Out of Control Series

By george Robinson

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Out Of Control ch4

Now that the gang had approved the idea, David started to set everything up. He bought video equipment, cameras, monitors, sound devices and plenty of sex toys. He set all of this gear up in the spare room and registered [wimpy john] with a chat line. The name that David chose was most appropriate and David smiled an evil smile when he told his dad !" Your fucking internet name is whimpy John because that is what you fucking are...a fucking wimp" John said nothing but was clearly hurting at the incessant humiliation. Everything was ready to go for John's debut at a sex performer.

Day one of John's new experience began with a striptease free of charge for his audience. To say that John felt very uncomfortable being naked before hundreds of punters/viewers would have been an understatement but being the biggest fucking wimp in the history of man, what could he do. His only answer to the question was simple ....nothing, just obey orders.. The token tips came at a steady rate with John complying with requests according to the size of the tip. David controled what happened, and often informed the punter that if he wanted John to perform that particular act it would cost x tokens. By the end of the session there were several thousand tokens in the kitty. The chat line hosts did the calculations, took their fee and sent a cheque to David for the remainder. David worked out that with this sort of return, John could afford to pack his day job in and go full time on the chatline, so David instructed his dad to put his notice in and be prepared to be a full time sex toy.

John, in accordance with his son's orders, resigned from his day job. David, as a pure act of evil, had instructed John to tell anyone that asked why he was leaving his job, that he was going to be a full time sex toy on the internet and as proof that he was complying with David's orders he had to record the conversions on his mobile phone.

The weeks and months when by and John's performances became legendary. He had somehow achieved the status of porn star and he reveled in the adulation that he had and was receiving. David didn't concern himself with this aspect of what was now a family business. The cash was flowing in. Everyone who had any sort of involvement was happy with the way life was. David was happy as he had a bunch of friends and loads of money, the gang members were happy because they too had plenty of cash and they could fuck Mary anytime they wanted. Mary was happy with the abundance of cock being rammed up her pussy and John was happy because of the fame and notoriety he was receiving. For the first time in his life, he had succeeded in achieving something other than father a child.. David became acquainted with some very rich middle aged men and as it turned out, were willing to pay large amounts of money to sexual abuse his dad. David talked these propositions over with the gang and was told to just do anything he wanted as, in relation to his dad, he was in charge. So a number of deals were struck and John was hired out for entire weekends for �2000 a time and for the rest of the time John continued with his exploits on the chat line.. He had to do anything that his temporary master said. He was sometimes the star of a sex orgy or at other times simply contented his master alone. Months flashed pass and life was good for everyone and it was hoped that this life that had started out with such evil selfish wickedness would now continue.

If anyone wishes to send comments or suggestions for a continuation to this story then please email me at gar7028@gmail.com and i will consider them.....Enjoy!

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