Outcast of Lonely Rock

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 8, 2001



"On Taking the Stagecoach to Lonely Rock"

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


[This story is less an historical novel than it is a tribute to all those movies that my mother watched afternoons and weekends for as long as I can remember. I've seen so many of them while growing up, I could do this story in my sleep! Thanks, Mom!]

The small stagecoach they used for the trip to Lonely Rock was even worse than the larger coach I had ridden to get to the last way-station. The station manager had taken one look at me, the sole passenger who was continuing on west to Lonely Rock, and said to his driver, "Take the Light-Mail Concord instead of the Full Concord." He motioned to two black men, who obediently went out to load the smaller stagecoach and hitch up the team.

The driver protested. "Aw, hell, Frank, why don't we lay over another day and see if we can get at least another passenger?"

"You're just saying that because you know those saloon ladies are coming through here pretty soon." the manager retorted.

"Well, what if I am?" the driver fired back.

"Hoping to get them all alone out on the plains?"

"I hear tell they wouldn't mind." the driver said, smiling slyly.

"They probably wouldn't." the manager admitted. "Especially if you was to rescue them from some bloodthirsty Indians that aren't even out there. But I do. There's a special delivery letter going to King Carson in Lonely Rock, so hitch up the team and get going."

"Don't I even get a shotgun?" the driver wasn't referring to the weapon, but an armed rider along to help guard him on the trail. We'd had two of them along on the ride to Dodge City.

"You don't need one. Bandits come along, just give them everything they ask you for. Help them carry it back to their hide-out, even." the manager said. "Now move your lazy hide on out of here!"

"All right, all right." the driver muttered. Then he glared at me. "Come on, kid, grab your chuck and let's get hauling."

"Yes, sir." I said, picking up my carpetbag and walking after him, trying to act like I'd been on the plains as long as he had. I had bought my clothes back in Kansas City, and felt like a real wrangler in my riding boots, leather vest and bolo tie with a turquoise stone nearly covering the silver clasp. I'd had to stop at these three items, and didn't have a hat yet, but all of them were things I could wear every day, and maybe then people wouldn't notice that the pants and shirt that went with them were strictly Eastern city wear. But from the motley assortment of clothing I'd seen so far, I wasn't much worried about that, either.

I had already found out the reason they all wore a kerchief around their neck (I didn't wear one because I didn't want to cover up the tie); as soon as we had gotten out into the plains of western Kansas. The team of horses hauling the stagecoach threw up a horrible amount of dust that all seemed to come inside the coach and land on your face. Soon after we left the way station, I dug my kerchief out of my pocket and tied it around my nose and mouth, to help block the dust. It did help, some, and I thought back to my reading of the dime novels and the bandits that would wear the kerchief to hide their features when they robbed you. God, I was going right out into the middle of them, now! I'd have to get me a gun and learn how to use it!

I was alone in the stagecoach; so I put my thumb and forefingers out, pretending they were a pair of pistols and I amused myself playing bandit, having a shoot-out with the invisible enemy out on the empty land; every rock and rabbit came under my gun and died at a single shot in my mind's eye. A child's game, foolish in a young man of eighteen years (my age), but I had nothing better to do, this trip would go on for another four hours, and now I was out in the very territory I'd been reading about for years, I was looking at hills and plains that looked like they had come straight out of those novels.

I was heading West to make my fortune. I was in luck, in that my uncle had a ranch not far from Lonely Rock, and he had written that he could use some help, especially help he didn't have to pay; so I could live with him, learn how to herd the longhorns they raised out on this dry land, and then strike out and find some land of my own to stake a claim to. A few years of hard work and I'd be sitting pretty on my own ranch, just like Uncle Edgar.

But the scenery didn't change much and I was tired, I fell asleep as much as anyone can while being heavily jostled, less a sleep than a sort of stupor, and I was like that for I don't know how long, the monotony of the ride and view leaving nothing else to do.

"Ho, ho, ho-o-o-o-o-oh!" the driver called out and the stagecoach slowed. I roused, leaned out of the window, and my eyes darned near popped out of my head.

Bandits, real ones! Two of them, kerchiefs over their faces, pistols drawn, astride a pair of horses in the road ahead! I ducked back in, waiting for the gunfire to start.

But the driver just rode up slow to them and stopped the wagon. I heard the clop of the two horses of the bandits, and then saw part of one of them, just the flank of the horse and his leg and boot in stirrup. I didn't dare poke my head out of the stagecoach to see any better, a man could get shot that way. God, don't let them take my bag, I had hidden my money in its bottom through a loose seam; it was all I had!

The driver's spoken response startled me. "You've come up dry this trip." he said, as casually as if he knew those men. "Payroll isn't for another week, you know."

"You got passengers?" came the laconic query.

The driver cackled. "So that's what you were after! Well, the ladies haven't arrived at Evanston station yet. I wanted to wait another day for those fillies, myself."

"Who's in the coach?"

"Just some kid and the cargo's only goods for the general store. And the mail, of course, I got a special delivery letter for King Carson if you think you want that. It's the reason they put me on this old rattletrap and sent me out today. But if it had money inside it, don't you think they'd've given me a shotgun?"

I looked and saw a pistol point down into the stagecoach with me, not aiming at me or I would have pissed my pants. It waggled towards the outside. "All right, you in there, come on out."

I gulped and got to my feet. I heard the cargo on top of the wagon being taken down. My bag was up there; I just had to hope that they wouldn't want it.

I stepped down, stumbling on the steps with the new boots, and the bandit laughed. "Hey, we got a real city slicker here, all duded up to be a cowboy!" he hooted to his companion on the other side.

I looked up into that face, so far as I could see it behind the mask. The man wasn't more than a handful of years older than me, but he held that gun and rode that saddle like he was used to it.

"Why you headed into Lonely Rock, kid?" he asked me.

I thought about not answering, but a gun makes you willing to answer personal questions, especially when the business end is pointed at you. "Going to live with my uncle on his ranch."

"So that's why you bought the boots. And that tie, you get that off a redskin?"

"I bought it in Kansas City." I said.

"It's a right pretty tie, boy."

"Yes, I guess it is." I gulped. "You want it?"

He seemed to consider it, and then shook his head. "Well, our problem is that we came here to rob this stagecoach, and there isn't anything worth having inside it." he said. His eyes burned into me. "We had planned on taking those three painted ladies King Carson is trucking in for his saloon, and having a bit of fun with them before we let them go."

The other bandit had finished with the cargo on top of the stagecoach, he rode over. "Think he's got any money?" the second bandit said. He was older behind the mask, perhaps into his thirties, somehow both calmer and more dangerous than the first. The first bandit had nervous energy, he waved that gun about like a kid with a candy stick, but the second one seemed able to calmly put his gun to the side of your head and pull the trigger.

"Nah. This is a dry hole." the first one said.

"So what do you want to do?" the second one said.

The driver lifted his pistol up to his neck, used the sight on the barrel's tip to scratch the itch. He did this for a time, while he pondered, looking at me. "Driver, unhitch the team." he said after a time.

"Huh? Whut fur?" the driver asked, puzzled.

"Get on one of those horses and take them on into Lonely Rock. You can take that letter of King Carson with you, tell him it's with our compliments. You can come back out for the stagecoach tomorrow. We'll be done searching it by then. We see you turn around, we'll fill you full of lead, so just go on into Lonely Rock and come back for it tomorrow."

I moved to join the driver, and the bandit said, "Hold it, kid."

I stopped. "What is it?" I said. "Don't I go with the driver?"

"Nope. Got other plans for you." he said.

There was silence, while the driver unhitched the horses, didn't bother unhitching them from each other, just got on the left lead horse and rode them like that, the four horses still strung together, now in a line, moving on down the road, still churning up a lot more than their fair share of dirt.

"What do you want with the kid?" the second bandit asked.

"What do you think?" the first one said, throwing a broad wink at me over his kerchief. "Got no painted ladies in this wagon, but we got this here kid. Looks kind of pretty, too, don't you think?"

The second bandit looked down at me, and I gulped. "Yep, I reckon he's better than visiting Ms. Rosy Palm." he said.

That's when I turned and ran, straight away from the coach, not knowing if they'd pump lead into my back or just let me run out onto the plains. But I heard a whoop from a male throat, and the pound of hooves, and then a body tackled me from behind; the first bandit had ridden after me and jumped me from off his horse, and now I was face-down in the dirt and dust, struggling and flailing away with my hands, trying to fight, but I was pinned and helpless. His partner came over and dismounted, and I gave up when I felt the second pair of hands grab me.

"Let me go!" I begged them. "Please, let me go!"

"Yeah, he's a feisty one all right. The ones that struggle with you make for the best fuck when you get it into them." the first bandit laughed.

"Been a while since I last had me a man's pussy." the second one said.

I started struggling and squirming again, and the first bandit cursed. "Damn it all, get over here and help me hold him."

The second bandit snagged both of my arms and I felt my pants being yanked bodily down my legs. It squeezed my hips, then a couple of buttons burst loose from their holes and he had the pants down to my knees, almost.

"Hey, looky here, no long-johns." the first bandit said. "Just a bare ass ready for the fucking."

I heard the hawk of spit and I began to squirm again. "No, please, no!" I begged them. I got up as far as my knees, my head still pressed down into the dirt for the second bandit had my arms by the biceps, and while I hauled with my hips, trying to leverage myself free from this grip on my arms, I felt a hot roundness press against my anus. Oh, my God! In trying to get away, I had exposed myself to this other bandit, gotten up on my knees, made it easy for him!

He had rubbed some spit onto his cock, it was sticky wet I could feel, but that didn't help much. He shoved with his hips and I yelled into the ground, picked up a tongue-full of dust and choked and spit, spluttering in pain all the while, choking. It felt like his cock was the size of his arm, it was huge and wide and felt like it was splitting me like an ax splits firewood.

"O-o-oh!" I grunted, still spitting dust. "O-o-oh!" The dust muffled me and made my cries ineffectual.

Grabbing me by my waist with two rough-skinned, calloused palms and holding me firmly in place, the first bandit shoved at me again! This time, I felt a tearing, a hot wetness in my bowels and I realized he had ripped me inside somehow. And if I had thought the pain was bad before, it was nothing to what I had experienced now, I managed a real yowl of agony even with a tongue still smeared with dirt.

"Come on, shove it on in him!" the second bandit said. "Hurry up, I get to use him next!"

When I heard that, all the fight went out of me. I had to not only get through this, but then have the whole thing happen all over again right after! I sagged down and my face landed in the dust, but this time I didn't care.

The first bandit was making hunches in and out of my ass now, and I felt hot slickness all along it, my blood, I was sure. It was a hot sting, sort of bright and clean in the way it felt but not those words in a good way, bright in the way it seared me constantly, clean in the way it had no edges or areas of lesser pain, it was all pain, a desolate expanse of agony with a single shining crystal up on top of it, not like the sun, but the moon, a cooler, kinder light.

"Oh, yeah, we got us a virgin butt here." the first bandit crooned. "Going to take my time with this bit of ass."

"Shit, Farley, hurry up, I'm horny, too, you know!" the second bandit grumbled. "We saw that coach and I thought this is it, those women are on board and I'll get me all the action I need, maybe keep one of them for a few days."

The first bandit continued his slower assault on my anus, and now the last bits of my body had ripped aside for him, now he was fucking into me without any resistance from my intestines, and that caused the pain to ease some. And that crystal of light was shining brighter than ever, now. It felt so good, that little spot of pleasure in this sea of anguish.

"Damn, Farley, don't take all day!"

"Don't say my name, you nitwit!" Farley snarled at him. I had a name for one of my assailants.

"Who's he going to tell?" the second said without concern.

"You wouldn't be saying that if he knew your name...Nathan." Farley said.

The second bandit--Nathan--grunted. "Okay, we're square now. Just don't tell him our last names, no reason to make it any easier on the law than it'll already be."

"We can kill him when we're done." Farley pointed out.

"No!" I said. "I won't talk! Honest, I won't ever say a word to anyone!"

"Of course not." Farley said soothingly. "I believe you. Pretty boy like you, you probably love the way my dick feels inside you, don't you?" And now, from being slow in the way he fucked me, he began to move his hips in almost a dance, the cock was rubbing inside of me in a way it hadn't before, somehow. Almost...loving. And that crystal of pleasure...now it burned.

"Uh...yeah." I settled for saying.

"Feels pretty nice, the way it slides in and out, doesn't it, kid?"

"Ye-ahh!" I said, not intending the languid response he got, but just at the time I said the word, his cock somehow contacted that crystal of pleasure and it blazed inside me.

"Oh, you like that, huh?" Farley moved his body and now his cock was right upon that little spot of joy, stroking it alive with every movement.

"Ooh, uh, uh, huhhhhh!" I groaned.

"See, Nate, he's not going to tell on us. Haven't met a young lad yet who wouldn't croon with pleasure after a bit of riding. You can turn loose of him now, Nate, he ain't going anywhere."

"Fine." grunted Nate. "Since you plan to fuck him a while, I'll let him get to work on greasing me up for when it's my turn."

He let go of me and I rose up, feeling the way that this movement sent Farley's prong deeper into me, accenting the touch of his cock on that one spot of pleasure in this humiliating experience. I hawked and spit the last of the dust out, and looked up at brown trousers and sunbrowned hands that fumbled at the buttons on it.

Nate's cock jumped out as he got the buttons free, and with it was a burst of heavy, almost rancid male odor. His cock was like him, a heavy dark-skinned mass of maleness, almost gray-colored, with a disgusting bulb of foreskin at the base of the cock, where it turned inside out showing the veins inside.

"Come on, kid, slick it up good and it won't hurt as bad going in." Nate growled at me and again I was struck at how little concern he had for my life, my rights.

"Damn it, kid, get to sucking it!" Nate snarled and he shoved that huge, pungent blob of his cock at me.

I had to; I took it in my mouth, gagging at the strength of its taste, how that odor of his cock translated into a foul pool on my tongue, seeping into me, and then Nate hunched with his hips and his cock rolled on its foreskin which clung to my tongue, and that cockhead rammed against the back of my throat and stayed there, a heavy malodorous monster inside me.

I clutched his cock with my lips, knowing what he needed and only wanting to get this over with, and his foreskin balled up against my teeth as he pulled his cock back out, skinning the foreskin back over the glans and then his hands clasped the back of my head and he began to fuck at my face.

I was being compressed between these two horny studs, Farley continuing to ram his cock into my ass with an increasing intensity, and now Nate was pushing into my mouth at the same time. I was buffeted between them, which they settled by falling into a mutual rhythm, both plunging into me at the same time, and then withdrawing, so that my body perforce remained still, and so they were able to quench their animal lusts upon my helpless body.

It was like my soul, driven to this new and alien domain, strove for a new balance here, and suddenly it was as if I had been transported to a new world. Not one better than the old, nor even one filled with evil, but rather one where the rules were different and the requirements of my life were changed, as if, transported to an Indian camp and turned into an Indian, it would be necessary to dance wearing a loincloth and feather in my hair, around a blazing fire with a bow in my hand, chanting.

In this new world of mine, the lusts of the body were supreme and my spirit, to live in this new land, accepted this requirement. The cool, kind light within my nether regions flamed now with desire, and the heavy, rancid cock in my mouth became less an intruder and now a guest, not friend but as the hotel admits strangers and makes them comfortable, so did my mouth strive to please this fleshy visitor.

I clutched at his cock and found my saliva pouring over it, and this turned my mouth into a moist moor in which this bandit's pud could now tread with soft steps in the yielding terrain.

"Ah, damn, kid, you're a good cocksucker." growled Nate. "Come on, milk it for me."

And I was rewarded for my effort by his holding still, permitting me to service him rather than have him force me, and that made it better for me, believe me, at least now I wasn't pummeled with this cockhead, I could pleasure it on my terms. So I did, I gripped his foreskin with my lips tight and I pulled heartily at it until the cockhead was almost leaving my mouth, then I would plunge back down onto his shaft, sending it thrilling into my warm interior.

I also began to hump back against Farley, and that gave the spot of my innards even more stimulation, so that it was now pleasing to me to have this young rough stud's cock inside of me, pumping in and out of me, and I felt my own body stir and heat from the shared lust.

"See, this young fuck's getting into it." panted Farley. "They all love it when I shove it into him."

"He's good at this end, too." Nate agreed.

"Not going to kill this one." Farley said. "Going to pay him visits in Lonely Rock."

"Sounds good to me, long as he don't blab."

"How's he going to talk with your cock in his mouth?" chuckled Farley.

"Damn, I'm about to blow my nuts." Nate groaned.

"Fill the little fucker full, make him swallow all of it." Farley urged him. "I'll pump his ass full and then we'll own this little fuck-hole; he'll be branded for life." And Farley leaned over, I felt his clothed shirt and vest upon my back, and he grunted in my ear as his hand found my cock, began to jack it up and down in time to his strokes. "Yeah, you're getting hot for us, aren't you? Going to want us every night, won't you?" he breathed in my ear, his heavy sobs of breath like the whufs of a rutting boar. And this, too, was a part of my new world.

"Uh-huh." I grunted my assent.

"Want Nate at the same time, don't you?" Nate's cock was a fiery branding iron in my mouth, he was beginning to hunch at me again, caught up in his need and increasing pleasure.


"Oh, yeah!" that turned Farley on, he was suddenly wild with his desire, he began to hunch at me with the ferocity of a rabbit atop the doe, his breaths were heavy explosions of sound in my ear, and his hand pumped my cock. "Ah-ah, uh-uh-u-u-u-u-uh!" he blasted his noise of lust into my ear.

"Come on, shoot him full." Nate groaned. "Got to let go now!"

"Yeah, good, uh-uh-GUH-KKKUKKKKHHH!" Farley roared and I felt it then, the very first time, the slashing sting of salty sperm as it plunged into my ravaged anus, impacting and scorching the tortured, torn flesh, searing me like a brand.

And Nate found incitement in his partner's climax, he, too gave a muted grunt and then I felt his prong pouring a thick flood of scalding seed onto my tongue, and their words of branding me took on their meaning to me, for I felt thoroughly and irrevocably marked by this violation.

In this despair of the spirit, my body seized control and declared its anarchistic lusts, my cock without my volition or desire, suddenly rose up into the moment of ejaculation, and I was mauled thereby, I could only grunt, choking on sperm that slid down my throat whether I willed it or no, feeling the jism in my ass insert itself into me through the tears in my bowels, and now my own cock burst out and splattered the dusty plains earth below me and marked the ultimate in my humiliation. The bandits were right, I couldn't tell of this, not with my own sperm declaring my willing body. How could I claim rape now, I had been betrayed by my own self! I panted around Nate's spent and deflating cock (he would not yet permit me to relinquish it), and only when I was thoroughly drained and exhausted, weak from the ordeal with my body wanting only to sink down, was I released by these men.

"Damn good fuck." Farley said as he got up, and I saw his cock as he tucked it back into his pants, marveling at its cleanliness, for I expected to see it splattered with my blood. "Just keep your lip locked up about this back in Lonely Rock, and we'll do the same."

"If you don't, we'll plug you." Nate said.

Farley laughed a hard, mean laugh. "And it won't be with this." and he grabbed his crotch lewdly. "It'll be a .45 slug between your eyes."

"So keep quiet." Nate warned me.

"I will. I promise." I said, my fears renewed. Dead men tell no tales, and not here in this wilderness with none to see their actions. I had no hopes that the coach driver would do anything but as he had been advised, to return the next day for the coach. No doubt, if I stayed with the coach, I would be allowed to finish my ride.

I lay there as they walked away, back to the coach, not moving, feeling more violated than if I had felt nothing but pain. They had taken more than my money, more than my body, they had taken...they had taken everything. I had been changed beyond redemption by their rough hands, I could now only live this new life as best I could.

The bandits were now going through the boxes of the coach, hoping I guess to find something more than the dried beans, bolts of cloth, nails and horse-tonics that were in them. They found my carpetbag, and took out my clothes, dumping them on the dust, and then shook my bag out while upside-down, but then they dropped it and went on to the next.

I thought about that bag, but to get it, I would have had to go up to those men, those hard men, and I couldn't, I just couldn't. Instead, I got to my feet, hitched my pants up with difficulty (it was like they didn't want to return to covering my soiled body) and got them buttoned, and began to walk away. Not up the road toward Lonely Rock, not back towards Evanston, just out into the plains, away from these men and that coach. I kept on walking, not looking back, until a long time later. I could just see the coach in the distance and the men still at it. I turned and walked on, and the sun began to beat heavily on my brow. I knew I was walking out into a wilderness, out into danger.

And I just didn't care.


[This story has eight chapters in all and I will post one chapter each weekend.]

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Next: Chapter 2

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