Out of the Ashes

By Austyn Layne

Published on Jun 16, 2019



All characters are fictional and 18+ in this story; any resemblance to those living or dead is purely coincidental. All language, places, items and substances used in this story are meant to give a sense of time and atmosphere, no offense is intended.Once again this story is fiction and not based in reality. Its sole purpose is for entertainment.

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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a story separate from 'Crossing Streams' but contains an older version of Ashtyn. It's a bit on the darker side, but I still hope you give it a chance and enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Out of the Ashes Author: Austyn Layne

Ashtyn sat in his car smoking a Camel Crush, while scrolling through his MySpace feed on his Blackberry. He was waiting for the night shift to begin; he was the closing manager - he loved the night shift. He always thought daytime people were annoying, fake and 'chipper'. Night time folks, he thought to himself, were way more interesting and laid back.

He got tired of MySpace, then popped a few 'Trams' to get 'lazer focused' before shift change. He still had 20 minutes, so he decided to scroll through the local news; the first story that came up was a sad story about a local Roseville home going up in flames (almost). The headline read:

[Roseville family gives thanks, recovers from house fire]

Ashtyn read the story and was happy everyone got out ok, as he took a swig from him Rockstar Energy Drink. He continued to scroll and found another story. It read:

[Clairfield Man attacks jogger. Police say suspect was high on 'Bath Salts' and warns parents about the warning signs of this new legal designer drug.]

Just then, he heard the sound of tapping on his passenger side window. It was Wyatt, a short, skinny skater-boy type that works with him. Wyatt has one odd thing about him, that deep down Ashtyn found attractive; he had one green and one blue eye. Some days he would ride his bike to work; but on that day he road his skateboard.

"Hey Ashtyn, got a smoke on you?" Wyatt obnoxiously said while tapping on the glass.

Ashtyn just sighed and reluctantly opened the door. Ashtyn wanted his body and mind to relax, before he had to deal with his customers and crew all night.

"You do know you have to clock in soon Wyatt?" Ashtyn said in an authoritative style, trying to play the role of role model employee.

"Haha, jokes on you, I still have an hour! So, can I bumb a cigarette? Pleeeeze. I know you wanna." Wyatt said with a puppy dog look in his eyes.

Ashtyn rolled his eyes then handed him a Camel Crush.

"Oh, thank you Ashtyn! What type is this?" Wyatt just stared at the cigarette for a moment. Examining it in his dirty little hands.

"It's a Crush Wyatt; you pop the pellet in the filter if you want an extra burst of menthol. Now could you please go behind the dumpster to smoke it? It's not a good look for employees to be smoking in the parking lot. I don't want any complaint emails tonight." Ashtyn groaned as he scrolled through more news stories.

[ Clairfield Man stuffs $200 worth of steaks down his sweatpants. Stopped in parking lot by vigilant shopper ]

Just then Ashtyn is startled by Wyatt poking him in the shoulder. Once again doing the poor pitiful puppy dog face.

"Ashtyn - Ashtyn! Can I sit in your car and smoke. I'll love you forever. Pretty please...I know you want to."

"Dammit Wyatt! It doesn't look good either for employees to be smoking in my car. But if it'll get you off my back. Hurry up and get in."

Wyatt hops in then then lights his cigarette with Ashtyn's psychedelic mandala lighter after popping the pellet.

"Thank yoooou Ashtyn, I luz you buddy." Wyatt said in a playful voice, which made Ashtyn grin a grin he could not hide.

"Just hurry up and smoke doof. In a few minutes I gotta deal with dipshits and slack-offs the rest of the night. And to be honest Wyatt, I know they're gonna find some sort of shit to bitch about. So if you could 'Sir'...smoke and go. Thank you!"

Ashtyn could feel the buzz starting to take hold, and this is the time he usually zoned out for 10 minutes while smoking. But with Wyatt in the car, that wasn't gonna happen.

"I don't know why you let them get on your nerves. Just tell em' to shut the fuck up like I do." Wyatt said after taking a drag.

Ashtyn just groaned and told him about the difference between boss and employee. It didn't seem to sink in. In fact it just made Wyatt laugh and call him a "pussy".

"Wyatt, now listen, I can't just walk around like I'm 'Don T. Careadamn' like you. I have to be somewhat responsible."

Wyatt just shook his head, and began snooping through Ashtyn's center console. Ashtyn couldn't believe this guy was brazen enough to just make himself at home.

"Excuse me Wyatt! What do you think you're doing? I don't think I gave you permission to paw through my personal belongings. Now get your dirty grubbers out of there! please and thank you."

Wyatt just looked up with a smirk. Ashtyn never really studied, Wyatt's smile before. It was a face, he couldn't say no to.

"So, Wyatt, what are you, like an emo now? What is this shit?" Wyatt chuckled, as he thumbed through a small note pad of drawings and random thoughts. After taking a sip of Ashtyn's Rockstar energy drink.

"First of all sir! That's none of your business and second, please ask permission before just drinking from somebody's drink! I don't know what you got."

"Chill out man, I'm thirsty, and like, I know you don't care anyways. Who shit in your cornflakes this morning?" Wyatt said as he took another drag. Still looking through the notepad.

Ashtyn just gave up and put his head on the steering wheel with a loud groan. He could see Wyatt grinning his awkward chipped tooth smile, out of corner of his eye. Wyatt just continued to talk and not give Ashtyn any peace or quiet.

"Soooo like...am I bugging you? You like...wanna be alone and smoke another cigarette so you can boost your buzz on your pills and stuff? I know all the signs. I was very observant in my DARE program. And also my cousin's I crash with, are like big pill-poppers, they do like Roxies and stuff. So yeah, I know all the signs. Don't worry, I won't tell, I only smoke weed though."

"First of all 'sir' it's none of your business what I do. And second, I know all about your weird ass cousins, they come in here messed up all the time. Now if you would, give me a moment to zone out, I'll see you inside. Please and thank you."

After Wyatt bumbed 2 more cigarettes and left, Ashtyn quickly smoked one of his own after popping another tram. He locked up and headed for the store, only to be met by Susan the manager about to leave.

"Hey Ashtyn, you're so luck you've just missed district. And Crystal is pissed! Not only do you have to make sure everyone gets a break tonight, you also have to meet service time goals. If you don't - heads will roll. Her words, not mine. Just a heads up Ash."

"Thank you Susan, you're a saint. I'll try my best." Ashtyn huffed as he tried to make his way to the steps.

"Oh! And two more things. Extra she wants us to assign extra detailing task over the week. And NO complaints, she went through 2 weeks of emails. And even though complaints have been low, she wants them lower. Love you Ashtyn...I know you'll do us proud." Susan said as she went behind the dumpster with Wyatt to smoke.

"I'm not making any promises! I'm going to have a quick one over of the store and check it off, and then you can go home sweetheart." Ashtyn yelled out as he entered the store.

"Don't forget what I said Ash!" Susan yelled back while smoking her Newport 100.

"Yeah yeah, got ya!"

Ashtyn entered the store, it was really empty. 'Thank God there wasn't any 'guest' yet. He signed onto shift with his fingerprint, then began checking over the log to make sure all shift task have been completed, before heading back outside to check the parking lot for infractions.

"Excuse me Wyatt! Role model the example and the expectation. please! If you're going to smoke, keep it behind the dumpster - and don't leave your butts on the ground, throw them away. Please and thank you sir."

Ashtyn walks over to the dumpster area, to check it off. When he grabs Wyatt by the shoulder and tells him about the extra cleaning task the D.M. wants done.

"Whatever Ashtyn, I know I know!"

"Now you know you're my right hand man 'little cook'? I'm going to be depending on you a lot tonight to keep the crew in line. And for the love of god, could you please wear a belt that fits? If Crystal would have seen you, she'd write both of us up! No more uniform infractions. Got it?" Ashtyn says while inspecting the ground for grease and debris.

"Yeah whatever. But I can't help it. I mean look at me, I'm like one after those sad foster kids in those cheesy commercials. No one luz poor Wyatt, I'm just pitiful. No one feeds me." Wyatt says in a sad playful voice while looking at Ashtyn with puppy dog eyes.

"First of all Wyatt, I know you eat. And second, don't play the pity-card with me, I know you can afford a belt for chrissake! Maybe if you layed off the weed you could afford one. Now remember, leave your skateboard in the office when you clock-in. And wash your hands before you get on line.

"Yeah, whatever. I know you luz me." Wyatt says as he takes a drag off his second cigarette.

Ashtyn walks back inside to relieve Susan, when he is met by Kimberly, another kiss ass employee.

"Ok sir, Susan has told me about us making service goals tonight. Don't worry, we got this."

"Thank you Kim, I'm so glad I got my two best employees here tonight. But like I told Wyatt, keep the animals in line, I'm not getting in trouble because a few just want to slack-off. I'm not listening to it at the next managers meeting."

"Wyatt's here tonight? Ugggg!" Kimberly groans.

"Yes kim, and I don't want no bs. You two are the ones I depend on the most - so play nice. And could you do me a favor? - tell 'little cook' to clock in early if you would? Thank you." Ashtyn says as he walks back towards the office.

"Ok Ashtyn, my pleasure. Ugggg he's so annoying!" Kim says under her breath.

"No mam, I don't want to hear it. Just tell em' to get his behind in here, so we can knock all this stuff out."

Ashtyn didn't understand why so many co-workers found Wyatt annoying. In fact it seemed like Wyatt was the type of guy that pretty much everyone liked in the end. He just had an infectious personality that grew on you after a while. Deep down, Ashtyn thought Kim probably had a little crush on Wyatt, but Wyatt just wouldn't give her the time of day.


The night progressed and business was steady but not overwhelming. The crew could make service time and their task for the shift. Things were moving quite smoothly. Till Wyatt started acting up, singing the 'My Dick' song.

Kimberly could stand it, she insisted Ashtyn did something about Wyatt's dirty mouth.

"Sir, I've done told your 'little cook' to cut out the nonsense. But he just told me to shut up and scrub the salad reach in. Set him straight before we're here all night! What if a guest was to hear that nasty song he's singing? We'd have 20 complaints for Crystal to read. I'm not being blamed for his foolishness - and neither should you Ash!" Kimberly said with her hands on her hips.

"Ok, I'll deal with Wyatt. Just dot the i's and cross the t's so we can all get out of here on time." Ashtyn said as he walked towards the walk-in-freezer where Wyatt was rotating product.

Ashtyn caught Wyatt off gaurd, as he was checking use-by-dates, still singing to himself. Ashtyn just stood there for a moment and laughed to himself, as he watched Wyatt do a dorky dance; unaware of Ashtyn's presence.

"Excuse me there little cook, I don't think this is the right time or place to be singing about 'dicks'. I can't take the chance of a guest hearing vulgarity, and neither can you. Now cool it."

"Oh whatever. You know you like it. I see you trying not to laugh. I can't help it I make Kim's panties wet - I just have that effect on people. And by the looks of it you got some chubbage goin' on yourself." Wyatt laughed while pointing at Ashtyn's crotch.

"That's not funny Wyatt! Now come on, we all want to get out of here at a decent hour. Tighten up." Ashtyn said in a stern voice.

"Yes sir! But ummm I have a favor to ask. Could you like drop me off tonight?"

"Sure. You mean at your cousins place right?"

"Nah, they kinda got a hair up their ass about some stupid shit - and kinda kicked me out. It's just a little out of your way. But I'll make it worth your while. Love ya buddy."

Ashtyn hesitated for a moment. He really didn't want to waste gas on Wyatt but he just couldn't say no. But before Ashtyn could respond, Wyatt chimed in with a witty response.

"Sooo, got like a hot date goin' on tonight? Your boyfriend or sumthin' cookin' up some hot loving?"

Ashtyn didn't know what to say to that, except: it was none of his business.

"Oh, that's right, your single. I know about that secret MySpace profile. I've read your post." Wyatt laughed "you miiiight wanna check that inbox...buddy."

Ashtyn just shook his head and told him to finish up, and he'd drop him off after work.

"Thanks Ash! You know I luz ya."

Time passed and it was almost time to leave. Ashtyn put in the end-of-day then sent the times and sales to district via email. He was happy all expectations were met. And the store didn't look half bad. All he had to do was go to the restroom then lock up.

Ashtyn stood at the urinal taking a much needed piss, when he decided to check MySpace on his Blackberry. He opened up his DMs and found a picture from 'neon_wolf_candy_666' it was a picture off Wyatt's bulge, with the caption 'you likey?' With a wink-face emoticon. Ashtyn just laughed to himself as he shook his dick then zipped up.

Ashtyn did the closing checklist and got everybody ready to leave.

"Alright folks, I'm about to set the silent alarm. Make sure y'all have everything. I'm not opening up this place for nonsense. Wyatt! Grab your skateboard buddy."

"Yeah yeah! Got it. Can we go now...please!" Wyatt groaned as he entered the lobby, with the rest of the crew. When Kim chimed in.

"Alright, stand still while he sets the motion detector, I don't want that loud ass alarm to go off again. I'm not waiting on you to explain a false alarm. Because some fuckers can't stand still." Kim said while letting down her hair.

"Language kim!" Ashtyn said with a gasp.

"Oh please, once I'm clocked out. I can be the biggest bitch on earth. I ain't watchin' my mouth for no one...sorry sir."

"Ya got that right...you are a big bitch - even on the clock." Wyatt snickered.

"Ok little cook, at least I'm not singing about dicks. Like you got a big one anyways." Kim laughed out while texting her husband.

"Yeah, wouldn't you like to know?" Wyatt laughed.

"Ok sweetie, I'll get my magnifying glass."

"ENOUGH! can I please set this damn alarm, so we can all get the hell out of here?" Ashtyn yelled out as he punched in the code.

[Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!]

"Alright folks, let's hit the road! See you tomorrow." Ashtyn said as he locked the store.

"Oh no, not me sir! I'm off for 2 days. I'm going home and getting zonked on some SoCo. Peace bitches! Oh Wyatt, do you need me to drop you off honey?" Kim asked in a sweet voice.

"Nah, Ashtyn's gonna drop me off tonight. Ain't that right buuuuddy?" Wyatt said while leaning into Ashtyn's shoulder.

"Alright, whatever weirdos! Have a blast Ash! I'm out!" Kim said while hopping up into her Ford pickup.

Ashtyn and Wyatt got in the car then headed down the road. The silence seemed eerie until Wyatt broke it.

"So, Ash, did you check you inbox?"

"Yes Wyatt. And that's all im going to say."

Wyatt looked over at Ashtyn as he waited for the signal to change. He could see something was on his mind. Wyatt knew what it was too.

"Sooooo, Ash, see something you like? You know what I'm talking about." Wyatt said while leaning over to Ashtyn.

"That wasn't funny, and how on earth did find my secret MySpace profile?"

"I got my ways. Sooooo, see somethin' you like buddy?" Wyatt said while rubbing his bulge.

"Wyatt cut it out! Now where am I dropping you off...perv?"

"Ok, you know where Roseville is? It's around there."

"Turn on the radio or something. You like old grunge rock? I have an Alice In Chains CD in - I think it's the tri-pod album." Ashtyn mumbled while staring over at Wyatt still grinning.

"Sure, whatever. But you should know the 70's are more my thing. You know I was raised around old gear-heads. At the garage, that's all they listened to. But I'll play your precious A.I.C for ya." Wyatt said as he played 'Head Creeps'.

The drive seemed interminable. Ashtyn didn't know what to say. So as they got to Roseville, Ashtyn asked Wyatt where he lived.

"Well, you know about that place that kinda burnt down? Well I'm kinda crashing there. It's all good." Wyatt huffed out.

"Are you fuckin' kidding me?! You're squatting in a half-burnt house? If I knew that, you could've crashed on my couch! I can't believe you Wyatt!"

"Oh shush! You gotta cigg on ya?" Wyatt said with a grin as he switched the radio off of CD and on to the classic rock station. "Oh and turn left at the second street. There's a lot if potholes so watch your tires." Wyatt said as he lit one of Ashtyn's cigarettes.

"So all the way down this dark street? Can't you like get into trouble for doing this?" Ashtyn asked, as he made his way around the holes.

"Oh quit your bitchin' I said I'd make it worth your while. It ain't like you got anything else to do tonight." Wyatt groaned while blowing his smoke in Ashtyn's direction.

Ashtyn finally found the place Wyatt was talking about, it was half-burnt and hidden by big overgrown brush and weeds. Ashtyn was hesitant to drop him off here. Once again, he asked him if he'd like to crash at his apartment downtown.

"No! Just park by the large bushes."

Wyatt got out, and told Ashtyn to come inside for a minute. He wanted to talk to him for a moment. Ashtyn was reluctant, but followed him inside the disaster zone.

It was amazing he even felt safe in a place like that, you could smell the smoke and feel the burnt wood and drywall, beneath your feet. Wyatt eventually guided him to the rec room that was still left intact.

"This is it Ash! This is where poor little ol' me sleeps. It's kinda cool though. See my hammock I got set up? And there's tons of drawing and painting crap. The owner is kind of an "artist". See the creepy gargoyle drawing? Whatever." Wyatt said as he grabbed a beer from the Styrofoam cooler.

"Oh, it's ok. But I'd rather you just head back with me. Alright?"

"Seriously! What do you have to get home to? Some Hungry Man dinner, and True Blood saved on your DVR. Just stay here. I know you want to." Wyatt said while taking off his pants and shirt.

Ashtyn couldn't help but look over at Wyatt as he slipped on some black basketball shorts over his naked ass (Wyatt was a free baller) He remained shirtless though as he lit another one of Ashtyn's cigarettes.

"Sooooo, Ashtyn, once again. Seen something you like? I know you do. You scared to talk about it?" Wyatt said while sliding his hand down his fuzzy sweaty chest.

"What are you trying to do here? What was up with the pic in my DM?" Ashtyn said in a nervous tone.

"Oh, you know. I've known guys like you. You like dirty boys like me. Ya know, wild throw away ones."

"Quit talking stupid Wyatt! I'm not like that!"

Wyatt laughed then moved in closer. Asking Ashtyn if he wanted a beer. Ashtyn said no, because he had to drive home in a minute but Wyatt wasn't hearing it.

"I know you want me, and my hot little bod. Don't lie Ash! You like me because I'm a little rough-and-tumble boy. Don't ya just wanna give me a hug all over my sweaty little body? I know what guys like you want...trust me."

"Be quiet, Wyatt! I'll have one beer, then I'm going. But seriously, is there anything you'd like to talk about before I go?" Ashtyn said while popping a top, trying to change the subject.

"Oh! Well this morning I trapped a rat. You ever watch one of those things twitch and gasp, after its been caught?" Wyatt said while sitting on his skateboard across from Ashtyn.

"No Wyatt, that's disgusting. I've never studied rodents that closely." Ashtyn said with a look of cringe on his face.

"Well, some guys threw a water bottle at me as I walked to work. Yup that's about it. Poor little throw away Wyatt..."

Ashtyn looked around the room trying to find something else to lighten the mood, when he noticed an acoustic guitar next to Wyatt. It was pretty beaten up. Like something you'd find in a pawn shop.

"So Wyatt, you play the guitar?"

Wyatt just smirked, and said "it would appear that way...duh" then started strumming some bars to a 'Lynyrd Skynyrd' song about a 'Bullet'. Ashtyn was kind of annoyed though. He kept repeating the same bars. But he still found it cute.

"Yeah Ashtyn, I'm kind of a kick-ass on my axe. That's why all the chicks wanna be my groupie. They're like 'Oh Wyatt, you're so sexy. You make my panties wet.' Yeah, I'm pretty bad-ass." Wyatt said with a smirk while scratching his sac.

"Oh really Wyatt?" Ashtyn chuckles.

"Yeah, even guys like you think it's hot. I get their dicks hard. I know. But I can't help it. I'm just so fuckin' irresistible."

"Don't flatter yourself there big guy." Ashtyn says under his breath, as he finishes off his beer.

Wyatt reaches over and puts on his black No Fear flatbib backwards. While mischievously lookin over at Ashtyn.

"Wouldn't you like to be my groupie Ash? I see the way you look at me. Poor little me. You remind me of the guys in the rec park that watch dudes play basketball or skateboard. They just wanna take me home and feed mah."

"Shut up Wyatt!" Ashtyn barks.

"Nah, for real. I'm like one of those caged 'pupper dawgs' in those commercials. All that's missing is the sad Sarah Mclachlan songs playing in the background."


Wyatt inches forward, then asked Ashtyn if he'd 'like a cigarette'. Wyatt had a noticeable erection. Ashtyn knew Wyatt was up to somthing.

"I have cigarettes Wyatt."

"Not the type I'm offering to you. You know the one right here. (Wyatt looks down at his hard cock tenting his shorts) I know you want one." Wyatt says in a playful voice.

Ashtyn stares at Wyatt's five-and-a-half-inch cock as he playfully makes it 'jump' repeatedly in his shorts.

"Sure you don't wanna smoke 'it'? Don't ya think I'm sexy and stuff? Yeah, you'd like to be muh groupie." Wyatt said as he rubbed his hard cock.

Ashtyn nervously moves foward then puts his hand on Wyatt's knee. He can't believe what he is about to say, but he says it anyways.

"So, can I?"

Wyatt just chuckles then tells him the only way to get a 'cigarette' off of him was if he licked his feet 'like a good groupie'. Ashtyn couldn't believe in a million years that he'd be licking the feet of Wyatt.

"Come on slut, if you want muh goods, you gotta work for it. Now do it."

Ashtyn starts to kiss and lick Wyatt's dirty feet. He inhales the aroma of the dirty skater boy, as he goes back to strumming his guitar. He feels slightly embarrassed but his apprehension soon fades as he gets lost in the moment.

"That's right slut. Show me how much you want it. If you want to you can touch my junk while you worship my feet."

Ashtyn slides his hand up into Wyatt's shorts. Then starts playing with Wyatt's sweaty 'goods', as he continues to suck each toe.

"Yeah, you like that don't ya? You can't wait to wrap your lips around my big hard woody. Yeah, I think ya might make a good groupie."

Ashtyn can feel the hard skater cock in his hand already leaking pre from the piss-slit. Ashtyn just wants to 'smoke' it real bad. Wyatt stops playing for a moment.

Wyatt taps Ashtyn on the head, then tells him to open his mouth. He wants to know if Ashtyn will eat his spit. Ashtyn opens his mouth wide and let's Wyatt hock a loogie in his mouth. Ashtyn feels the spit slide down his tongue. It doesn't taste that bad seeing how it had some salty mucous that was quite similar to a booger.

"Did you like that? I bet you did." Wyatt laughs out.

"Mmmmm, not bad." Ashtyn purrs while licking his lips.

Wyatt stares at Ashtyn for a moment, trying to play some sort of fucked up mind game. Wyatt knows Ashtyn wants to devour his throbbing manhood. He slides his crotch a bit foward, showing off his tented dick.

"Ashtyn, pull my shorts down. Show me how much you want it."

Ashtyn feels his heart racing a thousand miles a minute, as he grips the elastic waistband of Wyatt's black basketball shorts, then slowly slides them down. What a sight it was for Ashtyn as he watched Wyatt's cock smack against his flat fuzzy belly.

"You like that don't you Ashtyn? Wanna suck my nuts while I jack my big dick?" Wyatt said while making his dick jump a few more times.

Ashtyn without saying a word, slides between Wyatt's legs then starts licking his blond fuzzy sac while inhaling the tangy funk of his crotch. Ashtyn couldn't believe how soft Wyatt's blond pubes were. If he had his way, he would've stayed there forever.

"Lick under my nuts, slut!" Wyatt barked after lifting his butt up, revealing his moist shit-slit. Ashtyn does as Wyatt demands, wildly devouring his sweat, grit and grime. He swipes his tongue between the tufts of blond hair around his entrance.

"You're a good whore Ashtyn. I bet you fantasize about me at work. I bet you're probably going to write this in your diary. I can picture it now. [Oh diary, I can't believe I just sucked off the cutest skater boy! I think I'm in love. His dick taste sooooo good, and he has the tastiest butt-hole I've ever eaten...]" I bet you daydream about me sucking you off on the toilet. My pretty lips wrapped around your cock." Wyatt grunted out, now vigorously jacking his dick.

Ashtyn removed his mouth from Wyatt's twitching slit, then answered. "Yeah sometimes."

"Dirty perv. I bet ummmph! You fantasize about fucking me up my butt-hole when your playing with yourself in bed at night. Rrrggg! I bet you'd like to hear me squeal as you poke your cock in my butt."

"God your sweet ass, I could pleasure it all day." Ashtyn pants out, before sliding his tongue inside Wyatt's skater-hole.

"Your such a dirty groupie, girls don't ever do this shit to me - and they're some big sluts. Girls never wanna lick boys butt-holes. But guys like you do. You like lickin' on my butt - don't ya?"

Ashtyn savoured the taste of sweaty balls and dirty slit. As Wyatt jacked. He moves up towards Wyatt's dirty fingers, then began licking them before finally suckling the swollen head of his dick.

"You wanna suck this shit?" Wyatt whimpers, as he holds his prick.

Ashtyn slides the entire throbbing length into his lusty mouth. He savors the taste of Wyatt's sweat, spit, and dried sperm from an earlier jack-off session. As he slides his mouth all the way down to the base, burying his nose in Wyatt's musky blond soft pubes.

"Suck it bitch!" Wyatt's growls. As he starts to fuck up into Ashtyn's mouth.

Ashtyn slides two fingers up inside Wyatt then starts playing inside him as he thrust. Ashtyn can taste the sweet pre beading from his slit.

"That's right slut, play with my butt-hole. Mmmmm uhhhhhnn!"

Ashtyn can feel his silky walls wrap around his fingers, each time he rubs his sweet-spot. Ashtyn wants to taste Wyatt's hot skater-boy cum so bad. But Wyatt stops him.

Wyatt pulls Ashtyn's mouth off his throbbing cock. Then tells him to lick the sticky remnants of pre from his bellybutton. Ashtyn licks up the salty and sweet boy juice, while making his way up Wyatt's soft treasure trail.

"You like that huh? You know, everyone tells me I have angel hair. I can be filthy and yet my hair stays angel soft. Lick my nips." Wyatt says while stroking his erection.

Ashtyn slides his tongue up Wyatt's angel haired chest to his hard nipples. The more he suckles the more he elicits whimpers from Wyatt.

"Lick my pits, dirty bitch."

Ashtyn slides his mouth over to Wyatt's sweaty pits, filled with tangy funk. He begins to lick the salty skater-boy sweat from each ripe armpit. Wyatt's gorgeous eyes roll in the back of his head. Ashtyn knows Wyatt is enveloped in bliss.

"You like that baby?" Ashtyn pants out.

"Yeah...but don't call me baby." Wyatt moans softly.

Ashtyn smiles the gives him a little nip on his scruffy chin, then moves his nose close to Wyatt's mouth; so he can inhale his hot panting breath. Then suddenly he makes a bold move. He deep kisses Wyatt's moist mouth. Sliding his tongue against Wyatt's. Wyatt moans then pushes him away. Wyatt was caught off guard by the sudden action.

"No! No kissy-kissy, I ain't like that! Get back down and suck me off some more I'm about to nut. I know you wanna eat my splooge. Now wrap those pretty whore lips around my dick." Wyatt growls.

Wyatt pushes Ashtyn's head between his legs, then begins to face fuck him; ramming his cock past Ashtyn's tonsils.

"God your throat-pussy feels so good. I'm gunna bust my nuts down your throat." Wyatt grunts out while gripping the sides of Ashtyn's head. His fingernails, digging deep into his scalp.

Ashtyn can hardly breath as he is bashed by Wyatt's fucking crotch, his cock swelling in Ashtyn's throat. Then suddenly he taste Wyatt's orgasm. His mouth flooded with cum.

"Swallow that shit bitch mmmmph! Urrrg! Ummmmm yeah! Eat my 'sperms'!"

Ashtyn swallows each hot rope of skater cum. Even milking the shaft for the last bead of swimmers, from the piss-slit of his swollen cock-head. He lets his mouth linger for awhile on the pulsing appendage; till Wyatt is fully soft, then slides the sensitive dick from between his swollen lips.

"Fuck! You suck a good dick."

Ashtyn just stared at Wyatt panting, taking in the sight of a exhausted Wyatt. His dick hanging soft and spent between his legs, resting on his fuzzy nut-sac. There was no way Ashtyn was going to leave when he had this beautiful specimen of a skater/rocker boy to service till sunrise.

Ashtyn started stroking his cock, lusting after Wyatt. All he wanted to do was fuck the living shit out of him. And then suddenly out of the blue. It appeared his dream might just come true.

"So Ashtyn, you wanna poke you dick in my butt?" Wyatt says in a mischievous voice, while sliding onto the floor, pulling his legs up revealing his winking fuck-slit.

"You want it baby?" Ashtyn pants while still stroking his throbbing 6 inch cock.

Wyatt opens his cheeks then slaps his hole.

"Wanna play with it before you fuck it daddy?" Wyatt said playfully.

Ashtyn digs in immediately, he starts to poke and lick the yearning pleasure-hole. He then realized how loose it was for someone who he thought was mostly straight.

"Damn buddy, your hole is so open right now. You've had cocks in you before, there stud?" Ashtyn moans as he fingers the sucking moist hole.

"I told you Ash. I know guys like you. I let a few put it in muh butt-hole. What you thought I was lying...silly goose. Guys like you find little spit-fires like me sexy. They like feelin' on muh body." Wyatt says in a cutesy voice.

Ashtyn without much warning, mounts Wyatt, sliding his hard cock into his hole. Fucking him like a jackhammer.

"Fuck me daddy! Fuck my dirty hole." Wyatt hissed. As he felt Ashtyn's hard cock ram him repeatedly. Sending jolts of painful pleasure throughout his quivering body.

"You like that don't ya baby boy?" Ashtyn grunts as he buried his dick deep inside Wyatt. His brown coarse pubes grinding against Wyatt's taint.

"Ummmph...yeah....fuuuuck me!" Wyatt huffs, as the air is being fucked out of him.

Ashtyn could play inside of Wyatt all night. Every time Wyatt's hole sucked around his cock pulling him in deeper. The harder he pulled back the slammed, eliciting yelps of animal lust from the skater-boy.

"You like this dick eh? You want me to cum inside you baby?" Ashtyn grunts while nipping at Wyatt's wolf fuzzed chin.

"Yes! Cum in me! Keep poking it in my butt!"

Ashtyn forces open Wyatt's mouth, then deep kisses him as he starts to come inside Wyatt. Ashtyn inhales Wyatt's panting breath like life-force. As he shoots rope after rope of hot cum inside Wyatt's guts.

"I'm coming all inside you angel, you like my cum in you? I just filled you up good shithead!"

"That was awesome!" Wyatt whimpers between pants of exhaustion.

Ashtyn slides his cock out of Wyatt. Then lies on top of him giving him deep kisses, while running his fingers through Wyatt's sweaty head of angel soft hair. Ashtyn takes in the tangy scent it gives off especially behind the ear, which Ashtyn was licking like a mad man.

"You know Ashtyn, you close tomorrow too. Why don't you just stay here with me tonight?" Wyatt moaned out, as Ashtyn started licking the salty sweat from his body.

"Sounds good Wyatt."

The two exhausted sweaty fucked-out lovers, stayed entwined throughout the night till sunrise. Blanketed only in moonlight, their only music was the sound of their heartbeats, and the smell from ashes of devoured hopes enveloped them like an incense. They slept soundly, possibly finding love out of lust amongst the ruins of broken dreams.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I know this story which has an older Ashtyn, was a bit on the darker side, but I really hope you've enjoyed it. And as always yourfeedback is always welcome at seanbaby666@gmail.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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Next: Chapter 2

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