
By Jay Bee

Published on Jul 8, 2023


Nick continued to groan with enjoyment as Blake slid the buzzing vibrator in and out of him. Trussed firmly to the tree, he didn't have much choice. Unfortunately life was about to get a little more complicated - Nick suddenly realised he could see someone approaching through the trees in front of him. Two someones. Three someones. All of them were looking his way and could see what was going on.

To Nick's squirming embarrassment and displeasure, the three made a beeline for the action. To his surprise he found this made him even hornier than ever. Nick could only watch as they picked their way through the undergrowth towards them. The three of them were young and fit outdoors types, obviously ramblers. Each of them had their eyes glued on him, or at least various parts of his anatomy.

"Took your time, didn't you?" said Blake.

Are you kidding me? thought Nick. You invited these guys along too?

Blake ripped away the tape fastening Nick to the tree, making him shriek in agony, before the four of them turned him around so his back was to the tree. They then used more tape to fasten him in place once again.

One of the ramblers, a tanned, brown-haired, muscular 20-something, unfastened the buttons on his shirt and slowly pulled it off. He stood in front of Nick, gazed into his eyes for a moment, and then kneeled in front of him. Slowly and gently he took Nick's raging hard on into his mouth and began to explore it with his tongue.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh!" groaned Nick.

"Like that, do ya, pussyboy?" said one of the other ramblers, a short but very broad black-haired stud.

Without further ado, the black-haired one grabbed Nick's left nipple and twisted it hard.

"Grrrrrahhhhhhhhh!" screamed Nick around his mouthful of tape.

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed the other rambler, a cute 30-something blond, who now also grabbed a nipple and began to twist.

Nick groaned and moaned as his nipples were tweaked and pinched, his ass pounded by the vibrator, his cock aching for more as the hot, wet mouth slid up and down his iron-hard shaft. The combination of pain and pleasure was driving him crazy and he began to mewl with enjoyment. The ramblers to either side of him began to kiss, nibble and bite his shoulders and chest.

Nick gasped and squirmed, on and on it went. The tension built and built in his balls and cock until he felt he could stand it no longer. His muscles tensed up hard as his body prepared to spurt thick come... and suddenly the action stopped.

"Wh?" came Nick's muffled cry of surprise.

Blake pulled the vibrator out of him and turned it off. The brown-haired rambler released his cock and the other two let go of his nipples. Blake ripped the tape off Nick once again, making him shriek even louder as the tape across his mouth was removed.

"Shut the fuck up, faggot!" said Blake, and shoved him towards the Landcruiser.

"Help me get him up," Blake called to the other three.

Up? Up where? thought Nick. Oh, you have got to be kidding me!

Nick looked up at the roof of the Landcruiser and saw the roof rack mounted on top of it. As he stood there in astonishment at the thought of being carried around on top of it, the four others grabbed him and all but dragged him up the ladder on the back of the vehicle. As they clambered around, the vehicle bounced and swayed. They tied Nick down on his back, spreadeagle, with his aching dick pointing straight up at the sky.

Having got Nick well and truly secured with a number of straps, they all jumped in and Blake drove off. The Landcruiser bounced along across the rough countryside, with Nick on top of it for anyone to see. But there was no-one around. In the hot sun, Nick closed his eyes and waited for the vehicle to stop again.

After an indeterminate length of time, the Landcruiser finally jerked to a halt under the shade of a small copse of trees. Blake's door opened and he called to "Ryan" to come and help him out. Ryan, the tanned brown-haired 20-something, got out and helped Blake to unstrap Nick from the roof. The other two, Logan (blond) and Dominic (broad and black-haired) as it turned out, also got out and began fiddling with something. From his awkward point of view, Nick couldn't see very well, but once he was manhandled down by Blake and Ryan, it became clear that Logan and Dom were untangling a length of rope. All were by now bare-chested and ready for action. Nick took the opportunity to study them more carefully.

Dom had at least a 50 inch chest, his lats widening outwards as they joined huge powerful shoulders. His pecs hung like big slabs of meat, large dark nipples erect and taut. A fine coating of black hair covered the enormous muscles and ran in a thin line down between heavily-defined abs. His skin had a faint sheen of sweat.

Ryan was also quite heavily muscled, albeit not as much as Dom. He was still pant-tighteningly horny, with a short rough-looking haircut. His chest hair was limited to a short line that ran downwards from his navel.

Logan was the smallest of the four, although quite tall. His muscles were defined and neat, but not too large. Logan had only the very faintest blond fuzz on his body.

Dom walked over to a nearby tree, and, muscles rippling and straining, heaved his wide-chested frame up into the tree. He clambered amongst the branches, testing each for strength until he finally found one he liked. He called down to Logan for the rope. Logan threw it to him, and Dom looped it over the branch. Nick's heart pounded. Just what were they planning now?

Nick turned back towards the Landcruiser to see Blake emerging from it with a plastic crate. He walked over until he was underneath the rope and then put the crate down on the ground. He turned to Nick.


Nick shrugged.

"Get your pussy ass on the crate, faggot!" Blake bellowed.

Nick jumped at the volume of the command, and scurried over to the crate. He sat down on it.

"Jeez...what the fuck? I meant STAND on it, dickhead!"

Nick got up and then stood on the crate. Dom lowered the rope down until it was just above Nick's head.

"Get your arms up," commanded Ryan.

Nick obeyed.

Ryan grabbed the end of the rope and tied it firmly to a metal handhold. He pushed Nick's hands onto it and made him grip it, and then with a second rope, tied his wrists to the handhold. Dom pulled the rope tight and knotted it around the branch securely. He clambered down.

Blake swaggered up until he was standing directly in front of Nick. With a sneer he kicked away the crate, leaving Nick hanging from the tree. The ropes tightened around his wrists, holding him in place as the others gathered around and started fondling him. Ryan began gently kissing the back of his neck whilst Dom grabbed his balls and began to tug gently at them. Blake had once again produced an enormous dildo, which he and Logan were busy lubing up.

Nick gasped and squirmed as Blake wandered around behind him, ready to torture him once again with the dildo. Logan grabbed both Nick's nipples and began twiddling them between his fingers as Dom crouched down and slowly, expertly, slid Nick's aching cock into his mouth, right down until Nick felt Dom's nose touch his pubic hair.

As this was happening, Ryan continued kissing Nick's back and Blake, rather more gently this time, began sliding the thick dildo up Nick's asshole. Blake switched the vibration on and Nick felt the humming sensation spread through his pelvis. He groaned quietly.

"Yeah, you still want it, don't you, faggot?" Blake whispered into his ear.

Nick didn't respond.

"Do we really need to repeat this lesson?" Blake whispered, nipping at his earlobe.

Nick groaned.

"Last warning. Beg. Beg for it. Beg or I'll MAKE you beg."

Nick shook his head.

"OK. If that's the way you want it."

Blake returned to the Landcruiser and then came back with the box of toys he had been using before. He passed it to Logan. Dom slid Nick's cock slowly out of his mouth and reached between Nick's legs. Logan opened the box and passed him a leather ball harness, which Dom slipped around Nick's bulging ballsac. He reached again between Nick's legs and came back with a large heavy-looking spherical weight with a hook on it.

Dom proceeded to hang the weight off Nick's bollocks. He reached through his legs again and came back with another. He hung that. Another. Another. Nick's bulging, aching balls were stretched further and further out. As the process began to become painful, Blake began ramming the vibrator harder and harder into him, making him grunt and gasp. Just when Nick thought that would be enough to drive him crazy, Ryan unfurled the whip and began lashing him across the back, at precisely the same time that Logan tightened his grip and began to yank and pull on Nick's tortured nipples.

The pain shot through his body like bolts of electricity, making him twist and buck and cry out for more. He gritted his teeth as tears dribbled involuntarily from his eyes, and his cock bobbed and swayed in erect pleasure. He groaned and gasped and finally began to beg.

"Please...please....pleeease stop!"

"You brought this on yourself, Nicky boy..." Ryan sighed down his ear, before giving him another lash with the whip.

"Please...I'll do anything...just let me come!"

"Oh, I don't know about that," said Dom from groin-level.

"Oh, we could give him a breather. Before stage two," leered Logan, giving Nick's nipples an extra-hard tweak.

"What do you think? Ready for stage two?" said Blake.

"What's stage two?" asked Nick.

"We weren't talking to you, fucker," snarled Dom, and sank his teeth pointedly into Nick's upper thigh.

Nick cried out, and panted in exhaustion.

"OK, lets go for stage two," said Blake.

Blake repositioned the crate underneath Nick and he gratefully stood on it. While Logan continued to tease his nipples, Dom and Ryan untied Nick's wrists. Dom clambered back into the tree and lowered the rope down again. This time Ryan and Blake make Nick lie on the ground while they tied the rope firmly around his ankles. Dom began to haul on the rope, huge muscles flexing as he hoisted Nick upside-down into the air. Logan stood directly in front of Nick and gently stroked his inverted thighs.

Once Nick's head was bobbing at groin level, Dom tied the rope tight again and came down from the tree. Immediately, Logan moved forward, and sank Nick's cock into his mouth. Nick had little choice but to do likewise, letting Logan's throbbing erection slide into him. He slid his tongue all over the taut head and vein-covered shaft as it slid rhythmically in and out. A warm, wet, sweet fluid started to drool freely out of the cockhead. From the corners of his eyes, Nick could see the others stood around, slowly jerking their own cocks.

After several minutes, during which Logan became increasingly vocal, Logan finally pulled away. No sooner had he done so than Ryan took his place. Once again Nick 69'd slowly and sensuously with one of his tormentors, slobbering hungrily at his thick, rock-hard cock, sliding his tongue lovingly over its heavily-veined skin and velvet-smooth cockhead.

Ryan's soft moans became increasingly high-pitched until he too was forced to pull away before he blew his load. Dom all but pushed him out of the way to take his own turn. Nick's mouth once again accepted the long, thick, juicy shaft, slobbering happily on its hard flesh. Dom also was a drooler, and Nick tasted the sweet flavour of pre-cum slowly filling his mouth as he stimulated the aching, quivering cockflesh. Dom's own efforts were not unwelcome. Nick could feel his cock pulsating slowly in sheer pleasure as Dom resumed his previous deepthroating.

Just as Nick felt he couldn't take much more, Dom reluctantly pulled away and Blake took over. Blake slowly toyed with Nick's cock and Nick sucked hard. Blake's throbbing shaft twitched and jumped in his mouth and Nick realised he was pretty close to release. Backing off a little, Nick slowed his sucking and began to stimulate the shaft gently with slow licks.

"Ohhhh fuck," moaned Blake

After several more minutes, Blake's cock was twitching more and more frequently. He let out a long, low moan of satisfaction and finally announced that he couldn't take any more.

He pulled away. Dom clambered up the tree once more and they lowered Nick down again. They untied him from the rope as Blake once again fetched something from the Landcruiser.

When Blake returned, they dragged him across to a large flat treestump. They tied lengths of rope to his wrists and ankles. Blake handed out the items he'd brought from the Landcruiser - condoms and tenthooks. They tied the tenthooks to the other end of the ropes and pulled Nick bodily onto the treestump, so that Nick lay on it on his stomach. With a mallet, each of them secured one of the tenthooks into the ground, fastening Nick securely down.

Masturbating gently, each guy slid their condom on. Blake went first, lubing his cock, getting behind Nick, and sliding his erection slowly into Nick's ass. Nick gasped with pleasure as Blake settled into a slow but deep rhythm, slowly fucking in and out, in and out, Nick groaning with each deep stroke. Blake's breathing became steadily heavier as he began to pump harder and harder, pushing Nick forwards with each thrust. Blake began to gasp and cry out, his voice becoming more and more hoarse as he began to reach climax.

Thrusting frantically, Blake finally reached his peak and began to come explosively into his condom. Nick mewled and moaned with pleasure. Shaking, Blake pulled his softening cock out. Ryan pushed him aside and immediately plunged in to continue Nick's pleasure, and his own.

Ryan started off with a hard rhythm, banging away vigorously and making Nick shout and gasp as the breath was slammed out of him. Nick begged and moaned, but all Ryan said was "Shut the fuck up, bitch!"

Ryan continued to pump harder and faster than Blake, making Nick's ass twitch with pleasure. Nick's cock was aching with the stimulation and need for release as Ryan finally began to spew thick white fluid into his condom. As soon as he was spent, Logan hopped on. Logan was gentler but was still urgently in need of release. Nick's cock was simply screaming with the need to come, but with no hands, ass or tongue to stimulate it, it could only sit there, throbbing and hard as iron, and weep pre-cum in frustration.

"Make that bitch really moan," murmured Dom, waiting for his own opportunity.

Logan thrust and thrust, groaning and moaning, the others egging him on with shouts of encouragement. Nick's eyes closed as he began to feel increasingly delirious with sexual pleasure. With a final shout of wordless joy, Logan's cock erupted in Nick's ass.

Dom moved in as Logan retreated, and slipped in. Dom's cock was thicker than the others, and made Nick groan loudly as it slid deeply into him. As it rubbed against his prostate, Nick felt a tiny dribble of cum work its way along his urethra. It pooled in the opening of his cockhead and dripped onto the floor. Shakily, Nick said "Do me a favour Dom. Make me fucking come."

"I'll do my best," said Dom.

Dom proceeded to set up a slow rhythm, sliding his cock almost completely out before plunging it back in. Each long stroke made Nick's prostate twitch. Stroke after long stroke was slowly driving Nick over the edge, making his voice increase in pitch and making him shake more and more. He began to pant frantically as the feeling of sexual pleasure intensified. Dom quickened his pace only a little, but was also beginning to shake uncontrollably. Nick felt the approaching edge of the orgasm, now able only to emit short gasps of agonised joy. His cock slowly drooled a long string of come down the side of the treestump as his legs began to frantically spasm.

"Fuuuck yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Nick screamed.

Dom grunted, and his own legs began to buckle.

"Just a little bit further!" he gasped.

"Can't!" groaned Nick. "C...Coming!"

Nick felt the orgasm slowly engulf his aching cock as it began to frantically spit come all over the treestump. Dom groaned and also began to dump his thick come. As the two of them shook and swayed, the other three cheered. Nick and Dom were too busy enjoying the sensation of their cocks releasing to care.

Finally, when it was over, they cleaned up and dressed.

"Let's get you home," said Blake, clapping Nick on the shoulder.

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