly down Matty's arm until it was on his thigh, his lips only inches from Matty's lips. He felt the strong chords in Matty's thigh tense and twitch as he squeezed. Matty let out a long sigh as Ryan began to softly massage his way up his inner thigh toward his now bulging crotch.

"Mmmm... what're you doing?" Matty asked slowly, his voice dull and flat. His eyes were barely open and his words were slurred.

"Nothing," Ryan said innocently as Kyle handed him a shot glass. He held it to Matty's lips. "Just drink up."

Matty didn't resist as Ryan gently tilted his head back and tipped the drink into his mouth. Some of the tequila trickled out of the corner of his mouth and down his chin and the drugged stud clumsily wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, letting out a satisfied groan as he sank back deeper into the sofa cushions. Ryan put the bong to Matty's lips and smiled as he took a hit.

"Good boy," Matty heard Ryan say as he exhaled. Fuck, his head was buzzing. He hadn't drank that much - well, at least he thought he hadn't - but, shit, he felt fucking hammered! It never occurred to him that the aspirin' he'd ingested a few minutes ago were anything but. He had no idea what he was in for.

The hand brushing its way up his thigh was on his crotch now, grabbing his hard dick through his shorts. He pushed at it with his hand but it came right back, more persistent and insistent.

"What're you doing..." Matty rasped again, his voice ragged. The sensations stirred something in him and he tried to bat away the invading fingers. "Stop..."

"Shhh," Ryan interrupted, hushing him. He placed his hand over Matty's and held it still for a moment. "You'll like this," he whispered, now openly fondling the drunken stud, his hands roaming up to Matty's chest and then back down to his crotch. "Trust me."

He took another swig of his beer and was about to put the bottle down when he remembered back to the other night. He opened the cooler and grabbed a fresh Sam Adams. The beer had been in the cooler for a while now and the bottle was ice cold. He rubbed it over one his Matty's nipples, grinning devilishly as Kyle stared in wide-eyed amazement at Matty's reaction to the cold sensation.

"Awww fuuuckkk..." Matty hissed, arching his back. "Ngghh... yeeeaaahhhhh....." His nipple hardened into a pointy, erect cone and there was noticeable movement in the crotch of his shorts. He lifted a heavy hand to push the ice cold bottle away but was thwarted by Kyle reaching around him, grabbing his wrists and pulling both arms up over his head. Ryan circled Matty's other nipple with the butt of the cold bottle and flicked at it with his index finger, smiling as Matty thrashed his head and softly hissed again. He thrust his chest out, almost as if searching for the bottle, his legs opening and closing.

"Oh yeah," Ryan purred as he licked from Matty's arm pit down to his left nipple. "Now you remember, donchya..." He gently nipped at the rubbery cone and then iced it with the bottle, his eye on Matty's crotch the whole time he nibbled and tugged on the nubby tit, rolling it between his thumb and index finger. Matty's rod was fully hard now, twitching and straining at the confines of his soft cotton briefs.

"Yeah... you're so fucking hot for this, aren't you, Matty?" he asked, tracing his finger up and down the fly of Matty's bulging cargo shorts. He grasped Matty's erect cock through the material and brazenly squeezed up and down the length of it. "And so hard... Talk about a queerboy... you had that big boner when I walked up tonight, dinchya? Bet you didn't think I saw it... but I did... I saw it right through your shorts like a fuckin' pup tent just like I see it now."

"Unngghhh.. noooo...." Matty moaned, his body off balance from the multiple sensations hitting from every which way. He hissed again and twisted his body, but for every movement he made, Ryan had a counter move.

"Mmmm... yeah.... this is what you want, isn't it..." Ryan cooed into his ear before he thrust his tongue in and swirled it around. "You need this bad, donchya, Matty... donchya queerboy? That's why you called me tonight, isn't it, huh? You know you want it. Just admit it... give into it. You know you wanna. You know you're gonna."

As Kyle held Matty's wrists together, Ryan continued to ice his tits with the bottle, alternating back and forth in no particular pattern, and then traced the butt of the bottle down Matty's chest to his belly button, running it around the rim of his innie. He let it set there for a few moments as Matty exhaled a high, slow sigh and thrust his crotch upward.

"Damn, you're so hungry for it," Ryan muttered as he licked his lips and slid his free hand up the leg of Matty's cargo shorts and began a all-out frontal massage of his dick and balls, grabbing the fully hardened shaft through his briefs and squeezing, while at the same time pushing the heel of his hand up under Matty's fat, cum-laden balls. Matty groaned out loud as the host of sensations assaulted his drugged out body.

"Nghhh...mmmnnnngggghhhhh..." he moaned, his body still arching and twisting at the delicious, mischievous manipulations. His cock throbbed and lurched, desperate to escape the confines of his briefs, as it searched for relief.

Ryan slid his hand back out of the leg of Matty's shorts and fumbled with the button, taking just a moment to get it undone. He eased the fly all the way down and stared breathlessly as the white material of Matty's bulging Calvin Klein briefs came into view. Then with one hand still at Matty's nipples, he worked the shorts down past his knees, smiling as Matty unconsciously lifted his butt and hips to assist him.

He sat back a bit, taking in the incredible view right in front of his eyes... Matty Anderer, dazed and confused, eyes heavy lidded, lips slightly parted, legs splayed, his white briefs bulging, barely able to contain his fully erect cock. Ryan licked his lips and traced his index finger from the tip of Matty's dick, down his shaft and then over his balls, feathering it back up again, watching amazed as the white cotton stretched as Matty's cock and balls expanded further. He bit his lower lip as he cupped the cum-laden nuts and gently kneaded and rolled them in the palm of his hand. Matty moaned lowly and exhaled deeply, almost blissfully, and then began to slowly thrust his crotch into Ryan's hand.

"Dude, you're such a horny slut," Ryan laughed as he worked Matty's balls more vigorously.

Matty opened his mouth in a half protest but before he could get any words out, Kyle slipped his index and middle fingers between his lips, pushing his tongue down, and began to slowly slide them in and out... pumping like he hoped his cock would soon be. Matty squirmed and struggled for a few moments and then slumped even deeper into the sofa cushions, resigning himself without a struggle to Ryan and Kyle's ministrations. He didn't know why, but he submitted and even began to suckle Kyle's fingers, giggling as a tongue dove into his right ear and swirled around.

"Shit, he's so fuckin' hot," Kyle whispered, happily surprised at Matty's response. He couldn't believe the reactions they were getting from the drugged stud. He leaned in toward Matty's left ear and nibbled again, a little harder this time, eliciting a slight yip and more moans.

"Yeah, you like this, huh?" Ryan cooed, letting his tongue flicker over the soft lobe of Matty's other ear.

Matty moaned something unintelligibly. "What was that, queerboy?" Ryan asked.

"Awww, fuuuuuuuckkkkk..." Matty hissed, his body quivering. "Nnnggghhh... yessssss...." Even in his dazed state, he knew what was happening wasn't right. But it felt so good.... his body felt so electric and on fire. He knew it was wrong to enjoy it... knew it was wrong to submit so easily and so completely to the two horny teenaged faggots who had him at their mercy, making him moan like some cheap whore... but ohhhhh... it... felt... so... fucking... AMAZING!!!!!

Ryan grabbed his crotch as he looked down at Matty, his shirt half off, shorts at his ankles, legs spread, and his white briefs tented obscenely with his erection. He grabbed at Matty's excited nipples, tweaking them and, in a low, husky voice, whispered, "Yeah, we're gonna have fun tonight, aren't we buddy?"

Matty's body shuddered at Ryan's words, the tone of his voice, and at the renewed attention being paid to his nipples and crotch. As Ryan tugged and flicked at his tits, tingles coursed the length of Matty's spine, ending at his cock and causing his erect dick to push out and buff itself against his soft cotton briefs. A soft groan escaped his pale pink lips as a small wet spot formed where his distended prick tip jutted against the fabric of his briefs.

Ryan scooped up a dollop of pre-cum with his index finger and placed his finger on Matty's soft full lips. "You wanna taste this, don't you?" he murmured, squeezing Matty's balls and kneading them in the palm of his hand.

Matty stared up into Ryan's face, shaking his head no even as his eyes moved back and forth from Ryan's expectant brown eyes to the cum that glistened at the end of his fingertip.

"Yeah... you want it real bad, don't you?" Ryan coaxed, licking his lips, his hand continuing to work Matty's nuts.

Not knowing why he did it, nor able to control himself, Matty groaned and quickly flicked his tongue out, lapping up the pearl of pre-cum from Ryan's fingertip.

"Fuckin' A!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up. "Didya see that, Kyle? He licked the cum right offa my finger! He... he licked it!"

"Hey, no fair, let me sit, too, okay?" Kyle said, releasing Matty's wrists and letting his arms flop heavily to his sides. He stripped his t-shirt over his head and shimmied out of his track shorts to his orange American Eagle boxer briefs. He sat on the other side of Matty and pulled Matty's legs onto the couch, sliding beneath them.

"Good idea," Ryan nodded, smiling, as together he and Ryan maneuvered Matty onto the couch, sprawling him across their bodies.

"Sweet!" Kyle smiled, softly caressing Matty's nearly naked body.

"What the fuck're you doin'..?" Matty slurred as the guys pulled and tugged his body into place. His head was cradled in Ryan's crotch, his ass on Kyle's lap. It sounded like he was talking through a long tunnel. His head was swimming and he felt like he was floating. "Nnnnnggghhhhh... what's happening...?" he groaned, struggling to steady his thoughts.

"Easy, Matty," Ryan soothed, running his fingers through Matty's thick blond hair. His other hand was sweeping across Matty's chest. "It's just the Xannies. You're fine."

"The what?" he asked, a startled look flashing momentarily across his flushed face.

"Xanax." Ryan laughed as he plucked Matty's left nipple. "A chill pill. I gave you a couple a little while ago."

"You whaaaa..? Huh..?" He looked into Ryan's eyes and thought he saw himself falling away. "Ohhhhhnnnngggghhhhh..."

"The aspirin, remember?" Ryan explained, reaching down to Matty's crotch, cupping his balls and giving them a playful squeeze. "Well, it wasn't really aspirin. It was Xanax. That's why you're feeling so good right now. But I wouldn't worry... you're not gonna remember any of this tomorrow. Too bad, though, because we're gonna have so much fun!"

"Unnnghhhh... noooo..." Matty grunted as he tried to sit up.

"Not so fast, Matty," Ryan said, holding him down while reaching into the pocket of his shorts. He pulled out a small brown bottle.

"Whoah," Kyle asked, reaching over. "What's this?"

Ryan raised his eyebrows and smiled as he handed the bottle to him. Kyle studied the label.

"Are these poppers?" he asked, incredulous. Ryan nodded, grinning broadly.

"Just like in those stories... But when..?"

"I ordered them online right after that night and they got here a few days ago. I haven't even opened them yet. I was waiting for you so we could... so we could figure some way to use them on Ben. But then this thing with Matty just sorta happened."

Kyle ripped the protective plastic sealing off and uncapped the poppers. "Nice... so what else're you holding out on me?" he asked.

Ryan smiled and rolled his eyes. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out two oblong yellow tablets. Kyle grabbed one and examined it. "Cialis? Dude!"

"Yup," Ryan giggled. "Daddy's got himself some erectile dysfunction."

"Well, I don't," Kyle said indignantly, handing it back. "Why'd you bring em?"

"Because," he explained, "if we're gonna fuck Matty all night long we might need a little help." He placed the pill on his tongue and washed it down with a swig of beer. Kyle nodded and did the same.

Matty started struggling again when he heard what Ryan said, but Kyle grabbed his wrists and held them while Ryan put the bottle to Matty's right nostril. He gripped his chin with his left hand, covering his mouth, and used his thumb to block his left nostril. "Come on, Matty," he urged. "Breathe in..."

"Mmmmppphhhh..." Matty resisted, his weakened body thrashing, the sound muffled by Ryan's hand.

Kyle reached down and clamped his free hand on Matty's balls and squeezed them roughly.

"Oooommmpppphhhhh!" Matty groaned, the air rushing out of him. He tried to hold his breath but Kyle started tickling him, scrabbling his fingers over his ribs and sides, causing Matty to hunch and squirm. He began to gasp for air and the only option available was the little brown bottle.

"Awwww... FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK..." he roared as he inhaled his first ever noseful of poppers, sitting bolt upright as the fumes from the bottle rushed up his nose and to his brain. An intense feeling of warmth coursed through his entire body, eventually zeroing in on his crotch, licking like tongues of fire at his cock. His felt his balls tighten and his head spin as a heightened sense of pleasure swirled through him.

Ryan quickly put the poppers to his other nostril. "Mmmm.... ooohhhhhh... ooooooppphhhh..." Matty sighed and groaned as he inhaled, the wall of heat overwhelming him again. His body slumped back down into Ryan's lap as if his motor functions had suddenly been disabled.

"Quick, flip him over," Ryan instructed, capping the poppers. They pushed and prodded Matty onto his stomach. His crotch was in Kyle's lap now, his hips grinding unconsciously into Kyle's erection, and his face was buried in Ryan's rapidly overheating lap. He hastily worked his shorts down, leaving him in gray GAP boxer briefs.

"Awww, yeah," Kyle moaned as Matty thrust his cock into lap. He was rutting like a dog, his pulsing erection searching for relief as Kyle's own dick strained at his boxer briefs. "Ohhh gawwwddd..." he murmured as he softly kneaded the firm mounds of Matty's ass, gently pushing his thumb between his ass cheeks, teasing and softly spanking, as he urged and prodded the drugged stud to continue his frottage.

"Oh yeah, doesn't this feel like what you need?" Ryan asked softly, stroking Matty's thick wavy hair and gently, but purposefully, driving Matty's nose deeper into his crotch. "Yeah, smell my nuts, man! Betcha didn't think you'd have two of us swinging on your dick tonight, huh?" He took Matty's chin in his palm and lifted his head out of his lap.

Before Matty could react, Ryan shoved the poppers to his nostrils again. "Ngghhhh... unnnhhhh... ohhhh..." Matty moaned, his mouth open and his eyelids fluttering.

"Yeah, that's good, isn't Matthew?" he asked, switching the bottle to the drugged out stud's other nostril. "Come on, have some more of the pops."

"Ooommpphhh... awwwww.... fffffuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk..." Matty grunted as a rushing tide of heat swept through his spinning head. He was feeling really, really good right now. Soooo good... The fingers tweaking his nipples, pinching his ass and grabbing his cock caused his body to tremble. Each touch was electric, introducing new flashes of pleasure.

Kyle traced his index finger up and down Matty's ass, pushing the soft cotton briefs into the twitching, flexing asscrack, snapping the elastic waistband and goosing him, as Matty yelped and squirmed.

Ryan reached over, tugged Matty's briefs down and smacked his firm ass as hard as he could, leaving a crimson handprint on his creamy white skin.

"Unnggghhhhh!" Matty yelped loudly, surprised. He lifted his head up and as he did, Ryan grabbed his chin and thrust the poppers to his nose again.

"Awwnngghhhhh... ffffuuuckkkkkk..." he wheezed, his head dropping down back into Ryan's warm, inviting crotch. He inhaled deeply, the starching scent of Ryan's excited balls wafting up his nose, mixing with the lingering aroma of the poppers, further intoxicating his addled mind.

"Yeah, look at him," Kyle smiled. "He fucking loves sniffin' your nuts!" He cracked his palm across Matty's ass again and then pulled his briefs up.

"Let's get him up on the pool table," Ryan suggested, slipping the bottle of poppers into the pocket of his shorts and tossing them onto the pool table. Together he and Kyle hauled the inebriated Matty to his feet and shuffled him over to the pool table. Matty nearly tripped over his cargo shorts which were tangled at this feet so, leaning him against the table, Ryan bent down and helped him step out of the shorts, taking his time to caress and massage his sinewy calves and thighs.

As Ryan held Matty up, Kyle tossed the sofa cushions onto the pool table, hastily arranging them into a makeshift bed. Matty slumped heavily against Ryan, his jaw slack, as Ryan gently, but firmly, massaged and kneaded his balls through his briefs.

"Time for another hit, buddy," Ryan said as he grabbed the bong and fired it up. He took a long hit, leaned over and pressed his lips to Matty's, shotgunning the smoke into his lungs. He pulled off for just a moment to catch his breath and to allow Matty to exhale. Matty's mouth was still open and Ryan took his left hand and cupped the back of his head, moving his right hand down to Matty's chest, where he began to pluck at his nipples. As Matty softly groaned, Ryan pressed his lips back to his, thrusting his tongue into his mouth and was shocked when the dazed stud reciprocated the kiss. Ryan pulled Matty close, grabbing his tight, firm ass and grinding his crotch into his as their tongues danced and darted about for the next thirty seconds.

"Yeah, you don't know what you're gonna be missing, Matty Boy," Ryan whispered into the drugged stud's ear, loud enough for Kyle to hear, as he broke the kiss. He nibbled on Matty's earlobe and nuzzled his throat as stroked his cock through his briefs. He rubbed his thumb over the tip, buffing it with the soft cotton, causing Matty's knees to buckle.

"Mmmmm... ohhhhh..." Matty cooed, stoned out of his mind. He continued to moan and sigh as the guys hoisted him onto the pool table and situated him on the cushions. He didn't resist as they eased him onto his back, positioning his body so his ass was near the end of the table. They pushed his legs up and bent his knees, spreading his legs wide and posing him like he was a Blueboy centerfold. Kyle took Ryan's digital camera and snapped several shots as Ryan crawled on the table and straddled Matty's naked chest. He focused in on Matty's crotch and his fat balls nestled in the soft white cotton. He ran his hands slowly up Matty's inner thighs, his fingers eventually reaching the bulging pouch of Matty's briefs, lightly caressing and tickling.

Still wearing his boxer briefs, Ryan leaned over and rubbed his crotch across Matty's face. As he did, Kyle tugged Matty's briefs down, his fully erect cock springing up like a flagpole, droplets of pre-cum spattering. It was seven and a half inches, probably five and a half inches around, curved slightly to the left and topped with a fat, mushroom-shaped tip. Kyle worked Matty's briefs all the way off and tossed them over his shoulder. Matty was completely naked now as Kyle placed his ankles into opposite corner pockets, fully exposing his pink asshole.

Ryan observed Kyle's work over his shoulder and smiled. "What're you gonna do now, line up that big cue stick of yours and sink one?" Kyle groaned at Ryan's lame joke.

Ryan straddled Matty and lowered the waistband of his boxer briefs, tucking them under his balls. "Last time I did this I started feeling guilty and shot my load right in his face instead of in his mouth," Ryan said as he ran his hard cock up and down the side of Matty's face and across his full lips, his cock twitching and bobbing as it brushed over Matty's five o'clock shadow. "But not this time, huh?" he said, turning his attention back to him. "This time I'm gonna give it all to you... Yeah, that's right... right down your throat."

"You mean his cock-sucking throat?" Kyle giggled.

"Hopefully by the end of the night it will be," Ryan smiled.

Matty was speechless as he lay there, sprawled out, spinning in a Xanax-induced haze. His eyes were opened wide as he looked up at Ryan's naked torso straddling him, his dick moving slowly over his face, balls swinging from side to side like a pendulum. He felt the wet tip trace its way across his face and lips and at the same time felt Kyle's hands as they resumed their exploration of his legs and inner thighs, caressing him with smooth, languid strokes. He felt a finger press against his lips and looked up into Ryan's face, into his sinister smile, and didn't resist as his thumb and index finger pried his mouth open and two fingers of his other hand slid inside, working their way back and forth and around like Kyle's had earlier. He felt his mouth being pushed open wider as the fingers continued to swirl around and probe his mouth, and in dazed compliance he gave in and obeyed.

"Yeah, that's it, queerboy," Ryan urged in a whisper. "That's so good. Now open up that cock- sucking mouth of yours for this."

The fingers were pulled out of his mouth and quickly replaced by Ryan's drooling cock. Matty felt like he was outside his own body, watching in shocked amazement as Ryan fed him the full length of his cock, and was even more surprised to find himself swallowing it all. What the fuck?

"Mmmpphhhh..." he gagged as the thick tube of flesh filled his mouth, the air ripe with the pungent, musky odor of teenaged ball sweat.

"Yeah, your lips look so nice around my dick," Ryan said, running his fingers through Matty's hair and pulling his face even closer to his crotch, forcing his cock deeper into Matty's mouth, his nose closer to his crotch. "And they feel sooo good, too."

Matty tried to spit it out but Ryan's hands held him still, thrusting in deeper, as he reached into the pocket of the shorts he'd discarded on the pool table and pulled out the bottle of poppers, holding it ready just in case.

Kyle stood at the edge of the pool table and took Matty's erect, bobbing cock in his hand. He took a deep breath and leaned in, running his tongue the entire length of the quivering, veiny tool and then swirled it around the head, softly first and then more firmly, experiencing his first taste of Matty's cum.

"Mmmmmmmm..... nnngghhhhhh..." Matty groaned, this new sensation distracting him from Ryan's cock in his mouth. Kyle placed his lips to the tip of Matty's dick, kissing it and feeling it pulse and twitch as his lips parted slowly, forming a tight O' as he gradually lowered his mouth down over it, swallowing the throbbing shaft.

Matty sighed blissfully, a small gurgle escaping his throat as he reactively sucked and slurped Ryan's cock. Kyle took the noise as an indication the buzzed college student was receptive to more and reached for the tube of KY, his hands fumbling as he squeezed out a dollop and coated his index finger. He debated momentarily whether to gently ease his finger into Matty's ass or just shove it in. He decided to go for it and drove his finger in fast and deep.

"Oooommmmpphhhh!!!!" Matty howled in pain, as his body bucked and his hips thrashed, unintentionally driving his cock even further into Kyle's suctioning mouth while at the same time sucking even more voraciously on Ryan's.

"Fuck yeah," Ryan grunted, taking the opportunity to force his dick deeper into Matty's mouth. He forced another hit of poppers into him. He pulled out and then thrust back in again, burying his cock in Matty's throat, his bush against his nose. He finally pulled out and rested his cock on Matty's lower lip. "I bet you've been dreaming of this since last time, haven't you? Come on you fucking slut... just let go... come on..."

Matty could hear what Ryan was saying but for some reason wasn't able to process it. At least his conscious mind couldn't. The poppers made him feel like he was floating... free... with no inhibitions. Through glazed, fuck-crazy eyes he stared at Ryan's erect cock, bobbing and weaving in front of him in an undulating, almost hypnotic dance. His eyes widened and, as Ryan coaxed and thrust and forced more poppers into him, Matty opened his mouth further and felt his tongue slither out and lap at the slick cock head.

"Oh shit... yeah... that's it!" Ryan cried out in surprise as Matty's tongue lathed his prick tip, flicking at his piss slip. He pushed his dick back into Matty's mouth, slamming his balls against Matty's chin. He pulled out and rammed it in again. "That's the fuckin' money shot!" he exclaimed. He reached back and pinched Matty's nipples. He swore he heard Matty sigh in contentment.

"Oh yeah," he gasped as he arched his back, trying to drive his dick further down Matty's throat, even as he continued to pinch and paw at his nipples. "You're so hot for this aren't you, Matty? Sooo fucking into it!"

Matty was dripping with sweat now, the evening humidity hanging thick in the air. He gasped as Kyle's mouth on his cock seemed to open wider, like a snake unhinging its jaws, swallowing the full length of his impressive cock. Swallowing it to the hilt... his erect spear being worked mercilessly and expertly. Savagely. Deep throated. He felt his balls up against Kyle's chin. Felt the tickle of day old stubble. Kyle bobbed up and down slowly, taking even more of Matty's dick into his warm mouth as his finger bore deeper into his ass. Matty swore he could feel his cock lengthening, if that was even possible, seeking to burrow itself deeper into Kyle's throat.

"Ohhhhh... mmmmmm..." he groaned, thrusting his hips upwards in abandon, clenching and flexing his ass cheeks together, a misguided attempt to dislodge the invading finger that only served to hold it in place.

As Kyle continued to suction his cock, Matty turned his dazed attention back to Ryan, and to the dick lodged deeply in his own throat. The dick he was sucking! Why was he sucking so hard on the cock in his mouth... taking it deeper inside him? He eased up slightly, trying to wrap his mind around it, but Ryan, sensing and feeling Matty's hesitation, grunted something to Kyle who immediately inserted a second finger into Matty's ass. As Matty bucked his hips Ryan forced another hit of poppers into him.

"Mmmmppphhh.... yyynnngggghhhh..." Matty groaned loudly, the sounds partially muffled by the cock filling his throat. The fingers in his ass were grazing something deep inside, something previously unknown to Matty, and were sending delicious signals to his drug-clouded mind, causing his dick to lurch and bob, a river of pre-cum flowing from it.

"Fuck," Kyle exclaimed, pulling his mouth off Matty's cock. "His ass is slamming into my fingers!"

"Yeah, I think he's about ready now," Ryan said, reluctantly pulling his dick from Matty's hungry mouth. He hopped off the table and stood next to Kyle who now withdrew his fingers from Matty's ass.

Matty was moaning softly, confused, wondering where the cock in his mouth had gone... where the fingers rooting up his ass went... his drug-addled mind was experiencing an empty feeling. His knees were still up and his legs spread wide. His asshole, shiny and slick with the KY Kyle had used to lube his fingers, twitched and winked at them.

Ryan smirked and picked up the lube, liberally coating the index and middle fingers of both hands. He slowly inserted the four slicked fingers into Matty's asshole, gently twisting and turning them in opposite directions, in a steady, determined effort to stretch his anal canal.

"Unnggghhhh... mmmmm... nnnggghhhh..." Matty purred, his body luxuriating in the foreign, but not unpleasant sensations in his ass. He arched his back and grunted softly as he pushed his ass down purposefully, searchingly, on Ryan's fingers, driving them even deeper into his aching, suddenly yearning hole.

"Dude..." Kyle mumbled, awestruck at the site before him. "Look at him, he's on auto-pilot... he's so toasted!"

Ryan nodded and grinned, "Yeah, he's higher than fuckin' Blitzen. He doesn't even have a clue what he's doing right now."

Every so often, as his fingers continued to eddy in and out of Matty's ass, churning in precise counter-rhythm to each other, Ryan noticed how Matty would groan just a bit deeper and his dick twitch just a little more. His cock seemed to become more erect, the tip expand a bit more, and driblets of pre-cum would burp out and trickle down the shaft.

"Holy shit...." Ryan whispered, stunned. He cocked his head to the side and bit his lower lip, eyes narrowing as a look of concentration covered his face. He swirled his fingers about again: another bob, another moan, another twitch, another rivulet of pre-cum... He nodded.


"I think I hit the fucking motherlode!" he exclaimed incredulously.

"The what?" Kyle repeated, confused. "You hit the what?"

"I found his prostate," Ryan announced, honing in on the newly discovered spot deep within Matty, his fingers moving in artful deliberation within the confused stud's body, beguiling it and deceiving it with new sensations that forced it to question itself as they launched seductive, divisive feelings. Feelings that threatened to scale the walls of his innermost stanchions and challenge the foundations of his very maleness as they searched for a breach in the fortress.

"Ohhh... gaaaaawwwwddddd... nnnggghhhhh... yeeeesssss..." Matty squalled, arching his back like a cat and throwing his arms up over his head as the fingers continued their insidious forage deep inside him. "Aaaaahhhhnnnn..."

Ryan and Kyle stared open-mouthed as Matty Anderer - All American Boy Next Door, Star Quarterback, Big Man On Campus - slowly writhed on the pool table, hips gyrating, back arched, his voice a long, low guttural howl, seemingly under the control of Ryan's fingers.

"AAAAaaahhhhnnngghhhh... ohhhhnnnn... mmmmnnnngggghhhh... yyyeeeaaahhhh... ohhhhyyyeeessss... ffffuuuucccccccckkkkkkk..."

"He's looks so ripe right now," Kyle murmured, his hand down his underwear, slowly rubbing his hard, dripping dick.

"Yeah... and like I said, the best thing is he won't remember a thing tomorrow," Ryan said. "Isn't that right, Matty? You ready for this?"

Matty lolled his head to the side, his eyes barely open as he tried in vain to focus on Ryan. If he understood what he just said or knew what was about to happen to him, he didn't give any indication. Or put up any resistance. He just continued to weakly thrash and softly grunt.

Ryan pulled his fingers from Matty's ass, tore open a condom and rolled it on his dick. He and Kyle pulled Matty's body a few inches closer to the edge of the pool table, repositioning the pillows to raise his ass up even further. Ryan lifted up one of Matty's legs and rested it over his left shoulder, holding the other at his right side as he guided his erect cock to Matty's still- spasming asshole. He rested the tip against Matty's quivering asslips for a brief moment, the coolness of the lube causing a visible flutter, and then, ever so slightly, pushed his body forward, sliding his erect cock a quarter of an inch into Matty's anxious hole.

"Ohhhh... mmmm... ooooohhhhh...." Matty cooed, his voice rising.

Ryan winked at Kyle devilishly and shifted his hips, withdrawing his cock from the inviting hole. Matty lifted his head, a long, yearning groan spilling over his lips.

"Do you want me to fuck you, Matty?" Ryan asked, his voice a breathy whisper, as he lazily ran the tip of his cock over Matty's quaking asshole in a teasing caress, softly prodding it.

"Mmmm... unngghh..." Matty grunted, shaking his head.

Ryan rocked his hips slightly forward, his cock once again barely penetrating. "Are you sure?"

"Oooooohhh... mmmmm..." Matty hesitated, his voice barely a coo.

Ryan pushed in further and stopped again. "Is that a yes?"

Matty nodded and grunted. "Let me hear you say it," Ryan urged.

"Yeeeessssss..." Matty hissed without hesitation, his voice a throaty rasp.

Waiting no further, Ryan took a deep breath and plunged in.

"UUUNNNGGGGHHHH!!!!!" Matty bellowed, his back arching and his arms flailing as Ryan's cock pushed deep inside him. "Ohhhh.... mmmmnnngggghhhhHHHHHHH!!!"

Kyle grabbed the poppers and put them to Matty's nose, smiling as he watched him snort deeply and willingly. "Ohhh... unnnggghhh... aaarrrrnnngggghhhh..." he grunted as Ryan continued to thrust in and out, groaning as his asshole was assaulted by Ryan's cock. He took Matty's hard dick in his hand and, his pistoning hips not missing a beat, began to jack him off, roiling his rough palm over the prick tip, scrubbing the over-sensitized tissue and basting it with its own fuck juice.

"Oh my God..." Matty choked out between gasps, his voice rising and falling in rhythm as each plundering stroke broke new ground within him. "Oh God, oh God, oh God..."

Kyle flicked Matty's nipple, eliciting a yelp. He flicked the other and continued to tweak and pluck as Ryan continued to simultaneously fuck him and masturbate him. "Oh God... oh yes... ohhhh... yessss..." Matty whimpered, his voice crescendoing in pitch, struggling in his losing battle to resist. To not succumb... "Yesssss..."

He felt his body being repositioned. His leg was still over Ryan's shoulders, but Kyle had now crawled up onto the pool table and got behind him, raising and pushing his upper body forward so he could actually see Ryan's cock thrusting in and out of his ass.

"OHHhhh... mmmppphhh..." he moaned, watching in dazed fascination as Ryan's cock slowly disappeared into him and then withdrew, sluicing in and out of his ass in a slow, steady rhythm. The initial sensation of pain he'd originally felt had subsided and had been replaced with something more... more pleasurable?

He didn't know how long he sat there watching himself getting fucked, seemingly hypnotized as Ryan's dick hammered in and out of him, opening his body and mind to new frontiers heretofore unexplored. He didn't know what it was Ryan's cock was hitting up there, but he'd never been so hard in his entire life! And he reveled in it, squealing with pleasure each time Ryan's dick battered that magic spot, his head lolling about, eyes rolled back and fluttering, his jaw slack.

"Ohhhnngghhh... yeahhhhh," he rumbled, his voice thick and gravelly with contentment and satisfaction. A smile had wandered onto his dazed face.

"Oh God, your ass makes such a fucking good cunt," Ryan half-laughed, his face flushed and sweaty. "It's better than a pussy."

Matty gazed up at him, a bewildered look on his face, when he heard the word pussy, drool at the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah, that's it. A pussy," Ryan said, flashing a wicked smile as Kyle reached around again and plucked his nipples, pushing the poppers under his nose.

Matty obediently took a deep breath of the poppers, moaning and sighing as he relaxed into Kyle's arms, closing his eyes and submitting to both the cock reaming his ass and the nipple play. A primal groan of pleasure escaped his lips as he finally let go of everything and totally surrendered, luxuriating in the incredible sensation of getting fucked for the first time.

"You like that, Matty?" Ryan asked. "You like my cock in your pussy?"

"Hhhhmmmm... ohhhhhh... nngggyyyyeeeesssss..." Matty felt his body sink slightly downward as Kyle eased him back, laying on the cushions. He felt a slight pressure on his chest and opened his eyes to find Kyle straddling him, his erect dick bobbing mere inches from his mouth.

"You want this, Matty?" Kyle asked, looking his square in the eyes, his hard dick now lying across his pale pink lips. He ran it up to Matty's cheek, his pre-cum leaving a silvery track in its wake, and then back across his lips, smiling as they parted willingly.

"You do, don't you, queerboy?" he exclaimed, grinning as he slid his hard shaft all the way into Matty's mouth, thrusting it deep into his throat. "That's it, you cocksucker... take it into your pussy mouth."

There was that word again. Pussy. Matty grunted, confused, and looked up at Kyle.

"Yeah, that's it," he cooed, his voice low, as he tousled Matty's hair. "You like cock in both your pussies, donchya?" For good measure he put the bottle of poppers to Matty's nose and smiled as the lust-crazed stud snorted without having to be urged.

As the aroma began to do its work, Matty proceeded to earnestly suck Kyle's cock, lifting his head when Kyle would teasingly pulled his dick back and then sighing in relief when it returned, taking the thick cock back into his mouth and down his throat, gagging in his attempts to deep throat it. He couldn't quite comprehend why he was suddenly so hungry for cock or why the withdrawal of it panicked him. His mind was so clouded and fogged, he didn't even realize how eagerly he was working Kyle's dick. Eagerly and expertly.

Kyle couldn't take it anymore. He needed to cum so badly! He slipped his cock from Matty's sucking mouth and, giving it a few quick tugs, unloaded his hot load across Matty's dazed face.

"Mmmm... nggggh..." Matty groaned as six ropes of thick white cum sprayed across his face. Then, using his dick like a trowel, he spread the cum around Matty's face, coating his lips with his cock snot.

Matty groaned again and his tongue flicked out, wantonly lapping at the viscous fluid that was dripping down from his cheeks and the bridge of his nose to his lips.

Ryan watched in amazement at the site in front of him. "Oh fuck..." he managed to utter, shocked at what he was witnessing - at what he thought he'd never see. "He's a cum whore... Matty Anderer's a mother-fuckin' cum whore!!!!" He readjusted his grip and sped up his pumping hips, driving his suddenly re-energized cock deep inside Matty, each powerful thrust zeroing in on his target.

"Ohhhh... ohhhhh... AAAAHHHHNNNN!!!" Matty wailed as Ryan's cock continued to mercilessly pummel his hole, alternating quick, rapid-fire thrusts with slow, long, deliberate strokes. The ribbing of the condom raked over his tender, sensitive prostate, bombarding his drug-addled brain with a constant onslaught of euphoria, overwhelming his fragile mind with a dazzling array of pleasure. It felt so... so... good!?

As if reading his mind, Ryan spoke. "Yeah, that's good, isn't it, Matty?" he asked softly, his voice low and husky. "So, so, soooo good... I bet it feels natural, huh?" He slowed the pace of this thrusts and cupped Matty's balls with his left hand, gently kneading and squeezing them.

"Ohhh... yeahhhhh..." Matty breathed contentedly, arching his back and thrusting out his chest. His whorish cock was like a divining rod seeking water, hard and throbbing as it sought out a hand or some other relief. There was a steady stream of pre-cum flowing from the tip and running down the side, saturating the light brown pubic hairs of his prick bush.

"Yeah, go on Matty," Ryan gasped, thrusting his hips harder, driving his cock further inside him. "Tell me how bad you want it. How bad need it."

"Nnnnooo... ohhhh... nnnyyyeeeesssss..." Matty panted, his already weakened defenses quickly eroding.

"That's it," Ryan encouraged, his voice gentle and soft. "Let it all out... I'm gonna fuck you all night so you might as well just let go... It's just you and me... your nearest neighbor's far, far away... Just let it out... nobody'll hear... it's okay..."

That final caveat seemed to do it. "Unnngghh... uhhhhnnn... arrrrgghhhhh!!!!!" Matty's cock suddenly burst forth, a long stream of his pent up cum rocketing straight up into the air and spattering against the shade of the overhead light. It was succeeded by seven somewhat less intense streams shooting out like crude gushing from an oil derrick, landing in splashes on his heaving chest and rippled abs, pooling into his belly.

Matty was panting hard, his orgasm having barely subsided, when Ryan pulled out of his ass, his dick making a suctioning, slurping noise as it withdrew. Matty yelped as Ryan grabbed his cock and his body bucked as the calloused fist slowly torqued and corkscrewed its way up the length of his shaft and roiled his over-sensitized prick tip, bringing him back to a full erection.

"Noooo... noooo... noooo!!! Aahhhhhhh... aaahhhh ooohhhhh.... eeeiiiiiiaaarrrghhhHHHH!!!!" Matty howled as he tried to pry Ryan's tormenting fingers off his cock. Kyle leaned in and tickled his ribs and strummed his erect nipples, distracting him and keeping him off balance.

"Aiiieeeeyyyaaahhhhh!!! Noooo.... ooooohhh!!!" Matty continued to squeal, his voice turning into a raspy scream.

As Ryan sped up his masturbation, Matty's cries slowed and deepened, taking on a mournful, full-bodied tone as his body was swept up in the throes of another orgasm. "Ohh... ohhhh...ohhhhhh... ohhhhhhhh... OHHHHH!!!! Mmmmm... nnnggghhhh... aaannnggghhhhh... fuuuucckkk... yesssssss... yessss... ohhh!!! OhhHH!!! OHHHHHHH!!!!!"

His dick erupted again, another huge payload of fucksap shooting four feet into the air. Ryan's fist never slowed, a river of Matty's cum flowing freely over his fingers, as he continued to relentlessly milk Matty's spasming cock.

Matty's thrashed and screamed as Ryan's thumb scrubbed across his supersensitive prick tip, delicately teasing his piss lips, coaxing out every last drop. Kyle was holding Matty's arms at his side as his body arched and twisted. Every time his big body bucked, his hips thrust upward, fucking his hard dick into Ryan's roiling fist.

"Ohhh... oooooooohhhh... mmmmmmmhhhhhh..." he sighed as Ryan slowed his pace, finally relenting and releasing his spent dick. He jumped up onto the pool table and straddled Matty's chest. He reached down and grabbed his own hard cock and gave it a few jerks.

"Open up, queerboy," he said, prying Matty's mouth open with his cum-coated fingers. He shoved his dick deep inside and pulled Matty's face closer as he rocked his hips. His body tensed and his dick exploded, filling Matty's mouth with a full load of his jism. He stroked Matty's throat in a firm rhythm, forcing him to swallow.

"Mmmmppphhh... uuurrrgghhh..." Matty gurgled, the cum churning in his throat and bubbling over his lips.

"Yeah, that's it, cocksucker," Ryan heaved, pulling his cock out and playfully slapping it across Matty's face. "Take it all!"

He continued to run his cock across Matty's face, as Kyle scooped up the pools of cum from Matty's stomach, smearing it across his lips and feeding it to the dazed young man,.

They pulled Matty to a sitting position and then to his feet, his head lolling and pitching forward. He was a total fucked-out mess. His jaw was slack, his blue-green eyes were vacant and there was a trickle of cum, mixed with saliva, dribbling down his chin. His dick, a good seven and a half inches when erect, was still quite impressive in repose, and his low-hanging balls swung slowly like a pendulum.

"Holy shit," Kyle whistled softly, reaching for the camera. "I gotta get a shot of this!"

Matty flinched slightly as the camera flashed but otherwise didn't move. He moaned softly as he leaned heavily against Ryan, who had to put his hand on his lower back to help steady him, his fingers grazing downward, feathering over the spot just outside and above Matty's asshole.

Although Matty's balls were momentarily drained, Ryan knew there was more. Plenty more. After all, he'd known Matty all his life and in spite of the wholesome, All-American Boy Next Door image he projected, Matty Anderer was a horndog. A player. A total chick magnet. He'd been blessed with good looks, charm, and athletic prowess... he'd also been blessed with a dick that wouldn't quit and tonight Ryan was determined to wring every drop of cum he could from it.

"Mmmm..." Matty sighed as the fingers inched lower, easing over his sweaty asscrack, his dick coming back to life as Ryan's finger slipped easily inside. He slid a second finger alongside the first and suddenly Matty's dick stuck straight up, a bubble of pre-cum appearing. "Ohhhhnnnnngggghhhh!!!!"

"Hey Matty... buddy..." Ryan said softly, his fingers rooting about, searching for his prostate.

"Dude, he doesn't even know his name," Kyle whispered, his eyes fixed on Matty's blank face.

"You mean his cock-suckin' name?!" Ryan laughed. "Maybe so, but it sure looks like his dick knows something."

"Yeah, like it wants my cock up his ass!" Kyle agreed. He stepped in front of Matty, looking directly into his eyes. "Is that it, Matty?" he asked. "You want me to fuck you now, too?"

"Or maybe you want two dicks in your mouth at the same time?" Ryan joined in teasingly, his other hand palming Matty's balls, squeezing and tugging his nutsack. "Is that what you want? Both our dicks in your mouth? Better yet, how about up your ass? Or should we be calling it your pussy?"

They bent Matty over the arm of the couch, his upturned hole level with Kyle's dick. Ryan flopped onto the couch and rested Matty's face in his naked lap, burying his nose deep into his musky, sweaty pubic hairs.

Kyle nervously rolled a condom onto his dick and took a moment to lube it. Then he got behind Matty and gently gripping his hips, guided his horny cock to Matty's waiting hole.

"What're you waiting for?" Ryan asked the suddenly reluctant Kyle, stroking Matty's hair and massaging the back of his neck, mashing his face against his crotch.

"I... I... I dunno," Kyle stammered haltingly. "I've never done this."

"Just close your eyes and pretend it's Jolene," Ryan instructed, trying to calm his friend's anxiety. Kyle nodded, closing his eyes and biting his lower lip. He readjusted his grip on Matty's hips and pushed his dick forward and in with a soft grunt.

"Unnngghhh!!" Matty cried out as Kyle thrust in quickly and deeply, the slap of his balls against Matty's ass audible. He pulled back out and rammed in again, and again, as if releasing some long held tension.

"Aaaahhhhnnngghhh..." Matty moaned, his anal canal struggling to accommodate Kyle's larger girth. Ryan grabbed him by the hair and lifted his face out of his crotch.

"You like that, huh?" he sneered, gently slapping his cheeks. "Donchya, queerboy?"

"Unnnghhh..." Matty groaned as Ryan flipped open the poppers and offered them to him. Two snorts later and he was flying high again.

As Kyle fucked away with abandon now, Ryan watched Matty's reactions with fascination. His eyelashes fluttered like a hummingbird's wings over his heavy-lidded, glassy eyes and he was panting, his mouth open and lips quivering, as a low, steady hum played from deep within his throat.

"Oh fuck..." Ryan said, closing watching Matty's reactions. "You're totally into this, aren't you? You love getting fucked, don't you? You love getting that pussy of yours stuffed with cock!"

The site of Matty getting fucked and apparently savoring it turned Ryan on and he grabbed his hard dick, guiding it into Matty's warm mouth.

"Mmmmmmppphhh..." the dazed stud grunted as Ryan used both hands to push him down on his cock, forcing him to deep throat it.

"Oh yeah, that's it queerboy," he taunted, as Matty's mouth came alive and began to suck and slurp on his dick. "You suck cock like a pro. You can't tell me you've never done this before. Bet it feels pretty good to have a dick up both your holes, huh?"

Matty grunted contentedly as Ryan sighed and relaxed into the couch cushions, breathing deeply as Matty's head continued to bob up and down on his dick.

Ryan tensed and breathed in sharply as he felt his balls constrict and his cock lurch. Suddenly his hips began to thrust, violently fucking Matty's face as his cock erupted, unloading his spunk into his mouth.

"Ohhhh... whooo... unnngghhhh..." he panted as Matty continued to suck his dick without missing a beat, slurping and swallowing down his cum even as it pooled over his lips and ran down his chin. It was like his lips were glued to Ryan's cock.

The tip of Ryan's dick was sensitive now and he couldn't bear the suctioning action of Matty's mouth on it any longer. "Ahhhh... stop you fucking cock-sucker!" he squealed, having to use both hands to pry Matty's lips from his dick. He finally managed to pull him off, Matty's mouth making a loud popping sound.

"Annhhh... ohhhhh..." Matty grunted as cum, mixed with saliva, drooled from the corners of his mouth and down his chin.

"Oh God," Ryan sighed, his chest heaving, "you're a fucking mess!"

"I'm beat," Kyle yawned as he stretched his tired body. It was after 2:00 a.m., and both he and Ryan were spent. They were sitting next to each other on the couch, Matty sprawled out on their laps, naked, dozing and moaning slightly as they idly played with his nipples and cock.

"Yeah, I think it's time to hit the sack," Ryan agreed. "We should clean him up first, though."

They got up and redressed and then pulled Matty to his feet. Ryan took Matty's cock in his hand and led him to the bathroom. The dazed stud padded behind him, unsteady on his feet, with Kyle's arm locked around his waist.

"Unnhhhgghhh..." Matty sighed. The hand on his cock felt good and he started getting hard again.

"Geez, dude!" Kyle laughed. "He's getting another freakin' boner!"

"I told you," Ryan laughed. "He's like the fuckin' Energizer Bunny."

They positioned Matty in front of the toilet and Ryan aimed his dick it at the bowl. "Here buddy," he said. "Take a piss and then we'll clean you up for bed."

"Anngghhhh... mmmmmm..." Matty rumbled softly as a steady jet of urine splashed into the toilet, relishing the hand working his cock. He leaned back into Ryan's arms and sighed again.

When he was finished Ryan flushed the toiled and jiggled his dick to get the last drops off. "Hey, hold onto him for a minute, will ya?" he asked Kyle, shifting Matty's weight over. "I'll be right back."

He ran out of the bathroom and came back a few seconds later with the tequila, poppers and lube.

Kyle looked confused. "What the heck?"

"How about a night cap?" Ryan asked, holding up the tequila.

"Ugh... none for me," Kyle replied, scrunching up his face. "I don't think I like tequila."

"It's not for us," Ryan clarified, shaking his head. "It's for Matty." He opened the tequila and began emptying it into the toilet.

"What are you doing?" Kyle asked.

"Something I read about," Ryan replied. He dumped out all but three shots worth of the tequila and then filled the bottle one-third full with warm water. "Here, bend him over."


"Bend him over. Like this," Ryan said. He set the bottle down and helped Kyle bend Matty over the side of the bathtub, resting his elbows on the side of the tub. Then he picked up the bottle of tequila-laced water and generously coated the neck with the KY.

"You're not gonna stick that up his ass, are you?" Kyle asked in surprise, his eye wide.

"Yup," Ryan replied. "Tequila Enema. This'll fuck him up till Tuesday."

"Dude, you are so twisted."

"Yup. I'm a cheap and evil boy." Ryan flashed a devilish grin.

He softly stroked Matty's anus, working his thumb into it and eliciting a soft moan from the dazed young man. A long thin line of cock drool streamed to the bathroom floor, creating a small puddler. He playfully smacked Matty's upturned ass and gingerly inserted the bottle into his ass and tipped it up.

Ryan had the poppers ready and offered them to Matty. "That's a good boy," he smiled as Matty willingly sniffed.

"Unngghhh..." he grunted, his face twisting in bafflement as the warm fluid coursed through his insides. Air bubbled through the bottle as the alcohol-laced water was sucked inside his ass.

Ryan fucked the bottle in and out of Matty's ass for several minutes. The steady pumping action kept him excited and aroused, but still somehow comforted, while at the same time holding the liquid in his anal canal and allowing enough time for the alcohol to be absorbed into the delicate lining of his rectum. The alcohol quickly dampened any residual anxiety he may have had, silently urging his body and mind to relax and submit. Then Ryan and Kyle sat him back on the toilet so he could expel the liquid from his ass.

Kyle flushed the toilet again as Ryan wet a washcloth with warm water and gave Matty a makeshift sponge bath, gently scrubbing the cum from his body, face and hair. He paid special attention to his cock, balls and ass, not only to thoroughly clean them, but to also titillate his still sensitive skin.

They had to practically carry him back to the living room. He was so drunk he couldn't stand and he crashed heavily into the wall, twice, before they finally reached the couch. They found his briefs and slipped them on, fondling and caressing their way up his long legs.

They sat him down on the couch and he slumped onto his side, his mouth slightly open. "It looks like he's trolling for cock," Kyle remarked with a snicker.

Ryan couldn't resist. He rolled Matty onto his back and worked his dick out of the fly of his briefs. He took it into his mouth and swirled his tongue over the tip and into the piss slit, enticing it back to an erection. Then he deep throated it and fisted it slowly and deliberately, squeezing Matty's ass and ignoring his protests until he finally coaxed one last, weak load from the overworked cock.

He pressed his lips to Matty's, emptying the cum from his mouth into Matty's. Some of it spilled out over Matty's lips and Ryan softly stroked his throat until the peristaltic movement took over and Matty once again swallowed a load of his own spunk.

"Uggghh... that's so gross!" Kyle said, shuddering, as Ryan walked to the door.

"What?" Ryan asked, laughing, opening his mouth and sticking his tongue out. "You wanna kiss, too?" He leaned out the door and spit over the side of the deck.

He closed the door and rummaged through a couple of closets until he found a thin blanket. He slipped Matty's dick back into his briefs, softly patting and cupping his crotch, as Kyle slid the empty bottle of tequila next to him, before finally covering him up.

It was well after 10:00 a.m. when Matty finally woke up. He was lying on his stomach on the couch, wearing just his briefs, a thin blanket covering the lower half of his body.

His brain was a fog and it took him several moments to realize where he was and a few more to realize he was grinding his crotch into the sofa cushions.

"Unghh... that fuckin' dream..." he moaned as he rolled over and sat up, the blanket slipping to the floor. He slouched back on the couch, sinking into the deep cushions, his legs spread wide and his hard-on pushing out the soft white fabric of his briefs. His sleep had been full of wild dreams again... but these were new dreams. He was on his back like before, this time on the pool table, though... Ryan was there... and so was Kyle... And this time... were they were fucking him? They were! They were fucking him! They were fucking him in the ass and mouth... and he was getting off on it!? Wow... what a crazy dream!

He sat up. Shit, his head hurt. His ass hurt. He didn't realize just how hard he got hit when he flipped off the Quad yesterday. His dick felt funny and he noticed his nipples were tender and red. What the hell..? He thought back to last night... what happened? They were playing pool and drinking and then... the rest was a blur... Nothing. A total blank. Wow... that was the second time he'd lost a night recently... and both times were with Ryan...

His hand hit brushed against something hard. There was something wedged between the cushions. He pulled it out: a bottle of tequila. Oh yeah, that's right... they were doing tequila shots last night, too. The bottle was empty. Shit... he hadn't drank it all... had he? Fuck, he couldn't remember. He let the bottle fall off the couch and clatter to the floor.

He leaned forward, elbows on knees, and tried to focus his thoughts once again on the previous night... The last thing he could remember was sitting on the couch - just about where he was now - and Ryan was talking to Kyle about chalking the tip of his stick.. Matty reached down and grabbed his dick, which for some reason had started to tingle and twitch in his briefs. Awww fuck... that feels good... He shoved his hand down his briefs and began to massage and squeeze his dick, working his hand up and down the shaft. "Mmmmm..."

He stood up and stumbled, nearly falling. Fuck... he was still drunk!! How the hell?! His foot kicked something and he looked down as the tequila bottle went spinning across the room. The bottle that just hours earlier had been up his ass, fucking him into a tequila-laced delirium. He made his way, unsteadily, to the bathroom, his hand still in his briefs. He fished his erect cock out... shit, why was he so fucking hard? He placed his hand on the wall behind the toilet, and leaned forward heavily, watching the steady stream of his urine fill and yellow the bowl.

He had a nasty taste in his mouth... morning breath combined with beer and tequila... pot and... something else he couldn't place. He spit into the bowl and then turned his head and looked in the mirror, squinting. There was something at the corners of his mouth. He wiped at it with the back of his hand. It was sticky to the touch. He figured it was drool.

He finished pissing and flushed, absently stroking and working his dick before tucking into his briefs. Ever since hitting puberty he'd woken up almost every morning with a hard-on. If masturbation was an Olympic sport, he figured he'd be a gold medalist. He looked in the mirror again and smoothed his rumpled hair into place. He scratched his balls and grabbed the washcloth off the rack. It would make a good cum rag.

He flipped down the lid of the toilet seat and sat down heavily, spreading his legs. He leaned back, flinching slightly at the cold of the porcelain tank, and pulled his hard cock out of his briefs. For being as drunk as he was, he was surprised he had a hard-on, but the fucking thing had a mind of its own these days.

"Mmmmm..." he moaned as he stroked his fist up and down the length of his shaft. "Yeah..." His mind drifted to Cindy Spencer and then Julie Nardi, the latest of his many conquests, but thoughts of fucking one or the other (or both of them) did very little to heighten his arousal, so he closed his eyes and took a long, deep breath as he ardently and aggressively worked his flagpole of a cock.

As the index finger of his other hand strayed dangerously close to his asshole, one of the dreams from last night came playing back. He was on his back... his taut, athletic body being played with by hands that expertly teased and titillated him... Ryan's hands... playing with his nipples, dominating him, jerking his dick, fingering his ass... Mmmm... oh yeah... up his ass now... one finger first, and then two... three... oh yeah... mmmm... more... more, more, more... four fingers up his ass now... yeah, fucking him... in and out, in and out... round and around and around... Oh yes... oh GOD yes..! His mouth stuffed with a hard cock, slithering its way deep his throat... throbbing and pulsing... expanding... going deeper... the constant dripping lubricating it... And then his ass... yessss... another cock thrusting up his tight, aching ass... filling it, exhilarating it, satisfying it... His body being rocked back and forth as both his ass and his mouth were fucked long and hard like... like... like they were pussies... yeah, pussies... Pussies? Yeah, his two pussies full of cock... at the same time... Ohhhhhhh... yessssss... fuck me... please... please fuck my pussies.... His body humming like a finely tuned engine as the cock in his ass raked continuously over that sweet spot that made his head spin and his balls tingle at the same time... The cock in his mouth suddenly bursting, filling his greedy, suctioning mouth with its sweet load... "Oh God... ohhhhh... fuckkkk... yessss... unnngghhhh..."

He leaned forward, eyes rolled up, dazed mouth hanging open, his fist flying up and down his cum-slicked cock. Faster, faster, faster!! His other hand was buried deep under his balls now, his long index finger probing his quivering anus... burrowing, rooting, ferreting... It slipped in easily up to the first knuckle and then to the second, joined quickly by his middle finger...

"Unnnggghhhh... fuck... FUCKKKKK!!!!" Matty grunted loudly as a stream of cum exploded from his dick, shooting up and splattering him in the face, shocking him back to the reality of the present. It was followed by four more spurts that shot up and covered his hand. "Anhh, aannhhhhh... anhhh...annhhhh... aannnhhhhhh..." he panted as he worked his fist over the head of his aching dick, extracting every bit of juice from it.

Oh God... oh fuck... oh fuck... He just got off while fantasizing about being fucked... by two guys!! He looked at his hand. It was dripping with cum. He brought it to his nose and sniffed at it, the heady, musky scent of his sex wafting up his nostrils, beckoning to him. He closed his eyes again, thinking again of last night's dreams and the rivers of cum that flowed so freely down his throat... his cock-sucking throat... He stuck out his tongue...

"Fuck!" he said out loud, jumping to his feet, his spooge-coated fingertips just millimeters from his lips. His body was covered in a thin sheet of sweat and he was trembling. He rinsed his hand off and then wet the washcloth, wiping away the cum from his face, neck and cock. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" he mumbled, tossing the washcloth into the sink.

His dick was still slightly tumid as he snapped his briefs back up. Once he rubbed out a load he was usually good for several hours, but lately - ever since those dreams started - his boner seemed to reinvigorate so quickly, refusing to be mollified or pacified until he tamed it again. He found himself hard the better part of the day, often sneaking out to his truck on his lunch hour, and sometimes again in the parking lot before happy hour, lowering his jeans and briefs, vainly attempting to satisfy the urges of his seemingly unquenchable cock.

He walked out of the bathroom to find his clothes but the smell of fresh coffee coming from the kitchen distracted him and he shuffled his way to get a cup. Yeah, a big jolt of caffeine was just what he needed to shake away the cobwebs. And those dreams. Fuck, what was his problem? Up until a couple of weeks ago he'd never had a queer thought in his life and now here he was walking around like some horny, cock-hungry faggot, dreaming about getting his fudge packed and being forced to suck cock... And just now he'd fingered himself to one of his biggest cums ever!!

As he filled the waiting mug he saw Ryan and Kyle sitting on the deck, huddled together, talking. He grabbed the mug and, without bothering to get dressed, pushed open the door and stepped onto the deck.

Kyle's head shot up, a look of fear and surprise in his eyes. Ryan turned his head, slowly looking Matty up and down, a sly, smug grin spreading across his face as he noticed Matty's tented briefs. "Mornin' Sunshine," he nodded, raising his cup. "You look like shit."

Matty took a sip of his coffee and shook his head, oblivious to where Ryan's gaze had just been. "Uggghhh," he grumbled, his voice low and gravelly. "I feel like shit," He leaned against the deck railing, his balls fattening and his erection beginning to snake upward and to the left, straining at the soft white cotton of his briefs. "I think I'm still drunk."

Ryan turned back to Kyle and winked. "Well, you drank a lot last night," he said, looking back at Matty. He elbowed Kyle.

"Yeah," Kyle chimed in, nodding animatedly. "You finished off that bottle of tequila."

"Shit... no wonder," Matty muttered, raising his cup to his lips. "Fuckin' tequila."

"How's your ass feel?" Ryan asked, probing.

"What...?!" Matty sputtered, coffee spraying from his mouth and spattering Ryan. "What the fuck did you say?"

"Dude... say it, don't spray it," Ryan laughed, wiping his arm off. "Your ass... you said you got thrown off your Quad yesterday..."

"Oh... yeah... shit... I told you about that, huh?" Matty said shaking his head, his eyes focused on the contents of his cup as he took another drink. Why was he getting so bent out of shape? "Sorry man... I must've been really fucked up cause I don't remember a thing."

Ryan and Kyle were silent. Matty waited a moment and then looked up over the rim of the mug. "What...? Hey, I didn't do anything stupid last night, did I?" he asked, his eyes flashing from Ryan to Kyle and then back to Ryan, searching for a clue. "Come on, guys... I mean... how drunk was I?"

Ryan thought for a moment, wondering just how far he could push Matty. "I dunno..." he smirked, a knowing look on his face. "You tell me."

Matty wasn't sure how to react to that statement so he just gave Ryan a long, even stare. When Ryan didn't flinch, Matty found himself going on the defensive, standing up straighter and thrusting out his chest. "What's that look for? And what the fuck's you tell me' supposed to mean?"

Ryan didn't respond. He stood up and stretched, arching his back, his t-shirt riding up and exposing his tanned belly and the waistband of his briefs. The white Calvin Klein briefs he'd found in Matty's gym bag earlier.

Matty glanced down as Ryan stretched, his eyes catching a glimpse of the waistband of his underwear. Calvin Klein... wait... CKs? Was that HIS underwear Ryan was wearing? Why was Ryan wearing his underwear? What the hell happened last night? He stared a moment too long and realized he'd been caught. He looked up quickly to see Ryan giving him a little wink.

Yes! Ryan rejoiced silently. Matty checked him out... noticed him wearing his underwear. He was convinced Matty didn't know what the fuck happened last night but was thinking maybe something did... that maybe in his drunken condition he'd crossed a line... but didn't know just how far... He had him right where he wanted him - the big doof was totally confused - and now he just needed to reel him in.

Ryan stepped closer and shrugged his shoulders. "Like I said... you tell me..." he said, his voice level and toneless as he returned Matty's glare. "How drunk were' you last night, Matty?"

Matty thought back again... the dreams... oh shit...DID something happen last night? He blushed. No... those were just dreams. Weren't they? Of fuck... how drunk was' I? He looked down at Ryan's crotch again and licked his lips. What the fuck? His face flushed crimson and his left hand dropped down to cover his bulging crotch.

Ryan glanced down at Matty's briefs, strangled with his erection, and then back to his face. Another smirk. "Nice tighties... but what's up with the boner?"

Matty didn't reply, his face further reddening as he nervously shifted his weight.

Ryan saw the conflicted look on Matty's face and inched forward. "Is there something I should know?" he asked innocently. "Something you wanna tell me?" He reached out and tweaked Matty's nipple.

Matty jumped in surprise. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open but nothing came out. Kyle stood up and slowly backed away. He stumbled down the steps and practically ran around the corner of the cabin, safely out of site.

Ryan plucked Matty's other nipple, his eyes glancing down to Matty's crotch again. Even with his hand covering it, there was an obvious twitch in his briefs. Matty was speechless, frozen.

"You like that, queerboy?" Ryan asked boldly, pinching Matty's erect tit.

"Wh... what did you call me?" Matty rasped, his voice catching. A succession of images shuffled through his mind... on his back with his legs up... ass being plowed while hungrily sucking cock... begging to be fucked... no... begging? Really? What the fuck was happening? A look of fear flickered in his eyes. It was only momentary, but still long enough for Ryan to pick up on it.

"You heard me," Ryan replied, edging forward, his eyes locked with Matty's. "Queerboy."

Matty took a half step forward and found himself up against the railing of the deck. He threw out his chest again. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about," he said, unconvincingly.

Ryan brushed the pad of his thumb across his nipple again. Another shudder. Another lurch in his briefs. "Wow dude, that's freaky," he taunted, still smirking. "You like it when your titties get tugged, huh?"

"Onnnhhh... unnngghhhh..." Matty groaned softly, helplessly, slowly sliding along the railing, moving away as Ryan continued to flick and pinch his nipples, the hand covering his crotch now groping it instead. He suddenly found himself pinned against the side of the house... nowhere to go. His hand dropped away from his crotch and the wet spot that had formed.

One hand still on Matty's tits, Ryan reached down and brazenly cupped Matty's bulge, smiling impishly as he gave it a pat and a playful squeeze. "How about this?"

"Mmmmm... ngghhhhhh..." Matty felt his knees weaken and nearly buckle as Ryan openly and aggressively fondled him, jerking his dick and flicking his tits, laughing like it was some game. Suddenly his body convulsed and he dropped his mug of coffee. It hit the cedar deck and bounced twice before shattering into pieces. His body reflexively hunched and twisted, his knee shot up and his breath caught in his throat, as his cock erupted in six quick staccato shots, filling his briefs with a load of warm, sticky cum. His second of the morning.

"Arrgghhh..." he choked and gasped, shocked and humiliated at his body's betrayal. He spun away quickly, arms flailing, stumbling backward as he crashed through the door and into the kitchen, hoping like hell Ryan hadn't noticed the huge wet spot soaking the front of his briefs.

End of Part 2

Comments to smapdi@mindspring.com.

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