Out of the Blue

By Drew ...

Published on Jan 20, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is about sexual relations between men, thus if it is illegal for you to read this story, for any reason, such as age, local/regional prohibitions, then stop here and leave. Also if you are offended by male to male sex, then please leave as well. The story that you are about to read contains graphic depictions of male/male sexual acts, and if you like them then Enjoy!

Thanks for all your comments, I really enjoyed reading them, and hope to hear more from you all soon.

__________________________________________________________________ ---from pt. 1:


I really enjoyed being with you today. I hope that we can do it again sometime. I will call you.


This was the note that I found on my computer, after returning from the bathroom, and from one of the hottest sexual encounters that I have had. I didn't know what to think of what had happened, but I did know that I was glad that it had happened, and I was hoping that there would be more in the future.

Just to recap: I am Drew, 20 (at the time) college sophomore, 5'11", 175lbs, nice build, and all, and Todd is a god, ha ha, 6'2", deep tan body, black hair, blue eyes, so ripped that I could do my laundry on his stomach, with nipples so perk, that I could chip a tooth on them. Again the names have been changed to protect those semi-innocent parties involved. _______________________________________________________________________________

It has been about a week since Todd first called me out of the blue, and I can't seem to stop thinking about him, it is like I am under some kind of spell. I keep dreaming about him at night, and I daydream about him when I am in class. This has got to stop, I can't live like this, under the spell of a guy, even if he is simply gorgeous.

It was Friday, and I had just gotten out of my last class of the day, at noon, kick ass! This is not to say that I didn't enjoy my Modern Philosophy class, but there is only so much Immanuale Kant that one person can take. Being the weekend, and having no plans, I was looking forward to just lounging back in my room, maybe check out Gay.com see what was going on. As I walked across the quad to my dorm, a slight breeze blowing by made the day seem that much better. I knew that it would be a good day; I would open the blinds in the room and the windows, and just breathe in this wonderful Autumn air.

I came into my room, after a breif interlude in the loo, I dropped my bookbag on the opposite desk, thinking to myself, how wonderful it is not to have a roommate. I opened the blinds and the windows, and stared out on the campus. I had a wonderful view, 11 floor room and all. I turned around and looked at my answering machine. That is when I noticed that I had messages, three to be exact. I crossed the room making a beeline for the little black box, and punched the flashing red light.

"Three new messages" came the automatic voice of the machine. "Message one, ... Hi hunny, its mom, haven't heard from you in a while....." I hit the button on the machine to continue to the next message. "Message two, .. Hey Drew, its David, just calling to see what is going on. Maybe we could get together later, if you are free. Talk to you later, hun. Ciao."

"Great," I think, "yeah I should be free, maybe dinner and a movie would be the order of the evening." "Message three," comes the dull auto tone of the machine, "Sup Drew, its Todd. Just calling to see if you were going to be free this afternoon. Was hoping that I could come by, and, you know, hang. Well I will try you back around 12:30p. Can't wait, hope you will be there this time. Lata."

I was siked to say the least. My head snapped to the clock on the desk across the room, it read 12:28p. I wouldn't have to wait too long to hear his voice, not to mention see and feel something else. Realizing that I was going to see Todd, made me become truly more sensitive. I could feel the grime of the day on me, and made a decision that after I would talk to Todd, I would go jump in the shower, and clean myself well. As I stood there contemplating what I should do, I began to strip off my clothes, so that I could make a mad dash to the showers, after our meeting was set. Waste not, want not; and for this I had been wanting, and waiting for a while. I didn't know at that point what would be the events of the evening, but I knew that no matter what did happen, I would be able to feel his body next to mine, his hardness throbbing because of me. As I was just about completely nude, stripping my boxer-briefs off, and feeling the gentle breeze of the fresh Autumn Air refresh and revive my body, the phone rang. Before I could even think, I snatched the ringer off the hook, and in an exasperated voice spoke, "Hello?"

"Why, Hello to you too, stranger," came the deep masculine recitence from the other end. Immediately I knew that it was Todd, no other introductions needed to be made. "You sound out of breath, hope I didn't catch you in the middle of something, did I?"

"No, just undressing to go jump in the shower." I stated, alittle catching more of my breathe.

"A shower, huh? Now that sounds like an idea. So are you going to be free for a little visit this afternoon?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I should be. Nothing on the agenda, and I would hardly say that anything attached to you would be little." becoming playful in my tone.

"Well there you have me stud, you're right, and he is already waking up at the prospect. So what do you say, meet you at 1p, your room?" Todd asked.

"Sounds like a date then. That should give me enough time to jump in the shower, and be ready when you bring your sexy ass up here."

"Cool, can't wait. See you then." Todd replied.

"Ciao." I stated, then hung up the phone, now on a high that few things could bring out of me. No sooner than the reciever was in its cradle, than I had grabbed my towel and shower kit, and dashed into the shower.

Quickly, but thoroghly washing the grime of the day off of my body; it was almost as if I hoped to break the sound barrier in the shower, and in a way move time more quickly, so that the slow minutes that still waited to pass, would hurry on their way, so that the time of the meeting would get here. It was then that I said a lonely prayer, so that when that time did come, the minutes would slow, so that every second would seem like a hour, and our passion would fuel us, alone, and not the clock. Taking my time drying off, I slowly strolled back down to my room. I peacefully put the shower kit away, and hung up my towel. Now was the daughting task of deciding what I should wear. This was always the worst and longest time consummer for anything that I did. I could take forever, trying to decide what to wear, if given the chance. As I looked at the clock, I realized that I had taken more time in the shower, than i had thought; the red digits read back to me, 12:56p. 'Great,' I thought, 'four minutes to decide. To hell with it. I will just throw on some soccer shorts, and my green adidas shirt. It always brought out my eyes.' Checking myself in the mirror, I ran my fingers through my hair, giving it that disheaveled look that I liked so much. Great! I looked great! I moved over to my desk, and picked up my pack of cigarettes that were lying there. I pulled one out, and lit it, inhaling in the peace and calm that the nicotine brought. I exhaled the smoke. Relaxing, leaning on my desk, I stared out my window. I smoked my cigarette in peace, reveling in the little glimpse of sanity that it allowed. I crushed the butt in the ashtray, and turned to pull some socks on, when there was a knock on the door. "It's unlocked." I yelled, knowing exactly who, or hopeing that it was he, was on the other side of the door.

"Drew?" came Todd's voice echoing through my room.

"Yes, get your ass in here." I answered. "Didn't you recognize the voice?"

"Not really, it was a little lower than your usual tone." Todd replied, catching me off guard.

It was then, that he appeared in full glory in my doorway. Gorgeous would be an understatement, he closed my door, and locked it, then turned and faced me. He was wearing a black wife-beater shirt, that accentuated his tan skin, and his magnificent chest; he was also wearing a pair of black Adidas warmers, that were the button up sides, and a pair of black leather sandles. 'Wow!' I thought to myself. It was then that he spoke, breaking me out of the revelry that his appearence brought me into. "It is good to see you again, I am sorry for the note and the suddenness with which I left last time, but I spooked myself."

"It's ok." I consoled him, "Don't worry about it. I understood. Let's not dwell on the past, and start having some fun in the present."

"Sounds great," he replied, as he kicked his sandles off his feet, and began to remove his shirt.

"Here, let me help you." I said, as I closed the gap between us. I grabbed his waist and pulled him close to me, as his arms encircled me. Then he began to work my shirt free and off, while I moved my head into his, lightly touching his lips with mine. A low moan escaped the tight confines of our kiss, as he removed my shirt, and started massaging the muscles in my back with his strong hands. I managed to pop a few of the buttons on the sides of his pull-ons and wiggled my fingers into his pants, making contact with his strong thighs, feeling first the material of his silk boxers, then the sinewy muscle underneath. Wanting to catch him off guard, and because of an irresistable urge brought about by the pull-ons, I broke our kiss, and grabbed the front material of his pants, and with one quick movement, yanked them off his legs, surprising him in the process. Yes the desired end. (For those of you that have never had the pleasure of tearing them off, or the shock of someone doing it too you, then I suggest you try it. The feeling on both ends is wonderful.) As he stood there, exposed, and shocked, I noticed that the bulge that I had felt was actually sticking through the fly, peaking its head out, examining its surroundings. I chuckled at this, and then tossed the pants to the sides, and moved back into the embrace of Todd.

"That was just not right." Todd said, then kissing me with such passion, that I knew he liked it, and wasn't about to put up any real complaint.

This time it was to be my shock when he broke the kiss, and grabed the sides of my shorts and yanked them down, with my boxer-briefs.

"Turn abouts fair play." Todd stated, looking up at my from his position on his knees. But before I had a chance to respond, I was jolted into the imminse pleasure of his mouth wrapping itself around my cock. As he found his rhythm, he slowly removed the shorts from my feet. I put my hand on his head, and began playing with his hair, as he deep throated my dick, playing along the underside with his tongue. Everytime he woudl move back to the head, he would circle his tongue around it, making me moan in approval, then he would slide back down the length of my dick, and as my dickhead would tickle his throat and be enveloped by its tightness, he would work his tongue out, to lick my balls.

Feeling my legs getting weak, and the tightness in my balls signalling my closeness to climax, I pulled Todd from his position, and replaced my cock in his mouth with my tongue. As we stood there kissing, I took his extremely hard cock in my hand, and began to manipulate it, so that he was leaking pre-cum like a stream, making for a wonderful hand-job, but just the warm up he needed. I moved down to my knees, now to give him the same treatment. I gently picked up his cock, brought it to my lips, barely touching the tip with the tip of my tongue, so I could taste his pre-cum. As I allowed my tongue to linger on his dickhead, I began to slowly work my tongue around his sensitive head, then taking him slowly into the confines of my mouth, until my nose was buried in his pubes, and his dick was logged in my throat. As I began to feel the tell-tell signs of needing oxygen, I heard a deep gutteral moan escape from Todd. I moved my eyes to his head, with his cock, still buried to the hilt. He was staring down at me, and when our eyes locked, he shuddered and moaned again; as I slowly moved off his cock, so that I would be able to breathe. I pulled back to the head, allowing it to rest on my tongue, as I manipulated his balls in my right hand, while hold the base of his cock with my left.

I then felt his hand on my head, and the slight pressure that he placed there, so as to instruct me to go down again. So what was I supposed to do? I slid down the length of his cock, until I was again aquainted with the feeling of his balls on my chin. His hand on the back of my head, playing with my hair, with light pressure to keep me where I was. As I stayed down again as long as I could, I felt his balls begin to tighten in their sack. I pulled back on his cock, till again the head was only in my mouth. I then began to quick dick him, with my mouth, till every menstration was causing him to moan or jerk; I could feel his balls tightening even more in his sack, but not wanting this to be over too quickly. I pulled off his cock, and moved down to his balls, so that I could bath them in there sack, and pull them back down from their tightened state. After licking and sucking on them I stood back up and began to kiss Todd passionately; moving him and I over to the bed. I layed down on it, and pulled him on top of me, so that I could feel his hard prick next to mine, grinding into one another, pulsing, throbbing, oozing with the juice that made us both slick, so that they slid together with more ease.

As we kissed, his grinding became more insistent, more feverish, more determined. I could tell that he was getting close again, and I knew that I was too, but I wanted that precious fluid inside of me, down my throat, not wasted.

Breaking the kiss, and pushing him up, so that Todd was sitting on my thighs, I grab his hardness and began to slowly wank him, but at the same time pulling his cock closer to me. As I pulled harder, he scooted closer, till his cock was again at my lips. I licked the head, clearing the pre-cum away, and savoring the flavor of it; then I licked around the head, and slowly, painstakingly licked his entire prick clean, making sure not to miss a spot. Moving lower so that I could again bathe his balls in my mouth, I allowed his prick to lay along my face, making for an interesting picture for him, I am sure. After making sure that his baby makers were well wet, I slid the length of his cock back over my tongue, and took the head in my mouth, sucking gently to pull his entire cock, into my mouth and then down my throat. As his cock slid into the confines of my throat his entire weight was on me, and I was at his mercy to pull his cock out. But before I even began to choke from lack of oxygen, he slowly removed his cock, till just the head was inside my mouth, wrapped by my tongue, then ever so slowly, he slid back down, establishing a rhythm. He slowly began to fuck my face, not with the force of someone trying simply to get his nutt, but with the carefulness of someone that knew what it felt like to be in this position. I his movements became more fluid and his pace quickened, I grabbed on to his ass, so that I would have something to hold onto, and allowed my right hand to grasp his balls that were slapping against my chin. I pulled them towards me, to make this last as long as I could. As I began to play with his balls, licking them as they came towards my mouth, when his prick would be buried in the tight confines of my throat. He was holding my head, so as to give him some balance and leverage as he face-fucked me, deep dicking me with the awesome meat that was his cock. I could tell that he was getting close even more, as his assault on my mouth and throat became a little more erratic. As he pulled back again, I pulled his cock out of my mouth, and told him to sling around, that way we could both have some fun.

I slid his cock back in my mouth, as he twisted around, not wanting to remove the pleasure being given to his prick; once around he engulfed my dick in his moist mouth, making my hips thrust up of the own volition. I then began to really concentrate on the cock that was throbbing with anticipation and of course a little pain, with the need to cum. I began to suck his cock deep into my throat, messaging it with my throat muscles, as he began to take the lead, and began pumping into my mouth and throat, as I returned the favor thrusting up to meet his mouth.

I was grasping his tight mounded ass, so that him humping my face and throat didn't become to furious, and cause me to choke, there by breaking the well oiled rhythm that we had established. I moved my left hand to the cleft between his cheeks, so that I could play a little with his cute winking rosebud. I could smell the clean smell mixed with a faint hint of soap and his musk, telling me that he had recently showered. Feeling his balls with my right hand, I played with them just enough to take his mind off my other hand, as I could feel him tighten just a little when my fingers lightly caressed his tightening rosebud; however, he didn't move off of my dick to speak, so I knew that a little ass play was ok. I could feel his balls move in their sack, as they began to tighten again, signalling that he was getting even closer to a well earned and well deserved orgasm; he also was playing with my nuts, as he expertly sucked on my cock, soliciting the same reaction as his were doing. I could tell that both of us were well on our way to major climaxes. As his pistoning cock drilled my mouth, I could tell just how close he was, because again they were beginning to become a little erratic. As he pulled his cock up, it popped out of my mouth, and rather than slide it back in, I moved up to his tight nuts. Popping each into my mouth, bathing them with my tongue, when they were dripping with my saliva, I began to lick on his taint, (the section of skin between your balls and your rosebud) doing so, caused Todd to moan deeply around my cock, causing vibrations in my cock which were sent directly to my balls, making them tighten even moreso, signalling just how close I was. As I moved my tongue up his taint, towards the goal, his rosebud, his moans became deeper and more aggressive, as did his sucking on my dick.

As I made my way up to his hole, I could see it winking at me, inviting me in, and when my tongue made contact with it, Todd let out a moan that put me so close, that I could barely concentrate on tonguing his ass. However, the fact that he didn't stop sucking my cock, but rather redoubled his efforts, showed me that he was enjoying what I was doing. So I attached his hole, kissing it, licking it, running my tongue around the tight wrinkles, feeling it, loosen and tighten as I tried to work my tongue inside. All the while Todd was moaning, panting, sucking, and growling around my cock, giving it sensations that made it tingle with pleasure, and pulse with desire. I could feel my balls tighten up, as the cum began to boil over in my nuts. I moaned that I was getting ready to cum, but I don't think that Todd cared, all he could concentrate on was the feelings that my rimming and tongue fucking his ass were giving him. I attacked his rosebud, forcing my tongue inside the tight grip of his sphincter, as I manipulated his cock with my right hand. I could not only hear his moans, but I could feel them as the reverberated in my cock, sending waves of pleasure through my balls, causing them to boil over. I could feel the cum boiling and barrelling up out of my nuts, and pulsing through my shaft, as I forced more of my tongue in his virgin hole, moaning myself, as I reached the peak of orgasm. I could feel the cum shooting out of my cock, and into Todd's mouth, as he moaned again and again, and swallowed furiously to keep up, and not loose a drop of the man juice which he had caused to errupt. As my orgasm reached it peak, and began to subside, my head fell back, out of its kiss with his rosebud, and against the pillow, just as exhaustion took hold.

However, I was not to be stopped there. I knew Todd had yet to get his rocks off, and I could still feel what my rimm job had caused, as I played with his nuts. Instead of allowing him to move. I scooted down some, and moved back on to his balls, sucking and flicking them with my tongue. As I allowed his nuts to falls from my mouth, I slid my tongue along the shaft of his cock, feeling it pulse against my tongue, reaching the end, I licked the tip, before I completely engulfing his entire phallus down my throat. Tightening the grip that my throat muscles had, I logged his prick in my throat, buried, but not dead, pulsing. As I toyed with his balls in my right hand, I reached up with my left, and began to tweak his nipple, ellicitng a moan from him. As he withdrew my deflated cock from his mouth, after nursing it past its climax. I withdrew to the tip of his cock. When I reached the tip, I could taste his delicious pre-cum, but this was not the time to savor it, as he thrust his length back into my throat, and began to re-establish the rhythm of long dicking my throat, only modifing it, slightly, so that when he was balls deep he could hold it there a little, then back out, then back down, feeling the tightening muscles of my throat grasping, messaging his head and part of the length logged there.

He kept the rhythm up, as be became more aggressive with the pace that be fucked my face, building towards his own orgasm. The deeper he went, the better it felt, the harder he pounded the hotter I got. I could feel his balls tightening up in their sack, and his organ widen and lengthen in preparation. I knew he was close. He went down, buried in my throat, and left it there, feeling the muscles message and grip his thickening cock. I felt his cock swell and begin to spasm buried in my throat, as he released his seed deep inside of me. I swallowed, massaging even more his cock, and pulling more seed out of him. His moaning were animalistic, male, and deep, reverberating through the room. I only pulled back, when I began to convulse because of the lack of oxygen. Six good full shots, has gone down my throat, and as I pulled his cock back so that just the head was in, I could feel the thick essence of his maleness shooting to the back of my throat filling my mouth with his flavor. Salty/Spicy/Sweet, these words filtered through my mind, all were accurate as I tasted and swallowed the cum that was filling my mouth, but there was only one word to truly describe it, delicious. I swallowed all that I could, till all that was left was the dribbling of his cum onto my tongue. I nursed his super-sensitive cock in my mouth, till it went flacid; slipping from my mouth altogether, and slumping on my chest. His moans were replaced by the deep breathing of post orgasmic fatigue.

We rested a little, after he switched around, and laid his head on my chest. I was contented to lay there, thinking that he might get a second wind, and we could go at it again, but just enjoying the closeness that it would bring us.

However, that was not to be the case, because just as we were drifting to nap, and enjoying the post-coital bliss, the phone in my room rings. I move over to pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask

"Hey Drew, what's going on? Its David."

"Hey David, what going on with you? I quizz him. "I got your message, maybe we can get together later."

"Damn Drew, you sound out of breath. Did I catch you in the middle of something?" David askes

"No, not exactly, but call me back in about an hour and we will get together."

"Sounds like a plan, and you better tell me about this stud that is causing you breathing problems." David replies

"You bet." I say hanging up the phone.

I turn toward the bed, where Todd was, and he is standing up with his shirt back on, buttoning up his pants, so he can put them back on.

"Everything alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, just didn't realize how late it was, I have practice here shortly." He states, looking at the clock.

"Holy Shit!" I exclaim, not realizing that it was a quarter till four in the afternoon, "I guess that I will talk to you later then, right?"

"Yeah. I'll call you." Todd says, as he pulls on his pants, leaving me there, still bare assed, with him fully dressed.

"Ok, I guess then I will hear from you later." I state as Todd walks to the door, unlocks it, and looks out, checking for a clear hallway. He then looks back at me, says goodbye, and exits. Leaving me there standing bare assed. I reach over lite a cigarette and inhale the wonderful smoke. I walk over to the door, lock it, and realize that another wonderful time with his God is over.

I walk over to my chair, sit down, and relish in the events of the early afternoon, but still wishing that hadn't been cut short by the bloody phone. 'Oh Well!' I think to myself. As I stubb the cigarette and walk over to the bed, pulling on my shorts and boxer-briefs off of the floor.

'I wonder when the next phone call will come?' I think as the phone again rings.

Well guys, there you have it, chapter 2 is done. I hope that you all liked it. I appologize for the time that it has taken me to write it, but I have been so bogged down with work and all, that I haven't been able to get it down. I am hoping that ch. 3 won't take that long to get posted to you all. And yes, Drew will finally get fucked in that chapter.

Thanks agains for all the comments, keep them cumming. I love to hear from you all.

Remember when you email me at Maxkolbe80@hotmail.com, that you include either the title or Nifty story in your subject line. Otherwise you email will be deleted.

Thanks so much to JT for proofing it for me, and for pushing me to finish it, and inspiring me with confidence at how good he thought it was.

Take care all of you, Ciao, Drew....

(C) 2004

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