Out of Rhythm

By Kiddo Xavier

Published on Jul 30, 2011


The events and people you are about to be read are only work of fiction and just a product of my imagination. Any similar events are extremely coincidence and not a proof of copying. Be aware of the sexual orientation, although it is really part of it. O.o


I woke up in bliss when I felt his lips roam around on the back of my shoulder. "Hmmm" I chuckled.

"You awake Xanny?" Renz asked in a playful tone. I looked up gazing at the perfect guy flashing me those pearly white teeth with his messy spiky hair. The morning sun flashing on his caramel skin just made him more perfect.

I turned to face him. He instantly got on top of me. "Z, we really need to chew mints right now." We both chuckled.

He leaned in for a passionate kiss humping his hard cock and naked body on mine. I laughed.

"How about you help me with this 'thing' first." He teased. I raised one of my eyebrow as I bit my lower lip.


It seems I've forgotten how to forgive a person -- especially Chester. For weeks he's called me, texted me, and even come to my house every night. He was very persuasive. But I made up my mind. My business with Chester is done. I can't be with someone who can't keep his word, and there is no way I can be with him while he has other women.

I considered that he might have been drunk and too weak to resist the temptation. But I couldn't buy that. Why would he be drunk on that night. I was his girl. If he had a problem we could have talked. I bit my lip trying to fight the tears from falling again.

I still miss him.

I was used to him being around and to the feeling of being courted. I liked it and now it's just gone. I used to love him before he left and I love him more now that he has returned which is probably why it hurts so much. I used to consider his parents my enemy for them moving. But, this time, he cheated me with some slut. Everything is so much worse.

"Hey." Trisha said sitting beside me. I looked up.

"Hey Trish. How are things going?" I said trying to make a smile. She sighed and looked like we shared the same burden.

"I'm sorry about Chester."

I nodded. "Tell me Trish. Am I not that pretty?" I asked in a weak voice.

"No, Baby, you're beautiful in every way." She said stroking my blonde hair. "You shouldn't be treating yourself like this. You deserve to be happy. I'm telling you, nothing is better than you. You're the apple of everyone's eye."

"Then why do you think Chester cheated on me?" I asked breaking down again.

God, this really hurts bad.

She hugged me. I felt her sob as I cried on her shoulder.

"Shhh, Baby, it's gonna be alright. . .

God, I can't do this." She released her hold on me and walked away.

What just happened?


Xander jumped on my back wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I've never seen him as bubbly as he has been these last couple of days. Xander's being with Renz really brought the cocky Xander back to the real world.

I've missed this guy.

"Let me guess. You had sex last night, eh?" I teased.

"What?" He stuttered, blushing. "How did you know? Don't tell me you're that guy who sneaks in people's apartments taking pornographic videos of them fooling around?"

"Duh, I saw Renz creep in your apartment after work. Don't tell me you two played ping pong the whole night." We laughed.

"You never know." He said.

"And I don't have think about it." I pointed out.

I then wanted to ask something. I knew better, but I just went for it.

"Just for fun; if it ever turned out that I was playing on your team-- would you freak out?" I asked and at the same time that I wish I hadn't.

His mouth fell open and his eyes blinked several times before he burst into laughter. I punch him in irritation.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

I made a face.

"Well, first of all, of all the unanswered questions in the world; why would you ask that one? Don't tell me you're planning to play on our team. Oh my gosh, my gaydar is failing now."

I rolled my eyes then decided to let the question go and walked away.

"Hey!" He said catching my arms. "Just kidding. I was just shocked man."

"Dude, didn't you hear me? I said 'Just for fun' for crying out loud" I pointed out annoyed.

"Alright, alright. Grumpy much?" He scratched his head.

"Well, you're my best friend and I've actually thought about it a couple of times. You being gay, I mean. I guess that would be awesome. At least I would know I didn't make a mistake when I chose you to be my bestie. But I would most likely like you just as much as I do right now. I mean, whatever you are; I will still accept you. You're a part of my life that no one can take away from me, even if you're a murderer, or a sadomasochist, or a terrorist." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes again.

I'm starting to miss the darker Xander.

"Now for the counter-part. . .Why would you ask me that question? I'm telling you now; I'm not going to be your partner when you start talking about building your own hair salon okay."

We laughed. "It's nothing." I smiled then turned away. He grabbed me again. His face was more serious.

"Okay, I'm done with the jokes. Come on. Why did you ask that?"

"It's nothing. Just curiosity maybe or just me considering how is it to feel like you. End of story."

"And why would you want to feel like me?" He said raising his eyebrow.

"Alright, I'm out of here."

Damn, I shouldn't have asked that question.

"Come on. How many times do I have to tell you that we know each other?" He snapped. "I mean, these evasive actions are getting more and more. . ."

"Okay, okay." I sighed. "A guy kissed me."

"Excuse me?" He said actually startled.

"Well I didn't think it was at first, but it was an accident. I don't know. The whole thing just came in an instant. And at first I thought it was not happening then next thing I know he had his lips were on mine----"

"Hey, hey! You're freaking out." Xander said. "Why don't you start from the beginning so I can catch up?"

I sighed.

*flashback (a couple of days ago)

Here it is, a cloudy morning, and I'm taking my skate board. I've been out of my mind lately because of Samantha. It was a real sting when she pointed out that I was not her type.

Am I that ugly? I mean, Xander always tells me how cute my gray eyes are and how cool my cropped brown hair is but no one has ever told me I was that hot.

I skated faster and out of nowhere a guy appeared in front of me. I tried to stop but it was too late, I skated right into the guy. We fell on the ground. My board flew straight into the street at precisely the right moment for a car to come by and break it in two.

Oh sweet burning popcorn!!!

"Damn it." I hissed rushing to the street picking my crushed skate board. I wanted to cry right then. I'd had this board since I was twelve and now it's broken because of that careless cunt. Before I knew it another car was in front of me ready to hit me.

Someone grabbed me, swaying me back on the streets I tumbled down again.

"Ass holes!" I heard the driver say as he drove away.

"Yo!" The guy whom I bumped into said. "Are you out of your mind? You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"Well let's see who's gonna get killed after I shove my board down your throat and. . ." I was taken aback when I looked at the guy who saved me.

He was the hottest guy I had ever seen.

He had long light blonde hair cut Bieber's style, pink wide lips and piercing green eyes. And the body! Whew, talk about the runway model.

I gulped in hesitation.

"Yeah about your board uhm" He bit his lips in shame then scratched his hair. Jeez, I couldn't take my eyes of those pink lips. He stared at me for a second. "I'm sorry about it. I wasn't looking where I was going. I was lost. I asked for directions and got caught off guard practically."

"Well yeah. Next time you drop your guard I hope someone's 6 years old board doesn't get crushed by a passing car just like just now." I said in a sarcastic tone rather than an annoyed one.

I turned to walk away. He grabbed me sending a jolt down in my arms that made me jerk. He felt it too.

What the hell was that?

"I'm sorry. Look, I'll buy you a new board."

Damn he was really hot.


"Can we get in the car? We'll stop by a Sport Center Shop. I'm really sorry man." From the way he looked, he was a well-to-do guy. I swear he didn't really have to buy me a new one.

I went to walk past to him when suddenly a passing bicycle made me jerked back and stumble right into him. He caught me. The unexpected thing was, my lips landed perfectly on his.

It was fucking perfect!

Then he kissed back. We snapped out of it and immediately parted. We were both flushed like ripe tomatoes. I felt my cock get rock hard in an instant. In that same instance, I freaked out and ran away....

Xander then crossed his arms. "Wow, what a drama."

"Tell me about it." I shrugged. "Do you think that made me gay?"

He then smiled. "Look, just because you accidentally bumped into someone, broke your board, and kissed a guy in the middle of the street doesn't mean you're gay. It's just a random event that happened in your life. No need to freak out, unless you're attracted to him."

"I don't know. His pink cheeks made him cute, and the piercing green eyes were darker (sexier) than Brittany's. It kinda made him really hot. Oh my god I can't believe I just said that." I hesitated. Xander laughed.

"Come on Kyrian, Relax. It doesn't mean anything. Some straight guys think that other straight guys are hot but don't do anything about it."

"But we kissed." I pressed.

"It was an accident. Anything can happen when you have an accident. You can break a glass, endanger someone's pet, or even destroy a whole building. You never know. As long as you know yourself, there's no need to freak out."

I nodded. Well that was reasonable. Although the question is, do I really know myself? We walked to our own classes.


"The Heat definitely lost their touch in game 4." I said as I fixed my books in my locker. "I mean what were Wade and Lebron doing?"

"Well Dallas is only tied up with them. It's nothing." Kyrian said rolling his eyes.

"Well, tell that to my panties -- they're in a knot!" I said annoyed with the result of the NBA games.

Ky laughed. "So how's things with you and Xander. You okay about Renz right?"

I frowned. It really hurt thinking about it. Even after Renz played him, Xander still chose him over me. I thought about it long and hard though. I realized if you really love a person, you have to think about their happiness instead of your own.

"He's happy, so I'm happy with him." I simply smiled.

"That's the spirit." He patted me. "You know what? Screw the NBA I have classes to catch, see you later dude." He said patting my back again.

"Yeah, you too."

I was about to close my locker when someone slammed it closed. "One question fag." He hissed. I've never seen Brian so furious. It really scared me but knowing that he's so deep in the closet just made me feel pity for him.

"You tell anyone?" He asked. "How yo ... you kissed me." He then took a self- conscious look around.

"You kissed me." I corrected. He hesitated. "But no. I know how hard this is for you. So no." I said feeling sorry for him. "I haven't told anyone."

"Good. Keep it that way cause if you do," His eyes turned sadistic. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU." He hissed shoving me back into my locker.

My heart just stopped. Did he really mean that?

Brittany was instantly beside me.

"Jerk!" She yelled. Brian didn't look back. She helped me stand up. His words started to bother me.

"Are you okay?"

I shook my head, no, then ran away.


I wanted to follow him but I guess he really needed time alone.

"Hey." Trisha said. I turned.

"Hey. What happened a while ago? You freaked out." I said.

"Yeah about that I was just out of my mind lately. Maybe because of Renz, you know, the sudden break up."

"Have you talked to him lately? About you and Renz and him being with Xander." She suddenly went pissed.

"Yeah, him being a queer." She corrected.

"Hey, you know how hard it is for Renz. Try being in his shoes, being confused about your sexuality. Just give him the benefit of doubt. You both really love each other and have something special." I patted her shoulder.

"But he left me for another guy. I know you're friends with Xander. I am too, but I just can't get it right in my head. I feel betrayed." She said shaking her head. "I should probably go tell his father about this."

"That's out of line, Trish." I warned. "You've been together, and you love each other. Ruining someone's life is not an option. Clearly you'll serve revenge, but it won't make anyone happy . . . especially you. Look at me, it's hard to move on but I'm trying." I said smiling. Deep inside it still hurts so much.

Something changed in her face. It was like she was hurt. She snapped out of it. "You're right." She said nodding.

"I know." I cheered. "Why don't we hang out tonight? Just you and me kind of a girl's night out?"

She grinned. "Boy hunting and movies? I'm in." She said. We laughed.

Just then someone patted my back. I turned, it was a guy that I've seen around school. "Someone asked me to give this to you."

He handed me a yellow rose with a yellow note in it. I love yellow by the way.

"Who gave you this?" I asked. He just smiled then walked away. I read the note.

"I miss your smile. It always made my day. Can you forgive me?"

Before I could ponder this, another guy came and gave me another yellow rose.

"I miss how you used to gut me. I know I hurt you I'm very very sorry."

Then another one came.

"I you're beautiful and I'm an asshole for not making you feel that way every single day. I'm sorry."

Then another one. God, Chester had to stop. I couldn't help but smile.

"I wasn't right before I met you. You made everything right. Please let me be with you again."

People started to look at me as the yellow roses came repeatedly delivered by random guys.

"You're the missing piece in my life, you complete me. Let me help you complete you. I adore you in every way."

This kept going and going until I was holding twenty-six roses.

The last one simply said. "I love you."

I was ready to melt. I blushed. But it wasn't enough to erase everything.

Then there he was leaning on one of the lockers. I stared at him trying to hide my emotions.

"Why twenty-six roses?" I asked.

"It's the day I first saw you. The same day it is right now. September 26." He had sincere eyes. "Can you forgive me?"

Before I could react his eyes shifted to Trisha, his face changed.

"What are you doing here you whore?"

Trisha got instantly furious. "Oh look whose talking." She barked back.

"Hey stop talking to her like that." I scoffed meeting his words. I was starting to like Trisha.

"I can't let you muddle your life with this hoe bag!" He said.

"Oh you're not my boyfriend so stop acting like one. I can be with whoever I want. You know what? So much for your sweet words." I handed him back the roses then took Trisha's hand and walked away.

Everything will be okay....


Everyone yelled my name as I stood there with them on the center of the dance floor. I never felt such a relief.

"..If you are not drunk ladies and gentlemen... uh huh get ready to get fucked up..."

I started to tap on my feet and bounce with my head down.

"... Let's do it ha ha"

Shots by LMFAO ft. Lil Jon, I thought smiling.

I missed being in the center of the floor. I missed dancing. When the hard beat started to bang in our ears I started locking my body like I was some Japanese robot every one cheered. I started making face. Everyone was shouting my name as they laughed. This was a refreshing feeling. All throughout the dance I was thinking about Renz. He was my inspiration.

When I was in the chorus, I thought about something dangerous. I knew I could do it, especially now that I had my inspiration.

I signaled everyone to back away. I then thrust my body backward flipping it and supporting my body with my hands as I turned. I did this several times not moving out of place. I back flip like hell then stood up. I began locking my body again. Sweat was running down my body. I did a jellyfish move--that never really goes out of the style. They loved it.

I noticed an old man staring at me in the private area of the club. He had three body guards at his back as he sat haughtily. I ignored him then flipped ending with a hand stand.

Everyone clapped and cheered after the song was done. "Yeah, way to go, Xander!!!" A random guy said. I laughed as I walked off the floor. Everyone patted my shoulder as I walked past them. The music started again and they swayed to the beat.

A huge guy grabbed my shoulder. He was a bear but I wasn't intimidated me.

"Can you come with me for a second? My boss wanted to talk to you." He said pointing the old man.

"I'm no whore." I said. He chuckled.

"No. He wanted to talk to you about his son, Renz."

My mouth fell open.

I walked over where Renz's father was. I'd never met him before. Why would he want to come here. Does he know about us?

I didn't know what to think. I didn't even want to think. He had a smile on his face as he gestured for me to have a seat. His face was more likely to Renz's but his hair was not spiky. It was bluntly straight and grayish. He also had a clean-cut mustache.

"How rude of me. Take a seat. I'm Peter Hudson." He said offering me his hand. I shook it and cringed at the aura of his body guards around him.

"Xander Hummelford, Sir. Pleased to meet you." I said politely. I took my seat.

"Wow, I never knew you were a great dancer. When they said you were a dancer my mind went straight to pole dancing." He chuckled . . . in disgust if you ask me. I just smiled.

"Okay I want to get down on business" He said folding his hand. "I know you and Renz are great friends and I'm happy with that. But I know you're gay too. I don't want my son being labeled by other people. You yourself know how rude people in this world can be."

Not another discriminating person.

". . . But I have nothing against you. In fact, my first impression is that you're a good guy. The catch is you're not good for his image." He pointed out.

"Sorry if I'm being rude, Sir," I said being careful with my words. "Are you saying that I should stay away from your son?" I clarified. His face was emotionless for a second then turned.

"No, not exactly like that. I just want you guys to keep a low profile, and be discreet around others. Renz is a good guy and my only son. Sooner or later he'll take over my company and be a boss like me and I wanted the best for him. If you are good to him I have no problem with it but still others will shoot prejudices on you guys. I don't want that to happen to my son. Like I said earlier, I know you're a good person so I hope you understand. I just want to be a good father if you know what I mean."

The last sentence pissed me off. Why do all fathers have problem with gay guys?

"I don't know, Sir." I said. "Sorry to say this but if you really cared about your son then you would be supporting him in whatever he chooses. I know you're his father and the only one he has left, but at the end of the day it is still his choice."

"But you can influence him." He corrected sipping his glass.

"What?" I blurted out. I couldn't believe he said that. If he only knew how much I love his son.

"Why do I have this feeling that this conversation is to support your agenda and not his?" He took an envelope, removed pictures from inside, and tossed them to me. The pictures were of me kissing Renz, us holding hands, and more.

"You have to understand that ---"

"Sir." I cut in. "I don't want to be rude but this is not in my hands. And I will not try to influence Renz's choice. I won't be out of his life until he wants me to." I stood up and walked away.

"Okay how much do you want." He snapped. "I know you're having trouble with money because you're father kicked you out. I'm here to help. Just leave Renz alone."

I can't believe I'm here standing in this drama.

"God, I didn't know you were deaf. Haven't you cleaned your ears lately? You can stop by my apartment so I can lend you some cotton buds." I said annoyed.

"You'll regret this, Boy." He said in his dark voice.

I didn't turn and kept walking. I was in Jeff's area and sat next to him.

"Jeff, hand me something hard I need to lay low." He handed me a shot. I downed it. Damn, it was really hard. I cringed.

"I saw you talking to that millionaire guy." Jeff said in his wary voice.

"And you don't want to know what we talked about." I said. "He wanted me to leave his son, my boyfriend, alone."

He tensed up a little. "Well fuck him." I said.

"But be careful Xander. I don't want to be a buzz kill but there are rumors about him and you wouldn't like to know them. He's dirty as any devil can be."

I stared in his eyes not knowing what to say. Somehow I get a feeling that things are starting to turn.


I was sipping on my glass wine daydreaming about finally being with Xander. Everything is so perfect. We make love always, but with passion. We date, and talk about things; sad things, horrific things, but mostly happy things. The best part is that we openly share our life with the world.

The door to my condo opened up. Peter, my father, came in.

"What do you want?" I asked sternly. He had a smug on his face then took a wine glass and poured some.

"So how's my good old son?"

I rolled my eyes. "Cut it, Dad." His face changed. He tossed me some photos.

I was being stalked by my father.

There it was, me kissing Xander and times that we are together. I gulped and met his dead stare. "So what now?"I asked.

"Don't 'what now' me. This isn't funny, Michael." Calling my first name wasn't appealing to me. I never liked it.

"I love him, Dad. I wanted to---"

"No no no. Stop this non sense!" He yelled. "You are not a faggot who will hook up with this slut. Have you lost your mind? What would others think about you? You being ..." He hesitated on the words. "... being gay!!!"

"Well, yeah, maybe I am ga . . ." He had my neck in a second.

"You will not be muddling your life with that whore or anyone like him. From now on you will live your life with girls and keep it that way." He hissed. "I can't afford to have a gay son running all over town."

I gave him a cold look. "I still love him." I said between my teeth. "And there's nothing you---"

He punched me in my stomach and flung me to the ground.

"You can do something about it. You are here in my world and you will do whatever I tell you to do." He said fixing himself.

"Oh, yeah right I forgot. I am your robot and not your son. Things wouldn't be like this if Mom were around, Peter."

"You killed my wife!!! If not for your petty little accident she wouldn't have died. She would still be here!!!" He shouted.

"And once again this is all my fault!!! She gave her life because she loved me she accepted me for what I am; unlike like you who only wants to manipulate the people around you."

Tears started to well in my eyes. "You know what, I am happy that my mother is up in heaven. At least she doesn't have to be in this living hell with you!!!" I shouted.

"Why you insulting faggot!!!"

He finally said it.

He grabbed me, pulled me to the door and tossed me outside like a piece tissue paper. I tumbled down.

"From now on you are no longer my son. By the way, you wanted to taste hell? I swear I'll give you a sip of a living hell."

He slammed the door. I didn't have my keys, they were inside. I walked down the hall fighting the tears.

So he finally has no use for me. What a great father I have.

Tears kept stinging my eyes. I caught a cab. I went to the nearest ATM machine to withdraw all my money. I should be wiser now that my dad has pulled out on me. I was about to have a couple thousand dollars when the machine stopped dispensing. I tried to use the other machines but it was all the same. He cut my cards.

I lay on my back thinking about the things that just happened. I felt my tears fall again without even realizing I was crying. I couldn't believe how hurtful it was to be alone. The only living person that shared my blood has finally disposed of me. I expected this to happen, but I never thought it would be this hard. I finally understood how hurtful it was for Xander when he was kicked out by his parents; When was alone with absolutely nothing.

I felt even more connected to him.

The rain started to fall. I let it run on my skin and wet all my clothes. Ironically, I feel like I'm in Xander's shoes now.......


I was awakened by knocks at my door. I stood up rubbing my eyes. It was raining at 1:00 a.m.

Who on the sweet mother Earth would this be?

I opened my door and saw Renz all wet and freezing. I was fully awake in an instant.

"Oh my God, what happened, Baby?" He was shaking with his arms crossed around his body.

I guided him into my apartment and led him to my bed. I ran to my closet and got a few towels. I wrapped one around his body and started drying him off with the other one.

"What on Earth are you doing out in the middle of the night? Taking a bath in the rain? God, you're freezing. "

"Ma.. my fa.. father kkicked me out be... because he ffound out about uus...." I felt knot in my stomach. Earlier, I was discussing our relationship with his father and now Renz has been kicked out. Is this what Jeff is talking about?

"Don't worry I'm here now." I hugged him tight letting the warmth of my body dissolve in his freezing one.

"Babe that ffeels be....better" He stuttered.

"Shhhhh." I said rocking him as I wrap my body around his. He started to sob.

He cried on my shoulder as I stood there letting him get rid of the burden. I never thought I would relive being thrown out of my house through another person. The worst part about it was it had to be Renz. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I had to be strong for him. A little while later he stopped shaking. His breathing came easier.

"Xanny you're making me hard." He chuckled.

I looked at him quizzically. "You're unbelievable. You just been thrown out and here you are flirting to me."

He smiled. "I really don't care. As long as you are with me everything will be fine."

I smiled. "Oh. Well now that you've been kicked out, and you really have no idea how it is to be on your own. I've decided that you will stay here with me."

He broke our embrace looking away. "I don't want that to happen. I don't want you to carry my burden. You've experienced it before and I don't want you to feel it again." He said.

I took his chin and brought his face to mine. "Hey you are my life now and you love me. I will take care of you and you will take care of me. We will take care of each other."


"No buts!" I cut him off leaning closer. "We will get over this you and I together."

He took my hands. "Then promise me one thing." He said in his apologetic bright brown eyes. "Promise me you will never stop loving me."

I smiled softly to him. "You know my answer. I promise with all my will and heart."

He smiled. "You really are making me hot, Xanny."

I raised an eyebrow. "Z, that's good cuz, earlier, I thought you would turn into one of those dinosaurs from the Ice Age."

He chuckled then humping his crotch on mine. "I was talking about this."

I laughed. "Well let me make you melt."

I planted a wet kiss on him. He kissed back. I removed his wet shirt exposing those pink nipples. I wrapped my legs on his waist and he took my shirt off. I was only wearing boxers and he was in shorts. He laid me on my bed then l pressed lips on my eager mouth again.

"From now on I think will be having more fun than usual." He breathed.

"I was thinking about the same thing." I chuckled.

I then slid my hand around his ranging cock and started rubbing it. He moaned. I stood up and took my boxers off. My cock slapped on my tummy

He took his shorts and boxers off. His perfect lean body was as flawless as always. He then bent down and started sucking my balls. God that felt so good. I was squirming all over the bed in ecstasy. He bobbed his head up and down making slurping sounds. I moaned when he took my cock all the way in. He was getting better at taking care of his man. My breathing went unsteady when I felt my balls tighten.

"I need you in me now, Z!" I moaned. He moved up my body kissing my lips again. He guided his cock to my hole and applied pressure.

"Damn you so tight. You're amazing" He said without breaking the kiss.

He thrust forward and I jumped. His head was in. I wrapped my legs on his waist again and rubbed his back and hair. He started to thrust forward. It felt amazing. His body was as hot as mine, making sweat crystals appear. He set the pace and I met it. He went faster and harder; all I could feel was pleasure seizing my whole body.

"Oh yeah, Baby, I'm ready to cum." He said. I felt my balls tighten again.

"Me too, Z. Ah yes bang that ass." He was hitting the right spot and I couldn't hold it any longer. I came.

"Aaahhhhhhh" I yelled.

"Yes, Baby, tighten that ass. Oh damn, here it comes aaaahhhh!!" He yelled too. I felt it explode inside my ass. I coated my chest with my cum. He bent forward licking my chest and abs. I giggled at tickling sensation of his tongue.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled.

He made his way to my lips and kissed me hard. I let his tongue in. "You taste amazing." He said. He lay his head under my neck. We slowly drifted to sleep.

Why do I still have this feeling that something was really about to turn.......

That's it for chapter 9. How was it? Let me know what you think about it and how you feel about it. Just email me here at >>>> discreetlyweird@yahoo.com Bad comments are also welcome. By here the countdown starts since there are only six remaining chapter left for season one hahahaha sorry for the spoiler but I still wish you support the group in the story about Xander's love life to Renz, Brittany's pain in Chester, Kyrian's new interesting twist of sexuality and Floren's fear against Brian.

Next: Chapter 10

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