Out of Control Series

By george Robinson

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Out Of Control ch3

The demilo gang (demilo being Luke's family name) had a reputation in the community for being tough and unforgiving. It was well known what would happen to anyone who stole from the local retailers. Only a few months previous, a 21 year old had terrorized a shopkeeper with a knife and stole the takings. He was found in an alley, stark naked in a pool of blood. still alive, but with a very deep cut the full length of his cock. The police had no idea who could have done this and one said anything but everyone knew that swift justice had be meted out by the gang and not because they had to or were forced to but the shop owners would push a couple of banknotes into Luke's pockets whenever he and the gang were knocking around,just to show their appreciation. They may only have been a bunch of fifteen year olds but what they said was law. Of course, no one knew of their very own sex slaves, Mary and John Childs, but no one needed to know. The gang continued to do the things they did before David and his parents came on the scene but the sex from the fore mentioned was their favorite pastime.

A typical night usually went something like this:- They would all sit round drinking the beer that David had told John to buy and watched John strip his wife naked followed by a naked smiling David fucking his mother in both the arse and pussy, followed by his dad sucking David clean and continuing to suck till David had regained his boner. David would then ram his hard cock straight up his dad's arse and fuck him rigid and showing no mercy. This was followed by watching John fuck his wife and Mary sucking John's cock till he covered her with copious amounts of spunk. After watching all of this entertainment there would be a free for all with Mary and John being fucked and forced to suck cocks. Unknown to the lads, but Mary quite enjoyed getting fucked so many times as her husband wasn't great in bed. and these fifteen year olds were doing a great job at satisfying her. She was actually experiencing sexual orgasams for the first time in her life and prayed it wouldn't stop. She knew how wrong it was to be having sex with minors and the fact that her own son was fucking her was an abomination but having so many huge cocks pounding her pussy was all she cared about. John's actions or to be more precise, non actions, were the reasons that really had the gang pissed off. In their eyes a man , this man, should have defended his honour and his wife's honour from the outset. He should have sent the gang packing or have been prepared to suffer a beating. He should have put his foot down as the man of the house and chastised his son for being disrespectful, walking around naked,fucking his mother and even suggesting that this gang could fuck his mother. John did none of this. He submitted to everything and anything imposed on him or his wife to his everlasting shame. It was only a few days after being told that he couldn't wear underwear that David instructed him to get naked whenever he or a gang member entered the house. David had told the gang of this instruction which met with a howl of approval. Luke thought it could be improved on by telling David to tell John to get naked as soon as he entered the house and he had to remain naked even in the garden. It wasn't long after this instruction that John was told to insert a butt plug up his arse. He was also told to fuck himself at precisely 6pm every night with a ten inch dildo for a minimum of 30 minutes..

One day while shopping in town, Mary and John bumped into two of the gang members as they took a shortcut down an alleyway. Needless to say one of them immediately thrust his hand up Mary's skirt and finger fucked her. The other lad whipped his cock out, making John think he was going to have to give him a blowjob. John assumed the kneeling position but to his surprise the lad let a stream of piss flow over John's head, down his shirt and finishing on the front of his pants around the crock. Both boys thought it was really funny and told John the other lads would probably follow suit from now on. Anything that humiliated John was fair game and if it was funny that was an added bonus. The gang members enjoyed thinking of ways to cause John maximum embarrassment, not least his son David. It was a regular occurrence for David to come home, stick his hand up his mum's dress and have a feel, followed by David kicking his dad's balls with all possible force. David was already getting his morning woods taken care by his dad. One day David came home to hear his mum and dad talking to a strange voice. He entered the lounge to see a man sitting on the settee showing his rents some brochures. On occasions when visitors were there John was allowed to dress for which he was eternally grateful. Without warning, David interrupted the conversation and said " right dad....up stairs ...get stripped cause I'm going to fuck the arse off you.right now" John and Mary's face turned crimson as John got up and headed for the stairs. The visitor was gob smacked and had clearly lost the ability to speak. David followed his dad to the bedroom,who stripped, as did David. David rammed his cock into John's dry arsehole in one fell thrust. It caused John to cry out in pain which in turn left Mary trying to explain, with a strange made up story, to her visitor just what had happened and was continuing to happen. Not an easy task. When David had finished pounding his dad's arse He spoke " wonder what that guy would say if we both went down stairs just as we are and with your ten inch dildo stuck up your fucking arse... is that an idea or is that a fucking idea" John dropped to his knees and pleaded with David not to do this. David stood in front of John and started cock slapping him with increasing force. " well ...go get your fucking dildo and ram it up your arse and get down stairs" exclaimed David. They both when down stairs and entered the lounge. The visitor could not believe what was happening, what he was seeing....two naked men ,.one with a dildo rammed up his hole. " Just been giving his arsehole a good work out" stated David. " Your welcome to fuck him if you want or perhaps let him suck your cock" The visitor paused, looked at a very red faced Mary then stared at John and finally at David. The man got up and gestured to David to approach him and spoke in a whisper. " you're asking me if I want to fuck your dad or get a blowjob off him...did I hear you right" said the man. " yes" replied David. "well your on...I'm gay and I haven't had a fuck for ages...where can we go" asked the man. " put him over the settee and fuck him there...don't worry about mum...she's seen it a dozen times or more" Moments later and the stranger was hammering John's arse for all he was worth. John was clearly in some distress as the stranger had an extremely large cock both in length and girth. For well over ten minutes the man pounded away until he suddenly stopped, withdrew his prick and aimed his tool at John's face. A couple of hand pumps and a very large quantity of spunk cascaded down John's face and ending up over his lips. " scrape that spunk of your face and eat it now!!!!!!" yelled David. John complied with the order immediately. The man just stood with his monster prick pointing at John clearly expecting John to clean his cock off. " where's your fucking manners" screamed David. " get our friend's cock cleaned now and be quick about it. John swallowed as much of this prick as possible and sucked it with gusto, not because he liked it but to try to please David.

The stranger spoke to David " Thanks for that....I really needed a good fuck...by the way... My name is Doug...could I have a word with you in private" " what about " replied David " Making some money for you and having a fuck and suck merchant handy when I need him...what you say to that idea" said Doug. "you have me intrigued.. replied David " well" said Doug. " simply put...sell his fucking arse...charge for a good fuck or suck " " You want to turn my father into a fucking prostitute.!.a fucking prostitute.!!!!.you want to do that to my dad...are you serious what a fucking brilliant idea...why didn't I think of that...I'll have to pass it by the gang members but I can't see a problem.. you understand that the gang's needs take priority of anything... Give me your phone number and I'll ring you" Doug handed David his card and after thanking David again, he left. David couldn't wait to speak to gang about Doug's proposition. He ran all the way to the hangout. Luke was texting on his phone and saw David. " Hi Davey...what's up" said Luke. " Hi Luke...Just have to pass an idea that some guy visiting my house has suggested. ..he says he can get us a load of money if we let him sell my dads fucking arse...make him a prostitute....all he wants is the use of dad's arse and mouth for his own use...will that be ok with you and the lads" " how do you feel about your dad being a fucking prostitute..." asked Luke " I don't have a fucking problem with it....he's not exactly the best dad in the world...apart from being a good fuck, so I would like the gang's ok to ring Doug and get something started replied David. Luke asked the gang members for their opinion and it was unanimous...John would be a prostitute after his normal shift at his day job. David phone Doug and made all of the arrangements and also warning Doug of the consequences of double crossing the gang. Doug would pick John up at 7pm that night. He asked David to make John wear a pair of pink trousers and a psychedelic green shirt buttoned only at the bottom so that he was showing his chest. David said ok and hung the phone up. He called his dad who was up stairs to come down. John approached David. " yes son ...you called for me" grovelled John. " yes...good news... you are going to be financing the gang from now on." John reached for his wallet only to be stopped by his son. " no we don't need your fucking money...its been arranged for you to sell your fucking body and the money you make goes to the me and the gang...Doug is picking you up at 7 so we need to go fucking shopping for suitable clothes for you" explained David "but son...what do I have to do" "Bare ya fucking arse or fill ya mouth with cock....and get paid for it....simple...Doug will keep you right..now we're going fucking shopping grab your wallet and lets go." It took only a short time to get to the shopping mall and even less time to find a suitable boutique. As they entered the store David noticed that one of the assistants was almost certainly gay. He had the mannerisms associated with some gay men. He looked about 17 and very handsome.He wore the same type of clothes as the other assistants..very loose open front silk shirt and pink trousers. The pair he wore were rather tight and exaggerated the bulge in in his trousers. This guy was very well endowed. David approached this assistant with devilment in his eyes and in his mind. " excuse me" he uttered to the assistant. " yes sir can I be of assistance" replied the assistant. " oh I'm sure you can.. this is my dad...and he's going out tonight to prostitute his body...he can't get enough cock so I thought we might as well make some money out of him, and he needs something that will tell everyone that he is available.. .I was thinking of something psychedelic,

revealing and tight" " know just the garments sir... would you care to go into changing room and I'll be be with you presently.

David and John went into the changing room and John was instantly told to strip. " I want

to see this assistant fucking you before we leave...so prepare yourself" The assistant entered the changing room and was clearly surprised and extremely pleased to see a naked man, standing in front of him. " I'll not beat around the bush" stated David "...Do you want to fuck him here and now" exclaimed David " you welcome to a freebee or if you prefer he'll suck your cock" " but it's your dad" exclaimed the assistant. " " and the fucker will do just as I fucking tell him" replied David. " So you're telling me that I can have my way with your dad for free" said the assistant. exactly.. now what will it be" asked David. " I'd love to fuck him" said the assistant . " then fuck him you will...bent over cunt and present your fucking arse ..." ordered David

John immediately complied. The assistant dropped his trousers and exhibited an extremely large cock which he promptly inserted up John's non lubricated hole. The pain brought tears to john's eyes but he knew he couldn't cry out. For over ten minutes this young lad ploughed John's tender and extremely sore arsehole until he shot his entire load of spunk up into John's arse. He pulled his trousers up, thanked David and said there would be a discount on the purchases. The clothes brought into the changing room were a pair of vivid purple shorts with circles cut out of the seat area allowing plain view of John's arse cheeks and a psychedelic pink top which fastened with only one stud at the bottom. this left the chest fully exposed and exhibited a small patch of chest hair. John promptly put the clothes on to David's absolute pleasure. David told his dad to leave the gear on and promptly gathered his other clothes and deposited them a conveniently placed rubbish bin by the staff only entrance. He then went to the assistant to pay for the purchases. He wrote his phone number down and whispered in the lad's ear that should he want another fuck, his dad would be give him as many freebies as he wanted. They both walked along the concourse towards the exit with nearly everyone gawping at this aberration. There were a few sourfaced souls who were so embarrassed that they simply looked away. John didn't know if he was more embarrassed at those staring at him or the ones that were looking away. They headed home to wait for Doug to pick John up. 7pm duly arrived and as promised Doug pulled up in his BMW. David answered the door and swiftly ejected John out the door. " you'd better do a good job if you value your fucking arse...cock this up and I'll whip your arse till it fucking bleeds...now fuck off and do anything and everything that Doug tells you..he's your pimp after all" " As you wish son...do I really have to do this...please David please don't make me do this" replied John with such a sad look. " I said fuck off ...now fucking go" At that the car drove away with John mournfully looking back hoping that even at this last minute, the enterprise would be abandoned. It took only minutes to get to the destination that Doug had planned on. The car pulled into the rear carpark amid an array of bright flashing neon lights. John stared with disbelief. It was the rear entrance to a gay club and in near panic John turned to Doug and pleaded with him to take him home, but to no avail. They both got out of the car and walked a few yards towards the entrance with big burly guys who were standing around smoking, " Any of you guys want him....10 notes to fuck him. 5 for a blowjob and for tonight only, he'll handjob you free. One guy stepped forward, paused, grabbed both arse cheeks then pulled out a few bank notes and thrust them into Doug's hand. " there's enough for a fuck and a suck " he said and with no further delay stripped John where he stood...right outside the entrance to the club. The guy whipped out the largest cock that John had ever seen. To describe it as huge would have been a gross underestimate. The guy aimed his weapon at John's vulnerable hole. John instinctively knew that this was going to hurt. Doug offered the guy a tube of lubricant which was accepted and applied to John's trembiling arsehole. Then the moment came and the guy gently inserted his prick into John. Inch by inch he pushed his twelve inch cock into John. Even with the gentle consideration being shown, the pain was steadily increasing, but John knew there absolutely nothing he could do but to take it. After several minutes the guy started pumping John's arse. He had a good ten inches up john and now just wanted to fuck and fuck and fuck and for ten to fifteen minutes he did just that. To make it last he edged a lot until he simply had to reach climax. He speeded up, ploughing John's arse like there was no tomorrow and with one final exertion he pumped copious amounts of his seed into John's arse. He withdrew his cock in one fell swoop which caused John's legs to give way, sending his crashed to ground. John was clearly traumatized but Doug just dragged him to his feet and and told him to get dressed. John struggled to achieve this task but with Doug's help was finally fully clothed. Again with doug's help he staggered into the club to see an army of scantily clad men dancing with each other. Some were making out and there were a few on their knees sucking cock. Doug had a word with the guy in charge who made an announcement over the loudspeaker system that " If anyone wanted to fuck pretty boy in the psychedelic pink top they could talk to his pimp and arrange something...It will cost between fifteen and twenty notes depending what you want... but if anyone wanted something kinky...it could be arranged as well" Doug was quickly overwhelmed with requests and had to start a list with the time allotted to each punter. John was fucked each way and every way and on more than one occasion double fucked. It was 2am and the club was closing. Doug bid his farewells with a promise to return with John's arse in the near future. When Doug pulled up outside David's place he was greeted by a very relieved David. Doug entered the house followed by John who was walking in a very strange manner. " have you lost a fucking horse or perhaps you've shit your fucking shorts "said David. " my backside is on fire.David..the pain is something else... moaned John. " Stop fucking moaning and come in and let me see the state of your arse" replied David.

John dropped his shorts and bent forward so David could examine his hole. David stood open mouthed " what the fuck's been up there, an exocet missile" he asked Doug. You wouldn't believe what's been up him but it made you 600 notes". " You could put his ten inch dildo up there and it wouldn't touch the fucking sides...fucking hell...it looks really raw" exclaimed David. Well we can't use him for a while now..apart from blowjobs... his fucking hole will need time to heal .. can't expect people to pay good money to fuck that...no...Dad why don't you go to bed and rest...mum will put some soothing cream on it" said a very concerned David.

It was over week before David noticed any significant difference in John's damaged \rsehole. It took a couple of weeks after that to declare John fit for fucking. Doug was informed and returned with John to the club with howls of joy that their fuck toy was back. Doug had to inform them that there was to be no more double fucks or any thing that would result in damaging John's arsehole. Doug might as well have been talking to a brick wall. John's arse was pounded relentlessly and the double fuckings increased. John's arse was taking a real hammering and all that Doug could do was plead with a bunch of strapping guys that could cause Doug some real physical damage. This practise went on for months until Luke, David and the gang decided to stop selling John's arse. Some of the gang members had complained that they weren't getting enough time with John to satisfy their needs. All John was capable of was suckomgb cock and the lads spent a lot of time at David's house doing just that, or fucking Mary ridged. Both the gang and David were now financially secure, having several thousand pounds in their bank accounts. One morning David woke up, screamed for John to " get your fucking arse in my room now and take care of my morning wood." John hurried to David's bedside and instantly swallowed David's boner. He sucked like a man possessed until David sent a huge load of warm spunk cascading down John's throat. " I've had a great idea which I will put to the gang today. You are going to be a model on a chat line and do tasks for tokens. The tokens will then be converted into money. We can get guest models to join you...there are so many possibilities ...it's going to be fun thinking of tasks for you to perform. At his first opportunity David put his idea to the gang. This idea had real possibilities and met with the gang's approval. That was the verdict of the gang and so a whole new world was to open up for John.

Next: Chapter 4: Out of Control 4

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