Out of the Blue

By Drew ...

Published on Jan 10, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is about sexual relations between men, thus if it is illegal for you to read this story, for any reason, such as age, local/regional prohibitions, then stop here and leave. Also if you are offended by male to male sex, then please leave as well. The story that you are about to read contains graphic depictions of male/male sexual acts, and if you like them then Enjoy!

Out of the Blue

Let me start out by saying that the story here is true, this happened, and only the names have been changed to protect the semi-innocent. My name is Drew, and at the time I was a sophomore in college, I am 5'11" 175lbs. nice build, but getting a little flabby since I have been focusing all my effort on my course work, and not myself. I have nice pecs, a great ass, a nice 6 inch cut cock, when it decides to wake up, which is very often; great legs, and what has been described as a classical face, slightly squared, but softly rounded, moderate features. Now that you have a decent picture of me in mind, let me set the stage. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in my dorm room, in my chair, wearing a t-shirt and boxer-briefs, working on a paper which was not technically due for another month, but I was enthralled with the topic. I had the television going in the background to give distraction to the daunting task that was ahead of me. I had been working all day, and for the most part of the previous week to finish it, so it would be looming in front of me; but I had hit a brick wall. I was staring at the computer screen; trying to force the last section of it out of my head and into the computer, but it just wasn't working. After sitting there for a while, I figured that I need to take a break and just get my mind off of this, so I decided to take a shower, which would hopefully give me some time to relax. I live in a dorm, as I have said previously, and much like most dorms, we have communal bath areas, which meant, showering could take my mind south very quickly. And with the abundant amount of hot college guys on my floor, it was possible that one of them was showering right now. So I strip out of my shirt and boxers, grad my towel and various other showering accouterment and head out the door. When I get into the shower area, I am the only one there, such is my luck today, but I make the best of it, jumping in the shower and not pulling the curtain, which may insure some eye candy. I finish rinsing my hair, turn off the water, dry off, and head back to my room, Today just would not be the day. As soon as I hang my towel up, the phone rings, "Hello?" "Sup dude?" says the voice on the other line, which I do not recognize. "Not much, can I help you?" I answer. "Dude, are you gay?" says the deep voice on the other end. "Yeah, I am, so what is it to you?" and I hang up the phone, thinking that this is just another prank call like so many others that I have received. I go back to getting dressed, and the phone rings again, "Hello!" I reply expecting it to be another prank call. "Dude, why'd you hang up on me?" says the same voice as before. "Because, dude, I don't like to be pranked on. That is why." I reply, with the beginnings of becoming pissed off ringing in my voice. "Dude, I am not pranking you, I just asked if you were gay." "And I told you that I was, so what do you want?" I snap back. "Dude." "Ok, First of all, my name is Drew, not dude; second, what can I help you with?" I cut him off, before he can say anything else. "Ok, sorry, Drew, I am Todd, and I just called because I thought that you might be gay, and I wanted to if you were, and if you fool around with guys on campus?" Todd says totally calm and unaffected by my tone. "Ok, Todd, I am sorry that I hung up on you, and have been short with you, but I am sure that you understand the amount of prank calls I get. And yes, I occasionally fool around with guy on campus, but I am by no means a slut." I reply, in a more congenial tone. "Cool, would you like to play around with me?" Todd asks boldly. "Well, I don't know, are you gay? Have you ever been with a guy? What do you look like?" I reply back, shocked by the forwardness this total stranger. "I'm not gay, but I like dick. I have been with one other guy, a long time ago, and I would really like to try it again. And as far as looks, well, invite me to your room, and you can find out what I look like, and I will guarantee that you will not be disappointed." Todd cockily remarks. "Ok, I guess that I can atleast meet you, just to see if there is anything there. But I won't make you any promises. I am really picky about the guys that I fool with. Room 1101, King Hall. Know where it's at?" I reply. "Yeah, I know where it is, but dude, before we do this, you have to promise that no matter what, you have to keep this on the down-low, ok?" Todd replies with a slight tremor in his deep masculine voice. "No prob. Always." I reply. "Cool, Drew, see you in a few, if that is cool?" "No prob., Todd, I will be here." I reply So I hang up the phone, still standing there with only a pair of boxers on, slightly wet, and wondering what in the hell just happened. I mean, I am openly gay, but a guy calling me out of the blue, wanting to meet me, that is . cool. This just might be the distraction that I need to clear my head. While I am standing there thinking this all through, I realize that Mr. Jolly, my cock, is happy at the idea as well, and is poking his head out of the confines of my boxers fly, announcing his presence, which until now, I hadn't really realized. So I tell Mr. Jolly to calm down, his time is coming, and I stuff him back in my boxers. I then grab a pair of shorts, and pull them on, just in time for a knock on the door. "Hold on" I yell, as I am checking myself in the mirror. I walk to the door, and open it up, and stand there gasping. "Drew?" comes the voice from this god standing in the hallway in front of my door. Standing there in a pair of blue Adidas soccer shorts, and an Adidas shirt is this 6'2" god. He has nicely tanned dark skin, and deep blue eyes, that just seem to draw you in, and his hair, medium length I would say, jet black and just perfect. In reality, this is the type of guy that I just cream myself over, in my dreams. "Uh. Yeah, Todd?" I reply, being brought back to the reality. "Yeah, can I come in?" Todd replies, as I still stand there in disbelief. "Uh. Yeah, sure, come on in, sorry, I just didn't expect you to be well this hot." I sort of stammer my way into conversation. "I told you, you wouldn't be disappointed." He says, with a smile on his face. "Yes you did." I reply beginning to realize that he is standing in my room, and I am still holding the door open. "So are you going to stand there all day?" He asks. "No, sorry, I am just a little, no a lot surprised." I squeak out, as I shut the door. "No reason to be shy, Drew, you are hot yourself." Todd says in that sexy voice. "Um, thanks, I try." I blush as he says this. "So I guess that you are glad that you didn't hang up a second time then, aren't you?" He asks. "Yeah, I am. But now, I am sorry that I hung up at all." I reply. "Please, have a seat, get comfortable, would you like some thing to drink?" "Thanks, no, I am fine, so I guess you aren't going to kick me out after we met are you?" Todd says. "Uh, no, I wouldn't kick you out, even if you weren't a god." I reply still blushing. "So tell me about what you are looking for?" "Well, I don't know exactly, I just wanting someone that is willing to fool around without any kind of a commitment. I am, I guess, what you would call curious, leaning towards Bi. I do know that I like guys, but I still like girls too, I just wanting someone that I can get comfortable with, play with, and really just explore who I am. Do you think that you can handle that, Drew?" Todd says. "Well, I think that I can handle it, just as long as you are honest and open with me. Ok?" "Yeah, I think I can do that." "So tell me what do you want to do?" "Everything!" Todd says laughing, "I just want to try it all, but I don't think that I am ready for it all right now, if you can understand that." "I can." "What I really have thought about doing is just having a guy to play around with, just you know, suck." Todd says, with a slight crack in his voice. "Yeah, I love to suck a guy, I will have to be honest, I am a cock lover, I love cock." I reply. "Cool, I think that we will get along." "Really?" I reply, sarcastically, "You really think that?" grinning the whole time I am saying this. "Yeah I do" he replies, as he gets up from the chair he was sitting in, and deftly closes that gap between us. And before I know it, he is standing right in front of me, staring me in the eyes. I have been leaning against my bed this entire time, and I loose my balance and fall back on to it. But before I can really react, he is on me. His hands are roaming up and down my chest; lightly tweaking my nipples as they pass, then just barely brushing my boxer's band, before his hands travel back up again. He is still looking at me this whole time, staring into my eyes. I know his head is not but five or six inches away from mine, but I don't think that this stud is going to kiss me, so I am just starring him right back. Then with his left hand, he tweaks my left nipple, and I close my eyes, with the sensation, and shudder, but before I open them again, I feel his lips barely touch mine. I moan lightly, and his kiss becomes more aggressive. I wrap my arms around his back and squeeze him tightly so he can't get away. As we kiss, I begin to feel his tongue sneak its way between my lips, gently feeling out this new territory. I slowly move my left hand up from his back, to the back of his head, and then right moves underneath the shirt that he is still wearing. We kiss for what seems like an hour, but yet, even that is too brief. Then he starts to work his way down my neck with his lips feeling and nibbling their way down. I am trying to remove his shirt without pulling his lips away from their contact, but it won't work. Todd relinquishes the flesh from his mouth, long enough to slip the shirt over his head, and then with amazing deftness, attacks with such force his mouth to my right nipple. My head loll back with ecstasy at his menstruations, and a moan escapes my lips, which has swiftly moved up from the inner most depths of my soul. I think to myself, that this little straight boy sure knows what he is doing. Todd then switches nipples and another moan escapes from my mouth. I take a hold of his head, and pull it up so that our lips meet again, and I can take a bit of a breather. As we are laying there sort of half on and half off the bed, with me on the bottom, I can feel his hardness grinding into mine, and a sudden realizations hits me, "this is boy is hung". He breaks the kiss, and looks me dead in the eyes, and I am almost for sure that he has just read my thoughts, because of the look that he is giving me. He just blinks, and begins to move his mouth back down my neck, as my hands begin playing with his nipples, which are perk as darts. As I pinch and tweak his nipple, he moans in approval, and begins to work his way lower, kissing and nibbling my stomach, then we begins nibbling and tonguing my belly button, which drives me wild. I am laying thrashing on the bed, because I know he won't stop, but I don't want him too. Finally, he makes his way to the band of my boxers, and begins to remove them with his teeth, while his eyes become glued to mine. I stop him, and pull him up, so that I can get a chance to look at his chest that has been rubbing on my nether regions. It is magnificent. I stare at his face, then my eyes begin to move southward, his neck is slightly thick, with a proud Adam's apple protruding from the muscles. His neck just flows unceasingly into a chest that could have been chiseled by Michelangelo himself. As my eyes travel to his awesome pecs, they are nicely shaped, well defined with perk nipples hanging at the curve of his pecs and pointing like daggers at me. I allow my eyes to travel to his stomach, and notice the eight- pack of muscles that are defined there, and lead into the band of his shorts, which are a little lower now. Gasp when I see the bulge in his pants, and shudder at this true Adonis standing in front of me. He chuckles slightly under his breath, and then asks me "What was that for?" I reply, "It isn't everyday that I see a perfect specimen of maledom, like you, and not to mention the monster that you are trying to tame in your shorts." He laughs again, and I just stare into his eyes, they are crystal blue pools of light, and when he laughs at they just shine. Before he can say anything, and like a flash I am on his left nipple, lightly kissing and nibbling, and I can feel him shudder and moan, both at the sensation and at the veracity with which I attacked it. Once his nipple is so hard and perk, that with each flick of my tongue, he shudders and I feel the goose bumps on his skin, that I move to his right nipple, and make it feel the same at the other. His hands are on my head, pulling me closer and holding it tight so as not to loose his balance, because of the sheer amount of pleasure that I am giving him. I situate myself better on the bed so that I can move lower on his body, kissing, nibbling, licking on that awesome 8 pack of muscles, not to mention shoving my tongue in his bellybutton like I am drilling for oil. I move lower, over the band of his soccer shorts, and begin to lick and suck on the bulging length of his encased cock. He moans his approval, and begins to grind my head against his cock. I know what he wants, but he is going to have to wait a little while for it. I allow my gaze to go up, never stopping what I am doing. I see his head is tilted back, a look of pleasure on his face, but when I lightly nibble on his cloth-covered cockhead, he looks down at me, and our gaze locks, and I pull away with an evil grin on my face. I recline back with my arms behind my head, a grin on my face, still keeping his eyes on me, and I wrap my legs around his ass, and pull him over into me. He looses his balance and falls over on to me, crushing me with the full weight of his thick form. I just lay there, out of breath, but content with the warmth and heaviness of his body on mine. He raises himself up slightly, and looks back in my eyes. I grin, and say, "Your Turn". This of course elicits a chuckle from him, he responds, "So it is going to be like that, ah?" "Yep" I reply "Good, I like to be worked up, and you don't know how close I was when you were nibbling my fuckstick." He says. "Yeah, I do, that is why I gave you a little break, didn't want you popping off, and then running out of here on me, just yet." I say, as my hands begin to fondle the hard globes of his ass. Well he chuckles at this, and then begins to kiss me with some tenderness, but behind it, you could tell the animalistic passion that was controlling his mind and body. He was grinding his hips into me, rubbing my nuts through the fabric of my silk boxers, warming me up even more. I started thinking to myself, what it would be like to have him fuck me, if he might be up to it. A light grin crosses my face at this thought, while he begins to attack my ear. I now am the one that is moaning and thrashing around, (My ears are one of my pleasure spots, and it just drives me wild. Not to mention at this point I had them pierced, and I was wearing my little hoops, that jingle a little and even that drive me wild.) and he starts flicking my earring, driving me even further to the point of true ecstasy. His right hand is pinching my right nipple, as his left hand leaves my left nipple and travels down my stomach and slowly, ever so slowly, breaks through the band of my boxers. This causes my muscles to tense up, mainly because it tickles, but also in anticipation. He chuckles, and does it again, eliciting the same response. Then his hands slides down over my pubes, and he grasps the base of my cock, and I moan. His mouth then moves down to my right nipple, and I grab his head in my hands and just pull him tighter into my chest, as his left hand reaches the head of my cock, and gentle rubs the pre-cum around my head. Then removes his hand from my cock, and begins to pull on the band of my boxers, trying to get them off. I unwrap my legs from around his tight little waist to allow him to remove my boxers, while his head travels to my lower stomach and bellybutton. His head descends lower, and I feel his tongue flick the tip of my cock, sending shivers down my spine. He lightly kisses my cock-tip and slowly moves his tongue around the head of my cock. I move my right hand off his head and place it behind my head. I look down at him as he descends further down on my cock, enveloping it with tight warmth of his mouth, and sending pleasureful sensations from my cock through my balls into my brain. I moan in appreciation, as he begins to deepthroat my cock. I involuntarily jerk my hips up when his lips brush with my pubic hair, causing him to slightly choke and back off; not to be stopped, he descends again, and take all of my cock in his throat, "Oh Yeah" I moan, "Mr. Jolly is really happy now." He begins to slowly and painstakingly move up and down on my shaft, grasping the base with his right hand and begins playing with my ballsac with his right. I just guide him up and down, with my hand on the top of his head, lightly playing with his hair, as he begins to pick up speed and increase the suction in his mouth. After about five minutes of constant pleasure on my phallus, he pulls off, and looks at me, "You enjoyed that didn't you?" He asks. "Of course I did, you think that I would not like you sucking my cock, especially the way that you were sucking it. Hell if I did not better, I would have thought that you were trying to suck the cum right out of my balls." I reply. He says, "Who's to say that I wasn't. I might just want to try your cum." "That sounds like a plan to me; I definitely want to swallow your juice." I respond. Before he can respond, I push his mouth back down on my cock, as he muffles something; he continues giving me a world-class blowjob for a little longer, and I realize that I want a piece of his cock. So I pull him off of my cock, reluctantly, and stand him up, since he has kneeling between my legs up till this point. "Ready for your turn?" I ask. "Been waiting for it, for a while now." He responds back. "Cool, how about a sixty-nine? That should make it a little bit more interesting." I state. "Sure." He responds, and begins removing his shorts, which have developed a nice big wet spot at the tip of the bulge. Not being one to just let things like that go to waste, I lean forward, and begin sucking the pre-cum spot in his shorts, while paying attention to the head of his cock. He moans his approval, as I thoroughly soak that area of his shorts, and then pull them down. Once the band of the shorts are over the bulge in his jock, the drop to the floor, but before then collide with the tile, my mouth is on the fabric of his jock, bathing and licking the wet spot, and his cock underneath. Begrudgingly, I remove his jock, and before his jock can join his shorts, I am on the full length of his cock, (Which measures in at 9.25 inches, we measured it later.) messaging the head with the muscles of my throat and making his knees knock and buckle with the pleasure that I am causing him. As I pull back off the length of his cock, I keep the head just between my lips, and I bathe the tip with my tongue savoring the salty- sweetness of his pre-cum. Reluctantly, I pull off his cock, and take in the full vision of this specimen that is standing less than a foot in front of me. To say that he was beautiful would be an understatement. I was breathless. It was only when his hand came under my chin, and tilted my face up, that I was broken out of the spell that his body transfixed on me; when my eyes caught with his, he was grinning, with a look of blissful happiness on his face. "That was awesome, no one has ever given me head like that." He said. "My pleasure, glad that you enjoyed it, and don't think that we are finished here, far from it. You still have a nice load in those cum balls that I am dieing to get." I replied, almost dreamy in my tone. "I am glad that you are pleased with me, because I am sure pleased with you." He stated, his voice returning to the deep, masculine tenor that I love. "Do you want to be on top or on bottom?" He asked. "What?" I replied. "For the sixty-nine?" he stated. "Oh. bottom please, I love the weight of you on top of me." I replied, suddenly aware of the conversation earlier. "Cool." He replied, seemingly aware of the implication of my comment. We then shifted around in my head, so that we were in position; however, when he got on top of me, and his gorgeous cock was dangling in front of my face, I was not able to wait, so I deep-throated him there and then, knocking the wind out of him taking him by surprise. "Damn son, you just love that cock don't you?" he asked. "mmmnmm." Came my reply, since his cock was still buried in my throat. "Damn, no girl can deep-throat my cock like that. I guess it is just the pleasure of being with a guy, and some one that really likes a big dick." He said, still somewhat in shock. "mmnm." I said, not missing a beat on chowing down on this slab of mancock. But before my reply could be uttered, Todd lowered himself down, and quickly deep-throated my cock, sending my mind reeling from the sensation, or maybe it was from the lack of oxygen that his cock lodged in my throat and his weight was causing. But I do know that at that moment I was happy. We both began bobbing up and down on each others cocks, for what seemed like an eternity, but couldn't have been more than 30 minutes. I was playing with his balls, while I worked his cock, and he would mimic my actions. As I felt his balls tighten in my hands, I would pull on them a little, and slow down my sucking, so that I could put him off a little longer. He could only stand this a few times, after the third time he raised up off my cock, and asked me "if I intended to let him cum anytime soon?" I simply replied, "I will let you cum, when this doesn't stop you from cumming." Todd didn't reply, he just went back to sucking on my cock, and playing with my balls, which was fine with me, because his pace was keeping me in the same state that I was keeping him in. Turn about is fair play, is it not? Well I kept up deep-throating his cock and tugging lightly on his balls, until I knew that he was going to cum no matter what; and he kept up blowing me, and playing with my balls, till he felt them tighten in their sac. "Oh My God, I am close. Keep it up." He said, pulling off my cock, and thus pushing me back from the brink of no-return. "Bloody Fucker" I thought. I did just that, I kept sucking his cock, and tugging on his balls, till I felt them pull against my hand and I felt the cum rush right out of them, straight through his shaft, and flood down my throat. "OH GOD ON HIGH!!!" he screamed as he reached the height of his orgasm. And I had to keep swallowing, mainly to keep from choking because of the massive load that he was flooding me with, but also because his normally enormous cock has swelled almost double its size, and was blocking off my throat. Three, Four, Five, Six thick loads, he shot down my throat, before he began to relax a little, at which point I pulled a little off his cock, so that I could catch some of his seed in my mouth and taste his essence. All in all he shot a total of 8 thick loads before he started to dribble. At which point I just lightly sucked and nursed his cock in my mouth, before he pulled it out totally, saying that the head was getting too sensitive. Once he had gotten his nut off, like he said, he turned around and laid down beside me. "That was amazing!" he said. "I have never cum that much, or that powerfully, in my life, never." "Glad you liked it," I replied, "because I hope that this wasn't a one-time thing. I hope that I will get to do this on a regular basis." "We'll see." He said. "But first, let's get you taken care of." With which he started kissing me, while I started jerking off. After a good five minutes of kissing, and him occasionally playing with my balls, I started breathing really shallowly, and my body started to tense up. "Yeah babe, shoot that load for me." Todd urged me on. "Oh yeah, cum for me, let me see that load that I have been working to get out of you." "Here it comes." Was all that I managed to say, before I began unloading one of the largest loads I have shot, and no sooner had the first shot left, than Todd was right on top of my cock, sucking the juice straight from the font. After gently sucking the last drops of cum from my cock, he looked up at me and smiled, saying, "That was good." "Yeah, it was." I replied in a dreamy post- euphoric tone.

Well unlike what I was expecting, Todd came back up to where he was laying before his flight to Mr. Jolly, and kissed me deeply. I was getting ready to move, when he stopped me, saying, "Stay like this for a little while, I just want to lay here with you, until we regain ourselves." Well, I was more than happy to do that, so I slipped an arm underneath his head and pulled him closer to me. He laid his head down on my chest, and the next thing I know, we were both off in dream land, contented, relaxed, and exhausted. We were only out for a little while, when I felt pressure on my bladder, and I awoke with a jolt, at having to go piss. Well my rude awakening wasn't saved for just myself, but Todd also was awakened by my jolt. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I just have to piss like a racehorse." I replied. "Yeah, me too." He said. So we both climbed out of bed, and began to find our clothes and put them on. "Do you want to go first," He asked me, "because it would look really suspicious if we both came out of your room, and went together?" "If you don't mind, I will go first, then you can come out a little later." I replied So I left the room, and headed towards the bathrooms, situated in the middle of the hall. As I was pissing, I kept expecting to see Todd come in. After I finished pissing, I waited, and no Todd, so I headed back to my room. When I entered my room, no one was there, but there was a note on the desk.

Drew -

I really enjoyed being with you today. I hope that we can do it again sometime. I will call you.


Well I set the note down, beside my computer, and clicked the mouse, to get rid of the screensaver. It was only then, when I saw Word opened, and the middle part of my thesis staring back at me. "Well that was definitely a break." I thought as I sat back down to try and work some more on this work.

To be continued........

There it is guys, hope you all liked it. It is only the beginning, Todd and I had many, many, more hot times over the next two years of my college career, and if you would like to hear more or if you just want to comment about the story, please email me @, Maxkolbe80@hotmail.com (please put Nifty story in the subject, so that I don't delete your mail.)

Special Thanks to J.T. and Tom for their comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 2

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