Outrageous Fortune

By moc.gnirpsdnim@idpams

Published on Oct 21, 2007


Outrageous Fortune, Part 1 by stimle

This is a work of fiction. All rights are protected and the story cannot be reproduced without permission. My stories are archived on my site at http://home.mindspring.com/~smapdi/ as well as at http://www.pridesites.com/omelissokomos/stimle/index.html and www.ASSGM.com.

Ryan Stevens had graduated from high school three weeks ago and was enjoying his last Summer at home before leaving for State in the Fall. His parents were in Florida for a week visiting some old friends and he had the whole house to himself. His older brother Luke was home from college for the Summer, but had gone to Florida as well. Ryan stayed behind because he'd recently started a summer job and couldn't get the time off. He was okay with it, though, because he was looking forward to some time away from everybody.

Ryan had grown up in a fairly strict home. While not overly religious, his parents took the family to church most Sundays and expected a lot from their sons. They were by no means under the impression that their sons were angels, but neither had they any idea of the truth. Ryan and Luke liked to hang out with their cousin Chuck who was in his twenties and who liked to have a good time. If Ryan's parents knew half the stuff they did they'd be shocked. But what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

Ryan was thirteen years old the first time he got drunk and fifteen the first time he got high. Both times were with Chuck. By the time he was a freshman in high school, two of his best friends were Jim Beam and Jack Daniels. However, he was always careful and never went to school drunk or high and his grades never suffered. Best of all, neither his parents nor Luke ever suspected his wild ways.

It was around 2:30 a.m., on a Friday night and his two best friends, Ben and Kyle had left about an hour ago. It had been raining all day and it was wet and muddy everywhere so instead of going out, they stayed in and played video games. Ryan's house had a fully finished basement with an entertainment center and a bar. Ryan's bedroom was downstairs as well.

The real plan of the evening was to get Ben drunk and get into his pants. Ryan couldn't remember when he first started having those' kinds of feelings about guys, but he and Kyle had been messing around with each other every now and then since the Summer after their Freshman year when they both got drunk at Luke's graduation party out at the Stevens' cabin on the lake. Neither boy considered himself gay, though, and chalked up their escapades to boys being boys.

Lately though, their attentions had turned to Ben. Ben's father was the pastor at the church Ryan and his family attended and, although not a total goody two-shoes, Ben pretty much kept on the straight and narrow. There was something about him, though, that intrigued Ryan and Kyle, so much so, that they had conspired to get him drunk for the first time in his life and then explore every inch of his body. Chuck had got them some beer and Jack Daniels and even hooked them up with some pot to assist them in their plan.

In all the times they'd partied in the past, Ben never had more than one beer and tonight was no different. No matter how much they cajoled or urged, Ben seemed immune to their peer pressure and stuck to his guns. Finally they gave up and ended up playing video games instead, having a good time regardless of the original plan.

Ryan was getting ready to lock up for the night now when he heard a truck come to a screeching halt in front of his house. He ran upstairs to see what was going on and looked out the living room window. Matty, his next-door neighbor, was climbing out of his truck and staggering across the lawn to his front door. He had obviously been drinking and Ryan watched has he slipped in a flowerbed and crashed to his knees in the mud. He tried to stand up but fell back to all fours.

Matty was Luke's best friend and back in high school he had been captain of the football, swim and baseball teams. He had been voted Homecoming King, Class Sweetheart, and Prom King, and was the proverbial "All American Boy Next Door." Now twenty-one years old, he had finished his junior year at State and was home for the Summer working for his uncle's construction company. He was 6'2, 185 pounds, with ash blond hair, blue-green eyes, ruddy cheeks, and a body like a god. Matty and Luke used to work out almost everyday on the Soloflex in the neighbor's garage and from the looks of things, Matty'd kept up with his routine while at college.

Ryan surveyed the scene in front of him and knew that if Matty woke up Mrs. Hendrickson she would call the cops in a heartbeat, so he decided to go outside and give him a hand. By the time he got to him, Matty had crawled from the mud and onto the wet grass. He saw Ryan approaching and smiled wide, showing his perfectly straight teeth as he wiped his hands on the grass.

"Hey Ryan," he slurred, still grinning. "How's it goin'?" Ryan liked the way Matty talked. He had a low, raspy voice that sounded so sexy in its slow and deliberate manner. He could get lost just listening to Matty talk.

"Looks like I'm doing better than you, buddy," he chuckled in reply, his arms crossed. "Let me give you a hand." He reached down and grasped Matty's right hand and helped him to his feet. Although Ryan stood a respectable 5'10, Matty's 6'2 frame seemed to tower over him, casting an imposing presence.

"Shit," Matty mumbled, wiping his dirty hands on his t-shirt and jeans. He checked his pockets. "I think I lost my fuckin' keys and my parents are outta town. Must've dropped them." He turned around to scan the ground, but wobbled and almost fell.

"Whoah there," Ryan said, grabbing his elbow to steady him. "If you dropped em we'll find them in the morning. Meanwhile you can crash at our house since you're locked out. I don't want you waking up the neighborhood."

"Cool. Thanks, man," he replied, as he let Ryan lead him across the lawn. "Is Luke around?"

"No, he's still in Florida with Mom and Dad. He'll be back Tuesday afternoon," Ryan replied as he guided a weaving Matty through the breezeway so he wouldn't track mud into his mom's kitchen.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Matty said, looking down at his muddy shoes. "Shit, Ryan... I don't wanna get your house all dirty."

"Don't worry about it," Ryan replied. "You can take your shoes off here and clean 'em up later. It's not a problem."

Matty shrugged his shoulders as he slid his jacket off. His breath reeked of beer and whisky.

"Dude, you shouldn't have driven if you're this drunk," Ryan chastised. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Matty said, waving off Ryan's concern, his voice slurred. "I was out at the Pits. Payday." The Pits were the local drinking grounds, not really anything more than an old gravel quarry, but there was room to park and plenty of open space to party.

"Well, I think you've had enough," Ryan said as he bent down to untie his shoes.

"Awww shit," Matty said. "Don't lecture me... dad..." He grinned as he mussed up Ryan's hair. He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a pint of Jack Daniels. About a third of it was gone. "Jack and me've been hanging out tonight," he said, unscrewing the cap and putting the bottle to his lips. Then he offered it to Ryan. "Want some?"

"Sure," Ryan said, taking a long swig.

"Shit, save some for me!" Matty said, eyes wide. He grabbed the bottle and took another drink.

"Don't worry," Ryan said, a twinkle in his eye. "I've got plenty more inside."

Matty grinned. "Cool. Let's keep this party going."

"Easy, Matty, I gotta get these off you first," Ryan said, unlacing his muddy shoes and pulling them off his size 12 feet. His socks were soaking wet.

"Shit, man, your socks stink and they're all wet," he said, holding his nose. "I better take them off, too." He peeled the wet socks off Matty's feet and over his long toes. "I'll get you a clean pair in a few minutes. I'm sure Luke has some."

"Thanks," Matty said. "Do you think he has some sweats I can borrow? My clothes are trashed." Without waiting for an answer, he stripped his t-shirt over his head and dropped it on top of his socks. His blond hair was disheveled, but on him it looked good. Natural almost. Then he popped the button on his jeans.

Ryan's mouth practically dropped to the floor as he watched his drunk, hunky neighbor fumbling with the buttons of his muddy Levi's. "I'll bring some back with the socks," he stammered.

Matty nodded. He had his jeans open now but he was pretty out of it and was having trouble getting them down. He put his arms out and looked up. "Give me a hand, will ya?"

Ryan, still on his knees, swallowed hard and let Matty lean against him as he helped him lower his jeans and step out of them. Matty's keys fell out of his back pocket and clattered to the floor. Ryan tossed the dirty clothes into the washing machine, poured in some detergent and turned it on. He quickly rinsed off the muddy shoes and put them on the door mat to air dry.

He picked up the keys and was about to say something when he got a look at Matty, wearing just a pair of white Calvin Klein briefs, leaning against the dryer. He'd never seen Matty in briefs before and he swallowed hard, an audible 'gulp', as his eyes slowly traveled up and down his toned body. His chest was broad and smooth, almost hairless, and his nipples were large and dark brown and stood out on his big pecs. His chest tapered wickedly to defined six-pack abs that looked to be expanding to an eight-pack, along with a well-defined 'V', and an almost-perfect treasure trail that disappeared into his briefs. The pouch of the briefs was nicely filled out, obvious evidence of ample-sized balls, and his half-hard dick was pointed up and to the side in his briefs. Matty's eyes were fluttering, almost like they were struggling to stay open, and his mouth was slightly open. Fuck, he was hot! Ryan felt his own cock harden.

He dropped the keys into one of Matty's shoes and jerked his thumb toward the door to the kitchen. He held out his arm for Matty to hold onto as they made their way inside and down the stairs to the basement rec room. He kept sneaking peaks at Matty's package and even managed to brush his hand across his ass a couple of times. Damn he looked good.

Matty caught him looking and Ryan had to cover quickly. "Looks like you're packin' some kinda heat down there," he said jokingly, pointing at the nice-sized bulge in Matty's Calvins.

"Shut up," Matty slurred, trying to shield is crotch with his hands. He was grinning and blushing, though.

Ryan kept up his razzing. "What's up with the butt huggers?" he chuckled. "You look so cute in your little boy underwear!" He was laughing louder now.

Matty punched him in the arm playfully, but still hard enough to smart. "You rippin' on my grippers, boy?" he drawled, trying but failing to keep a straight face. "Heck, they're designer and comfortable as hell." He snapped the waistband and groped his crotch.

"Matty wears tighty whities," Ryan hummed out in a sing-song voice, barely able to contain himself.

"Why am I even talking to you about this?" Matty laughed, playfully slapping the back of Ryan's head. "And why the fuck're you checking me out?"

"Anyway," Ryan said, changing the subject now as they reached the rec room. "I'll get something for you to wear. I'll be ba..."

"Is that a bong?" Matty interrupted, pointing to the coffee table as he flopped onto the couch. He shook his head and chuckled. "Ryan Stevens, you sly, sly dawg. You've been holdin' out on me!"

"You wanna hit?" Ryan asked.

"Fuck yeah," Matty replied, grinning.

Ryan held the bong for Matty while he took a hit. He took a hit himself and then poured two shots of whisky.

"Now we're talking," Matty slurred, slamming the shot. Ryan gave him another bong hit and another shot. Matty had apparently forgotten that Ryan was going to get him some clothes. In fact, he seemed completely unaware that he was in only his underwear.

Two bong hits later Matty was looking fucked up. He was slumped back on the couch, head thrown back, eyes drooping and legs spread. He was moaning softly and breathing deeply.

"Dude, you're baked!" Ryan said, unable to keep from staring at Matty's nearly-naked body, especially his crotch. Fuck, he was so good-looking! His thoughts a mixture of envy and lust, Ryan's right hand snaked down his shorts, into his boxerbriefs, and grabbed his hard dick. By now he was pretty tipsy himself and was feeling a little bold. He reached out with his other hand and touched Matty's hard flat stomach. Fuck, that bulge in his briefs looked big! He was tempted to touch it. Just a few inches away! He looked at Matty's face. His eyes were closed. He looked so humpy and delicious all sprawled out in his tighty whities. Ryan couldn't help but imagine what if would be like to have Matty lying across his lap, drunk and stoned to the gills, moaning while he worked over his hunky body... jerking his cock and feeling him up... working a load out of those big balls... He began to formulate a plan as he continued to grope himself.

Ryan knew Matty couldn't handle hard liquor. He found that out last Summer when his parents went to Mackinac Island and left Luke in charge. One night they threw a party at their cabin on the lake and Matty got wasted. Not just wasted; totally fucked up. Apparently he could drink beer like a fish, but once he moved on to the hard stuff it was over. By the end of the night he was so hammered he could barely walk. After years of watching him play sports, so nimble and sure-footed, it was funny for Ryan to watch Matty's legs betray his body, getting all tangled up like those newborn gazelles you see on nature shows, struggling to walk for the first time.

When the party finally started to wind down and most of the guests had either left or crashed for the night, Luke had asked Ryan to help get him Matty to bed. Between the two of them they managed to get the inebriated Matty to Luke's room and onto his bed, and Ryan was even able to cop a few feels of Matty's hard body. He was surprised when Luke began undressing Matty, stripping him down to just his boxerbriefs, and then was downright shocked when Luke got undressed himself and crawled into the same bed! Ryan was bummed that Luke had decided to crash in the same bed because he was hoping to pay Matty a visit later.

But now here he was, almost a year later, home alone with a drunk-off-his-ass Matty sitting mere inches from him. Ryan nudged Matty's shoulder and was greeted with a goofy grin and glassy eyes. Oh yeah, this was gonna be great!

"Wanna another?" Ryan asked, holding up the almost empty pint of Jack Daniels. "Maybe with some Coke?"

Matty's eyes opened further and he smiled wider as he struggled to sit up. His mumbled "yeah" was barely audible.

Ryan went to the wet-bar and came back with more whisky, a two-liter bottle of Coke and two large tumblers half-filled with ice. On the way back he flipped the air conditioner off. He didn't want Matty to feel the cold air and realize he was undressed. He poured two drinks, being overly generous on the whisky in Matty's. He handed him his glass and watched as he took a long drink. From the look on Matty's face he could tell he hadn't tasted the extra alcohol. He was hammered!

"I got a few pornos if you wanna watch anything," Ryan offered, gesturing to a stack of DVDs on the coffee table. "Wanna check one out?"

Matty grinned and took another drink. "Sure."

Ryan fired up the bong and handed it to him. Matty took a hit and handed it back. "Nah," Ryan said, waving his hand, "I'm good."

Since the movie was a porno it really had no plot. It opened with a good-looking but clueless pizza deliveryman getting seduced by two hot chicks. They stripped him down and tied him to a four-poster bed where they proceed to work his cock and balls until he was ready to blow his load. Then they fucked both his mouth and ass with strap-on dildos. Ryan kept one eye on Matty while the movie played, watching as the buzzed college student grabbed at his cock as the girls onscreen deep-throated and ass-fucked their captive with the dildos.

Ryan started to wonder aloud what it would feel like to be in that situation. "I'm not talking about getting fucked," he clarified, "but I wonder what it would be like to be all tied up and shit like that, you know... all helpless while a couple of babes work your cock and balls and get you all hot?"

Matty then shocked the hell out of Ryan by relating how he'd been in a similar situation. Ryan's jaw dropped and he listened in rapt silence as Matty slurred on about the time, just a few months earlier, when he was at a some random girl's apartment. They'd been drinking and were getting ready to go out to an off-campus party when her roommate came home. One thing led to another and before he knew it they were all in bed, his jeans and briefs at his ankles, and his wrists tied up over his head.

"You're fuckin' me!" Ryan exclaimed, taking a sip of his drink and resisting with all his might the urge to grab his cock and jack it to climax.

"Unhh uhnn," Matty murmured, shaking his head insistently and holding up his hand. "Swear to God." He took a long drink and then another hit off the bong Ryan held out for him.

"What happened next?" Ryan asked, topping off Matty's drink with more whisky.

"Patty had my balls in her mouth while she was fistin' my cock and she kept rubbin' her thumb over the tip of my dick." He grabbed at his cock through his briefs and tugged. His briefs pulled down a bit and Ryan could see his hairy bush as he fondled and palmed his hard dick and kneaded his balls. "Shit! And every time I was about to fuckin' shoot off she'd stop! Awww..."

"Whoah!" Ryan said, getting hotter and hotter. His cock was so hard right now. He needed some relief and fast!

Matty took another drink, wincing slightly at the taste of the extra alcohol. "I know! And her roommate kept playing with my nips. Man, it was fuckin' weird... but it felt so good, ya know?"

"Yeah..." Ryan nodded, not really knowing what it was like, but wanting to hear more. He leaned in closer. "And then what?"

Matty looked over at Ryan, his eyes glassy and wide. He looked to either side, as if to make sure nobody was listening, and cupped his hand to his mouth. "She stuck her finger up my ass!" he whispered.

"Shut up!" Ryan said, holding out the bong. "No fuckin' way!"

"Swear! Two of em," he nodded, holding up two fingers for Ryan to see. "I fuckin' lost my load right there. Hit me right in the face!" He took a long hit from the bong and smiled.

Ryan sat back and stared straight ahead, his mouth gaping open. He was speechless. His cock was so hard it could cut glass. He grabbed it and gave it a squeeze, trying like hell not to be obvious. He didn't want Matty to see how turned on he was.

But Matty was oblivious. His drink was finished and he was lit like a Christmas tree. "Her roommate actually licked it off my face!" he continued, his eyes closed and a smile plastered across his handsome face.

They both sat back now, neither saying a word. Ryan snuck furtive glances Matty's way, who now had his hand down the front of his briefs, openly squeezing his dick, a low moan escaping his pale lips. Shit, Ryan wanted him so bad!

"Fuck, I'm so boned up right now," Matty slurred. He shifted his body slightly and arched his back as he openly fondled himself.

"Well, just keep that thing in your pants," Ryan said, his eyes riveted on Matty's bulging crotch.

"Mmm... gotta piss," Matty grunted, getting to his feet. It was a struggle and he had some difficulty navigating the short trip to the bathroom. Ryan could hear his arms dragging along the wall of the hallway to support himself. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to have him!

He was mulling the idea when he heard the toilet flush and watched Matty make his way back to the couch, looking so incredibly hot in just his tight white Calvins. "Whoah it's fuckin' hot in here," he slurred loudly as he stumbled down the hallway, nearly falling. He was just this side of being out of it. Ryan's dick lurched again as he watched Matty flop heavily onto the couch, his legs spread wide. His chest looked so perfect, his juicy nipples jutting out... so ripe for the picking. Ryan gave his cock another squeeze and slid closer to Matty.

Within a matter of seconds Matty was back into his alcohol and pot-induced orbit. Ryan gently shook his shoulder. "Matty! Buddy." Hardly a response. He gently slapped his cheeks. "Matty," he called out again softly, then more loudly. Matty moaned and lifted his head.

He wasn't out but he was sure close. "You're higher than a fuckin' kite, aren't you, buddy?" Ryan mumbled softly as he lifted Matty's eyelid. Matty's eyes were dull and glazed.

Ryan reached out gently caressed the bulge in Matty's briefs with the back of his hand. Matty groaned lowly and his cock lurched. Ryan ran his fingers across his taut abs and up to his titties, grasping one and gently rolling it between his fingers. "Unngghhh ." Matty moaned a little louder, but it sounded more like a gutteral growl now. Almost animal.

Instead of pulling his hands back, Ryan, emboldened by the Jack Daniels, continued to openly fondle the drunken stud. Matty tried to cover his crotch but Ryan easily pushed his hands away as he leaned in and felt him up. Finally, Matty threw his hand up over his face and covered his eyes, letting Ryan have his way, submitting to the sweet, seductive touches.

Ryan's mouth suddenly felt dry and he reached for his glass to take a sip. As he gulped down his drink, a drop of water splashed on Matty's pec, causing the dazed stud to hiss and arch his back. Ryan took the nipple between his index finger and thumb and rolled it again, this time gently pulling and pinching at it as he did.

"Mmmm..." Matty moaned, his voice deep and low, thrusting his chest out. Ryan gently pushed Matty until his was lying on the couch. He helped Matty swing his legs onto the couch and got down on his knees next to him.

As he continued to pluck and tweak Matty's nipple, Ryan ran the bottom edge of his cold glass across Matty's other nipple, causing the drunk young man to gasp. Ryan watched in fascination as Matty's dick lurched and twitched in his briefs each time his nipples were touched.

Totally boned up now, Ryan got back on the couch and crawled between Matty's legs, spreading them further apart, and pushed his knee up against Matty's bulging crotch. While using his knee to massage Matty's dick and balls, Ryan resumed playing with his nipples... twisting, pinching, icing...

Even in his drunken condition, Matty was somehow able to put up enough resistance to keep Ryan partially at bay. Ryan wanted to get into a more strategic position and decided he needed to get Matty into his room and on his bed where he'd have more space to maneuver and get the upper hand.

He jumped up and hauled Matty to his feet. Matty's boner jutted straight out, tenting his briefs, a small wet spot forming where the tip strained at the soft white material. Ryan prodded at it with his index finger, stroking and teasing it. He cupped Matty's balls and smiled as a small moan escaped Matty's lips.

He put his arm around Matty and shuffled him down the hall, his hand on his ass the whole time, stroking and squeezing it. Once in his room he eased Matty onto his bed and let him fall back. He almost creamed himself at the site of Matty lying on his bed in nothing but his white Calvin Klein briefs, arms splayed out and helplessly drunk. At his mercy.

Ryan pulled Matty's body to the center of his bed. His breathing was deep and even as Ryan placed his hand on his chest and felt his strong heartbeat. He placed his hand gently on the side of Matty's face and felt the day's growth of stubble. It felt nice. He took his index finger and placed it on Matty's lower lip, running it back and forth, pushing the soft, full lips apart. Matty didn't respond.

Ryan looked down at Matty's crotch, at the tip of his prick which was still pushing at the material of his briefs. He touched it. "Unngghhh...." a soft, high pitched moan slipped from Matty's lips. Ryan continued to stroke the length of the shaft and smiled at the series of deep breaths, moans and groans that came from Matty. It was like music.

He put his hand on Matty's warm belly and snaked it up his chest. His nipples jutted out like eraser tips and he gently squeezed one. He was rewarded with yet another moan. "Ooohhnnngghh..."

Ryan smiled and played with Matty's dick and nipples simultaneously. Then he cupped Matty's balls. He fished his fingers beneath the elastic waistband and brushed them through the wiry hair of his bush and over the tip of his dick. It was hard and rubbery and surprisingly warm. He felt the wet stickiness of precum and used the palm of his hand to work it into the prick tip, roiling his palm over Matty's boner.

"Wha...." Matty mumbled, coming out if it just a bit. Ryan freaked a little and quickly drew back. After a few seconds he reached out again.

"Ungghhh wha ." Matty moaned again. He was fucking wasted! Ryan sat next to him and ran his index finger over his body, slowly circling his left nipple. Matty opened his eyes and tried to lift his head but to no avail. Ryan could tell the poor doof wasn't seeing anything nor was his addled mind registering the situation. He got onto his hands and knees and straddled him. He lifted Matty's hand and placed it on his own crotch for a second. Matty opened his eyes again and Ryan took note of how heavy-lidded and glassy they were. He placed his hand over Matty's hand on his crotch and gently kneaded it, twisting his nipple with the other.

"Oooohhh " Matty moaned, now in unison with Ryan. Ryan looked back and saw Matty's dick lurch in his briefs. He crouched down, burying his face in Matty's crotch, the heady, musky smell of his nuts wafting through his nostrils. He kissed Matty's dick through his briefs, up and down the length of the shaft, while cupping his big balls in his palm. He wanted to rip Matty's briefs off and suck his cock, but first he wanted to get a picture of him lying there all fucked up looking so sexy. He grabbed his digital camera from his desk and snapped a picture of him.

The flash seemed to startle Matty a bit and he looked at Ryan, his head cocked to the side, but Ryan knew he was way too fucked up to know what was going on so he continued to take pictures. Something in the corner near the door caught his eye. It was the tripod for his camera. He looked back at Matty and knew what he was going to do.

He was so hard now and couldn't wait any longer. Matty looked fucking amazing in nothing but his white briefs, his long tanned legs spread, coated with a light dusting of sandy hair. He snapped off a few more pictures and then, remembering his camera could take thirty minutes of digital video, decided to capture the moment live.

It took just a minute to set up. He had Matty right where he wanted him and he was still horned up, but now he began to feel guilty for setting Matty up the way he had. Doing his best to subdue his conscience, he crawled back on the bed, straddled Matty, and lazily circled one of his nipples with his tongue and rolled the other between his thumb and index finger.

He worked Matty's briefs down his hips and tucked them under his balls. He pushed at Matty's legs, spreading them, and licked at his nuts, taking them completely into his mouth. Matty gasped and let out a squeal and Ryan guessed that nobody had ever sucked his nuts before. Emboldened even more now, he pulled off and took the hard shaft into his mouth and sucked for all it was worth. In all the times he'd messed around with Kyle, he'd never given him a blow job and wasn't sure if he was even doing it right, but when he felt Matty's hands on the back of his head, clumsily and weakly pushing him down, he knew he must be doing something right. His mouth was getting sore and tired, though, and he was about to pull off when he felt Matty's cock stiffen and twitch. Before he knew what was happening, Matty was cumming in his mouth!

Ryan had never even tasted his own cum before, and now here he was with another guy's cock lodged in his throat and his mouth full of jizz. He tried to pull off again, but Matty's grip had tightened and Ryan felt himself gagging on the warm cum which was beginning trickle out of the sides of his mouth. He began to panic, frantically pushing his way out of Matty's hold. Something in his throat relaxed and he felt, and tasted, a bucket of cum slide down his throat.

Gasping, he finally broke free from Matty's hands and lurched backward off the bed. His dick was throbbing and leaking down and he wanted to return the favor. Stripping off his shorts and boxerbriefs as quickly as he could, he jumped back on the bed, straddled Matty's chest and leaned forward, steadying himself against the bed frame. His dick, wet with pre-cum, was just inches from Matty's face now and he ran the glistening cock head over his lips. He reached down and worked Matty's jaw open with his thumb and slid his dick in. He thrust it in and out a few times and then pulled back out, dragging his hard cock across Matty's cheeks and chin. The stubble of his five o'clock shadow tickled and totally aroused him and, before he could stop himself, he began to shoot his load all over Matty's handsome face.

Breathing heavily as his orgasm subsided, Ryan stepped back. Matty looked so hot... his briefs tucked under his still hard dick, and his face glistening with a dripping layer of cum. Ryan pulled Matty's briefs back up and switched the video feature on his camera to the off position. He unscrewed the camera from the tripod and snapped a few more still shots.

Ryan put the camera down and stepped back, taking in the scene before him. He had just shot his load not two minutes before, but he was already getting hard again... getting ready for round two. He picked up his underwear and wiped the cum from Matty's face. He decided he needed a drink. He slipped his shorts on and walked back out to the bar to fix one. The washer had long since finished and he put Matty's clothes into the dryer.

He sipped his drink as he stood in the doorway to his room, hardly able to believe his good fortune. Never in a million years would he ever imagined having Matty all to himself like this. He took a gulp of his drink, set it down, and positioned Matty crossways on his bed, pulling him down until his ass was just barely hanging over the side. He lowered Matty's briefs and stripped them off. Grabbing his ankles, he lifted his legs up and rested them over his shoulders.

Ryan stripped his shorts back off and moved Matty's low hanging balls out of the way. He found was he was looking for: Matty's ass. He leaned in close and started licking around it, gingerly at first and then more fully. Matty began to moan again but was too out of it to move.

Ryan felt drunk with lust as he sucked at Matty's ass and drove his tongue in. His hips were gyrating now and his moaning and taken on a guttural, primal tone. He wanted to fuck him, badly. He didn't have any condoms but it didn't matter. He wanted to pile drive that hot ass.

He stood up and guided his pulsing cock to Matty's shiny hole. He spit into his hand and reached down to his leaking cock and scooped up a good amount of his cum. He lubed his cock and slowly pushed it against Matty's ass. He was about a quarter of an inch in when Matty suddenly yelped.

Ryan pulled back, his lust-clouded mind clearing. What was he doing? Matty would definitely know if somebody fucked him... wouldn't he?

He was still boned up and needed to get his rocks off. He needed to fuck something or he was going to explode, so he decided he was gonna fuck Matty's hot mouth, for real this time. He crawled back up onto Matty's chest and shoved his dick back into his mouth. He reached back and began to twist and roll one of Matty's nipples. Matty began to moan and writhe and then bingo! He started to suck!

God, it felt so fucking good! Ryan knew Matty was as straight as they come, but his mouth on Ryan's dick was magic. He grasped the back of Matty's head with one hand, the other still working his nipple, and slowly thrust himself deeper. He kept up the steady rhythm until he felt ready to cum. He was about to explode when another sudden pang of guilt hit him from out of nowhere.

He pulled his dick out of Matty's mouth with a loud pop and sat back, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. He heard a noise and looked down to see a disoriented Matty, eyes half open, struggling to raise his head, almost as if he was looking for the cock that had been pulled away from his mouth. Ryan grabbed his dick and furiously jacked it and, moments later, shot his second load of the night squarely onto Matty's face.

Spent, Ryan flopped over and lay next to Matty, his chest heaving. As his breathing returned to normal, he realized just how tired and drunk he was. The evening's events had caught up with him and he desperately needed to crash. First though, he had to clean up Matty. He pulled himself up and off the bed and went into his bathroom where he ran a hand towel under warm water, soaking it. He softly wiped down Matty's face and chest, sponging away the cum.

Next he tugged Matty's Calvins back up and hoisted the passed out young man up to a sitting position and then over his shoulder. He managed to slowly make his way down the hall and back to the rec room where he deposited his unconscious neighbor onto the couch, pulling the afghan draped over the back of the couch over his sleeping body.

Ryan could've curled up on the floor right there, but the comfort of his bed was calling to him and he trudged heavily and drunkenly back to his room. He passed out as soon as he hit the bed.

End of Part 1

Comments to smapdi@mindspring.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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